- iA v HI. 'V "-" - A A :;v "T-.TT'ijJ-.J I STATE IiEGISLAT ORE. I . - I - - - - - - I s 1 - IN, SEN ATE YYv . ;t; Monday, AW23-YYV - 1 Y .On inotion of Mr.Davidson, 1 Y V . Y . .'i?orTbattlhe 'JuclxUry Committee be t-f jusirusicuau. enquire iuw mc pr)ritiy ui -nr lowinc hereafter,; a copy: of the Acts of the) Ge" neraLAsseiuhtyV to be distributed to -.Coroners; i y " County, Trustee3,lCommissioners of PiibJteBudd v .. ! 7Y . .ngsCounty 'purveyors,- dangers and Ttegistersl ilY Y. Yed in7l820, lorlllic relief' of certain purr Y' chasers !of the Chroee JandsV . - Y ; c YMr. Allen, :as bill, to restore to credit Jotmixriiutn, jun. or- jjuncoruoe lnese is.1- ..bills passed tbeirV first reading" and the last was rererrea iq. me' commutes oi rrc i into i sma!?er Judi?lal.tmrictsbe refertedtoa ae. lect . .positions ana trnpvances t r; " -f : - Oh mptibo 'br Mr,' Miller."4' . :-'S . , Mesajj? ta relate t( the division otvthe State -x ? v ' i Ilesolval fut-iheraThzX said Cormnrttee. enquire " Ccnt0 lhe.xpedie'ncy oCmodifying' the presentri . opren)eA;ouTi, 50 mat tue juagef mereor snan ' perform Judicial Circuits ; r : " t . Unsolved further, Tk they enquire Into he ' oxpecienqy of clYanginfjjhe Supreme Court,- so 'us 10 provide 'loriiie.noiuing' or inesaiu uoun by a erealrp number of Judges : 'iv " v , Ites9tveil further That saidcommitiee enquire" tv 'into the - propriety ofrnuking'provision by. law, far the.hoIUinsr of Courts iit the1 recess of there- . vrv - guur.feessJonS of the Supreme Court foAhe tri- ' , "''" f-al of Capital Cases7,Whea the, same cannot be i.'iv;l;iirie"d at t)ie rerular sessions of the Court; of thle :PffjioK:pos fione t h ex ball qti ng'p fer Supreme jpou iJddgeMMondy: extl t' Twii bal- ;f is Jbtfnistooic;pl acev for-result of. which see ; f ,;-vF-Raleigh-head-l!:;i-' U-TrV'-v. z & 5 i v Overseers of Rb'dd i n Richmond countyV .j. passed ;itts"d!iand-t3(l readings, ' audi: waf ;:;:;0reredagrosse : ' ! Tuesday, ; fiov. 24. v't Onmiott'of'MiUBodtliefthe'e on ihel J udi ciarv i.werejns rue led to enquire intojthevpediejucy of; so amending the .iawajfi that? kere- afterilieirXbrtlevisees hatijiot seU tle real V;,Kr4htte Sdeteased perns before such Ki'Zf' .'::estai telis isetlled lor Within the time limited j rSV ;iby law -j d;tu"rep0rt by biitr;piherwifee. n fcf M r Biff , pjesenteda bi I tr to au t horizg 'V the Countv Court bf Cumdeirio appoint' a '4 1 Acommittee of tftnaiice- ' v v !; the iict pass; A I'k? tb.'J6'rorjif the oricinal panels in Buncombe s: J fe.l: countyl -! ? r: : :V : . ;c : -'if- "e brjugf .across, ocoppernongr river,- at 'i'xiS'?-: -feituhibia' inyrrercounty.'v-; " hl ? These:btlls wreVfead ;the: first time. v ) The bill providios cbmpenation for, the iNjutbrsCofl Beaufortcouotywas read the second lime anu.ametxifu on motion or ? .i - i Air.viiv aru.v so as iv iiiciuue uuiow nuu !on iaotionof Montgomery tolRctude 4 and -thus amended was laid on r the table. Tlie bi Burke ami Buucbmbe. a sena rate und lis- tinct couotwas taken up, aud on motion of. Mr. Allen, committed to a .committer I Ji - f thehojttosefand made the order of ? r the dayfot'"tbbVrbw. . . HOUSEIOEVJCOMMONS; . ' i AJonilav. Nov. '23. ' - .a1 'J-Mri.Sa'Sfrr prebted a bill tolegitimate AltianderrGljeVliire of the town ot Eden- tob,:an fi r , ' v -i - ' Y; '.. ' ; 1 Mrf yVhfeeler, ia' bil I more effectual lyVto prevent ifr4U in 4: . - - ges. - a tiu oiii er r.u n vey a nces, wn icn , w ere ' readfth firkt time! anp'asedU 'i C ' flkIrNAsh;prestinted a bilKto'atnend an day far Thursday next- v tildebtbrsniajbe permitted tb takeith oath 5; - f pf inlvenc1?; 'by wrig:into the jail - limits . inctiurfprl irnrtv intra vth vnr? -F . r- tJactTpissetl Jn ,1 77 tor the-rel let ot 1 nsoi -RV Be:id'e.firftttinie and tnade the order of v i T; 5 wthout ibeingsubject: tflrclose.imprisoo I -i.v !' . Mf,Barnyd a bill vesting in the county t ; C r t ; j tri 4 I c t j o u o f C at jpl i c a 1 1 o n s , fo r the fM!w--,-legitimatinof bistrd chijdreo 'Read aud I t r :- i51" "e iJu'tory committee i f 'k$L.;. MefrA&di hat,theodiciary committee be. ? pr6xidingk by: law'-lbr t he ex t ensicmof th e ac t of -loj. ior iBp peiiei or lnsoufcntoaiors, io cases ry be jnstriiitaJ to enquire into the expediency '.of reniuueraimgr Jn.T8oroemahher',;any..cit2eD, .' w !wse'tsbn! 4iiy"4heireafter"f6rfiet hJs- life to ' cT hues, furtettrtres.' etc; due tne i State and fees 'j i-l:-On:robtibb;bf ,Mr Hayley,r vV; 'J'i -' ? :ioyl'ha the commiuee on the Judicia- '.t;-'Jlhe. lavs wf thr htale, for any capital 1Ieoce. U; te-jrresiuen$ ot tne Koanoicef xay iujoii I- Compaff yr? praying: for tbe'paymen t of ln- tor si.ock" neia oy f to lt'vtiA ."That the' JiidiciArv I Committee K ; Instructed to ?eOire'inta"the expediency of so r?'Jf?'tV'in3ff Wahle-propertydffixihgthe value . '? - V tbeofV as to jprovide jfbHDcwherthere is ';V T-VnoC assessment by theUoWd ;;of lasseorsunder ; ii iv tbeact of Congress, or.whete5' such "assessnent v--is neater uaw xue,Vt present aiuanaiiijeny ?i rr -sotnei amenament as io ine general law '.oeycx. ;4'ti'pedient ; 0 V d jie Speakbrt laid before the: Housethe ' -v.' XV VilUam Robarcf and iiliairHiHJ p. oVntcdbv resolution of the lasti Geoeral i'ts5vsfi A'siebiti! v .onllhe claim of the Sta te against i Yi special ?nulmilteel; aiitf' ordered to be Mm::s& -months' endin? - r DitutefS 10 Shares of stock " i '.iJYEice -YY'haIiank.efCc-Y- it r ;Trom 1 the President of the Yadkin a a vi a it i on v om pany Sia ii n g i ae . in an n e r in vhic)i the. 25,000 Subscribed : for' by he Stite, toother, with'tlie sums paid by i ndi viduat sjtrockhold ersf have i been dis posed of; and what' sum of :-money4thX3cim-i ;iso vowHikve' n hand," what -nnmber ;oFJ iocKntijqera, are anoi eat aiu,,wi ii.u i staningdebtsre'due Referred to-. the tCorauiittee; on Internal ilmproveraeotsi, krOmmotioiTof ;Mr,rConper .the Judiciary: . com mitt eeW re i n is t r ti c ted tj. e n qu i re , j n to. tKe'eifpediency of defining explicitly the :.geveral:Habiities''ofeQQritie9'on guurdiair b'nndV-where successive bonds shall be gi- ven.1 Mr." Gaston nreented '.the fjetition of W.B. Murchie - of lemir,s- to be TesUred to credit'; also, 'the petition of V. L. Mor "risof Newbern, prayibp: for the passajof act emancipating Slaves, passed by the liegi? la u re of IVii; ay If a ni a; Referred, v. , Mn pfeenteKa bill, fo repeal Tan .act passeldnr 1805, for the better regulati on of the town of Morganton.: ' ; j MrHVyightv a bill to place the bias of people call eil Quakers,' Moravians, Meno- nists and Dunkards, on ,an equal footing with the. free men of the State . -.. '"Mr.'HelIen," a bill concerning the elec tions in 'the county of, Cjirteret. v. '1 Mr Sloan, a bill to appoint a committee of.Finance in Sampson county. - ' ." These billspased their first reading. ; V; The naijies of IRiomas G. Polk dtil John -15Phifer;.wereputm "General of, the-4Hil)ivision, ' but no time : fixrd for baljotingv "; ; - : " - : r T1i engrossed bill-frora the Senate, al- taring thtrtime bf 'appbinting overseers i of roaus m Kicnmonq county, passei itsnrst I"hevbd to pro v i d e ftr the payment of jurors ; inline c?uoty oi itoDeson, wa w oendtd oil nu tion of Mr.'Jbnes, to i n c I u d VV'akV anil thus auieoded passed itSsecooVi reading. : . . ; - s . On motion of Mr. Viem:n, a select committee was' ppointed, with instruct! bnVto t ike into consideration the several taws relating to Ptroliers in; this State, and enquire into the expediency of embo dyihgtheint and also, if any alterations are necessary to be ..made in said. laws. ' On motion of Mr, Arrington, th-eVc'im mHtee '.'.on 'Military affairs, were instructed to enquire into tne expediency or -so a- mending Chapter 758, of the acts of 18U6, as to give;the:powerbf fixing on. the place ot tnuster, in each Capam s district, to a majority of the 'Comnany instead of the Cap'aln or commanding Officer. Mr,:' Loretz presented the petition of several citizens of Lincoln, praying for the icpeai of the 6th section of an act passed i ' . -.. iiuasi session, in relation to ine govern ment oi the roor. , Kef erred. r. The resiocnation of David Tate, Colonel Commandant of the 6-h Regiment of the Orange County Militia, & of James R .tliff. Lieutenant Culonel of ih 1 si Regiment of Anson Countj Militia, were read and ac cepted. . - " j TRE AS U RE R'S RE PORT. To the Honorable the General Assembly of North Carolina. ' 4 f In obedience to the directions of the act of Assembly of ;t827,- entitled ' An act concerning'the Public Treasury, "Fthe Public Treasurer submits the following J . REPORT ANI) ESTIMATES : The balance bf cash remaining in the Public Treasury to the first of November, 1 828, as reported to the General Assem bly ot that year, and for which the Pub lic Treasurer is charged in the , books of this ofiice, amounted to 893,343 59 The receipts at the Treasury from the 1st of November, 1828, to the 1st of November, 1829, . v ' the end1, of the present fiscal year, have consisted of the fol lowing sums, to-wit ; . ' Cash received for arrears of tax- es per ex- hibit A, .(1,820 92 additional re-, turn of taxes, pr. exhibit B, I 477 89 Jno. Haywood late y Public Treasurer, by his. execu tors, per ex hibit C, Ditto. Ditto W 1,599 26 C balance due ; for sales of s public Jand near , Ralt igh, per . exhibit V, 1,291 37 John AlcHae, for '.' money loaned, r . 2,000 00 ' bonds for sate . of lands and i r-groes per ' exhibit E, 9,581 60 -v rent of public land, 100 00 r interest, k -: A 532 93 . Ditto ( - , 'Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Bank of Newbern, for 3 r, ;tax of 1 pehcentum -t on 6,182 sTiarest of .stbek, for 1829; and , payuDie 1st Oct'br.. ' :$6,183 ' H.mk: of Cape Fear,' .foftax bf'l per cen ' turn on 5,928 shares ' pfstocki for. 1829, 1 ' 11 r ' t andrf payable first d0Ber;r- 5,928 ' Dividend on 2.7o2: uuv r,r - rJ't fo" C? Dividend on .tock appro-.-' .?Vvf - vz, y?;V perior'ConrtL-dW'hV L v r I,Pr orlr ending . -V rV , -priated to Fun?-'. V; ! V- I Attorney General GPt lV ; 31st4U:;8-r v 1 359Shares,t2 preent.v : ; -;. ?omAmissioner, appoiQtci-,i( .in the mnkVof 'IS v f TCwKrn . at 1 net t . v15 f ? '-n. for g months 4 . . 4 V endin ? the V 31 st ! December,1' 182V Ditto V CIO shares ff stock ' " r Bank of Cape' Fear ''lt 2 per cent."" fot' '; months ending" - - ,30th June,"'1829i " rc ,o 20 : Ditlb " 3 55 share's of st'k. - ' Bank of Newborn;. ; " &t 3,per,cent. for.' : 1 ' C - 6 months Sending' " - y 30th 3une, 1829, -. v , 310 r - : - , -V. : 7,570,00 Dividend on stock in Bun h . combe Turnpike " Com- 'Tjaiiv. niiv&lile ,2d Feb.'J : 4 - c 1R99 400 00 Amount of taxes received v. .- - of Sheriffs, the revenue ' ' ; of 1S2S, paj able in the - , i ; -Treasury 1st -October, t. ' 1 829, ti not otherwise v appropriated r ,. 64,337 55 01,821-5? An aggregate of " ,195,165 I2i ripduct disbursements At t he Trea- V sury from the 1 st of November, . , ' 1828, to the 1st of November, - ;1829, for"vhicb .vouchers tiave -been'delivered to Comptroller, and by him allowed, , v 121,151 ,00 Shewing the balance; of cash, re? maining in the IiibK Treasu- :.f rer's hantls to the first, of Nov. J 829, to be .'. ' . , " ' $74,0U . li lTJie' disbursements during that f etid, 4nd; thus deducted, consists of tlie following itjms General Assembly 39,704 (vl 3,046 77 2 6 6 25 1,278 70 1,374 50 .;2ii,a? 87 00 23,87b 51 - 200 00 9A7 SO 527 31. 1,36.07 ) 391 47 . 279 47 112 5uf Executive Department Treasury Department ' Comptroller's Depiiitment Department of State Adjutant General's Office ublic Printers Executive Council Judiciary ' ' ' Arsenal- .;. - A- f Sheriffs for settling taxes : tiongressional elections Electoral elections . ,; Electors ' 'v.. Hepairs of State Flouse Public Library State Rank of N. Carolina for deferred , p tvmein , . ' - Pensioners ? ' f .880 00 Miss Udney .M. Hlakt ley Surveying and selling Cherokee Lanas 1.165 50 liomulus M. Sa 'ndrs. Cominissioner 47 48 Roanoke .Navigation Company" 1st, 2d and 3d-inst'ilmentst as directed to b; paid by resolution of 1828 15,000 00 Governor's House v 743 50 Expenses for surveying & sfcllinIand and negroes of the late Public Trea surer 3 00 Contingencies 4 476 31 Treasury Notes burnt ; 17,781 89 Money burnt - - ISO 35 Bosrue Banks ' . 18 00 H. 151 00 ' For the enumeration and briefs; tatetnent of the diburem nf on act u allowance's. or drif:( m'ide by f ral Assembly, and iiirniti!s iiue I f the e GeOf- 1 bv the Governor," aslft quired by the 1 lib r d 1827, tion of the acJL. the Aemb'y I the printed statement of the C'.n r -: .. .. . . . - ii pired for the use of the :nentaeJrHof the sent Geuerai Assembly, is 'resjbecf fully ntrou i pre presen referred to. The enumt ration . pei.i- fication of the disbursemeut t hei Hn taf ed, 'agree with the .vpu'vhen o.m tvhich pay ments have bern matle by the Public Tiea urer, andWrji the eniiiea in ill )ook o his liffice? In addrtion-to the receipt antniburs ments s Public Treasurer, there hive be.'n received from the 1st, of No. 1 8'2 B, to tie 1st of Nov. 1829, the fuml of internal Improvement, Literary and AgriJ The following etiintti a will shew ultutai. the re ceipts and disbursements as treasurer of each fund, during that period. INTKRNAL IMPHOVEMENTL The balance of cash remaining' in the hands of the Public Treasu rer, as reported to the Assembly -of 1828, to, the 1st November of that year. ; . - - 4 $6359 00 Cash received on sundry notes iv- en for purchases ot Cherokee lands, appropriated bv law to this fund, Y Y - 4,182 70A Llo. Dividend on 1,304 shares of stock in the Bank of Newbern, at 2 per cent.1 ending 31st Dec. 1828, which is appropriated to this fund. 2.608 00 Do. do. on 1.358 shares . of 'stock. Bank ; ' . of Cape Fear, at 2 per cent. I . endi ng 3 1st De cember. 1828. 2,716 00 Do. do. on the , above. shares of stock v B.mkof New bern, at 2 per cent, tor 30lh June, 1829,.. 2,608 00 Do do. on the above . shares of stock -Bank of Cape -.-i- Fear,; at 2 per' -; cent, to ;30th Y June, 1829, ' ' 2,716 00 , ' 10,648 00 Aggregate of receipts, $21,2$9 70 T 1 . A ! I .... i t ' 1 - ' ' I -. . jjeuuci uisDursemeius iruui ine isi November, 1828, to the -first t Nov. 1829, as particularly enume. Y; rated in exhibit .marked H, for "' which vouchers have been, deli ' vered to 'Comptroller . , j.-. 12,949,22 Balance remaining to the 1st Nov. 8,4io 48 7 14TEIURY FUND. The balance of cash remaining ori .. hand lo the : 1st of -Nov, 1828, as reported, to- the ' Generals-Ass ' sembly otlhat yeaV- ? v - , 2,075 39 ,f.iie.xeceipis irom ue xsi ui iov. - . s t r 1828, to the-lst of Nov. 1829, as k .Treasurer of tbifuhd, have con- ?; 'Y ' aisted . of the following j items. . v . "Wo wit i " - . ; ;r 7 : Y 4 Y " Entries of vacant land-, S4,'400 09 ! V- r - v TarenKta . 7-',, ,2,713 3 Do; on the.above -r' shares; to' 30th 1 - Utine. 1829.'- 718 00 Btink' of:Cape Fear, .6n 704r - 6haresi at 2 pfer;;; Dec.,1828,- lOftoO' , ' 'shares, to SOthL June," 1829, 1,408 00 . ' ';V-, -"i -v-1 4.252 00 Dividend on stock owned by. this fund" f State 3ank of North-Ca- - rolina, on 282 shares, at . v 2 per 'centum, for. 12 f months, to 51st Dec , . 1823, o v : rO5.'0O-J IJank bfNewbern, , .-. V - on 14ihares, . . vlat 2 per cent, to - - '- 'I ' .,31st Dec, 1828,82 00 . J! ' Do. on the above . , ; . shares, to SOtli - June,1829, 282 . 09 Bankof Cape-Fear v 6n50 shareV at '-v . - 2 per centum, to 31st Dc 1828, 100 0Q Do. ,on the above, to30tb June, v." 1829r . . -'iOO 00 L" 4, lj469 00 13,478 Dividend, -iCape- ; : Fear Navigation - 'j- .: Company for the " .venr 1828, 'paid ,J - Hth Feb 1829, $361 -7 Dor for 1829. paid 3d July-r 1829, . 392 86. Appropriated by law to.thia fund, - - 754 Balance on hanto first of Nov. 1829, 1 6,308 AGRICULTURAL FUND. Amount 'received on balances re-r v ; ported to be due from (Jlerki & ' s. Clerks Stf taHter.,8c rm the returns V." "nriade dunn: tin yar, from the; ..... - 1st nf Nov.' 1828, to first of Nov.1 p .lg9,per exIiibG,; 1,129 31r::,,: , Tii . iiH la riCA.on' hand ! .: to the .first; j -r . Nov. 1623,' as reported to the last"! - ; v Ge n eral - Assemb ly r "25 1 62$ ? - 'y. a ; . -l,. "80 93J Dedtict disbursements duri ig that period, . for which vouc'iv rs have ; been delivered to Comptroder 8c I aliowt d . per exhibit G, 659 87 i 55 r Making a balance of v Which by act of Assembly of 1825,1 . is transferred to the Literary fund 721 06 when added, mr.keathut Fuotia rudbnt to ' ; f 17,029 24 From he foreg-oinir estimates, tbe.ca'sh' remain in? in the Public Treasury to tlte first of Not' 189, and fiir which the Treasurer is accouatu- ble, consists of the followirtjj sums i Amount of cash on lurid as L'ublic . - ' ; Treaburer, ; v 174,014 12i Ditto Di'to Ditto Treasurer of-the Board of , , '' Internal Improvement, j 8,440 48 ' ditto Literary Fiind, iilitto Agricultural Fund, 16,308 !3 ' ;:' 721 A'ggrregate, 99,433 84 There has heen deposited in l tie Bar ks o I hi State, St rema ns to th? cielit f the Public Treasurer to the Ut - fNt.yeinbef.i829, the folfowing" sifnis : 1 -State Bank ot N. Carolina at Rule.h, . Baik oj Newhern Bank f Cape-Fear elteville, ... $43,8 i0 92 do." 22,260 43 ft Fay. ' V 12,269 80 . ' - $7$.371 15 Treasury Notes remaining in tliC VrtU. 21.112.69 h f 99,433-34 - t In puru mce of the aet Jf fast session, directing sales of ihe several iracis of land i'pirV.h-sed-by-',the State at the sale )f t!e iandaiKt oegroesof the'Mt'J'tfiiji nav wonii,' ri-q. saifs li.tve,beiii uiifle, as vj1 appe-ir. horn exhibit F, .iinounlin to S7.191.- BoiaK have been tdken ' p iyabt in one, Mv and three yeaia,'wlth interest fro riiTt he day ol site, '(except where the purchaser elected to -make them. payable, in., one and avo years,) winch are on fiieju thi office. A report of the saUB b us been madelo the. Lorn ptrm I er, a rid.' the 1 r'-spec 1 1 e 'pu rcha sers are properly charged in the books of this othce. The amount which the State gave for the several tracts of land is g6- SOO. vs he sr,les ufider4his act of Assem bly exceed the price given by the State, tut sum of &89, 100: .- v ? v ! r' The iipprupriation of S6.000 to the Club- root anil Harlow7 Creek Canal Company, was paid as directed by resolution of As sembly, in j one and two instalments V on the payment of eUch. bonits with sureties were given by the Presid en t of ihe compn. oy j ami vie conveyances, as directed: by the act of Assembly, .haye been exrcuied by the company and are on file itlthis oU fice. ;--:!. :-.-' . The receipts on the bonda assigned bv tile Execuiors ff the late J,hn ; Haywood". Esq, to be a pplied i h : par t , pa v ment of t he ju'Jgiient,-thi;iStaie :agans1nt in fAVake Cou nty Cou rt,.vi 1 1 appear: from the exh.b it CBut a tsinall part of tJiet buuils ave been collected. Min ' thi j udgment scire ksc,wee' issued aguiust be devisees undent lyie will Jot f he i-isaid J.-hn JI,ivvoihl- At Ftbruary ? term? ol VVve County CoOrf, 189, judgment was rendered a gainst ihe 1 real estate and iheaiie? cdii deinned in the hand s , of the d ey i sees;,; The devisees beinar hiinursl were bv 'law ;ml. county third ;Monday-ifi Februarv-" in ui au onuerof sue will Sue, comraandinjr the Sherift' tu ?eif twi.rwi tor jell ona credir; the land.'althou Vaiu ble,iil notell for r.vde. - - a ine iiuits. Ui.it have been rntnmo....ri gainst thsurettetVof 'the'jute : Public tied to a7stay ' of twelve months on tie judgment which vvill be, out at the Coiin ,?yQourt of said count v, to ba h eid vthe CtlHII. . : UllleKrt KmnP nproin V. ed, with:authoiity tb bid on, behif of'tjie r power is civen; th i!ifSbp. isr selling the; reversionary ' Ql K State in the lands Tnrrirf. 5f t),1 the TnsW ora .ndians, h7veSd the provisions of the act, . made t '" of the sales to'the'PaWirr-:J Pm tnebonrt, .taken from the purch::Ml5 ments of one anr1twL c J.. " ,nUl of March 1829,' which are oh fiU lr .office.The grer part of the honll fg sum s ender one hundred dollar" . 1 ? the,acVitxs made rlie duty.of the p vf? treasurer t6 cdlcctthemisthevh due; i No authority is civenr rj place tUenHn the hands .f IBl. aseut Trea$i A a A f . Mjuai iiLwyuvruv i.c is resnertfnli- ' mittcd, v'hetber directions should rou gfvenrtl bond, to b ptit in the of the Solicitor of that district lor co u tionn -case.payjnent is not made i reasonable time after: they become d5 ' ViJJnS hl accoanu", the sales of the Cherokee lands, haveh copied as directed. by; the resolution the last session of the Assembly, -pi have been examined and certified br V Secretary of State, and the orHmc j posited hIs'oSQe.:. The demand against Doctor Fabias J Haywood has been liquidated as aiitfc izecj bythe resohi tion of the last sessS 23 56 1 8 20tfi Au-ystrv1828,. payable the tenth January, 1830, 1 and 2 ; which sura k irnm il oeen passed. to therjeredit of John Har wood. Esquire, Jate Public Treasurer Al so tiie d e rmmd agaiostJohh Hollowa? as; 8urpty.for. SusJan Schanb j and Dafil Royster has been" liquidated as directed j solution of the last-session ef tv. . ; ------ "M'"."4" vuc Hit of January, 183!, 1, 2 afcd 3,.with inter est from the 20th August, i 1829 $ fo which he is charged in the books of tha and the'TComptfollerV OfKre. i , . -. Tle amount of the Treasury Notes 're maining in circulation, according; to the Reporof the Public Treasurer to the last scMiuii, amireucemapie at tne. lreasarr On the first of November, 1828, was '.": -r 'T-V;l';: - , 155,530 231 m jiw ;M'iuni uurni oy ine com : mil tee of Fh.: nee of last session, according to iheir report, was , 17,731 83 Wh'ch deducted," witb those o a hand, shews the amount of Treas - " ufy Notes how in Circulation .of those directed Isyacts of Assem 't bly to have been -issued, to be $116,635 611 - --- - . ;i ".. . ' j . ' , -The inutilated state of ; the notes, has and ..will-continue to increase the deraand for payment, which; VitH the continent cnarges ot.goverMinertt tot the next fiscal year, may reduce the funds of the Treas uryso lowy as to require some aid 'before the receipt of the revenue of the ensuii! year. In this event, it would be well for some" provision to be madeyito authoriie i loan to be obtained from : some of the Banks of; the State 'bn-the deposite of Treasury Notes or otherwise 7 Tlie regulations; of the.-easfjrl)'' pertinent by the-act of i827, have bees founil on experiment to be wise and salu tary The accountability is welf guarded by the monthly settlements, . and checks on' the disbursements' introduced: by the system in keeping the hooks of the of5ce .The duties ol - the ofiice, however, Xre considerably increased thereby, added to ihos'e required ofthe -Public Treasurer ih attending to ' thedemaml for payment of the Treasury Notes, .which of late has been great, on account ol their, mutilated state, and again. issuing tiiem, when asked for, is respectfully7 made known, "under the jiope that provision will be, made for giving such assistance as will 'enable the PublicTTreasurer faithfully to; discharge the duties of the office. Y . 7.: k ;i ; r . Tlie" receipts and disbursements on ac count of the Agricultural Fund, and dis bursements of the TBoard of Internal Ira p cove me n 1, , Wi 1 1 appea iv uy tne ; exiumw. G and II- v;t'fi-; " : The accoVnt of tle balances due to the State trom the first of Nov .1 828,' to the first T)f N6vYl829ariUstatjwnent of the; different branches of the; revenue and al lowances to the SherifJs for insolvents, as al I owed- by the Co m ptrdl 1 er, a h d the Ex-? poses or statements, ot ine anairs ,ui UJW Bankii- of the State - as filed by them du-f nnsr tne lasrTear,; are - nere wun -.iuuuo , ted. - Y 4 - Y':'7 :'f ;Y. t-i- r'-: V AILwhich is respectfully subniitteeu - 7 :' :,' r T ' -KWM 1 P OR A tt DS. . Public: Treasurer' .Novembek 16tli 1 829. Machine. biv td.be seen' andlttafned in 'Ralejgbt :;- o.r. Chnn ' Knrl h.Weit bf the'; CslSitol.-"l eselMacliines,-'amongst- the, most: useful of modern inventions are. so constructed, tnai - of JhcmiU gin, card and spin, rrom uJ ,10 Cuts -ner davTwbtch is equal to the jab0" of 6 women: with' the common wheel. . macbine M ill spin 6 threads, fine or coarse, aw twisted acconlin torthewisli of the pinner, . and tb nnHtv t the thread for evenneiS sna r I strength is not surpassed by the. best roac!?iDery , in to UnUedtatCJr. -These miC-iines in conimonuse in. West Tenues.'anJ in Q' feient parts of this State, andare .very ti0lJ , approved hi 'alflio 'vo mker.l of t;ns-; Versons Wi,Jii,ff toitvail thelifafrlves oi thta ini-. menac timeaiva JalTour savWg-lnaciiiiit,1? iid 10 c:Td aMiiud',e tor themjt.ves. r ' Y -? - - 1 D. & J. P.AKDi.RbON'; , r. ICale!-ltN7V.2J, S.V"rY "r t" JorHecUon...-rhy duties arf uce will rot admit of I,iH hnndu WITH en wt-rw ' r i I . each for the um of Rfil 75. mvi su tn of S785 25, with interest fm ? V -iY Vr. v- v - (V If