- . . v. ' V "' " : T- v' ? -:.tt, :s.v- x - v'j Our? a?e the plan Oupj a?e the plan of fair; delightful peaces Unwarp'dby party rae tollrelike bother"s., ; i '4 ' "5 , 4 1. 5 lii- t: JO It. re" T5 J" f Pub 1 is!i e d e"v ery MoV i at an d Thtths AT,1y : l YoSKPH UAI.ES &SONr It Fiven Mar ijitT anniim-half in advance. Kot vcce edintrtf xte en fines, neatly ..inserted. timer. for t T)bllaf, and.twenty-tiye.cenwior everv aacceedtnjr pubticatibn ? those ot preax Vr lenffHi in ih ;sanie prop'rtion;.'..CoMMtr the Editors mast be postpaid.: 1- - iPrbml the- lA-oerpnol -Athia m. 1 .J , 4-:-ilbwTO STOP AB UNA WAY; HOnSE; -"; A few davs lifffv two(boitmeii having re- oI ved t becn. e com petitory furthe ;cup at Iher ensain2r We ai'a, ,iok meir uqar Shore, nt ; ner u p lor the occaMou,- "When the tid eF M W the :; boa t r which ..(! h ey inteoded to haul up to be. patnted, was Jeff feh and dry 6n-the;beach, and . having procu red i s m i I ijen rt, hey packed into ,i t tne masiiSv san anu; outer apuu; iciiautcs, inc uuinz a cauie anu' aiicnur. aiiu vwtre proceed ing: witftUbeaCI the, (fjrrjZ house, uhen the ; horset'a wefful anihia!, ? took frteht, and IUfiou?.iydashed - along: the shoirrl Finding all h ei r end eav or to a r- ' rest hi prsresTb vAir,' and apprehending, i;t.ine of J hem; said,vthaf ?Hey slibujil "up- el' of: founder," a pariey was he. d bow f said Jack, i l e t .'6 the t an chor ;No JMofef;4auI ihitn donei rAUurni was taken round thtf Irams ors pits" m the cart, and at the wnrds uJb?t go ?'Tdown went; the aiicnoc over ine steni, ann, ine . caoie;was nid out. I In a mh me o ( the cabfe ca me to it tension, ;hf aochorwdS plowed into live. travel, andt hold ng nrroi vv the furious an UatVw'hat'XlK.bing standing JivWe?wbtild commend some cf the young gentlemen who sport' their tits in nie ot.thj neighb-iring l-ihesv or a Jong the-Kortrljhore,rand but in. iLtirehtihorseinehrto take i hiptfrpm the cool contrivaricefahesetarapp gale; an?! carry a smajl ahchor and cable behind their saddles, lin case of accidents. 'O ;j , Kih table. iK, - saia uapr. 10 nis newly a eompahjrVa Heuddenly came in contact Wlttl a: j -ha n k "o f o a te r shell-. 1. -t That are's a wrb rig ord e r?' sald'a e U eraiVlookjngfell9wiwj a d hold u b if y o u h e i id 1 i ke ni a n. ? lows, V. cotMiucl lier ir;'.CQiihtry-i8iafc; with suclV soldiersr.. I; say .Le w ten ant, what arpu rtec irilttih ilier walk- on t ieayeni eeaot.;take three: tne riband bringhiminfo ' " The aptain fiays jrou must cprge into the rankVand keep step." (addressing the srav soldier) j(i guess I shan't do no sich a thing.- re totmy: feet.mudvly a-ready ; anil if the gltsj wet, I guess as how I shall be pmrly'for a' month. V " lO i ' . Y uu'eetf comein no; Mr;-',' ; I'd Ml the Captain whar you say. V Htf, ha, lt, and what does I keer if joa les.'v Ari't 1 an inilppridence man;'; Captain ine mau:says he von't.come '"What ! nW mind what I says to him?. abuiuin lbl! Well, let himliave" his nwn ay, I jruess IPH tell the Colonel tht 1 v-ill. To the! right about turn, arid. ;-mmd th:t iriudbolc-f'jrebS ey Wright, forward left loot afofej boy4 keep yourheadslup fine lookini:tteH6w6glonous-day, ifor- WatjL march.' And ' away we went '.up Br Owdwav-'in si?le.' - - ' ir e'Jhisvtrajning,'.7 said my next.neighbor,f it's a d e,id J oss to ni e-' o f bix itollarjol; irty looking time to frolic- 4 And;: I like i t, said - a creature, Mi.S-,a glorious i almost equal ta the 4th of ;No Ulkink boVs' no talkinI can't allow talkjfir'cgtrurs'never'taik,' ;said tiie Capiain. 1 A : r ',-; i' d, we in arched a mile or two to the lnil plate. of ioierat ions --vvere drummed ai for a!n hour saw half aUfoiensinilii ry. looking in v n ri h o r s back come 'ou irot l l ?mined'thrbugh''th'e streetsvagai riband !k lt rin 1 1 1 ed t to Jgo I o"ou rV;notn es, wi ih rtaii ach.'Vijooh in Inst forii week And Vw i Nw. Vo"rl(iiliua iluty. r r . . . A Private: 4- WVERT TABLES', r ,7 0P aiid ofTef great. con venie nee to the 1 .' 7 '-jit i JLecrjslaUire -and other vist imai was proujgiivio a sianu-siiu, urpi iseu at fi n d In g! a:4 topper" pu Tstt &u b d e n ly, 1 6 hisVcours.elf V There nowJ';aid Jack lock an d 'sr pot jph not d i ssi in 1 1 ar to ui p Van Wiuklelaftehis twentearsleep. ; Keert vour; ia w,'? tsAid Ithe'tCaDtairi; M e w a u il ie xa i n i n i- ru 4 na s ed i r i S n e C h Lot we re disim f sse'd for, h ;tftan h ou r, a I f f US f)t ilrniiLJ u;r ynllirl in !il-ms , Vetera J..:'tJ ; f u' . I ."PK a Munnrpp tnisffi thf ntihlic will be cratiti-1 ' . ' v. ljl. ut lEic-ii. . l iir iinr.c win ijc iiivau- f - - - j . I Fa&Uionahlc Winter G6od$. GEO. sir,2norj leave to announce to their friends and X customers, that they are now' opening, and will have ready for inspectlonin a few.days, an enfire'iieiv Stock- f ; Staple , and Fa&tnonabfeDry Oooj, J ailaptexl to: the pesent and approaching season.! These; Goods having been bought on the most favorole. terms,-will be disposed of at such prices as will defy competition. jThe following articles :will he found among meir laooas:, v.-- . . Superfine blue, -black, olive, .brown,' drab and - steel-muted Cloths . t I Valencia tQilanett, .swansdowo. fiorentine, mar seilles and other Vestines,' j' ; -': Blue and plaid cambfet, tartan and Caroline English and French Bombazines & Bombazetts Merino Circassians, a new article for ladies' dress- Suk and Cotton Velvet, assorted colours. Rattinett, spotted Flannel, bang-up Cord.r Irish ' Unen towns and :Biapers 'S.M Scotch' and Russia Diaersr and-Sheeti rig., Calicoes. Ginffhams arid colored Cambric. : 'A '"5Db? VJaconett and. book ltb'do ';4 FCambrics, checked and sttiped Muslins. ' Eleffant black and white lace yeas. ' Bohbinett; gimp and thread Laces; Nankin, Italian, Canton and French Crap er, ns- sorted.-nC'C'-' '$- t $$l-: C!?riY::x;4 v Ismyrnne, assorted colours and ..figures, a new , 8t handsome style of poods fop ladies' dresses. Jet-black ItaliaVLustringACv4v- .' Blue ' v r - oo . . qo , , Att 5:v- ;vj - .7, Satin Levantine and Sinchaws. Ppngees and Sarsnetts." - .. Idies'fahcy:Iandkecfs.-A :rKv:ftc Printed and embroidered Crape do. I f; j Zephy rs a Cash mere .' v do. :: v : 'i Merino arid Thibert Shawls and Handkerchiefs. Bandanpi flag and Germaii j;do r Italian and Barcelona Cravats. v J' Vew; style . waist Kibbunis. v 4 , .-: ' Garniture, ganse, cap, lustring and satin Ribbons, C oTzevety description;' f 1- -'-::' ' ;-;"" t Worsted and silk Braids and: safety Chains. 1 ' Lambs,4woolr worsted," cotton and silk Hosiery, of every description. ' i V; : r Gfentlemens"Gloves, do.r,;-.-':. ;; i' ' Ladies' silk, beaver, castor and hoskin Gloves '.and Mitts.-'i. ; " '-' f " "r:H , Misses' do. "'V- "4 -'-. . ' i,:":1 V' i Umbrellas in great variety. . : : f Single anil double roller Suspenders. ( -Worsted and cotton r-do. , i Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton and Trirornings, ofe .j very description. . , ' Superfine and common Sattinetts. - . . - -i I Rose, point fatid dofBe Blankets. : , i ' Negro Clothing in great variety. , i P i MenVand boys seal and patent leather Caps.;. A; good assortment. of beaver, fur, seal and wool if Hats, .;4 A large assortment "of ladies' and - gentlemen's .Shoes,-bf all kinds. . . - Ladiesvand gentlenuri's gura elastic Over-shoes, ' a valuable article. Hardware ; Cutlery and Castings, a good assort r . ment. ; ! , . :- . t i Queensware, China arid Stoneware. . i v CuU pressetL moulded and plain Glass Ware.; I-S pun Cotton, all ruimbcrs. . ;, Wire and liair Sifters.., - : - V ;j Goshen .Cheese,' 'mould and sperm. Candles. ' j ) Window Glass, White Lead, and Putty.: j Swede, English and German I;on and- blistered : Steel, cut and wrought nails, all sizes, j Gun ?4powder Shot, ;Bar lead," Snuff & prime chew i ing 'Tobaccoi best S pantsh Sugars, Indigo, MaddeiV Copperas, P.eppe'r,.-Allspire, Nutmeg -MalaiEra, Lisbon and Madeira. Wine, Holland ;'Girt.ojrery,sUperior quality. French Brah ' dv, Jamaica and N. E. Rum. London and Phi ladelphia Porter, hemp and tow Cotton Bag- gtng.y-tf -.'M W; is ' : v II Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Tea.! Brown and loaf Sugar and Chocolate. First quality of green Coffee. , ' f Fine and common Shovels and Tongs, and And- ironsiH';1'' v'-'VM'fea-1" .",'-f;" Brown and bleached Domestic Shirting and , Sheetings, a prime assortment. ,t f , ' PL-id and striped Domestics, ,&c Sec. . ' ' . With almost every' other article usually kept In a Dry Goods' and Grocery Store, t 'f-V. ; ' Raleigh Oct. 22; 1829. ; 'X . 21 6w North-Carolina State Bank. ! - : y - " hXateight Nov. 2t 1829. J k GREEABLY to the2d section of the Act iri-XK-oirporating' the' Stat?, Bank of NorthtCaro ndina, ah-- Election of. nineteen Directors of the principal Bajk is t take place annually on the first Monday . "in December. The'r Stockholders of. the " suul Bank are -therefore .called upon to met at Jhe 1 Principal Bank in thjs City, on Monday the 7th of December next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and hold the "said, Election, arid attend to such other business in relation to the general Interests of the Institution as may be iudged beeessary. ; ; ; , . t . , . w Bv order of the Board, ..." ' "i S: , CHARLES DEWEY; Cashier. dj Such Stockholders as cannot conveniently attend the meeting; wilt please to, vote hy proxy. Medical Cplte of.S. Carolina; . FI1HE Annual Course ot Lectures in mis lnsti ' B tutiori. will be resumed on th tecond Mon day in November,' on the following urancnes . JInatom y by Jbh n Edwards HJbrook, M. D. - ' fiuftrcry- by Ja mes Ramsay, ' M. . D. ' - ,. v . : Insittnte arid Practice of Medidne-hy Samuel Henry Dicksori: M. D. ' . - MntertA iVrt bv Henrv H. Frost, M". D.' OlHirtUafyad Diseases of Women and Ufuiaren by 'Thomas G Prioleau. M. V ' - ,-t '. ; -J Chemistry y Edmund KaVenel M.-D. ( rNatiirul Jiitor$ wid liotaiiyby Stephen Elli ott; I Li D.- ,-' ' dtuthblogical ishd Surgical .Anatomy ; pJohn Wagner, M. D, j - ' V ; " v V Demonstrator of "Anatomy Jnor Wagner, M.p. v 'HTNRY.H FRQS 1 Pean. ZA nmiXl -10.' ' - - " " 2 la WtN - , T O 4 rEATKE., ';' ; -1 llltj PubIC4S most respectfullyinformed that Il the Raleigh Theatre, With a gcd and sui..- cTent Companv, ulider the Management of. ,v Ur MIDDLE, ' will.open on the $tii cf November. .: , A LAUGK SALE OF D R V fjOODS HT AUCTION. p?i TUESDAY, IJth o$NfoMertu AT the SubscriberVAuctipn Store will conU L a. mence the Sale of a valuable assortment of DRY GOODS. Straw Sfc-Jjeghnrri jBontiets 'Cot Received vdirect' fronv s New-York; bei ng -the Stock of a House declining btisirieSsin that city, f E Country Merchants and Others ma v come forward with confident expectation of purchasi' ng at u-uhw out. WCUli JL llCJf VUltSlal, IJI 2P9PS finani p eainbric & furniture' Cal- Plain and figured cambric and Jaconet Muslins, Swapsdown,.Tbilinett and tefseil jes Vesting, v Elegant Merino and Cashmere Shdwl Common Shawls and Handkerchiefs. ! rf Men's and women's silk; cotton and worsted, A splendid assortment of Ribbons C'- ' '' Men's and , women's kid, beaver and silk Gloves ynne ana rea.ianneis, :bt v Edging, Laces and lace Veils, - Bombazetts, GinghamsV Si! ka&cb fec.v &'c- terms liberal, and at sale, r;! V'it ::t':" ' ; ; WALKINGS & VOs Auctioneerk FayetteviUe,Oct. 29U t:' : . r: 21 ts tiEGROEiSSVA ED. THR high-st prices in CASH; will be given for a few likely YOUNG NEGROES from 15, to 25 tor males, and from 10 to 25 for females an extra price will be given for mechanics. . Persons woo wish to sell will do well to call on me at Mrs. :Jeter s Tavern, where 1 nriavc always oeiouou. ; . : . A n WM. FOWLER. Raleigh, Oct. 31. -ri 1 21 eo'tf 4 Rpantrke Literary and ' Scientific ' j;'- ' Institution. ;-: f IH location of this institution has beenchang-' 1 ed frOm Littleton to Oxford, N. C. In announ cing; this change to the public, some remarks in relation to the causes which inducec it, may be necessary. The object is to establishjin tlie State, of Nohh-Carolina the institution upon a perma nent basis. At Littleton, although it possesses tlte advantages.of heal- h and retirement in an em inent degree, it was found, that the Convenience and opportunities for carrying it on; would be in cjbmmensurate wth the objept in vi( w; particu larly since the death of the late proprietor: of that place.' Tn selecting a new loca ion, regard has been paid to public opinion ;and so f a as it could be ascertained, the feeling of the public has centered upon Oxford as the m 3StfsuitabIe location in the State. -'' y : " Oxford has long been known as a place of flourishing-and well cone Jucted scho JsV For its health, itn moral and refined society it stands pre-eminent. The site selected for the' institu tion is pleasant and retired ; the buildings and grounds are spacious;; and such measures will be adopted in the government of the . institution as will prevent the studen's from any unseasonable communication with the village. Th4 plan here tofore laid before the public will Uill be pursued. . Any further information in relation to the in stitution, may be had on application to, the sub scriber: - ; ' ' hi' vuVT''v;iH'';--'-"'-'t:-'- D. H. BINGHAM, Supt. Sept. SO, 1829. 15 3t. .BOARDING. HE Subscriber ,ha9 several convenient Bed I Rooms detached from 'his Dwellinpr-House, on the main street near theCapitolH-aud would be elan to accommodate wiui Uoard twelve or fifteen Members of the ensuing Legislature. The favor of early application is requested. - It is conve nient also for-him to find twelv iu twelve or fifteen Horses,, at a moderate price having plenty of provender, good pasturage and' well enclosed lots abundantly supplied with water. -.":.-... . . JNO. bTUART. Raleigh, Sept. 10 BOARDING. MRS. JOHN HAYWOOD is prepared to ac commodate twenty-tve or thirty Members of the 'Legislature. She assures all those who may honor her with their patronage,' that no ex ertions shall be spared to render them' comtorta ble s. . -"Mrs. H. has ar number of detched rooms be sides those in the main building. L::-. : -v. N.B The favor" of I early applications-is. re quested. ' . ..-;;'''"'- -:. -'V ' Mrs,' (I. continues to receive Travellers, ( and Boarders by the day;': week; month o year, i' -H Raleigh, Sept. 2., 1829 r - 'r 4 K BOARDING. I MRS. PARSLEY will be prfepared to accomv commodaie:12 or 15 Members yf . the Gen eral Assembly with Board. Shei assures those who "may fa vor;: her with their company, that the utmost: ex ertions, shall be used 1 to render " their situation agreeable. 1 J : - - -" ,' ' . .Italeitrh Sent. 2.J. . ' , 4-2 mo. j ' . . ' . State of North-Carolina;. , , Sr r ' -r. Edgecomb County. . j - Court of EauitSeptember term." 1829. Mary, G. Clarkand others, legatees pf Mary SV. "; Blount,;. ... . ' vs.-- n jv.f-r The Executors & legatees of Mary S Blount, IiT appearing - to the; satisfaction ofth'ss Court', , , that Robert Stuart and Mary his wife," '.Sar:dr Jfoote, u ' Van Ness and Maria his wife, Bennet Jiarro w; -Hrtba Barrow, iMary Ty lor, t CHe vallie, Lewis 5.VVilliaRson;and .Mary bis wife Mrav Prosser, the representatives of Jacob Hunter,' the rx-presentatives of (Catharne Darby?; Ei!iiabeth-Hunternov..SHu8h.worin andjit; S u mmerville, -le gatees v and d efendants in this case, arrnot inhabitanta-ofthis State jitls therei fore, ordered," that publication be made in --tie Raleigh Register- for six weeks, that bn less they appear atour next Ct :rt,r to-be" beldtfcr the cou'nty tiforesaid, at the Courthouse in TarboroV on ;the second 1 Monday 'in , Marcli iiext, :and an swer, pleatf or demur, judgment-will be taken pro conlesso, and heard ex parte as to them Witness; j-aacrrwortlv;t, ;Clerk ana V Master ot Law Books for sale at - Auction f nm R late"ctief Justice of this State assigned JL to me - the whoIe of his Library of Law uooK.3, io uc sum aut-r nis ueatn . upon certain tFUstS Mrftfd Jn tllf :iifl aotsinrnrTikr.-?.- . " . Tlrat these trusts may be executed;1! shall ell the said Boksat Awtioh in the City of Itafeighi on tne nrst Monctay in December next, and k many succeeding, days as ; may be required to complete the sales." h j "s" ' - , t This Library is extensive ; contains -many va luable works which are now become'Tare: arid At. . -t .t , . ? , ine saie is wonny ot tne attention p profession al gentlemen who. wish., to increase their Libra ries. U-Vatatogue will i be printed and distributed in the City a few day before the sale; . v : Te rms of sale. Cash or Bonds at 90 da vs. with an approved 'surety, . who shall reside 'in Wake utiumj oucu uonus ocanng .interest trom tqe sale. ' - - , j WLL. H. HAYWOOD,' Jun. Trusteed Raleigh; Oct. 20. - - r, 718 eots" OXtrOUI) MALE ACADEMY: s i. fJlHE- Examination of this lnstitutiorirswiil be. jl gin on Ajonaay, wovemDer ytn; and Close with nhe emi annual Report on fWednesdav morning. rWi 0;'iip- KC:- All that feel interested, are respectfully Jnvit ed to attend, i . 4 .' :' c-- .- i'v-: Vi: ROBERT El GILtJAM,1 Sec'yvi : Oxford Oct 9, 1829. ;" -v. . 15-4'; " : fTr The Tarforotieh Press. Edenton Gazet v & Norfolk -Hera Id. will publish the above three weeks and forward their accounts as heretofore. , M AN AGERS OFF1CK. ? r f.- : . .. 'Jiichmondi October 14.? :' The following are the Drawn numbers in the New-York' Extra Lottery, 12th Chsa; 33. 19. 50 27. 44. 41. 13. 1 2. 19. 33. 50. i . S3 0.000 : - 24.' 27. 41. 44. 12. 13. 41. 'j : ' ' 12. U3. 4t. 19. 24. 44. 5,000' 2,500 ' " $2,500 I 1,000 - - 12. 19. 33. 1,000 All sold at the Managers Office." -K'-. YATES & M1NTYRE. MANAGE IIS OFFICE 1 , Richmond Octl 19,; 1 829. . New-York Consolidated Extra 14. To be Drawn Stlhjof Noveiriber.1 v . 1 of & 15,000 is S15,000, :v 1 1 1 1 .. 5 5 5 10 6,000 , 4,000 3;ooo 2,000 - 6,000 -4,000 ;.,000 : 2,000? -200. 150 too ; 1000 i 500 400 10 20 24 ,3 H side? 60, 50, &c. Whole tickets $ 5Halves 2 50 rQuarters 1 . 25-' A Package of 20 W hole (which is compelled to draw $45) for $100. i : P I f ':p.'V; , Direct yourordertO'-,;-.';i',v'iV,---?'-:'',--'---5 d YATES & M'lNTYRE,;Rtchmbrid. Grand Consolidated Nor 17 Yates M:Intyre, Managers. To be Drawn j2th-day of Nov. 1829. 50 number Lottery. - 9 drawn Baljdts - 1 Prize ' of gl6,000C is JS 16,000 1 1 1 1 6,000 v f6,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 ft?'? 4.000 3,000 2,000 200 150 1 100 , Mr; 5 1,000 5 : ';-T 500 5 400 10 20 24 10 - 300 Besides S70 60-- 50-40 30 10- and 5, tt',-;,.s:-': Whole $5 Halves 2 50 Quarters tl 25 X' Package of 20whole for $!P0j4whichis compelled to draw $45, .' and may draw any, of wie apove laranajuapnajs. j : fscfi x -nr -j. Send your orders to-Yates & f.lIntyre,- lan-- gers -who7 have distributed from their Office at Richmond, w ithin the last 12 months, no less than 4 Grand Capitals of $10,0002 of 6,000 r 2 of 5,000 1 of400 bf 2,000 V' with a great number of 1,000, be; , iC'i' Head Quarters. v I I YATES & M'lNTYRE Bichmond: "O Y virtue of a decree of the Cov; rt of JEquity U for Granville coUny I shall otter for sale to the highest bidder, in the town of Oxford, oh Tuesday, the 3d day of November next; it being thev2d day of the Count Court, the; following Real Property, belongmto the, Estatof Rich ard Taylor, dee'd. viz s f.r. .; A K:v '' ; V A, Tract of Land containing.between 7 a nd - 8 hundi ed acres, (uncleared) it being a : part of the tract on which the said Richard died situated on t he w.'ters of Tar River, 7 miles south of Oxv ford. Three hundrrd acres f this tract "is fiist rate Tobacco land;" the,; remainder is free, pro ductive, and j remarkably well timbered. "Bonds with approved securities will be required," payable- at one or twu years, each for $1,000...' For the- residue", (should there'be any) f like- bonds and securities, payable in 3, 4 and 5 years The whole .-.of, said; bonds to bear interes after" the expiration of tine year and the 4nterest' onthe last three bonds to be paid as it . accrues. VThe said tract, should it be found to suit the conre nience of purchasers, will be sild in parcels'; In which event like bonds and securities in the pro portion brthe prices at which said parcels may sety will perequired; , .j . -r XX Tract of Land of.68ucrea in and adioininj? die ", .Village of- vv illiarasborough, "at present oc cupied by Bishop RavenscrofL ; This tract has good improvements situated fna pleasant groVei andconvenient to a first rale Spring. -It has a sufficient number.of acres in Vood-lnd to keep up a- continued supply "of fire-wood. . Bonds With approved secunties payabla in.l, 2and ; years, to" bear Interest' afu r . tl.e expirutioir of uc iui jrct, Kin uc icijuiicu - . - 5 - " " - V , JNO. C, TAYLOn, Ct i'r. , ent.2lst,iS29.,r -'v -w- ' - -. 11 vs ;. The Raleigh Star and Newbern Spectator, wil CHEAPER THAN E Er, TO71LLTAMS & H AYWOOD are now recch Vv froiNew.york'an 1 offer for s.ib, 100 Gollonbe.w::sV Sperm. Oil i 200 ,lbs. Northern' Mou!l Cand!" ' ,300; Turpenti ne Scan -r, 200. best reilned Sa't Peti : ' 150 . Poland Gtarch - 100 ',Black Pepper ' ' ; 150 Jlace and -round Cin-er tt ioo; .Allspice r. . r uuz. nionerra London Porter 3 - .OldPort Win., ' : 2 Boxes. best, American -Mustardfor ' i ; by , tlie pound. m , Superior Spernu Cat. 20 Kegs hite Lead 500 lbs.p'utty , . i 36doz. Wine Bottles -. i 350 fbs. best American Glue : - :500 " green Copperas 1 f 1000 v - chipped and stick Canper thy L" ' WOOd. " r " j 150 " Ground Fustic ' ' - ',150 ' Allum' 1 j 75 ; Dutch, Madder ground . "25 -Spanish Ind?b -: :5(.:row; . 500 : Wilmington Rice . ' ' 2 Coils Bale and trace Rope ; i x uaie.shoe thread ; .:-, ; "', ; ;. 1 Package basketsalt ifor Table usa vfel 12 Bundlesiinrlish; German ' aa J atal ; v violin String; consisting of 1st 2nd 3rd J. and 4ths.-, , i -y KJ- -y. '; - If 1 are also Teceiving an additior. I s.. ply of Druxs, Medicines- Paint's ;c'r&c.l Vvhic' makes theirassoftment '.'yeryl complete, ' rnysicins supplied xn good terms and all o tiers promptly attended to, ? : - Jusf received 2 Boxes of thecal) ove v-Iuab la -ledicine.:- "'"X '; , , yy--- v.- ; s- ;- ---':WILLIAMS;& HAYWOOD. ';- -' o'ct.-l"4th,i4829;--- :sytX'.: :.:: . 16- 4 BERNETHYS Lecturesv 2 vols; - ; 2. Horner's Special U General Anatomy. 2 vcIj c Bihat's General Anatomy, 4 vc!s ; ; Anatomy and Pathology '- " ' Bell's Anatomy, 2 vols, i:?.' , . - '.".' Bailie's Jlorfod Anatomy .J 7 -V ; Gibson's Surgeiy,2 vpls 1:' trooper's First Lines of Surgery, 2 vol?, f Dewees Midwifery - , ? !:' .' Midwifery ' K' Dewees ou, Females i widb? on Children Francis's Denman V-. , v ,r -.-i , X :JJ ' i :: . Good's Study of Medicine 5 vols. . I Gregory's Practice, 3 vols, hew edtjioa ' Thacher's Modern Practice ; . I Cull VPractice , V ri Thacher's Dispensatorr : :X:.'Jainourgn' tflo-f ;:-:' -'"" . ?. Paris' Plurmacologia :' ' , j Cooper on Dislocation v i r f1Miriaya;Mateiw'-ledica,7V ,:. .-v '' " t '" ; Lawrence PhysTblogy-V- ' '; .. '!'; ' -';'M'agendies db;:' -; v-- -U::' -:,', VHosf'ockVidoUivt Rj- ;'.vv ' ' . .iRichepnd!"; do"',.;'' V;:!?7--;': " ' -. Bateman's Synopsis r-:, - v :. ''"';. :' . . Hunter; on the Blood. ' y ;;;"; .'" .. , Scudamore on the Gout . .; 1 ' . 5A'rm!trong on FeVer'and Consumption " ArmstTdng's Medical Works v t Dnrwin's Zoorioniia,'2 vols. ' - : .Withv?many.:.othrvaiuabl lledtc -.1 :- Worl-n which will be sold on the most favorable terms Raleigh'OctiU. li'm -v; ? , - -v TlottnolievigdtionCbi:: hinrr. c 'i'''iv'iLf :::'"',;'f '' .';'" . . D ELINQUENT sfc Navigation Ccmpkny are requested to tak notice, that the K . . -. ' -;- .-"';; y .: 1st requisition c f 'lOjier cent, became due th a 1st of February, 1017 tlO do 15tlrFebruary, IBIS '2nd' 3rd do do - wai'do lutp Dccerre 1813 iair ?ic:i" "i c - 1823 1823 .'1824, 4th 5th : ' 6th 7th do do 10 Uo 1st i September, 10; dcrlstj February, .-: do : : An i" iuflo ist y ar uary, 8 do 1st X't ? ruary, 8th 9th .lo do v?;A, do -:;t' 0 . o uo ist January, v 5 do 1st ; October 5; db 1st Eebruaryi 11th; 12thA ao ist March, 4 do 1st "Jun&l . do: do 182' - 4" do 1st 'January, ljy.oraer ot tne isoara ot Directors. . v j V ' A. JOYNKR, TreasV. W'eldon,-$epf. 50, 1829 1 Jl a UotTs StlaniuiL Brought tip' tolhe present tilnc. ' ft GALES S(JN l ave Just: published an JF- ,PPEND1X to Haywood's Manual,, which embraces; the Laws passed sicce ;the yet 18t?t underdis'tinct Jieads,:. in. alphabetical oru. , in cluding those joT last Session, vvbich rend aftl;2 Work compIete-H-r; r-.-v... 'Vv' " ,To -fhis. addition to the, ; Manual, no ' e:tr-. charge ''will be rriade.The Bo- will iStA I af Five Dolhrs as heretofore. f .f , .. Orders will be instantly attended to. , ' , Sept. 12, 1829. ' " , JUST PUULISIIED NORTH-CAnoLir; v - FOR , ' , 1 S3 G ONTAINING besides the Astronon"c2.1 C T. SJ cul.ttiuns, Zs&iujbn A.7Ticutu:-, Medical an a Miscellaneous Receipt A?'. a list or the Sumtv-jst ol theMirit Lt Utaro and of the OCicers of the 'State and Ci-nciI Gj vernment, ; time of holding the di.Terer.tr. . r cc etc llall, uoorseuer iMewoern t rand retail," cl cx-i ".Sent. 1C29.V-'"1 " This Almanack jnay 1e had whwles-!e of t!. Publishers Ralergh'i of -Mr. ; Eda-erd J. "Hale, Observer OSceFayetteville, .and of Mr! Sdir.cn 'A

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