1-t '-' 1- v 1 n '7 a v r a: i . Vi j Y'l X ' ' 1 i. 1 I i . I r-' ; - r 1 X , . . ' Published every Iowat and T0118' - JOSEPH -GALES & SON, J - At Five Dollar per anmim--half in advance. ' 'ADVRRTISKMKNTS. f r6t exCedi'ncr fxf;ehnejt, neatly ;Jnsejrtedv3 times tor a Dollar and twemy-nve cemsmr o very succeeding publications those of great- -; er Jengxn m ine same prfjwiu,,v,wwA'rv wicatioW thankfully received. :Xb TTSKs'to : theEditors.tnust be tostpaids - ' -6 i ,TME CLUBS OF ST. JAMES'S. , f ;-. ' shekidan:- - 7 Mr. Moore is mistaken in tatinp;ltbat CKoViri A W : was irr the' habi ' t of manufacture ing puns and other, witty payings- before she Went, into cunipauv-.-auunuiai.iev ci it erall? remained st'Wf until ; a proper ' op- things That He and other celebrated wits iriav haw occasionally dpnn jBo, riot' at 41 1 1 m proba hi e- ? bu t th at : 8U f b was ; Sh e r T idarVs practice no one who'knew liim in - timately' tan - for moment allow. Had the leanjed biographer 1 in question, given the least consideration: io his practical jokes upon those tradesmen and others1 who were in f he habit of dunning himl he would perceive t hatt 21! r. t Sh erid a h 'a i n ve n tio n wa nepkr at a stand ; :fr;r on?such occai ions instead lof pajing; he generallj.'-con-trived:t6T.pbtaiD4onerJime,;nd.. more deeply into tbeir debt : those ' who ? came to ear , went? ,Kome shem: -But there are thousand proofs an record that, like the light produced by fire-boxes now iff vogue Sheridan's 'wit was instanrane ous and iid; AS fe w flashes, is they bccurj tdiihelwritei mind Vshall here, be tHsplayedj the reader bearing jo m ind tfhat "such pnly shal I be se t down as are n mentioned ;byi other authors, or which, hiving apjearedt' ha at- $ tributed id htm 'thero.:& i :$M rftihi i bread one evening atiB rooke'a talked lofldlanoVlar isters f oi!ay ing; w hat was called the ybdr tax uporl cmalt i v ev course' concurred i With, bin-Jn opinion $ 4 but-Sheridan could not resist the ratifi 1 cation ofa hit against the brewer himself. He took out bis pencil and Wrote upon the back-nraHetlerthe-fiiIIoWirig'lines!'.which he handed to Mr. Vbitbread across the table : - ' ... t- - , , v- - They've raised the price of table drink;: fV; What is the reason; do you think ? , " The tjix on malt' the cause, I bear ; : ;vBut Jat has matt to do with ieer, 7 Pue idaV meeting twooyal Dukes walk ing up S:JaroesVlStreeU. theyoungest thus fl ippit n tly ad d ressed r;b i m i I ' I ay, Sherry ve bavje?justv been discussing whether ybu a re a greater , or. rogue: what is puroVn opinion ' my boy, Mr. Sheridan having bowed and smiled at the cpmpkrrnehu took each of them by the arm, and 1 nstantly ; replied 0 Why? : faith; J helievcS 1 am betweea both'& v"r ' Being nn a parfiamenUrcommUteerH one day entered the room aaU the ' mem bers werei8atedrand-readyjto commence business, p Perceiving no empty seat," hi bowed ; ind, looking round the table with a lroll epresion of countenance said, Will arV gentlem'aii wiore,nthat I . may take the chair?" ; St . t Lookihj over a;numberof the Quarter ly llevievfone day at Brooks's, soon after is first apnearance, he sald in reply 4p a gentlemanl who' observed that the editor, Mr. Gifforjd; hacf boasted of, his- p'oWer of conferring; arid distributing literary . repu tation ; vVery likely, and in the present instance I think he has done it so profuse lr m tn hive left none for himieff." ; . 'Soon affer the Irish 'members were? ad mitted intur the British House of Commons, at the Uninn i n; 1 80 U one of them in the .tnulst of his maiden harangue, and ini trje national warmth of his heart, thus address' l'the chair,--- And; noW my 1 dear Mr. Spea ker'l &c. which created a loud laugh famf all pirrts of the1 bouse. - As sooq ' as ir tiiirth had 'subsided, Mr. Sheridan gave it another; fillup.byi observing thnt ehutiuurjblei'Member-was'perfecUyiu ;jrier ; fo thanks to the ministers, now-a-d .y; ercry thing ts dear. . J . r e'tlun: Mr. S bavins .finished a TraiM MJ f4t!iit it to Sheridan with a note fejuetinan early .opinion, i an(f ofierin it lor periunnaocetat-:Di;ury;X.ane. ;Thj rr he mn.icr fnokd over the manuscript: but ting nothing fit for, representation laid w ue Uble, before the, noble author, nho M y, friend ;Ou tnberla'nd has nromised Je a Vod'l dare jsay, f..r the in- Sf uime.to thai depend Wu"'' v '-;'-A fnend'haviiig pointed out to Mr. She-V lIa,, J.hat Lord Kenyon had -fallen'asleep Awe Urt ienfe4entinnTof Piiarrd. & thai at n "hemtdst of; Holla's fine peech to ;":tPe,nv.m! soldiers: 4 the "dramatist felt hth hr ; but instantly 'recovering -fiuinor, he said, Ah ! U&U1 foiid !n the Jail t . 'w. Pi.- V' ouiora tlecrv rettV'a, protected na two" days (after -without 'saying a ord. . Vejnowrmy dear Sheridan," l the dramatist. ' Wbatdo voutthluk f n r Jjctioa tu supply Jrie;WitK an epilopjieP trt me my dear Sir"; replied ' Sheri Jn drdy "ahd shakinsr his headit-wUl 'w ineaire. vou win naveuo' cm- tax- upon iron,onergentIeman satd that as : lbera'was;so " much, opposition Wit,vit would be better to raise" the proposed' sum upon. coal .Hold mydear fellow, ' said SbVrid an, ,t h at Wu I d tfe du t of thejrying pan into ther ;With !a vengeance V?j:i!--, ..Bui that Sheridan -was- from, his Very infancy, y person -of -great', wit, the two following 'anecdotes will ;.prove : beyond (ubt. J BeiQp at a guarding school." where Were; also tw brothers,- the sons of a phy sicianf jthe conversation in theplaV-gruund, as is often the cae with boys, a frequently turned ion the rank,' riches, and professions of their parents. The brothers were one day bragging largely of their father; saying J that he, , was a gentleman, and '.that, he professionally attended" several of the 'no bility.' x And '.so is my father a1' gentle mdnfin as good as your father any day," replied little Sheridan. " Ah but,'? -said the elder boy,, f yburV father is an actor,' Dick,a. player on the public stase i con sequently it is impossible that he can be a gentleman.'' You may think so," re plied Sheridan, ,but I don'r tv for - your fa t her kill people j i arid in i ne on v amuses theW'': -J :rv' -':-.v ' a A gentleman having a remarkably long visage, ; was one rui i ng uy . me scnooi , at the gate. of whichHe overheard yourig Sheridan say to another lad, v that? gen tleman's face is; longer than his life." Struck by the strangeness' of this rude nb- servation,. tne;man. turnen nrs norses neau and ' requested . an explanation. Sir," said thei iov, I meant no ofience in the world.; but I have read in the Bible at chool, that a man's life is but a span bui I am sure your face is double that length." The; gentleman could not 'help laughing, and he threWtheJ lad sixpence for his' wit. M r. Sheridan ' met with hothe hard' rubs h i m se If, however, one o r two o f w hicb may not be iihentertainiiig tojneqtin. 5 ; lie was enqeavonng to compliment (vui- go, to gammon j a. cixy tanor out ot a new suit of clothes, and promising himjialf a doten similar orders every wear. f ; are an excellent cut9 my friend," said She ridan, .!and you beat our snips of the West end, hoUow Why d6ntydu puh: your thimble irang&tus ? i'll recommend you every where, : tipn mybnor, your work gives you infinite cred i t.'9 Yes" repli- eu I wist, I always take care that my work gives : long credit y but- the icecrcrs ready money." 1 ' T ' ' H ' 1 On one .occasion, he received a pretty hard hjt from one of the electors,' as he was on a canvassing visit at Stafford. He was met in the streets by, one of his old voters, a simple, but substantial - burgiss,; with whom he) had formerly had some 'dealings of a pecuniary, nature.'. This man accosted him as followsr- Well, MaisterShridahi f betmain glad to see y ou.v how be yVB -" Why, thank you, my friend, very well. I hope you and ybuir family "are well,",1 re plied the arididate.-.; " Ay, ay," answer ed the elector, they are pretty nobbling - but ;theyk tel I me,iMaistcr Sheridan, as howyou are trying to get a Palumentary Reform. ' Do ye think ye shall get it ?" u,,VVThy; yes," said Sheridan, 44 1 hope so.'t' vAn"d so do f," "replied t his constituent; ' tbr.then you'lTbe able to pay off the old electioo scores, shan't ye?" :iVveM; M.Mag MY IilVERY STABLES a RE OPEN and offer reat convenience to the TV ? Members of the Legislature arid other visi ; tors to Raleigh, who prefer having their Horses' kept in the city. -Oood Provender and trusty Ostlers are provided. ' The price will be mode - i-atcs', " V WILLIAM SMITH.; " October 22, 18291 ' v. : THEATRE. f fllHE Public ?s most respectfully informed that IL the Raleigh Theatre, with a' good and suffi cient Company, under the Management "of ; MR, m RIDDLE, , will . open on the 9th of November. . n r ! The Manager trusts.the public will be gratifi ed.' They are assured that every endeavor will be used to render the Theatre attractive. iuleigh,-Oct. 16. 4 l-K , ir ; OXFORD MALE ACADEMY. riHR Examination of this Institution : will be X gin on Monday, November 9th, and close with the serni annual Report, on Wednesday mofnuig. . K - - , , , . All that feel interested, are respectfully invit ed attend. J " ' ' 1 ' Jf-. . ;r , , ROBERT B." GtLLIAM, Sec'y. l Oxford Oct. 9 l$2f. :s s v 15-4 w " (C-The Tarborough Press, Edenton Gazette 8c Norfolk Hera Id., will .publish the above three weeks and forward theiraccoants as heretbfore. Medical -Golleke orSCaroliha. f fipHE Annual Course of Lectures in this Insti- tutiori, wui be resumea on iu Mccmvm.tun day in Number, pn 'the following Branches ' r- Anatomy -by John. Edwards Hidbrpuk, M.D. V Surgeryby James Ratrisay, ; M. D. l; V . , Institutes an d Pruetlceof Aledicine-by Samuel Henry Dickson, M.'JJ. 0; f ;?.v ' J . Materia JieUicaby Henry II, Frost, M. D, . Obstetrics antl Diseases 6f : Women and Children by Thomas G. Pripleau, M. P: ''--.''; : Chenustryby Edmund ltavenel, AI U. ' ' . 'Naturat tUtory and Jiotanyby Stephen EIIh otvuViv T.-'frts.fr , .Fatliotogical and 'Surgical Anatomy by John Wagner, U. ,D. .V'rl -V " ' IJtmofittrator ofAnatomy-t-Jno. yv-gnsrti. u. AusustlOv - vlawtN .?, 1 Ik 'Richmond. tctober AA. i The following are the Drawn :ifumbers'-'in'the Piew-x or ic.cxtra -Lottery, lath -CIhss : ' k -33., 19. 50.27. M. 41. 1.3. 1 12. 24' . 19. 3S.:S0. $10,)00,Vv ' ... 27. 41.-44.' ' -5.000'''-'v "2,500 , ' ' i.kx t . . L0OO f."'19.54.' '44.'' All sold at the Managers Office! V ' ; ; 4 x. xy, oj , YATES & MTNTYRB. iVoi. praum in New York Canal 1 2A regu- 11 1. lar "Class. . , 10;'-46.-'SS; 48; -42 47j 28; r , - ,-1023 46S10,000 42 47 46. .10,000 - 8 42 47 10,000 , i. 28 42 47, t one of the above Grand Capitals, was sold in a Whole Ticket, at the Managers' Office, toa Vender of Richmond. . . YATES & McINTYRE. ; MANAGERS OFFICE, ; 1 ) r ' - . Richmond, Octl 9, 1 829. ' New-York Consolidated Extra 14. r v ..To be Drawn 5th of November. Ms 1 of ;15,000 i?;S$15j000 1 6,000 6,000 1 -1 1 5 .5 . 5 10 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 - 500. 400 300 4J00O 3,000 2000 " S200' - JO ' && 24. 150 . 100 B sides 60i 50, &c. Whole tickets $5 Halves 2 50 Guartera.l 25: A Packafceof 20 Whole (which is compelled to draw $45) tor 100. f Direct your orders to s YATES & MINTYRE, Richmond. ' Grand Consolidated No. 17. . Fates M Intur e. Managers. J o oe Lraw I2t day 01 JN v. taay. 60 number Lottery. 9 drawn Ballots. 1 Prize ot 216,000 1 . ' - ; 6,000 )v-i.'Kuo:'v-; 4,000 1 , 3,000 1 ! 2,000. i XI 6,000 . 6,000 ,4,000 . ,3,000 1 2,000 200 150 100 . . 370--60 5 1,000 10. - . v : 5 ; 500 20 r : 5 400 24 10 v SOO Besided 50 4030 rlO- and 5, Whole 55 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1. 25 A Package of 20 whole for $100 (which is compelled to draw 545, and may draw any of me aDove urana uapitats.) ' Send your orders to Yates Sc M'lAtyre, Mana gers who - have distributed from thjeir Office at Richmond, within the last 12 months, no less than 4 Grand Capitals of 10,000 2 of 6,000 a of 5,000--1 ot 4,0003 of 2,000 number of 1,000, &c ? ' , : ' ; Head Quarters. jwith a' great YATES & MINTTRE, Richmond NOTICE. BY virtue of a decree, of the Court of Equity ' for Granville county! I shall offeribr sale to the highest bidder, in the town of Oxford, on Tuesday, the 3d day or November-ndxt, Jt being theJ2d day of the County Court, thle following Real Property, belonging to the Estate of Rich ard Taylor, dee'd. viz : ;, ! . I - t A Tract of Land containing between 7. and 8 hundred acres, (uncleared) it being a part of the tract on which the v said Richard died ; situated on the waters of Tar River, 7. miles south of Ox ford. Threes hundred acres of this tract is first rate Tobacco land ; the remainder is free,' pro ductive, and remarkably well timbered. - Bonds wirb approved securities will be required, pay able at one or two years, each for $1,000. For the residue, (should there be any); tike bonds and securities, payable in 3, 4 and 5 years. ' The whole of said bonds to bear interest after the expiration of one year, and the interest on the last three bonds to be paid as it accrues- -The said tract, should it be found to suit ' he. conve nience' of purchasers, will be sold in f arcels ; in which event like bonds and securities in the pro portion of the prices at which said parcels may sell, will be required."" ; - it-LsoT-: r- -'; ' A Tract of Land of 68 acres, infant5 adjoining the Village of Williamsbbrotigb, at f resent oc cupied by Bishop Kavenscroft, This tract, has good improvementSrT-sitnated in a plea; ant grove, and convenient to ( a first rate - Spring. It has a sufficient number of acres' in, wood-land to keep up! a continued 'supply, of; fire-wood. Bonds with abproved 'securities: payable. in 1 , 2, and 3 vears. to v bear interest after the expiration of the first year, will be required. Si t -H :? ' 'W1 . JNO. U. 1 AxjLOii, Comrn-r. , h Sept. 21st, 1829. . . V 1 1 The Raleigh Star and Newbern Spectator will insert the foregoing advertisement We, and forward.their bills toyme,; at;Williamsbjoro'.'i . ,r T " "1 f - 1 1 li C. T. BOARDING. "ffRS. JOHN HAYWOOD is preparj ed to ac XYJL commodate twenty-iT?e or thirty jMembers of the Legislature. : She assures all those who nay honor her with their patrbnagej Hhat no ex ertions shall be spared to render them comtorta- 1 Mrs. IL has 'a , ;fiumber .of; detached rooms be sides those in the main building ' , , J N.TB.' The -favor of early : applications is re quested. V , V v A " f 31 rs. l. , continues tor receive.-a rave ljer?, auu Boarders; by the day, week, month or year, - Raleigh,, Sept. 2, 1825 V . i. 1 - BOARDING R Si PARSLEY will be pfepaVed tj acebm ivA 3 commodate 42 or 15 Members of the Gen eral Assembly jwith. Board. 1 She assures" those who fnayjfa?or her, with their company i that the utmost 'exertions shall be used to render their situation' agreeable.. . i xna. MANAGERS OFFICEJ 12. 13 41. - 14. i y aluablfc 'Medical BoolisV S A BERNETHY'S Lectures,' 2 vblsJ Horner's Speci$l & General Amtomy, 2 vols t- i o:.t..rn r',..i - 4 . . -. s ... . 1 t 'v. . - ... i v ' ' j,' r. Anatomy, and Pathology 1 r., " ' Bell's Anatomy," 2 vols. f;rccV ;.Bailies Morbrd Anatomy, sf ,v- -f - - 4 Gibson's SiirgervV 2 vols. ; ' '? , . Cooper's First Lines of Surgery," 2 vols. , Dewees', Mid wiferv '-s " s' 'jDe wees .on Females. da foh Children - v5 V Good's Study of Medicine, 5 vols.: ; . Gregory's. Practice, .2 vols, new edition v .Thacher's Modejn Practice t vr V - ? . Cullen's Practice Thacher's Dispensatory t Edinburgh "da .-, Paris Pharmacologia f ;Cooper on Dislocation -' Murray's Materia Medica -Kberle's do " do 2 vols. . J.' (Lawrence' Physiology . Magendie's . do l 1 Rostock's j dp c' - Richerand's ... do ? : 1 ? v. Hateman8 Synopsis -' ; r Hunter on the Hlood 1 i Scudamore on the Gout - 5 Armstrong on Fever and Consumption ; 'Armstrong's Medical. Works j - . Uarwiri 3 Zoonomia, 2 vols With 'many other valuable .Medical Works which, will be sold on the most favorable terms, by ' - -4 - J. GALES & SON. Raleigh Oct. 14. - ; t GHEAPER THAN EVER1 -1 - 7lLLtAMS & HAY WOOD' are now feceiv- ing from New York and offer for'sale, ,100 Gallons best W. S. Sperm. Oil ' 200 lbs. Northern Mould Candles - , 300 Turpentine Soap ." f 200 'ffbest refined Salt Ptre ' - 150 Poland Starch " i ' 100 Black Pepper , ; ' i 150 Race and ground Giaffer, 100; AllspTee : i' ' ;5 : .-'v-.' ' ' 7 dozrHibbert's tTondon Porter . ' 3 ' Old Port; Wine;:4:;v 2 Boxes best American; Mustard, Gr sale . by the pound. ; ' , :. . ; ;A .. 2 . Superior Sperm." Candles ' '.20 Kegs' White Lead ' '; 500 lbs. putty -.v-:- 36"doz. Wine Bottles 350 lbs. best, American Glue Jf-t 500 green Copperas . 1000 chipped and stick Caropeachv Log 150 150 75 25 500 500 wvvu. ... -,-"--'.- ' .V Ground Fustic Allum . . 7 - 4 ' ' : Dutch; Madder ground : I -1 J Spanish Indigo ! 1 ; - ' .. Brown . . (. . 'v :(.,' WijmigtonkRice- ' ' f 1 vS 2 Coils Bale and trace Rope'. - " : 1 Bale shoes thread , -. :-: 'V-: . 1 Package basket-salt for Table use '.--;' V 12 Bundles English, German and Italian - 3 . --o- . --o . 'k r - and 4ths. -?;;'. vv.;r: Violin stritura'CfinsiHtinr nf 1st 2nd 3rnl.ll m..tM onmmW.j ir . . w. s H. are also receiving an 4ulditionaI sup - ply ot Urugs, Medicines, Paints &c. Bee, which makes their assortment very complete! ? t ; ? ; fnysicians supplied on good terms and all or - ders promptly attended to. -; - .i , Boxes of the above valuable irivVw amV i ivwhhn WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD - Just received 2 Medicine. WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. Oct. 14th. 1829 Roanoke Xavigntion Company. --:''y-y:r .-A"-.' : - '- - Xf hiyHy- DELINQUENT Stockholders in the Roanoke Navigation Compahy are requested to, take noticethafthe' v--;: ltc.V 1st requhiition of 10 per cent, became due. the rst of February, 1 817 2nd ; do U 10 do 15th February, 1818 3rd do 15 do 10th December ; 1818 4th ; do' :. 10 do 1st September, ' 4819 5th do rIO do 1st FCbruarv, 1820 6th - do V 10 do 1st Januaryi 1821 7th . do .'- -r 8 do 1st February, 182! 8th , .do- 5 da 1st January 1823 9th - do 5 do 1st October, 1823 10th :r do ; 7 5 : do 1 st February,' f 1824 llth do 4 do 1st 'March;; 1825 12th - do - -4 do 1st ; Junei t-f ; 1826 13th - do ; . 4 do lst January; 4"-; 1828 By order of the Board of "Directors. ;' rl.r ,'- i'i i A: JOYNER Treas'r. feWeldon Sept. SO, " 1 829 & 131m Hctywoody8 JlanuaL it up to tnq present time. J. GALES fc SON have : just' pubfished an J Tavern is most eligibly situated for the cinveni APPENDIX to Haywood's Manual, which ence of 'Members, not biino i more th-ti 1 embraces the Laws passed since the year .1819, under distinct, heads, (in alphabetical order, in - ciuuing muse ui.iAsi oc3h.i, huiwi lciiucrx iuc Work complete. tN - , V For this addition to Cthe Manual, no extra charge- will be ro:de,? ; The Book will be sold at Five Dollars as heretofore. ;- ' ; : Orders will be instantly attended to. JUST PUBLISHED NORTH-CAROLINA PI ONTAINING besides the Astronomical Cal- J culAtions Essays on Agnculrure, '.valuable Medical and MiscelLneous Receipts, Anecdotes, a list of the Members of the. next, Legislature! and of the Officers of the State nd General Go-1 vernment, time of holdin- the different Courts, . -Jl ins Auuaiwt. may we uau wuoicsaic. in mel Publisher Raleigh ;:of; Mr. Edward J. Hale;( Observer Office; Fayetteville. and of Mr. Salmon I H at VB ookseiier e w t ern ; cf ther Storekeepers in the S z '. ; . . V-l .' . PRINTING 5 ,T3r,i h.ww, . ; OR SALE! I WISH to sell the plate Within ft rnile of IlilL borough, on which Ihoa resid sr. There r 205 acres,' about one half cleared, ten acres " Meadow land and the bafance in -w6td., TI j improvements. are,; all newTan'd finished inhe best,matmef they cdnsist of a Dwcliifv He"--, cpntahrinjerght ; rooms. with fire 'placevoeHdss passage closets; &c.'a large Hzrn and Stabler, and othermecessary Outhouses. TTisre are se veral neVtr failing. Springs ' ' ' L .t water ori the tract, and arg and i -lsctcd fruit Orchard. ''r- v ,x - , 1 will sell this property on -tn'e'''most.libcrrl termsT-r-tither for money ori easy credits-or will exchange it forNegroes or. Western 1 "j. fj, Application inay bo njade by letter to t!:: l ab scriber, iat Hillsborcugh', . W.. ANDERSON. Nov. 15. JJ ecf '- ;'-, NOTICE.. :;,- "ITfTA S taken op and committed tb the Jail c'f V V .thiX county,', on the 2d' of. -March last, a pegro man supposed.to be a; SIsve." who cl! himself SAMUKt WILKINS. arid savs that he was bound an , apprentice to v Wm. Mosely, cf Norfolk, 'Va. and that he ranaway from the t;.'ul . fosely before his term of apprentleethSp hsd c-v pired. The said "negro been in WnS ccur.tv 5 or 6 years, and has pttd diu-ing that tims as a xree man ; . ne is aDous 2 y ears ot ngeS leet, or 5 inches high, and reoai black: .The ' bwne? of said negro 13 requested to come fonv-rd, preve property and pay charge,? or he will be dealt wiui as uie iRvr airecrs. : , -jj-, - . . JAMES PALMER, Jailer. ' Windsor, Bertie county, June 9. ' ' .Price adv.'.$?., , ; - S2-C NOTICE. RS.SRAH GLENDENNTNG,l:l3 cf Grrn. IX JL ville county, formerly resident in Raleigh.'- has lately Sied in testate. vHfany of her next of in reside at a distance from ' this ' place, and I dc hereby mitify all persons concerned, that kt the expiration of two years from the 1st May, as prescribed by law, ; I shalF be ready an 182S? ling to settle the &aid Estate. The rAdn. ; tion ot sam Kstate haying been committc to mel v by the County eourrorGranviUe Gour.ty, m May , I will attend, to all communications ( j&dsiE iiazJ) which may be addressed to me at Italeigb, N; C. "WgkC county 21st Mayy-1829vi,r4l6ro '.A t. x"AKKElc RAND, r Adm'r 5 J "HE subscriber respectuUJv ioors his fr I c r.d3" ,. . i.'. and the public 'generillyV"f"i.t .he f . cpen ? ed an: Office; op; Seventh Street V S ebct midwav -between'. ih iHMm! I da r c--- I the Office at the? TVaiimil i,ir.M " ne Will HiR tllailb-till -tAt. rtwl- -v , ..:!! to. the settlement of accounts' , of .per i u . distance, with indivjdual'j in ibis city ; the Dep'irtmeiiis of Gwferninent )? tiie' p of taxes due on the lots of non-resident . at; as tohe sale l orjeasingpf , city property ? tiio ::s well cicuiujii or commissions tor taking oi :c iosK tiotts and evidence Jif cessary jn ases 'tje p e n'di n in distant fJourts ?:ahd aiiy xither business com f mitted to.his charge.;S -Ai; ?;::'iV - 'He Dromises brbrtint ant 'fHltttfiii ot: 1 vuunuiiicu. u uiui, Willie 13 CDT'-S Eu.acr- ' ' lized to rter tor evidence x)f hia compet...c ipet' ..cy tc I tne following gentlemen : ;tt -'.'r Hon. Joseph Kenkikie Governor jf jit : vi.-nd. J Jim. ChatC FMerterVVL. C. from Virr HtuJe$fi&ar irth . Joseph Gakst Jr. JSgqig Mayor Of the C!t ci Va'shnigton.:l 'cVf C J-U-u'i' ' , L Cei fFottr Jone, 3ounseljer,atV Jhchdrd SCU-f&gMZ ':if nrt Zojfr C.. Cas'iier BanK of Washington. : :;;".--; ? - !ra7 President Patriotic": 1 n nentai varoerv, Z2eg late Mayor of Washl- -:iGEORGswfi Washington City. Aug. 25, 1829,j ; ; , ., BOARDING. ..it' , MlSSfCGEDBYl prepared toac- commodate; -eight : Members of the approaching Legislaiure withBord, together with the fatni-' lies of those t who may accompany them, r ilarly applicatfon is requestecL . , . - Septl 10 ELi?irAYEi:n fflHR SuhscTmercsictmlly inrjrrris:khU ; l.; Friends and the Public, that. hef still pecu pi e 3 this f weltknown standi where he? is nrenared tt ,5s . accommodate; with Board i thirty : or forty , Item bers 'of. the approaching Legisliture; AThe Dell yards distant from '-the Canit 51. The 'T?oo'm ir 1 comfortable the fare the best which can be cb- i lauieo, ana ine cnarges adapted to trie h2.rdr.r1 i of the times. The subscriber, therefore r.atterj J himself, on a continuance tf that liber-1 r-t un J age which has hitherto been extended to Urn. - tv 1 .v Hn:niY:ii. coo:: Raleigh, Oct. 1, 1C29. . 12 tNl HAVING nwde a large addition to her fir will . be ; prepared to : accommodate ' itl comfortable lodging 'njom&j Members of tha General Assembly, and others; ;who may' call' on ? her for Koard. -during the ensui::" Le-k! . I ture," ad at other times. Raleigh. Sept, 14. BOARDING. li. tl. I.C, r5.- t' " ?PHE MlSSESKXIy "s PF-fed to '.1 accmmoaaie or. 1 iemDer ci tae tp., Phjng General Assembly with Ecsrd. imejgn;.aept. iu.; , , y, Owt r ,..,,, t - ... - M - t rrniHi Subscriber Laving addJ vc very ccr.:.Jrr 1 ' ' j a. mrr . from .u to u Liemoers. r iiucp?.w.:--.v , , and retail, ot 7 mostl Ju-.'.aoiy . u uouse an jrcei"! iro.; xv tate. V " ; , s . " " I it will be prepared at the apprc-c. . ; xx . -.7iolthe LegiilAture, to acccsoiits ;hix Zcil, V - if -

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