t 9 A "v i - t ! ? i v- i-r, f v i f j . :v s t' ,-'.. v...-- . ; ... : i , . v '-?V : , K' V ' ,; " ' 1 1 1 ' " VTlnlflfh mill' 2frnherri?8t.ft petti 1 .- J - ?V 5- Mate your MHiin rKi ;jV note's a, scheme The great draw ng tuxe. 1' v 1 ' w Jr ' ' - , ' j . - v ' .fUce on Friday 9th October. , , - v r . " yWTS i . , THREE PB!ZE$ OF 10.000 DOLLARS; Great New York LotletysXZth Class, - : r 'SpLENDtD SCHEME. VThrec Pnzcs 'ofilO,000,Donars: ; One 6,708 Dollars ,Tens rl,000 Dollars V , 500 Dollars 200 Dollars, 00 Dollars "CODonars; Dollars : -82 I,1 40r Dollars SO dollars 20 Dollars V - 5r40 7 son's fortpnate T)ffipe Orders; pr. mail ehcloiinff Cash or Prlee Ticlc-1 ts will meet with the same attention as; f on 4 -r personal application . 'Direct tt, -v-. 1 If" V; 'r 'Petersburg, OcCl829. FOR SALE, ; moderate . terms, a neat Panneli Double; GIG and HAUNiSS; also an excellent Fa- v.-nly H OUSE, accustomed to ; anyikind cess.: r Fr terms, apply. at this Office." of Har I 40 Reams of Post andiFootscap PAP ER, different qualities, 7 i ust - received by V -. i V ? ; - - J. GALES & SON. Rale'gh, Jnly,12r. J - .,-'1 FRENCH PERFUMERY. 'nrILLIAMS& HAYWOOD have just receiv- K f ,f v ,eda handsome assortment ot rrench Per fumery andotherFancv Articles which can" be said unusuall low for caslu Cologne Water : Lavender z do Bears Oil -Macasor do - Cosmetic Wash Ball Emollient Soap,' for shaving Rose ' . -do Cinnamon do A variety of other Fancy. Soaps. Also .genuine Windsot Soap in the original package as imported. June 1. State'of North-Carolina. v Court of sPleas"fand Quarter Sessions, An V Session. 1829. :rc'-' I f - ir . , , 4 u 1 Original A ttach't. ' .The Post Master General, I J-evied in the hands 'u . - ' ' vs. , . i " ' VofWvatt Harrison & V , ' Daniel Peck. I Marie Cooke; &they J 11 " J sum'nd astjarnish's. IN this case, it appearing to the Court,1. that the .'defendant. Daniel Peck hath removed him- V ielf beyond the limits of this State, or so con .: oeals himself that the ordinary process of law can k " not bti served on him s It is tbert'fore ordered by the CAurt, that publication made in the Ra. leigh Register for six weeks thafunless Defen fc dant comes forward on or before the n'-xt Coun ' "tv, Court-of . Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be V;hel4 for the coimtv o Wnke at the Court House In Raleigh' on the od Monday of November next . then and there ,to,repJevyand plead toiissue, rthe oronertv levied on will be condemned sub- .' r I t " V- 10 Dollars. . V;' 48 Number, Lottery 7 Drawa JJallots? -'Sl Whole JVcks $10 HaUe S5 ?' Quarters S2 50. - . - . ' . Uash para s)g;nt lor an prizes sola ar; nw- U v 5 iect to plaintiff's recovery. P-J '- . c By order of the Court; U -H ; ''- ' , . B. S. KING, c: C. I NOTICE. V : ''Jlj tne otocfctwiaers oj tut, ismia o .b - ; mHE letter of Louis D. Wilson. Esa, Cftpe- iir.'be : ' s ) 'i-? l.l vhalf ' the Commissioners annninted hv the iter being under consideration, Resolved, That ' the Prt"dent do advise said Commissioners; that it is deemed necessary and expedient to consailt the Stockholders, in refernce to toe subject mat- ter of the communication ; and -further that tif .. . President of the-Bank of Cape-Fear be, and he is lv?reby f ully authorised and empowered, by virtue , tf this Resolution of the Board of Directors, to " call a general meeting ofthe Stockholders of the yBank of CaperFearjto convene on the 2d Monday . of November next at'the Banking .House in,Vil--. ; mington,then and there to consider of their inter '"?" ests generally i 'and especially to signify how far ; in what way ; ajid upon what, temns, they; the '? Ctockhoklers, would consider it advisable, to co perate with the General Assembly in the est:b lishment pfane'w Bank, by the consolidation, or , otherwitoi ihose now in existence. Copy from :f the Minutes. ? VV;J6HN HlLCaAeir. - hi accordance with the above Uesplution, and by. viilue of mybflSce as President of the, Bank of Cape-Fear, notice is hereby given tot the f ' stockholders Jf. said Bank, to meet at -tlieir a Bankings Housein Wilmington,' on the 2d Mon- lay of November next, thcii.stnd there to consid er "of arid, to act-iipon the matter and things as t' forth In, the above Resolution. jVRi LONDON, PresHent. Se"pt; 2.- V V RE X C H L ANG U AG E. ! ta.ASY METHOD foracqHiringa knowledge of JSuJ the Fve.ncb Language, adapted to Soliools ' and Slf-Tuinoin - ' ' v, . . , . - The fallowing Works, by Al Bolmir, Professor v of i he Frencii; Language in the High' Scliool of Philadtipuia,, are to be had at the Booksture of J . GALES & SON. , , V - Wist, A Collection of one hundred of- i'ernn's f f Iribles, yaecompanied' by, a Key," containing! the text; ' a literaland free translation; arranged in such a manner as topoint out the difference . between the French and the-English idioms. - , Also, a hgurea; pronunciation of .the French, acccrdntothe best Rrench works extant! ; on the subjectrT!i e whblejpreccded by a Trea- tise on the sourtds ofthe Frenchi languageU's ;- comparexl with iliose of the English ; after, which is a ovnauire.,wi voik;uiiou oi rencil worcs. w ith the English- from hhe Ao rieht syllables. ' ----rrr"tiJe Ayentures ae veiemaque par Fenelon, accompanied by a--Keyto the first eight books ; cnntHiniiig like Jhe Febles- tlie"text-a literal , , ' a.'id free translktioo ;, intended as a beuud to tne - l'ables. w.iszs&ifo Si; , i 'jn HE proprietor of this periodical is now ma k- JL ing arrangement o issue the New Vblurrie ; which will be cbmmenned.on the. eleventh da jfjutyhexi in a' splendid manner.. The copperf . piate -engravings 01 me runvquartgr ze---will be V executed by th best artists i the music m ranged wiu accomp-tnimencsv.ior .xne piano-rorte, toy ti.emost skilful campo'sers r the type new and " ifeautifuXand. tie pperoT'asuperior quality - i. i, ever aenarimenc ,ie seventn yoinme will excel jse neretotore published. , The terms arejur dollars per, annum, payable in advance. a.-.. i i Mirror it rtithiichri otriv i- !WUua.-iircu:tt New-Tprk,r All commsuioatlou' I . ... i-;..' ''.strut nv m!l 1 . : . - . .. , v .: Kl A".HK,FKOI WETORf the above Line har tg lately' procured ' neur. and comroodlou1 Staeres ancl added several first rate Horses, with stea!y;;aiidacbomodatingDriveiarid baring- also obtained the b-st stands tor the comfort ana convenience of Passengers, hopes to be enabled tQ ertre c mire sauiaci ion io iuosc nu tmay - vor lijm with thenr patronage. , 4 iiThe rates of Stage Fare are as usualviz : from Ualt igh 1 0 Ne w bern and from New btTn t o tta leijjii, seven, oi tars, ;'-nu iot nj tca ui?invc six cents per mIe.li Passengers travelling1 tiro ulir please pay their; staVi fare at rny house, four miles from Raleigh 4 Way. Passengers (who may '!. t-S - . il - - .il'- .-til. tW. t.:on not passmy nmisc,; win seme wnu, uc unftio ?n adytfnce. vyAppUcatrons tor seats may oe mane to Mr. Ann Dilliard, sign ot the Cross Keys, in RHleighand at Mr. Joseph IJell's, orto my Stage Driver in Newbern. t This .Line of Stages leave, Rakieh everv Tiiesdavat 10 A. M. and Fridays at 2 Pj' M., and arrives in Newbern on Thursdays and Sundays, at 2 P.f. , Leaves Newbern every- ;Wednesdav and Satin-day at 8 A. M. and arrives in tiaie.ign me lonowing; tciuys uu OTvhuto at 10 in the morning Believing the present to be preferable to any previous arrangement, and that it will, better than anv other that can be adopted, contribute to the convenience of trav ellers, the Proprietor will use his endeavors to inve-it nerrnnencvi bv breservinflr the Line in its present improved condition. , , MKR ilTT DILLIAUD, Proprietor. '. June 2rth , ; v 90 tf. . . THE , --MEDICAL COMPANION, , OR , FAMILY PHYSICIAN ; - ' ..'- TUSATIKO OV THE . . ' DIS EAS ES OF' THE UNITED STATES, With their svmntoms. causes, cure, and means of orevention. i common cases in Sureerv t the manacrement and diseases of Women and Chi! ; : dren i a Oispen&atory, for ; preparing Family; Aieaicines, anc a Glossary explaining chiu cal termsr Also, the Nurse's Guide. - The 6'evenlh Edition , v Revised, enlarged, ; and very considerably im proved. BY JAMES E WELL, M. 1). On the important sub iect of domestic medi cine, many books have been written, which, though excellent in other respects, have greatly failed of usefullness to Americans ; because they treat of diseases which, existing in very foreign climates and constitution, must widely differ from ours. The book now; offered to the public has. therefore, the ereat advantage bt: having been written by a. native American, oflorig and sue cessfiil practice in the southern states, and who, for years nast. has turned much of his attention to tne composition ot it. ' " To every-family, more especially those in re mote situations, the possesion of this book must unquestionably, be of incalculable value :-for. conducted by such a guide, it will not be pre sumptuous to say that any person of tolerable capacity, and reasonable attention, may be ena bled, to pracctise with safety and advantage, in those cases of simple diseases most incident to our cli.matr. s r Tliis work is for sale, by , Jo. GALES & SON. August 1., , 1 :4 i 95- Tract Depository, I. II R ACTS from the American Tract Society M. also from the Union Tract society, may had in any quantity, at the Society's prices, forwarding orders, with the Cash, to be by P. W . DO WD, or & . TH. p. HUNT. ; traitors in u. iavouraDie to tne cause o TSivts will confer a favour by giving the above a few insertions in their papers. Those who think proper ttCbarge for so doing, will send their accounts to this juIC-e tor 4 insertions. l?a!eich 1st August. 1829. 95- Americaa Turf Register SP,OM TING MA GAZINE- 0Tk HE want. of a repository in this country, like CV the English Sporting Magazine, to serve as an authentic record ot the performances and pe digrees of the bred horse, will be admitted by all, whether breeders, owners, or" amateurs of that admirable animal. The longer we remain without such a register, the more difficult will it be to trace the pedigrees of existing stopk, and the more precarious will its value become. Is it not, in iaet, within the knowledge of many readers that animals known to have 'descended from, ancestry of the highest and purest blood, have'been confounded with the vulgar mass of their species, by the loss of an old newspaper or memorandum book,, that contained their pe digrees I Sensible for years, past of the danger which in this way threatens property of so much value, and persuaded that it - is not yet too late to collect and save many precious materials that would soon be otherwise lost, the subscriber hopes to supply the long looked for desideratum by the establishment of m -ThxiAmkuicait Turf Register." But though an account of the per formances, on the American Turf, and the pedi grees' of thorough-bred horses, constitutes, the. Chief aitu of the work, it is designed, also, as Magazine of information (like the English sport ing Magazinc)con veterinary subjects generally ; and of varioiis rural sports, "as Racing, Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Trotting Matches, &c toare- ther with original sketches of the natural hisioru ana iiaoii8 oj stmericaiigame of all kinds pAtui: hence , the ,title ' 'J$e American Turf Ileg'rter undSporigJilagulune."' It will of course'' be the Vim. of the Editor to give to his journal an original fl;icwi cast, conveyintr at once, to readers of all ages, amusement aiid instruction, in regard to our own country, its animals, birds; fishes, &c. in tbe absence of domestic materials, the magazines received from abroad will supply an ample stock ot appropriate matter. !'nlly,;:as' to the style and execution of the work, ' the first number, just published & read) for delivery,, may be received as a fair specimen, entitled to some allowance for the .imperfections insepar ible from the fii-st-essay in a he w" arid somewhat complicated and difficult enterprize. --"fC;'h"' J S- SKINNER ';V,'.:S;N.;...J..f . 1 CONDITIONS. -. 'i ' ' ', X sThe SPORTING MAGAZ1NK twiH be pub lished montnljr. Kach number, vjill consist of about . fifty pages- embeliisned ;th .beaut iful engravmgs--price'$5 per annuni, to be paid on the receipt of the first numb-r. '- - ; ..J C3 .Where the number of subscribers at any place shall vrarrant it, Jt will be sent by privXe conveyance at the.expense of the Editor, and delivered free of any' extra' charge where itris setby mail the subscriber will have to' pay the postage. -j S v -V y v. ' ' Persons procuring ;fiye subscribers, arid sending the ;money, will receive' a'six;h copy gratis and so in proporUonior a larger number. V Baltimore, jjept,''!' ' ? - ': . PRINTiNa- Of vacioug descriptioVs ,heatlT eztcttuif m z J' -i miottoale.& Retail DRUG & MEDICINE STORE. 0- . .4. if. HAVE lately received a large and extensive assortment of Drug and MediMnesl cpnsist- ing.i'uf part; ' of Sulphate Quimnetium upiumy penartotized do. Refined Camphor, Qantharides, Castor Oil, Vitr?ther;EUtariitmk7 Kxtjracrit or various Jcinds,; Solidified Copaiva, )iLf Black PAnnr: Tmlink London Blue- Fill, ' BiacK uxvae Mercury, Citrated Kali for : making hieubal mix-, ture, JComp.l F.xtf. Sarsaparilla, HydrJ Potass ' r;. K -- G.A ' Tarf. A rid. Turkev GUm' An' - bic, Calcr Magnesia,1yeJlow Bark, Calamel i; J iap. Rhubarb C Tartar,- Sugar; I.ead, Spt. Ni- tre, Haisx uopaiva, api. aiumiuh, t jxi.w...v ny. Sulph. Copper, Liquorice Pastei ; A general assortmenii i riciu bicuiviih?, Shop Furniture. Surgeonsrilnstnimerjts, Dye Woods, Hatters Trimmings ancl Materials, sucn as Atiua Fonis,VQuicksilver, L.ogwoddf Bow, SirigVSkinv findings ami Bands,vHilcicles &. nriith: vrv low. 1 A larere supply of Paints & Brushes Of every description apt, lurpenune, anners Oil, Gold and Si 1 jjinseea, iinip auu ia" r leaf. CoDal and Leather varnisn. superor nii:i .Utv; VVindow.G ass.' 8 IU, 1U 12, 12 . lO ana lO to, anu ruujr. x Thfir. assortment comprises every article in th Ariothecarv's line ; the principal! part of which having lately been selected by themselves in Philadelfmia and New-York with cash, they orp .n-.hlprl n sftll to Cash dealers or bunctual customers on much better terms than fever be for nflfered in this market. Physicians and Merchants will find it to their interest td call and ex imint before purchasing elsewhere. PROCLAMATION. the Governor of North-Carolina Two Hundred Boll ars Reward. TSITHEREAS it has been made known to me, ifT"1 that a Murder has been committed' "in the Town of Oxford, in the County of Granville and State of North -Carolina, on the 4th day of'No vetnber lavt, arid that a certain THOMAS MIT- CH C.LL, late ot tne uounty ana aiaxe :uoreRaiu, tands chargea oy tne nnuing oi a Tirana jury on a bill of Indictment, with having perpe trated the same on the body of a certiin She! ton Hob (rood, of said bounty :- And. as it is O 10 m I further represented and made known to me, that the said. THOMAS MITCHELL hath ab scouded and, fled from the jurisdiction and lim its of this State, and thereby eluded the arm of the law and of justice-: i ' Now therefore, "to the end that the said THO MAS MITCHELL may be apprehended and brought to justice, the above reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given to any person or persons who will apprehend nnd con fine the said Thomas Mitchell in any Jail in this State, so that he may be brought to justice. -And I do, moreover, hereby require, command and enjoin, all officers whatsoever, as well civil as military, within ihis State, to use tlieir bet endeavors so apprehend and take, or ;ause to be apprehended and taken, the body of the said Thomas Mitchell, and him safe'yiand securely keep, so that he shall be brought to justice. THOMAS MITCHELL is about 19 years of age, of slender form, down look, a little freck led round shoulders and hawel eyes wlas lately seen by a gentleman of Granville Count r at New Orleans, where probably be now is. have caused ihei Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affiied, and subscribed the same officially, at the Cuy of Raleigh, on the 20tjh day of June, A. D. 1829. ! ' JOHN OWEN. By the Governor, Jobh B. Muse, P. Sf.cy. 87 Flank, Scantling A T J. GALES's Saw-Mill on Crabtree, within I three miles of Raleigh, may be had PLANKp and SCANTLING of every description! Bills of Lumber left at the Bookstore of J. Gales & Son, will be immediately supplied, and, if desired, delivered in the City, there being at present a good stock on hand, partly seasoned. May 4th, lS29. 03s The Grist-Mill is in fine order, and grinds in the driest seasons. - Clean-Rags purchased at the Paper-Mill of Bookstore. 1 ANN OF GEIRSTEIN OR THE MAIDEN. OF THE MIST - BY j SIB WALTER SCOTT. Just received, by J. GALES Sd SON. Raleigh, July SO. : To Merchants j Farmers, WILLIAM H. REDWOOD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 4 ; Norjolk, Va. AyiNG taken ; that large fire-probf Ware K.Jb House & Wliarr recently occupied iir n . I. a t j. ot. v. oouinaie, xenaers nis services Countht Mkrcuasts Planters. Lumber Deal ers and .the public generally, in the sal4 of Pro duce and Lumber of every description, the pur chase of Goods, and generally in facilitating their ousiness transactions in tne-Uorough, tor which ms commissions wiu , in an cases be very mode rate fy;, j. Y , . His attention being confined solely to .Commis &in Business, and his knowledge of'perjsons arid or tms mode ot transacting business in the Boi rough, together with his thorough acqi aintmce of' the Country Business ; will, lie hopes, be found aavantageous to those who 'may employ his agency. :. -V . ' y'W" - ''1 : Reference to Messrs.' It Cide & Sheldon, ? wii ' , ' ; - :ChasV L. Wingfield,S fPllha'burg- ; j Ho pert bouter, - Shields & Ashburn, rfolk. v ! f Ed ts. Beacon September 1829, v ii ins: & Scouring Establisl ment. WILLIA MS respectfully iftjrms the Ladies and Gentlemen ot P ifihr ' K4- 0. juaaies and Uentlemen ot P deigh and its -vicinity, tnat tie has commenced the above bu siness in its various branches; at the House, next door but one, below the Confectionary; Store of ir( uenry 11 urdie, on Fayette vi lie Street. - He dyes Canton Crapes, Silks, Stuffs, Stra!w, Lee- v,j' v!i uoniieis, wun a neautitul gloss on them? Ladies Veils, and Merino Shawls clean ed or dyed, without injury to their borders uUo Ladies Handkerciriefs, Hose. & Shoes! dyed to any color. ;j Cotton and - Wool Yarns dypdlf -t Gentlemen's Apparel f eVery descri ptioir dy ed, scoured and pressed elee-antlv. , TK .ifl. of coats will not sustain arty injury irithe process l dy.',nXOT couririg and wiM be put in! a hand- ;; Atl orders entrusted to bJnV, will be executed -with the utmost faithfulness and the neatest des patch. r ; . ( v-?' - smj i , fWipm-HoiMffl i ' i j j; f.tiiTit : - - . , . iv.-"! . .- t ' . f', - mf ii i r - i' t ' -" 1 11 A LE IGH. wmntiv cVi.'iKi-- informs his f friends and the JL Public In general, that he hasjtaken charge r tUt urMl tnnum HouseMof Entertaiiihient, tor- merlV occupied by Wilhe;Jones,- tn tiiecuji or " v . w r .T..-,t,,i,w i,; Tuht. will Kajeign, near ne -pi-"r4 -bo furnished with the best the. countrV and -sea- sons attora, nis oeas in uiiBnicirHUi. ... vyy commbaiousaiiU'iM supplied witlv igbod rirovenderi attended, Apy careful Ostlers'bis House' with gopd Servants He will provide convenient Sheds uoder wluch. to shelter Carriages, Gigs; &c He hopes t hat with all thse comforts, and his; own unremitted celve a share of public patronage. He also hopes that the Member of the Gener 1 Assembly will call on him, as his charges will be;moderate and tiic irnmmniliiliiin!i food. ' " ' '' . i'.. ' .. -"v v.wv""W- D ROBERT PERRV. Rdleigh, August 19. mil EAGLE HOTEt " . , v . : ., , : . .. MR. GUION, most respectfully ; returns his tlianks to the Public, for the very; liberal encouragement lie has received si nee he opened this ESTA B LIS If MENT, and hopes. to merit a continuance of their favors. S;. i : .f U Mr. G. lias the satisfactiorf to inform the Pub lic, that in addition to the improvements already made, eight additional Rooms will be completed by the ensuing Session of the Legislature which will enable him to accommodate a larger number of Members of the Assembly than heretofore. - -: The charges, as hitherto, will be uniform arid moderate; viz : for a, Man and Horse per day, $1 50 V for a Man alune, $1 with a small addi tion to those Who wish a Separate table. ; Members of the Assembly will be , charged $ 1 per day. Those who have rooms to tnemseives, IwiH be' subject to an additional charge for them. Travellers des'rous of stopping at the HOTEL are often misled, by " enquiring for the Stage- House. They are informed, that the Stages .do; hot make it their regular stopping' House, or is the House known by that appellation. As many persons who travel in the Stage do stop at the Hotel, and many others would, if they could be assured they would not be delayed they are informed, that no greater delay will be experi enced at the Hotel, than at the Stage House t and those wlio wish to repose themselves for a' day or twp, will be sure to find at Guion's a . clean bed-and room for that purpose", with the best fare the 'market affords. A :'."- ' "I r; i :The situation of this House is one of the most pleasant in the City, being immediately north of the Capitol, ' adjacent to the business part of the town, but without' the influence of the dust and inconvenience attending it. . ; " ' It is now linle more than a year, since the Sub scriber todk possession of this Establishment, when he found the House ennrely put of repair and almost without custom. . He now has it in his power to say, tliat he has not only received en couragement sufficient to justify the improve ments that have been made, but those also that are making, even without that support from the Stage Proprietors which he believes the conve niences, comfort, and attention which are to be met with at the' Hotel deserves, and which has fairly proven that the Public will give he prefer ence to a well kept Public House. : ;. ; E. P. GUION. Raleigh, Sept. 23. : 7 10 8w : Public Entertainment. - JOHN BUFFALO respect fully informs the Public, that he has purchased the Public House former ly occupied by Wjti. W. Bell and Alex. High, on Hargett Street, at the -corner of Wilmington Street, where he will be glad to re ceive Travellers andlothers, and will use his ut- most exertions to accommodate them comforta- oly. ...... :.! . ' - - ' Stables are good and will be constantly suppuc-u wun pieniy 01 rrovcnaeroi :very Kina. Owing to the scarcity of money and plentiful ness of produce, the price of Board for Man arid Horse will be a dollar a day, or eight dollars h month for a single pe.son. He has a II AC II, three .GIGS and HORSES for Hire, at the shortest notice. ' His prices for his Hack, Gigs and Horses, are $3 -a "day for the Hack ; Gig with Horse & : Boy $2 a day ; Gig and Horse, without a Boy $1 50 a day ; a. Horse alone $1 a day ; a Gig 50 Cents a day. ; ; Raleigh, April 2. . 460tf : N. B Persons hiring Gijrs from me, will be expected to. repair any injury done to them, whilst in their possession, : ' ll B. : BOARDING. ; AfTS'.S' E. 6?SZF is prepareil to ac commodate eight Members of the approaching legislature wun Lsoara, togeiner wivnme fami lies of those who m y accompany theraj -r!y application is requested. Sept. 10 ! BOARDING. ! TIHE MISSES PULLlAM will be prepare'd to i. accommodate 10 or 12 Members of the ap proaching General Assembly with Board. Raleigh, Sept. 10 -,. .: ,y - 63t , Airs. Delia Haywood V HAVING m; de a large addition to Iict! House, will be prepared to accommodate with comfortable lodging) rooms, Members of. the General Assembly, and others who may call on h-rr for Board, during the ensuing Legisla ture, and at other times. " ' Raleigh, Sept 14. : , 3 BOARDING. ( mf lSrjOHN HAYWOOD is prepared to ac ItJL coimiflodate weny-t?e or thirty Members of tlie Legislature. She assures all those who may honor her with their patronage, that no ex ertions shall be spared to render them comfol-ta-, ble , v .. . ,. - v . -. . . r -. Mrs. H. bar a number of detached rooms be sides those in the main building :.v' ; j H: B: The favor of early applications is re quested ' ' "':'X:-X- - Vt: '--' '! ; Mrs. HI continues to receive Travellers, and Boarders by the day, week, month or year: j Raleigh, Sept. 2, 1829 , ? ; - ; -Y. M RS. PARS LEY: will be prepared to accom- iW 1 comniotlate 12 or 15 Members, f the Gen eral Assembly with Board. She assured thnQ. who may favor her with their company, that the L uiiiiosi, ca ruuns snau De,usett to render .(their situation ugreeablei. V Cf.- ' ' .J t V v 'Uleigli;.SepC2;..;vf7 BOARDING- 'PHE Subscriber has several convenient Bed kv5 Rooms detached from his Dwellin-flnti on the main street nar the Capitolrand wbufd. oe giaa to accommodate with Board twelve or ,fifteen Members i'pf the ":esuinjr;Lefrisl'ature'i The favor of erly aplictibri is requesteA j - it is convenient also, lor him to twelf e tir 4 fifteen-', Hofses,at aC 'irterarprice)aviOfcT' plenty of provender, good past urage; a tid well enclosed lot abundantly supplied with' water.' rJ ft f Ii!"! t ?,, , --' '' ' . A '"';J--',. .: j -i -4'i - mHfStibscnber1ia;iri V vui .oe prenareu,,ai; ine approachinr; - Of the- Legislatiirei to, accommodate witb 0,a frotri 40 to 50 lembers; h m "oard; ITlKTo rlaleigh Septl$29i ; The SabscHber, ILL Jbe prepared to accommodate Itoaivt fvrirn i In 1 t-K' . . 'tl- proaching LegislatUre. ; ;.k ., eat ?Raleigt.'eptlK&fc' 9 THE ATMS. 3R irTkRARTHtSTOICt ANP COJtME;i,ir ':'i" I ' ftnri, piibtshicl weeklirj .- in ib cUbirrWTY ; fWt !l S 'paper is ;bo. pa rtiularly adapt e'd 1 6 ii f 1. ; wants ofjFamiiresor mdiiduals whose su'e. ition nrifl circuntstances do not require the of a Ltily journal : it is also well cak ul..ted f0- tfi who may bedispbsed to neerve a tonvfuLJ, recorcl of passi n gr events, combined w it U u teftaifiiiur mscel!any..'i';'t''"'v'. - plan of the Atlas isv original. largely a condensed rctnrt - of; the ttwst imhr,inf. events in every part of the. world, distinctly urrunL carefully 'prepared, from the mostj ample source of infofnriatior) boh foreign a'rixl domestic. ' "T affairstbf the Ufiited JStutes'mX of Great -Jirittdx and -Prancti as possessing? the . highest generuT interest; receive speci d at'ention in thi3 papep The Atlas disclaims all partizari views, h.t :1 pledged, in every party question that is notice.! to give, as tar as possible, a canuid representation of the sentiments of . each, using, when dtco rous, their own language. v The other contents of the paper consist of Literary Notices anl Se lections i; facts'' and opinions re rating to Science and the; Arts and Commercial Intelligence em bracing, i in a separate ' department, a Weekly Review of the NewiYork" Market, with others m the United States--and those of London, Liver pool and Havre ; and a report of foreign arrival in an ine pons or tne unuea states; with other ahip jnewsJvvV", fiZ ' ..'-K .' . : ' -. -' Besides these subjects, the Atlas contains a variety of amusing anecdotes and other agrees ble miscellanies, calculated to complete the de sign expressed in its motto "Lectorem delec tandb, pariterque monendo. I v yConditions.Vrce9 $6 for the yearly volunie payable in advance. " Btit if the paper is deliverl ed in; the city, or through the United States Mall, and payment In advance at the office of public, tion, free of all charges. $5. . Price half yearly, $3 4 fo substjriptioni taken for lass time than $ months, and no .papers discoiuTnued except at the expiration of half yearly periods. Nortli-Garolina Christian Almanac 'yr . -. Ear Sa!e.X ' . ".: V Price 5, 4, 4, 3 cents, as the order may be lor 50, 100, 200, or upwards:', . : - Apply to ' P. W. DoVvDor : Raleigh, Sept. 3, 1829; 4 4t AGENCY. THE subscriber offers his services for the cal lection of claims ag-.iinst the United States or indi viduals. AHis knowledge of the manner of conducting business at the public offices, and ac quaintance with, the' citizens generally afford; great facilities for! he speedy seltlemt nt of ac counts. Satisfactory reference will5 be" given, and -chargea 'moeiSitevs':1'v r';? t: ' , ' -'i -.B.. HO MANS. - Georgetown, P. C Sept. T, 1S29. 5- HEVVSON'S f KIKE LIST. ' - ; Drawing ol the New-York Consolidated Lottery', 1 Uh Clan., o. 4. 1. 2. ay.;2a36. 44. J No. i: 19; ;20, a Vrixe 'of 5Q0 Dollars ; T ? - 2. 4. 20, m do- , do. I 200 Dollars V 19. 36V s do; do. 200 Dollars t ' - -1. 3;: 4; - do. do f 100 Dollars " All sold at Hewson's ever fortunate Office Pe tersburg, where orders for the Lucky number will always meet with prompt attention address - B. Y. HEWSON, Spt. 1829. 10- Liick id .Raleigh, From ilE VVSjDN's ever" oi tuoate Office. : Jrawing of the Union Canal Lottery, - , ' No. 39. 47. 54. a Prize of One Thousand Dollars sold at Hewson's Office Petersburg t a gentleman residing; at Raleigh--theCash is -ready for the-. Prize at the Lucky Office, wbe the fortunate owner of the ticket is requested u cail.v" -;-n' :--.U,-: f I , " . ,B,' W. HEWS ON, Petersburg. GAM PB ELL ROBARDS is prepared to cx cute on moderate terms and with neatness and despatch, all orders in his line.. He has number of Certificate's from some of the most respectable gentlemen iii'the State, whose hoi' ses he has painted.'; Persons desiring his servi ces will please apply to HENRY M. MILLE8 Esquire, of this city, . ;: ; :' ' ' ' ' ' ; Raleigh, Sept. 23. ' v ( , 10-3t - - -GRASS SE E D. 'fmrjLLlAMS &, II AY WOOD have iustreaeif ftf, vu iiuui unilllllirr, a supply Ol - : ' V ' : Red Clover Seed, - - . : ' ' : '. ; 'r , x Orchard Gi-ass, vdo. . ' Lucerne, . do. " n' ' Which they offer to Agriculturah'sts on termsv. ;,: v-?f ' - ' x:..-; j y;-'-A Raleigh, eptvli.:-! 829. '3 JOSEPH GALES & SON, lust 'Received-? 1 Travels in North -America, in the vears 1837a"1 ,1828, b.Capt. Basil IalI, of the Hoyal Sf V2 vols. V : , v' The English in France, by the author of th v- sept. 9. ; h - v mx! ? v ' , ; iStatef Noith-Oaroiina, . . .' : ' Guilforti Countv. V Harbert Tatem ani wife Elizabeth, Sion Tate P and wife Patsey,UVil3on Wi Doak and lfC. 5 H arihahJaines BHlirigsly and wde Rebecca f !lihftf nV lV9tnn anA u it- TNJan- WilkinS US" bum,; Edmund: ' Ogburri, John Ogburn, a cholas Offburn. Samtiel Donnel 'and wife r cillai Charles: Qgburn and Eamund ,00, 1 nfant heirs bf; WmOgburn; dee'd, " by tne i'lKatJi-rT . Peti ition tor sale ot iirt e satisfaction of the -Co TTT;anDearifi to the satisfact li- thata Tiii-t nftha ,tfrtjnta in this CaSC riot : inhabitants of this State, it is therefore fbr six week In the Bdeigh Register for J1 ,j appear at tfienext term of this. Court; to be"' forthe county of GuUfbird on the fourth- M'J after the fourth'Monday of September, -M' l'1 Jto; answer of demur, r the petition will T ex partem awl judgment "awanii d acc-w:- - T Au5u.t 3i,is2o; ;r.v- . t Raleigh Sept. 9i 1S39 4- -r : .... v '4 ' i 1..' t. 7 tJ t J '.-.i. -if f' :" ' ' '( ' ' I .- ". ' 'f 'j : L