V " "4, 1 rgV8i gtafe iolfill a Vacancy pii t! Jje?GUJcr -.v r uijs ,w-iuw.ri y w ue Election! tt a paior ; to Cdngresiia 'a Ei4i have4een "added ';thV'nbminaiVn;' Mrv;tVnS3tbrpu 1 ne-, o 11 p n u s m 1 1 1' so cauea, nasoeen ; I 'I Mif ;:STa j&s; H trod uced .,: a bil ! i t o lja&nQ iKe ael?fcl7 ieHtibn to Ito! standi t Jia t f cshallliem Hte.d to -tal&e! tH'ft oalh of ihsotviancf b v femaiiV ingtento vi thopt reau i n ng them to be bo n fined1 i n' ' Mrl'Farand has re to be,poyer cmakinc: impfcvementi: Top iiatimal concern, and of appropriating- ihe public funds, towatdf Jhe protioii of the general Vflfare. :v . taotwnotMr muipeuia.s ireen appotniea 10 enquire into; exiendir p Th j J lowi ng JVe tionsnvere submitted! in the Iloiise, by 3fr. Calloway,' on Tuesd ay:. 1- ': '.. lVhertas accoi'linq Uariage of theiBitl of Rights, of KprtCarolinV the pr&pery f the soil in a free governpiet bing .one of the es , sent:al rights f the 'collective? body of the peo. pie. : &nd as it is- vfart well, known, that large jiortionsj of the soil of NortlSCarolina, are con ' atantly exposed I o sale, by execution, for debt, hich.iii some, degree s calculated in its prin xiples toTcreate monopofies in otir State and is ccordingtlo our Bill bfRights, contrary; to -the genius of a free goYernment and ouht not to- b alSowedr to the. great, injury "of, oui'. State, its ; wenh 4nd population t ; Therefore', ; : '- ', JUtoltit haX a joint committee berap pointed &him faty it Ihabe to consider the proprie .ty of doing awy aftefrsome given period the? Kx ectition Itwt of this State so far as respects the jselHrig of tends by execution for debt t r .;' : i; JlesoMd fhtr, haiX. theysbiay ebnsider the propriety f exempting irom5 Executloha por'. tion ofnan lander homestead freehold : i; Mesoh$tf,;Th&jm& Committee, may ;" further inquire into; the expediency j of granting'aTrts pi'e ou exec'utions, or some given time for pt-r-sons these lands may be ; sold by execution for dekt, to J-edeern such lands clthin said "firiven j-.vThe ciuestion bnagrVeing fio these Res olutions! was determined in tUe negative,, oy a considerable majority, j I'iv -. -vur citizens were aianueu on M on d ayeve n in g las t, abou t .dark, f with the cry tf Fire. It proceeded Hfirtimi the hop of lAir. Mason, -Silver Plater, on tyettevpUe s treet,; ahd 'from its ti mejy (I i sco vef v" was q b i c kl y 1 su b d u ctfc; ft r is supposed bysora tH ati iricenSiaryiut;tbeJprpba it was thp result of carelessnessVor 'acci- Jent.v Had the fire broke oit at a-Tate vour in the night,' th efe i nbesti matuig the destruction 6f property vWhich ; might have enstreib flfe the hnilt! no ? tin -the biost crowded pa bf ;th .inU'.wasihigfe'Tffb.iir at with fgreat jexpdltion and vhbst contpany were at their posts - V . e m 0x biers of J tli eFe )n ial e Benevolent pi a t ioht ti r i tig iiie; s i t ti ri of r tKeAXgisfa ture, to make an a ppeal tbv the public for I thelr-fsubDOftKiroulnrfi i the i tiieans '-dot-' a Fair, to be)ieidtach4ime'abdpia dmmi; cai terj ue uesiiruaieu. :' , '-'V. ; Atlantic ;SouvENiiWe have ju st; v. mi ciiaiarinn ni.rnia wnrit tiii enensR i . ! "".r."". . " t r '-:r- JTT-f- , w I ueen are, most exrpUiely ome ge Hs or Cbtfomib-Sr to ascertain if jtandtcbe ?e?s transnoi&tibrriniMRrst Diace7 hn(l the price .whielth i The" result ot tne, several Danoiuiga. ras jntrppucedritdh lrlaldwe!T broltted oiiTueiday, motion lies lor the present, on the treble ? Jces9$vea, a? the,: 0nion of this I-egjslattirt, that Congress ; under thejCohsiitutionl possesses ;tae expeaiencr 01 extenains: tne iaw& ot 'the Stife over; the -Qherokee' Nation, so far as the chartered limits: of the Staf v. "M : vpograpny.t aref exceueni ana me, binding suVeS'f feg-fili ntiemen ot Menion camea sa e ' ltn , t ' ell, relict, ot the late Mr. .John Powell ; also, l y cVrythMtf;ifbii!S ; : , V v:4 Wrs.:MVry nadler, consort of Mr. Fred:Hudter .!..fui,.. f,yng ;reauiiy4 optainea t.V; f-(Jen Scott has.acqniesiedin theeci- - "El; , I v I a ti v c tVf 'HIS FrnorWp Whicl hhd b EtVcunve (nte;ha Li-.bbferg! ? 1 r ifv n citon k u pon ivi r., y a 1 1 , ihan-thp pos&e$skiv oitu!dpbsibly do are, nordvised of the reasons that led that op Jidjiy : la; both; houses bft he Ieg jaureV at : tatel proceeded ia joint In ee t i ng toffee csl ec tiorpjf ji Vpersnn : to sbp py his p?ace.when;.leier K.q.,if "the county iif Somerset was chosen, flu It te- Gov. "Av"vll i alinon was a candi" dHe but received only '1 3t'vojtesV-; .The number of votes. Tor. Mr.' Vioum, was 42. : ' Proposals have been issaed fpr therpub licatioh ot a'bew Quarterly Columbia b.,C.to ibe) entitled th es Carol inaIiavy JburnaU and to be edited by-Messrs. MV Cord &"B landi ug., The work" is to 4e in octavo 1 fbn,;at'S5 per annum; : Theedi-4 tors s ay tnat tney do not intend the. worK- exclusively lor lawyers, nut nope to 1 u r nisk matter vi-hich will interest the intel ligeht render jfevery profession and call 1 ng, wh o feel & hny 1 n terest i n the great mo ral and political concerns of society, j 'jf-Vv.- . . W e'fire compelled to onlit the proceed ings of tlie Iegilature, on Wednesday, 1 n cimsequence ofrthe length of the ."Trea ureir's Eeport. s Nothing; however of im portancef transpired, but thejejection of the bil I, to reduce the salary of the Supreme Court Judges Tlie Yeas and Nays were called for and stood, for the passage of the bill 48aga ins t it 82 Mr. Gaston and Mr. . Wheel er opposed and M r Tay lor advocated ;its : passage- Mr. Gaston delyered one of the most brilliant speech-" es jeyer heard Jn our Legislature, and one which very powerfully affected the House, He opposed the bill; on -the grou nd that the State had no right to annul a contract to which it. was a party,- witliout the con-, sent of the persons interested. . That to do so, would be a manifest breach of faith. In the course of his argument, AJr. G. re marked that this - was the last time his voice would be heard in the councils of his country. Mr. Wheeler opposed the bill, on con stitutional grounds. - b 1 This day is' fixed for Hhe election of a Solicitor, cif the t(h Judicial Circuit, in the place of Mr. Wilson The. candi dates' are,: William J. ALExAjTbEit fbf Mecklenburffl James Graham of Ruther-ford,-arid Anderson1 Mitchell of Ashe. ; Elizabeth City. Nov 1 1 , A most daring attempt was made on Wednesday morning last between 1 and o'clock to fire our town. . The fire was communicated to the store of Mrs. Car ter, a widow lady, anil but for its timely discovery and the exertitins of our citi-zcnSv- her stbre'and dwelling would both have been laid ;in ashesr Qur i citizens should be on the alert, , and use every "means in their power to detect the villain who is prowang aooui ai miumgnu wnen aU'iKoh.esf :?pTOlet are enjoying- their- re- I pbsetandi applying the jlighted torchHb our; uuiiaings., rns snouiu uiso ue a 'warning to the people obur town to make every necessary preparation to extinguish fires should they occur. -Aar. - ! . "A friend fras presented us with, a sam- pl e of Loaf Sugar, manufactured in France from the iieet mot: ; in navor, ir, cannot bi distinguished frotn4 3ugar vmadetfrotn caney but beipg mu ch figh ter, ; probably, i t . may ,ot g so fairJn the uses to which it may be-applied. It is a beauti ful satn pljE perfectly Qrvstajized, pjirely;vyhit In appeara ncb,-I t f s m u chl superior to any dbublerefined ' Sugar from xane sve have ever seen. ' .The sample is feft - at our of fice for the bratifica'tion of those who wislv t6 &ee it'C' Countr. ; , - tiThe: tide'oteniigratiort ' through this piace is rapia,tafuij.w wchcyc, uii(Jici:- 'np'dItrisbtf e;0fib&vid iebiberjlaist haTe;passe;d oh this route.- ' eyj arprifpaitylfrbW-the . lower, parf bfithis State an4'Soa fbrlllndianitllHnoisand; Midugatx-r They;io2bni icarelesbf the varyins ch Burttigthecerit ahd South-CarolinaV Iniejbillr formutcU were fbdnd i the eaih yoting iieaiviVugustai J avtlwinierAjm' v&M. : We 8 noticed' a- lew, daysf iin'be, hatG i'ii mandlppnll regrst: fbrl110 llember of the ,Vifgini-ortfer; . . i- i "fence: and stationed Preacher of the town of ifJterEbmb Venliftn: flwaTnt'wiih:1 suspherlauseteavfol ttke.lwis jtm v?as:bbt'acted"nonx:finai: v? he commniee then iTaied;t? Joe reso lution ; redirect the t h righ t" b f S u ffViae itt-ii inRrenoia pva xieTi stricken out.' V "flfe' ain ? value was Wedn esday Warn 1C. pommittjfekoti the High t of Su fir-ise. Suhstifute, for tKo.frcehotd ; s i fin? ffe es e rid - Hie ir 'K'ji01 voiing jo everv iree .wniie wards. ; Mri s. wen i i at las:e:tji a defence ,f this resolution which lib th$t wirula- tdilojnet and: obviafe; ihe bftibnk-Crg ed ng;ait;st thV-prigtiaKreso' i it ion . l '.J'J: ''Aftfliierism ot lhiwhm ribbvedtba nnd the; Amendment of M 1 . WifsonT by striking: but the wonls who is ensaffed in Aheitehd or bavaVervicebf ffte U. States' and J nsertihg; in ; lieu thereof j heV J1 lo w iog ;1 h 0 hal I be a bon-com mi ssl on ed offi ce r or private 8nldier, Ream?in ojr a ri n e i n tl 1 e regular service of. the United States, or of this CommonwealthAnd's ated his rea sotv for5 it to be that he did n A wish tb ex clude feallantfohlcerssuch a 1 ThomaV Ap Catesby Jones in the Naval, b "rRoger Jones' in the land service, (buh from his own P!8trt) froipithe right of suffrage ; nor would he exclude thexiuhalternVafid. sol- diers' &c." could he bHee:thm capable of an independent exerie. ofj the right of sunrage, Mr. Wilson accept ad of this a mernlnien. ; fv': "'f'-S.' ' ' '' r Mr. Pleasants askerj "s the jfavor of the committee to lay aside the Resolution un- evr :ccmtideriti'on, while be Jntrodured.a pnpsiiioii as the basis of a comproinie. lie then proposed the following amenH jRenlved. Tht the number o members in the Senate' of this State oujHiV nei her to- be in- cressrd or diminisliedr nor the clastific ition of its ' . I - ' : A mm ' I mmoers cnangea.; The amendment nroooes t 0 trik on i U jiTter the wonls .fv Resolved, Th-it; a no r.o insf iT. as ioiitws : : 4t fe'present.-tti n In th Si h !l b' bed on the whde nu mber bf-.five persons iniduilinr those bxun f ( servict for a term of years, and exchi nt t'sxd, anl "uldfn: to th af resaid fuu- ber of free: persons, 'tfiwe'-fiftln bfall other persons andlthe Senate shaM vosis of a n''fnbff not excedin' : 0l it? trtui of service arid classslication remain as at present." . ; - On motion of Mr. Nicholas Mr. Plea- ants proposition relinquiJ hed for the present. Mr. vy. t!in .poKe a Uiiinsr yir. Wilson's Resolution., urnij -the Committee rose. . '- : . v v , 7Vi'ursda:m Nov. 19. 1 he House wut nw-am in'o committee of the. whole, Mr. Powell in th V Chair. Anil the qnf-fctuMi beintr on the . following a'oemlment of Mr. Wi!son, as modified fit the request nf Mr. If end rson : 1 -Resolved. That every free white male citizen of this Common wealth, of the ajre of twenty-one years, and opwar-ls, who sh:dl have resided in the State two yenrs, anri in the county where he proposes to vote one yeaf, next pti ceiling the time of offering such vote ; wh shafi have been enrolled in the .militia, if subject to military du ty, and who shall hive pai-.l nil levie ? nd; tuxes assessed upon him, op his property, for the year preceding that in which lit: offers to yote, -shall have a rigfit to vote fur members of ;he General Assembly "t Provided. !"hat no person shall be permitted tb exercise the Right of ti ffiuge, who is a pauper ; v ho i of unsound , min J ; who-bas been con-icted of any infm'is' crinr e ; or who shall be a non-commis!iionel officer or private soldiertlseam m or'uiarinei in the re g dar service of the United States or ofthfs Com;ionwealth ; and the legislature shall prescribe t le mode o' trying and determining disputes, concerning the skid qualifications of voters, whenev ?r the right of a person to vote shall be questionetl," Afier some further debate, the question was put on ihis resolutionvYand hegitived 58 votes to Sr. .Messrs. Mad is m, Mon roe and Marshall voting iri the negative. " Mr. Campbell of Brooke oif'-rcd a set of Resolutions varying in some degree from that just rejected, which received but 11 voles in us ror. Friday Nov. &0. Mr. Thoti'Son of Amherst, mdved that a Journal should be kept of the pr of the Committee of the whole as well as of tho;of:the.Conveiition, which motion, after some debate, was rejected 5 1 to 39. The Convention thenlwent Into cbmraitr tee on the Resolution reported on the Riffht of Suffrase. Mr. Leish moved as a substitute lor the orijrinal-Resolutioh, a. Plan fob ruled on the Freehold prjnciple", a.nd spoke until the hour of aditiurnment. upon it xr : MARRIED, 'X In y.arren county on the 19ih insf. Col. Au- Xa Miss gustus Alston, of Sparfa, in Georgia,! A1. H. Hawkins,, daughter of the late Hawkins, Comptroller of this State. CqI. Jos. : In Wilmington, on the 11th iust. by the Rev. of New- Mr. Cairns, Capt. James - M. Seymour, Yorki to Mrsl Marv Caroline "VancleefJ In Rowan county, on the 12th inst. Mr. Ificlia el Ilitcck to Miss Salty Urown I , ;In Tipton county, 'Ten. ?.lr." William C1 Hazen " - .. I' II' 4 At Smithviilc on'the 10th instant,-Drl George CvCulhetall, of the"tJnited States Army , aged years, - as a uusuanu as a jaiuer as a ineuu ; as a, gentleman, he, will be.; ever remembered b'ut to be regretted.: x-l - " ..Tl , , - ; : In'Kqwbernf on the'14th 'IristamV the ltevdv Chnstopfter .Thomas, of Mathews' count, -Virgii nia, an ilinerantiMinister pf the' Xfethoaist Epis- to Hiss Maiy Irohock, foriherly of Itowan. -- In VHmirigton, on the i2tlx instant, Mr, Benj. TH ' J 1 --' Newbern. Also, in the same nlace. Mrs; Pbw Jdsi,Wgdvrehct,btthe WaptamTrecV ma,rt IVadt tjalso after a BrotracteBdispositw P" iwinor Huntington, Esq; Torrnerly. Editefof the Hornet's Nest v- publishediin I Jurfreesborb, nnd for several vears . Rrtnv Ar tvi.- nirmtmtaU : pupbahect NewJemVTlfr. Huntington was hf esteemed for,Kis v uiccucuuid ruucaieaiLT west fomt as an isdiw.jiad u.fe.su regretted 5 n 13 .relatives ? and acquaintances, Mathew -,7IemphilL; Esa aired about v. 28 years, soof t Revoh tne. 'Associate Reformed Church, at "Chester C:z V'" : 'At.bts residnceW Rowaijf l3oiwiafter" a .le' yere and protracted d inessi iprancisfeef v." lism PKn.Jv yM- year ot nis agei ! . ,.v --j- v a At'.iieraw tm ahe ISthinsti: J3r John G. F V-Qp;.Jhe;3lsl"rM"i;ruciiid of Mr; David iVhitaker, jn Tennessee. She had art attack of bilious levenfromS peep con va lesenf jf- or.8. days? a ndr fia4 Vso- far recOTererf a trv! liri?ifliYrvili?' trhTi .'li'AJ denly sheYelVon thefloor andxpired jn a;ie mi nute- the i mmedfate cause - of ber.dcutli Is leftntirelvotof conjetare' t .' ' iy 4 3 -.1. y '.-i-VpiaiNlA-- CONVENTION ''' -I'-.'t?. : -,;; The debate bnthe question of -Suffrage, wasresumed on 5lbndaylatand) afef negativing ibya small m ade by M r. Stan a rd,' M r. Cooke a nd Mr. Dodtlride.. Mr..'M ercer, 1 n order to tes t each qualification of vtirs separately," cnW ved to a 1 1 o w bbu se k e epe rs r retd e o t for twelve months, who have paid State or. cbtjrjiy;ti 58 members out of 90 voting tor it jViv --'-!. i sit:' -: IP3EIH GALES BcSON, hay&jipubltshe NoI 2 Vplllof Dsvattix's Repofts Dfthe Decisions of : tlje Supreme' Court. It ye be deli vt-red. to rfiich subscribers assure no,u the City. immediately and forwarded by mail' wi dis tant ones. '.3 - . , s ; 1. !. ':'- ' . . ; .' Raleigh Nov. 21. . . -i ' ' " ':.-;"' '28 : i.?v' ;:cmous.;?- ''aHE Citizens "or 'Ratei.ejh and its Vicinity,' are JL j respectfully informed, that th Equetriun Oompaoy under the management oMrBrown, will visit Raleigh in a few days, when they wdj produce a variety of amusements -for their en' er- lainment. - Rleigh Nov 27. ; u ON the lOtii ii st. 1 lost myt Child; a boy a 1 1 ou t" 5 years of a ge, near: Po ptar : C ree k M'-e linf? .'Housd.- '. He has a. fair skin: with blue eyes and white hai, and had ort a wool Hit and a sun of white and copperas cotton clothes.--vhn talking .he' does not 'speak very plain.; Any information of said child Wiir.ho thank rullv rccived. r KH;H Attt " CO . Vlislovx XovV-0avoVia. JOSEPH. GALES & SON jhave- rece'ved for Side, Pce $3.00 a few sets of he Histo ry of North Carolina, hi two volti me, fry : Fran cis Xovier Jllartm. just published. r '" ' Nov. 23. ' :---' ::.-. ' :--'- 23 State Bank, of Noi-tiikCriroliim, . It.de?gh, Nov. 24, 1S-1 llesolved that a Dividend of three per. cent. on the Capital Stck of tliis Bank, be. and the same is hereby declared for the past yeart pa- able at the Principal ll mk, on Monday thV Tth' of December' next, and at the several , Braiychss fifteen days thereafter. - ! . '..":" CHARLES DEWEY, Cashier. Nov. 24. '-. -1--V-'. " 28 ; . . . t ' Atlantic Souvenir, for "1830. THE Atlantic Souvenir, for 1830, splendi?y boun?t in embospdjeather, With gilt leaves 'ami twelve highly finished engravings on steel, by the first Artists. ) V; . v 'v Just received and for sale by j ) : w-; J., GALES 0$ SON, EMBEttlSHMESTS : 1 ' Frontispiece The -Wife, 'engraved by Dif rand, from a picture by S. F. B. Morse. k ; The Village School, engraved by .Ellis, from a picture by Uitcher. , , ..' r ' : . The Cottage, engraved by Kearney, from a picture by Westall. . - " : r ? from a picture by Leslie. i V I The three Sisters, engraged byLpngacre, from a picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence.' ' . The Cottage Door, engraved by Kelley, from a picture by Gainsborough. : . I The Partihgjl our, engraved by Ellis, from a picture by Corbbuld. 4 f The Bandit, engraved by Ellis, from a picture by Eastlake. ; '.-';r: ..'r'.::V''-jK.i' ' ''''Ta' The Portrait, engraved by Hamilton ; from a picture by, Boarden. y v ; V- -'' '- :s s The Fisher Boy, engraved by 1 Ellis, from a picture by Inman. ' . ' -'v " - ' i . '. ' " lieconcihation, engraved by III man and Pill bow, from a picture by Stephan ffV : : ;''.''' . The Temple of Kgina, engraved by Kelly from a picture by Turner. ;;' ? . -fv - Raleigh Nov. 24.' s -; ;-..:' r;. 28 The late Dr. Witt; II. Huirterv ,'' ..-.'-. ' -t;t---'i v''i-; -.': ' 3TpHE subscriber : having administered to the IL Estate of the lafe Br. Wlliau H. Hunter jaf Raleigh, deceased; .cat'a upon: all persons indebt ed to the Estate of the deceaseti to pay the same forthwith , and requests that all persons who liaveany demands upon 'said Estate,., will make them known to him, that they mav; b't acttled. ? , Nov. 23, .,1829. ; ' r' ' ; --i "27 , : BY virtue of a Deed of Trust to, me executed by Dr. William H. Hunter, to secure the payment, of certain debts-therein mentioned, 1 shall sell to the h'tffh est' bidder,: o A .Wednesday the 16lh day of December net,;lohd"c6ntiiief rrom aayxo aay umii an is souon me peaiisesj the House arid Lot on Hillsborbtigh Street, lately occupied by the stid Dr. Hunter, together with all the , Household' ami ,-Kflchen FurrilUire, One Wasrffon,: six H orses, - two? H ules cand a sm4U Mare called Polly Hopkins, r valaaole Liray- conststjng f- Medical and 'Misceiianepo - Boots. Immediately thereafter, I shall sell at 1thejtlinla- tion near Kaleigb, all: -his- Stack,- co .sb't ing of Cattle, Sheep and .Hogs. Terra3 made known ua the day oi sale., ' . fc- . TH OS-; G, SCOTT, Trustee . , - Nov 23rd - ; - . 27- f - y ' NOTICE. ' - r NThursdayt:17th December. w.If be sold'at ij the Plantaiion of ibelate Dr. AViihani, II; Hunter, alK his, . Farming titertsilSi Cru, 'oddr. Hay, utc.; iTerrascf s.ale- six months credit, the purchasers giving-Bond with approved seccriiy. THOS, ti, S C Oil, AunVft Nov.53rd l$29i riVt- ' " , ; V V A per3onsn.-tifd.sbtc4-:t'o the late firrAcf BvdsattpM'-krH-hereby: notified, th&t theif Kdtes S:4ccoantJav& been" placed in the hand t)f i theubscriber Tor collection.- with in st ructions to' commence: ui; aai nst all those W,P iU to -(roifalonrard and settle t he fcisss immediately. : 'lWtfl'n'nTIO-. ;y, r::-. 3t. SOAP. rfUAlS VflAVivOOp, liave lately rsv T JjT. vxei ved 4Up ply of geiui n e Naples Sea p - logetner witn a great yarn ety.-ot other .perturne rj'-sueb i Cologne" and lavender V a te rs j - . efjotp jesmlbean.Cinftamon- Spjips-C ; AfsSJiangi-CakpBiwbic trb i ' jhiyrs cbmrtended taJJibse gentlemen rho shave them-'. elTes.Alt:.ofwbichvt6eyy.'IIl EelliinusuaJJy A 27: r - . . . - -. C-fc Principai. Teacher i:vtie'0 xlbrjf Stale" Acact- ; iliVle?Py A - trentUrnan hf iborouW- classical jcassar anu if earsn. uiF)r uosmetic vaJi iiasis, xor -beautifying the skfri highly sfcented Rose Palm, plive, Oriental,'! Violet ,'ivender, Ve-retablej ? and other triedlliterary atj ? tier has presented p th-s . itfst tuition a prciitabie y r and his Capi ciel cheap; and other thin STS favorable to the gro tfi v osetul iieM forahe full -emblynient ot all quab'nVafwaff very healiby ; tal of Graiivilre count y Nori h Carotina -so : :y. ;intelliefenti hjiMtabIevandw6ra! r.; andpermaneni priperitjr of aibly Ctniducted4 -f v. ?AppHcatrb?is?foT ; this -situatlcnVp.ost'paidj,' : : ' fim Teaeher1iHbiitv" a X . : rr cewed ytytheWKwiSneedf Xxfrd '-Ci? v . untd th!5th ''day of ;icctmber )iext, when the . '. vacancy wdl he filled.'-. "v " ' : . ; lhe-duties of the Principal to emmence the ' , 1 1th day of January 1 $30. X,'-. r r'.?" ; V v, ;t, , ROBERT R. GlLUAMSec'y- v ; Oxford lStliyov; 1 69. : : : ; ;y 25 oW. . J ' -KEACHilllv WANT K I), ? flXO tafcf Charge; tfim Aidemy"in theiieigh; , . ' jty borhoooof RaleigbKTheJ)tuaMon is vety :; lieal thy, i tb.vater good and h: neighborhood ' agreeab!eJisnces5afy:theT should ' .possess the futlowingquarificariciis viz jupder1' y-.'r Ljtand, the lAtinT snd - Enpfih , Lanffuaw, . snd ' - baye some knowledge of llathe R-uitics :a.nd bo ; of undoubted mo- at character. A salary to sucli Raleigh, Ndv- 1."- . pjertiftum. ' Apply. tb:theVFAtcr3 .of tbi; paper : ; persbnaily, or by letterpbst paidLl?:: Vv --' H-''' ; f c-Raleiffh. NbVir. -,T'25.'tf. "--'-, " : OlANAWAY trotrf the; Subcriberi" on jSat ur- -J " JL day, the lSitf Jnst.jan apprentice' boyi narn-, :. eddlix Jones;' 17-years bid la. J tine'? hotyery ' -tall, tmt well set, with 'u. bold countenance, fair . s.kin an I somewhat: freckled, witrHarge , white : eye.s-; Hia ciothing is. a ffolack .Jeans, Coat and .: 1 plain white Pantaloons abdvVfwoollrlaf. Any person bringing the said boy to'rae shall have the above reward.ii:; i l . 1 4-."ov-'v"A"Vf.1 --V V-'-l'i':.:,:: ":. '. v Buncombe County, Oct.' 26.. ' ' 23 3w ' ; . TH& SUBSCRIBER OFFEUf for le liia HOUSE St LOTS in thd. ; Tpwo of Oxfbrd;'ifh the: LAN D adjoining -about, 300 acres-ofwhich about 60 'acres are WocKlland:'; The Itouse is52 by 40 feet cora-f modious. aid well: finished throughout, having ;4 4 rooms, with hre plucks oil each t floor, - with w ide passagoii ;;acii-a garret distributed into closets a : id t w b comfort - b le rob rris ; . and a cellar r Under the whqleiivided InWswefat apart me'btsi i' 4 It is situHted. In a. most beautifu? grove of Ouks : jaitachedto it ia , large Facing Garden furnished ; with fruits selectlfrbrb the'np c -'nstructed'ofroefca'.stpn of excellent vkatei iri'thv. yarl;ofcc.c in might give evipioyment to 8 or 30 hands, havinej: -f-- belter con'Structed Yard is ti Idcm seehV any ' . sarv OuUnnise all in gwii repair. ' ; Also, a TANYA Rt I now in opefatiot, w htch iyj.acres. or uni attuciu'd toati'and on the pre- mises'isa :comtbvtah!'two story :Dweniig;t wilh everyf-:nvriience.';-Tor' failvhfesuivrivce.; -A ' where.; Tbiar- property will be dipcsed of on : reasonable and afccomraodatrng terras. : ; ' : : 'y , ' ' t'-:i TH6BXnTLR10HN.') V .Oxford,- Sent.-'Ii;.-. vcr6 ;-Vl:5olw 'it 1 -J r ' t " .... 1 '' ' r - l" 1 Baltimore; VsJiiingtpo- v; town N"ew Xii ne of C.oaclie3, '-''V 7roughfrt)tnfGUfu hours Will leave LY FORP's FOUNTAIN LVN, Xt-A- more. iX Bonks. kept kt'the above places, and a!sr at the Stage Office, Np, South-Calyert street for the reception of passengers"names. . l',- OCj'F Twt Dollars andlFifty Cents. ; . ' Baltimorr,-ov3.ftr'MX-'if: 'V25' ira .-V . '- ' . ' - t Olrcet.- on i HU USUAVi'Stb anstant, at hairpast -8 -o'clock ; in the morning,fibr Wasliington, and: ; , continue torun;?daily4i at Uhe same, time-wiU eiveBatiVMdrm ufeA'entuiylvania .' v ' Avenue (near the President's house) for Balti- A ACT;OFlJ AND iriVake county Iy- : -ijt ing ' on both side of Dutchman's -Uranclv v? r containing 393Tr acres, and another Tract lyingoa ' the south de of Swift Creeki ; TheT Tracts are- - pontiguous, and were purchased : sifime; years '' -go by the late Wm.Uilmour of W'm.'Brovrn V . x , Apply,ta the Editors of the Jtegist r who are? '' authorised by the owner to sell said land. ..' - f August st:iifm:':::Mi: Univerkyooth-OarUtiaiC qpHBnnuaJTMeetingbfhe 2 linversity.6f NbrthtJarQliua'will be held at"'? '. the Estcutlv Qfnce oaTuesday the 15h dr t Py apporntment of the Vresldect of the roardX 4 'I t V" A5. XIAVLY JSecV c' . -c - ; BaleiglKNov. 12th' 1 829. NOTICE. Iiimstlf SAMUfiLVWlLKfNS. und says that h was bound !ah' apprentice - to ' Wm MoseJv- .t iTTAS taken up and c:rajnitted to tbeMail cf X; " V y ;t his '; cou nty,; on f4 he 2d bf 5Urch; Jast, a ' " negro mah i sitpposed t; be tC SJaVet vho calls , . T pprentcer-i to 'Wm. MoseJv. .br 1 . Korfolkjrya.nd1 that hv rauaway from the said v " -.Mrtselvherbre his term of tprbt pited. "rrfie saiti hegro h's bteii in this coiinty V 5 or .6 ye-ar3,xan'd has passed duf;ng thif timV as '-. a hee m in ; he is about 1T4 earn :r' agi-,'5 teet, -i, OP Tiiicl s hisrh, aiu -coal -hlack. ,1'he owner v' -of satd-negruia requested lo come forwan!, provci "-' prbpfirtyjid pay c4iai,;of iiS wdl- La- deaUr : ; in iature u U n,. r . - . ',;Ti!E Subset iber brgka.ve to inturm theXa. dies and Gentliti.rnol Rihtghi th-ittin has t-k , en arom at ilrStuau'? on Fayetttvsile Street,' where-" hs will be pleascdo serve -tltose wh niay.fuvpr hjm sth their : pxfronage: : f ; , Ladies watted on at their' tfruusa. ' .-i,Wnere-the-.Likeae3 .wflot ."SUCcesafuV'" up charge will b made. 1" ; : , " , r wip as tneAW'ivc;s., - - - , . ' . " -' " ?;j AM IIS PA L:niT, j iilcr. Windsor, tfJerUe touatjVJune 9. 1'".r- - ' r'Pricedv. S't 83-6 -b; - i t e- .4 - ..

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