1,, v fs published evfy MojrDAiT'iiTji At Fivk PoUartiluer annum' half itiadvance. : f ADVERTISEMENTS m H ot exteetlinjj tlxteen'linest neatly Ijjnsertcd 3 timeslfbr a TVpilavnd (tweyvecentsfbr cvervf succeeding publication j thois ol gfeat- f er lengtn m vie same prpMriiwi..v;'jY. Hi catioss tnarvKiuuy jeceiyei.. ,rr .the Editors must ..be. tm 'Xf MANAGERS' OFIGEi THFi Tnllowinir are the Numbers drawn in the nic!mond Dock Lottery, class No.3 'i ; e f I i 1 L Oft 1 51 dru Qfi dT, 1 " -4. 31. 33. 13. : 2846. f 10,000 2.000 V V; - !l3. '-31 46, : 200 . 1333. 46. 5. ;'-- :'200 ,. . . The three latter alj sold at the .managers office. r v: YATES &?MUNT.YRE, Law i Jjooks for sale at Auctioii.', ffll I F late C hieFiJ ustice of tfiisv'SUte assigned to me the whole of liiii Library Aof Law llooKS o Jie soiui'iier ns ueain ,upou ccruun trusts recitea -in ute saia assigrirneni., . ti t Th.it th ewe trusts mav be executed. I shall sell the said Books at Jtuctiori, in the CJty of Raleigh, n the first Moridiyin tBecemle next,'; and to jnany succeecmg uays, ss 'roay oe require to complete the sales, . V $vf"dK5i& ?This Library is elxtensiye ;Cconta1ps i many va luable works "whichj-' are Tnow become rare, vand tne safe Unworthy iof t he" attention pf profession al gentlemen whoijwish jto increase theif Libri- J ICS. utuiuirjura win uc imicu aiiu uuuiuutcu Termst of salertysA- -or Bonds at 90 days, with an approved sarettj- who, shall r'esme t in ' Wake county iSuch bonds bewaring, interest from the tale; I --?.-vr-fr--- ';-V Raleigh, Oct. 2G. T. ". 18 ebts IUIOOLAJVIATION. : By the vG6vetnor of .North-CarglincL ; 'TviTftl H 11 n VI fid Tin 1 ars . Rfiwa . : HfTHEUEAS it. has, been made known to me; V.TH.tnat a muruer nis uecacoramnua in tue county -of Robeson, and-State of North-Caroling ,'on thei23rd day of March ast, and that a certain 'MEREDITH MEjSSER, Ute of 'Ahei county and State aforesaid; standstHargd by the finding of a Grand Jury - upon? abill 'off indictment,;' with havinsr perretrated the "same bntbeibodyvof a certain Elijah Mc Daniel of said county ? and as jt js furtlier reprresenWd f pd made knownii'to ne.ttKat thW saicj Mereditjfv MerJitb''abscV). deu. and! fled from the jurisdiction arid limits of this S ikt and SOTduMth'Wtpfli -KoW therefor,:t6 the; ertdthat the saidMe red th Messed my ' be apprehepded ind brought to justice th&ati ore rewardofTwo Hundred Dollars will : be kriyen to, any 'person or persons. who will lapprehend and confine the said Mere dith' Meer in any jail in this State, so that Jie may be brought toy ustice; and I ; th Tnarebver ' nereoy require, commanu, auuciyom u uiuctrs ' whatsoever, as well military, ,aS civil within this State, to kise their best e ndeavours to ap prehend km& takelor cause to? be apprehrerided an4 taken, ith'e bodvfbf the' said Alereditft Mes'ser'i "and him safely andecurey : keepjsothat yhe may be - brought tb justice. 3; V -Meredith Messetis about 27-'or 28 ea'ra of age; about 6 feet high brown hair, much freckled on his face and handv bas a scaT . ori pne of .his hands That tecbllectedXwhich) ccasjoned. by blow and isome of the bones of the hand broken, has remarkable eye teeth, and a: singularity in his voice' which would at .ohce' strike strangers, beiag at sometimes large and fulVand'at others, :eaandleHeminateiiA. !$;W4'",J 0 iry-Qwr&fm. under my hand -as Governor, u nder. the "great seal of, the S tWte, 3 PRO C LAMMTION. TwoHundijl; f7;fIEREAS it has been made known to me, f .tha a murder has" been committed io thfe county of Currituck, and S tate pf r North -Carolina on the 4th'bt September lasf, and that a'cer- f'tir. iyEYwlLKlNjR;te pf thcouiity & State fVresAidstattds charged byheyeictaico roner's inquest with . having perpetrated the same "4 thVbo.1 of a crtiiv PehelbpeT WH k ins, pf v j j -aim as. it, is .iuriiier represemeu . and l!c kiMiWitotnie that tli&saidl lvey-.Wit- n ; l'1! etd tliat f!ie id :ivey; i S k i pk rr : y ' 4i e a mi'et 1 ei d ed ?ahl hnS uH iVtb oflustrce! mnjos p:iv oe apM'elieiidetiandbwugnt to jHst ice, t tkt; above; rejyard oj .t wb V:Jiu'n ;. d! will. bvM vie ivioVanl w V ' HcTHWf: p ph eiid; ald . - 3v -ufej Keep, o tuai iie suaii oe?(j3rougiu I "iMiren.. tiAWf. ai le cuy 01 itaieign, tnisiom aay Havsaf November: A. D. 1829. -C C . .Byihe Gw.'rW.' i ' ' '' :T tujji ayd h iiitx)fhis,Stated thereby eluded V XA W Lf lilt i Ul I UJJU.r . i 1 r . -i. - ajpreilnfifco s:Utl vyj ; Wil- in iiiv aiin-thf bt V4 ihatfeCmabe ""vrVi wfefewiltwiaaryi'w ." J : wiiips is aoouirve jeei indues ;iuk, ;ili nuwje, lligljthair; blUe eestfu It facep and yalost.a'prlf 1 ' a carpenter jty$tradef ,ftndissupp08ed to ?Vn that p4t 6rVirguJia;near Cuifuckcbuhiy ,V?j.;;'fSfveiii'ii'Hvaef, mi hind as Jpovernor 4 -ftfc oncril-Wi-reak seiVof the Statei ifel U tlVuhfiglif lh& 17th day nfJHE -highest prices in- CASH .will be given Llfbr few lifeely YOUNG NUGKaBSfrgm iiq iur,mwcs, nu irunr tu 19 a jor females an extra price -will be sjiven forvmechanjcs.: Versona who wish to sell, will do urell to call on me at MrSf jetera 1 avern, f wtkere l always be'fovuid. V t WM. FOWLER. 'tv4!21eotf:: BERNETHY!S Lecture?! '2 vols. jt Hpnier's necil & General Ana tomy. 2 vols Bichat's General Anatomy, 4 vols; - y. a naiom v ana ,r-Ht.iioion"v vJ., Bell's Ahatcmiy, vols, v:v" . ;i. H Bailie's; Morbid Anatomy;-, ;;x J Oihsons 8mrerv';i2 vols. '7AV,-.r't! V a Cooler's First Lines of Surgery, 2 vols, f rtH De wees', Mid wiferf i -'v. ; M iniiewees on females , do ; ' oh Children ; : - Francis's Denman -1 ' 'iPi Gowl'a Study of -Medicine, 5 T0I3. ' . ; ' Gregory's Practice, 2 vols, new edition iThacherV Modern Practice ' ' ,f f - Cullen's Practice ; A'. . ,f' Thacher's Dispensatory Edinburgh ; i dos Paris' PMtmacologia 5 ? Cooper on Dislocatiop, - Murray's Materia Medica j ;Ebele.,s-: .-do---;-."'.? do V ') MfLawrence Physiology7 : r Magendie'a do , Bostock's vv f v do - 1 u A icherarid's, do . f ,U " Bate'man's Synopsis -'( Hunter on the Rlood " 3 vc!s Scudamore on the Gout '; i; & . ; Armstrong on Fever and Consumption ; Armstrong's Medical Works v "v Darwin's Zoonomla 2 vols, 7 With many other valuable Medical Works wmcn wm oe soia on jne most favorable terms, by vV'i ;" v ;': ' ' " J. GALES A $ON. c Kaieiorn vjcu 1. . . -j, - a ---j- fllHE io'lowmg valuable BOOKS, published jLfl principally for the use of, the Citizens of North-Carolina, are constantly kept on hand, for sale, by the subscribers, viz; - ; : . .. ' .: I Xhe. KevisaI otihe Laws ot ivorth-uaroiina, by uic iica-uci-jusiiuc, layiur, ine.iaie Laruevii x Yancy, and Judge Potter, ma le under the di-1 ii nu:-r : t..i. l l . r l i rection of the Legislature of the State, in two h large ocivo volumes, wiui a run ana com- pletelndex. . 4 , . . ; I Ditto, brought down to the year 1826, by the Sewing Silk, S pool Cotton, and Trimmings, Of e ; . late Chief-Justice Taylor,-with' a satisfactory very description. - i Haywood's Manual of the Laws ofithe State, ar-1 s rahsred in Alohabetical order., with an aoDen-I dix. which brinsrs the work to the vear 1829. 1 PttPr' JntirA'"nf'tnA Vr a ;t:n lately: revised and corrected, with a number of new Forms, and: the Laws contained' in w.iiuii, arc urwujriii up iu ic year iqo. I ;.-.. iV . I i l i- t oro j l mM.ti.iiis ui tiirtmum aim miuiiiiisiraiurs, :- i.. l-v .i , I which is Toller's English Work -on this sub. Hardware, Cutlery and Castings; a good assort ject, omitting such j parts as are not inlfbrce J ment. v ' t liere, taKingtne iw as ustool at tne settle- ment of this countryi and introducing, every act of Assembly of this.Sta'e which has alter- ; which throws lighr pn the subject.) This e-I cu mc aiiu iiuiitnig every muiuukcu uasc Vl- r i -T i ic .Viiuci-jUM'bc i aj tor. -: - K ' Chief-Justice Taylor's Digest of the Statute LW p of North-Carohna, relative to Wills, Executors , and Administrators, tie Provision for Widows and the Distribution of Intestates' Estates : A ,Work which combines in one view all the ; enactments which hiive been made on these ' subjects for a Century past, and which are dispersed in more tban forty statutes. Agricultural Essays, written by a North-Carolina i ' 11 1 L .l'j l .'!." 1 L . nable of ladffinc". to be the best book for con - r urmci. uwcu dv i me wiiii are nesr r.- vevinsr useful information to the Farmers of r mis siate mar was ever uuoiiinea. it treats ; on the best mode of improving land, on een n ni nnr znni. k .nirnina" . nn imp iip9a.ee b . . i a .i . best suited to this State j on the best, modes - of raising Wheat, Turnips and Indian Corn ; .and treats largely on the raising of Live Stock, Draining JLand, &c. The. Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme " : Court of Nortli-Carolina, from1 the first estab lishment of the Court,, when it bore the title v'-of Court of Conference,", to the present time, winch are as follows , ; s i, Reports ' o f the Conference Court, by D. k -tu tJameron aod Wm- Norwood, m I vol. vlheLaw Repository, by. Chief-Justice Tay- Term Reports, 1 vol. by. Do Murphey's Reports of the Supreme Court, .' 3 vols.'. ' -..', ' i " 'C;-; :v IaWkis's- Do" - -VI-VK" '; 4 vols. - -Devereux's Do rr Z'.-' - - Vol. 1 - - Hawks's Dicrest of the Beported Cases ad- u Judged in North-Carolina, from the year W,;A Collection of the Militia Laws of North- j'Subscribers will be received for the: Re p'oiis of the Supreme Obiirt Whifch are publish ed it'tiie close of each Ttrnl at $1 5U per number. MiJ farward.ed. by; mail to Subscribe rp . in. any pai'tibf i lie: Stated -u ' v.i - w it 4. J OSE P H G ALES 8c'.S O N.r. Over, S5 r ... t 11,v L ,'tLiV "V - ---.-. r ..." Together wft ikfcl 1u fibeC Lt M ENCLLArS-Is 2di and 3d;iquality;8tJSPENDEltSCR N lPlaiiiaiid' Fancy-C it VT$-Ul-i Ubridge Intent 2bmpii ij He expects ib 1i ceive from! Newbern, weekly additibustohiaStockfitndheA . ...t . ''a a' I ' ' ... --11 - ' j'.:f.'"Ua. HC, inas i.iie ariicies arc weu-uiaye, auu iicr iuc - w V-1 !Tv t;-.' .J'.....r3 i.i. p-":' J.-.--! ;:.,.!.:-.. . ! rf" ;aj;.s juic.g; f afceiY aStbreTon l-'ayeiteville . street,- aK - c below Hhe Bi-uic -f5penn wnerts,iis r ,-11 B D!yrl5A;LtV:PcbW --1 IfeGeiHlerfteYi'sveri Fro5k' Secure ttiui.Mi. Goods. gso. szivipsonr it co. f ITTIAKE leave to announce to their friends , and ivcust6mers, thkt they 'are now opening, and will have read for" inspection in a few daysman entire new Stock 0f Staple and falhionable Dr$ Goorft,-. adapted to the pesent and approachi season. "These Goods . having. been bought on the most favorable terms, will be disposed of at such priceslis will defy competition. " The following articles will be found among t r.'r "drab 'and 'K'Z 1 Superfine blue, black, olive, brown, steel-mixed Cloths, .v i , v V I " Valencia, toilanett, swansdown, florentine, mar settles and pther: Vestmgs. ' ' . . Blue ' and plaid camblet, tartan ; ind Caroline v...plaidsr;-: ;';:': ; ? : jVf;,;" English and French Bombazines &Bombazetts.' Merino Circassians, a new article for ladies' dress- es. Silk and Cotton Velvet, assorted colours. Rattinett, spotted Flannel, ban-upj Cord. Irish Linen, Lawns and Diapers. V Scotch and Russia Diapers and She ;ting. Furniture, garment and cambric Di nity. 4 Calicoes Ginghams and colored Ca nbric. Plain and figured Swiss and Mull Mislin. . Do : Jaconett. and book do Cambrics, checked and stri ped Muslins. ciegant tiacK and white lace Veils! Bobbinett, gimp and thread Laces. Nankin, Italian; Canton and French! I Crapes, as- '; sorted. -;! ( Ismyreniie, assorted colours and figures, a new oc Handsome style of Goods for ladies dresses. Jet-black Italian Lustring. Blue " . do do -? Satin Levantine and Sinchaws. : Pongees and Sarsnetts., Brown Battiite and Cambric. Ladies'; fancy llandkerchiefs. Printed and embroidered Crape do, Zephyrs andiCastimere do Merino and Thibert Shawls and Handkerchiefs. Ban!ano, flag and German 7 1 , do." Italian and Barcelona Cravats: ' New style waist Ribbons.- Garniture, ganse, cap, lustring and satin Ribbons, 01 every description. Worsted ami silk B raids and safety Chains. woo' orstea, cott . of every description. Gentlemen's Gloves, do. . Lambs' wool, Worsted, cotton and s?k Hosiery, Ladies, s-,k' heaver, castor and hos'kin Glhves ' ; and Mitts. m;so ,j0 . ' f Umbrellas in great variety. single and double Toller Suspenders, Worsted and cotton do. Rose, point and duffle Blankets Negro Clothing in great variety. Men's and boys' seal and patent leather Caps. A good assortment of beaver, fur, se4l and wool Hats. A large assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's ouues. aj an &IUUS. r ,. , , , . A . l.9(iipi anil mntlpman'a (rum pluctir. nvfr.hnAe i , valuable article L o " t. TT. Queensware, China and Stoneware. Cllt pressed, moulded and plain Gla is Ware.1 Spun cotton, all numbers. Goshen Cheese, mouM and sperm cindles. u,' w and ha r S trs. window Glass, White Lead, and Putty. Swede, English aud German lion and blistered Steel, cut and wrought nails, all sizes, Gun powder,; Shot, Barle .d, Snuff & prime chew ing Tobacco, best Spanish Segars, . Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Pepper, Allspice, Nutmeg, Malaga, Lisbon and Madeira 1 Wine, Holland . Gin, of a very superior quality, Frlnch Btani dyy Jamaica and N. E. Rum, Lond(n and Plii ladelphia Porter, hemp, and tow Cotton Bag- Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyion Tea. 1 Brown and loaf Sugar and Chocolate First quality of ffreen .Coffee. i w. -v , . ..U jauu irons. , v , i v i iih,. i,r anv rvna r 1 1 -a a rr 1T1 n aa. Ft 1 T r 1 A a. uiuwii aitv un.nv..u uuiuvia. M""K nd I Sheetings a prime assort ment. Pl " and striped Jjomestics, &c. &c. With almost every other article usually kept in a Dry Goods and Grocery Store Raleigh, Oct. 22, 1823. 11 6w i j 17 ni? D rpij t 17 T I? HliiAJtiiiJti 1 UAaJN H V Jlilx. ILLIAMS & HAY WOOD are now receiv- ' f , ing from New-York and offer for sale, 100 Gallons best W, S. Sperm. Oil 200 lbs. Northern Mould Candles 300 Turpentine Soap 200 " best refined Salt Petre 150 ' Poland Starch 100 " Black Pepper ' 150 Race and ground Ginger 100 " Allsoice i - 7,do2. Hibbert's London Pbrter 3. Old Port Wine 2 Boxes best American Mustard, for sale by the pound 2 " , ; Superior Sperm. Candles 20 Kegs White Lead es- -12 Boxes Window Glass. -500 lbs. Putty Ur- 36 doz. Wine Bottles 350 lbs. best American Glue 500 i-reen Copperas , .- . J " .lOOQ,";, chippe4 and stick'Cam peachy Log-' it lbJ lrouna cistic ;'.: - A Hum . , '. ", Dutch Ma'tdei ground . Sp an ish , I nd igoj ' Brown rfl ' ' ' Mia' ' - ' f limingfon . nice .-i Coils Bale and trc'e Rope": .le. shoe thread Package; baskcf-salt for Table 1 -i Bundie s i E g! isfi, Germ ab. a W 8tC 1 1 , ' ar e also Fashionable Wrnteh etvingnnauditionaI S0p-liii ?i.ni::ObthoS se , tefW; he is. necessarily enabled toell tiim re- ply of Dru-s, Medicine Paints &c. &fe. Which verarnever,faiUngprihgs-bf he Bekt water m martoblyrithvap.;c U makes tj.eh-s3brtmen thtrciii(i W far VaWulh selebtetlfmit ticularly Tecomd tne aUeTvtion of buyers, Piiysicians: supplied bn good terms stidif or- r i as many of theatre 50 per cent lowtr: thnn for - . 'feipWAtej&f& ilfelltlropeolM S'H1- t:' v V-o-?--''--r--ii- -i: '' -i? V v Application may be made by better to the uh. uttaieun, av- - - gJaWfi sriHiiisborouh mpm : .ri5,.wlL S'M- -" A,----. v'! 'v-'il .':' '-- Srv' Vtt:;-?v;Vr-.s.; ; I ; V;t -h- :::.-v:as-A; -.1829. , GREE ABLV. to the 2d section of the Apt in- iOL.c'brppratin the' State;Bank of Nortli-Caro-rolina, anVtEIectibn of nineteen Directors bf the Principal Bank is to. take place annually on ,the firstIohclay 4n DecVmber, Tbejstpekholders of the ; jsaid Bank1 are. therefore ; cal led ppon to meet at the Principal Bank in this City.ion Monaay.ine uv 01 Jjecemoer next, at y-o'ciocs in ,the -forenoon, and" hold the said Election, knd attend to such other business in relation ta the general Interests of the Institution as may be judged neeessary. s y, : ''a :-:-r'' j '-.ti'dry; order: of the- Board, , CHAKLES DEWEY, Cashier. , CTj iSuClKSlockholders as cannot conveniently uueiiu iiie niec(.uig,fWiii p tease 10 vore oy.proxy. FALL M WIXTETl GOODS. rip H E Subscribers v take this method; of: !an 5. i-r nouncing to1 the . public thai the have just received and are now opening a large assortment of Staple X and Fancy Dry. Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Liquors, Shoes,;Bopts,Hats, tc The following is a list of the leading articles t Superfine Rlue, Black," Brown Olive, Greeny Drab and.Steel mixed Cloths.';. :--.y - .. Blue, Black, Drab and Steel mixed. Cassi mere. J Toilinett; ValentFa, Swansdown, Marseilles and r-CFlorenti ne VestingsJv '.;; I'ic Camblet, Caroline and Tartan P iaids 1 Black and Colored Bombazines & Bombazettes Black and ; ColorecT Merino Circassiansv -.V,r Satinetts dr-eveieicriptibn ' 4.':k.;"s:fX: Blue and Gray Plains, Flushing and Kersey's, Linsey Woolsey, for negroes weir i- X '- Rose, Point and Duffle Blankets f j v; '" VVhite, Red, Blue, Green aiid Yellow1 Flannels. Ratinet, Spotted Flannel and Plaid Circassian ' ' Russia and Irish Sheetings ' f, '., ;. Tickling, Oshaburg and Scotch Dowlas rV 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens and Lawnsj of siiperior ' .Grass ' H!ea.h . i v.. Y. ' ''' . ' "I , : - v. Russia and Irish Towelling and Table Diapers Ml.: I - j ' 'a. -Tat a. . "i ,'' iaiiuunc xunutuic auu vyruieni uimiiy. V; Calicoes, an elegant assortment , . '-. Cambric, and Seersucker Ginghams Plain and Striped Bateste and .Barege ; y'' BroAn Cambiic aod Barege ' . i X ; Fancy Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs & Scarfs Do. Merino Scarfs and Shawls '. 1, : ' Worsted Durege Handkerchiefs, Bobinett 4-4 Y,;nd 6-4 wide'" - f - : " .'.';',' :: Thread Lace and;. Edgings, Bobinett Lace and E.gitigs . . ; -:AA 'y-'J"::yH':S Black ahd fancy colored 'Crapes and Gimps Nankin, Canton and Mand arin Crape Robes an . Dresses N r : ','K'r r U vV-;" Black and fancy colored Crape Shawls - ' Scnrlet, B tie, Drab and Black Cassimere Shawls Prime Black Italian Lustring and Slhchew ; V- Do ' do and Fancy Grose de Naples . ' Funcy colored Satios and Florences1 - Fancy. Silk, Baodano and Flag Handkerchiefs . Do Cotton and Madrass - , clo . , y Imitation and Thread Cambric 1 do s f' Linen, .Cambric a, id Book Muslin do . , Gent, bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats' ' ' ." . . Plain and figured "Swiss, Jaconett, Book & Mull Muslins, Cambric : S,;SSj, X V v Clark's Spool Cotton, Thread and Cotton Floss Thread and Cotton Tapes'and Bobbins '' ':'.- Blue, Black -ind B. Flax Thread . Prime tllack, Blue, land assorted sewing' Silks y Ladies antl Gent. W hite and Black Cotton and .-Worsted Hose . 1 ' "y v..'i-' Gentlemen's white, black' and mixed Cotton, , Worsted and Lambswool hose, and hose ' -Ladies and Gentlemen's French ahd English Silk Mnse and Gloves ' I v V; 5 ' Do Woodstoki Buckbkin, Beaver, Horse . kin and Dogskin Gloves t v ' ; Do Linen Woollen and Worsted Gloves Black and Colored Worste d and Silk Braids a Satins and Lusljriug. Bio boos, of all' numbers rabers . . Garniture, Gauze and Cap Ribbons Waist Ribbon, hew style Ladies travelling Baskets Do ...LegUbm and Struw Bonnets ' ientlemen's Silk and Cotton Umbrellas f Do v Fashionable Black, Brown llvprak . Beaver Hats ; ; n ; .C ' '' 1 ' '' Boys Do and Seal Caps -H. '.. - 1 Black and VVhite Wool Hats, assorted sizes , s, Ladies and'Gehtlemen's Shoes and Boots of eve ry description I Misses, Boys and Children's do -s doi do I Coarse Shoes and Brogans," for servants r aAtta anA ntUm.ni Piia fc Camhlp Ladies and Gentlemen's Plaid & Camblet Cloaks Imperial, Gunpowder and young Hyson TeaV;, Brown and lof Sugar, Prime Green Coffee Chocolate, Allspice; Pepper, Ginger,) Nutmegs, Saltneter. Alium. Snanish Brown..Indieo Li verpool fine Salts GunJiowdeiViShbt of all si- Hair and H ire Sifters t : i. Prime Dundee Bagging and Twine .-.'.AM Castings of-every description Fantrlisb and Swedish iron, as! Patent Spriiigs and Axletrees riaeres Cut and Wrouerht Nails: of all Prime Chewing Tr.baccdV'V lr" irencn uranuy, maaeira uisaon u, xviaiaga v mc Prime Sicily Madeira V5joie, nUOa'lu Villi, :ildiiMivA liui." imiui Apple Brandy Old Ryi and 'Country! Whiskey The above Gootts being purchased principally in the Northern Cities :ats auction, ?and atvery tvtlnh.rri nrirft. will 1 e.hlthl IIS t'O sell them' uch prices as will not only defy competition, a.".ja . , 7 . hut tion If WISH Abseil -the place Ssvithin a mile of Hills, for Gigand'C twtoetn Baleighyvg Jiborimgh, on SvhichJ now resideviThere are ?VP-Jt nU " 205 acres about one' lialcWared,iteb acres of Opened xheLheafietL and mostexteiisiyeasspit- MedbWlandand- the,ba.aob i: wobdThe "lent- of SEASoSAiiiaB nDKurf(othIch tli- use; - v J" - . .it 1 i,...- ,I Af.fik-a..i i'i.-i, above" hamed comoose a narfl h e iiaa- ever' c f- .fT? tefe bstannethey ebnsisit of arpwcllrng itquseil Wt, elJ Hvin. been . v . vGALES & SON Have just' published 'an "'v .;- . APPENDIX to Haywood's Manual which - ; embraces; the Lawspas,4ed sihceVthe yer;l8l9 f under distinqt beads,' ' in alphabetical order, in-- ' ' eluding those of lasj SesstonV; wliich renders the P t 6rk.cbmpleteV'v;W;r Ki Tz&y' ' ' v For this .addition to''"the;'Manual: charge wBl lVlrid sold ;Y at:Five,Ddllarw hei4tofbrev:;'" i'X '' y -t'"?!' A O rdetsi Wil I b&i Ostan 1 1 at i tfA in K ' i - : . foSept.Xl?X8's; rr r -""-'-v- ' -' '- ' " 1 s" ' ' T '"-' '- 's' Court; of Pleas Atid Quarter S essions Joseph J. .Williams' Henrjr & J J.Watts, Joseph J. William Joseph Ji, Williams ;.'viTv; Henry & J. J. Watts; tr -. -. vJpseph J yiHiam , Henry&J.J.AYatts, a 1 appearing, to the jsatisfactioiT of the Court, s JL thatJacob J. Watts is hot a resident of .this . State : Ordered therefbrei ' by the Court, that -, publication be made in the RaleigU Register foV ; six weeks, to notify said Defendant to appear at-, our next CoUrt sf Pleas and Uuarter Sessions,"' to be" held for tji e county of Mar tin at. V?s i Ilia ms ton, on the second Monday; of. December next, ' ! and shew cab seV w by: the : j udgme lit o the Jus I, tice below, "shall not be "aflirmed, and il Vendi 5 tiom Earponeat issue to sell the landievied oni V - . ' TH OS. W. WATTSj Clerk. . 'i Price adv. 00 : .' ., 1 R ?r ; w Grreen iaiik Umbrella w;as stolen from the piazzabf a house in thls city !' on, Sunday evening last. - Ahy.person seeing , a Negro in possession of such a one in the city of i ts' vicinity, Avill please'give information thereof U atv tnis umce, and they shall be Iioerally com- ' pensated.; ' 'i-.. ; ' ";s . Oct. 14. V C : Manager ";; - To be drawn at Ri ch mbnt On Fridy,thilthVDecember, ; 60 No. Lbttbryr--Ni ne drawni Bal lofs : --.Vi" ; 1 SC HEM E.ii - - 1 Prize of SI 5,000 i; I ' is g 15,000 :;:A;K'r;';:;:-S,OQ0 .ri'.'ff 3,(xxk: V . 025. -T r..'O 'TIO5 Sr 1,Q00 '4500?M. 2,500 , ..:'" 5. '.jiS 20 'T j.' a I' ' 51 ,r 51 ' 400 2,000 V --v--v' oepierooer icrmlK.jy - : ' " y Henry. & J. J. Wattsvy 1 v,.i.-:,-v.: a--. :r.- r ; ,3,000' , 4 3ooo v - 2,400 ' '" 'ir. 150. ,4100 60 s 50 "t1Iv-v2,550:V;'v 'SO 30Mz:M&: -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ' - .? , T .' , .. .t , 1 3'25'Pr,'SVi?0'i 'Tcib'bri' '"" 20,:g25;Br.4.k8 , hPuSiiC' u.l!Sn'& WhnlA tirkpf ft??. TTnlvAQ Win n.i-,U' " W WWW WW " ' a. ters 1 5. ; vAddreHS all vniir orilf-rs in .-f-f.;-,..- nptice: ; QTRATED IfTom thetSubscriber,1 on the 5th bf January .last, a II or He- MULE, about ten years of age, darkcolov compactly built, ahd - 1 has the hair rubbed off his shoulders by tlie col-. Ur He wrasseen at j one time, between llur. , f;rd countv." makiner for this nlacieL ha nn douot been taicen upor he would: before this have reached home. '. ...A reasonable reward Will V'RiVlCii A T 1 -.. 't- - ..- ;. --- ( i-; UOUS . t6iIT'S"T ' V iorted Tv ;.V"tSi'& l be giveaand all expences paid, for bis delivery V sie- I V Baleigh, JNtrv. lf--r; "-vv-; ,:' ' : j s v; i Caksitrteri&9SattirietSC at 1 rt'-f2nrf0 Tnrfiti 5tW.o. P4 ''ZX'L.J.J , " I unit v i iaw -ywwtj, 4, Utfa t"(rfL .. ' I ,,1 "RlriPhlrnvvriii I 7,i;.i ;- j.-;t ".' :vwc;'Vmf'i'- "VVV .jl u. ; . "us just v receivea anu .at K ' lAttshiou;:;;v '? q M ISAAfeU. tAl KILllaiE.,':

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