AA - ' A " " ' : ' " v - 1 ' ' ' - J ' ' . j - '; i. r " -A4 , a -. ::i A 7 k p ) a cy' ' Y'i '7'Sr -:-a:jLl AAAJid-i i - 1 - - . i a- - -.'-. . . .4' T ... .5 ' Ours are the plans of fair, delightful peace, v Uiwarpd by party rage to live tikej brother?. '1 1 "o. Gil. : mm mm. C a-v, a-. aa aaH;a. . v ill D r -:. TUTS B.IS-ISTSB. v jjPublished every Mowiiat andTHnsnkTi by JOSEPH OALRS & SO; ; At jPitJfoaper annum half iriladvance. Kot exceeding sixteen lines, neatly , inserted 3 times for a t)ola,r, and twenty-five i cents for "everv Succeeding publication rthose ot great- ' er icngtn in ine same.proporuon...vmu iriciTioirs tnankfully received the Editors' must be) postpaid. ,.Lttkrs to .f!t.K -r -Affer mr sleiffh ride, .last winter, and the. l ippery trick; !r was served by v Patty Bean, uobfiSy svou Id suspect me of hank er after the women aihvirva harrri To hear me curse und swear, 'and " rail out ; a vains t theAvhole feminin e gen dr,' you would v haye"i taken Urgranted,Tthattl should never so much as look at one of them fd. piirii and blast'theireyes;iajs I; Blame their skins 5" Idrmieoihelrjhfarts; anil darn them to darnatirtm I Fnal lyi. I took an oathi andvaworeVthatJif I ;c : v ermed-v A Iedy or had; nj il eal n jsw it It t h e ra agai ri (in a sparking line I mean) I Jwsh?d f,I might behahgedantixHoa ; But swearing off from women,1 an,d then w)inw into a meeting house, chockv full of eals,t alt shining? and 'glistening in tKeir Sunrtay; cioines, ; anu ciean laces, is use swearing off from liquor,-ard."guing-tinto a grog shUt's;' all "smokeViK 1 held hut, and kept Gr'm my oatli, for thiwhVle 'Sundays. Forenmins, rafter nuons and intermissions complete.! ;OnNthe fourth, there were, strong symptom of a change of weather, r , A v cliap, about my size was "seen 'on the way, to v the meeting house, with a, hew pa ten t hat ' on : hU head hung by jthe ears, upon.a shirt collar ; hi cravat had a pudding. in it, and branched out in front, into double bow knot He carried a strait back and stiff neck, as a man ought when he has his best cl ot h es on 5 a nd i e very 1 1 i m e h e , s pi t ; h e sprung his body forward like a jack kmte in order to shoot clear of the ruffles.' - Squire Jones' pew is ' next but two to mine: ana wnen i;staqu up 10 prayers, and take my coat tail under my arm anu turn my back to the minister, I naturally look right straight -at "Sally Jmies. ;Now it rug. Indeed as regards beauty; some folks thifjk she can pull an even yke with Ptty -Bean; Foriinjr'part 1 " thinlc there knot much hoot -bet ween thero. An how they 'are so nigh matcliied that theyhave ha ted and despised each other,' like rank pois jDD,ever sincethey were school girls.; squire jones nun got rus evening lire on; and set himself 'down to reading the great bible, when he heard a rap at his door.' Walk inWell John hoiv der do ? Gjt o t, Potn pey . " Pret ty wel I, L thank ye, squire, and how do you do Yt Why so as tot be crawling? ye'ugly beast, will ye hold ur yop ; hauK up a chatr and sit ' down, John.? -vTmmmA -v& 4 How do yo ui 0; M fs. Jon e s. 4 0 inid- d!in,f hovv?s x your ; marm ?Donrt f'rget mat, there, M r. Deed j e.' - This put m e in mind tliat I been oil f oUnding jseyeral timesl in the", lon muddy Ian6 :ahd iny toots were in a sweet pickteia T) k; n ,q It was now old Captain Jones' turn, the era rJ f a 1 her. Bet" ng roused from - a 1 oze. bythe bustle and racket,' he opened both ii5eyes ai ursi.wiin wonuer ana asionisu mcht. 'i At last he besan to halloo so loud, that you might hear him a mile (j; for he takes it; f.ir granted, that everybody is just x4c tfy a deaf as he if. -H - Who is it ? I say w h o i n the wo rl d i s it M rs Jones going c) ose ; to the ear tre;imeti ou t , u s j on nnv is eeu 1 e. ' - : n f9 Johnnv Beedle. - 1 remember he was. one strminer. at the eige of BosiotK' 5 N, nV fatherblev; your heart, that was his grand father, that's been: dead and gone this twen ty vearsl but where does fve 'come fnwu ? t.VDowu townlV Ho. atui ; what dp? ..ho follow for aTivin' r' , And he ; did not btop asking questions; after. this' sort. all the particulars 1 of ;,the 'Beetle,' fain1 ily.were published and proclaimed friMr.' Jones' laut screech. He then sunk back iat his (iuse again. ; . - . '!) 'f " ' nc ciog stretclied nimselt ( nelore one atuliron, hiu the cat squat down before the othv r. Silence came 011 by d egreess,'; like a C4I m sno w i onn, til 1 , nothing . wis heard uit a cni.u. tt 11 iwl.tf I10 h tut r th. k im n tr "fic with -a saimv' vellow ' birch foresticki Silly sat upon pi, as If she were pinned ,ttthe chair back rher hands crossed gen M-njr p oer . lap, ana rer; eyes-io'.iiing 'rair!i t into into the fi re.Mam my J ones lr,eu tr tra ighteit hersel f too, and laid her ainU across in her lap. V But they would nt lav still: ' It tone full twpntv-four hours 3,u-e they had done any work, and they out or all patience witn Keeping 2?un- "V- Juo what' she would to Keep tnem TJ,elj they would bounce upf now nod then, go through the motions in spite of the ui command ment. ' For my par 1, 1 sa t V very much like a fool, i Jhe more J tried to; say Something, the. niore my Jl'ngue. stuck1 fast. ,' I put my fight leg over v- rt'U anu anid ? hem.'.: Then Icrajiged, t"t tue iei leg over tne ngnc; . u wasiatidnny crea 1 au uouu .ngm..- . . t iil s..Ji.i,vA- ,; . .( no tice ; the silence, kept coming on, thick er and'thicker and thicker. riie drops of sweat began to crawl all over me. I got my) eye upon niy hat,thanging on a peg, on the road to the. door:;! and then I eyed the door. Ac mis moment the old Captain, alTatonce sung out Johnny ' Beedle 1? It. sounded like a clap. of thunder, and I siarted right up on an end. ' r, , : Johhny Beedle, you'll never handle sich a drumstick as our father did, if ynu live to4the age of Muthusaler. v He wmld iuw ujj iiis uriiusLicK,i aiii . wniie ic was whirling in the air, take .off k kill.er. rum: and then ketch it as it come down, with out losln' a stroke in the tune What dye think of that; ha ? v But sculT your chair round, close alongside er me,; so you can hear. 'Nowwhat haveivou come after 1-ra'tejr ? 4iO jest taking a waik Pleas ant wal kin I guess. ' I mean. jest to , See how ve all do. - Ho. ' thats another lie. - you 'ye come a cou rti n', J oh n ny B eed I e ; you're a'ter our SaL Say, now, d'ye want 10 marry, or onty to court i' : - That was) what T; call a choaker. - Poor Sally made.bu t -0 ne jump, and landed in the midddle of the kitchen ; and then she skulked in the Hi ark' corner,ti)l the "bid man, after laughing himself inltb a whoop ihgebugh was; put to df' t'."' v 7 iy-V p jrhencame apples" and; cider ; and, the ice beingbroke plenty "chat with mammy Jones about the minister and the sarmon' I agreed with hef ; tov a nicety, Aupon all 'he points of doctrine j; but 1 had forgot th e '-A e i t and-all the-heads of the discourse but jsix LThPiishe teazed and tormented me, to ell who I accounted the best singer in th e gt I lery, that d ayj i B ut m u m ; there was no getting that out of me. Praise to the face, is often disgrace, say X; throw ing a sly squint at Sally.. - :r7 -'7 ! I rAt last, Mrsj Jones lightetMihei'can dle, and after charging! Sally to look well to the fire, he led the way Jo bed, and trie Squire gathered up his- shoes and stock ings, and followed. ! , Sally aud I were left sitting a good yard apart, honest measure. For tear of getting tongue-tied again, I) set right in, with a steady stream of talk, j I told her all' ther particulars about the weather that was past and also made some pretty cute guese at what it. was like te be in future. At first, I gave a hitch up with my chair at every fulj stop. ' Then growing saucy; 1 repeat ed it at" every comma, and semicolon 5 and at last, it was hitch, hitch, hitch, and plant ed myself fast by the side of her.; i jt... f ! I swow, Sally, you looked si plaguey handsome to day, that I wanted to eat you up.' ' Pshn w, git along you, ' says she. My hand had crept along, soniehow, upon its fingers, and begun t scrape acquaint ance with hers. She sent it home again with a desperate Jerk.) Try it again ;' no better luck.. ; ' Why, M iss Jones, you're getten' upstfopulous a little ojfd maidish, I guess.' Hands off, is fair play, Mr; Beedle.' H ;:-. : ".-Vs : is a good sign to find a girl sulky.- I Knew woere ine-sne pmcneu. . It wan that are Patty Bean business. So I went to work to pers uad e "her that t had never had any notion after Patty ; . and to prove it, I fell t running her down at a great rate.; Sally could not help chiming in with me, and I ratherj guess Miss Patty suffered a few. j 1,'now, not only got hold of her hand withou t opposition, but man aged to slip an ..arhi around- herV!waist.-r But there was no satisfying me b; I must go to poking out my lips af'er a bus. J guess t rued i t. ; S Ii fetched me a1 slap in t h e ' f ac e, t h a t: m ad e rn e s e e s ta rs!, and my years rung like a brass kettle, for a quar ter of an hour 5 I was forced to laugh at the joke, though out of the wrong side of my' mouth, whitrt gave my face soioethirig the look of a gridiroii. i v ; - h The b a t le j 110 w; bega n t h e regit I a r way. Ah, Sally,' give me a kiss, and ha' done with it-now. j I won't, so there, nor tech to. I'll take it, whether or no l Da if you dare.' And at it we, went rough- and tumble. An" odd destruction of 'starch now commenced. The bo w of my cravat vias squat tip in a half a shake. At the next bout, sniasfij went shirt collar, and at the same time, some'iothe head fastenings o-ave way; arid dowii'came Sally's hair in a flool. like a mill dam broke loose, carryf lnV' iivvav half ajdozen combs. One dig of I ty S eiUOW, r nun my u'U'iuiiu i uu wiltetl down to a dish cioth. But she had no time to boast; - boon her neck tackling begin tof shiver. It parted at tie throat, and, whorah,J cajne". a whole school of blue aiid .white beadsf scampering and running races every wayfibout the noor.' Hv the hokeyif ally Jones is'nt real grit, there's n snakes. She fought fair, however; I mUst own, and neither tried to bite nor scratch ; 'and y when she couid fifrht-no longer, for want ot breath,, sne yielded'haudsomeiy. Her arms fell down fto'hir aides, her head back over her chair h. 0Vp r ooHd. and here-iar ncr uivic plump mouth, all in' the air. Lord !;djd ve ever see a hawk pounce upon a young robin? a bumblebee upoi a : clover top. I say nothing. : ' t - m ) Coasam it, how a buss, will cracky.1 of a ciii irriQt nifht Mr Jones' was: about hast way oeiweeii aaiccp t I'here goes my yeast; bottle said isje- to , f v 1 i ' rSi "i Anil t' avllra' 1 hPrjtelf. bufst tnio twenty nunareuv ptecesi "JOHN BU fell Mn ears.U- 1 o v e w i t h S a"l ly 0 n es, h e a d o ? e r T omnia y iiigilL,-,raiil or .Sfill me' ta ppi ng t Sq u i re JiMiesf d twenty times have I been within, breadth of popping the question.- -I h.t e Snad e a fi n a I resol ve ; arid until the, next Sunday night, arid ne,j tinds bor j and a'ha'rrfs But; now if T live f I don't get choaked in the. trials SHy Jones , will h ea r t h u n d e r. Portland JidvekUer. General figency and Conveyance Office. 'pHE subscriber, respectfully inforrnsliis friends , i and the public generally, that heihas open ed an Office": on Seventh Street jvVst, about midway betweeh the General IPOst-Office and the Office of the National Intelligencer, where he will, be thankful for orders. H6 vt ill attend to the settjement of accounts of per Knsl ata distance, with i ndividuals jn t his city and j with the Departments of Government ; the payment of taxes due on the lots of non-resiier ts, as well as to the sale or leasing, of city 'property v the execution of commissions for taking1 of deposi tions and. evidence necessary in, cases depending in distant Courts and any other liusirtess l com mitted to his charge. ' i ; . . V ' , He. promises prompt and faithful! at entiqn to all matters committed to him, while h s charges shall be as moderate as fjpssible. Ie is author ized to refer, for evidence of his competency to tne toilovmg gentlemen : , . -v - a r JfwK Jmeph Kent, late Governor of Maryland. Hon. Chas. F. Merced, M. C. from lirginia. i Bum Joseph Pearsoni late M. C. from North- Carolina. .: 1 y Daniel Carroll, of Duddinton. Esq. if y Joseph Gates) Jr.JZsq. Mayor of fthfc City of wasningion; f. Gen. Walter Jones, Counseller at Law. ' Richard S. Coxe. Esq. f do. Jiichard S. IVallich, Esq. . doj ' , v William BrenU Esq. Clerk the Circuit Court of the District Columbia. - Thomas Munroe, Esq., late Postmaster. t: JRos-er C. IVeizhtman, Esq. Casliier Bank of Washington. ; ' ' . . , nUram 'Ai Bradley i Esq., Presiqen I Patriotic Bank. Thomas: Carbery, Esq. i' late Mayoj o ashing. j L; v- GEORGE SW EENY. Washington City, Aug. 25, 1H29 j 1 p. W; Down T BEGS leave to inform the public; that h e has recently received a large number pf HOOKS which he offers to selL very clieiapr . Such as Commentaries, T heolOgical, Works, Histories, Memoirs, Bifiles, .Testaments, Hymn Books, Po ems, Works on Agriculture and Family Ke-iigion, School Books, and a great variety or Interesting little Work for miscellaneous reading, calculat. ed to inform the jodgment on many tmportant and interesting subjects, and to bhu the mind to the love and pr ctice of virtue anid religion. The most of his Books are exreut etdn the very best manner. Persons wishing to jtuijnish tliem selves with" an individual or family Library cn be supplied fit reduced prices. His room is oh Fayetteville Street between the Cojur .house and the Palace.at tile sign of the Bouk arl Tract Deposit. 1 '. Sept. 12. ; 1 ' aw2w i (BOA II DING. MISS E. GEDDYxs predar IkcI to ac- commodate eight Members of the ajj proachi ng Legislature with Board, together v tb the fami lies of those; who imy adcompany thqm. Early application is requested. Sept.: 10 BOA II DING. XHHE MISSES PULLlA s v( bfe Prepared to .accommodate 10 or 12 Members; of the ap- proaching General, Assembly with Board; i italeierh. Sent. 10 i ."'6 .St' r y Mrs. Delia Hay ojL HAVING m de a large addition to her House, will be i prepared to accommqdate v witli comfortable; lodging rooms, Memjbers of the General Assembly, and , others, ho may call on her for Board, during the ensuing Legisla ture, and at otner times. nhVdeigly Sept. 14. : ; BOARDING. 1R fl"RS JOHNIHAYWOOD is prepared to ac Xvi commodate tventy-Gve or thirti Members of the Leerislature. S!.eassiis aijlthose who mav honor her with their patronage, that no ex ertions shall be spared to render them comforta ble y-y--y v r ' . 'Mrs. II. has a number of detached rooms be sides those in the main building.! 3N. B. The" favor off early apphpalions is re ouested. . ' Boarders by the day, week, montH Or year. Mrs. if. continues to receive 1 raveners, ana .. . . ' I . 1 l?5Tiirh. Sent. 2. i2y - o ' T-i ) BOARDING. RS. PARSLEY will be prepared to accom- commbdate 12 or 15 Memoefs bf jthe Gen eral Assembly with Board. She'issures those who mav tavor her Witn tneir comnanv. tnax tne utmost ex' rtions shall be used- to situation agreeable. u ; y , - .... .....-. "t 1 - , rtnderv their " Raleigh Septi 2. 'J,' .;'' '-:ysy 4-2 mo. BOARDINiT. I 1 1 THE, Subscriber has several convenient Bed Rooms detached from his Dwfelliiig-Hbuse, oh the main street near the CapitolU-aiid would be glad to accommodate with Board twelve ; or fifteen Members of the ensuing Legislature. The favor Of early apphcation is requested.,: ' It is convenient also tor. him to fartd twelve or fifteen , Hoises,xat v a ; moderate tr ce rhaying plenty of proyendeVi';.ooU:-paaiuragK?; and,well enclosed, lots aDunaanuy suppuea w th Water. JNO. dTUART: Raleigh' Sept. 10. BOARDING. nptHB Subscri bier havi ng ad ded very, consider I ablv to his House and otherwise im proved 4t, -Will be prepared,' at the approac hing sessioa of the Legislature,' to accommodate With Board; from 40 to, 50 Members..; i-V BENJAMIN KING. Raleigh Sept. 1829 ri ; Tlie .Subscriber, TnTTlLL. ' be 1 prepared to .'accommodate. .With 7 y Board; from iatol5 Members of, the ap- FPALOEVl 9-L j prbaching' Legislature. -1 f union Hotel: I - . lilllh ; ' " ; : RALEIGH. finHE Sub?criber informs his friend.iiand the JL i Public in general, that he has taken charge of that well known .House. o .Entertainment, fori merly, occupied by Willie Jones, inhthe city of R;deigh,; near the Capitol where his Table will do turnisnea wim the.be.st.tlie country and. sea sons afford, his beds in.fyje order, and his rooms supplied; withgood ' provender attended by cars-fil Ostlers, St his tlouse.with,goxd.Servanfs. tie, will provide convenient, Sheds under wliich to shelter Carnages, Gigs, &c. He' hopes that with all these comforts, , and his own unremitted attentions to please his guests, ' to merit and re-ceive-a share of public patronage., He also hopes that the Members of the General 'Assembly will call oh him, as Ins charges will be moderate and his accommodations good. 'y-:.. '- . - ..: ' r I ' . ROBERT; PERRY' Raleigh, August 19. ' p . EAGL15 HOTEL. TVJTR GUION, m6sr;respectf'ully returns 'his 3 JL.t hanks to the Public, for the very liberal encouragement he has received since be opened this ESTABLISHMENT, and hopes to merit a continuance of their fivors. ' Mr. G. has the satisfaction to inform the Pub lic, that in addition" to theTmprovements already made, eight additional Rooms will be completed by the ensuing Session-of the Legislature, which will enable .him to accommodate a larger number of Members of the Assembly than heretofore. . The charges, as hitherto, will be uniform aud moderate, , viz. : for a Man and Horse per day, $1 50; for a Miii alne,$l with a small addi tion to those; who wish a separate table. . Members of the Assembly will, be charged $1 per day. Those who havelrooms. to. themselves, will be subjectfto an additional charge for,4hem Travellers des,Tous of stopping at the HOTEL are often "misled, by enquiring for jjt he. Stge House. They are; informed, that the -Stage3rdo not maker it their regular .stoppings House, nor. is the House known by thtt app llation. j As many persons who travel in the Stage; do stop t the Hotel, and many others would, if they could be assured they would not-. be" delayed they are informed, that.no greater delay will .be expert ended at the Hotel, than at the Stage I loue ; a-d those ' wjio wish to repne themselves top a day or two, will be sure to find at Gnionys clean bed and room fr th:t purpose, vwith the best fare the market afford. ' ; The situiii ui of this House is one of the most pleasant in the City, being immediately, north of the Capitol, adjacent to the busine-s part of the. town, but without the.influence bf the dust and inconvenience attending it. , ' ; . , f K It is nowditde more than a year, since the SiuV scrfberl trwifc j' possession of-tliis Establishment when.hl; found the. House enr rely out; of repair and almost without custom. He now has it in h's power to say, that he has not only received en couragement sufficient to justify VJe improve ments that have been made, but those a.oi that are making, even wit hout tba' support ,frpm the Siagei Proprietors which he believes thej conve niences, comfort and attention which arie to be met with at the. Hotel deserves, and which, has fairly proven that the Public will give thej prefer ence to a well kept Public Housed , !'" f'--' - -!!i -K; - E. P. GUION. -Raleigh, Sept. 23. . ' : 10 jBw RALEIGH THEATRE. A1 KEV'SER respectfully informs the that during the approaching Sessio Pubirc on pf the Legislature, the Raleigh Tlieatre will be open ed for a short season, under his managerhent.-- He has exerted himself to s cure the : service of an excellent Company, and trusts that his efforts . . ' 1 1 to please will -be met ,by a corresponcung u gree of patronage from a liberal public. Sept. 23. - - : - ' AO yt.'- HOUSEhP AINTING. j CAMPBELL ROB ARDS is prepared to eXe J cute, on moderate terms and with neatness nl PaeVtitr!- i.lLorders in his line. ; iHd hnS a number of Certificates from some 'of the orost trpndemen in the State, whose hou ses he has nainted. -Persons desiring hi servi ces will please apply , to HENRY M. Esquire, of this city. .K f Italeigh, Sept. -23. .., -- , MILLER, 10 3t ; GRAS SEED. ;TraTILT JAMS Si HAYWOt)D have just eoeiv ; j? ed from Baltunjre a Supply ofjj, ;'j ; . VttA Clover Seed. . .. Red Clover Seed, , i '---x !. Or chard. Grass, jdo. - Lucerne, r. do. .1 Which they offer to. Agriculturalists on good terms. - - - Raleigh. Sept, 1, 1829. ' ; JOSEPH GALES Jsi SON, Haoe iust Received t Travels in North -America, in the years 1827 and 1828, by Capt. Basil Hall, of the Royal IS ayy ' 2 vols. ' ' 0 -i . yj.M: . 1 -yy : The English in France, by the author of the En- . -w. V r . . ::'-i-'-??'"SK I : '. .m, gnsn in uaiy, wow. , , f sept. 9. v-,-, .rs. ! -.. . . v. yYc-yy Htativof Novtli-Caroliriai lfc.'4?S '-A' ' GuUfbrd'6ountv.All'L-'l Harbert Tatem arid wife Elizaheth, Sion Tatem and wife. Patssvi Wilson W. Uoafc and .witc Hahna'.i, James Billowy and' wife Jtebecca ", rJvv " - ; y AAguint . . .' : I -'.-"i Claiborne Watson and wife Nancy, Wiifepis Og- .hurtv l EdmundiOe-burn. rJoun OgOurn, ;JMir 1 cholas Otrburn. Samuel Donnll and wife-Pris- ' cilla, Charles Ogbura; and Edmund qgburn, !: infant heirs pr Wm, Qgburn, dee'd, by their guardian Edmund OgburnTj y Sui ii: V;-, ts Bolorrr; & Petition for sale of Lands; : . . : IT appearing to. the satisfaction of .thq Court that a part of the defendahts.in; this case are riot inhabitants fofjthis State, yit is therefore or; dered by the Court, that publication bq made for six week in the Raleigh RegUter for them to appear at the next term of this Court to be held for the county of Guilford on the.fourth Monday after the fourth Monday of .September, to plead tn: answer or demur; ; or the petition Will be heard Iex parte and .judgment warded accordirtgly. ; I' A v -i A. QEREN, C. M. E.V August, s - ;v,. t5- '- Stale 'orKorth-Oarblina: f"' Pitt County. . ,Court, of Plc and Quarter Seisions. v ' August Term, 1829. ; John Wadsworth vs. James OJom.' ' , Original attachment reta ned levied on ltnd, Sic. ' IT haying been made appear to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Jnmes O domr is, not an inhabitant of this' S.tate r It is orl dered, that publication be.ma'Je.in'the Ilei rh Register, for siTx weeks successively, that r -dr-s the said James Odom appeardaefore the Justices , of oar next .Court, for the. County, nf pitt.at- t!i Courthouse in Greenville, oh the first Mo"dav of November -replevy the property or pleai to Is- ; su'e,final judgment Avill he taken. m nd ; the pro- ' perty ; levied on - condemned su bject- to they pUinJifPsdemaiid. fitness, JamesShappard; Clerk of our said Court,at Greenville, the first . Mondav ot Augnist. A. T -1 RCQ . -: v- . S , ,Klv .V- -.7 ttf tier, rtiinnr. m . t- trice an. of Ndrth-Carolma: 4 JUDty.. 5'--. i Court of Pleas and Quarter Session,: i i ;X -rV!."Aitgst;Xerm, 'l629,.V;Sv": Sa-. i Eliah;aaynej;r Adin'n ic. i;; Blount bV Rufln.' ' ; -. Original attachment returned John liurHa '. .-"',-":; -i:: Jrfrarnisheed, Yv- .; .f l FT appearing Uo the,-satifactton'of the Court -that the defendant Blopnt B. Ruflin resides out of r the limits of thijfStatefri j It is therefore . ordered that publication be made in; the Raleigh Register for .jthj?eJ;.mon Blount B." Ruffitj make -his .personal' 'appearance at our next Court of Pleas anl Quarter SeionS; a to be held for the County" of Bertie at the Court- house in Windir onthe: second Monday -of November next, aiid; -replevy final, judgments will be taken against him; j ? v v : r . ; ; By orderf qmrt. X'yA '." 2 3m -.:.".( V E. A: UHOI)KS; Clk. : X- - -. yi ; THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS for Sale his HO :'U LOTS in the K Town.of O xfor d, wi th L AN l ad ioinimr . --abciut 2P0 acres of vvhich about GO acres -are :. Woodland..-, Thr- Iloine is 52 by 40 feet, com. - !- ;t motlioUsV, and well finished thriughour havings 4 rooms with fire places j on each floor," with a , : wide passage on:. each -a garret distributed, into -closets and two.comfortible ropms j and a cellar '4 - . ' under the whle divided into s-veral apartments; , "' It is' situated in a most beautiful grOve bf Oks : - v attached to it is-U, large Fafling Gardeii furntslied ; wun irttns stiectefYrom tne north an Ice-iiouse; . ; d nstructed of , rocka stone ' S pringiHotiser ar Well of excellent: ater in theyardtn Office iiv ' the y;rd suitable lor a Lawyer and evry tieces sary Outhouse, all in good repair. r- , . Also,a TANYAR.I now in operation, which ; might give employment to, 8 or 10 hands; havio--:iv-10j acres of lard attached to it; and on the pre ,' mises is a comfortable two story Dwelhng witl every , convenience ' for, a , family resid incfe. -rtA."' ? petter constructed: Yard is seldom seen any s : where t Thia property c will be disposed, of urtf ? vt- reasonable and accommodating terms; ' "'rt-?' A . : ' THO. B-LITTLEJOHN. Vv s Oxford, Sept. U . 5oaw tf V FOR SALE ; TwentyUbree Shares Stbcliiof1 " the State Bank of N; Carolina and-Fifteen Shares ' " V Stock of-theBak;of Newberh$ i 'V-i yi;'-1 I - This Stock, if not disposed.of bv Wednesday' v. . 7th 'October (beihg Wake ' Superior Court weekV 14 ir ui. 011 inai tiay;pc onerea; at puoiis iie near he' Court house. -K: ' r:i 'c-''- -:?f'I; - Pereoi wishipgtb h tiyyirill apply at the Ofaca ; : of the,' Bank of Newberni 'J yS: yyy y Raleigh, Sept, 5;V? U -'7 ' V ' KOR SALE, , the south ide of Swift Creeki VTlie Tracts are contiguous, and were purchased some years; ; go by the late W m Gil mour f 4 Wm B row n. r vv Applyto th August 1 5 . lby . -Vt . - r. - rt 99 f JUST PUBLISHED NORTH-GxV ROLIN A 'J! 9 FOR 1 8 S 01 GONTAINING besides , the Astronomical C&U eolations; Essays bnAgricuUureV-'VViiluable?:.'-; Medical and Miscellaneous Receipts, Anecdotes a list of the' Menber -of the next i Legislature, and f the Officers of the State and General Go vernment, ;time of holding the different Courts; &c.&c. y V -v.'; .. ;V jThis Almanack may;be ,had.wulesale ot the;. Publishers, Raleigh r of .Mrl Edward' J i 1 1 .ds, : Observer Office Fayetteville.; and of Mr. Salmon. nan, .uooKsener.jMewoern ; aim rciau, oi -.roost of the. Storekeepers in i the .State.' - V i ' (, t ;; - Sept., 1829... yyy V V- a ? 1 ijAU.ivujf-..iAWjJiixvaKe;counyr, ly- . ZjL jng on both sides of Dutchman's liranhis" containing 397 acres, and another Tract 1 y ing on ri;:;;vNE nf'HE Subscriber.hat just finished two PIANO, - i ,Lf FORTESwith 5i Octaves ajid Pedal. - , , They are m:ide onthe:;,.PatetsOf " ciple, and are pronounced." by those who ' haves . seen.tlie'inid b-,eOa1 to the best Northern mnnu- . , , facture,in point bf tone 8cioucji.;Tliey are strung A with the best Germanwire aud WjU be warraiitr ed to' stand longn tune. A The- prices; ar& $17 A , and $ioAAHe n&3 also, oh consignment; a good " f 'A : Instrument, madeby tuartf,'BaUiinore,e whicl; - . is' offered " fWsale jow; V '; . P'j " '' ''AC I--i " He stinf'cntinue9tp.'fuhe"iVnd:.H ? as heretofore, having, on hand a good assortment ;f Of Strings from a celebrated Piano ;Maker in N. j York.r S econd ha nd Pianos b oUgUt and s61d, or ; laKCII III .CJfcII.IJJ, Tv' Orders are sonciiea. - - :-'. yy ,' WKSLEY WHITAKE1L RAleighi August 26., T v, - . J i 2'3tv : 2. It. A gooc scona nanu msiruniom to jure. A AAAh ;Lqckia;nRaleigbi( A :i ki From H E ON 's e ve Kor t u n ate Oflicc. Hljrawing of; the Union aiiui Lottery, -,. M'ArAA AloM: Ca??. -AAlvt AA V; No. 6 v52. 54. 46. 4. 47-58.':S9.' 1. ; :" NoVi39.;4ri '54" apprize ohoWArhousana Dollats sold ii He wsoni -O ffice Petersbi rg t o aVgehtteman residing at ltaleigh the CasU.'i: ready for ilie' Prizeat the Lucky " Oflice, wher? the tbrtupate owner of the ticket Js requested t Call." C;V .S, '-' AAA" - , It ' XJ. W. UE WSON; Petersburg. Si if-" V 1