( . !..":.. ..'' : - ' :V'.'vV; ' V . , ' - i; . - . ' , - i " t - - - v .sy - v", x 1 . 4 , V. , K y. ; V : ( a rr J -1 id , - X V Tl!-0 AELli XI G AETTS i..V" , .v ".'.'J. ;-.:-' v '.'-S''' f I, 4 n Ours are the nlans of fair.HTitrhffnl nar.f V UnvrarpM by pirty ragpe to live like brothers ' ' ;. 15 A" o. T.'lTT- - v V it ---4. i- ! js Published overy AloitoAT and THunsnir by , JOSRP! OAI.ES &SON, " . Five jH oil art tr annum- half in advance. '.f . A D V R RT IS R M RNTS Rot exeeedihfr'fxtfrt ftntf.s neatly inserted 3 times for a Tolla"r; and twenty-five, cents for every .succeeding publication : those of Rrreat er length in the same proportion.. ..Commjt KiciTioa thankfully rcceived.r .LTTKR8 to the Editors must be fiostfiaid. ; , ' '. t , r t the bogle ; of anneslie- Anryewrnna belive,' the Bogle ? laid ft pretty y dung I assie, to inr swrciirdin ns theyfsat ur the door of her father's cottage. one tine au'umn evening. : w7"u ""r that;: mither AndrewMl no, believe i', the Bogie ?' - . , Glide be wi os, EfSe !' exclaimed An drew (a atender; and delicate yinuth of a-boattwo-and twenty) a bonny: time I would hae b't, gin I were to heed every auld fife's clatter,' ' . VV-' " y -! . .The Words auld wifeVhad a manifest effect on EfDef and , he;bit her lips in si lence Her: mother immediately; opened a battery upon he young map's prejudices, narrating that on Anneslie- Heath, at- ten o'clock o' niaht, -a -certain;, apparition j was wont to appear, in the form ot a;maiden a buve the unusual sixe, with a yide three cornered Sundry other particulars Wre roentionpd, but .Andrew was sail credujoor-llVUrtiethd be he Ver sd Rffie,J as rh'f depar ted.t ; Man V d af 'iiowever paWsedfa way,t and EfFie, w a s e v i d e ntlj- m tl cti d ia.fppb in ted to find that the scept kimii "other Jo ver gulh ered itrenEth.- N ijt he hid audacity .to At last. however; her .prophecy was ful filledHAW nmor;whiie the clqcle struck tea u far n was his -usual practice to kat'that hour, in order to mock the! fars.of his future bride. ;He wao-jast windiBg round the thicket which pned ti him a v:w of te cirttage where Effie dweJt, when he heard -a light step behind himi V andin an instant his feet iwere tripped up and he was laid prostrate on the turf. ; CTpon lookfhg op he beheld a.tall. mbscular niantandiii2 uver him, who, in no courteou manner, desired toVe the contents of his pocket. Deii be on ye I VxclaJnVd: t hVyouog, foresterj .' I hae, but cin iVthe .warld..'lliit coin tnawn I hae,' s:iid his assailant. Faith i IV show ye play for it then &aid Andrew, andSpfungr un,hisrfeet.1:, Andrew was ' esteemed the best cudgel player fir t wepty miles :hmnd, so that bt tef 9pace he cooled thie -ardor f his an tajjnnist, and f dealt suchisitationst upon his i sf uU as might have made a much firoi er head .ache' for" a fortnight. The. man stepped back, aiid,; pausing in his assault rat?d his hand Jo his forelea, and boiled it among his lark forks ItJ-eturhed jtu ered with blootl. f - ' l cruwW he ''said bui yet Jye shaf bo gang irathless,' aiid flinging down'-hi9 "cudgel, Ihe flev on his young fueyand grasping his rxidy before fhe? was awarejofcthe "alti4:k n inea.tum.' to tn e ear i n w ifn a nap pa n i g impetu. Th iJordaeimw s.id A utl re'w", I'm a d ead? iiao ' ; - u 7 r;, .f:'H e as t tit tar fro m t ,lbr his i riid foe. as prepariiig to put the UtHshing stroke t hif Ins victor y Suddenly something stiri ted in the bushes, 'arid the cmquereyturtif hg away from his victim, cried ou t, The b'Mr I e ! 'a'Kdfl ed j 'pYe.cip i fa te lyv ,A rid re w Ventured jov: liifjl'pi H e sa w i he figu re which' had been t d escribed to v hi m t a ) p'o.ichuigvj it caoe uearer auij nearer j. its la! e was i :y eiy pale, and rtstep ;w.as noV li -ard on he:grais.;4i: it Stood tas sidf and looked down u jon hitAfc drew bu rietj - his ? fiice Jn his 'i cloak jf preJ etly t he" apparition ' spoke ind i ti tic t ly i'd ed, ' for its - teeth ; seemed; to , cha tter illi t col ;V. This a cauid an aneen'e to be aej Ja tjjer ttti t fiesl le Sl u irl j add Ji"tteditelyMtgnd lew mi iiu teV.in trance ; "an d k then ari- ng frour his cold bed, ran hastily towards Hie cottrtge of his. misti ess. His hatrslood on ?eiul , and the y ap.jur jsijbf the-nighy sunk Ctull UDOh hi hrntv a ho liFtil tin' th teli,. a iid fl u ng hi tu self on an oaken seal, Presierveuli!' Iriedl heiiTil woaianl- why. ye are mairithau enough to -frighten ly .out o' her ' wits l To come in ' Wi? C i iaunt a n e : i r k f i a ! i e a i f e id - h n d t h e 'vil bh'Aid srtterey a o'ertvoiir newleath ;'' vv,- f'i tlieiklil liilv. h'..l u innn lina nf iahrA!iM' sdi l.kVVIl llr . I march between 11 1' hu t Jh ! iri en t iiri 9 f t he bbgfe wr as ti them. A ' thou. i . . r- n Ji nw r ultin was; siie ? H she r?ed ? Who was .he like ? What did :mi insult by gi bes a nd j est s t he tru e believers, and to call uKori i ttietiiorthe reastins of theirV'LW&S'E ao n eY i a't ih o &. brokVoTt h ai fu le's ''"'oliroeSflH' . 1 fce mither,,? said the youhg man, I . ne w.iS a , tall thin woman, about se? i1VthigUi : '. :... ,v k A..rew!' cried'Effie, ;C 1 iV : ''giyasm!,;,.;;);;; ' . Other people tell a different atory,' said Effie! V-'" v True, -on .my. Bible' oath ! -and then her beard' f ) . - ' ;."-"f .ALbeard I Andre wS, shrieking Effie, : a woman With a beard ? For shame, An drewlV- , . . T 4 Nay I will swear it! She' had .seen fully saxty: winters aFore she, died to trou- wager my best new goun,' said the maiden, that aixteen would be nearer the mark.';-, "'Xx,'L .i-'- - - -V ' But wha was sh like, Andrew ? said the old woman. Was she like auld Ja net that was drowned, in the pond, hard by? or the auld witch that your master hang ed for stealing his pet Jamb ? or ,was -he like ; ", I-"- ' Are you sure she wis na like me, , An drew? said Effie, looking archly in his face ' " You--Phaw!r F:ithi guid mitherVhe was like tanaebodr that I ken, ' unless it be auld Eispeth, the cobbler's wife, i tfi.it was spirited awa' by the ablt, fir break ing Father Jerome's head .wij a tin frying- pan And hiw was she drest. Andrew ? ' j- . In that , horrid three-cornered hat, which ,raay 5I be blinded if ever j I seek to look upon again! an' in a lang blue'apron.' 4 Green,, Andrew!' cried Eifie, twirling her own .'.green, apron. rund her thumb. . ; ;4!Hqw;y6u like-to teaseohe!?, said, the lover.fi P or Andrew did natat all enter into his mistress' pleasantry 5 for he labor ed under great depression of. spirits and never lifted his eyes from the ground. , C ' But ye hae na laid us what she said, lad!' said the old : woman, assuming an air of deeper mystery, as each question was put and answered in it turn.. , . v Jy Lord i what sgnifies it yhe f her, she said this or that I H tiid your tatigue! and get me some comfort, tor, to spe.k the truth, i'iu vera cauid' - ? . Wll roayest thu be sae,' said Eflif, for indeed, she continued, in a Teigoed i o'ct-w it was a cauld:ari an eerie night to be me latefontnneslU Muir.: Andrew started; and a doubt seemed to pa oyer his mind. . He looked up at the damsel, and perceived, for the first time, that her, large .blue eyes was laughing t him from under!-the shade of a huge! tliree C' rnered hat. The next-moment, he hung over her in an ecstacy of grtitud1, and smothered with his kisses, the ridicult which she forced upon him as the penalty of his prestrvation.i S'ven feet high, Andrew! , My dear Effie!' A ugly as in!' , My darlirig 1 ssie! And a beard! r , Na na! now you carry the jest o'er far!' 4 And saxty winter ! Saxteen springs, Effie! dear delightful, smiling springs! . . , : And Eispeth the cobblers wife! oh! Andrew Andrew ! I never: can' forgive you for the cobbler's wife ! arid what sae you now, Andrew ? is there nae b gle on the Muir ? - ' . - : .j , vMy Jear Effie for your sake I'll be lieve in a the; b2lH in Christendie!' J'hat is 'said Effie at the conclusion of a long and vehement fit of risibility' that is, in a' that wear Jhree-cornered hats.', ; UPSETTING OF A YANKEE TRICK. ;A pleasant story was told us lat evening, by a frietid who has returned from a sum m er e xcu t si o n in. the Yankee land, Jtlus trative of the mode in which they some times' do the thing that's right" in Con- necticut. rrarmer. lJoDbius, wiio was go ing to Applebury the other d:iy, in Fair fitHd courttywitha load of h..y, came up with three nonesi neignuours naving 1 ron crows upon their shoulders with which they. haifc-beenT work ifi planting post and r;iil feii ce. - Th ey as k ed him for arjde V and Fanner O 'bbins ever 'Wig Jq; turn an honest pen ny told them they might climb on, if they would iist ay down and Hver.them' sel ves up.' No sooner said than done. ( The three worthies-myunieu ine iuaa,Ciay uown und cr a I otie cover i ng of hay, fas snug as a bug in aTiig.'' tiee op there Buck and Gold i rig, ''i?atil I Firmer Ddbbins' W his oxen and ih they!yw.entT untii they' cairie to the hay scales in Apjile tur, rMund" the corner ot the biacksniiih's, shop, just bejond' tne old whipping post, north of the. meeting -hiuse, Back )arid Go,dingdrewVthV;Joad,r8fely.auponihe Scales,1 where the hay; the men, and crow b.trs, all weighed tutliejio smil satisfac tion id ihe owner. Good Farmer Dobbins, upright sou',, now thought himself well paid for riding his t neighbors andf by sliing tfiei r weight for h ay; proy i ng thai, al I flesh is fass' , ;But tue oest devised plaos will toinetiines miscarry, a Farmer Dobbins soon fun nd to his deep , chagrin ' A t the moment he was leaving the hay Wales, a tlog -rushed 'upon -Guiding; tne'teaiMn starting gee'd sudenly'ott';, crash'weni one ot the uprights of jhe scales an J over weut the precious toad of hay; Plague Wt,? .said honest Farmer DobttinsV ? wtio 4 would not for the world swore a more OuU'r oath. But at this iuotnent,a laint groan from what was novy ine uoitom 01 me ioau, ,cau3eu ik wt igh-ui;ster to prick up his ears inuth - ytv ".ana -aiioiner loiioweu fy mere was a rust' ling in Jhe hay j Und 1 presently '"out crip the three troglodytes, the slafft trickling from the smeller of one another lametl in the pins j anr the third withhe' loss -of part of Ivory, land a broken I wrist. ' 'So much for "doing the thing that's right" Com, Jidv . . NEW BOOKS B GALEh & ON have jiist receiyedfrom Phi W.-i ladelphn, the following new Publications : Maddock's Reports, six volumes in three. , I Sunde.rs on Pleading and Evidence, 2 vols feters' Ke ports, ad volume t Story's Pledlnirsi new edition . Starkie on Evidence, , do. 3 vols " . Thomas's Coke, . on Littleton j '3 v. Memoirs of Bolivar " : Let er from the Egean jsocKminsrer s sermons, a news series ' Todd's Johnson's Dicrtonary' Neale's Uterary: Remains i Last; of the Plantagunets, 2 vols! - l ales ot Passion do Traits of Travel do )Devereux ' ' - do Richelieu ' do i ; Hungarian Tales I ' do ' ' Subaltern's Log Book; do Stratton Hill - t do ' School of Fashion ' do The (Jollegians ' doN . ' Twles of Military Life do -The Protestant V do 'Anneof Giersteiri 7 do f5. v Visits: of Mercy j . " do" . r ? Travels of Life v do, ' T Shepher6's Calender do Tales of the Good Woman .; I' Apician Morsels ' , .Irving's Columbus, abridg-ed by himself " Virginia riousewire p i Pastors Sketch Book t Dick's Future State Blchut's Epitome US Ewell's Medical Companion, (latest edition) A LS O, j a very I gv n'eral Assortment ot School Rooks and Stationery Oct. 7. . 1 MONEY PLENTY., Orders from a distance nunctuallyl attended to. All who' want ,anyof the precious ttielal are re q irstecji to send fo . ffewson's Ottiee.. .R5He re coives the Tickr-ts direct from - , Mid. Quarters,' ami tor tie last s x months has had the pleasifre I of selhng ana pavhiff fr n.ore Prices than any j odee office in Virgiiiiain' -ThursAty', the Utii j instant, another opportunity iH.utlen and needy of securing an .independence for the sMiali sum )l $5. i Dctty not to ftend your oixlers immediately. I he cash is ready tdr you all. Direct .to v B. W. HEWSON, v Peteiisbuig, Va. Xew-York Lottery,. t2th Class. ' Extra. y SPLENDID SCH EM . 1 Prize of 10,000 Dollirs 1 - ' 5,000 Doll urs. 1 "',1 ' , 20 20 40 51 ; i - 5i ; 102 10 1530 ' -11475 Whole Tickets 2.500 Dot Ears., 1,995 D . 1 liars ; 1,000 DollLtrs. ;500 Dollars. ldO' Dollars. 60 Dollars. 50 Dollars. SO Dollars. 20 1 Dollars. 5 D U brs.i S5, Halves 2 50, Quar ze Tickets, ters 1 25. Orders enclosing the Cash or Prj by mail will irjeet . with the same attention as it Address to - U. w. Hr.wsoN S Prize-selhn Omce, ', Octi 6. Petersburg DRAWING OF THE! Dismal Swamp Canal Lottery yZd dnssi Nos. 48. 19, 29,, 14, , 52. 7V 5 15. No. 19, 29, 48, a Capital, of Teh Thousand Dollars. The fortunate holdersof Prizes are, invited to call arid receive the Cash' as usual. Several handsome Prizea sold at the, never fail- ing Office of Luck, by B . W; HEXVSON, Oct. 6. PeteT-jiburff;1 V- S tate of North Carolina. ; - : Wake County. ' Court of Pleas and .Quarter Sejssions, ; ' -:: -;- v i :- ' Original Att ich't. The Post Master General. I Levied in the hands tvs.' VofWvatt Harrison & Daniel Peck. . I Mark Cooke, &. they V MS . sum'nd as Oarmstrs. IN this case, it appearing to the Court, that the ' defendant, Daniel Peck hath removed him self beyond the limits of this State1, or so con ceals bnnselt that the ordinary process ot law can not pe servca on mm : n is uiereiorcj. orucrcu u y the Court,'that publication be mad in the Ra leigh Register, for six' weeks, that uhlew Defen dant comes forward on or before'the! next Coun tv Court 'of "t Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to' be held for the county ot Wake at the Court House in Raleigh on the 3d Monday of November next, then' and", there to" replevy and plead to issue, ine proneriv jevieti on wm oe couueuineu suu jectrta plaintifis recovery. '1 '' "." 4 , - By order ot the Court, -v ' 4 B. S. KING, C. C. ' ' f ,Mrs.vl)elia Hayvvood , S". TTTTAVING in.ide a large addition td her House, uli will : be prepared- io accommodate with coiniprtable lodging vrooms-M embers l-"of ' the General Assembly, and others v who ? may call on her for .'Board, during the ensuing Legisla ture, and another times. - f ' v 1 ; , ' . ' Raleigh;-Sept . 14. 4 Nl f.-?'..- .3. ; : ' Neatly t-exeaUed at this Office. . .... ..... ." i ' - 1 ' Genera ffgehcy and Cphveymicelptftce. HP HE subscriber respectfullv informs his friends . i. , and the public generally, that he has open- ea an. jumce . on-seventU: street - West, about midway between the General . V,ost-Office and the Office -of the Nrttional Intelligencer where he will be thankful forrders.' ; Jle will attend to the settlement rf accounts of persons ,at a distance, with individuals, in this city.-; and 'with the Departments of Government; the payment of taxes due on'the lots of nonresidents! as well as to the sale or leasing of, city property t the execution of commissions for taking of -depositions and evidence necessary in cases depending in distant Courts and any other business exun mitted to his charge, V . ; . . . -. He pcoryiises prompt and faithful attention to all matters committed to him, while bis charges shalf beias moderate as possible.' He 2s author ised to.refer for evidence of his competency ta the following gentlemen : ' - : ... ,' 1 1 Hon. Joseph Kmu late Governor of Maryland. - Huri. Chas. Fj' Mercer, M.'Q. from Virginia, i : Hon. Joseph Pearson late M.'c.; from North r!'4rnlinst. 4 - ' " - it s - . j Diotiel Carroll, of Duddington, Esq ; 'j . Joseph Gulesy Jrf Elsq., Mayor of the City . Df Waslung'on s p. Gen. Walter Jones, Counseller at Law. : -. Richard S. Coj?e, Esq. n do.'- - r" ; ; Richard S IVallacft, Esq.' .- do. .. , sAtViUidm BrenU Esq., Clerk ; the Circuit Court of the District Columbia. -. .-i..,.r. . -fr Thomas Munroet E.sq. late. Postmaster. . 1 Roger C Weightmari, Esq, Cashier Bank of Washington. x' - ' William JI. Bradley t Esq. tPresident Patriotic Bank, -j- ' . . , . .....( . Thomas Carbery Esq., late Mayor of Washing- ion. : ' . - .. -.'.f:i'.' . . ... s 1 GEORGE SWEENY. Washington City, Aug. 25. 1829. '."s,'k BELli TAVERN.. : i Subscriber .resnectfullv informs -; hts rpHF. A Friends and the Public, that he still occuDies this vrrl.known stand, where he is prepared to accommodate with Board, thirty o forty Mem bers of jthe approaching Legislature. The Bell Tavern is most eligibly situated, for the conveni ence of 'Members, not beine more . than 100 yards distant from the Capitol. ' The Rooms are comfortable, the fare the best whlchfcm'be ob- winea, ana me cnarges atiaptea to the hardness of the times. ;The subscriber, theref re flatters himself on a continuance of that liberal patron age which has hitherto been extended to him. r ' . henry h. cooke. ; Raleigh, Oct. I, 1829, v 12 tMl ' P BOARDING, commodate egri Members of, the approaching Leerislature with Board. 'tc:ethee with the fami- lies of those- who i'may accompany them.' 1 Earll ... Public" Entertainment. JOH N B UFFALO respect- fully informs the; Public, that he has purchased the Public, I louse former ly occupied; by r Wm. W. - Bell anil Alex. High, on Hargett Street, at the. corner of YYumington Streetivwhere he Will be glad to receive-Travellers and others, -and will use his ut most exertions to accommodate them comforta oly. ',.," ..' i', ; . 'rHr . His Stables are good andfwilr. be Constantly supplied with plenty of Provender of i very kind. Owing to the'scacity of money and plentiful ness of produce, the price.'-of Board for, Man and Horse will be a dollar a day, .or eight dollars a month for a single person. -f r I He has a HACK, three GIGS and HORSES for Hire, at ihe shortest notice.' ; His prices for his Hack, Gigs and Horses, are ; $3 a day : for the Hack ; Gig with Horse 8c Boy $2 a day ; Gig and Horse; without a Boy $1 '50 a day ; a Horse alone $1 a day ; a Gig 50 Cents a day. ,'''"' ' - ' : Raleigb, April 2. - V ; v 60tf. f ,N.B. -Persons iiiring Gigs from me, will be expected to i repair , any ; injury done to them', whilst in their possession, , ? 'v--' . J. B.H : EAGLE HOTEL. M R. GUIONi most respectfully returns his Jlt.i.1 nanus to tne r-uonc, ror inecvery, iiDerai encouragement heJias received ihce he opened this ESTABLISHMENT, and hopes to merit a continuance of their favors. r-'r; , Mr. G. has the satisfaction to- inform the Pub ijci that in addition to the improvements already mnde,4 eight adtlitfonhl Rooms will be completed by the ensuing Session of the Legislature, which will enahle him to accommodate a larger, number of Members of the Assembly than heretofore rThe charges,' as hitherto, will be umform.and moderate, viz : tor a aian ana Horse - per aav, SI ,50 i for a Maualne, $1. with a small addi-1 tion to those who wish a separate table. ' !ft Members ot tne Assembly will be t charged $1 per dayi 'Iiiose Who have rooms to themselves, will be sufyect tojm additional charge for them. Travellers desirous of stopping at the HOTEL are often misled, by enquiring for ' the St ge House. J fThey are mtormed, that the Stages do not make it their regular stopping . House, nor is the; House known - by that, appellation. . As many person who travel in the Stuge do stop at the Hotel, and many others would; if they could be assured tney would not ne aeiayea, ,tney are informed, that no greater delay will bc.expen enced at the; Hotel those ; who wish to or two will be sure fare the market afford. ' - . . - , , x; The situation of this House is' one of the most pieasani- in ine iuy.vuc:iuif. L i;iiiiicuui.eiv uunu i of the Capitol,; adjacent to the. busmess part of the town, but without the influence' of the dust and inconvenience-attending iti ' Hi'V It is now little more. than a year, since the Sub1 set iber took i possession of this Establishment, when he found the House enrirely ; out of repair and almost without custom.: He now has it in his power to say, tliat he has not only received en couragement surhcient to justitv the ; improye m n t fi that have heen marie, hut thrive al&o- that are making, even without that euppdrt from the S tage Prop tie tots wh ich he believes the convex n.ences, comfort and attention which tre to be ' v m -V' , than at the Stajre IIoue ; and I f 1 ai-.lij oesides tne Astronomic.:! C: .1-4, v . repose " themselves for a day.Lv- ctilatjoos, Assays on v Agriculture, .valuibl ;a o find at Guion's a clean I Medical and Miscellaneous Receipts, -inecdotr-'f iN met with at the, Hotel deserves,' and which has! a i , s ?'OVw'Vi' v- '. T T - -x-' fairly provep that the Publls will give the prcrcrlCll HeaoS; pt JQSt and i COlSCp ; ence to a kept Public' House. 1 - . - E. P. GUION. Raleiffh, Sept. 23. t , t . '10 8v , HmjwootVs .Mann nli f ; Brought up to the present'titne. :. , IT T GALES &',Sil'5f have jtrst pu?d;S!..d : . APPKNDIX to Haywood's ilan.ti!, hicit embraces 't he-Laws passed since, the var IS: !9, under .distinct heads," in alphabetical crf!r, 'in cluding4ho.se of last Session which renders the Work completer . -' . v ; " - , -For this, addition .to : the ltinml, "no extrd chiVge will be m.de. The Book will be sold at Five Dollars as heretofore. Orders will be instantly attended to. ; ; . Sept. 123829. , . - -i THE SUBSCRIIIER OFFERS for Sle hs HOUSE St LOTS in the Town of Oxford, with the LAN I J adjVnir ; about 200 acres ofwhich about CD seres, tre Woodland.;':" -The House is 52 by 40 feevcomi moJious, and well finished throughout; having 4 rooms with fire-places on each cor, vith wiae passage on each-a garret distnbut-d into closets and two comfovUble rooms": and ce unaer the Whole divided into several apaitinei.ts. It is situated in a most beautiful jnove ofOiks: attached to it Is a large' Falling G.irden furnihe J. with fruits selectedfrofn the nonh-i-m Ice-!Iou:3 c -nstructedr.of rocka stone Spring-House Well of excellent water in theyrd an OfBce in the'yird suitable for a Lawyer, and every neces sary uuinouse. all in gootl repair. - . ' . Also,- a TAKYARD now in-operation which might give employment to 8 or 10 hands, bavin r 10 acres of land attached to it; and on the rre- s .is a comioriaDie two story lJweilin-, witn every-convenience for a family residence. A better Constructed Yard is seldom' seen any where This nronertv will -be disncrsJ rl' cr reasonableand accommodatihsr terms. Kv V V -VVVTilO. U IA1 TUEJOflN. Oxford, Sept. I. J . 1 v 5oaw tf Jtist Received :' ' FaberVtiifBculties of Romanism v . Scott's Family Biblem 6 volsi 8vo. .-. The History and Mystery of Methodist K t ' u piscopaey, by Mex. MCuine. s t ' t A Defence' vt the Truth as set forth in .he' . ;. ( Histdry and Mystery of Methodist Epis - copacyj by the same person, - ' , :'VV .'.:'y-- ):.J'-;JOS.: GALES.C SON.- 1 Medical flHE Aonwal Course of Lectures in this Insti- A . tution, will be-resued on th second 'U ton day in November, on te following Branches : - ymotamy-y John Kdwards Holbrouk, B1;D. ysur?eryr-by J mes Ramsay, M. I). t Jiisiiivies;andPmctlteofSlediei S am u el Henry1 Dickson, M. D.. f v , 1 . t Materia Jlledicu by It enry II. Frost, 11. Th . ., Obstetrics and Diseases of ' Women and Children bv Thomas G Priolfan M n I; Chemisfry--by Edmund Ravenpl.TM. D-i 5- ' Aatural Hittoryand Bolanyby Stephen EHi ott, 'L- Lr IV.n ' :. : ;. ' ';'; ,',' ' ' ' :;PatholoicalKan'I Surgical J'nahmtfiy. John Wagner'-M, D. v ;'. ' - 'y - ... -. , :', - Demonstrator oj 'Jlnatomy r Jno.; Wa gner, M.' T). X-:Kl.v;,ENRVvH.,'F;ROS-r.-Dean.- -, August 10. .-' . :-".--. 2 lawtN . ' ItALElGlI THEA I'ltE. -.? ;KESER respectfully informs tlse Public, XJL tnat aoCng the approaching Session of tiie Legislature,,. ,the Baleigh Theatre will be'open- ed for a short seasoniTi hder his tr: n s em e nt . He.has exert d himself to s.cure 4he service of ah excellent Company, and trusts that hh efforts to pleasewill; be' met by a correspouJin j d e-" , gree of patronage from a liberal public. ; - Sept. i-rhffr.::rr io nk; . rv. ; .U47;.OR,;sALE !.'.- ; "H": WISH to sell th'eDlaceSwithin a '-mil rrnnir JL borough on which 1: now reside. There ':- vui apres, about one nalt cleared, ten acres cf, -Meadow .land and Tthe balance in - wood. The ; imjjrovements are. all new, and finished in the best manner- they ; consist ot a Dwelling1 House, ' containing eight rooms j with fire places, besides passages, closets Sec-a. large Barn": and Sta ' ; , and other necessary Outhouses. '.There are se- veralffiever failing Spring of the best .water on ' , the tract, -and a large and well selected" fru't OrchardN;. '-' i. y, '. 'r'.-.'--. .-' -,'- dt ; will sell thisproperty, mi f the most liber ..1 terms -either for money o t easy credits or will exchange it for Negroes or Western lands. Application may be made by letter to tlie ru' scriber, . at Hillsborough. ' ; : V,W. ATJDET.W O! ; Nov. 5. f -.; " . - 2) eotf FOll SALE, ''i TRACT OFL AND,! in. Wake ccur.iy, ly i: ing on both sides of -Dutchman's U r: n ; h , containing 397 acresai'd anothtr Tract !yl ; r , the: south side of S wift Creek. - T h e T r c t s a i c cmtiguous,-and were purcliased 5o2 vearj go by the late Wm. Gdmour of Y i. L?ron. ri Apply to the Edit rs of the 'Register, who ere TautnonseoTny the owner to sell said Unu. AugusM5, 1829. Stf : JUST PUBLISHED ; north-cakollNa:: 183 0.:; ... - I . .. I anj af the OfHc&rs of the State and General Go-' I VernmenV Ume ot holding the ddierent Courts, i This Almanackjnay be had vhc!sale of fh Publishers, Raleigh ; cf Mr. Edtrar d Hale, Ooserver Office; Fayetteyille, and of hlr. .Salmon - a 11 l - Han, uooKseuer xeu o-rn ) ana reiau, . cr . most of the Storekeepers in the State, ,. -'-' ' :foe;sale,- v 0 ?fl; moderate VtermV a neat Pihnit !oub!j , GIG and HARNESS, alsa an excell.at Ta- m,ly HOUSL, accustomea io any -ira. m I nes. or. icrms, sppiy . v yww . . Sept 10.: PAPER different- qualities, just recivea d ,RaleiSbJu!y2r.- ,' ' J A - .'

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