- j-Vj..fl 7 'vfN XT"T , - - V- ' , f ...., ..,. X Jt v JANw J . - i " ,5 - t . J" iCi JL OL iili?.: ' '" tt .V, ( -rf '. W:;V' r - ; -V " : - - " 4,sOurs are the plans of fair; deiieUtful peace ' i V, 1 s VV' '-1 ' f A 's'-"1 r " "t i.T'r 1 . - - 1 v' - m 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - 11 mm , 4- 1 nn!aSSTSB.:'V i H rPablihjd evervMoinA.T.andTHxyKaAT.Dy JOSRPli GALES &SON, - - v AiFri ar per anmimHalf in advance, r A D YR RT I S RMENX 3 . " 4 he FJ(Vtors must be postpaid Tf ACtlfflNT. heorldJ ndeea f blind anil imphcft oblience to the'varTini .r fc--lt;.,;i v ;i .A.i UD Or IV iiicaiiJ,,' .jiiici - (luimi aim i reflecting persons, nor tof the most .times Tor ROonar,.,ancytWenty:five.centsfor j)p Spieled studies, and pfepared -f everv 'cceedfivg publication : those of tcm- himself for those greater labors which have; t ' a?: length in the same -proportion.. vCoxmu- jnc, 1 Vtn ' hinrW place ia thej firat rank of TOATio9thatoktully"rece ourhative arfists. JJdv - ' -J . ! :i:-v - Ja, -ji k ister t ptea4if alone, are little valued a f ble rnetnbers of sciejl "!vthe wealc a riij frivol outhoe hoknow v no joy triore-r fi ned; and eleva ted than t he: ooor vatfUy-'of beirie'.'M glass f tfashioji knd ::i-.mpu ; those wise"; hi ghest k m bi tiotf re 9 1 a i n 1 m m tatii)2 other are :'.tliefirat.aWoymoatin Vthe rinkF. fashion people are conieni wiin oeirg just M.iuucii in fashion a' linit to dra w notice bjr!si iigu I arJ. it? in either eitreeJlrhefe ;areiuafy young lauies. wno nave ine.rgoou- sense v iU)fuiance wiin! -.- me nrricue i systera.,,.asajptieU compliaiice is jkiierej matter of form, & does ' not reach the extreoie, of screwing, which 'pmQ siliy girfl nave-attaineiil (t :-Ultrpe the absurdity and folly of this fashion U so bb- tious l hat there is les? merit, iii : resisting it i n fl ueVce'V' Inahiif ropposi.bg one ipore ra- d and defensible ; for a waist unn.ttu- it ' - si t . u . r - - - 1 1 rally smalkis a?monslrousdetirmitv. and K. " . ' !. ; w- 1 f . ;Vpraci ing the headi inongst the Rlatheids,, ani unquesliunaDJyciore jniuripus tnyn.euner. r But there are some, wui uoiu , iiieraHeiven independent lit the otiierf requirements of fashiohhenever:th j; taste oy.1iiclioatiVnCfA afe righti Societyiiia' iioclaim i to;acontrol1bVer4 the rninuf iajof desv A general conformity to the customs and costume of ; the ' com - ; m unity: ts pruier; and necsa ry i bu it taste inciting ii' i h m oiopb Jul f 7lrja nnt no&tPHS m sucn a ueee as louuuecsiauu ieeu - IIC3S, Slitl IIIIUIL 4 OIMI VUIICUtllVW -Ml w u v Ways to pe prferreju to fashion. Maine MR4 -VANOfcRLTN. We mentio led a fe w d ays since, a pro position nadeb fit his hrtist, tor the esta blishment of al grand - instigation taf -New- York, the;ieoeraljnfluence;cof-'hich'' ;c stated, woulol probably be extreiDely ben eficial to fth growth of the; hoe arte ill this , CouolrvW VIi Hether MrVan S L With .reirarkt tn thp nlan Set 'Torlh Dy him, wm tu iiiiiw rJi. i.n. n-vo.. oor r npr it i. ik i certainljf;a idtter of some'doubt. y 'V ,y There;? J ran anecdote -told,, of'Mr.V. which may not be uninteresting ;to those I who haye seVii1 thai rich and beautiful pic-1 i tare of iAriadtie desertetl by Theseus," r his i liable full - lensth ofMarius siir- riMiutled bythe ruins of Carthage run Burr was atvthe,he4' in-nr ni fiis powef;hdwearin the 'hohoi s ;of:the rouir't tne mie- struck, brie day jfarlsnTrit iabna rent in the executiort pf a little .pen-andl - ; 4 rawininai;nung yver inelire: place i ii th e hair rtiotti TJpon icq ulrynvascef- tained thrvtthls-ivas-thtpr Mia., .unoreniice 10-a neiu ft uiacK ; appearance gaVeeVid.enc and t!iexdency of, .cMyvr.iifruJtfufjiUi i ce) I Jinhafe'gen jus j sehdinir him lb; the dime mi'..f';Lf -ivK.V.:vv.:i.' t i J I !"f? ahetlucati fsJ O WIS, iMfJVeyftl i la he dc m U rr s nurse r eri UKMiihs went by; and the circumstan auu couven,ence.ou,u 5""W upon .the "Treatise of Morals" alone, and bers of the approaching lislat" The Be 1 t.orpoints ; andrticularmyhould w.llpablVsinr jnto the graved under Tavern is mdsVeligibly,8ituaTed'fr the conveni- all wenliie their:, cravats alike, or; every tfe burdenof age, before he hasperft'ctly ence; of Members, not being ; nibre than 100 lady myf&tf xhVyl: illustrated his author. You must forgive yrdsd,stant from ithe CapUot.,ythe Rooms are roensions on ner bonnet f y In ladiev dres ' rr. 'r ,l , ; . . . o. comfortable, . the tare the best which can be ob- Srnlemi rHrispIay of V I prefer the plain sense and active tained, and the ch:trs adapted tk the hardness ffl? of the times, The subscribeV, thref.reJ flatteis tftwtp. . tvftirh itwitiild hp- nio-ii treason, to I . - .'.- i .. i - - . . 1. . . Hi'puuii c, v m journeying : t n j rnc 61 ewYirkhc' was at a taveru "with trie isinsi miui. r ;vlou iJurr expressed r which thev offertolAericulturahsts on trood M.iiie cunositjrt fo see the lad.r who wasc-tejws.a "'; v J-tu i roinvie interest vyiuuh 111? ,ira- j mouiousana wen snnisueu , iunmi;iioui,-iiiib llerjd rexiiressecl in? tlie"child?M Wtflfare", 14 Tbomsiwit thiirhi .iv-i-.-'JL'h.-;. wid nakre onteacha Jrarret distributed into ;f thu iamiiv than' he hail ever been esteem t..rr I ' .; . v t . lit is ;uc perorejieaying the nquse, piv jsurr ' 'U to liiA .vtiiiftv in u liitv ton0 f vmrf na'1 tx ;"e I'd Jiimy Vput a shirti R J?t r pbclcM lr,otneiu New. York. and inquire lor I : a!)d i in mediatefv u nted . - hrs; .'hurs.er: I - we have related dvoassed trum theliPiacres . - - 'iji . t .iii.h ir iiiir .1111H iiiiim a a "I 111 II . ...K ll.l ft T .' .V...l....i ...... m C0Woyas:usher ' ,rj r ';yho. inst an tly pulled -a 3 nicely where-&This prbpertywiUe)disposed-of on I call on; lurot!aa; his charges: wilt immoderate' and 1 Witness, Vrd urf.nackke1rbm-liia Docket' c his accommodations good, ,4 ' vlsaid nothinsr "more thart a coarse cottbn"? shirt PifhV he;was thenminded, he had.de- isireusnnuiu u? uruu-iu ui mm n ine me- .V''' f v,,,i,V: "T ue".rer ws;youn$jv.v aniieriYn. anu iron tnaf ciay wwounp vani patmne of the ne .cotninenceil under the thfcri Yice-President of the r Jlmerican and European Cln&fttutions jH Comjoarc(f,The'c1iaracter of practical u-A'-mtvZ tlity.;is staiuned upon all' our American and busy improvement of our situation, and "are be Conveyed upon rMr aciuai v . . .... r i . . . . : r - r ------ , . . - - w mm - - . - r " u ' "il ' i tur oeir auuquiiy, anil iiiUMrious irom me minils which ;)iave ther whetr we "abrw'teyi' her extensi verlibranea richtwithv the i gathered wisdom otvt wo naia i irui iMigj uvri.iiieii w v tier - siivci - eigns. and endowed withs the revehilea of princes ilwelfaf pt tVbluah ' f6r.. thc ertv af insi l,un? snouia pity me . man jwno cou iu I wanner among the" gardens and cloisters) .oiyxioru, anu nor indulge in tne warmtn i hucs,icu -of generous a dm ira ion.' That heart must I t:,rf w: be.cold, indeed, w hit h wou 1 d not beat with e n t h u si a s m .on" the apot ; W H i chv i h a s f bee n haJloweti by the step of so many 'states men, philosophers, i and f poets.-ButJi must not bt concealed, tint these ins;itu tlons, splendid as they are, hnve, sunk' to-1 tb.the4.ulolence:whi.eenerally'atteri i v , . . . . ... , - ( . . i Jook uirougri tne catalogue ;ot- proles-1 - e. .ir . : -.l ' v . ouuifimwi nt luese universities, anu I JrlW tK. technical prts of learn ing, ueies as mey are to eery purpose fo;ttiir.,-,.r:. A.n r i . fi . rnt, - Ox(or,U jou will tlud the iiieedpof glory awarded Jo him who can best cih a line ofv Pindar, y are to eery or settle a disputed quantity in tr chorus of Euripides. At Leyden, you will find WyltenbachV the livine elbrv of Holland f.ublsKaicrklici.!iedition;:i.f PluUrch.- pirronaee to such learned and laborious trifling. i,, estimating their eftect ipon the moral and intellectual improvement ofv society. no rationa 1 "man could hesitate in ,iadj udg- ing the, prize f merit to Robertson, Smith, Beattie, and Stewart, rather than to Mark- land,Toup, Musgrave, and'Porson. ' T Haven7 s Remains. OLD MAD EIR A WINE. mrE have lately received, and offer for; sale, following Wines and Spirits, which we can recommenu io ram.uw..u utucrs, ocinS - - ---- Old L. P. Madeira Wine 7 Sicily; do, : Lisbon - t Old Port ' 'French , Brandy r 'Holland Ginl ; ' Uamaica Rum V London P?fter . '?4nineriaUTea f do , do1. , ,do bottled in Oporto 4 41 - Gunpowder do. r. i vvir TT a vt rr a v wnniYr Oct. 21st 1829: ' -''V ' V 18 GRASS SEED- MfX ILLIAMS & HAY.WOOD have just recety- ed from Baltimore, a supply ot " r cK - :su "y. r , r, , k i , Orchard Grass, do. , - V M THE SUBSCRIBER FFERS for Sale bis HOUSE & LOTS in the of Oxfofd. ''wit b ifie LAND adibining Xj? Town of Oxford, wifMhe-; LAND adjoining ubout 200 acrP-of whichl about 60 cres are Woodlahd: ; Tl'he HoUe is 52 by 40 feet; com5 1 He has employed r thirty laborious years, accommodate with Board -ti.irtv L fn-,v wm. 1 ' ' : : - . ..... . I v .... I ' V Ulosetsand two comfortable rooms and arcellarl, JLr Public in general, that he lias fcen charge . I CMJSeia aim i wuHfcuiii w . . y lj- ha. n L-nnwn Hnn s Of . Rntpfai nmcnt.tnn situated in most beautiftil attached to W a lare FalUngUarden turnisuea WVi Wiita f!rtfdfmm the north an iCe-rtOUSei Jnitfttc'teijck:. itii .-;n ',,oT-. ;.. k 'rrl in "ifficeifk Wll nf cllenV'water iii the iyardn;Of&;e'ihi .VW06."1 - CANew Green Jssilk Umbrella was stolen from the piazza of a house' in thT city on Sunday eye nihgp last. l Any person seeing1 a Negro in possession of sUch a orje in the city or its vicinity, will please give information .thereof at this OfBce; and they shall be liberally com penaated."V-f 4- O ' - - Oct. 14, -.'Important- Satp-'df- ON,Xesday the 3d dy of November next, the Subscribers will offer at public Auct ion, twenty or thirty XotaMn.the Town of ;Weldoo, eJieibly Vituated, some immediately on. the basin and Canal, and all possessing such i advantages of location as will;meet'the yiewp of purchasers. fnWsLDow Js situated on an elevated plahethe south side of Roanoke River, at the foot of the great Falls and Basin of the Roanoke Canal. . .-It is the place of deposit -forv BatteUux N ayigatiori, from whence produce!' is sKipned to Norfolk and liirhmrnl tha nn!nt' nl :nfaottitU k.tka noke Navigation.,- u v vy "icui ui ue purcuase monev; ana a uis i .in 1 1 1 ill wr iir pAtii - ivi ii i ni i.r.w n m 4aa r - . V JUM!N M. liLAIuDKINfj. Oct. 6th 1829. i i 15 i, - """"" vuauumiu. i v. TiUl'SR .pr iiuAnwi? ts. BOARDINGl Tf RS. JOHN HAYWOOD is prepared, to ac ui me legisiaiure. --aue assures all tnose wno may honor her with their p ttronage, that no ex- i1?" ue 8Pfred to render hem comforta. ached rooms be sides those in the main building. N. B. The '.favor of early applications is re continues to receive' Travellers, ' and Moaruers Dy tne oay, - weefc, montn or year. - T K c a. r .loon t . . BOARDING! i - ,f RS. PARSLEY will be prepared to accom- r " commodate 12 or 15 Memb iers. of the Gen assures .those wuu iiiitj wor uer wim ineir con company, t b&t the utmost ex rtions 'shall be used' to render; their situation-agreeable., cin..i-i!!. J iwhcih acpu . 4-2 mo. BOARDING! .MISS E. GEDDVxs prepared to ac- - " . ".r , . - commodate eight Members of the: approaching Legislature with Board, together krith the famf. lies of xthose who my accompany them. Early application is requested. .r. rli. Sopt. 10" application is requested. . .r. r.y. Sept. BELL TAVEUN. I rTHE , Subscriber resnectfullv! 1 informs his ir'"'"'" age which has hitherto been extended to him. HENRY iH.I COOKE. Raleigh Oct. 1, 1829. 12 tNl iiiMrs. i Delia Ha y w OOtl L TTAVING m dea large addition to her House, JJL will be prepared to accommodate with comfortable , lodging. rooms. Members of the General, Assembly, and others, who ,mav cali on her for , Board, during the ensuing Legisla ture, ana at otner times. s Raleigh, Sept 14. ; BOARDING Mnc an a an. o jr j i wm pe preparea 10 i at. buuiuiyuitvc iw v r inciuucit ui, Lite up proacning tienerai Assemoiy witn isoara. , Raleicrh. Sept. 10. v . 'I 63t r v BOARD ING i k fllHE Subscriber having added very: -consider' JL' ably to his House and otherwise improved it,-" Will he prepared, at the approaching" session of the Legislature-to.kccommodau from 40 to 50 Members; 1,5,, i: ' ;NtV:i- BENJAMIN'S- KING. Raleigh Sept. 1829, ' 4-m. BOARDING; flHE Subscriber has several convenient Bed JL Rooms detached from his U we 11 1 ng-H ou&e, uu inc mam Bucsi -iwi;ius ypivw anu he Krladi to accommodate with Board twelve " or fifteen Members of the ensuing Legislature.-- I The favor of earlv annhcation is requested. ; rv ?. tt ia uuiivcuicitv l3- w w uikhwchc fifteen Horees, at a moderate trice having plenty of provender, good - pasturage, ; and7 well enclosed lots abundantly supplied with water.' :" ' " - JNO. Raleigh, , Sept. 10. - , 1 : STUART. UNION HOTE J ,1. r- . Mill Hill S " n a r. T?,rn rr rafTE Subscriberlnforms i his friends and" he tKaeigiiicar,rc:yp.wi OO Ilirnisucu-wnu iuc mc .tuuiiiry;iia awi t commodiou: his beds in fine orderir and his rooms commodious and neat His Stables will be wellj 1 fAsemblyJwill as - our I nimseiT on a continuance ot tnat I liberal patron- S ' i - ' . :- : ' . : rllllll S - It' EAGLE HOTEL; -A MR. GTJION; most" respectfully :retarns-Ms thanks to the 'Public, . for the very-liberal encouragement he. has received since he opened this ESTABLISHMENT; and hopes to 'merit a continuanceof their favors.'" : - - V'-' ; ' p Mr. G. has -the satisfaction toJnforrn-the'Pub tic,r that in addition to the improvements already mdet ' eight additioruil Room will be completed by the, ensuing Session af the Legislarurel which will enable him to accommodate a larger number of Members of the Assembly than i heretofore f , The charges as' hitherto, .will, be' uniform and moderate,'- Vis for a Man and Horse" per day, $1 '50 V for"a 4Ian 'alone, $lwith a small addi tion in, those who. wish a separate table. 1', r ;. -Members of the; Assembly '.will be charged $1 per day. T hose who have rooms to themselves, will be. subject to an additional charge for them. 1 1 Travellers desiroiis of stopping at the 'lOTEL are often misled, by - enquiring - for 't he Stge iouse. AThey are informedthat the, Stages do hot make it their regular stopping.. House,nor is the House known-by - that appellation. - As many persona wljo travel in the Stage Ho' stop at tfcjr floteli and many others would, if they could be assured they would not be. delayed, they are informed, that "no greater delay will be experi enced at the Hotel, than at the Stagetlousei and those, who wish to "repose themselves -for a day; or two, will be sure to find ; at Guion's a clean bed and room for that purpose, with the; best fare the market affords. vyi . ,- .- '-: - . .The ituationNof this House is one of the most pleasant in the City, being! immediately north of the Capitol adjacent ,to the . business part of the town but without the influence Yof the dust and inconvenience attending it.'Y -'S':i': It.is now little more than a year, since the SuJ scriber;tobk possession of this Establishment; when he found the House enrirely but of repair and almost without custom. He now has it in his power to say, that fie has not only received eh. cou'ragement sufficient', to justify the improve ments that have been made, but those also that are making," even Without that support from the Stage '.Proprietors Which he believes the conve niences, comfort and attention ' whic.fi; are to be met with at the Hotel deserves and- whicli lias fairly, proven that the Public, will give the prefer ence to a well kept Public- House. Y ' : "'C' r'. -- v, u; p. GU10N. 1 " Raleigh, Sept. 23. ' " : 10 8w Law Books foir sale at Auction. IIIR late Chief Justice of this State assigned 1 to me the whole, of his Library of, Law Books, to be sold after his death- upon certain trusts recited inthe.-said assignment. .-! ' - ; 1 That thee trusts mav be executed, t shall sell i the said B'oks at Anxtion, in the CUy of Raleigh, on the first Monday in December next, and so! many ', succeeding days as may be : required to complete me sates. - r , : This Library is extensive ; contains many va-1 luable works which are' now become rare, and ! the sale is worthy of the attention of professlon- rntnin will h :f,nW nd distributed in Ciya few,days before the sale. ;0: ; -j r wTiiv Dhu. j .1- I county -Such bonds bearing interest from the sale.-. ;. .. '-v- .r-, - ' f- s WILL. H. HAYWOOD, Jxm. Trustee. Raleigh, Oct. 20.:; s : 18 eots r ; State of :North7Car.6Unay -; yMariiri-'-Couniy. ".;;V;; ' : '. Court ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions. - . : fV September Term,5 1829 Joseph J. y llliams Henry & J. J. Watts, j Joseph: J. W Uliarns r v. ' it a '?" i , j J. Watts, - Joseph J. Williams V. - --.v,-. - Henry & J. J. Watts, ) mm Joseph J.Villiams ; .r v. . -;.. c 'So Henry & J. J. vatts, ; - r'-' 1 Joseph J. Williams Henrv J Watti, I T appearing to the satisfaction of th6 Court, r-that Jacob J. Watts is not a resident of this State 1 Ordered ' therefore? bv the"Court," that I publication be made in the Raleigh Register for i g,x weeKS, to. noiiiy SJita ueienaanj to.appear i n... PAtl i.P'Piegt and Ou.rti inns. to be held for the county of Martin at Williams- I tnn nn th end MnnHv nf nrorahpp next. i ann Knew canse." wnr iisei Tunsrment oi.uic jus tice below' shallnot beafhrmed and'a Vendi - j tion Exponas issue to sell the land levied ort i .;- - THOS. W.r WAH 5," UJerK. Price adv. $5 OQfc Z -o 'iaV - ; State.of North-Carolina; -I i . . . " Edgecomb' Qounty - ; w i ; Court of EquitySe"ptember tennl829.?V V Mary G. Clark, and others, 'legatees: of.Mary S. The" Executors' &' legatees of Mary,S.,'.Btount ITT appear! ng r to the ; satisfaction! of this. Court, jL ' that Robert .Stuart and' Mary his "wife,"' Sarah Foote van wess anaana nia wire, uennei I Harm W.Martha BarrOW' Marv. Ta vlor. i Che- i i mh.. -.yvr,vv- 1 Eluabeth Hunter numw, mvvj'iMwuMiiiiw wi ..iv u.ut, fno.S Rush worm antLj no. tees fand r defendants 'in v this Summsrviue, legatees rana-aetenaants invtms pro confesspVnd heard er parte .ai' tpthern. Isaac Noifleet. GlerC'-ana blaster Court, at OiHce, the second Monday m Eep - : i . yA BEHNETHY'S, Lectures; 3 vols." , ; -LCHorneis Specid & Generar,Antomv, 2 vc!j V; IJichats General Anatomy, 4 vols. : . - ' u' '-. 'Anatotnv and- Pathology, .-, ' ' - ' V , uHfirs -Anato'my; 2 .vols. , r r BidHe's Morbi-i Anatomy-' v - . urjson's Surgery,2 vol9. i ' f ' Cotjper's First Lines of Surgeh', 2 vot:. ?Dewees! Midwifery.Iv l)ewees on 'Females x . ; ' . V -: r do- ion -Children' : C Francis's Deoman ' ; - Good's Study of Tedicirie, 5 vols. -' . - - r. ' Gregory's Practice : 2 VoU. new edition ' X hachers .Modern Practice i-Cullen's Practice: ; : v';' ,' .' Y Thachet'a Dispensatory. -Edinburgh Vndoj; iY ;C:'FWis;pJiaraacolbi4- Ct CoO(er ob Dislbcattoii ??fi : - MurraVs Materia 5iedca . . V V; .Eberle's Magendie'at' 'do'-'-- irl'-'f-?- iKvC; ;Hbstocks ; - Ydo V'V" "'". ; 'Richerand'a "dd " 'v j - " ';.; -Itateman's Synopsis Y,r1 " Hunter on theJilobd"l j)7 Scudamore on the Gotib" T Armstrong Jori Fever ano! Consumption; ' ''j Armstrong's Medical, Works -, ; . -., v . ;l)urwms ZoonomiS, 2 Vols., ' -V -rith niany, other ; valuable- Medical "VTcrk5 which will be sold oq the most favorable terras, by.. ".v in-- v - A:5J GALES-& SON.-' --Raleigh:Ofctr j4X;.a- i: CHEAPER HAN EER. ILLlAMS- & HAYWOOD are how receir - Qing from Nework and offer for saIe , 100 Gallons best WS. Sperm. Oil 3' "200 lbs.-Northern Alould Candles' -; 300 Vs Turpentine: Soap i -w - " ; 200 best refined Salt Petra -150 .' v ; Poland Starch . ; ; '' ., -100 Black Pepper :. - v : iS -; X - -." 150 Race and ground Ginger V r ' ' Uoo, -Allspice :-:ry.---'-t-j": VA- t doi. Hibbert's fondon Portef . , ' 0d Pbrt Wine-" . ?? ';; - 'f. :-h SBoxes best American Mustard for sata : i ;V -by the "pound; .-X Vj j ' ; ' '1" - ; 2 tupcrior?perm Candles " ' " v-20 Kegs White: Lead - . r ' '12 Boxe;VlhuowGlaW''UV.c.;'.r,x;V 500 lbs- Putty, . r ! V I . , ' -.-.. ' ; 2 36 doz.; Wine Bottles ' 4 350 lbs.: best-AmercsTn Glu .' V, v C-500;green Cbpperas w " i v--i000.v chipped and stick Caapeachylj- - 150- Ground Fustic ' 150 '75 Allum Dutch Madder ground a I - - . .:. 2S; Spanish IndtgbV V.: Brown 500 Wilmineton- BiceC r 2 Coils Bale and trce Ropft. v,- ,1. Bale shot!' thread;- A - " 1 Package baskeUsalt for iTable use ; uasnciisai? lor, g SDiemse : ' , -English. German and Ital'iii tingi conststing oilat 2nd 3rI ; 1. Bundles. : Violin stpii iV .-and lths. . W. & Hi, are also receiving an additional '3p piy or uruj;s,3IeUicinest Paints iC C;c,i which ?3.e b.c,T ..Msort.ment very-complete. f Just received 2 Boxes xjf the 'above valuibta Medicine. '-i';c -'-r-': --S-;, :. tTf. ;t WILLI A31S & HAYWOOD. Oct. 14th, 1829. -16- Roanoke JdvigdtiditCompaiijj. DELINQUENTS tockholders in the hoanak s Navitration Company areTreauested ta ta!-a ; notice,that the;; : vv V :: .- ;'-., 1st requisition of 10per cent., became due the 2nd, do , ?lO;do 15th Pebruarv- 131: 3rd : Y do 0-&:t5jl6 10th December. '1813 ". 1S1 . iizz ;i23 1S24;. . 1L25 1825 -1823- ;4thv-dov v"10 -da 1st September, 5th '.t "t v db -vl& lo 1st February, ' 6th : - do 1 0 do 1 st J a nu ary," v7th;V "db 3J'ir-f 8 -do Is t ' February v 8th V do V 'V 1 5 do-1st -January; , i',9th:V i do , ;-;5 do lst-October. 10th do v ' 5 do lstebruary, 1 1th : do rv 4 do 1st sM arch, 12th i do-- 4 do 1st June. ': . ' 13tU : do -.:v,: 4 'do 1st: January, By " order of the Board of Directors. v - :;:; A.JOYNEIV.Tress'r.! Weldon, Sept.; 30, 1829 - , . ;.151r HaywpotV8 oMahuaL f Brought up to the present time. GALES & SON have just publish ed -i-y. APPENDIX to H ay woe J's Manual, whicli' I Embrace the Iws nasspd since e year 1UILV - 1 unuer uisiinci iichiu. inainaa.iJtiiC2i c-ier. 1 cludine those of last Session, wh-ch rz:.':.n th Work complete. V -' - - . - "I'-For i tbTs : addition to th e Mar. u a L 'n o e rtn. charge Will ' be m.de. - The Book will L I at Five Dollars as heretofore. - ' ; Offers-will be instantly attended to. " ;8ept. 12,1829. ' ' , : - - -. rSTPUBUSHED NDRTH-OAROLINA " -; v. . .. '. TOR:; T jplONTAINING. besides, the AtroncS3ical Caflv kJ culatiorts' Essaya -on ; A;rnculture, valuable - j Medical and AlisceUneous Receipts, Ar. rcdnte 1 a list, of the Member of -the nest Lei s 3 fa r ia ust.oi uic craoera oi.uie ;ni a-egis;ature; Ger.-r-l Htw vernment, imebf "holding the difTcrent Ccurtr, :" -Ttiis Almanack may be had trhclczale cf ths ' v - i. Ivf tlie'Storekeepers IpT-tbe StateV'p"; ;i .; ;t . 01 1 - bent. 10. 1 I - ERINT1NQ ; 4 ',.u&iA-'mr . " .-- .r- -IIOBERT: PERRY. . I tember. 182- . . - - 1 1 r . - -V: -tv

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