v..' J I V: vj :,-:J i. s . ...i. .-.,-. i - i " f. I F . -y -J- s' K- ' " ........ . : . - - - . - - - " ' ' - . v 1 ' . " ' ' " - ' -,.' - ' -. - -y ,. - , . .y -- .. ,T ' . . - A" t s published very M on at ikLTavhsbat; bjt Pit,noUar$ bet annumhalf in advance A I)YR RTT K M KNTS iot exceetinff:ijrtfen lineal natt.Tnjeriecl 5 times for ihollaifchtiWenty-fiVepeta'for every succeecunjf puDiiqaTiou : musc wi -ef lenttth'm the same' prrtportion-...C6fKip- xicATiosrl itiankYully rVcelvetl..iMTTf tr f'the'Eciltors must be rpoiffiaM7: " k-; '. l-.-t : s rEv'ery desfsnlhg pVlMical loiaye, finds sit cy;;'-.wlie he is JabourMg to make himsejl srt"ebJy;t the expense "of hia country! The man whp cteansf his;wn shot-s and pabki his own nmrket, basker, i aa ana tpcralf.UK ti e" tan dsVup ;. niaii fuUjf?i 11; Ui e support uf "sound - piiofplea 6CgivtTnment anil openly, expren k his contempt fori the wffice-seekijigtinob-L ftterers f the iumU Almost everj "lay we have eviilenc ot this absord accusatioo iif st aristae factf?, an ptes, is fhe;es&entialV(tiem"etf--lf !-i 1 society :X the ansfacretcy" tf :birth:;ani! wealth f now 'of little account;. The fl 1 0V1 rig no tide's ol the grfat and irifluentiai aristucrttU of Englaiid, pertinent to the viorpark u LnrU v'EliIo& and Lord Sto well, (John and Wmv Scott.) are; -the aoiis o(. a 5 bnrge master and a small deaer in coal in Nevy caitte l'nl itwell b.rrowed g40 to go to the ircuif,and buibuppVrted ;-theiu ielves tot a time by their talents as private tutors. "jLqrcl Tenderden is the.son of a fcsirdresser and obtained ar elemusynaijr educdtiiiri on the foundation f :a charity belonging tolhe'townThe Xtrd Chancellor-is the. son of MrT Copley, the paiut- TheChief Justice of jhe Court plCo m tnon Plea!4, is the soniof an attornejt f kMr. John Williams, one of thetBenchers ofhis loo, ;w the soir'of a, horse dealer, in ' Ynrk shire. Mr.' vE.;Poil(ick?tanb is the sun of a saddjer ofthat .name at Charing iCruss MrBickersteitlit'alsci a Bencher; was nt longsince house surgeon and accquclier iu the fao.ily of Lord Clif ford, 'ihe- mother of Mrl .Gurnbejfv' tlie Bencher kept a stnali . bubk'V shop tor the wle of pamphlets in oiie of the courts of Uie citjr'v Mr. Campbell the King counsel. and son4iflaw to Sir Jarr.es Scarlett, was a .reporter to atlailjrpaper, at a tirne ?when sach labor was tnucawors'e 'paid than at present; MrV " Serjeant Soankie. ?was one of hin co'deasiocs -IM r. Stephens, the Alas ter in he chancery : was al90- a reporter, oreseu den, is theson of a barber,!and wasclerk to Mr. Groome the operative-conveyancer to the latV M arquispf Londonderry 1 1 is nmarkablelhatUlieadioissioulMr.Sa1: deitwag ppp6sed (nr the ground that he h d been a clerk-and' 6ut" ; for t he 'extrj ioU of that most "amiable manV' and - ornament of his profession, JSt. Ilargrave who -contend ed v for: hi a d tuishiun, v on x the grou nd th'i t, ' wht te ve r he had bee nv h e iva s a . m a u oi talent, and had written a oook wyicn tns- played cuaf'ificatiiinof superior order, lie would; now have: b cn ': any thing but Sir fcd w a rd : B u i te c 1 h a w S id e n , S01 1 c tor G e ' neraUtoJiis Majesty.; J)erijp, of the depart .The greater 11 uoibe r t e d in e m be r a v 1 th e profesioV;t-vyho:.-becamei1iltstinguiihed iii; their live, niseinuch iff the tame manner 1 Chief-; Justice Suunders; whohe; reptirts t this day,Jfin the best book to pleaders; ia. beggar? 1oyt -.first. taken1 notice of by ftn attorney 9 who v took him .into his orTice.'' Lir d Ke ny on was an attorney's" cf e r k "m ,1 fr r&t tup'itratiiti fiinduoHl 1 41 1 ll. i & t.. .. .. t.. 1 -. . 1 . u-.Jn.iriK' .hf'tit-,..... ....fri..- r. !i f II uhlaindy; At 41 -e ltnie, ie "Hill. tlit dn'ii.i; nil I! if '.-.Of id ilff ;.-hp. . h.'tH Mb:tVlUraiirdHryder4B nerxjeness auu uu. ihadiAre-xarti Uukjn-Hlvf ktUi a'lu g.ect ofdiutnaii 00 tiiius.t?, l-I'lie iVarrati veaubiui nr.d 1-vlVct V diVthjrrXtlas, is a striking iustunce J'1 diene-laticr titi ..fcliaVacler: vArid'il h,ust be;; tou'tcMivd, that however uiv.rdi ""Le nrW; .1. ... ..;u;",uv The ' mfocracyW: of rel igtn and 1 of wV f natrve' talent, and of J honorable, princi- anc, aoout ila or iaf 01 me present ;,uari is tcrs wefe reporters lor; the? daily pa pers. 1 The present Soi icitbr General, :M r. Sug jori namwicKe wus a peas a u i; a i u a J ier ards.auVattwruey?writer,and.-:aiii office buy ' lijrd rhail6wr hiiiiMjIf ah ii!uVti trn of his'bxvYrfruTeV used to Va v; that ; ttie Sure t cause cause f sucVess to a Barrister; 4r4 parts and iVertjr.'jl'Wlieii; Krskine .fcidJ jCurrau ;o uce.dined w i t h Bis j r es en t JVI ijvtyiihen Prince VVafc's, hhe Prince fcVve'.a iOai, voeV'Kpksue- said, lie, owed "every tniug tbe-Ur Vnd Cur 1 an .added, rneuwhat 'may I - Way -5 if ice it hj rabed meib'd the coiuiittbn.1ut .'a t-dint to iaetubfe bf niyriiice.y , ii j Vsts " t - r . ' "y ,v - ."'CllAR'rllIMI Orf. 1 Vfl:4Af iljfl) . Dr. WUh,"saB ihe NewVoi k " Atlas; ,!i hi iiotlce f rr. nVrrf'inji Suliatj-'' 'Jives f . -: r" S "'UI TC-' UlC HH'i.1 CH " i , - IIUTl Kvniplf-ii" i0tie luvTtsion s'f tlie i'ntKis '"VpirVas this MrnuJi! he necesi.irivtore- Cur,-,." , - ' , V , - r . power ami 1 ;cm c uauisuuicm iiuutscu- --jruouc Jnteriainment. : ; rone v- -v-' -, " -..v -v j ,-,, V ;.hY;Aef.pl rrtf!? RW0n,hobe .t-JOHN, B UFF A do re pect- feehf.K4 of justice anL mercy have.. been ; V. ): fid 1 Informs the Public, that he has somewhat blunted by a Iwig residence, m j I purchaedhe Fubliq, House former- the Augean stable; and. a familiarity with '&slJ s Occupied" by. Wm," -Bi-ll ami' it :ibominations.;seekanI'excJue br,a Jus t i fi'ca t ion for, t fie.se arbi trar v 'pVoceedi rrgsr 1 11 ; 1 1 j a r i 1 p a x n.e ner e r s r a re ; to e r se r van Is ,0 f Gp yer 11 men t a hU shew )) y; the! r leedy acquisition of we,alth,r that they miisf bet ray their trusts v "But these a rgu inentsJhadas theyi i're; cannot apply to thcae of a wealthy. Jew, a certain Shapdji; aTh is ma n h ad a cq u i red i n t rad ei a n d ba r it hig transactions, an i immense fofturif, ;but he had never been in the service" govern joent, either as 'director, of mint, or inknj htne r pact t y.;t At 1 the :i me h eWas rpo sing on Jiis laurelsor his "sac ks'of sequins, a nd eems to .'hi vo 'retired Jn agreat ,uea ure from' the dangerous arena fur nothing lojTurkey'is sbjcertaih adanger; is :the gaining pf moneys -Of his wealth he; made ihe most noble use 5 his generosity to "thjp unfortunate cured hihi the Vnle-.Qf.-.vFai ther of ihePoor,? and this froin the unaV imous -voice' of Constantinople f,- frf, supe rior to the restrict eel spiri t of h is caste, he ga v e;! al j,' and i. whether the' . su flferer was ChVistun Porky or Jew wa's disregarded by -his univrsa'philaiithrophyy JVPopujar sy m pa thy ;vas strong in favour, of such h TuanTj?and event he tena ri t s of tfe Kof an (fertije J a i t in c u 1 ca t i o : 1 s o f char i ty ) sa n c tified and defehded Jn'au: 'But in the eyes of Alahirioud, instead of Sliap'djt's charity coVu ri ng a m u 1 1 i t ud e 'bf.i n s,-?.h is. wealth covered. all his virtues Mouvy was wanr- d money inutbethad if .and he'unreleut ingiy., ordered jte.muoler of the gbod'nian, antl the confiscation: of a! Ls his property. . Thj Executioner and' soine chiayuches were depa tched do the ' Jew's residence the lat?er advriced and knocked at the -door,! wh'u h was forthwith opened by thescrvant. The chi ioushes , .desired to Jspeak wth Shapdji ; the servant .requested them to enter f , they declined doing so,.--and iaid Shapdji 1 mustldt scehd to them, as they wee bearers oft a message from the'Porte. The charitable Jcyl was confined to his bed by ''Sickness. ;,.but he ; sent down his brother to hear the business or to iavite the messenger to ascend. 'Phe ' chiao'ti hes Vepeateduhitt'thyj must conimu'nica te personally with Shapji that he must .cooie downthat their business with him would not occupy a minute. ' The srek man, "'not knowing what awaited hiov rose from his couch threw 'on the hehiish. and support ed by his brother and a servant, i Went dowii to the iloor. , His fot-had scarcely touched the threshold when lthe execution er, who-had lutiiei to remained concealed, rushed' Upon hioV and : passing the fatal cord over his neck, strangled him., wiih;;bi giving hini time.to idTer tip .1 prayer to. his God. YohapdjKs brother le,II senseless in the vtreet.rv The myrmid.ms of despotism turned the;dMiu?ticout of 1 he house, and pujL the, imperial real on its doors. The immense weal! ht wrispresentlv secured and conveyed to, the hoane 5 and a dona tion off! 00,000 piastres, or about 1,800 to the V iciim's brot her, to keep him front starvms: waseierotts'.oiade by the Sul tan When 1 w;s in ' tonst;ntinoplH the tragical talewas in .every one's mouth, and everi-.turlcs;grie.ved fur the.fujlof :vihe good Jeiv, and regarded v tins proceeding wuh horror;" - , - ' -: ' - iiiiiiii WW y Of h'North-Carolina JBiJile Society. ' f ' Sept30, 1829.' X pSQVED ?That the friends of the Bible JLl: cause throughout the State,, especially De legates from the Bible Societies within the State, be Invited to meet in '..General Convention-' on Wednesday .the .l6thvday of December next, in the' eity. of It tleijjlt, ' tor the purpose of devising". efficient1 measure tor furnishing, within a given timethevvofe State -with i'au adequate supply of"Hddes ; '..'-', - " XThe Mahigjeys were led to the adoption of the foregoihjr Resolution at the request of a neigh, boring Bible, Societyi andalso, in consequence of a communication -received froai' the American Bible Society, "m the same subject. ' ; , . -)jy order of the Board, h T .v;vr . ' - 4 -J, "GALES; Sec'y.l Editors friendly, to-the object if the above resplution are requested to. give it a few inserti- Ol U.' v kbr P.,S."The? Secretaries oft several Auxiliary! Jjibie :-Societies ha ve ' request d that th'eratJovMeeting be ' held tn Wed- btafe of Nfcorth:CaroUna; ' BeUie County, '; . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ;'jV August Term;, 1829. '-r --M A. N ; Elijah 'llaynef, Adm'r &ct mount B.Jtuffln. Original attachment, reuirned- V John RulHn , .''V T',- gurmsiectL tT appearing-to ttie "satisfaction of the Court tltat the defemiint v BloUnt VBT Uufiin resides out' of the hmiti bf thii Stale x It 'is therefore ofueretl that publicatron $e ;made )rt the Raleigh liegislerfor ; three inoutris that untess.the said Blount B.,fiu liiimake his' personal appearance t our nekt CuiU't'ofPleaa iind .Quarter'ScssioO $ii be hehrtol- tlWOoituty of Bertie at t'he.Ooirt: Uuiise-JnKVii'u.U'r niihfJ seconV Monday s 6t Noveriiber Kxt,VltfitU i-jpfevy! haul judgment .vjli-be tiki;." Mf'.-irh"iin;, f ,- - -f - ..J.1V oiviei-'vJI'.t)ii:t. tiesday th ,18jh dy ol , NoyemUernext, at 1 1 u'Jl ockj 1 trsteai I ' o f t he -dayfirst appoin. ed.-l'fo ; which alteration the V M atiagers airee and req ti est th it -tnoe 4 fedit or who have notified the former .appomtmeut iill aisnotice,this alteration. , - October 9; -1329. :hfh' - V l" Alex High;' on Hargett Street, at .the' corner of v ilninigiou Street, where he will she giad to r: ceive Travellers ami others; and v ill use, his nt mii lexeriions to accommoaate.inem comtorta. : H ia Stables are , good and Wul Jbe constantly supplied with plenty of Prove nderpf vefy kihd. 'T Owing" to' the scarcity of money n'd'plentiful ness of produce, the price of Board for "Man and for Hire,at the shortest notice, t fia prices for hia Hack," Gigs and Horses, : re$3, dsiy fbf the Hack r Gig Vrth Horse & Boy $2 a day i Giff and Horse,' without a Boy $i 50 day j a Horse alone $1 a day a Gig 50 Cent a day? , Ralegh, ; A prjl 2. -" . f "1 ;;60tf N. B. Persons hiring Gigjs (Vomt me, will be expected to repair, any injury; done', to them", whilst in their possession; ' v , ,J. B :nptipe:V.J,,.J: I 5rAS taken up 'and committed tb' ' the 'Jail of n T T. this cojintyv' on" the 2d' bf iiarch: last, a negro man supposed to be a -Slave, who 'calls himself SAMUEL WILKtNS andiys that he was bound an ' apprentice .'to ;-Wm.1 Mosely of Norfolk, Vaand that" he runaway from the said Mosely before his term of apprenticeship 4iad ex pired. The said negro ha3 been in this counly 5 Or 6 years, and has passed during that' tfme as a free man ; he is about i l years ui kge, 5 feet, 4 or 5 inches' high, and 'coal black. - The owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property and pay charges, or he : Will be dealt with as the law directs. - ' - , 1 'JAME;S PALMER, Jailor.'. . Vindsor, Bertie county, June 9. " .Price adv. $7. - . 82-6m. NO ITCE. BY virtue of a decree of the, Court of Equity for Granville county, I shall ofltr foe sale to the highest bidder in the town of jOxford,: of" A the 2d day of; the County, Court, the following Real Property, belonging to the Estate of Riab- hiu & uyiur, ucu u. ;. v - . - ; f a 1 ractioi mna contajning oetween - ana s hundred acres, (uncleared) it being a part of the tract on wificn the said Richard died ; situated on the -waters of VaV River, 7 miiesjsouth of Ox-y rdrcd acres of tlrisf tract is fust 1; the remainder is free, pro- fortL 1, Tjiree , huitur rate Tobacco land ductive, and remarkably well timbered. - Bonds with approved Securities wid be required, pay able'at one or two, years, each Tor f 1,000.?; For tlieresidue, (should there be any)rlike bonds and ?icurities,payahle in 3, 4 and '5 years. The whole of; said, bonds-. to bear, interest after the expiration of .one year, and the Interest on the last three bonds to be paid as it. accrues. The said tract, should it be found to suit the" conve nience of purchasers, will be sold in parcels s 'in which 'event like bonds and securities in the pro portion of the prices at which said marcels may selL. will be required - - 1 1 f iJ c', - 4 - ALSO, K , A Tract of Land of 68 acres, in a' id adjoining the'.ViUaae of M iUiamsoorough, a"i present oc cupied by Bishop Kayenscrofu Ti is tract ha good improvements situated in a pleasant grovej and cnnvenienl to- a lii-st rte Spring. It lvisa suflicicnt number of acres in wood-land to keep up a continued supply of fire, wood Bonds with approved securities payable, in 1, 2, and 3 years, to bear interest after-;thek expiration of the first year, will be required-, ' ' . c , t , " JNO. C' TAYLOl Comm'r. , Sept, 21st, 1829. ; 11 -VThCUaleigtrStar and Newbern Spectator will insert the -foregoing advertisement! twicer and forward their bills to me, at Wdliamsboro'. i . o V " . I J. C. T , State of North-Carolina. Pitt County. , " Court of Pleas and Quirter Se&sibnsv- August Term,' 1829. y7"" A -John Wads worth p. James Odom'. Original attachment returned levied jun land, 5tc il": having been made appear to thfe satisfaction of tlie Court, that.1 the' tlefendant, James O dom, Is not an inhabitant of this State :, It is or dered, tliat ptibliqatioh. be madeJrj thejliuleigh Registet for six wee ks- successively that unless the said James Odom appear before the,,Justices f our next Court for the Countv ol Pitt, at the Courthouse invGreenville; On the first, Monday' of' V 1 . .r A kali I A llaVtf rlfftT Ji1. , I a n t ' fr I1 u nUlllliUtlIVIIk,y. lilt, J1 WJV,1 v j IV, , v u sue, .final judgment will be taken nd, the pro. perty levied on . condemned, subject to the plaintiff's 1jemand.' Witness, James Sheppard, Clerk of opr said Court,!, at vJreenvUie, the.1 first Monday of August,. A. U., 1829. - , r , ; ' , . JAMES SHEPPARD, Clk. ' Price ad. 2 75 -; si - , ' ' - ' Suiierior Coui-t of Daw; .Chatham. County; ,Fall TeiraL 1829 Alfred Vestal St others vt.'Thos. Vektal M others J .'Petition for thetivisioa of Lauds of William r , Vestal 'deC f- IT appearing? to the satistactioipf the Court that John Vestal, one of . the. defendants in this case, is not anlnhabitant of this State ; it is t i-ierefore' ordered, i t'Uat notice be bublishedJn the Raleigh .Register for cix ; monthf bf the' filing of the Petition, and that the iaid 'J thn Vestal, at ttie' next. term of this. Court,4 on the'Jd Monday tffeURStfAST toa. Hecree"oftle Honorable JLV Superior Courof Law and Kqui'ty;i held in NashS ille, Nash county-,' Nortli-Cai tilinar on ; the thirdf Monday in ' September ' last: i' Notice is hereby. given to the Heirs and -n-rit. of. Kin ot J oh n Bass, dec-'di Jale of the Counjtyt and State, aforesaid,- that, the : subscriber, is- no-Wi rea'tly v to settle and pay over" to the'm respectively; as; Uiey are .entitled; to tlie" aforesaid JabiiVesute,1 upon jtheir applying to him a d iing.proper,rctuncf ing bonds.' : . -'., v 4 ? - v ':t VXD.:S ILLS;. Adm'r, ' ; ' ',' '' of JoiinJ Bass dt'i'd.' Belford, Nasirc'.ty; Car jVi v, ? j ; Horse will be a dollar a day, or eight dollars a month for a single pe.son. Xr. il He has ACK," -three1! GUIS .and HORSES ot aiarcu next, picaM, iuiswer or aemur.to live petition or the. same will betakenjpjo cqnfe'sso add heard cxprie ' r ,---i, ' "'; . k V t K ' j ' , CHAS. J.' WILLIAMS, ': - ' "iiu -' --- ; 1 - .: .r - .." ,'-.- j j ii " . i S flSkn H GI:ENI3ENN1NG, We of fJrin ivMiviHecoudy;formerHresidnt in Raleigh, has lately died intestate. 3IanroMierjiext of kin refiideafa distance from this place; and: I di h reby not ify alt. persona conce rneil ; t liat h t til & expiration' of two?yeas Jrom tHe lst'V!a3 as prescr.oeu oy law, 1. snail oe reaciv ana LWil ting tn et tte ,the"&a id; Estate, TheVAdininistra tion of skid Estate having been committed tome by theCoiinty tJourt of Graiiville'County in May 1829.; s-i -- r ' -i will attend to" air communication iPbst Ptad) which ! may be addressed tb rnVat Raldigh,vff; 0 rk rj 7 PARKRirKANDAxlm'r. ' AVakeconnty,21stMay,.,l839.' 74 6m v'; r THEATRE rfllHErpublic ia mostTespectfuHy infotmed tha tai iiK n.aicigu neau-e, wit.n a good amiut- : ; - v i-;; 4Mr;:w? riddle, ? l - will open eaily in November. . , 1. x .The Manager trusts the public will be gratifi ed. ' They are" assured . that evcry Vndeavor will be used to rehder.the Theatre attractive! - Raleigh, Oct., 16. .. ' ',17 IGenerai.Jlgencdnd Conveyance' QfRaCte y 1HK subscriber respecttuily intorms his friends 1. - "and the" public Wnerallvithat -.he has open ed aa Office on Sfventh Street West, abOtit micwaybe: Ween he General Post,0f!ice' and the' Office-of the Nationatlntelligeocer, ' w lie re he "wilf beHhankful for - ardeii.' v He will attend to the settlement' of accounts -of persons at a distance, with individuals in thispity, and: with the Departments of Government i the payment of taxes due on the ots of nonr esidents', as Well as to tfie'sak or leasing 'of city' property ; the execution of commissions for ukiug of-depositions and evidence necessary' "in casesclepending in distant' Courts ; and any other business -committed to bis charge, m; - He promises prompt and faithful attentionto all mutteTs committed to him while his charges shall be as moderate as possible. - Ifie is author ized to" refer for -evidence of his competency , to the following gentlemen if A - r ' ' p jw - -. . . . . ! . -. 1 ' ' . . Jion Joseph Kent i rate ' t overnor ot Marj' land. JJon. ChuM.FJ.MevcerlAC. from -Virginia; Hon: Josebh Pearson. Lite Ml tl. iVom North; hi .Daniel Carroll, of Dudlinjrton: Eo; Joseph Gules ; Jr. Esq:, Mayor of the 'City; of T wasrungion - ., a Gen, ; Walter Jones, Counseller at Law. Richard S Co'xc Esq. z 'do. Michard S. WallacK Ehq. " do.' H'illiam Brent, Esq Clerk the Circuit "Court of th " W'rict Coliimbia. - ' , , ;: ! Thomas Munroe.X&g.',- late Postmasfer. ; ' Roger C TVeightmuji; 'Esq Cashier Bank 'of Vas.i gton. . 'i ' -"' - ' ; iVilb'am A. Bradley, Esq.( President Patriotic Bknk.' . ' v x' nc , Thomas Carlertf, Esq., late Mayor'of Washing ton. ' ; , ' - s ' ' r - - , " ..GEOUGE SWEENY. ; Washington City, Aug.. 25: 1829. 4 .; ' O XFO HD L E AO A DEMY. 1 HE Ex-m'mation'of this Institution- will b? gin on Atondty, November v9thjand close :h i .the semi annual Report, on Wednesday with mornioir. , 1 1 - . - a All that feel interested, are respectfully invit ed to atn ml - - v ' ,'V . , ROBERT B: GILLIAM, Sec'yZ' Oxford Oct. 9, 1829. .f . 154 w v v The.Tarhoroifgh Press. Edentnn Gazette St ! Norfolk Herald, will publish th above three weeks and forward their accounts as heretofore. s , State of 6 rth-Carolina." -: - , .Wake County. ' Court of Pleas -nd Qturter Sessions, ' ; August Session, 1829: ' " T - Original A ttach'W The Post Master General,- r levied in the bunds Ztwr." of Wvatt'Hafrisoir& paniel Pec.ki i Mark Coke&th2y j sum'nd as' Garnish's; IN this caseit appearing to the Court, tliat the defendant, ;Uauifcl Keck hat h t removeJ him self beyond "the limits vof ihisStaie,; or so con ceals himself thst the ordinry process of la w can not be served on him : It is terc'fore orderedb'y, the Couiti' that publication b made in the -y Ra leigh BeistV, Tor sixveeks, that unless Defen dant comes forward oh or before the nt-xt'Coun-ty Cotirt of 1 Pleas and Quarter Sessions, , to be held for the county of Wake at U)eTCourt House in Raleigh m the 3d Monday, bf November next,' then ami" thfere- to replevy and pjead'to issue, the property levied onr will -be Condemned sub ject 10 plaintiffs recovery, ' -c By order of the Court .r.X ; Br S. KINTGtO. C. JMetiical'Colleare off 8 ; Carolina; rXlHE'Anhaal Course of Lectures in this Inst ir . AAtution,' will he resumed on Ihe second vVlort- day iu NoV-Triber? oh the foljowing Branches v 7ia;omy----by John. Edwards' H AlbrookM. ti 'Sjirerery bV Jmes' Ra'ms.iyV H;' , J.1 t Institutes and Practice of ' Medicine-by Samuel Henrv Dickson. M. I).. - ' - v "JIiCTo-'.ie JicA--by:'Henry H. Frost M. D. u ? ObsieiHcsjand Diseases fif Women and Childrtn - bv 1 nomas li. frioleau. M. Li. ' : ; t' ' : ;.Cheinistrth-"bY Edmund .Rave"te!,: M D; ; 5; Natural History and JSotan-hy' Stephen, EUi ott.-L L. D.;. ' 1 " u iiPathologieal 'tind-Surgical Anatomy J by John Wagner, 'MV D.'; ".' f s yUemonstrator of Jinctomyi no. Wagner, M. u ! : - . HENRY H FROS'IV OeajW ..fAugUsl lU. r. , r V lawiiv FO Hi SALE ! fT 'WIS H to sell the ntace -within a mile of 1 1 ills JL borough.'onwhich 1 now resides -Tlre are uj avrtra,, vuuui vine nan ticiiicu teii jiwu'i Meadow land and Jthe balance in .wohU. -The improvements are - alt new, and finished irt the test manner they consist" ot a D welling House, containing eight rooms with fire places, besides-. passages, clsets;?etc. a large IJarn ana-Stabies, i ainl oiher'necessary Outhouses" ? There "art; several-everfailih g Spring"1 of the besrwater on the. tract, and a Lrje aud well selected --fruit Orchard. - r'i 1 will sell this 'property - on Uhe most dAberal terms-rcitlfer for money on easjrered-ts or will exchange it for Negroes or AVesternd:tuls ;? i.- AnDiicatioii may be made by "letter to the sub - iVcribef:at HllihoroughV' ' - A 1, ;A. BEUNETIIY'S '-Lecture, C v' -ijL'Horner's Speci d Generic n or, utchat's Gnei'tl As iy, 4- vo'i.. Aiiatoinv aiHl tJ, .hole Bt-HV Ariaom .'2 v,.-,' u;Cr.R;'ilrefs' Morbid, Anatomy;- '. -,i .Gbsons "SufgJ-ry; 2 vols. - - VCoope'r'i Firsv LiuVs cf Surerv, 2 ' i. v OfWees' MuTa ifery-, . - - .l)ewees.r on Fern dts v '-r-;"!ac5; on Children fi ; ' , r4-3"Francis'sDe"man f - , - Good's Study of, Medicine 5 vo!a. , J VjGregory's Practice,' 2 vols. )icv tdi:L.-; yiv;.aThachers'rModern Fractice . 1 tyuiien-s trracuce V f - ; ., . xThachr'Dipen'salcry - , -Edinburgh L Taris'.'PharmacoIogia , ' ' . f 1 .' Cooper on Dislocation . ' ,' : Murray's. Materia rMedtca , .; -.EberleV 'Ja do'. T2 Vols. : v - Lawrence' I'nv&iology ? ' f f - ' f Magendle's - , T ; " .- .Rostock's V, do , " ' ' 'Richemnd's 'v !o -( , r " - : lUte man's Synopsis;' ' , t Hunter: on the Hlood Scua'more r the Gout " v " ' ' t Armstrong on -Fever and Consumption ' Armstrong Medical "Vorks , iy ))arwns Zoo'uomia, 2 yolsli ,Vith manyiiither. Valuable-Medic al Var!:s wlich will be sold on the most -favorable terr , by :- ', : j. GAL'ua & so:,'. ltaleigh Oct -14. CHEAPEll'THAN JLVBll. TOTIIXTAig HAYWOOD arc nour, receive - v.r ; ing from, New York and offer for cile, 4 - -j 1 00 Gallons best. W. S; S perm. 0 1 1 rtA If r -. . 1 tH I 1 tl" ";jj ;os.S9riuern,.aiouiuv;aia:ca ' 300 Turpefitine Soap -f '200 best refilled Salt ,Peti j i 15a , --P6lanil Starch- - .J00 Black Pepper , - ' V 150 1 It&ce and ground Gin-er : ,10Q Allspice : . -. 7 doz: Hibbqrt's London '..Porter , fV r Old Fort W i ne ' 2 Boxabest . A'nerican' JIustar . . T .. " by the pound. ' " ,y r"2 "Superior Sperm. Candles ' 20 Kegs White Lead 12 Boxes Window Glats .500 lbs. Putty id.An- Wln nffTrwe , v.350 lbs.' best American Glut ! 500 -j4r,' irreen' lonneras - -, v - - : - '--- - . w . - i , ' 1000 ;., r chipped and stick Campeachy Lcr;- 1'150, Ground Fustic ' -150 ' - Allum x ; '; - . 75 v." Dutch Madder ground " 25 Spanish Indigo. ' 500: Browner - . .. :500 , Wilmington BJce-' 1 - : 2 Coils Bale and trice Rope V - V; lBale shoe thread - " -1 Package basket-salt for, T.ibL- ;: ' .12, ftuudfes Englishr German ami lUiiui z4Viohn string consisting ot 1st 2nd 2:d r W. &. II. are :atsa receiving an -additional sop-4 ply of Orus, Mejiiicines, Paints cc.-&C.,"tA'hich makes their "assortment very complete. 4 Physicians supplied on good tenns and all or ders promptly attended to. . -. . (&W4B,;EAX. 'v)T A. " - "Just "received 2 Boxes of the above" valuable Medicine. - ' ' . . ; WILLIAMS SCHAYWC )D. bct'.uthy 1 829' rx : ig- Hoanoke JS avisratwn Com nan rv eELlNCltJENT Stockholders in the Roanoke .v NavigaUolt Company- are requested i t&o ' lst"re2aisition of riO'per-cent. became due 1 1 1 ' ' i ' " V ; 1st of Februarv ' 1 Z I r -2nd -ido 10 do 15th Fbruiry, ler1 .3rd; 'do'-: : 15'do 10th December, 1UL It 1G. i VJ2 loJJ 162; iyj" 41 h , do" " .10 do 1st Septembut, thV , "--sv lu tl? lst rehruary, 6th ,ldo, s.v 10 do lst Jaiuiarv, 7th Vdo;;-,8 do lst; February, w 8th r'do"v V ':, 5 do 1st January, ' 9th' do'" '.'.5 do'lst"' October, 10U " Z r ' do 5 do 1st .February, ltthAA 'drf-;; .4-dolsrMarcIi. I2th; V ,do : 4'do.lst-June,' ' . I3th' r do-- 4 ln lt January, 1" i By order of the 43oard cf Director ,jr ' " b A. JOYNEli, .cas'r. ..Weldoq, SeptSO, 18i9 f 15 J 'IlaywooiVc ' ! lanuci Z, Brought' up to tlie present tine. S - -A- - TTv GALES 4 SON. Iiavejust .pull -vhe 1 an V APPENDIX tq Haywood's II. : J,, hic'i , embraces the Laws passed since the ye-.r under. -jLlistincts heatlsj jiii alphabetical ordt r u cluding those.of last Session, which rc: -r ti.j Work complete, .v, : , ' . . For.ths ailditioii to.', the MantiaV-;no ertra charge "'will "be" .Tide. The Uo'l s ill I - w ' ' at Five Dollars as hereto!'. re. Orders will be instantly 'attended to. Sept.-12, 1829. - . - . ; just puBHsi;::D .r.i "-0 --.y - if ' j , L ' 'NORTYi-CAiroL 1 S 3'0 " 6 0NTA1NTNG besides the Astrrnc r.lc-.d C:.'. 'culatioits, Essays- on Ar.ctil'u- .va! Medical'-aMd-MisceltaneousrRectipls, -'otes, a list of the- M -mb-jr, of the next L. ur-; and of the Officers oi.tne.Siate .and Uciicri to vernmehti itijne upholding: tlie different Courts, Hall, Bookseller Newberrf v and. retail, "oi .in of the .crekee tri ia t'.u -btitv. r. , ' Sept. 1&29." :,Tds Almanack' msy.le-; had - wholesale rt Uie Publishers Raleigh t of Mr.tEdnurd J. ll-de. Observer OfSce. FayetitviUe; and of Mr. iahnoji lObt lieitom, asii c .ty:r,. Carj!v?J ; , ribef.at HihoroughV " ' " i . D'XXTlXG " October lpfct v J--.v-' j v' - - ; -ajstdejson. v - t; V), , 6w Price Adv;.2.- C,I4v j , ii :V . eztty M'K ' ;V;vr.V"f - -v';':--; :' -.v"v- . . ' - . i ... . - - - t" , k . 3 w ' - ' - - ;. ' ir , i " V -V , K . - - T , iaen;lo tut? auujugalivn:it:.V-ttrkih J '2 3i": v- ;VK. ARliOujES, Clk. : : ift ; ;..c; t;'- V ' -I :-r''

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