KYY5K!Mr:f , 'J' - ' Y V '" V Y' v- iVsv', . , " )urs are the plans of fair, deUghtful beaee, , : v J. ; Y ; '.t - .Y. . -.)...; - . . w J " of a it its'- 9 St I iAnAW every Mdat and Thitiisiiat, by v ttngisixfeen lines , neatlyrinserted 3 ' ints for a Dollar, and twenty-five cents for V v Y., vaioceedinff piibl ication r those ot. fprcai- Vvery Ten-th ii thr,8mq roiwrtion;.p6Mi t icATibWnkfullymived th' Kditors must t? e' postpaid -' f Y 1 Y . ,:; scotr;ANn.--v-Y';i ' !ereiV n cu5try in the; world , more we porer f rlhc Ynigrvty depds j of WallacWarid fgljrie in the achieveioents bis com pftriMMisis JtKou s;H A tyiwere Y, An f ahprs. ;we ha vie been accustomed u u0k b Scotland with fond reartl and hnre often experienced the full force of ; her iwrdfeen wnen ne exclaims, fS iY Is there a ipan I with jsouI so dead V " . Who never to himself hath said,y i v 4( y? f V.Thls is my own,' my native land ?" Svhat ottier couatry s there with whih there are so mny-.Jntefesti ng associations ?iod rccoflectios:cVnnected. ? Her.warri Tk. h?rnoetsher (atesmeii, her peope rained her "name which other na- 'tions may f well envy. Her poorest cbU dren ffel the prides of their situatinn. Burns-coulS fallow in glorjr and joy'J ji,s piougn upon .iae mouniuu , iu.c, .,.! einer th sonirs of his vcootry,i fame whife cutting the green sward of the .yal- Ipv. Wallace has sown over her' rocks r the iranerishable vseeds of high thoughts 1..,:-. . : .'' , - . rfu- . -K- f 4 -ml nat anions:1 . l ne marKs 01 nis feet are shown,' as jl f - the "stone, - and the ; flint would Vetainj lthem i forever tiy . Ipatriiic peasantry vtheir f children, Wbing to the ploughed 5 fieltl or the hilJ pastured Bruce is as fresh a i name as if he had iaiq-'bttiKtfew Momb.' Asanatibriv none have a greater iSectioh for fatherliind HeiY prtets have contributed to niake this a pjrt of She ' na tional character. A Scot, recreant xo -nis cpuutry, is seldom found vTruly itlmay , be said of h im Ccrtum nofcimimum , mu- taiit qin trims current ie$m$$ has his Ranze deche?k to recalVhis re- collection to the land of his birth,, and a waken his dorman feelings ;lbut;j.heFe is not' a tradition "o'tli .s ' cViti citrnni' or one of her songs, which does i not- speak : to Scotsman of home. He lona .to; breathe the air of the heath-clad ! hillsto mingle w.Kh the people whose affections cling with his to iuld Scjtland., Though the sceptre has depwtedfrom 'Judah.; he turns to the silent and tenantless walls; of Ilofy-rood, and feels his memory with the ?ries of past tiroes. The ibemorialsUof ctimisn vaiorare eyerywnere arounu mm ami in the breathing thoughts and buriiin words of the loftiest poets of his land, he Cfin recount Jlthese! Jeedsof valory cherjshe the rnempry of thosiewho have honored the I arid, as a father preserves the ,memiry of hischUd ren, a nd d yi ng. be queaths the feeling! of 3 a ; true : Scot I agf tick legacy', to a posU rlt jlexGajV In one of Walter Scotl's novels4, The riHATE' a striking instance zH" given, o 'the feelinatiuded, to In the ; foregoing ar ticle : t , v' -'v Y ;':H'.'v;'Y;"':-y ": -: h . Mnna TfoiPs Refusal to leave her native Country TVre are lands' said Cleveland, ' in I- i? h the eye niay look bright uporj groves f jthe. pjm '.and A tne' cocoa and where the loftt insiylmove light as a galley tinder sail iirm-, .iipeicu. wiui no were, ,.aim b Hannahs surrouudedJby aromatic thicket? where subjection is unknown, excep M of the brave to the bravest, and of al te jbe must beautiful.VY W-t;V34:1 "linna nnnpil 'a. moment prhft rnlied. anil iHen answere j ;No,YCWvelaud,- My own rude country has charms for me, )esolate as you Ttbink it, 'and ilepresg d. as it sarel v.-is, wihichv jio;,oiher'Untl!i'6n-- i , cf,n presen t tci; me.- t;end ea vour i ti ain to represent to myself those visions of auu -ti ffroves.Lwnicmmy eye- never ; but invtlmaP'tWatior can conceive no S1t in'n t'ure more ;sbJ i me! Ytha n' those not the brightest sunbeatn that ev- j; vone upon the richest lanrlscape vrould I J ay thnuglits for a mi)innt;;from tliaV ' V fock". -Ilii&tv hfj ftfidlwidp Kdlihar';(; Jan K HidtlkVidis! the land of iny deceiis- u u1ce?tors,rahdf myWihg fatheV?a'nil PUanawilifllivrandfdie'lV lh',c Wmdq of cie t .Vontribaje.rgen"r6usljtiKpb nir ? 4S weu taken ott by the tie v; M r. iwK. J ... 01 Cork m an eccentric . gbt ecl . . i .. .. . . - . ..... .... ia late anm ver srv i Ke i "( lei Uo n J on Al Ktonary' Soc ie ift !iWf? T PMce, of?th thrtteyo)ii(4i; vnuy, urudiuea: iu .rai i!, m- pves, vht?n ligitatteftUy -a storing or. more ,H?putiful th'anwheilptheV Vcome, ? as ' they nJ,w rolling inalmlran Jre Not the ftrest Vcene in at? foreign ended as missionaries to the Cape of Good Hbpe. Mr, B. observed, ' - 1 ; A gentleman who. had experienced noth ng vof this day's excitement, who 'hate not witnessed this animating scene from France a rifl h (h, ?si tti ng i rf C h ri $ 1 1 ati I coo I n ess in his own closet, has not mingled among you, has sentto your society what he conscien tiosly;andbonestly conserl ir entitle( t o ; j an d lYta ke tor grant edr thati many, i n t hi s' meet uig wil I rise far above h i m.;Re-X member'tjiatthisji calculating manj given not at the al tar, bu t o the priest at' a distance from itiwithout an v-df the ,excitementyou have this day experienced ; and IYdo expect that his ex ample wilt this day be followed up, and surpassed uy many, Decause ot ine feelings which theyi must have' this day experien ced i and whl ch gi ve; ihem so great a n, ad vantage over this cold. caicuiatins man, in ti is closer. , ne; nas seni you nis coniriou- ion it isa checkffor 00 J Remember. this is: the cold man's offering ; but if hisH example be not, followed up, shall we not say that the, poles of some regions are hot .1 ... i . . ter than the: equaton ot others r (Cheers,! But some of you will say, O I this is a rich man, who hasartothing to do with his money, and is glad to give it away rather than r be Yobiiged tb keepaccou n ts,'Yor u perhaps he only wants to make a flourish at a missionary meeting.' ir sucji oe tne case I shall surely, disappoint him,-for "I snail not mention ids name ; out as ne was aware of this beforehand, it is not likely to have beep the principle on which he act ed.. (Cheers.)t But it may be said again; O! this is some one who gives to a mis sionary society, but who gives to nothing else." lhe fact is, however, not so ; for let tne tell you,' that when I preached last year a sermon in behalf of this institution. I have reason to know that this same cold calculating individual put a 50 note in tne plate ; ana ne is, pesiaes, an annual suo acriber to anauxiliary society. (Applause.) MUi" cut some or you aiuy say, vtnis is fki'shobby'ntd every man likes to sub- scribe liberally to his hobby." I tell you, lis also is not the case ;-for however, that t this gentleman is now encaireu in erecting a 'chapel, vyhich will cost no less a sum than Je3,000, every fraction ; off which comes opt of his own pocket. (Cheers.) I may be tola now that he is some, old bach elors (Laughter.) I This is alsp a mistake for he happens to have ben married twice. (Cheers.) But,'- it may be said, al though he has had two wives, he may have no children, and therefore no one to inher- it his wealth," ' This is a mistake too ; for he happens riot grand children them. (Great only to have children, but ves and 1 . rf- w a a . IJLaughter.) And notwith standing his greati liberality, all of them are well provided for. I will next be told, ' O! the man j was left this money, and never knew. what it was to earn it j or he has been left an enormous legacv, which he little expectetl ors he may have gained a - ' . - .: a . twenty thousand pound prize iii the lottery by some lucky turn of the wheel of for- tune." Uere agiin you would be at fault. for the man made. all this money himself. (Cheers and laughter.). In short, this gen erous man is a plain, honest, conscientious Christian. Englishman, who has many to provide for;1 and does provide amply for them all by his labours ; but who, with the fruit of his labor, contrives to come Toward and answer the demand for every good work, brought" home to his understanding a tid his conscience- Nt being present at this meeting, he lias not had like jou, any excitement to stimulate him to this act. i Let uie see, then yhether this cold calcu lating inan-t his twice married grandfather wiltr outstrip; in ' his" closet the efforts of those who,' under the influence" of a Lon don fever of zeal, are boasting of London cnortsY ilifeat citeers. y it ni exam ple be'not followed, ; what a; reproach will it be to youK I now 'beg leave to sec ond tHe resloluuonl Y ; : The resolution. was Carried with laugh ter and applause, and a collection was then made. in the meeting. Sfa v e Trade; Th e 1 a s t number of the African Repository contains s o m e e x t r a c t s from a Da per; on the subject of the Slave Trale, recentl v received from the Colony or Liberi:, ciravvu up uy ur. ii.anu an, iin late agent It appears fro-m.the'e, that traf fic ia still carried on t a very great extent, a!UI'v witn Kgreat aviivny , m'. the -opinion Ydfj the! writer, , the measures j ions are not iiKeiy io pu i an eno to ii. l i S ave-traders treouently, carry -.ou their opratiohl Wiihin; sight of theCcolbiM al factories, f At G dienas a regular Slave Agen l is establishetl ;4 who pure ha ses large numbers of slayes and tu rni ihes the slave esse! si iwh i ch jgeueral I v j $r iou t spe cie: These Veiel ti up & funin for riniy: are r?son:iefitiesantM iotigtit 'ainltfSier iriainer wttbsend theu outairixm the m& ;dunatiot) 1 French OvmentsSe afnad pfemlantand tw war whicW?mbvevuV jurpofin'clieiliio taverail WiloVa numMr bf Kroaiaen to jvive them notice of the motions of these vessels. ; As soon as a manof war is about to'leave Sierra Leone,: these active mes- engers in swift canoe? give notice to the trie coast. nly'way: St have ten or twelve light; fast sailing scljoohers, wiu) sUould cruiz Heholeyear on istie coast at ithose, placesvVh the slavers anj procure their- cargoe andrwo' might relieve each other at proper seasoqs.- Hes thinks the Vshou Id havel'one or two sjoops of warlwjLtlv ; tmy th j fc rces; of whi ch wou I d be sirong en ough :o 1 an d and break up the lave factpries. , If this course were pursued by the nations who hay uhdertaken to suppress the; slave trade, he thiriks there : ?wpujdt noi at the end of two' years be. found a slave vessel on the coasts of Africa. iV. F. Bost. He that has observed theglnwin cheek t. r and- the faltering tongue of young person., must Know tnat tne sense or propriety grows up in them very soon. They are stared at our frown, they are cheered'by oui smiles. ineyinviie us io tympaiQizein tne raptures they r feel upon performini? what we have been accustomed to praise, and on! the de tection or any little impropriety , they hide thei dropping heads. Upon fears which far transcend, their own strength, t ey gaze witji admiration.; they weep at tl e mere begject of those whom they Jiave bee i taught to revere, .and if through heedless n ess' or curidsjty, they have ventured to commit what is forbidden, they -cither trelnbe at our I approach; or by tears and pjushe by promises; and embraces of amendment, and I a thousand little winning ar !,' they strive to regain our esteem. Now the ca pacity, foe this sense of shame is griven'by nature, bu t the d i rection of it de pent! s up on the .care -of others. Easily it Imay be preserved and easily destroyed. , ir.there fore,.wecommit outrageous actions!, or ut- ter-ldecgrous words in ihe presence of the young; a bliml mechanical pronejiess to imitation leads them to adopt timiljtr prac tices! j But when those practices are after wards continued from deliberation, or from cust'tn,' young men will see, not equity but harshness, when they are corrected for doing that which by their parents lor tUeir superiors, they liiive seen done jwllh ,im purthy. Yj Example, on the side jofi virtue. is more powerful man precept tsat in re pfct4to vice.' the case is nearly reversed ; or our evil actJons may be. imputed to fraiUv, but our evil words, imp!yi ig a re nunciution or common opinion, ,m a deti aoce of common censure, are supposed to spring from deep and serjbus conictioo. It, therefore, we acldthe weight of. b;il precept io o u example in training! up our children,.. ir we remark not only .with in difference, but even with complacency, the limes wiui wnii;u oaias aiu ousceoiues tripl off' their tongues, if we c di the sallU-s ol their petulance mere uprightness, and i - - ; - ! ' . openly impute their, burst, of anger tm nign spirn, we ; nave no rigni to complain of consequences which we; ought to have foreseen we nave no rignt to oe surprises or prnvoKeo, wnen customs wmcn we nan ourselves fostered, 'have shot up tk their; full magnitude, when they annoy us oy tneir malignity, wnen iney are uio sturdy to be resisted, and too inveterate to dicated. -Parr. be era- FOR SALE, A TRACT OF LAND, in Wake county, ly- njf on both sides of X)utchman's Rranch, containing 397 acres; and another Tract lying on the south side of Swift Creek. The Tticts are contiguous, and were purchased somef years so by the late Wm. Gilmour of VVmBrown. , Apply to the. Editors of the Register, who are authorised by the owner to sell said land. August l a, igy- ?w State' o1l X OYt-i3 ar olina, Y Y , Guilford County. I ! '; J . i i- u .. I, ! in tne iomi oi iiiuuy Curtis Jackson, Y? - . v. X- , 5 Y- J ho. Anderson, , s Lvdia Anderson. I Heirs at Law et Miriam James Anderson, Anderson, feme covert, Phebe Anderson,5 I deceased. Mary Anderson, J ' IN this cause, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants are inhabi tants of another State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six Weeks in the" Raleigh Register, for the Defend ants! to appear Superior Court of Law and Court, of Equty, to be held in : ahd for the County of Guilford, at .the Court ; House - in Greensboroogh, on tie ibtirth Monday after the fourth Monday jiu September next, then and there to plead, answer or .demur to the Com plainants Bill, or the same will be taken bro con- 1 Ulllt WW BWVW " 'J ifTeste.1 a;;ge r en,; cim. ; r.. ; o-5y NOTICE. vft i 4 .- OPOSALS wilt be received by . Wm. PeaceVi Esq. at his Store in Raleigh, until the 1st Saturday in Nov. next, for a' Contractor to take charge of the-Poor of Wake county, at Ithe Poor Houses thereof. ' , There are "about 3ffi paupers wel provided with; Houses, cooking utensils and - -ill; i-li: j c ..:U 'u.:.. '.til ais, gvuu r wuiaviuii, uuuc, una vii isliuui, forihe;use of 'the Cohtracipr..;,Tbe Obiitractor io AdairaA " tnVcl-,tA. rh?a . (Arms " frw fTirntfiinAp said paupers with food and raiment for 6iie year t-..-ii- i-Yk,i a Y.:.w k- j:r -'.'i,o H:h Xj Vc , w nil mv ; v i" nfexijY if i. desired, Cash .will be paid ibr dvanceV Bond and approved secumy- wui be required. 7 , Y ' V. W.JCLEMENT3 CferkoClbe Court ot-Wardens. -3Vake county, 30tU Aug. 1829.' oi.tvcr, wno im meuiatei y leave 01fi DrRandall's oplnionthe o of breaking up the slave trade,' is Itwf6Wi'n'..irikl"L - v-t- ' ''Ti'M.'n"' i- - -jY Buncombr County. fSH to sell the pVace -witlim amd ofHills- Sunerior Vnitrf nff W 4 v-rUt' i q -o - iborous ori which Trtov, resided Tla 205.acresaboutbneYi Meadow Jand and vthe balance ii wQml. j The f r HS imbrovements areH tiei' and fimed in the. UhFi,! Yr V" -best mannerllhey consist of a 1 .veiling House. f)ST;i - containing right-foomV. with nre'pUce besides ?Hh -passages "clolets; &c;a We tlart, ancltablesV I&Sf 2 Ud CaUwba Journal, ; and ot her necessary Outhouses. Y re are se- rerat irevr lainng springs ror.tne -nest water, pn the tract, and a large and well Selected fruit Orchard. j . , . Y.y v v.' ' .; -v. :--5.-Y.- 1 wil I se 1 1 this -property on'. .the,": hiostV liberal lerms cither for money on easy cfedits---or will exchange St for Negroes or Western lndsV i Application may; be made by letter to the sub criber, at Hillsborough.. : v ;. ?v ' I YYl, Nbv.;15YY. ""f "r.':3 Y-2) -eotf.O 31 1NAG E US' OFFICE, ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' c ' Richmond, Va. , V- SPLENDID SCHEME. ? in -42 :;Y,;:i ; - . SOO.V Union Canal LotteriL Jo. f 1 0. To be drawti Sth Sept. in Philadelphia. 1, V 40 42 51 51 51 Prize of : 10,000 - -i-Y . 3,350 , ,is 810,000 , 3,350 1,000 500 S0O, 200 ; y too ' 40,000 21,000 15,300 10, 200 5.100 Besides 51 (each) of S90, S80, & S70 . lua (eacii) ot DU,. 204 of S30, 1020 of S20, & 11475 of S10 Whole Tickets S10, Halves 5, Qrs. 2 50. A package of 20 whole, for200, which is. compelled to draw nearly one half)f the amount invested,. may draw some of the above Splendid , CO Send you'p orders to the Managers' Office Richmond, Va. V - - .1 ; i YATES & MclNTRE. : f I DRAWLVG OF. THE . Y - Connecticut State Lottery, Ninth Class. ' V ,f s No, 7, 10, 33, 28; 8, 37, 58; 481. 4 No. 1, 37, 58, a Capital of Feen Hun dred Dotlars? v'xs sold at Hewsox's for tunate Office, on Tuesday. last- f f " Any one of the drawn Nos. is entitled to $4. : . Orders for Tickets in the Lotteries to be drawn this month will meet with prompt attention, and the drawn numbers torwurded the moment the ill iwiua iiir. ictcivcu Address to . . W. Peter ft1" Washington Cotisolidated EottefyJ 15.000 DONAHS, highest prize. , ; . Tickets S5, Hal ves 2 50, Quarterl 1 25. kkL tTl Washington City -Lottery 13th Class. , j Draws 21s instant. ; !- - 10.000 2OI,3uARS, ) , HIGHEST PRIZE. Y - Tickets S4, Halves 2, Quarters 1. Prizes all pavable in Cash.V Tickets and Shares for sale at the; Lucky OfT nee: of Bv w: HKWSON, Y ! Y .-r Petersburg, y . ' 1 : Y . ; - TTr Aug: 19 1829. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 16. To be drawn 29th August. Prize of gl5,000 6,000 4,000 3,000.' is 815,000 6,000 0 ft0 - v r,UxJo v 5,000 &.500 2,025 1,000 Y . 500- v ; Besides 4Q0?s, 300's, 20Q's, 150's, 100's, ; . v &c &C ; -- Send your orders (post -paid) to v Y Y r- TATKS & M71NTYRE? v Y - -. 1 Richmond Richmond, Aug. 1, 1829. Y ?., LY; tCity and County Auctioneer.; 4 The Subscriber having been, appointed by the County. Court of Wake 'and the - itoaril ot Com Jnl rhissiohtrs of the' City of J-JCaS&j Raleigh. Aoctioneer fir Y r i i i - - . the County and City, offers his services to. the Public. ' " i - 'YT f:"'5 1 Y JOHN T. C. WIATT. August 18, 1829.,: lOOtf trxoFNorth-Cilnia . r ; ;. ..v-. "f Wayne County. .' ; Superior Court ot. Law w opnng .lerra Jesse Itardc n nal An n M aria Jtu'ril p n v r Petition for Divorce.", ' .v;., Y-Y Y' N this case; a subpoena ant . issued, and the Sheriff making return thereon that I not to be found, procbunation was duly, made at J the" Courthouse d .H; "5 Z loor H,dbthe Shernof mnng the. said AnnMria. Bar- j said county, reqoi den to appear ind answer as she was reouired to do n said subpanad failing to appear i . I i.-' ' l ' a - t-v i mrec monuis oe maac in ine i the Ualeitrb Resristcr."eivinff 1 A t4W., .i--a Superior Court of lav to beheld &re:xouhty 1 v!---: -. .il r . . . i ot- ayne , at xne uourtnouse in vaynesDorougn the first Monday, after thV fourth Monday of Sep- temoer next, ana tnec ana tnere to answer or i demur ' to said petition, jddgment will b .taken 1 . N. WASHINGTON, Clk. J Price adv. $52. -vY'v- ' u -69. ' Y r , -S -Y - . -T-' r . Y - '. - i -. ... .-t 1 Supefio:piH ofvLawit9 be heldXor Huncnmbe- Knmty.'at the: r;ourtviiusinrAiheiyeV on the r 2d londsy after t h e A4thl il bndav. i n p nWrnh pr -l" next, ahd le:ir ofaswer.lo tbe.Plarptifs peti-. lion, or the samewiJI Ke;beurd 'eir 'parje. - - Y" ' YWtneslUobrtf:l enfvrilerlc vosaul Coirrt at Office, ; the 2d Monday -ailler JlIieritU Monday- v of March; 1629: i.u.- YY-- - C SnpeTior.pourt .f ItawApfifTrnfc. ; V Margaret Itobards-Y Y-YJ? - 'Y : Y vorce Tklt JX EK E U iiy tJourii that public;.' t ipnte nia'de Tor Oj-rnonins successively -in the ta?ciir?" negtsterandthe. : - that the;Uefi?:nflant be ar4 -apVear-tl fiieit-v S uperipr Court of t flaw; to be.h ch t'or'R uocom belY. county, at the Cbiu t-house , in Ashe vlUe; on the 2d Monday after ,tbeh XIo.ndy.;in-Septc mb:r ' next,, and, ple&4 theCraihtiff'sp- -titton; fT .the. smewdf;bei1ieardar parie..?--X t. YW?tness, Robert Henry jClerkJ of said Court at Office, the 2d, Monday after tLe .4th MondAv V ' of. March 1829: C;rYY-v.YY t,? ) --xVY "; :' -,y - YYtfy udniiiiNRV; s. V:: : -y' : Stated -:Y '?.K ,YBi'ncimb;.Cari.n -Superior COnrt'of Law--April Terrau 1329; Aiiarew - f resiy. V'-- -A Petition forDlvctt YT Eleanor Fresly. ikRDliUKDbv CWurtrihaVrubllcAon hi m, M'T. V:Y .-ST Y'-SyveUtion fbrt Divorce. Y " T-F, for 5 months : successively jh-the lJa!e"n;n. T " Register; and ;the :Yadkin and Cata w ba Jour sfaL Y v" tint the1 ISr fehuant ; be and .-'apnear. ktHhcrnext r - V Superior Court of L w to;be held fbr Buncombe " " county, at the Court house in A-hevilfc, on ,the ' 2d,MondHy after the; 41 h Monday in SeptenbeY.--Y nexi, ana piea or answer to the Plamtittpeti-: ' tioni or the; same will be heard ex parte -'-'T"" YVitnessberriieHtV: Cftrk isJd Court at qffice,thfr 2d Alonday after liVe.h Monday V of March, ' 1829, -YA C:'."- ' - ' r.:l Y ; y;J7;;:1.i";R() BJERT' If KNRY, S. C. l iSuncombe.Lyounty.i v r Court oLltwApViL'Term,, Superiir 1829.- Jacob Raper, -' . v.- Petitron fpr I) ivorciei fOsbo'rah Ranpr A that the. Defendant be; and -appear ; at "the1 neitt o'lJC,lul wuun oi uiw.iu. oe. ncia fv, uuncomoej n county, at the Coortlibuse ih Asheville t'bn the- 2d MondayAafter the 4th 'Monday in Septerhber ; next, ana plead or answeto the: PlatntiU's peti. 1 uon, or. the same win be tieard ';r: . . , v1l!ness. Rjert;iienryi ;Clerk ofsiid; Court wmi-c, nic niunuay aner mc -tn Jklooaay ROBERTHENRY C. S. fJ; v J YStaie6f:NoHtiiCa)pdi)ia; .Y'J . Superior Court' of Law and Equiiy, . - i ; YY Y County -Y . iY t -Y!-Y MY Spring Tfirif A.I l3. IS.tV;-, V The Creditors of William . Raffin,4 : Caroline :M. ' ! Uuffin, Mr..Catiiannr-Runin, who is feme h covert and, wife of Arcliibaldlll,; Rnrnn,"' who sues in this" behalr: by G. Eadicr ' Esv. lib Ybett;ll.'1lu'ffwf.:ig'?V Y-rjrAM" xT- YY Y-Y Thomas Ruffin Tlromas Ritchie, Henry M. Mil- irr, AuiiHiiiMrdior wuir uie j ui" annexed ofY William i Ru fH'm deceased, - J oh n ?M. RurH u in- fant son of Thomas, It. Ruffln, Frederick Ru fin and Archibald RvlinfBnY : : 1: ' ON' MOTION, it is ordered by the Court that ;; Rf-nj imiti A. Barhatn, ' Esq.-: be appointed Commissioner to settle" the -administration ac Y : l A !CUfc.ufc.jJiy,uourt,'that publication ibetrtade II BWSON, - I XJ. for 43 months " success! veJ v i the lL,UTfrh ; sbunr, Va;" I Ueorister.' and rhd VAdk 4, 000 1 cont f tbe administrator of William UuRin, de nfinlcese and tbat he give notice of the: time andi place of taking such account to the' parties Inter ': Rested by rpublic - advertisement In one of the newspapers published' in the city of. Italeigh, " ?d that he make Repbr tto the next terra of this ;.- Court. v The; parties in t!e bove named siiiU ae Kere by notified, ;that 1 shall" proceed at thy bf5ce ia'Y the City of. Raleigh, on the 29th day of Septem ber nexti tr audit and sett le the accounts of the - and where they ar- invited to attend. ,;- .' . Y BEN; A. 1JARHAM, Comm'r. Raleigh:' July;ll,' 1829.' j ; 89 TO THE PUBLIC. KNOW'tNG the great and pKV'interestYelt c ' by the people ot Virginia in toe approaching' - Conven.ioni the subscribers make thu follow in a- proposition YThey hive employed the bet - - Stenographers to re port t he debates' which will . be publislied as rapidly, as possible ia the "Whig, r - ! siii.MJjr'jJisuii iic jiol ju liie U&D41 OI tiling "J lies' thev are liable deairoyed. thev nro- lusri "en iiiiu tneir lami- pose xo pie i mis utnee, me papers containing ri mc cu:ucs, ny us tiesire u-? ine ex- 1 peose OI IUIS Will Df apportioned by .the annual I Prc of the. .paper anKtheIength f time - I alias having been tf tti m'oni h i,W ,V..i .r.Z Zt'- ' ?iW?v I bates, the price of the falevM be $1 25. 'This tthej defendant was I . ; . -.. - l ' ? , . ? . i. coniplete copy of the; de bates ,f Convention- r ,f sbscribe desire their.copies bonrid that xi, Be done at a small addition atepVnse. YV Y ; ; j wc uiiaur, u luan .w 11 nesuaie tOienve for a, :; I YT LlT? 1. VT'T.' it lnS; ressed to us will be g to sujiscrjbe, can i thiHr riK I tnat .toe-' Ueok 1 r,aTwr printing; : s' wiU first apnear. in the . riailir ; r ..Ti -A.irl3Ai1 L , AUUU XX t CO. - . tR4dvTioya, y;;v :1I?: Of Tarlous descriptions neatly ; executed' ' J4 ' 1 m 1 .. , 4 ,1 Y i ( - V