-Jvi;vV v a - ; 1! ' - . , - V ' ,i - 1 ' - ' -t 11 11 1 - , 11 ' ' 1 . . f . --- t . . , j , , , . ' - - 1 . . - . 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - t - . Jit tivt JDollar per annum half in Advance. ;Frdra this. well itlg proposed (d-thrpvv the water int Jhe .Reserybir by: means of machinerj moved by horse' or steam power. , The tater. wul pasa offfrom thp bottom ortbe reservoir through .a: pipe of. $6 inches bre through ari arch way irt the foundation, ahd ' in : the street belconnecfed with Jthe main pipes pf.12 inch borevarid.by the latter -will, be conducted through ,13ih street' to the Sd avenue and. Broad wavv'ddwn..'the former u ntil it intersect ft (he Bo w'ery, ' and continuing on "to Chatham square and down -Broad way. to Canal sf feet, Branch pipes ot IU .and b inches bore will -be laid so as to conduct the 4 water through ail the intersecting" streets,'' and from the reser- v)ip, iu iDc exireniB enu of me pipes nere will. b-placed at nearly equal;. aistances nygranis on tne two leauing streets, ana the requisite number of stop cock. V " ' i f t is calculated that two;; miles, and a half of 12 inch pine will - contain 55,000 gallons of water, Avhich added to, the 265, 000 in the Reservoir, , will giy e , a total " of 3$090d0'T-gallbnsV l.TTiii-immense supply may.be .brought to bear upon any point a- lung the: 'extensive line of pipe, and uKn the intefsectiti" streets bjr means of. hose which will be screwed on. to the hydrants. As the surface of the water in the reservoir when full, witl be 80 feet above.tthe level of the. river, & as the highest ground in the regulated part of thexity is only 4Di.iect above the taino level, it is inferred that in many parts of the city the water can be thrown upon; the highest buildings without the aid of an enzine,' and in till parts to such a height as to check the devouring el ement before the engines arrive, " c - UnVP.nTIRMP.T : TS Knt f?icc?eftic tixUen lines. Toetly inserted 3 time for a' Doltiir, and twenty-fire cents for r' every Miceeeding pnbjication : those tt fjreau - jHCATiost thankfully ;ripceiireL..:LTORS.To . the Editors mustVbe pottpcid. ; -: : - Paris in irsr. ThV followincrJetter from ihe late Thos. Jeflerson to a lady, dated Pi risj ebruary rth, -1 T8r, is ia teresting; as. giving a vie w of Jife in that city at that period. It will be perceived that there is not much difference between the '. life of a'1 fine lady as' Jefferr it, and as it is in these latter , . , :v-. bet son depicts day. : ; I :know, 'Madara,H that-the : twelve rinonth is-,not yet eipired.i but it will be, uearlyi before this will have thV honor, of being put into youiharidsT;, You are then engaged; to -tell me tru ly & horfestly, wh e theryou'do not find the tranquil, pleasures oT America prefrrable to the empty;bustle of Pari. -For to jwnat does ,that bustle tend ?t. i At eleven o'clock,. it Js dajr, chtz madinnc Thecartains aredrawn.' ProjA ped on bolsters and pillow's, and the head scratched into a little, order,-the bulletins, of the sjck are t tad and the billets of the vell- i; She.'writes to 6ome of hef acquain tance,:and receives theVisitrpf'uiHere If the ntorning is not very Jhrongedshe.is able to get out and jiobble- found "the cage of the Palais, Ubyal.;-but she .must hobb:e quickly . for the coiffeur's turnisl come, and a treniendous turn it isi Happy if h dpes not rnuke her arrive when dinner ia hUf over! The torpitude: of "digestion a little ; passed' -sBe flutters hair anhour t brought the; streets, by paying visits and then v; the spectacles,- ' , .;V; These finished, another half hour is de voted to dodging in and out of the doors of ber very sincere friends, and 'air ay. to tup ier. After supper, carols, and after cards, Led ; to rise at noon the next clay,"arid to tread like a mill horse; the" same trodden circle over again. Thus the days of life are cfniumed,rcne!by one, without an ob ject 'beyond the present 'moWeqt'j ever Hying ffom the ennui of tiiat, yet carrying it with Us eternally, in pursuit or happi-ncss'x- Which - keeps eternally before us-t-If deathv-or bankruptcy happen to ; trip us out of the dr'cle; ' it is. matter - foKthe bux of the eiveningi and is .completely forgot ten by lhe,next morniog. ' In:Aiuericaon the other hand,- the society '.of your 'fhas- band, tbe fonu-cares lor tne cniiurenf me arrangeroerifs ofthe ;"hbuse,;ilTe imprbve ments of the grounds, fill -every 'moment tiih a healthy anda'nusefulactrvlty.-T-r-K v ery exe r tio n ' i s e n c o u ra gi n beca u se t o ' pre&fcntlamuseraetit, it joins the "pfpiriise of some fAurei'gbo.'Vllientervals of.Iei- frure are filled by tficSociety of real friends, r whose ffectibris. are notvthinned to cob vv b, by be i ng s p read o v e r - a ': th o u s a n d ob ects. Yl'S '.s. the pictufe, io the tight it is presented to my'inind ;now,let, rue have it iii yoors. Qf we do not concur this year, . we shal) the next; or if not"their,-in;a year or two Vnore.',. Yon; see I ani'filefermihed Lot'-'tb suppose myself mistaken.'' " From ihe Journal of. Commerce.; v' ;. . - 'EXTINGUISHMENT OB VittZiZ -; Pew jribjf cts'-'bf a general nature, can be more i rite resting' to pur citizens than this j it having beehT"Urtd by' accurate observar tions that. the number offires which' ifccuf-fed;frbip"Jan.;tb'-ped occasioning a 'destruction off property vlo . the airiQunt of SGd,403: 'o- . v; - ; .. Aj45nicentpIaii. is 'now ;in the:; pfo- : cessof execution for. the 'extinguishment of fires tlje defails of Xvhich afe probably un knuvvn to 'the -great majority of y bu r own , citizehi.V -A lot Was. purchased, some time since ob the S. Ercorner of .the iBowery and , 13ih street, 105 feet by 2irv for the erecuon ol a- Hub ic KeserVoir.'v : 1 He surlaceof ihe ground, bnthelot,' s nine fret -above the street level j and.to prevent it from f washing: away,'-ai wall has been i e? reelect tm, the s(Oe iostexpo8eut;;i2 leet hih4 feet thick at the bottom, and , 2s at s tin tlis plot 6r ground is. erected a foun dation of1stue work;, 1 2 feet.highand 'f45. jni diameter, exclusive of its base; vv'hich is iiiibeilded three Teet;i n , the earth. V fhe a j inwuni or stone Which has been used ,m its ! 'conaird'etiuii, including the wall firstjjnen tiified,i nearly 4 200loadi. '.Circular HetervoirVofcast ifon 42 feet ih.Uiapoeter THECUCULLO. r ; datjon;to cbnUin, as estimated, 2G5,000 gallons,? or 4206 hhdsv-1 ; ; j , At Vdisubce of-0 feet'from' the Resef ; yir,a JWell is digging, 15 feet in iJiametef, : hich ;ia already suolCo thV depth of 32 v feet.) .Tbe 'last 1 r.'feet ;are through ;fock, I IfMm tH'e ; fis'sureV of .' Which, vater wo w runs . ? Ve Wuuot of 1200 galls, per Xlay. It is ''jQtebded to sink t. 15 I eet further, which , sT-'wUl bring he bottom to the leyef 4f-; tid e Hater. !ahon -;i oniiniiaii Nlot .t JVpri '.We have transcribed for the amusement of our readers, an account of the Cucullo, from I e t tef s w ri t te n i n t he. interior of Cu ba by the late Rev; Abiel Abbot, .of Mas sachusetts, VThe whole work would well repay the time spent in its perusal. It contains many yer-y interesting particulars of the inhabitants, prwlucts and . scenery or me lsiauu, wmcn .win ue new. io uiusi readers. - -'s 'I ',. 7e Cucullo. I had scarcely' arrived in this island before this splendid insec? was mentioned by all my young acquaint ances in terms, as I thought, of enthusiasm and 'extravagaricenatural to their age.- But I observed that the elder and more se date were'alranst; as' unmeasured in the terms of their description." I remembered with what delight, in my childhood, I used to gaze on the meauow or lawn in summer when the fiife'fliei were plenty! anil cheer ed the darkness f the evening by the sud den flashj and as sudden an extinguish ment of their ray or .light; and 1 supposed the Cucullos "otishc afford an exhibition a little more splendid. " : rhe season for them has come. " One or two inade their appearance the first :even ing,"antl were hailed ' like the first notes of birds in the Spring.v ,A few more cheered the second evening, and after .the' lapse of a week, and the fall of a heavy shower; they are innumerable. Their sportive hour -commences .'with, twilight. They dart in all directions like so many brilliant stars or-comets over the top of plantation or trees, now. soaring, again ''descending, suddenly they wheel from one direction to another, pursuing. and pursued! and play ing their circles round each other with a sort. of -magical enchantment. It seems as if the stars had left their orbits and -were mingling in a mazy dance for the enter tain merit of the transport ed gazers. C VOurglow worm and fire "fly are not to be mentioned with vthe Cucullos. The Hht which these give is . not a flash,' but steady emitted through'two Jarjg'e'eyes, al ways viiibte, except : when they are-flying from you,and it is a light ot uncommon Whiteness and purity hot. like the fiery.ra diance of Mars, but the soft beams of '-Venus,' the morning and eveninglstar. The Cucullols. about au '.Inch and a ;half Jong and one, fourth of an inch broad. In the day jine it Js sleepy, and gives but a faint light, of considerable brilliancy,-however, when -shaken, In the night they give light enough jfor the purpbses of the nurse ry, and youngf eyes ; cau see' to. readljy them."dbbott'iXetters'frdmCub ""jtl SooftB?$r ;3tattonte. im-r-r:M" Tat .- ? r . r i f Jo8eiiK Gales -&JSonl TTAVE. in Store a yery, general I assortment; of J.JL- School and other IiookscStationety, &c-7 which; they offer for sale to Country, Merchants, Tekqhers and others," on the mo4t ccommoda ting termsi, consisting ini prtj as follows " i' Scot t's Fatnity Bible a new diu on', 5 vols.- Family Bibles, 4to. in, various ,hin4nc;s i do.Ho. 8vo.-in dodo..' docket do. fine edition, in- extra bindings' do. dev common V School do. Focket 2'estaments, in various bindingsVISchoordo lommon Prayer, do. do. Sec. V " Scott's Lessons Art,t)f Readin.e; well J uvenile leader " " Popular I .essohs , -Looking- Glass ;' Xew-YprlcReaders, No. ' U 2 and 3 ' ' Jacob's Greek-Reader do?; 'Latin do ' Murrays English Read'ri do, s-t introo action '. do r : Sequel National Reader I . dcrc;; ' Orator : K Columbian do ' Picket's Instructor d o E xnosi t or . A m erican Preceptor GRAMMARS. Murray's Eng". Grammar : do do do (abridged) do do Exercises; -' 4do Key to v'.v j GreenleaPs Eng. Gram-) .mar :; ' ; ' -- . : Ingersol's "do ;. . ; ' ; Comly's - do : ' Browns , do ., ' - Uo-trd man's do ' Farrand's Gr'k. Gram'rl VaTpeyVjdo Moore's CMo Uuddiman's Latin Adams'--Gould's Ross'"; Levizack's Trench Wariostrocht's Pik ea-Arithmetic do Key to do S mi ley's - ido do do tlo Willardsv Dabbll'si:. Gough'a Odworth'a Perries ARITHMETICS. Walsh's Arithmetic Kimber's AdamsV; Colburn's do Se v thejlc do ? Key to HISTORY, dor 'do do , do - '.do do do ' Yaluablei leiicaVlioolis. t f 1 -B ERNETH V!S -Le'clu res'. vbtsu" V. jL'- Homerfs Special & General An3tomy,,2 vols - Bichat's General Anatomy' 4 val9. v. ' . i - Aoacomy na j'ainoogy Bell's -Anatomy;- 2 volsr, B :iilies Morbid jnatomy;': Gibson's Surffery, 2 vols . .' : 4 ; V - -V 'A . 1' i 2 vols. i V do do do do do do . ' . . . do: . ; f .. jquel to Anth- Whelpley's Compend of Robertson:' History- . " T tier's Elements of do Grimshaw's ; History; of : Rome- England'' U. States Greece Z do do do d do' lo Hate's I'j do U. States Willafd's do XJ. States Gooilrjch'do U. States Pitkin's O do U,. Stages Howe's do Greece Rollins Ancient History Goldsmith's Animated - Nature- ." ; Hume, Smolfetand Bis-1 set's . History, of .Eng land - 5 . do 's .History. of 5th ' ; . . o , America do bcotianu India vt . , , History of Ch.-rleiB do- 'do and Gibbon's - Rome Scott's Lite of Nanoleon The History of ; Modern Kuropei who an ac count of the Rise and Fall of I the Roman .Empire Irvinjg'd Life and iVoy- ages of Columbu a bridedj for Schools; AnquetiPf & Ramsay's Univers kl History GEOGRAPHIES. Adam's Geography, and Atlas..': - . ''a. Morse's do do Worcester's db . do I do Epitome do Smiley's Geography and! Atlas -.r,v SPELLING BOOKSJ CummingS and Atlas Woodbrid Goodrich's, Wilktt's Willard's iJniversal Dilworth's Union X- f: State ofori-CardliQa A : nfthrt'of EadttvA'SepteimSererini 1829. ilary G.-Clark and others," legatees of Mary &i -s' The . Executors & legatees bf Mary; S. Blount. Tapoeariiig toxne-sausracuon oi ,mra vouii, that ltobert Stuart and Mary his wife Sarah Foote, Van Ness and Marii his wife, B'enhet BarrowMartha Barrow,; Mary-Tayfor;5.vVChe. vallie; Lewis ; Williamson; and :sMary - his wifei Mrs. Li B. Proswr-the representatives of Jacob JtunteriT the representatives of Catharine Darby, Elitabethi Hunter, 4Jno. S Uushwdrn;and Jno. Summerville legatees 1 and V defendants . iathts case; are not inhabitants of this Stite j it istheref fore ordered,, that' puhlicition he nade tn the Raleigh Register foriix weeks that unless they appear at our next Court," to .be held for the county aforesaid, at the' Courtho use rtiTatboro', on-the second;' Monday itt;March.nextiand an swer,, plead or demiar, Jtldjment will, be lafeen pro confesso,and Jieard.ex parte asl to them. Witness, l4aac'-4Norfleet-r. Clerk Vand Master, of said C otirt, at Office, .the second 'Monday'in. Sepi tember. 1829..;." i ' . I ' V ;'' VUf. . l&f -m-'X ISAAC. NO UFLUETi . C. 5L. E.' Websteis Spelling B'ks Comly's do dot New-YoVk, ; do 4 do Picket's do do v DICTIONARIES. New-York Expositor Picket's do Walker's School tionary do - large , ' 5do' pocket Johnson's . do : do large Todd's Johnson's " do BoyeHs French !- do Nugent's do ; ' do Newman's Spanish do Primary Dictionary ' Entick's Latin do Die do do do do Geography ge's do,' do do . : do do do do do Murray's Spelling B'ks. do Vlo do do do do s Latin ' Die Ainsworthf tionary Lemprierefs Classical Dictionary Buck's Theological Die tionary !' '' ' r..' " I Brown's Dictionary of the Bibfe Chemical i)ictionary Hooper's. Medical do r " Pickeririgis Greek Lex- icon I - '- "V; ' SchreyeliaS'; Lexicon -- Grove's GrJc. Si Ernjr do Stationery, fc. ; DRAWING PAPER. Cap" Drawing Paper' Demy ; "do ' do Medium' do; do.'.r r;- WRITING PAPER. Royal Drawing Paper; Super Roal do do ' Letter Paper Fool's Cap "Paper :i-LJ-.: Folio Post & Demy Pa- ',' ? ;? FANCY PAPERS. Morocco faner ' juoia faner Marbled. Paper ; f ' Fancy. colored "dbj Medium and -Royal Pa per Super Royal and. Impe rial Papfer -s I Reeves' Water Colours; ' in Boxes " ; i Camel's Hair Brushes ;: Toy Paint Boxes 7 -W edge wood Pc wXetf ,ijCork, Glass &' Pocket i Inkstands;:" v ; ;V v Sand Boxes ' 'f.';-'f S Black -SancLY; tei India Rubber and India Silver. Pencil Cases i Kidder's Indelible Ink s Gentlemen's :A ?oc ket i 21 Books fv;vV-fI Visiting .Cards? Cases Memorandum .Books? 4 Black & Red Waferr. Black and Red Sealing ;Wax;HVAJ4:: Black and! Red Ink : " ; Black and Red Jnkpow- der,; ; ' J -v. I,; v:; Drawing Pencils arid -& Blottins Paper vr Quills (4.,.,..'t . Slate and Slate' Pencils Wrappihg and Sand Pa . per'; V4 ' -Day Books,' Ledgers, . ' 'Journal : Cash Books, liedeipt . Bwkkyirrg ' 0C7 All orders iir the)r line attended to,' with! the earliestdespatcb;: -t ' i vt ? '.. Oct. ,9th -1829.. X'iVt. ,:-:-:.5 i ew urreen p 1 uc u niurena was stolen tWm the piazza'of ahbijsein Jtbis city on "Suiiilay" eyeiiiiig' .last.rv "Any' person i seeing j ;a Negw iri'bosse'ss"ion,of such a one! in the city or its. vicinity-'wiU pleaSe give intbrrhatioh thereof at ; this Office, ."and they shall be liberally, com pensated. - i.' - - : . r i-oct. 14. 4 BOARDING, I ITSS E. GEDDrXs prcbared'to-kc- commotiate. eight Membersttvithe- approaching ucnwiuit vvji.ii tuam, ucujer jwiui me s a(ui v- Cooper's First. Lines of Surgery, 2 Vols r..i. n.llfAAa'tlilifrirAitii , 7r s Dc ! wees bo Females ' -. ;.jfv ; ,do - on Children t . v Francis's Denman s,; v'.s'Good's Study of Medicine,' -5-vols--. $ -j y.i.i. Gregory's Practice, ;2lvoIs. new edition Thachers Modern Practice . i , r Cullen's Practice- " ' " ' ' - v " Thacher's Dispehs-iory ' . i .Edinburgh 1 -do--- - . '; i -Paris' Pbarmacologia ? ' - r! Cooper on Dislocation t - ' , 3t"" Murray's Materia 'Medica r. EberleVC'do . p k do ' Lawrence'' Physiology Mageridie's ' do- - , ; Bostock's ''do' - Richerand's - A do Bate man's Synopsis 1 H unter on the B loodl r 1 ' - Scudamore on the Goutv i j. Armstrong" on Fever and Consumption " , Armstrong's Medical WovksV , l)arwins Zbonomia, 12 vols. With', many , other -'valuable Medical" Works which will be sold on thevmost favorable terms, by- , - - J uALES w SON. ' i Raleigh Oct. 14. , ' ' i CHE APER.s THAN ; E VTER. TILLIAMS HAYWOOD are now receiv: if ing from New-Yorkand bjfer for salei , 100 Gallons best W. S? Sperm. Od - v V. 200 lbs. Northern 3Iould Candles I : 300 'Turpentine Soap . 7 ; 200 . : best refined Salt Petrett :f :f t 150 ' Poland Starch r 100 " Black Pepper - - i 150 ? Race and ground Ginger ioo - jAwfefr&; x 7 do'. Hibbert's London; Porter; .. "j 3 Old Port Wine . . ; y B ..';:V' 2 Boxes best American Mustard for Vale Dy tne; pouna. , f:,":! -':":-c-l;); 2 V - Superior SpermV Candles ;v i; 20. Kegs-White LeaoT " :-tvMd 12 Boxes Window. Glass 500 ibst Putty :;r:'i:v 4 -;v 36 doz Wine Bottles v ; rt 3 50 1 b s.; b est ?Araerrcan Gl u e f 500 ; ereen Copperas X ' ;1000 chJpjcdan'stick.Ca '150- v Ground-Fustic 150 'Allum , - . '-; 75 Dbtch Madder ground 25 l Spanish Inditrb - :, . , 500 :: ;U v Brown "fG 500 Wilmington Rice v ; , 2 Coils, B:devand trace Rope-l- - l'Bale shoe thread j : - .1-Package basket-salt for Table Use? x 12 Bundles" English, Gerb arid vltaliart 'v'-' ' Violin string consisting of lit 2nd 3rd .' - and 4thsw ;'7- v' " C";''-' . W. & H .' are also receiving an adqitiona) su p ply of D ruS,v Medicines, ain tV &c. &c.;'vvhich makestheir assort ment very completer 'f'f- Physicians supplied on good terms and all or ders prbmptly-'attebded to. :" S;: ;y ?;,"' IfOa SALE! ,. '-. .'-( ' .- ' '''.-..- - .. . - h.-..-4.x ... j 1 v' i 1r.VTISH to sell the place within a mile cffli:: borough, on vhich 1 now reside. TJierc 205 ac"rei,i about one halF.'clearedton acre- "Meadow land'and the balance in v d. T! improvements are all new, and Tinished in t'. J iest manner--they consist of a Dwelling; Horis rcontafning eight rooms wit fi ftre places bt sides passages,-, ciosets, c. a Ur-e Uarn and StabU .t, and other. necessary Outhouses. - 'fliere are sz eratnever failing. Springs', of -Uie best v.utr 'c i the tract,; and ajar je and well selected , t Orchard. . r rK ;t . I will sell this property ",on the mo'.t t termsrr-either for.mone Von easy credos r exenange jor negroes or western lands. l Application may be made by letter to the suh sCiber,-at.HilIsborougb ' " ' ' W. 'AIIDEU30N. Nnv. A5. 2J eotf ; .' '4 t- .V vr-;' SWA1 3VLg PSJC Just-received 2 Boxes of, the' abo ve valuable Medical Qollege of S.' Carolina. THfc-Annual CcWe of; Lectures in th'n In ii tution,',wilL be resumed oh-th second .T;j.7 rfay in November? on the ?blf'iwingBranchc : i .Z&natomtp-Z-by John Edwards Holbrook, -f J. D. .Surgerff-r-by J imes Romsu-y, M.-D.' v Institute and Practice of Medicine by S a r; u e 1 Henry Dickson, M. D. ,i' y -. 'MateriaMedica--hy Tlepry H.' Frost, M. ,D. sObstetrtcsxind Dheatesnf )Vctkeh and Cl.uli C i -by Thomas C PrioleauM. D; r - -' t?Amrby-Ednumd Raveiiel, M. I). Natural Hii toy and JJolany by Steven l;!!," btt, L. LvD.;( !" . ' . . ! ' Pathological )atid Surgical Anatomy by John Wagner, M. D. " ' - Demonstrator of Anatomy Jnr. Wagner, M. D. , t' HENRY II. FROST,' Dean. August 10. . 2lawtN' VTHE -SUBSCRIBER JTkFFnRS for Sale his HOUSE. v& LOTS in tlic LJ' TpwriTof pxl orl,wit h. the LAN D adjoini n ' about 200 acres of which about 60 acres .-.re bbdland. The House is 52 by 40 feet;, corn ab'dibu.; and, welKfinishedi throughout, having grooms ithre f floor, wi!!i a wide: psaeoHachfgare't distributed into closetsarid twb eomfbrtable' roonis and a cellar under the vhblediyided into several apartments. It i9 situated 'in a moit; 'beautiful ''grove of O ks : aUachedo it a largeFalling Garden furnislic d with ; fruits; selectedroni the north-nn Ice-I I ouse Cviristriicted of rbeka"stoneSprn-Hoti?---a Well, of excelleritwater jn th eVarda n 'Office .in the yird Suitablljmr, a Lawyer: ad very riece sary Outhouser . all in good repair. : ;. ;Also,;k TAN YARD now in -operatic ;i, whir , riiight give employment to'8 or 10 ban ia, having lOJ'icres of land attached to jtj and in the pre" misea ia a cp v, it li every cohyehjle rnce 'fiifa 7tamify residence A belter ebhtructed Yard; is ''I se Jdoni 7 Ween a ny wherelThis prppertywill be disposed of 0j reasonable and accommodating terms, r , l,liU. 11. Xul IT L F-J 0 1 1 It. ' . v' k - V Oxford,' Sept:: 1. . 5oaw tf 7 ;.: Medicine. si?; Voct. 14th, 1829. WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD." ,. ' ... ' 15- HaywqodJs Manual, Brbu ffh t u ri to 'the nrese n t ' ti rn p. " r -1 ... ... o . r,.---.- r7" "- GALES & SUN have, just published an APPENDIX: to Haywood's Manual, which embraces the Laws passed since the year-, 1819,. under distinct heads, in' alphabetical order, iiu eluding .fhosej of last Session, which jeuders' the f yyoric-compiete. ; h r ; , For -this additionto the' Manual, i no 'extra charge, will be made. The Book ,wiH be sold at Five Dollars as" heretofore. 0' s; ' Orders will be instantly attended to Sept. 12, 182y. -i.t V -i lloalioke Navigation C6mp.ny DELINQUENT Sr6ckhalders in .'theTOoanoke Navigation Company are "requested to take notice,l-lhat.the' , ; v- ; ' v , r J 1st. requisition of10 per cent, became due the t -i : .'r flst of February,-1817 2nd. s do : -1 1 U do 1 5th Febiuarv.' . r 1818 ldoSv?15 do 10th December , 1818 ao-- io uo ist Septembers; 1819 10 do 1st .February, -1820 10 do' lst January, , v '8 . co 1st Feb ruaTy, 3'do 1 st January,'- , do 1st- October, : - St do-lir-Februarr 5 4 do 1st March. 3rd -4th I5th X6th Tth' 8th ;i.'-'":-?- do V do do V do't 9th o; : do-- lOthx ittn lAifi uOr uo isi Marcn, f 12th ",db;4 : 4t,do 1st June 13th b 4.dd 1st January - 1821 1822 1823 1823 1824 1825 1826 1828 JUST PUBLISHED ' t "! ".; ' " . KOItTII-QA ilOL ITC A iillWs?D&s; : e'ONTlNiNG'oelsidet "c'al: culations, Essay 8 on ; A gr ciilt ure, valu ! ' ; MedicarandMiscellsineous Receipt lJf Aiiecd er, Vtist of the M'f mbers of . the next Leplti s r and of. the Officers bfthe State and Gn'trul verimerit,Mimeof holding the different Co .l . &C. ftc- ,-'( zr ' o - : .. , .'.,- -ITnis Almanack may" be had whol-?re jf ths Publishers, Raleigh of, Mr., Edward . J. Hale, Observer OfficeFayetteville, and of Mr.' Salmon Hall, Bookseller Newhern ; and retail, of .-most of the Storekeepers in 'the iState. ; . ; Sept. 1829. -0"s. ' , ' ' -. f - w "... . s III! I ill v EAGLE HOTELi i f liy order of the Hoard ot-Drectors. - l7 , tVf; A.-JOYNER,'Treasr,; ; Weldon, Sepn 30,' 1829 ; ! ?. . 151ra -rThiportaht Sale qi f' "' - NTuesdaythe 3d:,day of , .November next, TvjMthSubscwbere will off er'at public'Auction, twerityvbr;tUirtyLotsj-in the i Town ;of -Veldon, eligibly itriated,'jsbme' immediately on, the basin andanal, and all possessing ' such advantages of location aswill roeetithe views of purchasers! f 'WxtDOK-is situated pn an elevated plane,' the 'south side pf Roanoke River,' at the toot of ihe great Falls arid Basin of the Roanoke Canal.' It is the pUiceofdepositTor Btteaux Navigation, from whence produce . is .shipped to Norfolk and Richmond and thef point . of intersection by"the Petersburg transportation Linej with :tbe-Roanoke Naviation." 1 c -C",VA', - Txans : ,Six'months credit for Bonds with sa tisfactory security. Title to be conveyed" upon the payment of the purchase money, and'a dis count of six per cent will be allowed for, cash JOHN G. CLlAIBORNE,' JAir:t. CJUAIUOllNE. -e ; fur a "JNTR. GtJ10?J, ' most respectfully ret -rns ' -lYj-hanks to the Public, for the vciy liL encourffgement jie has received since he-opencl this ESTABLISHMENT and. bepes to ir erit a. continuance ot their favdrs. S-'? . 'vMrrG. has' the satisfaction to inform t!i rub he, thatinaddltion to the imp; vemer.ls k'rt id- made; tight additional Room will be con.-phtell by the ensuing Session of the Legislature, v. hi-.' will enable; him. to accommodate a 1 r-er r: ' cr of Members of the A ssembly tlun heretoiere. -Tbe charges, as hitherto, -will be uniform r-J moderate, viz i for a Man and Jlcre per , Ji; 50 for, a. Man atone, 'Jlwjth a s'. ill ; l:Z tion to those;whb.wisl a jBeparate table. 'Members of !heAssemb!y'wUl bu c sr t $t lerday. Those wholi tve rooms to th?r ti , will. besubject' to aVaddkional cha; ;e for t' .; Travellers desirotis of stopping at the II G . . L are ofteiv rinisled, by. -enquiring-f r -tlie C: House.; They are infornied," that the St.":. , not make it theK regulaj stopping . Hou j -is the House knownby jtbat appellation, , A marty person who trajref in-" the Stage'do'stop thejlotl; and many others would, th . y I i ! S be assured,they;wouldTiot be delayed, tf : r informed that, no greater delay vili ' e c ; r-. those who wbh tp 'repose'.themf lvc M vLT - v II Kjk Cllffl trx i- & V WVi fill WW UUIV, VU HUV4 . ti w J i bed" and room fur th'a purp us v . .- itb fare 4 he market arhims?? .4 ; . ; : .'.The "situation of this House :is cne rf t!ie r o pleasant: in the City,beiog immt-Jiauly .r.orth of the Capitol, adjacent to th2 L .nc53 p ;:t cf the town,-; but without 'the inHuenci tf l!.e tin v and inConvenrence attend in it. It is now little mdrd thau a year, linCw t! ' scriber .tookr;possession ot this UstaUlL.1 i , when he foundthe llbusei ; enrifely out cf ; and almost, without custom. Heiiow his it i. power to sayi . that he-has r.ut only recei ved .v-. . courage ment, sufficientr to' justify tile. iuiproW menls that have been made, but-tho- e aUo in" t are,m&"kin even without that support from '.'" Stage Proprietors' which be-belie vci the cbm t--: nience's, comfoit and-attention vhich are to j.c met with at the Hoter,deserye:, ; .iiic! ; fairly proven that the Public will j,ive t! pre., . , r . .I 4- U..1.1:-r', ' - 1 gui ore. '10 Stt'.-V; a a ' lies ot those who mY accomnanV tliemy Earlv I . rj ; A11J U. CilUUlLl!i - r I " , . . 'v..-Vri inolicationla reaueitetL. Ic- S.rtK 10 - V Oct. 6th'lCC5. - ' v . IStS,- "r':R!dei''bV CcntV ISSrrsS: ' rn bttodaat:fcupply :i S ' - ' - vj.V:-;. -Vf-' 1 3 c : r i. - ;x 7

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