- X '.-W 4 , r i . - ... vr ; s -riSDlCAL- CO.IPATflON', FAMILY PHYSICTAN ; v TIIE1TIKO M THIa DISEASES OP THE UNITED STATES, ; With tfieir svmDfbms causes, cure, ;,andmeari ox prevention t common cases tn surgery. t xne V management ana diseases ot women ana i;nu i ...'' - . ... . . . ! j '. i . -rs.. fl- : v . -v v Jb:, j n fi Galea. ''f Son, ' iLTTatE in Store a very yjcn assortment ot i - d u aOisntnsatom for nreftarincr FaWty , JiiL.ScKool and othe nooks. Stationery, c-- I , Medicines, ahd a GloWry explaining Technic which they ofT. r for Bale to'Cpuntrr Merchants J .sial terms Also, the Nurse's Guide. J r . Teacher ami other", on, he jnosx ccommwi.v fi tingf terms, consisting in pnrtas follows ;";.;;, ly Bible, new ditioii .vo.n The Sevenfh:Sdition;. 1 ' ramily'niblea, 4to: in various bndinga , do.' neviserenUrged,. avm considerably n . W in do. do; Pocket do. fi-editioif, in.cxtra 0 ; .proved.. : : , bindings-; d,odo. common ; . .Vaol dot Pocket BY JtMES EVVELL, MJ 13. , v;- '-Testaments ul varlous.vb1ndinKs , School do. ,f '-','?' v - . v 4 ' l. 5. I -r- - " " l U. UW Vfc. .,..-4 -i . . J . ..I Common PnS'eri HE AD ETIS. r Elurraya English ReaiVr (, do . Introduction ' National Ueider . - - doj - Orktor;V-'V Columbian ' do, ll picket's Instructor S! .--.da - Expository , 'Amerlcari Preceptor ; X Scott's Lessons . ; i Art'of Heading well JiiTenilciUeatier: Popular; Leasona 1 Looking Glass 'NwYork Headers, Wo Jacob's Greetc Header do 'Latin i , ,ooi GftAfMARS. ; vjllurray'if Eng, Grammar f y.o do- do abridged) 'dodoExercibes , v do Key toido -CreenleaPa E"ng. Grarn-j mar; . -f v c- . Inge'rsoVs Comly'aj, UroWn's : Bo:ird man's! do Farrand' Grk. Gram'r. Valpey's "da - ; 'do Moore's '"Wo J do Ituddi man's Latindo Adams v, , do vdo Gould'' do" -do" Ross x -' ! v? do " - . do' LevizacVa French ' ' do" Waoostrocht'a - do Pjerrlq's t . - . do Pike's Arithmetic 'do Key to do. arithmetics: IVi Hard's ' Cough's - : Dilworth's do 'W6 i dofc -do' .dot ThelpHvs Compend of 4 'History V - t - - f T tier's Elements of do Gri msha w s ; H i s t pr y ofj - Greece t - .vi: - ,- 4dq. 'do t Rome -, -J do da t England - a - ; do : do 1 U. States 'v.s rialef do TJ. States i WiUard'sdo f UStHtes I s Goodrich's do U. S tates ' v Pitkin's o,XJ States ; IIowea ;do Greecte ! ' Rollins'. Ancient History i " Goldsmith's Animated f ! ,Ifume, Smollet and Bis-j - set's Hwtwy; of Eng Walsh's ArithmetiO , Kimber's do. Adams', . "5 do ' Colbxun's X'do" do l? Sequel to Anth do a---Key to - v -4do HISTORY V Robertson's -History of Charles lS dV--do America v do doc ' Scotland" andlndia-- - ; Gibbon's History of ' 'Rome S ; Scott's Life of Napoleon The Hist ory of. Modern ' On the Jmnortant: subtett of domesti. medi cine? many books have been written; which, iiouRn'xceuenr;in ouierrespecia, Kicaijjr failed W usefullness .to Atnericans v because they treat of diseases which existing in ye.xy: fweign ellmhte$ and dnstuiiltonsi must jwidely diner. trom ours. "The book, now offered to the public 1iast therefore, the great .advantage of. havrng-.- been writtetv" bya t native A merican of long'and suc cessful practice In the southern states," and. who. for-'vears nnstl has turned much of his attention to yhe composition xt it. r ' ' f J ' ' lTo eVerv familv,v more especially those in re rnte situations,' the possestion of thii book must unquestionably, ibe of : incalculable .value r fori conducted by such a guide, it will .nptbe pre sumptuous to riy-that any person ot tolerable capacity, and reasonable attention roay be ena bled to pracctise with safety a ud advantage.- ir tho?ie ceases ot sunple diseases most; incident to 1 This work Lis for1 sale, by - - , , ; . " ' ' ' v Jo. GALES & SON. August I.. ; , ' ; 95r Europe." with ; an T. aC count of the Rise' an d FalJ of .the aomaii .Empire-'-K v.; Irving; Life. and Vfiy- -ages of Columbus a V bndgel tor Schools. Anquetil's &' Ramsay's Universal History ; - Mr;-.: geographies: A di m's Geog raj j hy and . v At Ja :.;:-.vi;-v 'Morse's t v-dot-; Worcester's da " ' ' do J , do.-f;-5 Epitome do SmHey's Geography 'and V-- Webster's Spring IVks - x Comly'a' " , do do; ' "r Kew.Y6rkti,;db?,.ordoi1 New-York Expositor - VVr: '-Picket'a v .;.(do: V iv, r walker's school Cummings' Geography ' and Atlas. : ii tVoodbridge's do da Vsooancn s Willett's d6, do do do do ;5 1 Johnson's' do ; - 'do V 1 - 5 , ......v.-- , Todd's J ohnson'a do ; Cover's French .-; do' '4"Nogents- do -;do'j NewnianV Spanish do? f'. Prirnary tocti4nary . ispjtick's Latin da : Willard's DISPELLING BOOK -E v: Murray's bpelling ivfcs Universal ? do'" 4 do 4 Dilworth's "do ; do Union ! do do DICTIONARIES: - ; :-c Ains worth's Latin Di c- vtfonar:..;K;Vy Lempriere's Classical U f Dictionary ' ,." ?' ' Duck's Theological Dic tionary fs ' .. V: 'y ) -7 . Brown's Dictionary of tne BiDie ; . -Chemical Dictionary Hooper's Medical do Pickering's Greek Lex- Schrevelius' Lexicon Grove's Grk. & Eng. do Walker's School Dic tionary. t;i- J?s? to- 4 large cio do (pocket ' ;do Stationery c- - 4 . DRAWING PAPER.. ' j ap. Drawing PaperT JRoyal Drawing Paper do do . , Super Royal do do 'do 'V 'do' v 'l I- ;;v v "; Demy Medium WRITING PAPER. Letter Paper,f poP Cap Folia f Post & pcrny. Pa- Medium and Royal Pa -;per;'i--f-:-;4-..M:rk-" Super Royal and Impe rial paper-- - 9 iPAKHY PA P RRS. . "iTorocfco Paner I Gold Pane Marbled Paper, V ; iv I Fancy , colored do' k:;vJpAiNTs,7&ci V . - -JReeves .Water , Colours ; ' in Boxes; y iv:;ii ,; Camel's Hair Brushes; Toy . Paint Boxes, , ; . Wedgewood,i Pe wler Cork Glass & Pocket Inkstand'KI.V.-f'l t Ubck Sandi Iiwlia. Rubber, and India lik Jinn. . - 'SiTvevPervcil Ciases Kidder's Indelible Ink.'; GenUemenfa docket ,k . - Hookah- it V '.''yisHwg.JCardt & Cases B lack & Red Wafers Black arid, Red Seeing nlick and Red lnkl Black and Red Inkpo w . , . .' . I . ' - .i, . . ' - - " r - : ; . - - . ; , . - . ; r, .rltOCtHCr CTi .-r- r-rm Subscriber has W hand am! intends V - - ' r . , v , . - ry t ' . 6f his ountnjntifacture Arhich will be sold by ; 4 - . '.-'V'SV; ( " 7'rw'- the B0i,?riqt,artieto.su"lt lhose w0-'na7. ' ' ? ; .: .A,- ,: s' nlease to fvor him with their custom." ; - j. - tVVJH 7-. - f,.;-.h o,.-v: . -J -y, . heniivmj ardie; :KEW UOOKa ' ' LjS-: i-'ieigh.NoK'.- - 2 t , .-;V: "fTf AVE lately received a large a ahd cXtensi vpl H U. assort m'it ot urugj ana jucmaurg, ingi 6 part, bf Sulphate Qumtne," tum "P!m Denarcotized dot. Kenned uampnorvanM"" '1" Castor. Oil, intrVther. ; EJatarhwi," Extracts ;of Various kinds, Solidified Cppalva, Oiltbf Black P,.i. TnHinp.s London Blue Pill.' Black Oxrde Mercttrv. Citrated Han ior ,m amg Kuin . 1- :' ' r.V r . m -.11 . n r. inr: fTomn. Extr. sarsaDariiia. viiyur.;ti-.oii3, Sim. rarb. Sodal Trart. Acid, -.Turkey uamAra: bic, Calc; Magnesia,-Yellow Bar, Calomel Jap,Vtlbnbarb,TC TartarSugar; Lea' Spt . Ni tre, Bals.Copaiva.Spt.Ammon, iart Anumo nv. Siilnhi Conner. liquorice Paste, &e.' 1 ' A general assortment of Patent Medicines: Shop Furniture,? Surgeons instruments, Dye Wood. Hatters' Trimmings and Materials, such anNAaiiH Ft)rtis.-auicksilver, Ltigwood; Bbw Strihtrs. Skin, ' Bindings and Bartds, H tickles 8 Brushes: verv lov. ' A large supply of Paints &; Brushes ofeverv desipriplion, Spt. Turpehttue'i Linseed Htnp and Tanners' Oil Gdld and SiU ver leat Copal and Leather Y amis: quali t v," Vi ndo w-Glass, ' 8 X 10 10 H J 16 and 16 X 18, and Putty. U rji rnMrflWn!T 7A ; introduction - of the Mil AKfHUjNSI L.UUl t, Having vunaiu- erably enlarged his .Vineyard, on ' Long Island; six miles from Ne,w-york, on ;;theMrbad 'tn FnrPDiamond. "wliere - be now has, in full culti vat ion," a Viney ard of forty acres of grou nd, 4 containinff a'stock of 65,000 : Grape Vines;-, and i a Nursery of 75,000 Grape Vine Roots, compns- ine sixty-two varieties, seiecieu in curwpi Thefir assortment comprises every the Apothecary's line ? , ihe;principai superor 12, 12 article in of which having lately been selected by 1 hems lyes in Philadelphia and - New-YOrk with cash, they are e n i b led to sel I to cash . dealers oi piinct u'al customers op much better term than ever be fore ofTered :n this, market, yl'hys cians and Merchants will find"itto their interest to call and examine before, txirchasinir .eisewnere. . .Raleigh: June 3. 1 829. v ;' ; 80 1 American Turf Register v '.SP.O'X TING AT'Ji GAZINE I S HE want of a repositorvirt this country like 41 , the -English Sporting Magazine, to serve as an "authentic record ot the pertormances and pe digrees' of therirfrf horse, will be admitted : by all; whether breeders, owners, or amateursot that Admirable animal.- r. The longer we remain without such a resrister? the more difficult will it he to trace the pediereea of existing stock, and the more. precarious will its value become. Islt not, in 'act, within the knowledge of many readers, that animals known to have descended from ancestry of the highest and purest Wood, have been conjoundod witiv the, vulgar mass ot their species, by the lo-t an old - newspaper or memorandum book, that contained their pe digrees Sensible, fjpLf years past ot the danger which in this way threatens property; of so much value, and persuaded that it is not yet too lute to collect and save many precious materials that would soon be;, otherwise lost; -the subscriber hopes to supply tlie long looked for desidtratum , by the eat a b lishment'of . Thr Ame ni c Aar Tun f ItEoisTin." ;! But rliouerh an'account of the per formances on" .he Americnii Turf, and the pedi grees of thorougli-b red; horses,s; constitutes the cniei aim ot me,: woric, it is aesitrneu, also, as a Maettzine of information (like the English Snort ing Magazine) on veterinary subjects generally i and of Various rural sports, sas Racing; Shooting, Huntir.sr,' r ishine, irottinir iMatches, &c. toge ther with original, sketches of the natural history ana naotts or simencan game or au anas i ami hence the title " The American, Turf Remitter nnd Sporting JHagazine." , It will of Course be the aim of the Editor to give to his journal an original American cast, conyeying at once, to reaaera oi ait ages,- amusement anc insiruciiou, in. regard to our own country, fos animals, birds, fishes, &c in the absence of domestic materials, the magazines received from abroad will supply in ample stock of appropriate matter. finally, as to the style and execution ot the work,' the firht number, just published 8c ready for delivery, may be received as a fair specimen, entitled to some allowance for the imperfections inseparable from the first essay in a ne w and somewhat complicated and difficult enterprize. . J. S. SKINNER. CONDITIONS. - - "i ; The SPORTING MAGAZINE will be pub lished monthly. Each number will consist of about'v fifty , pages, embellished with beautiful engravings price $5 per annum, to be paid on the Teceipt of the first number. . ; f Cj vlere ;'tlie number of subscribers at any place shall warrant it; it will be sent by private conveyance at the expense bf the Editor, and delivered free oany extra charge j where it is sent by , mail the subscriber will have to pay the postage.. :; ,v ; - , - w.t.x Persons procuring five subscribers, and sending -the money, will receive a sii;th copy gratis -and so in proportion for a larger number. Baltimore,' .Sept. 1. - . 1 f. ' To, Merchants Far OOMMTSO)N MEIlCHAlr, HAVING, takeir that 'large fire-pnjof Ware House & Wharf recently occupied by Mess. J. & W. 'Southtrate. tenders his services to CnUXTKT MsaCBASCTS, I'LANTERS, LcMbKR ers and the piihlvc gencrathvih the a d'tce and Lumber of evt-ry ecriptionj chase of Goods, and generally iiifacilitajjing tlieir business 'transactions i in tfie 'Borough, for which his commissions will in-all cases be velry. mode rate. " - ' - 5 llii attention being confined solely to sion Business, and his k ; u wleilge of pe f this mode of transacting business in rough, tiigethyir with his thorough acq of th? Country '. Business t will, he hopes, advantageous . to ', those who : may eatoloy his agency. - ' " ; . lief earner to Messrs Cole & Sheldon, . ? Ch.is- L. Wingfield, 5 Robert Souter, Shields &. Ashb'urn ,4 Elts. 'Beacon September 1329. Deal. e of Pro the pur. Commis- sons and the Bo. ainta nee be found Williamsburzl 1 y Norfolk J 4-2m. OLD MAMIRA. WINE. Drawing Pencils and ,, Blotting Paper- '' Quills x ; . Slate and Slate Pencils Wrapping and Sand Pa--per v ; . f - Day Books, Ledgers,' VJoufials; I?' ,.'r? ? ICash: Books Receipt Books; &c ' T . i i . Memorandum Hooks' , ? ' tCjr.All orders; intheir line attended to,' with the eaVliesfde patch. ? ,ir y Oct; 9ttvl829. :.'-? " -.15 JUST RECEfVED, e rJffie8h''Supp!y;ofj2rlitlea-in the COlFEOTiOXARYXINE ; - ' -' - ' . '.'"' .'.- 1." '' - i ' ' ; ."! V. . - : t c lcaisins, , in ooxes anu uau ooxes - Pruhes Zahte Currants,' Figs and Dates , Ifdian Citpm and Pre8erved Ginger. . ? ' h 4 . Newtown -Pippins v : I'.V.r. '? N . . - ifine Appie v;oeese ;jv - Water and Butter Crackers Wa:arid' Spermaceti Candles ' V 1 Cinnamon, u loves, Mace ana iNutmcgs Candies and Kisses' , ' ' - - . . r . - ' 5( V , ' v i - Konnareil, 'Comfits and SugartPIams "V- -M ' v - Childrens Toy f&c cc &c. T i . ' $The "above articles having been purchased much cheaper than heretofore,' the Subscriber . be-able to dispose of them ;at such prices as will stiit tlie times. " I, V- . ' raieighKNol ' 24w4t r , AX,EXANl)Eli GAM PB B t J EXUBNS ;hisVincere thanks to bis friends - JHvand'the public generally,, for, the Jiberal .share of patronage he has hitherto received; and - hoperhis attention toljusiness and exertions to; . .pleaiei will swre a continuance of the sarne. . - He ironld also inform his friends & the public; C that he ha jut received a handsome assortment of CLOTUSoi'the following, colours, v,,; ,: tl i, It II ftUlL U1UL1 JUt 1 . V f - - v- V7E have lately received and offer for sale, TV, the following Wines and Spirits, which we can recommend to Families and others, as being of the best qualities : Old L. P. Madeira Wine do V . - do bottled in Oporto Sicily do Lisbon K'"' ; Old Port ! French Brandy . iiouana urn : ' . ' Jamaica Rum -J , ' London Porter . , : ; . lmperial'Tea i . : -- Vr! ; ;- . ' - ..'Gunpowder do. - j - h WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD Oct. 21st 1829. i . - x ; ; .: , - - 1g TO THE. AFFLICTED. Vegetable Sirup and Powder FOR DISEASES OFTHE LUNGS. ''-' "v. . . .' . ffIHE Proprietor of this Medicine, .ffet repeat A ed trials ot its virtues, which have been at tended with the most signal success, nu v offers it to those who are afHictetl with the casting diseases which it is' designed to re I eve in full confidence that it will be found efficacious, p tr ticularly if taken in the incipient stagts cf these diseases. ' ' For , two years past, this Medicine hj s been prepared n the form of a Powder, '& taken as an infusion, with the mb&f happy success. It is now ottered to tne amictea in tne t rm ot a sirup or in Powder, as the Patient may prefer,.un ler the conviction, that either form will produce the same happy result.- Among its most prominent qualities the following may be mentioned , as en titled to particular consideration. It pr motes that gent le perspiration w. ich is deemed lieulthy and checks those sweats which are morljid and pernicious. . It relieves chronic affections ami congestions of the lungs by giving force to the languid circulation. It assuages cougiis. t pro motes free and bland expectoration. ( It re moves pain from the chest. It relieves asthmatic and difficult respiration. It corrects obstinate cos tiveness, and thus leaves the bowels in a r ;guLt and healthy state.. Thus, it is found, that tUesr painful symptoms which indicate diseased iiings, readily yield to this powerful remedy, whdn sea sonably resorted to, and that it restores, the pa tient to that bodily vigour, which that cruel disorder the consumption, if left to its natural operation, would very speedily destroy. , Certificates respecting the virtue of this Medi cine Will accompany each bottle. Price of the syrup, w 5U per, bottle, or $24 a dozen. Of the Powder $1 per bottle; or $9, a dozen. i JAMES HADLOCK. Fayetteville, Feb. 1829. 5 : 0O This Medicine may be had at the St J. ViAlKS fc SON, Raleigh. : . - BLANKS. i OF almost everyj description, may be always ... had at the Bookstore, ofX Galks Sc So i..wv. y fc,u paper ana atter the most ap proved tortus, viz . v . ' - ; -. ; FOR CLERKS OF COURTS. Writs? Executions for Debt &. Cost, Execu " . V tions for cost onlvj : , r . - ' Jury Tickets, Witness Tickets, - ' " Appeal & Bastardy Bonds,' i - -: , for Uking; Deposi- : Apprentice's Indentures and Bonds " Administrators & Constables Bonds," Marriage Licfenceahd Bonds, . ' ' Capiis.at;Satisfacienduro';;vi,i:"-v ; Orders of Sale from a Justice," -, 1 Recognizances and Bonds to prosecute ' .g000? noiioes to Guardians, ; ,t Fi. Fa'sagaiost Bai!;H' - ? Process against Securities, &c &d - - a -FOR .SHERIFFS. - - ' ; ' . Deeds for Sales by Execution, ? 'i v .Do.-,' do.: - Taxes, - ; - Bail Bonds, - v -i'- Forthcoming Bonds, ' "v Tax Receipts 8oc. ' S ' FOR CONSTABLES -. Warrants, JDa. Sas. - ,tt ' . -. Appearance iJonds, ; - -; r V J T- .Executions &.c. &c. , f - .Common Dees,. Mortgages, P6wers -of At- V torey; Indrctmeuts, Deeds cK Trust and - . . -Bank Checks.' V;; :. , - -Raleigh Sept. 3. . f - , . - V -f Ji A i ;T ' " 40 Reams of-Post and71Toolsca .:.-,v":. -J. GAikES&SON. : V , V re of JUST PUBLISHED GAUSS'S NORTH-OAROLITA WI SX '.itl ,iX (H TK for ;V- IS 30. al. 1 ONTAINING besides the Astronomical V eolations; Essays on Agriculture, valuable Meuicai anu Miscellaneous tteceipis, Anecdotes, a list of the! Members" ef the , next Legislature Go- and of the Officers of the State" and General vernment,. time of holding the different Courts, &c. &c. ' ', . . V : ''. This Almanack" may be had wholesale of the Publishers, Raleigh of Mr, Edward Hale, Observer Office, Fayetteville," and of Mr:- Salmon Hall, Bookseller New bern ; and retail, of most ot the Storekeepers in the State. ' .', Sept. i829.:--"T"''lv'-,X:;V-.',M Dying Scouring Establish taeh t. he its feu- tf I L WILLI A M S; respectfully informs 99 m v Ladies and Gentlemen at Raleigh, and vicinity, that he has commenced the above siness m its various branches, at the House, next door but ope, peiow tne conrectionary Store bf Mr. Henry. Hardie, on Fay ettevillri" Street.' ' jHe dyes Canton Crapes,iSdks; Stuffs, Straw; Leg horn and Chip Bonnets, with a beautiful ?1nl An thern Ladies Veils; and "Merino Shawlsclean ed or dyed without injury to their borders 5 also Ladies: HaiMlkereluefs;Hosec.& iShoestdvedTtii any color. ,; Cotton and Wool Yarns, dyed.''" U ,Gentlemen's Apparel ed,scoured and pressed elegaatlyi CThe collars or coats win riot sustain any mjurj- m the p of dyin or scouring and jvill be put in a I AH orders entrusted to him. will hp Vvt-;vL'.i with the utmost .faithfulness and the greatest dta- ocess land. tween 40and. 50 laUtudei aiidihaving also the peculiar advantage of being- enabled topfo. pure tlie best species of Roots from his Father extensive Vineyardsand Nurseries," it itliede1 partrtients of rGironde.' Xot, and ; Garonne, in. Fr.unce450 N.Lat.'proposes to the IhurheroCis friends to the cultivation of the Grape :'iyine in tlieCnited Sttes,fi sqbscriptioir;. 'rVj r Mr.'vA flA will- engage to furnish . subscribers ' with .their Grape Vj ne;Roots, before' the First i Jiprif next.' The -RObts : wil I v be .three .-years 'old, and 'will produce Considerable fruit the sec ond. year from the time of their being planted. They wiUv be carefully; classed -and, packed, which will greatly facilitate the thriving of the Roots when.transplanted.' - ; 'rt ' Orders will be punctually, attended to the subscribers designadng ' the ; quantity and spe cies bf the Grape Vine RooU the' wish to have. They will engag'e to pay for 10C0 roots or mere, jt the rate ot lvjucents tor eacn-rooi $.101 less thaii j CXX),"at the rate of 15 cents ;' ahd 25 cents per root for lesi han50. It oats only ; two years old, shall be paid for at the rate of 9 cents each, for 1000 or more:; 12 cents for less than lOOO j and 18 cents for less than 50 roots. 4 V; ; Payment to be made on delivery of the roots. Letters not received unless POST-PAID l. ' Tr ; . Mr. A. lAiubat's Book on the Culture; of. the Grape Vine, and on the Making. of r Wine, may be" found at the. principal Booksellers"! of the,U nitetl, Siates ;. ami his Agents will furhisb them, gratis,' to subscribers. . J' w L- i! 1" Mr. Lou bat has selected the following species as the best s the choice of which is left to sub scribers. ' Table Grapes, or for making Strong TPlne. , .,;.;-: .WHITE. " ' . 1. Alicante, 2. Robin: Eyes, with big cjusters ; or, Gil de Tour, grosgrkin,3. Do.. Melting. (r fondant ''4v Sweet Gudlant, 5 Muscat, '6. Uo. Froulignan, 7. Muscadelle, frim the: river." Lot;. 8. M.lvoisie, 9.,TokaV'10.'Syfian,-llConsta'n-tia, 12. Malaga, 13. Meillers. 1 I f Maddock's Reports, six vblum.. ' CS Saunders onkPlesdiBg and Eriien " Te V: Peters' .Reports, 2d volume i v ' ?T5 - Story's Pleadings,: new edition ' - v Starkieon Evidence.- do, 3 vols k Thomas's Coke,- pn Littleton, a . Letters from the Egean!v i V.- jHickmiu&ters Sermons, a new ci; ; - ...... v.. o .'tv.iiuiiarr - :ieaie s i-iierary ttemajns i j Last of ihe Plantaganets.2 vota . . .Tales ofPassion . v. -- 1 raua oi 1 ravei . De vereu x . -;: - : ; .RiclieliediUv .1 : - i V vHono-arian Tales '.'i - Subaltern's Log Boole ; , trait on n 1 1 . - - ? School of Fashion " -"The Collegians T .'' - t. Tjies Of M. Vitary Life ? Mlie Prot estant -.-. ( ' V , Anne of Gierstein , . ; ' -Visits of Mercv " Travels of Ufe'v -VJ ' . ' Shepherd's Calender t -I Tales of the- Good Woman - - Apician Morsels X VV . 'Iryingfs Columbtis,v abridged by Tfnugf ; ' Virginia House wlfer V , ;f .1- . j. Pastor's Sketcli B66k V ! f , .'- f ;i Dick's Future State i . if tcnafs Kpitome . ; . ; - i 1 -E well's Medical Compamon. flatt.- . ALSO, a very general' Assortment of g-j, Books and Stationery ' - r . Oct. 7J do do do do .do da do do lo do db do do xda 7 do rv-i V f TO STEJBS CKIBE RS. are 14. Large Muscat. 15. lalvoisie, 16. Red Foot, (Pied Rouge,) ir. Black Hambourg, H8.: Con stantia. '.. ;.'.v- '' :"y--' v l" t.','K v--1 For Wxne :' :V'r:'. ;. - ' f M'lHTE. r ': ' : f . ,19. Auvergnat, 20. -ffliinquette,' 21. Doucinel-Ie,- 22. Plande Dme, 23. Ohvette, 24. Doucette, 25. Plant de Reine, J6, Burgundy ,'27. Mori Hon, 28. Mndere, 29. Uourgelas, SOl Picardan, 3U Chalosse, 32. Pause. T; ' ; I ;-, . ,v . - red. r. . ,v 33. Claret, 34. Auverguat, 35. St. Jean,. 36. Jacobin, 37. Meunier, 38A Pineau, 39, Pritanier, 40.' Teinturier, 41. Bougignon, 42. Boutedlant, 43. Suisse -14. St. Anton ie,r,45: Garnet Noiri ; v I '-JToAhe 7hbhonJj..Vl ' - i" . v .'J .WHITE. .; ' ' : V':.- 46. Chasselas,' (frm Fontainebleau,) 47-. Do Goiden; 4o Do? ; Cracking, 49.' Do. Musk. .50. Muscat Lezarde, oirj)o. Small B iries, 52. Do. (d'Alexandria.) 53. Do. (frorn Jura.) 54. Sau vignon. t . . ! ! v v ''!' -v. ' red. ; , r': , - 55. Chasselas. 56. 1)6 fViolet,"57. Muscat, Rouge, 58. Do. Violet, 59, Muscat Grey, .60. Damns Violet, 61. Do. of Poquet. 62. Early Mag- delen.'-"' .!; ' . " : . n., '. x : Subscriptions will be received by . ' r ; t JOS. GALES 8c SON, ' "j - -' ' ' - - V Raleigh. - ;V Office of thi National '.Intelligencer' Vv.v'x-V October 19, isi '..iJJi..Kll" . urcc inomiis, ; oubscrib xa mis i paper mrougnouc tne country, who fact; aid of the amount dae. Some have proaau ;y paid up, and mahy others.?we have nodoa? will do so shortly. It is proper it should beuiv derstood that,; about :the 10th of December ve shall diicontinue sending "the Pap-r to all tho 1 i arrear, who shall not by that time have made payment. .This measure may. we unnwi.j ' be regarded by some as harsh. We can asauj such that it will be resorted to only in obedi. ence lb the first law of nature. j I" the following cities and neighborhoods, the gentlemen whose names are placed opposite to th 111 are authorised to receive aod receipt for all moneys due the Establishment ' V12 : y . In this District, ' At Boston, v -t At New-York, At Philadelpliia, 'At Baltimore, j At Raleigh, ;N. C, At 'New-Orleans, , , ACst: Louis, '";-:.:V In Virginia, ,l; Mr. Edward Deeble. Messss. Wells U Lilly. Mess. Hurley & Woolstou Mr, R. II. Small. Mr. William Porter. Messrs J. Gales & Son. Mr. G. Dorse'. Mr. W. P. Hunt. V Kir. ;R. Wort h ngtnn. A' .- -1..:.. ? - 1 New and Fas Iiionable Goods. M RS. THOMPSON has received her Fall supbly of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, ibein the most splendid assort me 11 1 ever offt red in this City. .Tliey.cuissst in ;pirt of the following articles : - " ''-: " , , ' ' Gn s de Bagdad S.Iks, a new article for Ladies' dresses 1 . ' r , ; ', ".' ,: ;C ' Figured Gros de - zands, si superior quality t bf goods for do. . ' . ;v" . - Biack.and coloured plain Gros des Indies : "T Figured-Ismarynnes, Pulmireens & Cotep'ajeys Merino Cloths Circassians ft. figured Poplin , .V uiacK,; worsted 6c plain Ui'os de Naples co- . l'vired do. - I . . ' ' . ' : . " :. ';, Sutih Lf vateens, Italian' Lustrings 8c Sarknetla Nankin and Canton crape Robes V '' . Pliin and figurt-d Swiss muslins, 'do Robes'?- V Single and double Lace Florilios, a new article Lav e Peiereens and Capes, a largf. assortment '-j Ladies and Infant's thread liobbinet L.ice Caj,s . : ' r v' .yt':V,:-:. v -;V ;. : Thread and Bobbinet Laces & Edgings .'"vt 6-4 and 4-4 Mobinet Laces and Qijulings ? A Urge.ussortment ot MusltityFlorillas and capes' Merino Scarfs, Shawls and Handerchiefs ' : Thibet wool,. Cashmere and" Prussian do,'"!: v-r-Silk and worsted Barege dai with painted bor- - der? ' ..i . .-r: ;,-: . - :, Embroidered, Crape & Gause doi r . , ;. Iv" I ortnise shell Combs of all kinds. UraaiJiah phell do. a large assortment - Ladies' 8c .Misses Horeskin Gloves and Mitts r Do. Silk, Worsted; and Cotton Stockings Velvet and Silk Bonnets, with Ostricn plumes N Leghorn, Navarino and Straw do - ; - Chinchilla, Plush ai.d Seal skin do. for children Superior embroidered Belts' . .. . Mohair and common do.' .-. ' . v Bonnet and Cap Ribbands v Head ornaments & Artificial Flowers ' i -A Caroline, Camlet and pliid Cloaks V - , - t rubella, Morocco, Seal skin fit Leather shoes ' vVatclies Jewellery -Silver and V Britannia ; Ware, and ! Finer BERNARD . DUPUY respectfully informs h friends and the public; generally,-that he has received from New-York and Philadelphia, an extensive and splendid Supply rof : Goods ia his fine, of the most approved and latest fashions. In addition .to hU former stock, he has also re ceived and in future will constantly keep on hani a superior assortmenlsof Perfumery and a great variety ot Fancy Articles; which altogether, forra the most desirable collection of Goods ever ofV fered in this market-' Persons desirous of pro curing any superior articles," are respectfully in vited to call and examine; for themselrds, as he is very confident that the richness,5 neatness, and cheapness of his assortmentcanDotfaiItoplea.se. He returns his sincere thanks ftnf the very li- oerai encouragement ne na , nuneno Teceivev and hopes that by his personal and pvinctu&l at tention ahd devotion to business, to merit still a continuance of public patronage. ," . post ,c.tiefullyrepaired. AH kinds ot ROid ana; silver .Work manufactured at the shortest notice. vNbvmber.lL r ' ' ; f 24 8tsr WANTED, :!., Misses, and children's Boots and shoes Wax and "German Dolls' 'i , Beat's Oil, ; Antique fdb. Fancy Soaps fit Cologtie water.' - r . , ' .3 , ucau rurses, rsncv Koxes fit a varietv of other articles in the Millenery nd 'Faocy 'LiheC-'.'V-. ' 6UVHX require none or, me mouern ipufilngVt.but will shqwy for.'. themselves.: Tlie n"""wicxcjjeciiuiiy.. invited can ana, pur- V Chased .v Baleigh, Nov, 19. 2 DYING & SCOUIIIN -.. v- - M ttJS. AI ARY " AND RE W9, .respectfully i forms the ' PubliL that hrr nvrvn SCO fj RING ESTABLISHMENTis now in rinrrLL r r4,u" v iiawax atreetj 00 vards v ?f'the Sf?1ouse,; and'iat'she is prepai-. .v m uvc Leunorir Ham ami ,ir.v, Sattm and. Crane nria. :it,v;A.. also dyes and presses Domestic Cloth'. V ' j -ryik'woj, mine . A Principal Teacher iri the Oxford Male Aesd jL emy . ' A ' gent.lemsn of thbrxnigh classical and othpr tned literary attainments pf.higher or dr 'has. presented in thW institution , a profitable and useful field for thefull;-erhployroent of 'l his qu-dificatisiis as Teacher, in the very bexlthy canital of Granville county, Nprth-.Carolina - ciety intelligent,: hospitable aivd .moral, livinf cheap,-and other things; favorable to the growth and permanent prosperity of an ably conducUd caut8iyJ - '-'jV-:'.-.- "- Applications. for -thik? situation.; .post paia from Teachers of ability and experience, will be received .by Stephen. Kl Sneed, Oxford .V. Cv unt l the I5tli day of December next,' when the yacaiicy will be filled... ' v . 1 J Tne"dities of. the Principal to commence ll 11th day of January 1830. i , - . ItOBERT B. GILLIAM, Sec'.- ', S Qxfbrd 12th Nov, 1629. : : 25 TO take Charge of an Academy in the neigK-v horhobdyof Raleigh. Thevitbatkn ia rf healthy, the" water gxod, ad the neighborhood agreeable. V It is necessary the Teacherj sUouli possess the following-qualificiioni vU f-f-oBaCT- . snd, the Latin, and EngHtiLngoages,'snl have some knowledge of Matherhatici ; and be of undoubted moal character,; A' s.dary't'iJ one;' Would be three or fo'ir hundredjdoIUr. per !aunirm.vi Apply to the Editors of this V? personally, or by letter-post paid.v v 4-HaleijpVNbv. 7&'K ' -; 3 S5lf.- .MANAGERS' OFFICE, ; - : .vf'r j - W;;V RichrnondV Va-, i erYbrk Cdnsolidatea,"Noi .1; To be driwn 26thNov. in the City of NfWYork . J't 1 ;7 . v Besides SI 00, oi6oV 500SO, Sdf ors20,ooo; r 3, ooo. - m ic niAi:r. uu W1ij ao worfe in that lin w;ih - . .. .,' T- f l'X''7M Ualeiirh.,hr.too :.-. - - V.B? 6 Aleis "r.Vn 'V . .. t

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