f '",1;" , i- g,,' 'i -. L'.i.J.L .POR THE REGISTER V : , .Tim vTEARi " J aavr a tear -It ffently stote Alonjc a pallid cheek t " It spoke of sorrows in hcr;6oul-- U told orsmotnered gnet , , y It spoke of joys, forever, fled, V- Of grief, "no mortal kriew . f ' Of friend, who siamberedmong the aeaa, V And those who loved her r true.". 7 ' , ', ; .Jt told of chiiahopd?sli4ppy 1-olirs - . x A: parent's fond embrace ' S -Of pleasant walk-i-6f blooming flowers; iAnd' days of joW and peace; i V.1 N - - ' 4 v 4 ' ! "Wiiimes'; when iAe.Waa blithe ami gay,, 4 : When friends and fortune smiled Of pleasures, snatched too soon awayy ' Ana coujiuri.9. icn ucumu. -August 23rdv 4829. 40 U'earhs of P6str and Foolscap PAPEIV different qualities, just' received, by .... ; J tAt.ii.a ct auo. - .ttaleigh,-j4dy 27 jt - Public vEntertainmeiit,: ."JOHN BUFFALO respect- fiitil f ifutiv lniorms xoe ruDiic, um uc im . "" a. " " it J. r .Lt!.U .i l. !5!t 1 purchased the Public House rormer LL- lv occiibied by I Wm W. Bell and . 'Alex. High, on Hargett Street, at the comer ot .ATilmmgtott StTeet, where he willbe glad to re. eeive1 Travellers and others j' and will use his ut most exertions to accommodate them comforta- v His' Stables are good and will be constantly aiinnlied with plenty of Provender of very kind. V Owing to the scarcity of money and plentiful- U k ;'ess of produce; the price of Board for, Man and I Horse will ba a, dollar a day, or eight dollars a . tnontK for a'single pe.son. ; 4 . -; ' , He has avHACK, three tGlGS and HOUSES ' for Hire,' at the shortest notice, p His prices for sbis Hack, Giprg and Horses, afef $3. a'day for " - the Hack ; Gig with Horse & Boy $2 a day Gig 'v land Horse, without a Boy $1 50a day t a Horse alone $1 a day ; a Gig 50 Cents a day. - Raieijrh.f April 2.. ---r 60if N:rB- Persons hiring Gie-s from me, will be : expected to repair anv; injury done to them, . wnusT in Heir pis5csKiyu j: b. ; State tfJVbrth-Cdrp K Mecklenburg County. ; Superior CouK of lU&w--jMay Term, 1820. j r Marlon TanneiV-" )-:-' -- ya. ' Petition for Divorce. - ' '! ' John Tanner, 3 .'-''to- CUDEHED by court, that publication be made f,'?fbr. three months" successively, in the Ra j leJjrff Register, and Western Carolinian, that the defendant be and appear at our next Superior Court of Law to be held fo the county t Mecx r ; lenburg;at the Court House in Charlotte, on the : 6th Monday after, the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the plaintiffs peti- ;tion,drthe same; will be beard ex parte. : : v Witness Samuel -Henderson, Clerk of our - said court, at Office, the 7th Monday after the 4th in March 1829 i T.-l : .:;.h -: SAMUEL, H ENDERSON, C S. C-. COTTON YARN ' COTTON YARN ! COTTON YARN.'!.' IN order to meet the exigency of ihe present times St competition ona fair ground -Also, to , ; -.Thattear UdriedI asked her, -whcrer v I - rShe found the healing balm ?:v i ellers, the Proprietor wil il ' ' 55h unawere-l 7o6c has entered here, -v: eive it permanency, by ' ' 1 Ana left & heavnlv calmtVh vt't- rfc -rv'i I its present improved .'1:4 ; ?v , - . enable Country iMefcJiahts and others 'to pur- required to publish the debates for example Chase COTTON YARNS, as cheap in Virginia as if three months are required to publish the de other oarts of the Union i-I have, concluded to bates, the price of the file will be SI 25. This sell my Cotton ;Yarns by the quantity, of 150 x ' 'nounus and upwards, in assortments of equal ' ? ;vv ciuantities from NO. 5,. to 10 at 21 1 cents per ; pound, with an advance oittnree cents per" xso. up to No. 20a '. It is nbt' iiecessary to say much about the quality of ttiese Yams as they are so eenerally well known, and. allowed by all 'who have used them to be superior to tiny in the Union. 1 ' , Orders left or forwarded to Mr. W inJCIarR jr. : U ' Petersburg ? ; to "Mr.' Wm1. Wallace, y Mr. slohn TflVse'h'nld; Miv Witt. Clarf of" Richmond, or to CKmyself at ihe jlctory, will be promptly 'attend ei to ind forwarded, j-r-."'- S - ., -U. r vlSrOralsoi prepared jto furnish Cotton Yarn "dyed of an j color, suUabl eor striping Checks ;V or G"ngham8, at prices Jc suit the times. ' Cood ' wbite seed Cotton will be taken in exchange for . ' Cotion - Yarhs.'or Ginned; for l lie customary toll, or will be ptircnascd at tne lractorv,ana the high 'if. est price given. ? I nave a f v ooi uartima: Ma- dime in operation at the Factory with a new set Y f of Cards ail complete,. which I warrant to card V ' Wool Rolls in a manner superior to -any other; in X this country. Truce 4 for carding ten" cents a V pound or 12 J cents if I find the grease. The arrangement Js so made' with this machine that f Wool can beA carded in winter as.well as in sum 'Z-K.J&T .-yM K .rowhatan Lotion f actory. r Addressoseph: Hey wood, v Sublet8Tavern, j:powhatani?.-'-.7v,,i ' : Price of ffeyood? jCotton Yarn from this date, -i ; ' By ' wholesale of 150 lbs. and upwards, U'?$V&$Wi 10 equal Quantity 1 21 cents. V 27 i :M i':;30..':;; u- : 15 C 19 20... S. ;:. lrM-- ?rt' 42 : 48 51 ; By the Bundle. No. 3 & 9 '6, ' 'IT 101 .25 -v -26 29 " 30 53 36 : 39 r 42 .45 48 51 54 - 12 "v x$::X xs-ii .. r. 17 18 19 rIHAT. Valuable atahd otiT FavttTil7 QM jy recently occupied as a Grocery; by Allen Sinw.and formrtrly bjljohn F. dorieke, aa a Con- lttl anaaa. A . - at . a" ' fectionary Store . Apply to - v Vl?igt 2Qth IV.' H. tiAtEJ?. - : ' 42 v...'--. ;'-.:. . ,- . , I ntlTIR r.MKTlTflTV n I ' :Av- i. ' . . ,n .... ,,1 . in .- - '. TK! HK WtOFItlETOR of the above Line, havT l. v ing 'lately procured new-and commodiou SUffes. and added several first rate Worses;' with r n.i.;i, . w... D,.e.anna wim m?v I uiiicb irqui twtiiK f i wvsi v r. . .... h.., kn,t,a i i tMa'iirn tnp iirivcrs : .rinA 'a nni'.r.t!nnc friV seat tnfi.v be made I r in Mn. a nn Tiilliardirn of 'the iCross Keys, in ; Raleih,and at Mr. Joseph BelPs, or to my Stage j, river in rtcvruern J i his wc wi jijv v;-i .,i.if.K ,,Taai;' )in;AMl. and Fridavs I ivaivieii v. , r oa w , m , -.-- , i 7V t anrl urvivec in NWbem On 1 IlUrSfiayS I .,".! c.....in.a o i t r mvp Vewhern everv r Wednesday and Saturday at 8 A. M. and, arrives Nn lid iorh thn n nwinc i' ruiavs aiiiu aiuimi i I ..... a. . ...... ...j, , - - V T " I w m : K-a mAmini - iiol'ieviticr the nresent to l rfee preferable to any previous arrangement, ani -M.J ill UIC IIIUI JilllJ, i : - - that it will,better than any other that can oe ailopted, contribute,to the convenience of trav- use nis enaeavors io preserving the J-iue in condition. , : i . MERlilTT D1LLIAHD. Proprietor. 90 tf.-1, THE - . -V:-.-L MEDICAL COMPANION , l .--'s- OR - " j ,.i .. :? . j? ; FAMILY PHYSICIAN ; " ' I TafciTtse or th v DISEASES OF THE UNITED STATES, With their symptoms, causes, cure, and means of prevention : , common cases in Surgery; ; the "management and diseases of Women and Chil . dren a Dispensatory, for preparing Family Medicines, and, a Glossary explaining Techni- ' cal termsAlso, the Nurse's Guide. The Seventh Edition. -Revised, enlarged, and very considerably im . ' $ proved. ' - , BV JAMES EWELL, M. b. On the -important subject" of domestic roed cine, miny books have, been written, which, though excellent in other respects, have greatly failed of use'firilness to'Americans t because they treat of diseases whichexisting in very foreign climate and constitutions, must widely diff er frmr ours. The book now offered to the public has, therefore, (he great advantage of having been written by a nativr v merican, txf long and suc cessful practice in the southern statrs, and who, for years past, has turned much of his attention to the composition of it. To every family, more especially those in re mote situations, the possestionof this book must unquestionably, be of incalculable value s tor, conducted by such a eruide, it will hot be pre sumptuous to say thkt any person of tolerable capacity, and reasonable attention, may be ena bled to pracctise with safety and advantage, in those cases.of simple diseases most incident to our climate. . ; ' ; This work b for sale, by Jo. GALES 8c SON. August 1. .. 'I ; - . " 95- TO THE PUBLIC. C" NO WING the great and proper interest felt Lby the people of Virginia in the approaching Convention, the subscribers make the following proposition:;; They hve employed the best StenoCTaphirs to report the debates, which will M. . . V at. w m - be published as rapidly, as possible in the Whip. As many persons are not in the habit of filing their papers, and as when taken into their fami lies they are liable to be destroyed, they pro pose to file in this Office, the papers containing the debates, for as many as desire it. The ex- I pense of this will be apportioned by the annual j price of the paper ($5) and the length of time we imaeme, no man will nesitate to etve tor a complete copy of the debates of Convention If subscribers desire their copies bound that can be done at a small additional expense. , (TT Letters (post paid) addressed to us will be attended to, or persons wishing to subscribe, can make kown their desire through the members of Convention. The subscription to be paid at the time of delivery. V CO City subscribers are of course apprised that the Debates will first aooear in the Daily paper. PLEASANTS, ABBOTT & CO Richmond, Va. f 99 lw. Tract Depository, 1111 ACTS from the American Tract Society also from the Union Tract Society, may be had mi any quantity, at the Society's prices, by forwarding orders, with the Cash, to , ; P. W. DOWD, or U"-X-jp---.$ I TH. P. HUNT. El;tor in N. C favourable to the cause of Tracts will confer a favour by an vine: the above a few insertions in thtf ir naners. Those vho think proper to charge for so doing, will send kn!a - - - iL! rr ( A vncir .wuums iu iiiis on.ee ror4 insertions. Raleiglv 1st August, 1829. " - 95- FRENCH PERFUMERY. XJ ILLI AMS & HAYWOOD have just receiv v T eda handsome assortment of French! Per. fumery and other Fancy Articles which can be sold unusually low for cash. , Co' ogne Water Lavendtr do ; Bears Oil- ' - , - Macassor ; do ' -- C osmetic Wash Balls Emollient Soap, fur shaving -; 'tMy ose . fci:;iHo:o . - . ; Cinnamon do ;- - i ,- : A variety of other Fancv Soann. Also: genuine: .Windsor Soap Jn the original package as imported. , 7 Junel, ; Guilford County.-: ' 6 -In the Court of Equity. : Curtis Jackson, i iS-'. ,rc : : i$-l-&xQ i, 'Jno. Anderson v A ;V , v j l -v-':;. ,Lydia Andean, MHeirs at Law of Miriam James Anderson, V Anderson, feme i covert, Phebe Anderson, J deceased. ' - Mary Anderson, J y ;. i . J:y- . .,v-.' . IN this cause, it appearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court that the Defendants are inhabi tants of another State t I is thei-efore ordered by the Court, that publication be imade forsix weeks in the BaleigljEegisteri for the Defend ants to appear at the next Superior Court of Law 'Hira oi equity, to be held in and for tl Countv of Qoilfofl ; .... ' ie Qiejisborough on the.fourth Hbnday after the tourtti Monday m: S'ntfmh r, t . lfei?.p" demur wf the Com . . 7 . t t "t--. mucu ana a , , - ."T aa uWbU W1UCOII. H"1""' or ine same will hAt..1 ' steauy ,ana :accompatwng unvcre,;anu injj, n pri, . . r r "'"V r W "uiA and durabilityv, no rteviation na ccn - also obtained tlM bst stands forthe comfort and Henarcotized do. Refined Canphoft Conahdei anuh convenience of Passengers, hopes to be 'enabli-d Castor Oil, Vitr. iEtner, Blatanum, Extracts ot4 ."uD . qi1antitr on a short police ihe to give ennre' sii5iciion,iu uiosc wuu Tmju5 Miiu-l-u.i.. , 1 " -.V- -v- rtv.. . will be haDDV t receive ortiers cm Vorhimith their patronage. V 1 T- - ; . tapper, Mine, London lue t .U.-Black Oxj dc W W V.Ve-? immediate attention . Me r- The fa:es of Stage Fare" are'as usual-viz : Mercury, Citratd Kah for making wotwUmx- J In V who have orders from abroad, can have from Hafeigb to Newbern and from Newborn to ture; Comp. Ext r Sampan I la, Hydr. HJf? J-coiripfctW With Presses and evrry thing Raleieh. seven dollars, and for any lessdistance SoP; Carbod. Tart.'AcM, Turkey Gdd Ara- offices .Yprihn EstablishmenVputuo six cents perWrte." , Pasiengers trnvelling thro- bic, Calc. Magnes.a, Yellow UarK, ome, Xnltem Perfect manner. . ' ' v ' will nlease nav their statre fare at my houe, four ap, Khubarb, C. Tartar, Sugar Lead, Spt. Ni- in tne mo. h nuniAfin rqNALDSON., TAVB latelyeceived a lare and extensive KR assortment of and Me hane; cotoist- i t. . - a a . . - . m- . ' .a afe , ia noia r;naiva. Snt. Ammtm. v I art Anximo v ; i -- . . - -, . - I i nv kii nn. i nnner. ii i winic i w s A General assortment; of Patent Medicines, Shoo Furniture. StirgeonsV Instruments, r Dye Wood, Hatters'Trimmings ami Materia sucn .- vv'xa . a w -o, . y j, , trtnrr Skina. Bin liners anil Bands. .lit icicles ;.& - - - --n - j , , , n -t ' .rushes. VerV IOW. , A isrec miMI'iv " 'f iimi!iVs of everv descriDtion. hnt. J urnemme, linseed, Lamp and I aimers', 0I, Gold ani Xjl- Ten ieia iu wi nu ........... i ni .litv Window. Olass. o Ps 1U. lu n 12 U .T - J . - din .aan i 16 and 16 IB, ana runy. j...,... . . - V i TK.;. setnrimpnt tv.mY.nses everv anicie in the Apothecary's line the principal P4rt of which having lately been selected hy Jhenikdves in Philadelphia and New-York with cashj they are enabled to sell to cash deders ; or 'punctual customers on much better terms thsn evtjr be- fore offered! in this marked r Phvsiciani and .firruiiauia win laiiia il iw n.vi. - - - .:n thoTo'intprMi tr al anrt I examine" before purchasing elsewhere. Raleigh, June 3, 1829. 80 PROCLAMATION. By the .Governor of North-Carolina Two Hundred Dollars Reward. "HEREAS it has been made known to me, that a: Murder has been comimtted pn the Town of Oxford, in the County of Granvil e and State1 of North-Carolina, on the 4th dav 4f No- vember last,! and that: a certain THOMASj MIT- CHEI.L, late of the County and State aforesaid, tands charged by the finding of a Grand Jury, on a bill of Indictment, with having perpe trated the same oii the bodv'of a certain Shel- ton Hobtrood. of said County : And, as! it is f J mma.a.vS ... wt r talk r ii n t - ma that the said THOMAS, MITCHELL hath ab sconded and-fled from tbe jurisdiction anki lim its of this State, and thereby eluded the arm of the law and of justice Now therefore, to' the end that the said rrno MAS MITCHELL may be apprehended.; and broujrhi to justice, the above reward of TWO HUNdREO: HOLLARS will be given to any person or persons ho will apprehend arid con fine the said Thomas M tcliell in any Jau n this State, so. that he may be brought to justice. And I do, moreover, heit-b' require, conhmand and enjoin, all officers whatsoever, as wep civil as miliary, within this State, to use their best endeavors so appreiiend and take, or cause to be apprehended and taken, the body Of tile said I Thomas Mitchell, and him safely and securely iceep. so mat ne snail oe Drougni to justice. THQM.Si MITCHELL is aboui 19 years ot age, ot siencirr form, uown iook, a uttie irrecic- led. round shoulders and nasel eyes -ivas! lately seen by a gentleman of Granville County at New Orleans, where probably he nor is. 4S&&ilm- ! IV TESTIMONY WIIERFfOP. I have caused i he Great Seal bf the State to be hereunto affixed, anil subscribed the same officially,! at the City ot Raleieh. on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1829. 1 JOHN OWEN. J By the Governor, JoHir B. Mpsk, P. iSce'y. MANAGERS' OFFICE, V August lkt, 1829. Vivainte State Hotter vj?, I fOK THE BENEFIT OF THE Dismal Swamp Canal Company. 21 sr Class. 7 To be drawn at Richmond, on Wednesday, 16t! September. 1829. j j 6(3 No. Lottery 9 Drawn Ballots. Prize of glO,000 is g 10,000 1 1 5,000 2,500 l;'195 1,000 500 100 60 50 30 20 10 5 5,000 2,506 1,995 20,006 10,000 4,00b 3,060 2.55D 3,0r30 2,04) 2,0 20 40 102 1,530 1 5,3 11,475 57,3715 8136.880 VVhble Tickets' 85. Halves 2 50. Our. ters 1 25. : Send your orders (post paid to Richmond. .SSSW lllllnJ m i v ii a i ; . W aaai . - - A at -W '.A a m S t m. iiounces io ine f UOlic, t!iat she is DrenareH J a . . . . , . 1 to accommodate. 1 ravellers Gentlemen tfc their Famil es .Boarders bv the dav wtc mUk M year- Lf .. . aSchool children Wany le iglh of iime - u .iiuusc is snuaieu in tne immediate tncinitv of the Capitol, the Oanks and the several Semi .... .,iuaicu in me immeoiate vicinity naries ot Learning. There is a beautiful and Highly cultivated Garden attached to it ; her Iloomk are spacious and airy. She assures all those Who may honor her with their patronage uiai no exertions snail be wanting on her part to render them comfortable. V I MrsL H. hasalso a good Stable, which shall be well supplied with Provender for Horses, and a careful Ostler to attend them. 4 i L Prices as moderate as those of any Bdardintr- Raleigh, May'14. 74 Plank. Scantling. &c '. ! a-r a1-.. ... i- ' A h'r L,i!i's saw-Miirpn Crabtree within three miles of Raleigh, may be had FLANK and 5UAN rLINO of cvorv r1.nni;n 1 Hills of Lumber left at th it.tro...L e G;iles & Son, wdl be immediately supplied, and, if deseed,, delivered in tlie City, there 6e ng at O- TbGrist-Millis in Bne oeriai grk& in the driest seasons. '? : '" v,T:-b ANN Ujb UEIKSTKIM "1." .:. . TIIE MAIDEN OF THE MIST. Bill i us( received, dacid to.ke pro priefs which, from the lt of Apr?, have been as stated in the 'liV ?.rE,fJJ? mvikb ill aeik m w - - , Pbicks At six months credit, for 1 apprved oaner, or a i. Ginunt nt s ner cent. lor ca.ii ' , Pearl, per id. $1 40 Kn'frlish.' - SOoO 'Nonpareil. . ' 0 90 ' 0 70 0 56 0.46 0 4Q "0 38 Great Primer,' 034 Double; Pica; 0 32 Do. Ureat Primer, 032 inifrt, , . Brevier, 1 I ' Bourgeois, Long Primer, Small Pica, Large, letter, plain' -Scabbards and 0 30 0 36 Quotations, 30 Tbe pi'ices of other iescripiionB oi j yp ,c proportionablv reduced. " ' 1 Old Type received in pv; ment at 9,cents per pound. : , n' - oft , fhiltiphuu o. - . - ROOKS & S rATIONAHY; "" fuij Peirl lHITE GALLAliER & VVHITE, 98erl, Tf St. (Hanover Square,) NeTv-York, offer to nAnntw Merchants, an extensive sswruncui wi v . - - . nr.HnnTJ ltOOKS tc STATIONARY, at very low prices. They have- also oji band, a large assortment of Medium, Demy, Cap If Let ter Paper, which they will sell at the Manufac Hirers' prices. I ' - ' ' -;. F ' 'f; ' ." ' -.- K, New-Vork, July, 1829. 86 6w MANAGERS' OFFICE, ; Richmond, Va. SPLENDID SCHEME. SO P3ai25BS OP Sl-OODw 2 , 500. Union Canal Lottery JVb. 10. To be1 drawn 5th Sept. in Philadelpliia. SCHEME. : , A ,-. 1 Prize of fclO, 000 is St 0,000 , 3,350 "40,000 1 3,350 ! 40 1,000 - 42 500 s 51 I r S00 51 f 200 51 100 -A21,000 1 15,300 10,200 5,100 Besides 51 (each) of 890, S80, & 70 102 (each) of 60, 50, & 40 204 of 830, 1020 of S20,& 11475 of S10 Whole Tickets S 1 0, Halves 5? Qrs. 2 50. A package' of 20 whole, ? for $200, which is compelled to draw nearly one half of the amount invested, may draw some of the above splendid prises. , 03 Send vour orders to the Managers' Office, Richmond, Va. YATES & McINTRE. City and County Auctioneer. The Subscriher having been appointed by the County Court of Wakfc and the ' Board ' of Com. missionersbf'the City of Raleigh Auctioneer for the County and City, Public. : ' . ' August 18, 18?9. offers bis services to the JOHNT.C.WIATT. State Superior of N o rt li - C aroli ri a; Court of Law .and Equity, . , -Wake Countv. " ' , Spr ng Term, A. D. 1829-' ' "; '"7" " ' , . ! t. k , . ' The Creditors of William RufHn, Caroline; M. Ituffiii, Mrs. Catharine ttumn, who , is ' .feme covert and wife of Archibald .It. Muffin, who sues in this behalf; by G. Er liader, Ev. lto ; bert . Uuffin. ! , . '. vs. 1 - ' ' A ' 1tl x lomas ntifTm, Thomas Ritchie. Henrv M. Mil kr, Administrator with the Will annexed of William Rumin deceased. John M. Unffin in fant son of Thonias U..RHn.ii, Frederick Kuf fin and Archibald RrRufBn. 4 O.y MOTION it is ordered by the Court that Benjamin A. Rarliam, -Esq. be appointed Commissioner I to settle the administration ac count ofthe administrator of William Rumii, de ceased, and that he give notice of th time and place of faking such account to tie parties inte rested by public advertisement in one of the newspapers published in the , city of Raleiglr,' and that be make Re r tto the next term of this Court. A i ' . Tlie parties in the above named suit, are here by notified, tnat 1 sliall proceed at my office in the City of Raleigh, on the 29tji day of Septem ber next, to aitdit and settle the accounts of the Administrator )f the late -l William Ruffini when and where they are inted to attetuL n , . , v REN, A. RARHAM, Comm-r, Raleigh, July U, 1839. : , 89 : Medical College of . Caroli iulI pilE Annual Course of Lectures Jt tli?S Instil dav in Va,e,nhrr . nn th fo!t.W: o-.,..i. x 'unon, wiu oe resumea on the second wlos- ' : ; . "-. " "" ;' m-Dyn Edwards HoIbroik, M. D. 1 K..i;t... a. 'j o--... ! ; ' --" - u(i -fierce oj rici6- oy aamueL ncury tJicason,-JW.XI.."; - , ' v :i-'v, ' Materia Jllcdica -by Henrv H. Frost, "xt li. .: ;;: Obstetrics and Diseases of If omen and Children t uuiiias i. rnoieau, m. U. . : ! i r -; 1 Chemistry--by, Edmund Ravenel, M;,D; ' i t Natural, History and otanyby Stephen Elli ott, L. L. D. A 0-';r.vtv" v J; vv--Pathologieal and Surgical JlnatomthhY John Wagner, M. D. J ; U:: ): A V. Demonstrator qfjindtomyjn&Jnerlh D -:-'X.S;: HENUY II. FROS I, Dean. C August 10. ; v .r-.21awtN NEW PIANOS; TIHE Subscriber .has just finished two PIANO . FORTES with 5A Octavea and They are m ide on the .Patent Organizing prinl ciple, and iare pronounced hy those who have' seen them to be equal to the best Northern manu- lauiurc, in !oiiii otone Ctrtoucb. They are strum? ...... t ...x- Mt,la wuc aqa W4I pe Warrant, is offered for Ira7,;::--. " .i--r v.''." ? 3i He still continues to tufeandwt-p: as heretofore,5; having on hand a good asspr rneiii Of Strings from ; a celebrated Piano M4ker in N 5 Yoric. . becond hancl Pianos bought and sold.' 4r f- M,vwijgc ior new ones. Orders are solicited. ,-;..ir-it'sf Ji WKS LR V. TVHrT a ir iw REPOIITEIU; " I theet 'of tk imblUhtdw.klu. 3Mt UZr- in trie city ot New-orK.-(Ottjce at 20 Wail, t t ITrif llR nnr now narliriilaf-lv mA.. '11; wants of families Or individuals .k ation and circ-umstances do rtot require'the f ja'dailv lfinrnl't it I ftlso well Val ; . ' "",v" ica tor ill who may be dispbsed to preserve a convetii record of, passing events, combined with un tertai nine miscel lanyV- St II Clf- , Tlie ; plan; of the Atlas is original, in largely a condensed report jof th most t ,'". td caref of information. Hoi h foreicrn and domestir. afTairs of 'iK&Utdted Statet and of Grtat'-Brit f ni'erest, receive special attention m thi parr The Alias disclaims all partisan views. h ' pledged, in every party qiistion that is noticJ to give, as far a.possble, a pahuVl rcprcseirt&i; OI. me sriijimeuiw ui. f-auu, -uni, vn?n ile rousl tU'eir'.ownr' laiijcttstre. I The other .cm.,,.: of the paper .eoiwist of literary- Notices an-i St. lectibn's't facts and npinionsretatinif to se',;nB.' and the Arts and Commercial Inielhgetiqe,. n. bracing,! in)a; separate department, a Weekiv Review Of the XNew-xora .viarfcet, with others in the United States and thone;Qf London, Liver, pool and Havre ; and a report of ibreign arrivals in all the ports of the United States, with other shipinews.- '...-. ; . " ' JBesides these ' subjects, the Atlas contains a ' variety or amusiag anecdotes and other agrees ble ; miscellanies,. calculate! to icomplete.the de( sigh expressed in .its riiotto . LectoreoY Uele tando, pariterque mdnWndd!-. . Cftan.-'Hrice, 6 for tlie yearly. volume payable in advance But if the paper is delivcrv ea in the city, or tnrougn the United States Mail and payment in ad ranee at the office of publica! tionf free of all charges. $5. Price half yearly $3. 'NO subscriptions takenfor less time lhan 6 months, and iio.-papers discontinued except ai the, expiration of half yearly periods. The New-York 'Mirror. " fllHE Dronrietor of ttu Denodical i nu. 'iv A.: . . U14. mg; arrangement to issue the New, Volume - which will be commenced on the eleventh da of July nexty-ln a splendid manner. The coppei plate engravings of the full quarto sizewill be' executed by the- best artists ; the music arranged with accompaniment J for ! the piano-forte h the most skilful camposers ; the type new and' neautitul, ami tne pp r ot a superior.quah'ty In, every department the seventh 'volume will excel t hose heretofore .published., The termo trefoiir dollars per annum, payable in advanct. ; o3 Subscriptions received by the Editors cf lhe Registeiy:r'VV-:;.':;' -'j The Mirror is published weekly, at No. 1 William-sti e'et, New-York.j All communicatioiw, sent by mail, - must bti postpaid. - J. GALES & SON, V . HAVI5 JUST RECfitVED- . Mrs. Ojiie's Works,-complete in 12 vols. Washington Irving's -do "do;. S- Byron's, 1 do - do in one vol Svo. embeUuhei '. with splendid engravings.- , Burns ; do do in oiie ypU iBvo. v ' ' Shakespeare in one vol. superbly bound. Spectator, in vols. 8vo."i . ,f - ; j "... Joscphus do do. , : .',f, : .. ' . N Man of. two Lives. 'vHh'f'-V-'vi" '-. Two hundfrd and nine days pn the Continent. Mrs.. Ileman's Poems eletrantly bound. EweU's Medical Companion, last edition, 8tc 'Also,' the 3d vol;-of tiales"& Seaton's Register of Congressional Debates. ; , . July 7. " ' - ' ; ' FISTCH LiNGUAGE. E ASY METHOD for acqHirin a knowledge of the French Language, adapted to School! and Self- Tuition. j ' f . The following VVorks, by A. Bolmar, Professor of lhe French Language in (lieHirh. School of rhilvdlp'iia, are to be had at the Bookstore of J. GAt-KS & SON. i ' lt- "A Collection of one hundred of Perrin's Fables, accompanied Fiy a (Key, containing the text hterai ami free translation, arranged in such a m. nneras to poiiit out the difference between the French and the English idioms.-. AUo, a : figured pronunciation of the French., according to the brst .French works extant on the subject. - The r whole preceded by a Trer tise on the sounds of the French language, ti compared with those of die jKngHsh i after ahicfi is a $yabaire, or collection of French words, with the English, from one to ei&ht syllables. V.ice 51. h V l . ' - , 2. Les AventuresdeTelemaqne par Feneloo, acculmpanied by a Key to the,hVst eiglit booVn containing liXe tlie Fbls -the text -a literal and free translation ; intended Wa bequel to tne Fables . - , . y-'-,Mi TO THE AFKLICTKD. Vegetable Siriip and Powder, ' 1 . ; FOR DISEASES OF TME LUNGS. fTHHE Proprietor of this Medicine. :ifter repeat- i JL "ed trials of its virluesi?which have been at. tended with the most signal success, now onert it to those wjjo are afilicted with tlie wasting diseases which ills designed, to rel'eve, in full confidence that.it will befound efficacious, pn ticiilarly If taken in the incipient stagts of these diseases';; , ' : V For two years pastithis Medicine has beta prepared .n't he form of a Powder, & taken asa1 . i nfusion wl t i t b e mos t ha p py su ccess. V It is nftf ofTerel to the; afflicted in tle form of a Sirup C in Po.v(ler, as the Patient mayiprefer, under the eonvjction; IfhafeitlVeir nn"-will produce the sime hiippreanlt;? Among its merit prominent quslities. the follow! may; be mentioned, ser" titled to particular ponsiderat.ion. It promotf that gent le perspiration which is deemed healta and checks thoiwr sweats v which are morbid wj pernicidusilr relieve chronic aflectipns sn congestions of he lungs by 'giving force t t!ie languid circulation U it asstiiRes coughs. It F moteii freeid bland expectoration. It remove pain from the ehet.- It relieves asthmatic nd difficult reshipfltirtn ; iVtr "nnr nhstinatc cv tiveness, and thus leaves' the bowels in a reguUM and; healthystate; crrhus, it is found, that the painful symptoms which indicate diseased lang readdy yieldlo this pvt,rful remwly se' sonably tesovt.ed to-, and that it restores the p' tient Jo Hliat bodUy 'viguur Jwiiich that cniei diirder the ronsiinptmn,' if 1-ft to its naW operatic, would .very speeddv destroy.; .- Certificates respecting ; the; virtue tof this Me1 cine 'wilt accompany each bottle. Price of tn Syruo,' $2 50 per bottle, or $24 a dozen. Oft"8 "Powder 551 pei bottle,; or $9 a doien. ' i'yr' ::: -: j ames adlocr , .'MFayettevnie,'-Teb4l39.;,.i;4';":Vi 5 j (jSrhU Medicine: may be had at the Star0 : I ; ; : ; ; Jug Received ' Taber DiiHciiiUes'of f itrnVmism V .ficoU's Family BibTe,;in 6 Vols. 8ro. , f JThe History andcMysteryi of Mcthodit i r f A'piscopacyby ' h. "f.-v- . . , . . : . . .i . ! nil H istory and My steryf ot Metnooi -r ;v-t.; copacv, by the same person. e same person. JOS; GALES St SO?' r.. 4igbitti5f,;:: ' P'lJS00 ?aiMIi'1 Instrument to bie ' Ju .'v'S?s -l"''j.' 1829 b: - t is "PI. ; V ... . ... - f . r : . t '' --v.: V:;.'-? if, -: ,' leiA.uJgust'264,lf

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