. ... ,l - .. .. . f Y 1 W 1 V, - . i Si' v -i . ) 5 . i Art Joseph Gales SoiLk:J TAVC in "Store aWn general' assortment of A -School and otber Books, tationery&c yhich .tliey blTeT for sale to CJountry, Merchants; I Teachers and others onthecst nccommoda' - ting terms,conststtng in paTt as follows :vv v L ; Scott's Family Bibles-new-edition,5': vblsrr; ,; Tamily'Biblesto. in various bindings do.rdo. V 6vo; in do. dalPpcket dofine edition; in extra findings do.) da common School doi Pocket Te&tamentvin various 'bindings, School do--- , Common Prayer, do. do. etc, o ' -' v 1 . : ; : , : - readers V . . a I ; lumy's English Read'r oo; -lnirouuvuim Juvenile Reader v Popular; Lessons Looking GlaVs s New -York: Readers, No., 1, 2 and 3- v; v-;.. Jacob's,Greek Reader. ; do , Latin vdb v. do ;Seqiel" rKatiorial Reader v 'd6 Oratpr' Columbian do Picket's-Instructor '-"do "Expositor l American Preceptor GRAMMARS. ) Murray's "Eng. GrammariFarrahds Gr'kGramr. .A do; do do (abridged) oo ao exercises s. x - "do Key to do ' f ; ; GreenleaPs Eogi Gram Ingersol't do Comly,s do. i Brown's Board man's t1 - doJ r YalpeyVdb 0 Moore s . da 7 , Raddiman Latin Adam' , do. Gould'a; ;do Ross' vv7 'fr'H'do do- do do -do diy do. LevizaekVPrencti'v-dat Wanostrocht's : r da PerrmVv '-do - ' vv Dabolls do l , 1 y . Goujjh's " db - --T Dilworths rZdoJ':.- '.' "3 Pike's Aritlintetic vrt -1 Walsh VAritlimette , -ao "-Key to do' r wmbersj, .dor Smilev's-. r do , 0 v r Adams'" f i N. do Villard V " do. r ". . : Colburn's do: . do, :r Sequel to Arith- do -" Key to; do r : , r v f - '.history. - y " - . -; r : ;j WheTpley's CojnpendbtlRobertson'aVllistory, of :' ; ; ' History a J ' " Charles-Sfh' r ' t -f ,;-i tiers Eiemetiw ot no) Cj imsbavt's ; History of Greede 'wy -J ' da do? !4' 'rS- do do ' ;En jflari'd " - do7 do", jU. States' Hale's do . V States WUlard's do rXJ States Gooftrich's do U."1 States Pitkin's - do tI. ,SUtes Howe'sC t do Greece . rRoHins' Ancient History yGoldsmith'sj- Animated Natufa , r- " ,'Hame'Smollet and Bi, set's t Historv of 12ng- f jana ,t vdo Vdo? America v ,-do -do ' Scotland ' , nd India' Gibbon's ' History - of Rome -. '. ; - Scott's Life of Napoleon The History of Modern v; Europe, with -an ac :Pi count of the Rise'and f Fall Tof "the-. Roman "Empire 1 -t V - Ii vl ng s Life . and Vby h ages Of Columbus a bridged Tor "Schools. Anquetil's & f Ramsay s ;v Universal History i'GKOGRAPIUES. Adam's, Geography and f Atlas . V Morse's" Ii do - f do-; Worcester's do C. do " do ' Epitome do Smiley 's Geography, and Atlas';'-....-' ; At Cummings . Geography and Atlas, " Goodrich's": do wmttt'A'-j- do edo de : do do do wiwara's v Webster's Spelling B'ks Comly's . ,do do 1 do " do Ne w.York, do .Picket's , do M array's Spelling BHcs. tlnrrersal do . '.. -. do -' Dil worth's do Ai. do UnioilVsdo , do:, 3Tp HE PROPRIETOR of the above XneliavT -V ing. lately procured new and commodious Stages and added several first rate Horse v with steady and 'accomodating Drivers,"and ;having also obtained the best stands for the .comfort and convenience, oPassengershopes i tobe enabled to gWe.entire aattsfacti itd those wha hay ;fa, ';i ne raies or tatag : ru"p are- as nsuaivi;i from-Raleiffb; to! Newbern and from Newberri to ttai;ign, seven uottars, aua-ior any lessAiisiuirec si cent' per mile; " 'passengers travel K n g thrdt" .will' please pay their stage fareatmyhouserfour miJe,s from Rajeigh Way Passetigera (who may; no pass my'iiouse.j-wiii sevue wivu inc jwriT.cis in advance. Annlications for 'seats may fee made1 to Mrs. -Anii DUhardisidrn of the. Cross "Keyp, ijff R;deign,and at Mr. Josetih Bcirs nr to my Stage Drivetln;Newbern : ThJs Line ;of Stage leavf, Raleigh every Tuesday at l(hArM and Fridays at 2 P; M:, and arrives in Newb em On Thursdays arfd Sundays.' at 2 P. JU.- Leaves Newbero every Wednesday and Saturday, at o a; ftlanu arrives in Raleiirh the following Fridays i'andC Mondaj's at -10 in the morning. Believing the present tp oe preteraoie to .any previous arrangement, cuai it win. oeuer. man anyoiner; uiai";" mc adopted, contribute to iber convenience of trav ellers,;:the, Proprietor will use his endeavors t to gj ve it perm&ne ncv by preserving . ; the Line jn its present improved condition.U" ! - ; ' . , MERMITT DILLIARD, Proprietor. June 27th, 1829. . . 90 1 tf. Medic al companion, r r DIlUGr : LiEDICINB DTQRE. TTrr AVE lately received. large ahdj extensive jOL assortment of Drttand Mididnett consist ing, in part pX8nlp1iate.uinineGm.;Ojiiin,-- penarcntizefi oo. Kennea i;ampngr. iiviMiiutB, Castdrt)il, Vitr. JEVr. Elatarium Extracfs of various kinds, SolidifiVd Copiva,-Oil of Black Penper; Iodine; London Blue Pill; Black "Oxyde Mercury, Citrated Kan Tor, maKinf nejjir ture, Cbmp.Rxtr.' SarsaparHla, Hydr- Hotassi s,,nl Carh. SodzTart: Acid.1 Turkey Gum Ara- tin Kir.. Pnlel'Mairnesia. Yellow lisjric.uaiomei, ja lap. Rhubarb, C.Tartar, . Sugar f .ead, .Spt. Nir ire; i Bals, Copaira, Spt, Amrapn, vl'art Antimo. ny; Sulph.-Copper, Liquorice Paste, &cv r (7. A 'general, assortment of - Patent (Medicines, ci,nn ,i?itrnWiir' ftiiptreohs'-lnstrnmenfR, I3'e Wood,;Hatters ;i rtmmings,ana Maienf, vv Strings SkinW Bindings and Rands jBuckles & hriisKes. verv low. A large. supply, f Paints. & Verv Hruslies of, every description,; Spt. , Terpentine, Linseed, Lamp and Tanners' Oil, t'a ami on- ver : leaf, uopai ana reamer 8fmq, snv.' qualitv,aVindow.Glass, 8)4 10, 10,1212 X ifi and 16 ! 18." and Putty. ! ' "1 ! -l - l neir'assoriineiu couijji ,, ... the Apothecary's line "the ' princi(al , part of which having lately been selected oy snerasejyes in Philadelphia aml New-York wjth cash, they ire ehabledto sell to cash dealers -dr. punctual customers on much better terms thai- ever be forev oflTereii; . in this markets Physicians and Merchants will find itto their interes to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.' v : . Raleigh; June 3, 1829. 1 ' . 80 A '" FAMILY PHYSICIAN ; 'I r - " V - TREATING OV TH DISEASES OF THE - UNITED STATES, , ) ; . - - , With their symptoms tsa'uses, cure, and means of prevention : common cases in Surgery V the management and diseases of Women and Chil r dren ; a- rispensatoryiforp'redaring Family Medicines, and a Glossary.explaming Techni- cat terms Also, the Nurse s Guide. m ;,7e Seventh. Edition, Revised, enlarged and very considerably in r proved, BY JAMES EWELL, M. U. I .DICTIONARIES." i JTew-York Expositor Picket's. ,do.r "Walker's x. Schools tionary.1 -r; ' ' r "Crdo-r large- . ;do. pocket Johnson's do - do v; large Todd's Johnson's Die ! . . 'do ' do a 'do f do -4 . Boyer's Ffencbfi do Nugent's ' do ' do Newman's Spanish do 'Pr ary. Dictionary ''-& .ck's Latin do f Ainsa-orth's Latra Die- tionavy r " ' Lem priere's ' Classical ' ' .Dictionary V ; ,, BuCk'sTheoIoglcal Die hiohary p .C ; Brow n's i Dictionary of the' Bible k ; . Chemical Dictionary..' Hooper's Medical do , -Pickering's Greek Lex- ;con . - Schrevelius' Lexicon f Grove's Gik.& Eng." do V Stgtiohevyff.&c:' DRAWING PAP BR. Demy "do 'do J. ' Medium ' Jo do 1 Royal Drawing Paper Super, Royal do ;do - - - WRITING PAPER. Letter Paper, Fool's Cap "a Post & Uemy Pa Medium ahd 1 Royal Pa .per' ; Super Royal and Irape . rial Paper f - , A,, . 'rFANCT7PAPERsr; ; f - ;( ,r , Morocco Pa peN , jGold Paper,? : J, ' --Marbled Paper, uV'Vt Fancy colored do! , - iWacfc & Ked Wafers Reeves' Water i Colours .;.m boxes Camel's Hair Brushes-.. tToy Paint;Boxes (','- 'tf' fVedgewood,;Pewterr; - Inkstands, SandBoxes u r 1 ' Bbc1cSan4,;tS a-' ; - v.India Rubber," and India - - - -'Ink r Jr - ' l .-C Silver Pencil Cases. 7s fr : Kidders Indelible1 Ink Genlleineria IPocket- '"Bboks .-'v Visiting Cards .& Cases Memorandum 'Books Black andmedSealing (vax. Bl&ck and Red Ink Black and Ited Iukpow Vder z'- ; - -Y ; Drawing Pencils and c -t JBlotting Paper Cluilla,: Slate and Slate' Pencils Wrapping and Sand Pa- Day , Books, .Ledgers, ; Journals,- f, . i Cali Books, Receipt;, Books; &c,;..,. y: On the important subject of domestic ; medir cine, many books have been t written, which'J thoughxcellent in other respects, have greatly failed of usefullnesa to Americans because they treat of diseases ;which, existing" in veryoretgj climates and constitutions, must widely differ from ours. 2The book; now offered to the public has therefore,' the great advantage of having been written by a native A mericao, of long and suc4 cessful practice in the southern states, and who for years past, has turned much of his attention! to, the composition vi 'it ; "Vy ; . ! T every family; more especially those in re-j mote situations, .the posfsestion of thiibook must; unquestionably,' be of incalculable value : for,' conducted by such a" guide, it. will not be .pre- sumptuous to say , that any : person of- tolerable capacity, ahd reasona ble atte nti oh; may b e e na-j bled to pracctise with safety and advantage, in: those cases of simple diseases most incident to our climate..; - ; -. v v pi r ; v ; -:- - ' J " ' This work is'for sale, by ' i T ! ; . v Joi GALES & SON. I ugust Tf V 95- : QT All orders in their, IiQeattended"itoijwith the earfiest despatclu- : ' Oct, 9th 189. . - T' . ; , -.15 ' - blanks; . 4 r i , OF amo:t every ; description, may '.be always - J ' 'Cr had at the Bookstore, of J. Gales & Sots ' " 7 -printed on good ;papernd after; the. most-' ap- proved forpsvU. " . FOR CLERKS OF COURTS. 7 : : Writs, Executions for, Debt &, CostExecui ? .1 " "'-V-Mtion fof cost only, ' :r: .y y - Jury Tickets, Witness Tickets, t " - " " r " 7: V T', Appeal St.Bastardy Bonds, Subpoenas, Commission for taking -Deposi- t? ' .tiohs v- '4 "-rr -A , ' ' ;Apprmtice?s Indeiituresand Bonds.v"' -f 5' Adi;)inistrarbr's & Constables;BoTids,si American Turf Register PO Ii TING MJ1 G A ZINE. QTpHE want of a repository in this countrji like 1 the English Sporting Magazine, to serve as an authentic record of the: performances and pe digrees t of tlie ired horse,' will be1 admitted by all, whether breeders, owners, or amateurs of hat admirable animal. The longer we remain wit bout Tsuch .a register, the more difficult will it' be to trace the. pedigrees of existing stock,1 and the, niore precarious will , its value become! Is it not, in fact, witliin the knowledge of many readers, that animals known, to have descended from ancestry of the highest and purest blood, have been confou nded with the vulgar mass of their species, by the Joss of ?an old newspaper or memorandum book, ' that contained their pe digrees ? "Sensiible for years past of the danger which in this way threatens property of so much value, and persuaded that it is not yet too Jate to collect and save many precious materials that Would socnr be otherwise lost, the subscriber hopes to svfppjly the long looked for desideratum by the establishment of Thb Amemicait Tcrv REaistBR.;': But thouglVan account Cof the peri formances on he American Turf,: and the pedi grees:, of" thorough4jred. horses, constitutes the chief aim of the work, it is designed, also, as a Magazine Of information (like the English? Sport ing Magazine on veterinary subjects generally ; and of various! rural sports as Racing, Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Trotting Matches, &c. toge ther with original Sketches of the natural history and ' habits of American game -of all kinds f and hence the title " The American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine. , It will of course be the'aim of the Editor to give to his journal an original' American cast, conveying at once, to readers; of ail ges ; amusement and instruction, in regard to our own country, its animals, birds; fishes, Ste in the absence of domestic materials; the magazines reqeiyed from abroad will supply au ample stock of appropriate matter. A y - - eFmalty,as to the -style and execution of the work, the fiit number, just published & ready fodeliyery. may bereceived as a fair specimen, entitled to some allowance for ther imperiections inseparable from, the first essav in a new and somewhat complicated and difficult enterprise v" "r'-l"' J. S. "SKINNER. - - '.- .CONDITIONS. . ...H , . Tlie, - SPORTING . MAGAZINE will be pub- us.ieti mommy; ,-iiach, number r wiUconist of aooui nity pages,s embellished withbeauthul engravingsprice. $5 per annum, to be paid on the receipt ot the, first number.'.- - - tL V Where, the. niimK&i' rr iW.;k .t t-.- """ Jin u win be sent bv 'nnvate and PROCLAMATION. I ; By the , Governor of ' Norti-Carolina IT vo rHuh'd red Dbl la rs fie ward . TlTBTHEREAS it.has been nia.de known to me, : t Y: tha aMurder has been com nijited in the Town of Oxford, in the County of Granville, and StateVT Sorth-Candina, . on .the ;4vh tUy of No vember. last, and ihat a certain THOJVIAS MIT CHELL, late of the County ..and Stifte f')re!aid', tands charged bVjhefinding or a r G and Jury, on a bill of Indictment, ' with haviig; perpe trated the same on the body of a ce "tjin Shel ton ' Ilobgood. of rfaid County c-r-An 1,; as it is further represented ''and made known, to me, that the said THOMAS MITCH ELjL. hath sb sconded and fled ,from thfe jurisdictic n and lim its of this: State, and thereby eluded he arm of the law and of justice r - - Now therefore, to the end that the said THO MAS. MITCHELL may be apprehended and brought to justice, the above rewafc of fVVO HUNDRED DOLLARS will be giyento any person or. persons who will apprehtm andjeon fine the said Thomas Mitchell in any Fail in this State, so that, be may oe. brought to justice And I doj moreover, hereby require, command and enjoin, all'officers whatsoever, ;a. well civil as military, within his State; to use jtheir best endeavors so apprehend and ;take,.. or cause to he apprehended and taken, .the body f the said Thomas. Mitchell, and him safely anc securely keep so that he shall be brought-to justice. V, .; i THOMAS MITCHELL is about l!9 years of age, of slender form, down look, a lirtle freck led, round shoulders and hasel eyes was; lately seen by a gentleman of Granville Courtyl at New Orleans, where probably he, how is. . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have caused the Great Steal of the State to be hereunto affixed, and subscribed the same offici Hy, at the City of Raleigh,- on the 20th day of mm c June, By the Governor, : Johw B. Mvsr.,! P. Secy, JOHN OWEN. 87 i ? Marriage Licences and" Bonds, -ev !f api ainviviivMi , Z Order of Sale.'froma'Jiistice Rt'cooiiartces and; iiotKis,to:prosecute, ;iv ' Guardiuri-Bonds and notices tb Guardian V- ;.Ti;.FH',;!jins.n:m. r ' Jrrocess againsc petunucs, u x . ,v for ,sHt;PwiFFs.;.;';; 1 , rr -JDeeOs for' Safes by' Execution, ' -T Do, . do. . Taxes,.,.,; nVii Bonds. r - . . Forthcoming Bonds " - - , x Ilcceipis &c..- , .v l-OR CONS rAULKS. V WrrantSj'CjL Sas, .Appearance Bonds, ' lixecutions" c. c.v , j 1 ' - v.'"' ( " ALSO Common Deeds, Mortgages, Power -of At7 tcnicv,-IlidictmeiAt.sDeedi oil;Trust"and J c' .Bank Checks.- r - - TW eni. 3.-- - ' I-. - V ? M s expense.ot the Editor.. uenvered trpfiUJnhi. w; Ui: i. - .- ---r w. cvira cuarge j wiierc It is sent, by mail the subscriber, wlil have in th h postage. v ons procuring 'five siibscriberl, and sending ,the money wiif receive, a sixth. copy S-l;,Tand ? W P' aportionLfof a larger immbef. - Baltimore, $ept. 1v," i . . - 1 TP"? subscribe? offershTs serTcesforhe"ioK ' i :-',.ec?l,O01xf. 'ms agamst the;uited States or individuals.; Hj knowledge of themanne? of conducting busu.essat the piiblic offices: aItl ac- .nflainhmMM With t Ti e T.lll7cns; arn n r. 1 1 . - 11 XI.. t' , '"X iepeeay sltJement, of hc counts. Satisfactbiy refereuce will' rUr andxharges moderate. ,;gr?en, 4 Gergetowjf, TJ B. 'HOIIXNs. C-Sept1, 1829. , s piunting : .: ; r Of-yarjaas ;.ilescn ptfoas neatly jexetited To Merchants, Farmers, c; - WILLIAM H.RR0Wb()Pv COMMISSION MERCHANT :y:Q'::. Norfolk Vcu OAVINGtakenthat large fire-prdof Ware- House & Wharf recently pecupiedj by Mess. m - bku ileal- e of ' Pro- the" pur- J.; & iW- Southgate, tenders his sdrvices to CoUHTaT MSRCHAWTS, PtAWTEBS,' LtJM ers and the nubhc general v. in the s:i - - .. - duce and Lumber of every description; chase of Goods, andeenerally in facilitakinglheir business transactions in the Borouirh, for-wiucn his; commissions" will in all . cases be very mode rate. -: ..;..;:'" " -'" r ' - vN- ; LHis attention beincr confined solely to Commts- sinn Business, and bis knowledge of persons and of this mode of transacting . business inj the Bo rough, together with his thorough acquaintance Of the Country Business, will. he hopes; be found advantageous to those ; who may 'employ his agency. - ." " - ' r.,l Reference to Messrs - v . ' ; Cole & Sheldon, ' ; 7 MKfJjr Chasr L. Wingfield,5 ' t ,.t - Robert bouter. - :. Shields & Ashburn, i y Norfolk. - - , Edts. Beacon Sentembei'1829. . - 4-2m. . - TO THE AFFLICT Vegetable Sirup arid: Powder, GS. ID, f, : FOR DISEASES OF THE LUN of these has been larly since; theVdeath of the- late propn that nlaceian seTectingarhexy has been td-.bi public .opWdlf 'tlMds6,C ut...i,i k uirtalnd ithe fceliiiir or the Institutions . . rr"Tlc- ' -bfth! ir.ctituti-nhasbeenc' ii ed from Li -t3n to Oxford, N. C. In annon cimr this ch-ir. e tj the public.-some remarks in VelatiAn to V. . c sz.s which induced ,,yw necessary.--T..c cbjecMS to estauasn in;wie o- orNorth-Carolina the Institution upon, aerma nent basisAt Littleton; thotigTit; possesses the advantages of health and retirement man em inent degreli it;was foundthatthe convenience and opportunities for carrying it oh,would be in---.LUf- urtth the obieot in view, particu- :ior 01 regard iir aS it ' public. has centered upon Oxford as ; the most suitable; Oxford has longbeenvknowh aa flourishinjt id wellonducied schools r For its :healtli," itmoralfarid mindiit.rhfr site selected Jbr-the yinstitu- : r.iWcanf anrt riird ithe buildincrs aiKM : null, J' .. . - 7..- . . v . - - i grounds are sp.tcious i and such measures will be . .adorned in the irovernment of thf inslitutiqii , as j ?will preventhe tiiden!s fromny "nsasonble commiiuicaimn hii;theyillagtV loforc laid before the public will tVJle pursued v ii Any further -.information in,relatUn,t..th.e ; in ;stituliin, ;my, oe iiau un ajjjiiujnvn.v m. -. j .... . ..l.j'V" , --- f-Z'D. II r.Sept:50, 182.4" ' i . t. 1,. OH LXTEIlAnT, IIISTORlOAt AND COltW ' ' Elegantly pn c'a sheet. of ju tSJJ r " end; published In the citycf New-YprkomcetSOXV'a ' rnilHS paper is now particularly adapted' ii. wants of families - imUI,l..Wi: !l:latfte at ion arid circumstances- do ; not : require tV S' tf a d:i lily journal it is'also well earculatedf who rhayr be disposed to preserve ''aVii .!? 'sersir' ent en. BINGHAM, Supt . -.if ' r-K 15 3ts NOTICE. EOUND in my Store, some time since, a Note ; made by T-, P. JJerryhill, and' Samuel . B, H ill, 1 b John Mullis, sen'r. for Jhe ;sum f , $7$, daied 20th Oct. l2rt; payablelS montlis;; after date. N The owner can have the same by apply inff tonic-and paving for thisiidyertisement. y 4aV.-:tIIUMcKBNZlEv; - Morven, N. C 7 tn ept. ,y,. I)Yinr ScourirjojtEstablisIinient npHE Proprietor ot this Medicine, after repeat Xsed trials of its Virtues, which have! been at tended with the most signal success, nW offers it to those: who are -afflicted with the wasting diseases which it is. designed I to relieV,. in full confidence that it will'be foundefficacious, pnr- ticuiariylii taicen in ine incipient sxages diseases.' - . -" v' -:-' " -J i Fon two years past this Medicine prepared in the form" of a Powder, & taken as an infusion, Avith thl most happy successT. lit is now offered to the afflicted In the forni of'sa feirup or in- Powdery as the Patient may prefer, onder the1 conviction? that either- form, will , proaitpe the same happy result, v Among: its most prominent qualities the followingmay be rnentionejd, as en titled to 'particular " consideration 'It -riromotes tjiaf gentle perspiratiop wnich is deemed healthy J ami cuecivs - muse sweats wnju are mopoia and pernicious. . It' relieves - chronic afftectkins7and congestions of the lungs by giving force; to the lapguid .- circulation v It assu?"ges. cougbsJ it pro! motes free and bland expectoration r It removes pai n from ; the chesU flt relieves asth malic and difficult respiration j It corrects obstinate, cos tiveness, : and thus leaves the bowels in s regular" and . healthy-' state; V Thus, it is, found, that these painfursymptoms which indicate diseased lungs, readily" yield . to t his pn wef ful Terrtedy, wlieh sea sonablyiresorted to, and. that xit resrore4 the paV tient to .that bpdily 'yVgour, which tht 'Cruel disorder the oousumption, if, left to 4ts natural operation, woukivery speedily destroy.) : Certificates Respecting tle virtue of tbjis"iiedl cine will 'accompany each bottle. -A sPric t of -the Syrup, $2 50 per bottle, or $24 a dozen, f Of the Powder $l"per bottle, or $9 a dozen.' y . r-Lis hadldc;i x ayeiievuie, rea.. xoy. . fV,sa T; LWILLIA Vl Srespectfully'- informs the Ladies and Gentlemen ot Raleigh ahdUs tvirjlnitv. that he has commenced the- above bu-1 ; - . Vinessy in its various branches,at the House, hett door but one below the Confectionary Store of Mr. Henry llardief on Fayetteyillel Street.He dyes Canton Crapes' Silks, Stuffs' Straw, Legr born and Chip Bonnets, with a beautiful gloss on them. -Ladies' Veilsrand MennoS bawls cleans ed.or''dyjd'-witnoutuijur 'IdieV,-Hand.kerchiefs,.lIose any'coior.i'.Cottbn" and" Wool Yarns dyedV-: - "Gentlemen's Apparel of 6vefy descriptibh'dy- jed, scoured andpre$sed elegantly. J:The collars ot coats will not sustain nny injury mine process of dying or scouring and will1 be put4 in a jhand some shape. ';, ; ' .iV. ,-All orders .entrusted to him,' will be executed with th utmost faithfulness and the greatest des-, patch.-i'- ' ' . ' -r i i Raleigh Sept: 2, 1829. ;o. 5411 Jleans ofi Postand 'Foolscap PAPER, ' different qualities, just received ; by ; Raleigh, July HablicEntertairiiheiit :tertaiiMhirmiscellari :The planofthe Atlas ils onmhl,' in - largely, a ioh&risrd:reptrt::tf ihe ni0Si iliEX" iWeiils-M every partof iUbrtdd&tmitlu f,V ed in geographical vrderi :vThis intellie,'' carefully prepafeil fwm tbe most ample son ;rf information )bth foreign fafTairs bf hp Unite&JSintespciX, : a ncl t7;nccX"aV possessi n g th el iigh'est Ven t inverf si, receive speciaji f.iept,on m this nan ;f he.!Mt fa disclaims, alt n.irtizan : '.vi. to trive.' Hs lara.- nossbie,'a.cviHn.id irnr.c,. . - - of h paper; consistof Literary Notices' un.i c ' LVctoKs ? .tK-aildopm "and iUdi Artsand Ctirnmercl InielJienr - b racing,- in ra .spara ,de partment,? i weeviw lieview of the ew-Yoriiir5aV-Wrtn:-oif.r;; the, United States and . those of London f ; oal Havreyand aTepbrt'ofgreign arrivafj n all the ports of f the ntedState' uXh oth c5 ihi pYnews?;'CvB v - ' V-' - . i!"11 - nc Alias contains a sing anectTotes and other ar. sh Besides these variety or amusmir blft' miscellanies calculated to cbmplete'tlie de' sign exp1 ressetl i a ' its . mqtt'or'. Lectorem deler tando; pariterque; mOTendo J 'J : ,,, 7lCoMA7tdrt;P payable in utteonce: B ut if. the pa per 'is deliver ed .in the: ctyor ttirough the United States Mai snd navment in' advance at the bffir.f r...M-... tkn;v7yre bfffdtfhargeSr JAZlice Jialf vearla . $3j;1o :subsa;ipt ions taken for less tiie'ihaa 5 the eit pirat ion Jt ha If yeat ly. periods. -s ; V A .r-!...-rt.1.?,ViT5r J , v :-T ct V:H - - - GALES & SON haVe justTeceived from Ph ; ladelphi:., tue following; new Pulilicationa . ,, 3la0d(CK siceporTs, six volumes in three Siundtfri;on -Pleading; and Evidence, 2 vob .1 0e-'Reportsjv$dyoliim9 -;5 - ;-fStory's- jPJeadings, t'iditibnV:..-;,. r- Starkie on Evideucevdo. 3 vols ; .y. U Thomas's - tuilce, on Littleton, 3 y. -.Memoirs of Boliyar ' j v?;, ! ,. vr 'Sr-1 Lett ers from the Egean;. -;"" " f-7 jfruckminsie) ifl'odd's "Johnson's Dictionary ''f -;t,Neale's LiterarY Remains, " 1 ..:.: Last of the, pfantaganets, 2 voIs :-;;Talespf Passion i ;i ..;.doU tv Iraits ot .rravel;v.;.: ":do. ;. db! ptijl JOHN BUFFALO respect-1 fully informs the Public, that he has purchased the Public 1 1 ouse formei- ly occupied by. Wm. V . Bell and Alex. Hich, on Hargett Street, at the corner of Wilmington Street, ; where he will be glad to re ceiveTrav llers and others, and willuse liFs ut most exertions to accommodate' them cbmforta- 03'. . -. .5 - - v - His-Stables are. good and will -;be. constantly supplied with plenty of,. Provender of . very kind. i Owing to the scarcity of.mney.and plentiful Sness of pro-iucei'ihe price of-Board for. Man and Horse will be' a4 dollar a day, or eiglit dollars, a month for a ''single pe.sohV?f.i'rr;-!i h He has a HACK,, three GIGS and HORSES for Hire,-, at the short est riotice. -: - His prices for his Hack, Gigs and ; HoTses, .are. ;.:$3 a day, for the Hack ; Gig with Horse & Boy $2 a day ; Gig and Horsei"without aBoy pi;5U adayja Horse alone 1 a day ; a Gig' 5U. Cents a Rdeigh, A prj 1 2 ' r i 60tf Nv B. Persons hiring Gigs from me, wU I; be expected to repair any injury done to them, whilst in tlieir -possession ""; .irJ.B. possession. The Subscri be prepared to. accommodate trithi iinL ? Board , .from -12 to 15 Memoers of the ap-. proachihg Legislature 'j i "''-i'-: -. "--4 -y Kaleigb, Sept. 17 A ' VtJ. "Devereu VT'-V. Richelieu!1;K::;"',P':dql ;Hungariaii vTales' v '"'.: .. do : SubaltenvLog JJook; do iMjs- Strattpn. Hi 11;.- . do 4 : Sclioof of Fashion idoi" 'TKCoUegiansVdo .? "Fulesjof Military LifeVrdbV : ; The-rotestaht-, --jdo '- ;. - -; Anuebf - Gierstein fido :i ' k Visi is - of M ercv ;:.ir do i;'- V 4 'Trayels'bf Life"! d.o": r : . ' :' Sheplierd's Calender V doH : 'Tales of theGood Woman ? :" LApicUtfiMorslst4 ,'.$is: ':,Hvy;;'.'; ..', lrvin gs Columbus; abridged by himself p'Virginia. House wife;i.i;:ft;tf ? .' Pastor; Sketch Book K.. i ,Iw?k Futur)S.tatcf:y..v--jV j .' " B cb ut's Epi to ine ' L ' i-'v' : 'V - C" '. i . Lwelt's Meclical.Companion, (latest editioe) ' tvALOCa verygeneralZAssartment of School Booksand 'SXlQnmiffi!-&J 1 hOcu;7;'Ci.''"i :S m ak a:c;ers! office, Wl i JlicimoTift:BQ( 1 ; v; To be dniwn 9th of Novi next -f-;:. ' BUFFALO! N moderate terms,a neat' Pa nh'ei Double GIG and .HARNESS., - For termsapply at "this Office. ;, ; y-" -r vv. f i;1 ':' 'V ".tr-A f Oct. 20. ':. - : 3 -l :v-;-':i; ; State of Nortb Carolina, - V-, :: : ' , . r Pitt County 3; ivH' i Court of Pleas, and Quarter Sessions. j , ."August .Term, 1829. r? ' u John Wadsworth vs. James Odom.; - v .rt Original attachment returned levied on Jind 'kci IT having been made appear to the satisfaction of the. Court, that the defendant James,0 dom, is. not an inhabitant of this State : It is or deredthat publication be made in the Raleigh Register, for six, weeks" successively, that unless .the said James Odom appear before the Justices of ournext Court for the County of Pitt, at the Courthouse in Greenville,1: on the first Monday of November, -replevy jhe property or plead to is sue;' final judgment will be taken and tlie pro- pertylevied, on; condemned,, subject Z -tq -the plaintiff's demand, Witness, .James Sheppard, Clerk of our said Court at Greenville, the first Monday of August, AV DM829. '-c -' . ; JAMES SHfiPPARD; Clk." ' Price ad. $2 ' 75 " f - t t . - . r ..3,4, No;; Lbttery-rS D ra wn Ballots. G2O.O00. .v 4-' ".v.-; loii S5J 0,000 ns SlO,0G0 fM$?$ - ; i;200 r f. r 'AAA .Superior Court of Law. unatnam County. Fall Term,, 1829., Alfred Vestal & others iwJTbdsVestai'&'others r. Petition for the division -of Lands of William -" ".' ' :i Vestal'dic."" - -T"-". x""' V IT appearing - to t he satisfaction of the Court that John .Vestak ' one- of the" defendants Jn this case, is not an inhabitant of .this Stite it is therefore ordered,! that noticed "be published in the Raleigh ItegisteV for six" months of the filinjr of the Petition,-amJ Ulift the said John YestaL kt the next terra of this Court, .bn the 3d Mondav of ..March next;y plead; answer or- ;demur to' tlicf petition or the same-will be taken nrovconfeW. and heard exparte- ? -V.r .s 1: ghas: j williams l -r pURSU ANT.to a ; Decree, of, the-Honbribie Nashville, Nash countyj North-Carolinaon' the? t ' . ' J-- 5 J-cinuer last r Notice is hereby given to tthe;Ueirsnd' nxtof Kin' of John. Bass, dec;d.teof the Countyandtate aforesaid, tttat, the;, subscriber, ii now ; ready ta -settle and payjover to them resnertivUlVonk rare entitled:, to tlje afbdiibhH'c.t i.lA- i"'PWng,io iiim and giving proper refund D;SILLBAdm'r. . BelfordNasK t tct i: '.- - ; .VT,M?. : 1,200, Besides 850Q? 300, 200, 150100, &c: & " v - " - - y vr All Prizerickets in the Lotteries of; Yates MlntyreXand none'Othereceived as Casln- and all Tickets in their. Lotteries have the names of-Yafes fcMTntyreas, Managers -printed on them.i itSend your, orders f to' Yates & -M'lntyrei ahd you will.be sure to get none others - '-; -t x ' :s 's -J YATES.& M?INTYRE,f t Managers. FOR SALE, ? 4 oTrAcT of- L AND, in Wake, county Jj V' ingpn h'oth . sides of Dutchman's Branca,. coutaIning397 acres, and another-Tract lying oo thejsouth side nf Swift Creek. --"Therracttare contiguous, Jand were: purchased' some years go by the late WmrGitmour'of Wm. BrovfP. t Applyto "the Editors of the Register, who arc authorised by the owner to sell said lamL' -.- August 15, 1829. r SBtis t orthCaroiinaible ''X ' "i Sept. 30, 1829. - Ty ESOLVED, ;Thatj thefriends of the BibTe.. ?Xll cause. throughout' the, State, especialiy De legates from the Bible Societies within the State, be -3 fo'vitedo-.tneet in General Convention, o , Wednesday, the 16th day of December next, m ;the city of Jtle5gh;! for' the purpose of derisinf tjicient measures toFjurnJsh:ng, withm a gi time theMvbo lc"$tatevith 'aa adequate sapp qt, Bibles. v 'he Slanagers were let! to the, adoption ciy& foregoing Resolution 'at the request of a nfT!lj borintrBihle Sor.iet v.l and also in conseqiieflCr vbfa communication received from the Aitieri&i ,ible Societv, on the sarae siiojoct Jr 7- f :r By order cf.the Board, , : : C l -1 ' - "J - j. gales, sec'y. . . rr Rflltnra fMrrttir trt thf ohiect if the aboye. 1 resolution are reauested to cive it a r P. S. TliV.-Secreta'ries-of : seven' lhar the " liive Meeting Be? held on W eUJ ns(lay rheI8thday of November neit, t 1 :-- , '. - .... .. "- : i-. . ........ teil Tu whichalteration the flja" -a2;rec ;imi;tequest tint Xhoh' will aU?-Jt'iice'thii al raoji (r Thik Ml!r nni.tf fc.j' .t' " r v41 v ,arwina, - -c -r win aisp-Jt'nceHiub bww r i '. - - - - i " "v -k. : - - -' t-" v, "j - - rv .