...JX. . . fri'..-.,".,. . . . .r- ' ' : , x "-.VXV OuraatetheplaDoffairlightfulpcace;;;- ..." V x " .iv ,'-V . . ' " - 1 jil " '5 Published every !th;ixt an J Thujsi)AY by . 'joskph ( alas &so; V ; x IfiffceTfliilnr per annumHaFin advance 1 " AnVRRTlsSSiENTS -y-ot eieeedin s Lr tie Alines , neatly' inserted 3 ... times' for a TSwl! . ;and Urcnty-five cents for ' evVryucceedin.c; publication-: those of ffveat- cr lenfftH ia tlie .same proportion.t.CMMC!' jricrrloxs thankfully, received.,LETTa to the V.tlitor's 'mit be postpaid.' ,'c . J" GEORGIA UNJ VBUSITY.; ; A TJie assurnpriun of ihe;luie3 of the Pre Vtlcorv of the Georgia XTniversity by: the Rv;jVreyddd el w 1 1 f; be noted as nn i era 4 the 'hiorj'of . that thstMution'The lani Vuishnig state f the College,at the time he tok cdarge,of it, and . the proud ;pre-etui-'ncc to.uhich he haJjr hi character and indelixabie exertiunselevated H V,t i.r h:riv mon inherit more durable than brast 'and. inscfibpd' on the annals cf her fii-t'irjr 'the'name of WatMcl ;in letters of itd: ' 5 He , took ch irge of ? he Co! lege i n the month or Alarch 1G1 9, under the most discuuragmgctrcuostance. It may betruly, said, that oothiug wasle?t of the College but the name ;and the building ; there vre but se'cen sludehts. in the 'Institution,', of whom four were irr-ulnr. - Now there a.re ju t he S? niar Cfas 23, Ju nior C lass 1 8 So; phoWe ClUs 29, and F eshnianvClasis a bout !SOi'm;iiig.iil'aU .105 students.Mn adr dition tw-ihisS number there tire in hejre parat'ry school attiched.to 'the. College la boo t; 60 sch'ol,.rs inakmjr a total .of. abnu) 170 students belonging ;u the tnstlt titton.. TU'i ;hs : bVen the result of ihn ' laburK, of , W u tide it ia n d 1 1 U:i ri , the Cun te m pi a two of i) f . s V a d d el, i w i thd ra w tm ui edi drarety fromJ Athens,, af.d to re"tiieMO;,hts ( trir. in the noi-hborhood of Willington in Abbeville6 Diricr, South Xaiolina. The uame of AViIlington must be dear to th s venerable Veteran in'Hterature, as it ia to h i qcss as a teache r of you th ; and here tlie winds of Crawford, JMcDume, and others, weVe fiKt imbrued , vvitha love of: science, and of honorable fame. ! 4 1 o t h A v. t ; rivn t n t of a n nnl i n a r v m a n - a f- tera w. ir spent life,1, there, is something which UkVs a strong hold upon tho finer tVeiii.s Cot: the humJo heart. -Although still remaining in tKe Avorld, it is a reiire- roen t fiVnn it 1 1 - i n f n env e ua le s ep frBi ejrth to Heavei ; a-withdrawal frm be busy cene of life'to an inner rojun, there Ur adjust his mantle e'er he-die,'? ? r. A t 'it.!i i fi L n re n t hpliMt of DeitV to this, wnrltl t a greater and! a lxtt;r.r ltis peculiarly so with tue re rttirement of Dr. Waddel. He is now 60 vears of ;:ge,; nearly thrrc fourths ofVwhich time he ha spnt in the. laborious ; task of teaching. M-toy ot his pupils liave .rssen i eminetice and rtsnowu, St are the H vlug.wi s - nrsei ofdus talents and hi uselulfies.r He has alMlunug this tine been tiie faith fa! and zolous herald of the' Gospel, and the uduved pastor of his congregation. raiiuui tiifrrore are me jccim it) lies which biiiU hm t us ; amx, ina.tj and fervent' are, the prayers which ;ccoin- ahv ,h n Sti wh trust his useiui nie l've htf nnv-UiinVd in the shady crove at tfte sulenio nacrainental lfeast--untd finally rhkeVhriiu-k of 'corn full v rioe, he shall be g ' tUt rvi i t o; a h J p py i imu o r i a 1 i ty , with th e ' 1 Servant -of God yfe donp, ty "Itet ff-om thy loVdmphy";5'"':.' . T.e btite's fougiit, the vict'rys vvoh- fI "; .- -. Eufvr ,tly Master joy i'' ; 'JJ . ' . ; HEM ARK ABLE; CI llCUM STANCE, v ' " Som e weeks ago; the feelings.of the ci , t- ttens of tlis place ? were 'considerably., exr ur ue uiscovery mat a leniaie cjuj wtauuav i i: or. ixj.:. a - si rati get itiiu. - -k Mditfg with" "Mr ."and iMrrCjJanes;v lik H'l strangiurg," whb jmd recrently migrated. v mis piacis n)in uutttuo. , ;i;-J,nau een much iiiiihreated V Th a' ftai r jm nl e- "aiciy.unuerHrftnr.Jiri p-ann nation jjoioic rmi waft"tKar'hftvrim rwns.- Eliza Anil en(lprlinfJ!l.i;it KoV f-itlir-vas;' tri- 6ir ftad been" bound to tlien thtsv.state- ,,l't has been satifactoriW confirmed by '"e'.nrn'dii ftniHcates of the Mayor of 13 lil'alo and HClerkvif the Court and by lie nc- ii.ere cati be no doubt therefore, that tht fi;lll '""Wa properly' cbtainotr by: Air- ... ..... .. w . . , . 8 Df.'AVVddeS for the last ten years,-and Ipr which the ; State of G eorgia: owes : hiht- a debr. f stitudc uf - no ordiiidry .ws.: jnunjrof ihe firemen of -Norlli i and b Jt h Cardina, Georgti and. Alabama. Here hr. Vitffit rnrhmenced his career cf use- v.iR.- long be- spared - to the yona siu? ,uu We hoje lie omy long 'continue to minister. u holy t hi tigs still may his voice at thesu tfetrdesk' on the Sabbaf'u and his Master! wagstrate, and HSIr;and Mrs. .U.werc Jjound oyer to answer for the, imputed of fence. ;.Thc accoant thev cave . of ? the x --jO x .J- collect," ho wevetS' that she was not al ways calleu by the name of Eliza Mnt but for merlj by the name of Susaii. 'In the mean time in examinirtg' thewotinds. of the girU se veral - marks were discovered, corresponding with similar marks belong ing to a child named Susan MehV.viXio was either kidnapped or lost in the. streets of iew xors, oout.; seven ears.ago, and describedv by herUnother in art advertise ment.Ehis ; discovery induced several genttemen to i ti form v 5lrsk At leri of: the circumstancesv b'v letter," who forwarded, i nrepjy, several 1 h terrogatories i to whi ch she vished:thechild;to resound. ; The re pi i es, w e bel i eve, we re n o co n cl usi v e,: but they were so satisfactory as to induce Mrs; Atlehltb come on immediately, -and she arrived here lastilSaturday: evehin&4 one inen menrionea another mark, on the child's, head, -r which she had not made known in the advertisement.4 r ;On Sunday morning, a"n interview. took place between them; ; Airs. Asearchedv first, t fori the mark, on the head, which she found, and immediately became so overpowered 'by her feelings as to be unable for some time w jjrusecuie i vue eianiiuation. . - rvery otherark wasTound to Correspond: and MrsvA. has no doubt that;' she has dis covered herilostichtld. r; This is the elev enth she has visited : in all the other ca ses, she was at once, decided in her opin ion,, that the children exhibited vere: not her's " ; In this case, she is-so i confident that it Is, that she wishes to take the girf with' her ; home ; .though she would not like to swear to its indentity. :-' . I ; : , - It novv reinai hs for M r,' He n d ersh o t V to account for he manner in which, he; or ta i n ed it. M rs 1 Al len . states ; that her chil d .was", fos t d u ri ng ; the year 1 that - the yellow fever . prevailed in New-Vork that : she r was 'y senty on - an errand to', a neighbor'siVwLither, she weiit, but that she bad never ben. seen' or ''A heard of after wards If this be Mrsr Allen's daughter, of which we j have little doubt, it is possi ble, tliatjn the- confusion of s the crowd she. lost her .way honiearid could give no directions" where it could bV found, and that Mr-j Hendershot'took her to his house and gave her his. own name.; The mere fact of a person's- consenting; to bind to another a female of:the tender age of this little girl," shows an absence : of parental feeling which "gives some show of colour o the supposition -that such is ''the fact; aii'd if so; i1s a mysterious (chain! 9f:e vehts which has thus re-united a parent and her chil d, separated u nder su ch cir cumstances, and by such a long space of time ana uisiance. jjyncnourg ra . : r - From the .Disowned. . ' f ; i- rmitf E IN POVERTY. 1 : Glendower bent over his wife. 'Sleep," said he. sleeb'on! -The wicked do not corne tathee now rfhou art in a world that has ho fel I owsht pwi th this a w or. I d - v, t't - . . . ri'? j.'.n from wnicn even nappiness is uoi uauisiicu Nor wo;.nor bairt, nor memory-of the past. nor despairs of all r before thee; make-the characters rof S thy present state ! , Thou forestal lest the' forgetful ness; ofthe gr'ave and th y heart concentrates !' al 1 earth's comfort in one word u Oblivion"v Beau tiful, 'how beautiful thou art evenyet! that smiley: that; momentary- blush, ; years have hot concjuered them. ' They are, as vvhen; myVyoling br'ide thour didstr lean fi rat on m v bosom.' and ' d ream that sor row was iio more I v And vT; have - brought thee unto thisf These' green walls make thy bridarcharm yoril fragments of bread thv board; ' Well! it is no matter! thou art on' thy-way to a. land where all things, e ven a breaking heart, are at rest. ; I weep tiot ;l vvherefore: should I- weep ? tears are not for.the deadVBut thein survivors I would rather v'see thee drop : inch by inch fnto -the grave, .and 8inilekaal.l beheld it; What: in'. 'this' -dread ful dream, , that .we should fearvto wake -?V,"v; h' was: hewatched upon her slum K."?tn t.Vv V1I fro"iri-the eves to which -Atr,.tM fiPA th'at cbunle,:whom want could nordebasc nor misfortune,; which inakes eVenVWnerbsity, selfisV divorce !; ; AM that Fate "stripped: from thepoelry-and traces 'of - life,H'ad pt; shaken-one iea( from -the romance of their green uft witlier: ed atTectionl ; Theyl wereTthe .very : type I of love in its honest and .most entiuniig shape theirdiearts hadlgrotvti together their boing had flowed throughrcaves and desert, and reflected thtorms; oan ipo-ry Heaven,; but.its'iwaters.had indis ,ofubly mingled into' one!, jYoung, gifted, noble and devoted, Ithey were worthy vie ic T Hii . hlin-htinL' and fitter. world It- TKein ganlen . .was, turned mtpra. wilder, .ir ?:.6ut like, :bur;'firstpareats,it;wa8 v ind GlendoVer knelt beslde; hi9 wife, and despite his wdrds,tear$ flowed tfast ir;!,intr1 v ifovvti his cheeks rand, vyor- Li',.. a a va i s iti n"rp " To vous than ? the day. t' . i - - L :lf'WnVa heautifal Uhms:, even in sor txxv xrxx'- .v. edftiot VtRe raina and tlie winds' fell upon vuusuciicrei neaiis out iney were rhe mind seemed, :as it -'were- to become .yisjble.jant;-ekterna1as'iKeTramevdccaved.'' and, to cover the bod y with sometliins: of tcs own invulnerable power f. that what ever should have attacked1 the mortal and frail part, fell upon thawhich,; imperish- uuc uu uiYiuc) rcsisieu anu suoaueu. . Want of point, a nite Poiht.-kxi ln- genious expedient was devised to save a jnk the - prisoner, charged ? wi th ; robberyi criminal court at Dublin. The pnnci pat thing that appeared ' i n evidence a: gainst him was a confession; alleged to haveeen made by him at 'the police of fice, and taken down in writing byla peace officer. "The documeritnurnbrtinff td contain this self-cri initiating: acknowledg ment was produced hy the officer and the following' passage was read frdm it: ,4 Maxwaw saul he never robbed but twice '-Said it was Chawtord.' I"- -r ' " ' . -1 . - - ' ,j h " This; it1 will be observed; has no mark of the writer's bavins any notion of punc tuation, 7 bu t; the; mean i ng attached to it wasihat . ' . ? ( - - -l - : .1 : Mattoait said he never robbed but twice ; ; Said it was Cbawfqrd." '- . j. . . , Mr. 0'GoRMA!f,;the counsel for .the pri soners -begged to look at the paper. I He pertlsed it, and rather astonished the peace-officer by asserting that so far from proving the man's guilt, it clearly) estab lished his innocence. ' This." said the learned gentleman, Vis the fair 4 and ob vious reading of the sentence : j-.. ! ' Mkvokx sa:d he hever robbed - ' C' uui IWIVC MIU Ii Wits 1K1W If U HOij This.interpretation had its effect the juryand the man was acquitted. k:H n. Sir Humphrey Davy. The following testimony; to the excellence of. religion, is from the pen of Sir Humphrey Davy, the celebrated natural (philosopher.: j ; I envy no quality of tlie mind, or iii- teliect of others ; not genius, power wit br:fahcy 5 but if V could choose what would be most delightful,' and 1 believe most useful to me, I prefer a firm- reli gious belief to every other blessins"; for it ; matces discipline ot goodness : creates new hopes, .when earthly hopes yanish : and' throws over- the: decay, .the destruc- lion oi; existence, tne most, gorgeous or . - f - . . - . ..(. . an ugnis ,,avvant'iis nie in ueaui, auu from corruption and decay calls uW beau ty a n d . d t v i h i t y ; makes a n i h s t r u hi e u t o f torture; ana or sname, the lander ot as cent to paradise ; and, far above i com binations of earthly "hopes, .calls jup, the most delightful visions of palms and ama ranth's, the gardens of the blest, Sthe se curity of everlasting ioys, where the sen sualist and sceptic only views a gloom, decay, annihilation, anu despair i"v .When, a boy 14 years of age; I saw a piece m a, newspaper giving an of a gentleman's findinsr a land: account tortoise, i , v 1 . o - -... - r - , - marked with' what he supposed to be the initials. of some person's name;' withr. the date ot the year when marked, j which; compared with" that period made the.-tortoise , forty years old. ; Being soon after in the meadow of my father, I found one. which then appeared to be of full growth ; I ma r k e d m y - n a m e a 1 1 f u I V y 1 e n gt h , w 1 1 h! the p'ay of the inonth ahd the year which was i the 13th of May, 1797, which makes 32 ears ago last; May. .'Yesterday, ,my men,; while mowing the meadow, riot.over three qu arters of a mil e " from the: pf ace where I marked jhim 32 years a'gojt found the same tbrtoi se,r I exami ned -h j m and know,' from the lettehsnd figujresL to;be the same dheDutchess Observer!, State of North-Carolina; ' r Bertie, County.' ' t Court of Pleas and" Quarter Sessions, ' AUgust'ierm, - 1 " Eliiah Ravner. Admr.;j?itc. r, 1 Rlount Bk Ruffln. Origiiial attachment returned f , J oho -Ruffi n ' p , -,;garnisheed.f . orderedtbat publication be made in .the Raleigh Regislerfor three : months -that unless -jthe'sajd Blount B.-RuhVu make bis personal appearance at bur next Court of Pleas, and Quarter; iSessions to be held for the County. of Bertie at the Court housed in . Windsor, on I the second. Monday 01 November next, , ana-; replevy, unai -juugineui. will be'takeu against him. . . , ' X,V I t . V'--4-; 4 1 ,3 . uy, oruer 01 iiourii 4 - -r - '2 3nV ' -. : r J V ; JiA.tHODES, Clkr COMMITTED; v ( - x O the 'Jail: of Buncombe County ,-;m. C. on i the;i5th of J uly list; a' runaway Negro manj who calls hisVna .3 GEORGE', and ;says he be longs -to Elias L. ok,' in Laurens district; S.'C Said ne;:fo a. f pears to beabout tVventyifpur years old, ratii er slender built but tall., ThejownerTis requested to come ; forward and take Him avay according to , lav v. X-: . ' X ',' 1 (- : Xl- r : X" w n. COLE MAN:' Uallei;- L Ashevllle N, C rth'Au.T. 1829., . ,$33wV : I TX appearing to the, satisfaction of . the Court 'that the defendantr BlounJ t.tti Ru ffi iir resides out of the4imits of this State": ' It; is., therefore - - . ' 17s ox sale or ::ent. pilAT Valuable stand on T'ayetevills Street. i.,- recently occupied ai a Grocery, by Allen Sirr. and formerly by John F. Goneke, us a Con fectionary Store.1--' Apply to - :' ffc , - ; -'f 'v;-r: gales;- ,rualeii?h 20th A u. , ; :.Ai.y',sj& 'J .r notice: MRS'SARAHGLENbENNIXGJaT ville county, formerlv resident in Kaleicrh: has Irttely died intestate. .Many of.her next of kin' resuie ata aisiance .t com this piace-;and;4- do hereby notify all persona concerned, that st the ex ni ration' of twh vears f rnm tht 1 sr-Wa"i. 1 KvQ as prescribed by Jaw,. I shall vbe ready and wil ling to settle the hajd Estate.t.The r Administral tion of.saidEstate Bavinir been epmrnhjed to me by the County Court of Grauville County In May l aoo- ' " j'' - .,'-!''... loy. . '--.-v. h'5 - I .' 1 will attend to .-all commiinirfitirn f Aoef h"ni9 r . 7 . :. t -tv.-"- fw y which' may be addressed to me at Italeig-h, N.' C . . PAUKEU RAND, Adm'r. J- waice county, 4k si May, ioy. , , 74- Dip,. " NOTICE, 4v r ON the. 22d day of September next will be Sold to the highest bidder, at the late Dwel ling House of John Davis, "dec. several valuable Negro - Slaves, aii - tnestoctc ot Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep,5 'Corny, Fodder, Oats, House, hold andy Kitchen Furniture; Plantation Tools of every -description, Wag-gon & Geer, Blacksmiths Tools, and other articles too tedious to .mention. A credit ot six months ' will be-t given. ; Bond and undoubted security required. " .-; : The Sale ; will contmue from day to day 'until all are sold. . . - ' "v - ? . .- ' . JOHNLTGON, Adnir. :Vake county, 18th August, 1829. 1J.OO 3' " . Further Notice. , ;, fllHE; Subscriber having qualified at 7Auustr , a. Court loy, as Administrator ot the - Estate of the late John Dvis, requests all persons in debted to make immediate payment, and those having ctums against , the Estate to -Bring them forward - authenticated as the law , directs, or this notice will be plead in barof their reco very , -sf , m V A : - . JOHN LIGON, Admr. - i Wake cotirity, 18th Aug 1829. i0a3w . ;v : - NEW PIANOS. .L ' 1 rflHE Subscriber ha just finished two PIANO X FORTES with 5$ Octaves andiPedalsC-i. They areroade'on the Patent Organizing prin ciple, and are pronounced' by those whodiave seen them to be equal to the best Northern manu facture, in point ot tone St touch, They are strung with 1 the best'G.errrian' vire and will he warrants ed to stand long in tune. cThe prices :are $lt5 and $180. ;', He has also, oil cdnsignmetit, a good Instrument niade by Stuart of Baltimore, which is oftered for sale lo. . - ' : -:- -.; i He still continues to tune and-repair. Pianos, as heretofore, having on hand a good assortment of Strincrs from a celebrated, piano- Maker iri.N.; York.-, Second hand Pianos bought arid 5. Id, or taken in exchge lor new. Ones.. " ' - . 1 Orders are solicited. r - r ') , - . ; . WESLEY WIIITAKER;- Raleigh, August 25. - - . : : : :r, -2 3t ; - N. R. A good second, hand Instrument to hire. I Medical; College of S.v Garoliria:; rTpHE Annnal Course of Lectures in this Insti . JL tutioii, will te resumed on the second Mon day in November, on the following Branches : Anatomy by John Edwards HolbroOK, M. D. Surs-eru-by Jmcs Kamsav, M. D. - Institutes and Practice of JIJcdicine-by. Samuel HenrylJicksoii, M. u, J "V - v . C Materia Medua by Henry H;.Frost 'M; u Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children by Thomas G. Prioleau, M. D . . - " Chemistry by Edmund Raveuel, M. D. Natural JJittory and Jlotanyby Stephen 'Elli ott, JL. L D. 1' - ' - Pathological aftd Surgical Anatomy hy ' Joiin Wagner, M. Q. , ' i " ? N -s ? Demonstrator of Anatomy Jno, Vv agner, al. D August 10. , .v i ' V ' - -' ": 2 ta wtN;' UNION HOTEL, ; t x fa flHE Sub? criber . informs his: friends aniT the JL ' Public in general,' that he has taken charge of that well known House- of Entertainments i for merly occupied by Willie Jones,- in tlie city of Italeigh, near the Capitol, here. his ..Table wul ba furnished with the best the. country and sea sons afford, his'beds in fine.order, "and. his rooms commomous ana neat. - 119 staDies win oe wu su pp lied wi thXgood ''proy ende r, attended ' by careful Ostlers, &, his House with good Servants. He-will provide" convenient Sheds under which, to sh el rer Carri ages, G igs, &e.X; " H e - ho p es t hat with all these-comfortsi aftd his own unremitted attentions to please, :his "guests, " to merit, and Jre ceive ajihare of public patronage He also hopes that the Members - df the General4 Assembly will call oh him, as his charges wdl be moderate and his accommodations gpod. - ; - . 'y ' , - : " j '. X" - - KQUEHT PERKY. . Raleigh, August 19C :i ; " 2 ? - X 'V X-OjiiiUord: Goiiriiy. V ; 7 :x.v x';-', XXr- In the Court of Equity.X ' i ; Curtis Jackson ' '; VJ"'- XJ . '. 'v..' ? x; -, - 5 -- - - , . ,-. , 5v- c C .Jno.Andersun, . , ' ' - ;'Lydia Anderson ' jHeirs at Law af Miriam : James A'ntlersop.X AndersoiVi;feinev covert, Ph'ebe- Anderson ;j deceased.; X? Xi v.. Mary Anderson, Xj-;X"xr A ?--. -TN nhis caused it apnearing-tbillhe" satisfaction JL of the .Court that the Defendants are tnliabi tants of another Jstate :: It ; is therefore ordered oy tne t;ourt, mat puoucatic!i De'4iuaae -tor six weeks in the Ualeiglr-Uegister, for the'-Uetend- ants to appe&r at the next Superior, Court bf Law and Court of Equity,' to be held "InXand ; for Mhe County of Guilford, at the' Court llcuse in Greensbbrou.-jh, oh the fotirth Monday after the fourth) Monday - in September next,'" then and thereto plead, answer or demur to the -Com- pjitinant utu, ur jue same win oeuKcn pro con- p ' Jf - ; NOTIC """TAS taken up and committed t i i ...ill this, county, on' the 2(1 of II-. Ji t. negro m-w svipjioed,to - be a Slave v 1 ,0 c himself SAMUEL WILKIN; and.si that 1 was boun.n an '.apprentice-;' to ,Vm. ' .(.sely," 1 : N6ifolk,-Vai-nd., tliat -heVranawaV (run t!t ?ud .Mosely before his term ofapprent'ice!.ip i. I, -pjred., "The saiti negro rm been io th:, r 5 or. 6 years, aod ha.sp.tssed dun:; 1': ' ' -Affeemn; heisaboat'54years.r p t, or inches liigh; arid poal black. ofsai4negroisrequested.tocome f. . property and pay charge's, or Ui ,:: L. witlv as the-lawuhrects. v : . - -;s:;- y. jAmes iAr: : .'. Windsor, .Rertie county, June 9. j, . Price adr. gr . : . . ATTRACT OF LAND, in t ,y ' -rV ing on both sides cf D.-tr Im.a-.'j . containjng 397: acres," and auaWlt Ti t J Jhe.sbothsWejof.SwifljCreeT:. .TheTr bontrgu?usand.werp purchased s ; - 3 go by the late'Wm. 'Gilmour c; V7r.; l)ro i4 Applyto the.Edifors of t' '. I. ;ri . r, m authorised by the owner to sell . . I : r.d. August 15, 1H29, . 9Gtf NOTICE. TOROPOS ALS will be received by Wm.'Pc - , JL -,Esq. at his S.tore in Ilaleijli," until t! - 1 Saturday in Nov. next for "a .Contractor t charge, of (He Poor of. Wake county, at tX t Houses thereof. UThere. are about' SO r - ; welVproYide.dwUh-Iou8esi;cpokrngutc-' ' other necessaries for theirronvenienc-. s. jilso, a good PJantatiorii Hoiise; ..and ( ; X, fo the use; of .the .Contractor; X ThCc i ! . is vdesired' to State Jds terms for f .i X said paupers with food-and raiment : by the head,with .the addition of the I I plantation; to commence from the 1st Civ cf.' -.. next If '.desired; Cash.' will be paid in :iiJLncX Bond and approved security .will be reqXiCu. i ' i t Ji'' Wt CL1? "il. 1 1'G, . ,Wake 'county, ',30th, Aug. 1829. ' C30 37 ;vv; 8tate o North-CLrulinr.. V- :-Wayne County- s V Superior Court ofLawSpring Tcn.i IC2S. V Jesse Barden vs. Ann !lir!XXr.I . X" -X Petition for n.vorc-. p.w.tuis case a.uor. ..na ar- issued, 'and the-S'ieri making return tliereon tX : pot tp be found, v pro'cLirr. t ' the CborthouseT door -a saidxountvjreqniring" the j 1 tri den1 to appear ajul ansv. ?r as i,U do m,said subpoena, sind sh? Xai was ordered by the Court t!;:it p r tlireej months, be made in th TX ar.d the Raleigh 'Register, giving rioticc: defendant;: that unless s!ie appear Superior Court of law to L1 ! f of Way ne " at the Courlholi 2 i n V ; th- the-hrst Monday after the lourth ' tember next,' and theri an 1 thers t demurto said - petition; jud gment er Ui I- pro contesso and heard ex prte.' - t - N. W AG II1NGTO 7, GV Price, ad v: $5 25 v x x FOIl SALJ! . I .'WISH' lb sell the place withr n p. r .' borough,' on which I no v r X J e. 205 acres; , about one. Jiaii t. : ' Meadow, land and' the bal i z j in improvements arell new, und flr:i :. best mahnef-they consist of a 1) ,cX containing eight roomswith fiio phr? passages closets, &c. a large Barn : 1 ; re and otheMiecessary Outhouses.; . TI veral never failing: CpringSi'df the bei i c. the tract; and a Urge and well' sel . Orchard. ' ' --J will sell this property oh" the rr.ct termseitherfor money tm easy credit:. - ! ejtcnane. u ror iegroes or extern 1 r ; ) Applicaliort may be made by letter tot! scriber, at Hillsborough.' ' , v. AND Li I Xo.. . Nov 15.- 21 1 State of Nbrth-Ciirolina. Y X Superior Court-of Law-and Equity, X v W like County ' f Spring Term, A.1 D 1822. : The ' Creditors of Wiliam Ruffin, Care ;e ; Runin1-Mrs.V Catharine Riif.in; ' ' 'J is feme1 ho k covert and .wife ofcArchibi'd I -1 sues in this behalf by G.'Ei Bad "er, Ilv 'bert R:Ruffin;irx' ; 'V," Thbmas Ruffin',". Thomas RitchieiItenry M. Mil- ler'Administratorwith the' -.Will jinner-jd cP X William llufhin deceased, ; J.unit'M. liu;.:n in XT ;f.tntson cf Thomas R. RuriiiVJi-Jericli P u till Cfcf AVA VlliyIU ttt t r -1 v - ON MOT10N,;it is ordered b the Court, that X Benjamin AvBarhatn,Esqr be appointed V commissioner jo seme cue auministration ac- count of th'e administrator of - VVilHai j riflinV de ceased, and that he give, riotlce of the time and place of taking sdeh account Jo tlie 'p; .ies inte-' rested by pubJIc '..advertisement', in 01,3 , cf tha.' newspapers 'pubiisnea' in the; city or Raleigh, a hit that he-make Repor t to the next term of this' Coujt. ;0"V.' X--lX -xj. .Tbe parties iothe aboyenamed suit, are here- byjiotihed,' that J shall; proceed at my clace 11k tlte; dity of Rafeiglr, on the' 29thd;i Septem-; . . ber nextj ' to'.audit and settle the accounts cf tlo . Administrator of -the late ,WiJliam;Ri!iIin, A. and'where they are invited to att'd. - . X X - - A. IIAUll AM, Comm'r, 'Ualeigh. July 11, 1829. C3. X . A-FURNCHPKltFHMERr. - 7lLLlAMS &M1AYWOQU have just reedy-: ' "eda handsone assortment 'of Frer.ia Ier- fumery and othr T'ncy ' Articles v hic.'i : -a t : sold unustuUy low fot push. : X . v .: x Cologne er.;.-';' 1 ''.;; x i.r v-3:.V Lavendtr do; V .V . ' x - Macassor t j ... Gosinetic.Wa&h Halb " X Emoljient Sopfus ijiyin ltose i do CinnarrionMdo XV variety cf otlier Fancy Soaps, . J'AlsoVfrenuine 'iWindscr Soap- in the orierin pa:la ai it! ; " , 4 X . . - - iy - --xr. x;'"-- - ' : ;x.; ; -v -l:'' ;xiil.:,;';