A -1 - K VV-,: .-.t -.'''V ; Ours arethepnsoffairdeligWiii peace,1 , V ? - T -.-. 1 " 'J , - V : --f" ' V. f- '4.-' ' " : - i FJFMMMMMMMtMFlFMMIIMMMBMMIMMM . . ' - J"."..-. j. - 1 . i 1 '1 ' ' - - - -'- - ! -' -- . g 1. . ' .,.! : . v - 1 ( - 'm . a J , & I I . , S) P - I . . .P" J BMW - -1. -mm i" . ."; ' V. ' .'.-- -v ' . jS pulllisbeJ every Mown iTndTHOKaBXTi by t fkk'Volltirt p er an niiinr hal f ift advance . tirTfs;fbr dollar, nl -tWffiv ei iKeth itr.tlto sa'inc ?prnportionr..Xoii- - -''v J . "?.-' V .' I- -. !'. 1 T viFriie to ir i clxib 5i a t h aokfully . xi. ceived.. the'lKiVitta mtiat Be ptfcid 'I-'- -NOTICE. aTi iviUe county fofmerly .resident m .Raleigh, r ban htclytlie'J intestate.. Many of het hext of km ,-:,t JH distance from ; this place, and i do , liereby n otify all persons concerned, that at the e'xpirafrion of two years from the 1st May," 1829, 4 prescribeJ by law, I snail oe.reaay ana wu. r,rv Ail settle the sld Estate.--The Arfmmistra- ' tioo of iJ Estate havThgr been committel to me bft thelXjouniy Court of GraaViUe County in May I will attend to all communications post paid) which knay be addressed to me at Raleigh NC, : OPAIIKEU RAND, AdnVr, $ Wle countyv21st My 1839. ' ; 74 6m TWIS" to sell tne place wnin a me oi inns 'hoVousrh. vn. which I nbV reside, ' .; There are on sk. about one half cleared, ten jicres of JJeadnw land and the balance in wood. ' The improvements are all new, and finished in the best minner-i-they coisist ot Duelling: House, '. containing' eight rooms with Rre places, besides passag4? closet s,-&C.:a large arn and SUbles another necessity Outhouses. - There are se veral nerer failing Springs of the best water on the traetV and a iarge and well selected fruit Orchard.' , '.' I will sell thi property on the most liberal termvtither for money on easy credits or will exchange 1t for Negroes or Western lands. 'M; ... Application may be made by letter to the sub ficriberj at Hillsborough. v ; J . '4.; --i W. ANDERSON. ' ' ; Novlfis.. . a - -- ' " I ' . 21 eott' " '' ItadkivitioriCompatiy. TEOINQUENT Stockholders in the Roanoke J. " Navtiition Company are requested to take 'Bo'icel Hhat tlie : n-' ' .-:- " v -v: '' 1st rtquisition of 10 per cent, became due the U i 1st uf February, I8ir V 10 Io 1 Jth February, V- 1818 ' 15 do 10th December, 1818 y 10 do 1st September, 1819 ; lO do 1st February, 1820 10 do 1st JaiMiary, 1821 r v--8 do 1st February, " 1 822 1 5 do 1st January. 1823 5 do 1st October, . ' 5 do 1st February, 4 do 1st March, ;, . T4 do 1st June, ; ' ' . ,'4 dolat January, 1823 1824 1825 1826 1828 llv older of tlie Board of Directors. ..' v iV.LA.' JOYNEtt,VTrea8r - Veldon, fept. 30, 829 , . 151m Lawi Books for sale at Auction. fBlkl E fate C hief Justice' of this S tate; assigned JL to pie the; whole of his ;Library of Law Books, ko be sold after his death upon certain trnOtt pf itf fl in tht; said assiffnment. " vT -'' Tbnt theie trusts may be executed, I shall sell the sh'hI; Hooks atviurfiW, in.the City of Raleigh, en th first MchwIhv iri rWecember next, and to many r succeeding iays as mayxoe .requireu a complete the sales." .nv V '' 'f--.'-. '"ti'-" i This Library s extensive ? -contains many va luable Ubrks which are now become rare,- and tho salens worthy of tiie attention of prpfession al gentimen u ho' wish; to. increase their Libra ries. -iitattffuet':wl be printed and distributed iu the Cky tew days before the sale.. 7 ,r Terms of Jale,C&aFV or.Boiids at 90 days, with an uppr .jvd surety who shall resale ' in VVake o)umy-4Htch bonds bearing , nueresi iroiu iuc kale. .iv;' -fr,-- .; - : r WILL. Hy HAYWOOD, Jun. 7Va. 1?-itc , Oct. 20. V ' f: 18 eots ;. ' SdsoiisM tivx Goods. :,y- 'j i.v f ' :- . , W i . -. ; ; , 1 , ..j-s;--' "ri btmZ Common Cloths of all colours, Cashimeresf Sattirielsi. Calicoes, Ismarinne and nhet Ribands Lace Capes and Veils, ene. uas seai - iaps, t pnoes oj an mnas9 Hose iihd P(ririt Blankets Irish Linens, B. B SMITp; ; has' jus t received; and pened iheL Cheapett and mosti exteniiye assbrV. inentf .easosabu, Dt Gcwd (of whicli the aboVenaned Com pose ;a par!,) he has ever' of fere3 in this market $ and which having been ; purchased;' by a friend of hisat :the Package Sale m YNW-YoajK, on the most; ad vantageous ' Wrnia, hel is necessarily enabled to aell them re? . markablylcheap:; His CLOTHS he.would par- ticularly jiecooimend to the "attention of buyers, 3 tunny of inem are per ceni juwer man iur nerly. If has besides, 'superior Loaf Sf Brtruin fg-ar, Ted arid Cojec, Vetton aggirig and Iron, ." ?.f yvt.f -: .. .' i-v- RleiAb,LNovl2.f ;r-':ll-I.24 4:;. NOTICE. STRAYED from the 'i Subscrjberon the; 5th of Jahtiarv'lasty a Horse MULEv' alSoutten s:jars't ag, dark colors compactly tbuilt,. J the, haW; rub bed off his .shoulders by the and tr rnf-Hr nrr n s snouiaers uv luc cu;- ' lie Wast tutn at ; ione timeX between Mur- ?-u VJ.ilSyin OranR U GreenoroMniGuil ; 71" ctHrtrt making f r Uus place ttoublfbec-ii taken utt :or he Woul . fcuvc reacjbd boiht . easbfiablc reward will g;Vft 4id iH Xpehcs paid 4'or bis delivery 1 - .; '- .2nl-:d6; 3rd ,4 do "v ;- K.4tK-r'tido:..v; f-. 6h ' I do , 7th V do .th.; do" -9th vtt'ilo ''10th'-p'db-- 11th do 12th d't , 13th J loN auJ Grps de. Indians tlksy, BlaiIigvred itnxlMmckPxdm other MusWiA"?- Merino SiaiblsL Splendid ' Belt - , ., ;, . - ! ' r' NEGROES WANTED. THR- hthst prices -in 4 fJ ASH will .be given for a few likely YOUNG NEGROES- from 15 to 25 for males, and from 10 to 25 for females an extra ; price will be given for mechanics. Persons whb wish to sVll will do well o call on meat Mrs." Jeter's Tavern, where 1 mar always 5e found. v WM. FOWLERi rUalelgrtt. Oct 31- I - . , 21 eotf s ;V aVtxabe .M:4VcaV Books l.BERNETHY'H Lectures, 2 vols; iX: Hornera Speci I & General An'.tomV, 2 vols' .? DM...). r;.t --'ji Anatomy and Vtlio logy , atomy, 2 vols. -, Bell's Anatomy' n 'Bailie's Morbid "A nat omy Gi'soriS Srgery 2 vols. ' v Cooper's First Lines of Surgery, 2 vols '-De wees' Midwifery V 4 ; " '?v--v'vJ De wees on Females --HVv ! f ;;; tdo . on Children- ;:":--'',''-v,': f 'Francis's Denman ' : . ; ;V '; Good's- Study of Medicine,. 5 vola , Gregory's Practice 2 volsl; new editiou f Thacher's Modern Practice ' , ." . Cullftn's Practice ! . . . " - 'Ti Thacher's Dispensatory V Edinburgh - - do '- ;;,';" A 1,1 Pari' Pharmacologic ; V - Cooper on Dislocation Murray's Materia' Medic Eberle'a : tfq : Vido ... - 2 vol. J ; Lawrence "Physiology SV ' Magendie's ' do sBostockW do ' v . Richerand's - do 4 ' Bateinan's Synopsis ; V Hunter on the Blood. , - Scudamot'e on the Gout' - 'v Armstrong on Fever and Constimptton v s Armstrong's Medical Works ' - Darwin's Zoonom.ia, 2 vols. j . Wi?h many other valuable Medical Works which will be sold on the most favorable terms, by .;': J. GALES & SON. Raleisli Oct. 14. U--, r- ,u,- ' - oir tl 13 av oua Uooks . -v ! " . i. - TpnE followingWahiabte' BOOKS, published JL principally for the use of the Citizens of Xortli-Carohna, are constantly kept on hand, far sale, by the subscribers, viz: , The Revisal of the Laws of North-Carolina; by the late Chief-Justice Taylor, the late Rurtlett Yancy, and udge Potter, maJe unvler the di rection of th Legislature of the St.te, in two :.; large octavo Volumes, w ith . a full and com plete. Index. i Ditto, , brought do wn to the year 1826, by the late Chief-Justice-Taylor, with a satisfactory ' Index. ' , . , -";' y. . : Hay wootl'a Manual 6f the Laws oFthe Stated ar range! in Alphabetical order, wit h an appen dix, which brings tlie work to the year 1829. Pottera Justice of the Peace, 3 new edition, lately revised and corrected, with a number of hew Forms and the Laws contained in which,; are brought, up to the year 1828. Martin's Law of Executors and Administrators t (which' is Toller's English Work on this sub ject omitting such parts as are not in force here, taking the Law as it stixd at the settle ' ment of 'this country, and. introducing every act of Assembly of this Stae whiah has alter ed the Law j and noticing every adjudged case which throws light on the subject.) . This e dition of the work was revised by the late 'Chief-JusticerTaylor. v Chief-justice Taylor's Ditrest f4he Statute Law f of North-Carolina, relative to Wills, Executors y and Administrators the Provision for Widows and the' Distribution of Intestates Estates: A Work which combines in one. -view all the enactment which have been made on these : subjects for a Century , past, and- which are 'dispersed in more than forty statutes. Agricultural Essays,' written by a North-Carolina Farmer.1 Allowed by those who are best ca pable of judging, to be the best book fr c6u- veying useful information to the Farmers of this State that was ever published. It treats on the best mode of improving I md, on deep . and-; horizontal 'Ploughing : on the Grasses y best suited to this State ; on ,t he 'best 'modes of raising Wheat Turnips and Indian tjorn $ r ad treats largely on the raising of Live Stocky Draining Lind, &c : . ; ' ' '' The Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme y Court of North-Carolina, from the first estab . lishment of the Court,: when it bore the title of . Court of Conference," to the present time, which are as follows : - 1 Reports of the Conference Court, by D. 1 Cameron and Wm. Norwood, in I vol. ' The Law Repository, by Chief-Justice Tay- v. lor, 2. vols. ' ., - ' Term Reports, 1 vol. by 1 Do . ' s Murphey'a Reports of the Supreme Court, . : 3 vols. - 'y, Hawkn's Do : 4 vols. " Devereux's Do : 1 . Vol. 1 ! ; Hawks's Digest fof the Reported Cases ad- y judged, in North-Carolina, troir, the year 1776 to 1826.. ; ' H y A Collection of the Militia Laws of North ' Carolina. V f : '; -: v; -y -" . - " 'V -! . , (Subscribers will be received for the Re norts of the Supreme Court which are publish ed at tlie close of each Term at $1 50 per number, and forwarded by mad to Subscribers , in any part of the State V..':--: ' . , h v- Fwaleijgh, 1829. ' yv 'y 26y. Readmade; pidtbingcjc.' rglHE Subscriber respectf ully intorms tne citi - JL' zeos or Kiieisrn ana us wciniiy t uiv uc u taken a y Store on ravetievme sireei, a lew doori below the Bank uf Newbernv where he in tends keeoinar 6ii hand, ah assortment 01 UEA? D Y-M A D B CdOTlHNGcpnsisting oiy -yi Gmlemen Over; Frock Sc Dress COATS.J i:;yfe Do. ; PANTALOONS & VtfSTS. y y DomFiauherDUAWER; ToethewUb1ah-'''artmerit bi Taney .Mrtules, V - 1.. .. t nt ... aiLJ such"a3tineit.lXEiV uulwius u;, u. nnu Sdlquality SUSPENPERSCVATSTlFF-NERS-Plain andFiSilCJUVATSLU. hbridges Patent Composition STOCKS, &c. $cc. 4 ?;He expect toreiy frc additions tot his StockVahd he assures thepubt lic. thabthe articles are well-made,' and after the iaica tMuiwiu 1 ; 1 ISAAC ? PAITRIDGE. . f.ms A2t iwsw - T" '"."rt 1- Fashionable TTinteri Goods. 11 AKE leave to announce to thir friends and X. customers, that they are now opening, and will have ready for inspection in a few days -an entire new ?Yc; fStipfcaft'd TaWoi&bU, Pry uQOftii, janapTeoute tne pesent and approaching season. These' Goods having been bought on the most, fayorable terms will be. disposed of -at such prices as will defy competition. y; The following articles- will be bund among their Goods i'jv1 '-v.. .-. --'y. y Superfine blue,' black, blive, brot rn, drab and - steel-mixed Cloths. ' y - - y' Valencia, toilanett, swansdown, florentine, mar- ; seiileg and other Vestings. ; Blue ; and plaid camblet, tartatt Plaids. C ' ., ... - ;.. and Caroline English and French Bombazines & Bombazetts. Merino Circassians, a new article fori ladies' dress- es -"yy-.; r-y y . y- -;. j. y . ': Silk and Cotton Velvet, assorted colours. ' Ratnnett, spotted Flannel, bansr-uii Cord. (,, Irish Linen, Lawns a nd, Diapers. -'t ; : y f Scotch and Russia Diapers and Sheeting. ' Furniture, garment and cambric Dimity. y Calicoes Ginghams aiid. colored Cambric. v ; Plain and figured Swiss and Mull Muslin. ; ' Do Jaconeit and book0- I do .'' Cambrics; checked and striped Muslins. ' fc.iegant ulaok and white lace Veiu t- y Bobinett, gimp and threat! Lact s. Nankin, Italian, Canton and French Crapes, as- sonea.. ' y - Ismyrnne, assorted Colours and figures? a new et han lsome style of Goods for lad lea Jet-black Italian Lustring. Blue - do do ' . . Satin Levantine and Sinchaws. Pongees and Sarsnetts. Brown BattUte and Cambric. liiulies' fancv Mandkeictiefs. Printed and embroidered Crape do Zephyrs nnd tlashmere . , dd Merino -ind Thibert Shawls and Handkerchiefs. Baudano, flag and German Italian and Barcelona Cravats. Mew style, waist ttibbons. do. Garniture, ganse, cap, lustring and sJ tin Ribbons, or every description. Worsted and silk Braids ami safety Chains. lambs' wool, worsted, cotton and siilk Hosiery, - i ... , .i - ot every uescripu on. -y Gentlemen's Gloves, do. . Ladies' silk, beaver, castor and hoikin Gloves and M.tts. 1 - Misses do. Umbrellas in great variety. Single and double roller Suspenders Worsted and cotton do. Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton and Trimmings, ofe very description. Superfine and common Ssttint'tf-s. Rose, point ahd dunir 13 lan kits. Negro Clothing in great variety. Men's and boys seal and patent leather Caps. A good assortment of be;.ver, fr, seal and wool Hats.--. A lare assortment of Jadisland gentlemen's ' anoes, or an Kinus. . 4 1 Ladies and gentleman's gum elastic Over-shoes, a valuable article. . Harf"!w:irtf,-.Cul!ery and Castings, a good assort ment. - QHeensware, China and Stoneware Cut, pressed. "moulded and pi tin Glass Ware. Spun Cotton, ail numbers. Wire and hair Sitters. ) Goshen Cheese, miuld and speris&Candles. Window Glass White LeaU, arid Putty, Swede, English and German iron and blistered - Steel, cut and wrought hails all sjizes, Gun powder, Shot, Bar le;d, Snuff St p ime chew- . ing, Tobacco, best Spanish Segars, Indigo, Madder, Copperas Pepper, Allspice, Nutmeg, i 'Malaga, Lisbon and Madeira Wiuo, Holland Gin, of a very superior" quality,' Fr :?nch Bran . dy, Jamaica and N. E. ltun. London and Piii ladelphia Porter, ' hemp and to w C otton Bag ging. , '."" ' : y Gunpowder, Imperial and Young' Hy ion Tea. Brown 'and loaf 'Sugar and Chocolate First quality of reen Cotfee ' Fine" and common Shovels and Tongs, and And irons, j- . drown and bleached Domestic Sh tirting and Sheetings, a prnne assortment.' Pl:id and striped Domestics, &c &c. ;, t With almost every other article usually kept in . a Dry Goods and Grocery Store. Raleisrh, Oct. 22, 1829: ' 21 6w CHEAPER THAN EER. W ILLlAMs 6c HAYWOOU are now receiv. ing from New-York and offer fir' sale, 100 Gallons best W. S. Sperm. 200 lbs. Northern Mould Candles 300 Turpentine Soap y 200 150 100 150 100 best refined Salt Petfe " ' Poland Starch ; Black Pepper liace and ground Ginger Allspice 7 doz ! i Hibbert8 London Porter Old Port Wine 2 Boxes best American Mustard for sale 'y. t- by;the pound. 2 Superior Sperm. Candles , 20 Kegs White Lead 12 Boxes Window Glass 500 lbs Putty y v ( ; " 36 doz: Wine Bottles 350 lbs. best American Glue , 500, c.!' green Copperas . 1Q00 150 "150 75 25 500 500 'J chipped and stick Campeacby Log wood . ".-J' f : Ground Fustic t " Allum JyU ; Dutch Maddef ground , Spanish Indigo V . " ."' Brown y . ."' Wilmington Rice . 2 Coils Bale and trace Rope 1 Bale shoe thread ' '.;.;' ':,r. el' t C : '; 1 Package basket-salt io Table use 4 :-) "' vl2; Bundles English, German and Italian Vr;lilng WBff Qnst ld 3rd KrVJ- 4thsvi ?ti?J, : v. -W. &.IL:are"aIs3 receivioff an additional sup ply "of Drugs, Medicines, Paints' &c &c., which; makes their assortment very corapieteJ 4 y physicians supplied oh good, terms and, all or- i .7 1 . ; Just receiye42. Boxes of the abof el yaJuible 1 -- : - - V; LAND FOR 'SALE; BY yirtueof a decree - of the Court of Equity of Franklin County, made at - Fall Term, 1829, I shall bfTer for sale to the highest bidder, at the Courthouse in Le wisburgvonTuesday tfte iotn aay pr uecetnner next, a J ract ot Land, lying in the county of FrankJin,y on the: waters f Ly ndi's Creek,S ad joi ni ng ' the lands of Wm. Johnson, Jas. Ilouze 8 bthersj supposed -to". con tain about -700 acres it being the late residehrv' of Isaac Houze jr. "dee.(,iold,for the. purpose of maaing panuion amonsr ine neirs or saiu Isaac. The abov.e' land will be sold on a credit of one, two and three 'years, by equal instalments, the purchaser giving bonds with 'approved security for fluypurchase money the last two bonds to bear interest after twelve months from the date: V SAML. JOHNSON, C M.' E. r ; Nov. 10; 1829.- ; ; 24 eo4w v -North-Carolina State: Bank, yy i : 'r : r .RoleisKNvo. 2,1829. y j , :i;'y ':lS ' AGREEABLY to the 2d section of theAct "h ' corporatin--' tlie State Bank of Nortli-Caro-rolina, an Election of nineteen Directoraof the Principal Bank is to take place annually on the firstMonday in December. -The Stockholders of the said Bank are therefore r called upon to' meet at the Principal Bank in this -City; 'on. Monday the 7th of December nex' at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and hold the1 said Election, and attend to such other business in .'relation to the general Interests of the Institution as may be judged neeessary. ; , j ' ' By order of the Board, , " . : .) ; CHARLES DEWEY; Cashier. :'. 03 Such Stockholder as cannot conveniently attend the meeting, will please to vote by proxy. FALL & JFINTER GOODS. THE Subticripirs take this method' of; an-' snouncinff to the public tbatley have just received and are mow opening a large assortment of Staple and - Fancy , Dr Goods ! Hardware, Queensware, Liquors, Shoes, .Hoots' Hats, Sec. '. The following is a list of the leading articles : Superfine Rlut, Black, Brown, Olive, ' Green, Drab and Steel mixetl Cloths i Blue, Black, Drab and Steel mixed Cassimere ' Toirtnftt,.Vale'nti'a, Swansdown, Marseilles and Florentine Vestings ! 4 . Cambist, '-Caroline ad Tartan P:aid8! Hlack and Colored - Bombazines 8c Bombazettea HUck and Colored Merino Circassians . . Satinetts of every description, ' f Blue; and Gray Plains, Flushing", and! Kersey's, Linsy Woo-sey, for negroes wear j . ; 'j ' Rose, Point and Duffle Blankets .1 . White, Red, Blue, Greenland Yellowj Flannels ilatmet,. Spotted Flmel and Plaid Circassian Uussia and Irish Shet tings ' y I. . : Tickltng, Osnaourg and Scotch Dowlas . ,y 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens and Lawns, of superior: Russia and Irish Towelling and Table Diapers ,. Cambric Furniture and Grmsnt Dimity , ;t Calicoes an elegant assortment 1 ' Cambric and Seersucker Ginghams ! f Plain and Striped Bateste and Barege ' T., Brown Cambric and Barege F'ancy Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs jk Scarfs Do 1 Merino Scarfs and Shawls H "- ' Worsted B 'rege Handkerchief's Bobiiiett 4-4 . ami 6-4. wule ' . .. t ' '-' Thread Lace and - Edgings. Bobinett Lacd and E.ginfrs" '.. . - '. . ' 1 ' : . 'Black and fancy colored Crapes and Gimps Nankin, Canton and Mandarin Crape Robes and Dresses1 . ' ' v-i f '"'- h-' ''' . Black and fancy colored Crape Shawls yf Sc.rlet, Blue, Drab and Black Cassimere Shawls Prime Black Italian Lustrine- and Sinchew y Do : do and Fancy Grtwe de Naples Fancy colored Satins and Florence Gentlemen's Black Italian Cravats Fancy! Silk, Bartchuo and Flaj? Handkerchiefs Do t Cotton and Madrass - ; v do . Imitation and Thread Cambric r' do j Linv n, Cambric and Book Mushn do y y Gnt. bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats ' ; Plain and figured Swiss, Jaconett, Book & Mull MuslinSx Cambric 7 ." i ' '. -.:" Clark's Spool Cotton, Thread and Cotton Floss Thread and Cotton Tapes and Bobbins Blue, Black and W. B , Flax Thread y . , . . Prime Black,' Blue,. and assorted sewing Silks Ladies and Gent. White and Black Cotton and Worsted Hose '. , : ; .- Gentlemen's . - white, black and mixed Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool hose, and hosey " Ladies and Gentlemen's French and - English Silk Hose and Gloves - . ! ; 4 y Gentlemen's Black and Whitef"lk I Hose ' y Do Woodstok, BuckskmrBcaver, Horse kin and Dogskin Gloves - . ' r " " ' - Do - Linen VVooUen and Vorsted GlOves Black and Colored Worst ?d and Silk Braids" Satins and Lustring Kibbons, of all numbers Garniture, Gauze and Cap Bibbons . r ' f ( Waist Kibbon, new siyie- . . v - Ladies travelling Baskets -.. ; .-.f . ' v Do Leghorn and Straw Bonnets , I y ; Gentlemen' Silk' and Cotton Umbrellas y. Do Fashiotiable Black,",. Brown & Drab Beaver Hats.; y yy,., , ' Boys Do and Seal Caps; s , Black and White ool Hats assorted size Ladies and Gentlemen's Shoes and Boots of eve ry 'description- . V; -V. . t y Misses, Boys and Children's do do do --t . -L Coarse; Shoes and Brogansfbr servartg : '-. Ladies jand Gentlemen's Plaid & Carablet Cloaxs Imperial, Gunpowder and -young Hyson Tea yi' ' Brown and io 'i Sugar, f rime tirecn cjr.rtee Chocolate, Allspice, Pepper, Gmger,:NUtmegs.i : Saltpeter.'Allum, Spanisii Brown,-Indigo, j - verpool fane Salt,s Gunpowder, . Shot ot alt si - 'y xes Bar Lead, Trace Chains Cuttiug bmves -Hair and W ire .Sifkri - v ' j ? w , : y Vrf Prime Dundee Bagging andT Wine vf S y Castings of every descripuon ?y ; English and Swedish Iron, assorted. Patent Springs and Axletrees for Gig and Car- S - - w s . -- - i Prime Chewing Tobacco y y vT French Brandy, Madeira, Lisbon & UalagiWioe Prime Sicily Madeira andTeneriffe Winery ,.,-' tioiiana vrin, Jamaica ana rt. x. nura- ri" - , Apple Brandyi Old Ilyc and Country; VVhistejr i ,1 The above Goods bng purchased principally in the Northern Cities at aucdoh-..and at Tery reduced v brices'r will enable us tb sell .f them-at such prices as wul - not1 only t dery f compeuuon, but we flatter; ourselves will mVethe approba tioA.bf ucnstotDera.' 'v:;; Vy f;'...V'-'-v" yv s H AZLETT & BOB BUT KYLE. ' '. ' -" ": " S'-' ': '-' ..-- ,' ' - ? Haywood's JManual 1 Brought up' to the present time ; X XGALES &, SUN Have just published an O ' APPENDIX to Haywood's Manuar, vrhich embraces-the; Law passed :4nbe. .the year 1819, , tinder, distinct heads;,' in.alpfiab'etlcal order,, in cluding those' of Jasr Session,' whtch renders the Worjg'.complete.-"':---, -y'K :-f:i... :""l -y V ' - For this addition to the Manual, .no extra chsrge winlbe mde. The Book will be sold; at Pive Dollars as heretofore: -y t Orders will be instantly attended to. r Sept. 12, 1829: .- V y - - -: , ' ' v ,-- jState. of N6rthCaroliiiay- v X -A''$:Mar?tn . Couhtv.'; ;l;y: ;-. ' V-V Court of Pleas and .Quarter Sessions . -; l ,; September Term, 1829. r. I.'1': Joseph J. W uliama V7 "' v.' Henry & J: J. Watts,' ' -.,,,y '"', 'Joseph J(. Williams Henry. & J. J. Watts, Joseph J. Williams -x y ' -vv-. '- : j Henry & J j-' Watts, Joseph J, AVilIbms O v;:';;y''v..'--. Henry & J. J.5 Watts, J 6 - 'y y.y 5- tiyn'i U-2' Wy 4 & . it . c ' . -y- y iu9cui f. ii4iaius - j I ...... '. t . . . . it. Henry. Sc J. J. Watts, i T appesr-ng to the -satisfaction of i the Court, that Jacob J. Waits is not a resident of tbia State ; Ordered therefore, by the Court., that publication be made in the Raleiffh Itecrister for , sixweeks, to notify said Defendaut to appear at our next ' Codrt Of Pleas and Quarter Sessions V to be held for the county of Mar rjua Williamsr" ton, on the second Monday ot December next, y; and shewcause, why the judgment of the Jusi- i tice.beIow-t; shall n'oVbe affirmed! and a YendUf ' ttoni Exponas issue io sell the land levied on. 1 V V -: I IJOS. "W. WATTS. Clerk. - , Pnceadv. $S 00 x. :18 ; . 3 A NewvGreen Silk Umhrellc was stolen from the piazza of a house in thT city y . on Sunday evening last. . -. Any person seeing a Negro In possession of such a one in thei city. ur,1 ' its vicinity, will please give information thereof i at this Office, and they shall 1e liberally . corn pensated. -U-- 4.t ;.: . I. Oct. i 4 MAAGEU?B G FF1CE,, ' " : " ;; '":,".' S'?1-Rich'inond;rVay';C 1 R IC H M OND 1)0 CK COM P A N ; - y i. '. ; v:: . Class 2W-4Tr'i'"'---v.;: I To be-drawri at Richmonil,' . cr i On Friday, the llth December, 182. 60 No. 'Lottery -Ni tie -draw-a Ballot - ; SCHEME. : i . .' 1 Prize of B 15,000 is 1. S15,00OC 1 - 6,000 U,000 : ' -3,000 ' 2,025 '5,000 ': . '2,00 2,000 5,003 2,000 .3,000. I. l: l 5 :. 5 ' ;4,ooo :-V'-; x 3,ooo V - y :2,025 y .: 1000 ' 1 -vt ' -' i : 500 400 r. -10 ::-;.: 10 - 20 '.- - 51 " '31- 51 51: "102. 1.530 11,4751 K,300; d - V 200 -150' - 100 ;7D .60 ,3,570 :v , 3,o.6d4, "2,550;: .; 2,040 - 3,060 ' 15,30D ; 57.375- , ?50 40 30 15 - u '' :1 ..fe" . ..v. y 13,325 Pnzeg,; -20,825 Blanks, S;i 220 r;;jS136,88b AVhole tickets 5: ;y Halvea250. Qust -: -,f ' " . ters 1 25; 3; f 0y " ' Address all vour orders tn ; ': - YATES & lil'INTYRa : - --; - ' 'J- -: Jlichmond, Ya THE following are the Numbers drawn in thb' Richmond; Doc Lottery, class No. '3. , . , . ; -S3-l4-Qjl2813-6f 4 31. 33. ) -V- $10,000 : 2,500 ..'2,000 13. 28. 31;, V 13,28. 46. J" '-- 28v31y46.yy-- . ' 2G0'l : r : 13. -3L-46. l . ?y :,. -200 .' '. ' ' ; -y 13:':-33: 46. -1 - -v --'SOO:. vf The three, latter all sold at the managers . of3ae ' : - YA I KS & M'lNTYH - - Norths Caroliua Bible Society.- .' .: - .' Jtaleigh; Nov. 2, 1829. ''' Klf HE Anniversarv SermOn in hehilf f ili'a qv I'- ciety will be ;preached on Sunday the 29tbN ' " instant," at the Methodist, Church, . in this City, ' by the .Kev. Georffe..W; Nolley.v . : .'.- The annual meeting of the Society for the ap- .' ' point ment of Officers' and for the transaction of I such. Business as shall come : before it, will be : held in the Senile Chamber of the , Capitol, oa ' j the following evening at 7 o'clock,' whtrn the kt. V 1 tendance ot the Members, and others who feel ' an interest m the Bible cause, is reques'i c J. y ; - 'fc,;-'--)V'- -' v J. tiALLfj, ecV. November 1829. ; '"'.i - .y- ?-,'.' 2i-"-'" PU KS UANTtoa Decree t tae llonotauu iirIn flrMift rS T jtor iAt T-'i.i.itj- V. t ,i jyUe,; Nash'couniy , North.Carolina. " on tfcs a i ci rw m LKi&.a a w ail Lfik.iuuLi av & i vin ir im hereby nven to-the Heirs and next of Hin John Bass dec,'d. late of the County end Stats afore'said,' that the subscnper,w i.ow ready! t? settle and pay over to them respectively, as they "y are entitled -.to theaforesaid John's esjtc, upon their applyin.td.him audgiviiig proper rciundr ' ing-boud: ',:TSi- : . ; ' iXl'f: l-XvJohuassdse Beiford, Nasji c'ty.. CacHia, y .,y J - y' T. ?y October : - h . ; 6w Price Adv 2.50 ; 4 i,.- ;. IUW&b,JoT. & v ? y 2f-wt V i I idi - I I i , ty my - Aw ' mm&rwnsdAiss u haywoqd.