7( ,.' .-..2: 4 4 -1 . ' A . " v sw : 1 . " : ':: ' . . .. .. ....l7?iaasfeffi l'R7teLW nbrrcbllcctio ii'ave heart! iMtecJmi- 5 ftlitiW of the sojCMbly. iJtEllftiineOPinSsTOB of the ahtiylLine haT- taffes, ana -addict several urst r?ie iiorses, y-ttu also obtained thtr heit . stands for the comfort ami convenience of Passengers, hop e9 toe enabled i : IfCtllbiiioa 1 brighf I maof aXs ntUb o ve-k fe :-y-: tJehokl hovvx CpidAnhtf? x 1?-rf las mirkd hiiwn NdWrefupon hi y .hearty l&&kMmj jOT:tenrf,rtt;?cre appeal:, V'-- " --. " gPfeoln its ''cintac anl hunbTy! iyl 0,: beautepusmaid ! Iwltti each perfection bTesf t?Wf "l6utaW the flame which Utthast klnale f : U' v.mi bereft cdwrtpfvmigetfc Xtf&Jf 'ii,8o other m ud-nSy, passion shall decoy H ;Ah JSnorll &ihe nnd erattrit all to thee;!: : -For oh I thy beauty witlf severe "controuK.vl' '- v' .fexH a jrainst 'every, sense,' ' ; x' And served its sweet on my soul, , - f :4vcwhichalas! d Bare riot make defence, - ' a uiiSf lUCUt ctfi yuiilioi UI 13 jjvfin?, s every jbyja ?g-c?fati, lies, f: ? luralt re!esed'sljan, shortly bei by one- v One heamuij ince of thy refulgent eyes 1 TVi - v rt nevrout vie my parfeunif stiver sonrt, 'ri the ink IJdailjrapil' ' T-Yftvit Jo'faf'tiiQjr : stately than my Jilie mySHef pnpef'nA thy;bosom (airl 15- -S1''$T?bft persuasivefeelmgsports: i, J'0: Uut wijh tby; nrindi what btlief can compare ? j ?; i aiu rnpne inaeea, ii we oeiieve reporit t : : nsthumjr tender passion t impart, f , , licar theii, sole object of my fond desire : j How thou ntst tv en possession of ttjy heart. from liIei" ii Nc"wbern: nd froni JSJewbA-rn . Ualeien Fs veir trniiarsana tar any less tiisiance slxcijJpf rotted PaiiHhffejrs travelling thro', miles Irbm Jtaleifr hiWay Passenxers-( w ho may novpass myoiouse,) wiu setue -wiuv vMertyn j n advance-. -vvpiuicaiion iqf. srvs uciii""c t p rs ' A n n ? D J 1 1 tafL: -ju j$q W t ne uross eyi f v. Ualvghnd at MnenJIVell or to mj Stage Driver iii Newberni l his fciMte.of Staj? Meavey KaliveTyiTM atvlf.;anotsbWeshiWw.befn and J?thtyat? !!.? LrrfveS Neybenfevery fiVihVes'djrxindtStt in tt:deiffh tWelbwinffl- Fridays and ibnday at ICf in the mpmih&H that irwillh better than Jany others thativcan be adopted contribute tphe.cnvemenceof trav ellersK the Proprietor will ui;e his:vendeavdrs to ffive Jt permrn e ncy," by" preservi nfc Uie' Line in itilpreseotimp'roved condition, r -v,? f: MEKHl lT lJlixL.IA ic U, Proprietor. . 7'4; t." . 4 .-: ... (, tGi'aridWbnsdhddteiV Lottery I)rawinp W Washington -pn the 29tli August - ; 1 Prize of ; 15000 Dollars 1 .-5: .3-:--.. let It furiou burrt yC U'fc?' ihis tortured v- , i r ' ? Jlt olvl4 lot bu in fbrid afiection Jturh; : And I'ilrffl l y?nen s rites the sacredname ! ,14: t . &'"l"-4nfth i rifltW?srat last; shall o'er: our senses steal, T r v Atjd close bur eyes. in everlastuier sleep ! f Arih whfti buf Ivss' &wiennre aha! be o'er' yS'AnJdth jirithIread habere s!iall appear. i' ii - " - "Y'Hien-JSv totleaven's high court, and : enter students there. Vttrii3handthia dy andiyear, . hichBrst herein before appear. ka115N"C H ..IfNGtU AG :B:S:i rffj A51T MTiTHOnbracqHiring a knowledge of - - V 1 t arid Sel fTri 1 tion. The followincr-.W.nrks, by A; Bolmar, Professor i . .'.. or tne tr rencu .Language m tne tiign acnooi ot j :1--tihWde1p' had at the Bookstore of V4 - 1st.' A Collection of-one . hundred of Perrin's :,Fabje"a:;ec6m.paied rhy Kev,- containing' the ilx a literaland fee translation, arranged ; lrvf iri' :uchi;f manner astp point out vthe difference ; ' between ihe French i'and the KngUsh itlioms. jy? acprd I v: ' r tbe subject; The . whole preci-d?! by a Trea tise on the;; sounds of She; French . language, as 1 1 v iv comparetl withTt hose pf the K ngUshf ifter which a ;SylIa6aireor cflept W of., French- ' words ?r4ftf2 Fenelon, ; r v accom panied by ;a ?Ky, to f the fist ; eight hooks ; f-'ijH v'; eontaiorng lit:&th literal ; '"''1 !''''' -i" abdTres'transluttpn"'" J f ntejnded as a Sequel to the 1 V..'. i - "it: iV-,. 1- TOlTllEAFFLlqTED fgli)B Prdpriethr of this Medicfrie,4ftei' repeats ? 1- ed trials itvlt viituesv .(- .( t t those.Iwhb areraf?iicted wtfll the 'wasting. . : -V'. Ticuiany I a.cii ii iuc iiinicitjswgcs ui nicsc - Vt - prepared ;n the form oC? Powder, -& taken as'an ' S?; Infusibifwith the mot happy sucCessIt is npw i Slbflered U the aSlicted In Uie. fornV of a Sirup or l&$3$ in Pom tier, as the Patient may prefer,runder the 1 44' me-.'ti ap-y re st 1 Vt:-'mon- ?f s liiojpimi i e rvt ' j ;4;iqttH.U may peirneHtidned as erii p - ,v ; k. YftOedartjc yj;';Hhat 4 -petwebs , cbhgestiohsof tlie itingyigvingbrce4 to the . 'fe;: iiaboidirculi4iott?it-as motes free ud uiana expectoration, ; it removes pairffrVimh'e.'cliw .-I- . .2 ) . ' V .n -r 11.'. i rc Vi uuu up 1 1 ars : . : i , 1 2, 025 Dol 1 ars 1,000 Dollars r; 500 Dollars 400 Dollars -S00 Dollars 1200 Dollars .150 Dollars 100 Dollars ..'70 Dollars 60 Dollars 50 Dollars. - 40 Dollars : SO Dollars 10 Dollars 5 Dollars Qaar- 51 51 A5l"' 51 102 1.530 Ui475 Whole Tickets S5?! Halves 2 50. '7; . -2 : '- " ters I '25. - ";" Tickets and Shares in the above Lotteries for sale in a variety of luckv numbers at the ever lortumte Oiftce, wnere; nas oeen soia wunm me , Send your orders directed 1,0 . - 1 K - ?-''2C:r. .-'tvjl j v . . Petersburg. Aug.:11829.f V;Lr,'':'i:i; t.;,! r ; -A - j . COTTON I VAIIN. COTTON YVAHN I 3TEXiai!:iir.iB pJAB lately recjeiyedfa largej andjextensire :JBL Jfc assortment Qi JJrus mewann, ,'; ing, in part; of. Sulphate Quinine, Gum. Opium, "yaflbirtlklndsMifliliM !VP fei dine4n .BUcV. j?xJ;de Mercury j Citwted R.au jior ma King newrpi mi tufe' CompI : Fxtr. Sarsapari 1 la, i I yd r? Potss, Siinr carb:sbd3cJsTart;!AcixUTuikey Gujn Ara hicCalcMagnesia Yellow iiarfc, Calomel i ja- lap, lhubarD, u. ;i anar,tugar i.eau, opu txi tre Ials CopaivaS pt. Ammoni lrt V.ntiirio ny; SiTphCopperiT.iquorice pat,f&c.- ? rfvAfeenefah assortment tt TatentiM4icinb?s, SlippjtFHbtureV5ttrb the supply ofSOOO bbls. Navy Beef, & 2400 bhls. Naw lVrk. for the Use of theXJnited States' Naval. Serv'cei lOOO bbls. of Beef, U 800 bbls. of Pork,. to be-deliv'tiel at each ot the u-btates.Nayy YadCCbaviestovnMass. VjBrpbklvn;lCew. rrorkV''andNbrfblk'rgih tquantUv must he delvveredat each & every isavy Yard by tlie first of AprH, 1830 tfehhfe ?iuarttitVfOt.tne aid eer k rorK.niusi De omne best quality.! ! The Beef must be packetl frnm well fttf cattleweighmgtn Woods,1 1 1 atf ers 'Trimmings .and Mat erfs; db sA,qra -Fbrtis, QuickMiVverr i Ivbgwood JJoW SfrijfefeSkrts,'Anlndrug UriMhesw very lbw.S, A-largeujpty bf Pujbts & nrtrslieaofCe.vendecriptjd tUnseed,xfiamp and H1atiners Oh; Gold and bil- ualifeWinddwGlass MDi0itlCt4 "1212 16;abd 1&M ;18, and Putty. - .1 - , Tiielrl assortment Icomprises every jar icle in ! .-.. A Wfh!kfv, 1 ?n I hT-ri ncioal - nart of wliichHiaving lately been selected by themselves in Philadelphia and NeWVork : withcash, th'eV are en tbled to sell tp ctish dealers : or, punctual customers' on much better terms than everjbe-r fore offered in tbfs. maLrket. " Physjclans and Merchants will find iVtb their interest to call and examine before pufchasing elsewhere.' 1 i Rjdeigh., June 3 1829; - ' - a 80-- rilOOLAMATIQNi na nnHAT Valuable fctand ctI FaytteTilleStfeeti recently ccnpie -aims, ana iorracriy: py uiiu'.wwc.c, ss oii- 'fec1donar:Stbre.3A W. R. GALES. Hilqigh;26th May HE ALED Prbpbsalswili ; b&Xreceivedat: this O iHce tintil be first bf September pexfj for 4: : Puhtib ...... - ' EritertaTrtm.a , jKa ly occupied .by, Wm. ,w n Alex; Highy onJHare-ettSH ..V.V-M .ni ceiveTrayeirers and others, and wm most exertipns to aceorhtnodate thm his 'bly. :.t '.:, D1:Ctnfe His Stables are p-iSnd n1:i"i t " surlihhlentyofp - uOwmg p the cartity of money n nil m k ness of produce, the nrirA iin.:. ! '''Wifiik HotvilVbW abllaVa: dafV ;n, mntlfbrHiigle person;- hc jws. iivu,tvw mree ,tiit;R r for flire at he Shortest Jibtibe.i niJ 1 rRS?ii t . - r ' a a & . nit, , Ujs- Hack Grgs and -Ilirses,-are ! f3 ,rf the IlackGig wiH4lorse llova M and Horse, without a ov ftt : "uy f 'A IN order to meet the exigency of the present " times & competition on a fair ground -Also, to enable Country Merchants and others to pur jchae'COTTON YARNS, as clieap in Virginia other parts pf the Union I have concluded to sell my Cotton . Yarns., by the quantity of 150 pounds and, upwards, tin assortments of equal quantities 'from ; No. -5, to 10 at 21 cents per pound, with an advance of three cents per No. up to No. 20. It is not necessary to . say niuch about the quality ofjthese Yarns as they are so generally well. known,' and alloved hy all who hav,ti8ed them tube uen"or to any in the Union. 'Orders lef Cor forwarded to Mr. Wm. Clark,-jr. Petersburg ; to Mr. . Wm. Wallace, Mr. John Wyse and Mr.f Wm. Clark, of Richmond, or to myself at tbe Factory will be promptly attend ed to and forwarded. ":-t V ' 1 ! I am also" prepared !to furnish Cotton Yams dyed of any color, suitable for striping Checks or Ginghams; at prices to suit the times, f Good white seed Cotton will be. taken in, exchange for Cotton . Yarns, br Ginned for the customary toll, or 'will be purchased at the Factory and the high est price givenr I have a ; Wool Carding Ma chine i operation at the Factory with a new set of Cn$ls all complete,1 which I warrant to card r Wool ltolls in a man Her superior to any other in tins - countryi v, rnce Tor carding ten cents a pound or 12 cents if 1. find" the grease. The arraugetpent is so made with this machine that Wool can be? carded in winter as well as in sum mer. , . 1 , JOSEPH HEYWOOD, nZ ; 'jX::V I' TPowhhtan Cotton Factor yP j f ,, Address,, Joseph Ileywpod, Sublet's Tavern, Ppwhatan.' ' ' -1 ;"-"' "v i :C-2 ' . Price of ffeyrmoQF Cotton Yarn from this date. ; By wholesale of 150 lbs. and upwards, ; - N o. 5 to 1 0 equal quantity 21 bents. ; No. ",s' -'-is. :" No.' 11 12 14 45 16 ;irf-:, 18 19, 20 ,-C24 : ( 30 an t" V OO -. T'. 26 . -'' 39 42 45 h 51 - , - :9 il0 ::';:;:.lffl2,-: f; I By: the Bundle. 5 St. e: i-: 8 r'.'A: d--y 13 fl4; ,4rl5' :i'f 4.6 ; corj'ecta'obsti hate coi ' ; 1 r? di hlcblrespittioivrSlt S ' tiVeV in a regular V '? tndVet! (pu nd tiiaHhest : A i ' iV r soht the pa-! y- . r tient,' to . that bodily , v gour, whichthat , cruel , : . . . 'v V disorder the co mimptiOn,1 if h-ft to its natural j 2Ci ''-dperaon,; would very speeddy destroy. ' 'i;.-.. i - erHncaferesWctih f ! v:;h(B will accompany each hot 1 1 e P ri ce" f t h e - yrbpf23aperJottle, W irojvdei-Sl per bottle,or $.9. dozen. :' ;ir Shis; Mejic ineL ibay be had at JheJStdre of '; 51; 18 rl9 ,20 ;-Vj;': 25- . -26 '.29 ;r:'45 .; : 4 i -51 , the Governor v of North-Carp TBTMEREAS it hs8 been made known to me, Vv it that H Murder has been committed in the Fowp of Oxford, in the Count y"bf Granvjille and State pf North-Carolina, on the, 4th day pt No vember lat. and that a certain THOMAS MIT CHKt.L, late of the County abd State aforesaid, tandsl chargVh"yvtb' finding . of a ' Grand, i) ary I ttn a ! bill i of Indictment, with having perpe trated, the same on the bndy of a ce.rta n Shei- ton Hobirood. of saidlCountv . -AndjaS it is fur her represented and made known jto me, tha jthe said THOMAS TM1TCH BLL hath ab; sconded and fled from the jurisdiction jand lim its of this State, and thereby eludedXhe arrnof thejlaw arid of justice':-. ' ".XgJ. I t' Now therefcirei to' the end that the said THO MAS MITCHELL may be apprehencjed and brought to justice, the above reward of TWO 1IUNOUED DOLLARS will be giveb "to any person or persons who ywill apprehend arid con fine the said Thomas Mitchell i n any Jail i h . this State,) so that hemay be brought to justice,- A "d X do, moreover, .hereby. require, com mand and enjoin, all officers whatsoever, as well civil as military, within this Stated tb use, ttyeir best endeavors so apprehend and take, or pause to be apprehended and taken, the body of the said Thomas Mitchell, and him safely and securely keep, so that he shall be brought to justice. f THOMAS MITCHELL is 'about 19years of age,; of slender, form, down look, a little freck led, round shoulders and hasel eyes-wfas lately seen by a gentleman of Granville County at New Orleans, where probably he now is. ; v J $U&L U TN TESTIMONY WfliRREO SXvA-lSS.- ave caused me vireat aeai or, me Sp3fiJ State1 to be hereunto affiled, and subscribed the same officially, at the City ot Raleigh, on the 20th day of v J " .. June, A. D. 1829. ' i'i l X,:--. :i V--V: JOHN OWEN, the Governor, : - - : " v tr tr ,: John B. Muse, i. Secy. : ; f: 87 'Vie tntckivf each f rorrt the baitfel ; abiL;thrbtna:;bde ipf car iase mb st be jctit 5 ntp pieces pf . Jteh pitrcls' each as near as m y he,s Uhattwe.nty puxiwdr make a barrel of 200 pounds netf weight VfNavy SThe POrVmust - bercorn-fed kskntsfeetr&ndM wholly excluded from; ,the barrel; rand; tfiere-; maindeir of the Jloglniust be cut' into pieces pf eight pounds each as, near a bei so that twenty hVe nieces, riot mortr than three of which shall 'shouldersi will make a barrel pf 200 pounds Viett ewe1?M',ofNaVYPorkr.'6V t - The whole quantity, of the. said Beef and Pork miist rbe nertectl salted ip lli' first instance Avith, and afterwards packed with a sufficient quantity ofTuVk's Island,. Isle of I"May,wor S t . Ubes Salt, and no btheri to ensure its preserva' tion, with five buncos of pure Salt petretb each 'and everj( barrel ' The barrels in which the said Beef and. Pork is to be packed must b e jpade of the best seasoned heart.of white ' oak or w hite i ash, free from sap, with one irpp libop on each chhie;- and otherwise fully and v substantially hooped i and each barrel must be branded on its head m Navy Beefbr Navy Pprk; with the contractor's bame nd tb ex vea r w hen packed.J ll All the said Beef and Pork; on deliverv.at the j respective Nuvys Yards, niust.pe sunjectea to tne '.est and inspection of some sworn Irispeclor of the 'State, within which it is lb" beHelivered, whp shall be selectedby the ; CoinmaridanUif the Naf vy Yard at the, place of deliyery,?.without any charge to the United States tnereior ; ana wnen inspected -in' said :pianger,',theicOntracr-rmist put t h e barrels in od. shi p ping order, or the Beef and Pork will not, be rceived'i ; : A Bidders are re qui til to state their prices sep arately for the Beef sod for the Pork, and if they ofler tb ftiriiish at tnorc than ione Ya;rtly;tlien sep arately for each Yard.1; They are also ; rejqMred to give their ;names, theirVresidence , and the names arid Residence, of their sureties, minute ly ; : anbSmut transmit their bids sealed,; and eri- aldrie $i aMoy V a kSQMvnts , ;N, BP,ersns.l;iring Gigs U me eKpectedy tp repair riy: injufv! done to u 8 hiUtb thir!pscsitri, i - ,X ttn is iMyWHAYvvopn ':3rA;daa Tumeryand ohVr rncy: Ariiclefli, 1 sold ;unusuaJlj; ' lowif r nish Uji n p flg(cpjog ?; - .' 4 ' IaVendtr dpvf"" j UX'AX Bears Oll'kv"-'-'': v! r - ;-' ' MANAGERS OFFItjE, f August lst, 1829. FOR THE-BENEFIT OF THE Dismal Swamp Canal Company . -p - ' r' Zst Class. , . j To be draWn'at Richmond, on Wednesday, 16th i September, ltty. j 60 No. Lottery 9 Drawn Ballots. ! 1 Prize of 810,000 is. 810,000 1 1 l1' f20 . 20 40 51 51 102 102 1,530 11,475. 5,000 2,500 1,995 1,000 500 100 60 50 30 - -20 10 5 5,boo -2,500 1,1995 20,b00 10J000 4J000 3i)60 2550 3i060' 2i040 151300 571375 t S13PJ880 Halves 2 50, Qaar- Whole Tickets 85, s. v-: . ters 1 25: V Send your orders (post paid to ' V 4 t HlHVrVDl? : a a. A-Akj ul i.Ta. 1X1 X a IV Mm Richmond. an. !Curtw- Go iifbrdCpu Rty. v; i r;;:i,: . . In the Court of Equity. ; J aeksttn, Wlib- l l X ;X . ,Jno. Anderson,.. ,"1 ; -, ,. '.- -'. - J ames 4Abdersori. V Andersbniebnte V covert, Phebe Anderson, ? .deceased. t-rX MaryAhdelrsoni'-ij;? (f4hi. CU8? H appearing toTtlie satisfactiMri . of the Court ihat the Deferiantsire inliabii M l?e CpitrtthHt pitblicatiob bcTinadeifbrt Jsrs weeks ihheileighitegisterV ants to S ppear atthene xt SuperibCbuTt bf La w H11 u lU "t h e ? Courtis Hdiise; 1 n 'lori theJouVth lopday, after Jthe . RS. JOHN HAYWOOD i respectfully J nouncestp the Public, that she is prepared to accommodate Travellers -Gentlem sn U their Families Boarders by tbefday, week, month or year School children for any length of time. tier. House is situated inlhe immediate viclnitv oft he Capitol,- ;t he Banks and the several Semi- nanes . ot gaming.?' iThereCis a; beautiful and highly ;eii 1 1 ivuted Garden attach ed -'4b" it " he r 1tlionia.,afapacioiis' iynd'-' Airy'iff S'he:rssure8-'' all thosQ.who may honor herewith their patronage thatno exertions shalU be; wanting oh her part tpi render them comtbTbjibIe.TJ."..;;:. xjir'"r:,'X-: ' , Mrs; ft. tias also a gooii Stable, which shall bW X- wH supplied with Provender tor Horses, and 1 careful Ostler to attend them v ; ; J ; ..-;;'..: " Raleigh, May 14. V. r -i ,.- r -r... r77 -'" V--V'--1- ".'t wwree roaae'-W'Comiiiiv'"'?.'!- S74 1 !: or J ovt i-Uarohnn: - - , . . iJuncotnbe Counf y. ; Superior Court,bf LawApril 'rerfe 1829 ;-cyjJC. Petitibn'fbr UivofceavV Edward Buckner. S &fSU ; VIE.KC.W py uourT tnat puPhcation petnad .SqiertoCourt; of LaAyjhheldcJlluncbridje ooinuy, aL tile t;ouousejin .Asheville;' pTT the Vd MoiKlayft thetthMonday in;September, .4:Rtebr, answero the PlaijvtAlf, netH u; prthe same i t y8-Hberi llnryv Clerk )f1said -Coim fte d Monday afteithe'h Monday &:J&. -ROBERT: II ENRY, Q, slfeg KT. tri.R.t-rt III . TV fc: W . dorsed Otter to turnisn JNavy iieei ' oravy Pork' for the year 1830. -, ; . V - "; .! f The Commissioneis of, the Navy are at liberty tVtake the offers of a bidder for any'oire Yard, pf for the articfes deliverable at' any one Yard, or in greater proportions, if such bids be the lowest;' v 1 - - 2 . ' j . - c- - - '' ; Anv bid not made; in conformity to this adver tisement, or1, not receivedjvithin the limited timeK .will not be opened. ;V -..S :-:'2r' A-'X.'f . t The parts of the animar to be excluded from the barrel will be particularly described.iri draw ings which I will form part' of theconti;acts;4 Persons desiring information up"bn the subject with an intention to bidi may.' obtain it by" seiu sonable apphcation to the Board.l ''"' ?.'-;:::; '' June 19. ;s 'X-:2Xf:M54:'td. C . ;. Tract l)eK)sitory;- : FT1RACTS from the American Tract Socty-- E alsofrom.the Union Tract Society, may he had in any quantity, at the Society's prices,' by forwardinc Orders, with the Cash,' to J. ' ' , .-:---'Vvr- P. WT)OWr, or .x-vsS' v; - , TH. P. HUNT. : ' Editors in N. C favourable to the cause '.of Tracts will confer a favour by giving the' above a few insertions in theirr papers.' Those .who think proper to charge for . so doing, will send ineir accounts io tins ouice tor iuscruons.t .-j r Kaleitrh 1st Autrust, 1829. ' t H 95-, M.-'Casso'rrdb-V.;; .-f " $Cdsmt:tic Wdsh. fiallj ; -:-' "" i S 2U :Euipllieo(So'p'fbr sbsviri M --.r ' Rose" do . - r-ii f Cmnampn do .. -; : .... j 'y- -1 Jvyarietypf other Fancy S-ans V Also genuine J Windspr Soup jn'ttie pac kage; a s m potted. ' jj ; , : jjaryT y .BOOKS; ,& S rATlONAiTfT HI I K GALLAIIER & WII1TR, !08 Pe iSt, (llanpver Squared AV.r .CountryllMe'fchants,' rixieiisiye 'assortni 2 at very low prices." They have alsoAnh.:i large assortment, pf Medium, Tiem y, cc & j er crwhiclv t hey V wi il sell at the turers! pces.V v ' -;. "-J;-!-" ';. ;.; - "! ''-I1''-"- . 86 6jr .'; rNew-Yorkv'July; 1 829; i :MltlT!iw TWriR propetor bfiliw'p is now mak ;JLt ingarrabgement to issue the New VoW which will be: commenced gn the eleventh tk of JnTv next ip a splendid manner. -Th plaebgitvings of the fa II quarto Vizewlij be executed by , the best artists j the music arranged i vvitliaccompknimerits 'for,' the piano-forte, b? I the. most skilful camppsers ; the type new anil beautiful; and thepfcper bfa superior quality,- in every nepariiiieui. tne seventn voliftne will excel thpsefheretofore- published. The term. trt four dollars per annum, J payable in "advanct. Subscriptions; receded by the Editurs of I '.The Mirror i published weekly at' No. lo William-strett,-New-York. All comraunicatioDL ;sent by mailt must be post-paid. ; ' . - v ; Bu ncombe? Counf ' . Strperiof Court of LawApril Term, 1829. 1 Thomas Sharpe, r; vv ; i" ' ' t ":"5' 1 v. VPetition for Divoree, Sitsanah Sharpe Nl v, ' 1 - UDERF.1) by Court, that publication bepafc ;Vr three mouths successively ip; the Ri- To th e Frtnter&of th&TI.sSta tesr. - ."i ;,;.;v' -r-; : :- i ''-i'.iZVgk; OF late the prices of all the mater ialsTused n maki ng Prliiti ngTypesi ; have been greit Jy re duced & the facility of .manuTacfiiring greatly in creased : The Subscriber, therefore, has been in duced to make a proportionable reduction in the prices, which, from the 1st oFApril, have been as stated in the annexed list.. . .? , , , V.. -The character of the. Type ;hiade af "this Foittti dry iswell known to the a"ra'e, -who are' assured that in regard to the quality of the metal,vfinish, :ind durabdity, no deviation has; been made fk -He lias pu hand a complete assortment, and can su pply any quantity on a short notice ; h e will be ha ppy to receive orders of his customers, which Will j, have immediate-C altritiptMer chants- who have -orders from ; abroad;- can have offices corinplete with Presses, and evrfy thing -necessary for. a Printing'Estabiishment, put up in the most perfect manner. : : ; ! : j r v " - t RICHAUU RON ALBS ON.i f Prices ' -At six riionths credit; fbrapprved paper, or a ' Uiscoiint of 5 per'ceutl for Caslu !ri leighNReglsteK " and the vYadkin. arid Catavrhi ' Jpuroal,Hat the;; HefendantlDe and appear tt the next Superior Court of Law to be held fcr Buncombe County, at the Court-house in Ashe ville; fori the second -Monday after the fourth Monday in September next,; and plead or at ( awer to the; Plaintiff's petition,1 or the ame will be heard ex parte ' ? 1'- 1 ; '' . Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the secon d Monday after the fourth Mon day of March, 1829. l ; z :7 j " ''5iiKBuncbmb; County.- ' . ' 5 Sriperlor Court of Law--AprH Term, 1329. Aim Armstrong, j ; i ' r' i' v.-'.. ''; S. Petition for Divorce. .; Sam'h Armstrone. S ' - . r ' .' ORDERED by Court, that publication be madi for " 3 months successivelv in the Ralei.ri Ree-isteK arid the Yadkin and Catawba Jpun4 i that the Defebdant'be. and. appear at the next I S u pefior Court of La w ii be held for il.meombt ?d Mojday afjer thej 4lh Monday in September ne u and plead brartsw e r to; the PlamtitFs f titiori xr the same? will be'-lieardTr parte: - ) Witness; Robert fleno', Clerk of said Con af Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th- iioci archl829--,,';-i 'r.--;;:- . - Vrobert.henry, c. sa Pearl, per Ih. Nonpareil. Minion, .. Brevier, Bourgeois, Long Primer, Srriall Pica, Pica, v v $1.40 0 90 ? 0 70 0 56 ; 0 46 0 40 038 " 0' 36 English, r , JO 36 Xireat Primer, 0 34 Double Pica, . 032 j)o. GreaTfrimer, 032, , LargeSletter -'H ; lain: - ; : 0 30 Scabtyards 'and'V.'C; ? i 0.iibuaion! ' ''' !, 0 30 The prices of other descriptions ot Tvnes at e rjropprtionfibly reduceti'i -1 ZXP-,". . ,;' ( f'. Old Type received; in pavment at 9 cents per ppUnd. -j . . X2''Xl-MS'2y ;vUy..'- a iiiianei pfiicim Jiny ,.q Have:-"j usj. received" . Mrs.. Okie's Works, xiomplete in 12 vo!9. Boron's lo do m one vol. bvo. emaeiv- cl ."with; splendid engravings.) ,, - : Bums' do " do Tn o e vol. 8vo. f Shakespeare irine.vcd.-Siiperbly bound. - Spectator," to 2 vols. bvo. , josirpibii 4"dp v do!; ;'; ' v; j v.' . . ;v: , 'Mant'bf twojjves-;:;: 1-i '" ' " '.' ' . .Two hpmlred and "bine Vlays on the Continent. l!f; ' Ivirvniv's Tinc lorui-itl V bound. - ' E-ell's iedical Conipanlon, last edition, "Also, the:3d toI of . Gales Seaton's Beg8 pt ! iongressioiiai ueoates. Julv r.:..;' ;'!-', v yf ,'; NOTLCK. executed by Green Bob bitt, on the 2 . f ;V iVfHlQIiniNGb the terms of a Deed or i TWISTI y.'ruuspi '.oil.- wkicum now iesKief 4iere are V - ; - - -'. . . - iemiifr 205 acres, about boe -half cleardien acres of 8' fi Meadow land and the balartcf- iiiwb.t -ru 1 aid lyincr directly south rd the' Grave- improyements are. all bew aml finished Jnj the "cst'iiiainici lucv consist pr avUWfHiptr House. containing eight rooms ;.;ith fire places,; "besides passages, closets, &c. a Jarge. Barn and Stables; ana otner necessary. , uutno.uaw;lervare-.e-veral Peveifailing Springs :VofjKe-heiit:Wteoa the tract, ahd a large !id well selectt d iruit Orchard, ,.(".. C S;.':' ;V.t Mf)lll b?srortyT Prm5h cr for nion exenange it tor JNegroes or. Western lands; V' RACT;pP I,ANli; iriVVa -PPff-P obthVsitles qr;I?Utchmans Branch; lhsu side 'Of S wifVCrJc jThe Tracti are cntiguousnd werb- purcbaseasome years gb; ne lateWPi Gilmmirof VFrn; Brow :nJ$ Pply to the Editors pf tbe Registerwhb are iuthprjsed,by tbe owner tu sell id;)andr i 5 on thVoobosite side1 of -thepiinlic xo.) frbmilthe same being a pnrt of the P"' ti sold by ! tlieC Commissioners appoiruett d iu-ic HinfA rr that mirivse. I J--f 0 ' " -C f .....I n 11:1131.1 pirui named -ureacy, n rt? u c ij. t;ow anq tjaii, owii? jhj i !.."- . ..., .i.- ' ' ,..,. :.. n cousin-1 uuncru uu.-im f .ui ui; i , - , t-jj- "qV.titypfohe Sii months credit will be n the.P iersupon boridand approved securi . ;f d The sale will take place at the ridence nld Bbbbittinjihls City.at. 10 ocIockottn, f aboyementiofted.- "f;, 'iCV;?'-'r - r Tnjetef' V;: -'m CHAS. MANTLY, Tru. jW?abeVs Difficulties ijt'irnln ' Yv" i Scott'a Family Hioie, m ' - flj-?t r t KThe HiEory arit Iy5teryi of U ; -1 ' . - f I'.tfK net 10 . .HTstbiVahd Mystery of Mfthoi:; y ? copacy,' Dy ins V 1 k O- i i-;-;jos GALE? . aor:r';&'iUitpjicf July 18; 1829 rL,.. - , v . . 1. .- -tfc-js,; -T .1 H. m . '' v-:- ; ' '-' '--'- .. - --vfi-lyx'