h-?? v .vr-Avvi- "v ??-' - Vi;: . -f. v fc . MONDAY, NQVEMDPR 9,;iBg$.c V V'Hudcxi;rn a paragraph, a ;.week or; '''tn tW rFelr Mine : of Black" i,d in this vicinitv. ?We also mentioned Jveral valuab! purposes to which it might h annlied.: ISincelthen; we have receiv ed a letter from a gentleman in Baltimore of which theYpllpung: is" an extract : 4. 1 . observe"; from -a paragraph n your ntnerthat Plumbago is very abundant in y6ur State,and that, the ore' inybur neigh borhood is,pf a superior quality.,, Will' you be good houglv to inform' me; as soon' c nracticablc the loVyest pVice at which five tons can oe aeiiyereir in mis piacer This quantity is wanted for an experiment, ahoii Id it , ans we r the pu rpose for whjch i t? obtain eda-further order will be given.' We are endeavoring to coruply -, with : the request?of ourxprrespondentVjand wilLbe Mad to? receive proposals , for furnishing the quaritity?anted. - 1 It may-open to the ProprietorVMthe IinVanarketwhich we presume, is all that is wan ting, to lead to .their being general! VworKccli uther.--Zn Dwight's recen t-Tour th rb' Germa ny, ittfe stated that '.theH rayller meets with an object of .much interest in the town - of Eisleben, . viz : a 1 dwelling yerv ;hujnble iti its External appear-" ancew almost as much so a9 that of Shakes pearje upon Ayo nnd beari ng th & inscrip tion over the, io6r9ti77ns is. the liouse. the dpor yiu fx n d y ou rsel f i n the mid die of a small school, the Teacher of which very civilly. accompanies you to two upper a partments; which are kept acredf o ?jtlie; jnemqry of tuther. ..The walls are hung V?iliXficmif sv, aucn;iu. aim ctuicsuub. x the rooins contain chatr, tables arid other decaying relics'bC tl? reformer possessor L swan! of full size Is-canred in wood," which! stands'erect on? table iwitlij the wi ngs a 4 1 t tie s p r ead . After ;atis(yi ng yoarrcuViositand taxing ahe attentive 9LII'Ul IWII9VCI oiiwuj.uuvaviifiioi T vu write your' name, with injc from JL'uther's inkstapdiVn n an5iZrtm upheld by thd had Idst brouant h'cr.to th'd fiolnt it Uvifis uponnothirig, when as ill-luck would have it, she died, and spoiled his jexperiment.?' .The following gentl emen" compose? the new Board of? Directors of the U States Branch Bank in this town'; : i John Huske I, ." EHSba Stedman;? " Jamesf Hooper, l - I ?' ' r Charles P., Malletf, . , ; V Henry WJAyer, '"iCv - ' i V ; ' V-Kd ward W. illkings, . " , : -Aaron Lazarus, , of AVilmmgton, BererlytDamel, ofRaleiffh. r , i John Huske, Esq?has been 4 re-elected President.- Observer 5 A gentleman who arrived !m -.the ship banks of Mthe;Tiscataqua, RiyerirJn-thc ed,.and the ctrarse he harfileteraineS is Doyerfrpni.:IrtTerppoU town orFoicroft, for many, years had consequence to pursue. His opinion, ha from BostcnbuV-ahun kept a iarSe;pot;near: tbeargiri; of ;the said, hadbeen T bpely avowed at tne timi that period, besides aj passage nver, for4th bf the electionyet he;iiad;receWed , ii ngso ptb e ( awan v? and depart ' y ni1.-. houseshaslbeeii purcfiaed?b4Keyiwingf of Prussia & is presumed to be as Aearly ijf ftsi primuiye siai asji passiuie.4u.aiauuijf. restdes initand it ipnly used for accom- i i a , j iL. Hulk -l.l .r--K'';. i. modatinj; the little school. ?KVre 'Cultivation the TmTn our adver tising columns Avilt be found the proposals of Mr Loubat, the proprietor of an. ex tensive vjneyard in the neighborhood of the, city of New-York, to furnisl Vine Hoots upon reasonable terms to sub scribers: To encourage those vvHo-wish to introduce the Vine into North-Carol i- c buiu, mat oi six or eignt Hundred plants ordered bv the editor of thin for several individual s in d inherent parts of the State,vwe have heard that almost al I budd ed finely and grew to the length oriVV-'fe1-0-? they were not received: till the season was almost too far advanced to set them out. There So" rv liviik4- 1L J-"1. Ml 1 ,j l .'It' 19 uy uuuuj, inaiuiey win oear,- iruit uu ring the, next, season. , ? ' 4 A; An enterprising gent!eman.?of Chapel Hilly has 400 vines which he procured from another vinevard ' near. New-YnrW. last ?Spnrig some of- which, lin conse- quence ot nis strictly following the direc tions - for .planting, &c. have al ready grown tb the i length of 18 feet. There is every inducenient of a public and private naruce, lo inose wno can make it conve nient, to engage in; this intercstins and p r on table cuitu re. Fayette; Obs. ; Sweet . Potatoe. We were presented by Charles K. Johnson Esq. with a sweet potatoe? of they red; kind, which" measured -nineteen inches in length, eigh teen inches round and weiohed seven and a hlf pounds, and we think we may fairly cnauenge me UiuntV to nrmlurn nrh a- lasti week nother. Edentoh Gaz. i y lie urapelheva is a smgle. Grape Vine on the farm of Henry Ski naer, K sq of Perqaiioanv Cuwy, which produced this "season 2v bushels of ?grapes froui which three DJrreU of wine Xwei e ntacfe"; aid this, after-liis fanii j neighbours Jiad used a many as ihey wished,, for thu la -ble. J6tV. - - - The ftt :NetC' rorK-T e'? Commercial A(!rVetiseVstates?thaafi Gently in granar aUache'H"the;b;reW Jce?? j Hie?fana &c- were streetttie dwelling and the oap an can O'Con net 1 were - al so J burnt, do w n ..-A number of otlier,byildipg$ wre-m .i , . r- S , ........ v. - ., -. Ies9 injured, andsome'entirely consumed Posi .rciZarancnf.Many of the papers Iriendiy to tfte auministration of General ;iaksopi ';their gratifi cation, tliaf at jeasjS per;cent?lias been saved on the contracts just made for ca r r y i n s i n e - m au 1 mti n e ; sou i n er u a u u AVestem States. Upon this subject we recommend the following remarks .6f.the National 'IiiteiliMricerwhicKinduceiii fear that this! apparent saving will , prove an eventual ,and; serious mcon venience and ois, not only : to;, the . govern men t, tut to ail who are concef nednn the safe and rcrwar transj . Vi arii awarip f haf tlif f nnfrarts.' re- tieablitaitn lowej than li eretoltre?anid wegexpecteel it. . This is t ho necessary ennsequence of tvant tf; experience i n -tliose "who ,made them, 3 connected -withh the dtspbsitioiif laudable in iiseii, to reduce tne cxpenui-. rt m en t. : Bu t-the : enec t Cane.--We were shown last week a sUck of cane raised in the garden of Joseph Bozmah, JSsq. of thisiowpV which had ten xomplets joints and seencd n all respects tnllT oiatured-tbere wis about omv hundred, stocks' raised in the sahie garden, "most 'of them as well as the abore.'---&i(. ' grown across the AtlahticJ lie splint sixteen da yi iff Knsland-rbsscldjQverto ?flavretanor tlience to. PaHs;)? where hec spe'bt some flavs--visited Brussels SAht werplcl trecht and Amsterdam, arid passed some days' in: visiting theeat ship' canal from Amsterdam! to. the Heldr.? f his stupeh-; dous work-is 50 miles Ion sf, 10 feetwide;? ana a;ieet deep, ' ana nastnree, iocks, nibst finely, consWttciedIt(xVsi",;aSoQ.t! five millions of dollars! JJ The' expedition in travel 1 i ng, above ni eritionedjwas hot accomplished' by .any ) rem arkabl e exer tion, and it;is only noticed as an; illustra tion of the facility arid expedition ? of the ordi nary trav el ling in Europe - National hostilities iri?our i ajr jhaveji it U known, put on anj ehtirefy new aspect' In former: periods, fnations expended their best energies.in a contest for p)sitionsin a' war of posts. ; Their? armjei sat 'them?: selve down before rtress Ind jconunl ed. months in. the'wprk of conquest Now a frontier; britlioj withsuch J defences is not regarded in a pian ofoffensive hstii ties?:t Ft ias long a cherif Jed jmil itary) maxim to leave rib such : works in .the, rear of the invading, force. 'NcVtney are pas d by the! assailants, who pOrue unaccus joined routes, byi rapid marches. "? The conquesV of ca pi t als has'su e'ee' ded tojihe subj wgation of Post s. '?' Armies in jour day work out in weeks a plan of conquest that it formerly took mon ths to ach le ve1. This sy s t e n i of , b oUl ; cn m pa ig n i n gi -o f 1 ea v i n g ordinary obstructions in the rei ir of push ing for the capital to dictate t le conquer er law in the1 heart of the e npire -renders the scheme of hostilities in bur- era . dilTerent to what could Nhae oeeri" antici pated from experience in the for inerin ode's and materials of warfare. ' , v :Tl;e Capital s of al I the , len. ling Conti nental powers, have fallen, wittin the grasp" of victory within thirty,years, Ami ihe "Asiatics have fvlt ere Ihi, th mist -tr. tifying Visi tation of conquest--"oainel, to receive theterms' of peace with th tntid ard.of the enemy floating abovi4 the heights of a proud Metropolis. The Russians will have thus, lorded it ovt r tht two nct -p'endid capitals of Eastern ajfd Western Europe within ,15 year. TlJey Have had it in their power, t impose tribute jin Prts and in Co ttninople. ' T reelih Ori-e-iti.l artd-..Western' luxury to rjifle the. arts of their treasures in onW extremity. while they morfify the pride and! subdue the. feroci'y nf-fan-iticaJMuSkg jlmen at the other,." .Much ot this too io a space of time that would JumlKj sufB ein f.inier periods to subdue halt a dozM pttitiyns ivi'hin space of a few todes. Hu'.i have gained by this chiine in of warfare The work of tU si ruction is sooner over. The towns and beiiginsj; fvfurifjed place al ways .left- in tram ot 'hose opr rations; euncnoiy . vesri?r?s rr war. onvfashin2ldaysIt: days siricej that thje farnier. had turned i'n' to. theasfure . where the pot stood; a pair of ciingwfcti together?? who?: navmg.a la ncyXOjBSnl thcapaciquscyessli:?t heads tbgether inta iti..vVhenl)eihff'?un able.tO;withdraw-vlt)era pots un thejrrhVad rectrdnN ofjth c river; plunged Hri. weight oif the pot4 dr6w watery and r that grotesque predicament they were found drowned.4 Anotner mel- anchbly. instance of . 'peatb' in th6 Pot?"', inbmatidn?thatfthey Were in conflict wittV thosoflliw the apparent cquie,3cricV of his;criilstituents? at tbe timehe hiid Custom is; insregard t many! thlhgsVa great promoter of indjftererice.? .. As an in- seance, in crossing urooKtyn terry; on Tuesday afternoon, we saw, the noble fri gate Brandy wine standing ?'iipV the river, juft as sl)e arrived from sea, with alt her; armament; her masts; and spais on end: ouc witnput a rag oi canvass spreaa, pro pelled at the rate of 6 or 7 miles an hour, by, what appeared along: side? of ""the? fri gate a; pigmy. steambpat-theRufusKirig, belonging to the' DryT)ock Company- No one seemed particularly struck; with what nevertheless, some 5 25 years- ago, wou Id have &eendeemed a miracl e-fand which to unaccustomed eves would be little less than one.-1 AT. K American V V i-' Our Crops. We have very little doubt that; the average crop of Cotton will: be 1 000?- pp u nd sVpe r .acre , th rou ghou t? the Western District this fall ,. Both Cotbw and Corn; will be better than at? any forV me'r, season. V Fronrthe14 counties west of theTennessee river, we should sup-' pose'30,000 Bales ; of t Cotton would be shipped These crops of Cotton, even at a low rate; would soon relieve theembar- rassthehtsLpf the people,if proper econo my were used. Jackson - lenru Gazi Prolific. Mr. Israel Hunt of Sudbury piantet two bushel s of potatoes t he pres' ent year 'from, vvhich he: raised one Atm dreit and fifty-seven and a half ! He plant- a ine poiaioes in ine ct'mmon way, nov cut tins .out the eyes. . 7 ' , t a; i. A sentfeman in tins town of our" ac- withiria day -.or 'two received tflstru'ctians': was bmiitd. to respectTl to Tote against his known .and atoned; opinions; (in . oppnsi-, : tion:to the basis? bfcwhite popu lation 1) , i'hesa i instructions ne could not 4iby v they were in' jonpositibn to h ts cons ci en cg. -he shouJd;feelrdegraded-and dishonor- ' ed as a. j man and a patriot;; to pursue the 'coareetheypdl-cuted stances were?recapl tulateU by AIr., Tay-? ? forin a .manner to secuVe to him the high admirationf all fwho Jieatd luml, , lies-? jiectiih6'.oVi fgatio'it-. of .tb p ?eptesei'ca tive lb refiect-theopirii on o C the con sti tu V ents as scrM-but:tcelirig;the;impossx5. ! bilityvpTobfediencen Gen T an noun cfed his deternii nation to vac a t d his seat 4nd ?vlplac " ta? sonie?bthtr perspn?whbs'e opinions -conformed . incr.L neaHy.tp thbie of theD yenttdiLjUiuddsei' one : of itslablest bieia- ? bers;f ,:; qu-iintauce, planted three '.potatoes' of a rare and superior kind, from- which he gathered three pedes. --Concord Gazette. a nily must the practice ith land de- t'apifal is surfen"uefed. national pr4de re ceives a IcssiiiV orhuoiiriutioi), ktable- i The contracts have t u res oflhe will be lam eii been ei yen; in.manycases, not to those w ho a re bes 't abl e;tb If perjorm' ; theT cori tracts4nfor the? best ;modes?of trans pu r tat i on," li u t? t b f the? lowest bi d d e rs- tii the mcii Who, lia v i rig noth ing to ri sk, in ??cr no responsibility jfor?" - undertakings ;v lii ch;?u nd er a ny pr u d e h tTal cal cu 1 ation,; wouiui oe inerejnauness. ;v some coniracis N- hay e been taken, we, have? been i n formed, Ahnch could tot be executed for double v the ainouni stipulatedio be paidfor them. They inust," therefore, fall through The ! AvlTole Line of. the Mail will become liable to be deranged; and at i. last, ' besides the public - inconvenience,; the ?Department may be obi iged to bribe'the rejectedn tractors to take the place of the accepted ones, and . carry the. Mails otr their own terms. , The t Department nay go on screwing 'down contracts?,t6 , terms on which they cannot becarnedfandthus upon paper - aJ- wonclerful reductiori may oe euectcd ot tlie expense oirmainraming the establishment. ' But what will.be the ad of iti? We tan liken thisacheme oh. ly to one othcV wis "remember tb haVe read Ms and the result of it, if persevered Jn,, win not be greatly dissimilar.- we reter the project of an. Honest Hibernian v : (or frenchman.' we fbrcet?which,)?who by Appointments by the President James Lenox Kennedy, of New-York, to be 4 Consul of the United States for the ports of Guyamas, Albattaii, and San Bla?, in Mexico. ' '. '"' .. Silas IU Everett, cf New York, to be Consul of the Unitea State3 at Panama, in Central America. ? ' '?; John George Schwarz, to be Consul of the United States at yienna, in the Aus trian Em pire. v ' :- '. ? Asa C Worthihgtoni of New' York, to be Co nsu lof the Uni ted S tat es at Lima, and for the ports of Peru, vice William Had cliff, removed. -Joseph W, E. Wallace, to be Consul of the United States at San Antonio, Mexico, vice1 David Dixon, resigned. -John M. powyer, of Alabama, to be Consul of the United States at Guazacu aleoy in Mexico, vice Charles Douglas, removed. v.';: r . v;:!-'- ";: 1-M'. "E in ami el J. West," to be Cliarge d 'Af faires of the United States to the Repub lic of Peru, v' .. ? : : . , r -i:? ";? Th e Nation al J ournal ; of Wed n e sd ay, contains an extract from the editorial columns of the ! Kentucky Gaxetteof the 6th instv and by its side an editorial arti cle f ro m th e Richmond Enquirer o f the 10th inst ; they are both violent attacks upon Mr Bradley, on account of his let- fer to Mr Barry : land, what is tru ly re rnarkable, they are almost word for word nUkp-fls it nossible that the editor! of ..- ' -r v - nr - - tle;KichmonU inquirer Buners any ami eveW scribblerV:tb occupy his editorial nnllimnsand Weri one who has no tal- en t or d isc retion vsutneient to giy e evenJ a shade oL-dinerence to a similar coniriuu tion for another editorial article r at l is ;(t that this Siamese article issues from the .General 4Post Office Truly reforma tion is going on raptdly.--x. o. yaxettei. ck 11)2 t"9 of When the but 'humani ty weeps the kss for ihe victims 0f a pro- ti acted co;itrvery. 5;w.. Pat. . . French Claims. The Newburyport Her- ahl contains a letter from a M 'distinguished townsman,'- dated Paris, Sebt. 15, fro.ii which the following is an extr ict j' " ! ' 4. Mr. .ltvves?ts, daily expeefed. and much is anticipated from the positive in structions of vvhich he is suppJscd jto b the bearer,; and froru his owirtaletUs and char acter. The present conjuncture, however is unMyoracie, as trie ministry qrtna country ;s in a precarious situation ; pursued w:th- oufmercy by a povrlul opposition, which comprises five-mxths of the wjeat'h, talent, nail. r . i i . J and energy ot the nation, ami I i, . l. a ik ' i.: ! runifu whii uie ijurMioi iuic by lh internal conditions of so much oc ed upon them the country he public discontents, and the questions growing out of be,conoucst i" Very uiuikei v , thev will be pen their ears to any thing co opposite side or - the Allan t iate ministry remained io. oni pect would "hive been belter i forjthey had assured Mr. Brown that the subiect'of our Claims should be taken into consideration, 4irl liwrrCul nl in nr.a luhv nw ifKt- " A late ijondon Uiobe says; that in future the candidates . for " the methodist ministry in that country a e to uhder goXiiminatioh by the princi sUi preacher in theology, the; classics, and tneliitathe- mHttfe-s ; and if,- after av croaation of two year!, they :'afe found fleficient jin thoe re-iects, they are 'to give up all idea of The following instance of the cruel ope ration of the English, criminal law is gi ven in the September number of the London Magazine. A poor boy was indicted" for stealing a piece of gooseberry pudding! When this tru rnnery.cae, was brought for- v ard, the whole court appeared . to have but one feeling of disgust. "The Judge said . however much such prosecutions might, be regretted, jet the law,Vnow that the in dictment had been preferred; rauUtake its loursc." r The jury fmud the": boy. guilty. He was recorded for death.: A', the same rime two persons, for .-attempting to stran gle and drown a third, were sentenced to o : d y six m onth s ra p r i so m e n t. ' T h e sam e Alagazitte mention!!, tnat ai me assizes or the oreceding monih. between two and three hundred individual were recorded for death. -Bait. Posh - ' v? ; Lord Chief Justice Hale, nearly two cemuries ago, remarked The places of Judication, which I jiave torig held in this kingdoms hAve given me an opportunity to observe the original cause of most .- of the enormities that have been ?committed for the spice of nearly twenty years ; and, by a due observation, I haveV found thats if the? murders, and manslaughtersi the bur glaries and robbe ries, the riots, and tu mults, the adul teries, ftrnicaflons, rapes, ind.other great enormities that have ha p . . . : N j:' c:' - Another Spanish InvasiotW'-r-K Post script to theNe w-York Journal:, of Com merce confirms a. Report ; received. arfe7 ? days.siriceby New-Orieans,rof the land- " ing of another. Spanish Army inthe terrP r ; tory of;.Mexic6v -"e ehe ? V.. ed at PortArgoi and ad varietur, about ?0 -; leagties.'filt.wLU dpubtiess soon meet the ' same fate? which befel Barrcclos at -Tarn.- r P1C'.!: '--.- -i - ; 1-;;"! t'tfi': MARRIED. i :V -;??.?' . In Jdhnston county. ! on .Wednesday l evening V.-' jasr, Air. viins.upucr v? unaupucrs j tii .uis TiCi- , nttyy to Miss Sarah, second daughter of Generat. Duniel ootu -.j"-'-.-," 'i.K'r- 7-;:' -- ',' r In Pitt county, on the 29th ultimo, Mr. Jarae3 Wilkinson of Stephen WiikC deceased, to Miss.-'-. Nancy Vines,: daughter of CoU'Birpuel Vioes - K " In Wilminerton.- Jdr. Horace Burr to Miss Mary Jane Campbell.'.;,- -Tv i- ' -! In Mtcklenburjj coitnty onihe 8th nit. Mr. r l S. H. Eli6toftork--districtt-';S, Citci Mrs. Mary , Smartl--..:..';- :-;.-vf ;-:! V- . '.' .In, Lin"coTnton,.:on the 20th ultCol. Michael ' Reinhardt, -of Lincoln county; toMiss'Maria'AN-V.:- len,; formerly of New-London Connecticut. :;v '.'"..' ' . In Jackson, Ten. Mr. David M,'Knight to Miss Juliana Peliner, daugliter'of the late Dr. Richard "V Fenner. v'-- - '.' 'is ,'-1 r-;V?;DiKT3 ;-:;- ; In Salisbury, on the 28tb ult. of1 a bilious fe x ver, after an illness oft wo weeks in the" SQih ? year of her age,; Mr& Mary Rankin, i consort of . theRev. Jesse Rankin, (Pastor of the Presbyte- ! v- V rian Church ih -that-place) and daughter of the :' Reyir Wm. Paisley- of G uil f irtl.1 coo n tyv ; Th e. -ptensature death of thts amiable lady, is a foarce; -.'-' of peculiar, affliction ? to- - ht relati ves, , and of ; poignant fifrief to the ChufCH", a nd.t lie circle oY"; . friends among whom he moved ;-for she" raa ; ; -an ornament to the ''one, and showed "forth & . bright example of all Vtbe'tfemile irlrtoes and ; ; Christian graces, tor uie guiance amt solace or - 'thfe other- -' - -.'-"v .'.""!' - .xIn Burke county qn Sunday the 25th ult. Maj. . ! Mathew Batfd aged ab'wt 35 ; He had repeat- edly been member of ihe General Assembly,' .' and had held other honorable posts; under. - the ; r state " government, with credit to himself and 7 ; usefulness to b-is country. V i -u . r l! : North-CarolinarBiIile "Society;;: i i-&f ' AW;2;iS29. .' .?, ?-! ffIIfi Anmrersary .Sermon in behalf of this So. JL .; ctety will bet preache'ion Sunday the 29th" instant, at the . Methodist Church, in" this City- v by the ReyGeorge W. Nollsy,, i r - CJ-? - ; The annual meeting oOhe Society for t he ap- pointment of Officers, and for the transaction of I such Business as shalLcbme" before. it, will be- " held in thejjenate Chamber of the CapitoV oa the following eyeowg-atfclock; When the at- . tendance' of the Members, and others who feci an interest m the Bible cause, j is requested. va zrr::j i C?.-gales, secy. i :?Noverer2,.1829.-A : :v7-v "1 21- "? f TjurkeyVit willing to "o- nirijs from the c. jflad the ce, our pro- ' Grand & Splendid Scheme.,? gair.OOO for SIO onl y : i -of so,ooo .r :?i:jf 15,000 ifiiciiiting ip thq pulpit. BcdL Chron. A'New GrainVl noticed iri-the, ac count of the proceedings of the Agricul tural Exhibition, just , held. "at' Brighton, Massachu setts, ?r the fol 1 o wi hg accou n t o f amw kind-of oats recently, in trpdticed trv c Sol oman That e r vtif Braintree," exhibited V some straw and grain, from chance?imported seed, called bv some Siberian' oats, heavier than rye. Half a! bushel and two cjuafts, plarited on one square roa,- proauceu at ;uig -i oic-.u Srfto J00 bushelsthe ac.ref?,?r I Parental Affectiori:Te following is a mot noble sentiment from tne p'ay of Pi zarro. The sentinel who1 -hid , refused a bribe'; is vanquished by, his ownl feelines, aitd allow Uollii to enter the ceil of Aloo- ' : u OhJ '"HolyNature,vlhou never plead'st inv vaiv ! There is not of our earth a crea- ture,bearing form and life, .hunfai orsav. iXr native of , the forest or joe air, around .vvlioia. parent bosom tnouvhait not ;,a cord entwined, or power U. tte'tp ernrto-their oQVpri n !s cl a iins,?and at thy av i j 1 to d rw tne m bacic . trt ihee. A in i ron ,-' ti u ons borne; vthe blood-stain?d'vu!lture, cleaves ttie stirrn) yet.fs .the; pfuiviW. cloet to the heart sott as yinet'a uo'vfn.anrt 'o-er lier uniTeds'd brood - the rnitinnurins-doTe lj uot more e n t ly. rj-s ?' Work ' - fAeeyj.ThePittsburg Gazette' says, Carriage r6f rron,fron BUirsville tp Pittsburg, land,U eight dollars per. tun ; andby c&n?-freight including tol 1 sU is , two - dollar and forty MANAGERScOFFICE;- :.?'-.- 'h T .. . " -, - -Richmond: Va. : , Tfnioii Canal Lottery JVo,; i 3 peneil in thit time, were divided info five 1 To be drawn at phiUdelpnia, Norember 14, 182p, uart-, lour ol ihem have ueen: me issue and nirod uctif excessi ve d rinking, or; of tivern :and alehouse .meetings. juoge Rush, in a Charge to a Pennsylvania -rand jury njearly. echoes : this V lldeclare;in this public'inanneri and with tne mosso-' lemu regard to the tru ih;' that I:d not re collect an instance.since my being con icernf rd in' the ad ministrat ion of ju ice, ot a single person being put upon his atrial; for mausbuohter; which did not "originate Jn drunken ii eH Vaiid but few instances vof trials for murder where the critn did nut 1 -1" spring from the Same tirthappy cause. 10,000 4010 t.ljOOO M.000 lw. 1,000 i .v"i,oob ;iJ?;?,600 I ;:1v6op 'V l?';,,600 v,! -i; -?.J 600 -10P-:i ' 500. ?-? 10?'"? 309; It. t. - ' 1 - r 'A to 20 -; 5,000 . ; -1,000 . " ?;,;1,000 -;ti?odoi; - -1,0 00 - 1,000 ' n,ooo ".eoo- 600 . -?600 400' 001 : .'r v ) VIRGINIA CONVENTION. The Question as to the basi3?pf Ucpre sehtatioh is still binder; discussion-";? Oft BeideV S100--S90S30--Sro--GSO Tickets in the above-splendid scheme S10 v L s ' Halves fS. ; Quarters 2 SO: ' -. To be hain the greatf st-vaViety of number V -at the Managers office where i no le3 thin 13 capitals was fcoia iu iau. isisi ciass.' - v , . . . Friday last, ;Mr Fitihugh made, an "able i , Send all yotir orders to : : ;.r - ! I '-Le 'r- -:U Vci---; .:.r:,'."-.--f- YATES AIT?rTVT?r apeecn in tavor oi xne uasi.oi wmw pu-1 -, - - - t .v - - - - pulation t Mr. F. rpresentsthe oisiri coioptfekl ; of jnnf:A::Y.xm-1 may draw $50,000 or anv of the above 'Capitab.' 1 iiist county rilecideu ana unauimousi ina iv iri Arcsc 2X'im'aD,. ; vor of white Venrcentatioiii: theiast infir I JC s?-iT -- !-' ' iltichmond, Va. vor of aConventioo, but irota lateaernoD f.ni?P Ja-Didtinn Cmr nr ' ? strations inclined to fa? or.'the basis of pro- ?55f?Zr. .r .:. . ..i. -i TTKELrNHUENT.Stockhoidersiathe Ucanoke perty.combid .th en; rJU NavJUon Company ate retpested to structions had either beeti 1,?.. noth-Ithe i-f4i- , from FairfaXf :or -attempteil f to , W eo IstreuWitlca rf10 perfcent. became dee the? A'writer ma' .New-York papeh gives the following yerjiMtoble rented ii tvarts .it-ake the leaver tree and run them to i pu in ice hands,. let-' it .dry :on, nd washinj: tfor ? eixht or tea H Vifur the cure from peach over : you r refrain from ours, and the upa'a1nst"the reprehtat tiou--4jut weferrins'to represent: ibe?YhH;p rier ihati-ayart 4a the; circ n rasUnce?f the 'ilstru ctions, ex - pressed hiniiel f more iinequi vocally,?.! tida -vor of the basiswHicli-he, believed to be cf the verv"esencei.of Republicanism daiiT?'MaHirm eu,: too ivcuuyiiu as , .--name Vw . :A VeryiueC"nScene i1 r? A long paule en r Powell Vwa:: ?(bout Jto :putthe ours,:and the mgt 'ri''rT 1st of rebruarv. 1SU - - 10 do 15th February,? 5 1815 Z ' 15 do tCth December, 1SI 3 : ' .10 do l$t BspUniber, 1815 i - y -10 da 1st, Tctruary, 10 do let Jnu-uy :- - 5 do lst;Pebruaty, . - ?:5 do lst "January, ,5 J J'dd lstOcODr, - V 5 do Jt Vbraar7, . ; -4 ,'do 1st farch,1 -? "4' do 1st June, - ' ,?4 do- 1st January,. J ' By order of the Board f Director f;r' 2nd: 3rd ' 5th 6Vh 7th? , Sthv 9th , 10th, lltb t, H2th, 13th 4 do , "do--, -Mcf " do: "do 4 do - - do ;,do -.da do 1223 1S2L 1823 uai iy reaucinjt tne ieea oi miarci ,4. turM'ilJ be complete -ft Vv .