i-,1 4 4 i .4 V w A - h lvi,vi ' i H r ' -' t , 7Vz . A -.,N: .HSSBB.-., ;r': ATVRRTISRMENTS,V if times for a DoIar and. twenty-five centsfpr -i'. every' succeeding publication thOe Oireat- mNAGKJIS' OFFICE, . 7 .-1 Richmond j va.,- The three latteraiKsoTd at the managers o ffice. PROCLAMATION. XBu the Gov.trnorof ' North-Carolina I 1 '1 yo tiUQUT.cu--u.ui iars-.xi.ewaru. . 4-WWT'T'n C O :Wa. t mo J t iK. i ' f F- that a murder-lias "been committed in the county bf- It61es6n and;Sjate of North-Carolina, mx t!e 23rd dav of March last, and that a certain NMfcRB0lTir'MESSERr1aJXr-thet6uiity:'aird fitate" aforesaid r stands chained by lhe, finding- of ' Grand J.ury uon- a -bnt. of .Indictment, with ljavinff'perpetHtedesanie-,bn'tbeboUy''ofra certain E!yah:lcl)amel.pf said count"-;, and as it is further represented, n'X.made.i known; to me. that the said Meredith Meser, hath abscon ded, and fledirom:the jurisdiction and. limits" tof this Slalidand thereby eluded tharm' of Law and of Justice. f- - Nov, therefore," to the'end-'that the saitlvMe redith MesseVmay be apprehended a'nd brouirlit to iustice1vtleVabpvef eward of ;Xwof,Hunrli vd vDoiwra wiuj'Uie given io any person or persons; who will apprehend and'onfine theaid Mere- dith Messer In'any jail in tWs State, l hat h& may he brpilght tu justice? rJsnd I tloro-eover lreb 'requirejComnandndeiijOin al! ofneers wlialsoerer, as well 'military,' as civil within tjiis State, tor use their idstndeaYOiirJto apprehend and take or cause, to 'be apprehended and taken, the bodV of the, said Meredith Messerfand him safety arid secure'Iyikeep, - So that he , may be j broJght to justice. , J Z . r 4 ; sMeredTah Messer is anoul ci or years of agey about.' 6 f eet higl, brown hair, uiudb freckUd on bis' ace' .ndhandS'' has. a", scar,' on o.ne -of ' his 'Jliands (iot; recollected ; which), occasioneil by a ; blow and someofthebonesVf the hand-bt6ken; has.' remarkablee) g' teeth, and a singularity, in his vo!Ctf which Would at once strike strangers, ' jaisVut,ec",ty-'ofAleish-th,sl8lh of -November 'A; D. 1S29. , ' tv, : :-rt4- JNO. OWEN. Hy the ttovtrrnor, - 27 ;PJlOqLlATI(N. I if 1 'fie -Governor pj ' Jofth Carolina. :' 'JLSvoII liimlrefl.r Dollars Re ivnt. J HKEAS.-it lias been made known to me f ? t14t a-murder has been committed iii'ilie' ''county- of CnrrUwek; Vnd :'Stat- of ,2Co'ctJi-Oaroli-n, on th 4tlrof;September:last,"and.thata cei1 'su.ii; 1 VV:V-WIL-KtNtf;4atc ofthe couftty.& State j a fiw.-jo it 1 J sj a u.li c harged by; t he verdict of a eo roner's iniesL. 'wit! having peni'etrated the same on UicLA.ly f a' certain' Penelope Vil kins, of utr.rl counlv anvl-a it lis" furth.er'represented tie arm of tlie law Jintl , of 1'usiice. : v- N.w tJ.iir ffi'e, "to the end that the saidJ Ivey ViMktn's riSu v' ti 'Jippiended nd brought tor j ice, t SealoveJ reward of - tmi'; Immlied . lol i rs v itj 'io gtvefj'to any, person or persons, who xnTi a,.p(eh ' wttr.l coiulue'the; sudIvey. ,WU tfus in arly jji! uriiii.Steo'tliatJve b husrhr o hi'.rrcw : 4And I do moreover hereby v-iuireckMiiuiand-and enjoiv?all oKicers v'wlatf ait v-r, avwcji m r i Jtsjnunarv, iviiuui- una s : tor "u tlicir, fa iykt endea vbu rsi to apprehend ilud Uk,or c tuse loTbe-apprebended ajid lakeiij.the body of the?- said Ivev'VVjlknis, ajkl'..him safely j and ecin-ely ,keep,.so4hat.be styaih be brougtt to justice-.. --J ', t-'-'- 'i 1 s '4zt- . Ivy'wldkihs is aDout;fiveTeet.4 ijicbes fiih," 1 stou ma(l'ehrhair, blue ffVcs,-lull t-Qe;ani 1ms lost fpift'ot Ins jovs trum tme' otV his' feet-f hV "is carpenter by tradtr, aiul ist sitppoaed to bon that jiarx pYirgima;neur pttrrituck couiuyl' t ft ov t lis taoyernoi 2?, tK ,1, D TO!,Ft out oVmy pocket, in the Clerk's Of-' fic.Jxboiiglr,''rstjn.fc4nity'- Black ' Kt Hibd' Vcketibd-c v u!)te iJape'rs a 7-ruimber ofnotesof htiaiid; winch cannot at present be rememberedi-l Ter .Vollect'one; oiiXewis Daniel, for 450 one bn Vaids L-iwsdn, with .WmStreet security'; for ;riikewise,"anumber of small Jtotes, uotat Pi tscm recollected.' There . was one-half ;,.of a Bu.idred, :ollar noteU.' S.'mdneypayable at the Rrnch Bink t)f 'KeW-Oi Ieans,' letterl-No; wht aU, ; one-half or a Tifty- Dollar note; U, paperpavabferat Charleston; letter, lJKo. Vj 11 .Ut ' V 'it-ii '- . - -..:...'. i.t 1 f. ,f hnKnh i'":c iJiilicrrs 1 WiJU ILL iui c vi ii r..'V'w" I )n. , nv 41. iJ ts:ATcf banrl nf n. I tts.-r ("ONll , 1 ' , -;.!joaRiPirAj;fts& son, a v Trmfollowihgare the rsumqers arawn muie Tiz,i nL' f.nttervi class No 3.. . i ., . ; .i.-ss.- vv$i o,ooo r:F C,13?S; 46. 2,000 j ; foeiilg 31 i spinet lines larijc uiiu iuh, unci ai oiijrrt weak and efTeminate. " r '' ' " C, ,t r A , - ij' i "T T v2 G.re'ti under; my hand, as Governor, aMii.iimnej khowii iq me irri tuc tic vjr knis jliath abcoiled and Hed: from tteT jurisdic- 1 urn luiT lUtk of -lh?.i State, and'thereby 'eluded GVveni ider'uiyJi:iod av. Governor; '5-'vl l"d uider th'e-jsreat seal of the State, 2&S&"athe City ofJLdeigh; thisPX7thduy of NoVetiibet,. I), ,182 t U : . , t ' , V ' " 1 ii4b ;.on4 1 en Dollar noteV of the State Bank '-'.N. aid jne Dollar Note; pf the' same "Bank; wMh a nuiiber of CCHStaoles 'Becelptsf and oflieV uoh of stfif "PHikt-bo)k. I v"jll .Kive44 ( nr. miniK. c 5 ri r.f m d i n f- hf1" wlshinc;'' firewood.-! :i r a HfifJwolt ni-nvurt Vnnnw'-lF-.'rnr' it tvt.iT-w 'mnioV rn Virtf orKir.st. alt. -trnip I j iiaii'iaMCi . - i ' .... - . - -T.- ' . - . . ' . - - ., ( j I W ....-j - - - f . -x - W . . - : O . -T - . - W ,W . A . . V- K.- , . O V" II W HI . 4 1IIU1VI V I 0V U V- I K I1 I- M.- V W . ' w-.. . . . " r . T I . . ' III (' ' -cy'WJ w& , ir- 1 '" ,,u,r;v - T- v-.vv-'irV. .,. --..i -ij..e(L,-initti.-va,-innuire...ojia0' caitOF Oji-l who ia-.i 10 come -lorwru a vaiu -e.ic,uitr auic i w. . ; - -m.. m io v j f AAtiiV.'iLi AMSON. i. - n-iiy xV0v. 24 , x r 29 5r-V the.Americari F.crioer Blltiniore . v r,. mutely. ; - . 't r- rf.VTIUUfec C I'FC"4-. - mtf Kghrtt prlceain CASH wilie givd "i; for a few likely YOUNG "MEG ROES from 15 to 25 for males,1 and from 10 to 25 foi females rin extru price ;wiH:be given, for ,mechanics.--i Persons who wish to sell wiildo well to call on ; ; A BEUNETHVS Lectures, 2 Vobi ' v v iHorneVs Special ScGeneral AnVtomy,2 vols $, YBichat'a-Genenr Anatomy, 4 vols. , Anatomy and Pathology Bell's Anatomy, 2 vols. Bailie's Morbid Anatomy .... Mjfr V.. . - '1. Gibson's Surcrerv. 2 vols.-. Cooper First Lines of Surgery," 2 vols.'-;; t x Tr De wees'" Midwifery f 4 . t 1 ' ; I)e wees on Females v ' , doonvChildren - " , s 'T . V vl'ancis's penman. -AVi'-" c "a. ''Good's Study of Medicine; 5 vols; -Gregory's Practice, 2 vols, new edition vV ' V Thacher's, Modem Practiced r ; " Cullen's practice U" v v-Thacher's Dispensatory . V Edinburgh". Ji - 'do - A t - -t v' -ana Aiai uiauuiog ia. " . . Vil ; Cooper on Dislocation '. 1 , - -C.-1 v- Murray's Materia Medica 1 -v : Eberle's 1 do ; , do", 2 vols. '"jIjiwrence,'Physiology'4'';Vvv-' , Magendie's, do t 1 , " t Bostock's" doJ'" . 1 v Richerand's do' ' - V v Bateman's Synopsia 1 , ; ' , ,t Hunter on the lilood . . -, " ,Scudamore on jheGuut ; . u. Armstrong on Fever and Consumption .i ' " Armstrong's Medical' YVorks" - ; . c Darwin's Zoonomia, 2, vol ' - . With"; many, other valuable f Medical Works which' will be sold on thei most favorable terms, byC, . . "I , ; . J.'GALES &-SOJf. - Raleigh Oct.' 14. ; ;. , O " Tire .Bevisal of the Laws tof North-Carolina, by the late Chief-Justice Taylor the lateBartlett Vancy, and Judge Potter, made under the di s erection of the Legislature of the Stiite, in two large" octavo Volumes,! with' a full and com v pletet Index, v - ,v i Ditto, brought down to the-'j'ear 1826, by the late Chie-Justice Taylor, with a satisfactory Index.;. . tfj c - Haywood's . MAnual . of the Laws of i the State, ar li'ranged in Alphabetical order, wilh an appen dix, which brings the .Work-to. the year 1829. Potter's. Justice 1 of1 the Peace, a new edition, , " lately, revised' and corrected, with a number of new Forms, and the Laws contained in which; are brought up to the year 1828.. L ' Martin's Law of Executors and Administrators, : (which is "foller's English Work on this sub ject, omitting ' such parts as, are not io force here,' taking the Law as it stood at the settle , jnent of Jhis country,1 and introducing every "..--.act of Assembly of tliis State-which has alter? ed the.Lawand npticing every adjudged case ' which throws light on tfie subject.) This c r dition of the-work was! revised by the late Chief-Justice-Taylor's Digest of the Statute Law of North-Carolina, relative to Wills, Executors , ' and-Adm'mistrator, the Provision J"or Widows V ami the Distribution "of intestates'. Estates ; A Worklwhich comhiiies in one view all the enactments-which have! been made on these subjects for a Century pust; and which are clisp'ersed in more than.torty statutes! ' Agrltultural Essies, "written by a North-Carolina Farmer- Allowed by those who are'best -ca-pable of judging,"to be the best book for con . . veyinp useful information to the Farmers of ytliiii State that. was ever. -I published. It treats Voir the best mode of improving l.mdi o;i deep r ) anil" fiorizontul .Ploughitig : oi thei. Grasses best suited (o this Statei ;',on the best, modes of Taising' WheatiTurnips and Indian Corn' t and treats' largely ouU Draining "L.vnd, &c. le i'uiuig oi Live Stock, The Reports of, Cases decided, in the Supreme ..Court of North'Catolina,! from the first estab S lishment otHhe Court, when it bore the title of Court of ?Conerence,'' to the : present time; which are as follows :-. - ... - . -Reports of the Conference Court;, by D. -y: - Cameron aid Vm. Norwood, in' 1 vol. -i vv. Tfie Law, Repository, by Chief-Justice Tay j ; lor, 2 vols.," : v Term 'Ue ports' 1 -.vol. by Do-' - j .'Hlurphey'js lieports of the' Supreme, Court, ,' -'3'vols.- - " , vlUwk "Do ' 4 vols. . Devereux's'DoT-' ' Vol. 1 ? f -(lawks's Digest of the -Reported Cases ad judgrd in ;ymrt It-Carolina,', from the year 1776 to 16., - - A' (jollect:on of.tlje Militia Laws-of 'Nbrth- - Carolina ", ' . . :' ' L ' j" Subscriber--will be received tor. the Ue-port'S-of tlie'Sufremo Court Avluch fare publish ed at the close of eadi Term at 1 5 pcT nuiu.'Jer, hr-aidetl by nuid to: Subscribers inv-aii'y part utth4 State. JOSEPH GALES Sc SON. r 'lfcdeigi. im' ,:7inhnUiwnoiTuaicnEMV' .-,. I '1 ill rsli !', EKarn!iniwn;wiJ be on M nday & Tues- B - ''... - .. . '-.!. 1 ' i it . - -!: .. A ' . w v. -v- ...... , , 7. ----- fj ( V: Academy,; a teacher of longieyperiencey and'hifi-hlv.'distiniruished for classical'. and scien tific attainments,' ; will be'associated in the labors of the -Academy. ; ; , CJK' 1 -? : HThfe aystem of studies ls1 in general, prepara torv to urwUriiv'ersiW.b-- brahclies S be Hint?,' Jleaditlg,'lWritutg;yGeogra phyi" Arnnmeiic anuvjngiisn vi-uiniar tersperseu uirouguoui tuc ji;uuiflc.i(, t umuu the ihitrher "branched of ?educatioitiILbe given to such as desire it. r - , - ' ZS, - - If v T A rr L'i m Imliniv SB I .I rf-X. Sptcinn. . ' . . -; '.i . ;.- rinv twin., tuiuuii, - i c. .' tv; - "... J VV.--.1- BTNTGI1 AM.'PrincinalJ me at Mrs. Jeter s -Tavern, where 1 mav always btffoupd;";.: V W1L F,OWLEU... rjwm following valuable BOOKS, published '.W. h principally ;for ;theruse of-, the Citizens of North-Carolina,' are constantly Wept. on hand, for E YER. i XlTILLlAMS & HAYWOOD ae now receiv ipg from New-York and offer 'Jor sale,, rr a uuituus uesi.. . o. apermuU) - ! ;150 ,rv Itace and ground Giuger ;v iw Auspice 7 ' -r . , - rbz.Hibb'erl's London Porter Old PortWinN'i.r i . by the pound. -- --"' 2 .:.- :. 'SuperiorSpcrmj Candles " C tvegs wmteieaa v- . .V 12 Boxes Window Glass v k:4 ow ids; ruuy v , v , 06 doz. Wine Bottles . . - . ' ; o50 lbs. best American Glue . ,500 - ereen Conoeras ' . V - ,1000 "-chipped and stick Campeachy Log K .wood. ; 150 " Ground FUstic 150 Allum ' ; - ; 75, DutchfMadder1 ground! JiJ -V-. Spanish Indigo 500 " " . Brown 500 4 Wilmington Rice , 2 Coils Bale and trace Roper 1 Hate shoe thread - .1 Package basket-salt for Table use "12 Bundles English, German and Italian i, . Violin string's consisting of 1st 2nd 3rd ' K' and4ths. t " ' f . ' - - W. & 1L are also receiving an additional sup ply bf Drugs, Medicines, Paints See," tc. which makes their assortment very complete. Physicians supplied; on good terriis and all or ders promptly-attended to, v h '. ' i . i 1 - .r - I, t ! sva 2ML3Si e ax a ct. a. : Just received-2 Boxes of v; he above Valuable Medicine.. - WILLIAMS & HAYVOOD. - ct. 14th,, 182?. " ' i 16-, Union Canal Lottery Office, ' No.,119 Cliesnut Street, Philadelphia To bur distant Friebds. JTE are gratified with the numerous orders -VT- we have lately received from 'our friends in this, and in several other ''distant States, as well as with the fidelity with which die. tickets we forwarded by mail appear to hive; reached their -destination.. No fear '.of a lelter-s miiscar riage may be entertained, as in all rurvj business up to the present rrroment, the subscriber has never known -a ticket or rehiittnuee lo fd.-! We. can accommodate bur friends fix m an eighth to any number-of whiles or : packages pack age contains twenty, nine . of-which ire; warrant ed'trdruw $10. prizes, and mav draw one or more of the capitals." The follQwiig is a Scheme of the i A - - ; " " Lftiion Canal Iaottei'yV j (Vittcs & M'lntyre, Managers.) Class No. 14ift To be drawn in the City 'tiilaaelplua on Thursday the 17th December, 1829. ' 1 Prixe of g30,Q00 is 830,000 20,000 2 10,000 5,000'.;-' 4,210 . 1,000 - , 600 500 400' 0f)0' - J00 90 -k) - ' 70 " 60 - ,50' '40 30 20 : 10,000 4,210 10,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 5,600 5,100 . ' 1 ' f io, ; 10 ' 10. 10 - 10 51 - -51 ; ; ) 0 2 . . . v 204 . J122 , 1 147.? ' . 1 33-,95 Prizes ' 20,825 Blanks, 4,590 4i080 3,570 r 6,120 . 5,100 1 4,080 , 6.120 22,440 114,750 34,220 Tic 1 Whole Tickets S10. 60 Numbers 9 ilrawn ball pts. Full schemes sent to thos. who purchase tickT etand also the dravfrn jnumbers by tlie first mail after the Lottery is dra wn-c: All - orders must be addressed to - ROn' r. T. BICKNELL." ; . No. 119, Chesnut Street, Philadfelptm;- Pa. - Nov. 29. ' - - , ' .9-3f '- GrtMit Union GAal Lottery, Class sJVo. n4ti: - ' . . To be drawn in Philadelphia, on Thursday ITth - x v . , December. - GRAND AND, SPLENDID SCHEME: lM Grand capital; of S30;000f s SO; 000 1jO,000 - 10,00 r -10,000-'J 5,000 .5,000 -.4:200- 1,000 '6001 r 500' -ri o,opo - 5,000 '-5,000 4,200 10,000 6; 000 :5,000 .i-Xqoo ' 3,000 . 1 It) ; 10 4 10 400 300 ,.1-i:s,::.':vi ! " -ft " 28 --2D0' 5,600 Besides;51 jf SlOOf each otMi 80 70, 1 &102 prices each of 60,A50, 40, .204 or so, 1122 of 2o;r& rmr5 of io.; J"r r ' ' Whole tickets SI0. Halves Sci :Quar- K: v 77- tci'S2.5p:. 77-777 A package of 2(whote $200 and is compelled to drato $9p "aud cjktrtoe at the: sa me vtime; for sdme of the above 'splendid , capitals -packages of. shares in same nronortion.' V "'-t-. i-kf- l X fl5 Yates & Sl'Iotyre7s Managers, ofthe above Lotteries ' 7" '7 - r7-' i-ei. au your,oraers oe aaaressea to -. , "x.'j- V -T,,' ' - ' YATES M'l NT V HE, - -f ,-' - v - -Managers.,- 4 CHEAPER THAN 500 lbs. Northern Mould Can JU? r V ; -.300,. Turpentine Soap jv - v-. , " T ' . v-; x 200 , 'b'estrefiaed Salt letr, j V, 150"' ; Poland Starch.' 3 V V'- 100 "VBJack Peppi-r-'-'xt -I miLjiim-GobM, r iiHE-lSubscribers take J this .method of an ,. JL - nouncing to the public- that they have iust received and-are no wgpening.a large assortment 01 otaptet ana 1 jancyt.oryv tjoods, . liardware, Queenswarev Liquors, hoes,; Jluots lfats; Sec" iThe'folIowing1 is a; Iisf.of the'leadinur articles4"- oufiiTiuie Kiur,; oiacK, rowo,.uiive,-v creen; J Drab and Steel mixed Cyotlis f. n'ue, Black, Drafr arid Steel niixed Casjnter Black' and Colored' Bombasines &: Itonibaijettes lflack ana Colored Merino Ctfcass'iahs r Satinetts of ; e ery description : ' n '-.t Blue and Gray Plains : Flushing and1 Kersey's; " Linsey Woolsey, for negroes wear ' " -Tj" Rose; Point and Durrl Blankets : ' White Red; Blue, Greenland Yellow Flannels ,' Ratinet, Spotted Flannel and Plaid Circassians Russia and Irish" Sheetings :j: --t ) C Ticklings T)snaburg and Sco!ch' Dowlas t 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens and Lawns,: of -superior - Grass Bleach 1 - ,,.(,av" .VA Russia and IrisTi Towelliner and Table"lianers' Cambric Furniture and Garment Dimity- ; Calicoes, an elegant assortment V-'. - Carnbric and SeerstickerGinghams - 7 .Kl? Plain and Striped Bateste and Barege ? ' i 4 BrOwn Cambric and Barege- )-f " Fancy Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs Be' Scarfs ' Do, Merino Scarfs and Shawls- v- - v Worsted Barege , Handkerchiefs;5 Bobinett 4-4 and 6-4 vide ' ' ' - Thread Lace and Edgings,, Bohinett Lace' and Edgings : ' ' Black and fancy colored Crapes and Cimps- " Nankin, Canton and Mandarm Crape Bobes and: Dresses 1 ; v - Black and fancy colored Crape Shawls , V Scarlet, Blue,; Drab and Black Cassimere Shawls Prime. Black Italian 'Lustring and Sinchew ,. 5 Q "Do -do .and Fancy Grose de Naples Fancy colored Sat las and Florences. yJ--: '-.f Gentlemeiv's Black Italian Cravats ' -A Y' Fancy Silk, Bandana and Flag Handkerchiefs Do ; Cotton and Madrass '" do' . " - imitation and Thread Cambric do x 'rc.' 3" " Linen, Cambric and Book Muslin do '- Gent, bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats f" , Plain and figured Swiss, JaconettBook Sc Jklull "Muslins, Cambric v j' - ; y Clark's Spool Cotton, Thread and Cotton" Floss Thread,and Cotton Tapes"and Bobbins Blue, Black and W. Br Flax Thread ' Prime Black, Blue, and assorted sewing Silks." Ladies -and Gent. W hite and Blafck. Cotton aitd Worsted Hose- -t ' , - ' ' ; Gentlemen's white black and mixed Cotton, "Worsted and Lambstoool bose; and i hose '- Ladies and Gentlemen's French - afl English ' Silk-Hose and. Gloves' ! ' ' - - ; Gentlemen's Black and White Silk Hose V j Do - Woodstok, 13uck-cinJ Beavjer,,' Jlorse ( kin and Dut-,skiu tilaves . -v . .. .- . -' Do Linen. Woollen and Worsted (loyes Black and Colored Worsted and Silk Braids r Satins and Lustring Uibhons;; of all numbers Garniture, Cauze and Cap. Ribbons ? -Waist Ribbon, neV stlc. . ' , l . Ladies travelhog- Baskets . V' v "V -Do . Leghorn and Straw 'Bonnets v''V-'--:;-Gentlemen's; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas f " .. 'J Do .'- : Fashionable Blacky Brovvu i'Drjb Beaver Hats -'TJ .," x t Boys Do and Seal Caps " 1 ; , , . Black and White tjoolHats,wassortel sizes Indies and Gentlemen's Shoes and Boots of eve;. , ry description ' 1 . - 1 f , , ; " Misses,- Boys and Children's .-.; do do do-' v " Coarse Slioes and iirogans, for servants , y vi. Ladies end Gentlemen's Plaid .ScTCuaiblet Cloaks Imperial, Gunpowder and young Hyson Tea v. Brown and lod Sugar, Prune Green Cofi'ee ' Chocolate, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Nutmegs! f SaltpeU-r, Allum, Spanisa J3rown, Indigo li- 'tifi.iiuui K11"-; uaiiiuuci onyi ui ja it- W zes,' Bar Lead, Trace Chains," Cutting Knives ? Hair and W ire Sifters " ' Z1 - Prime Dundee Bagging and Twine Castings'of - every descripuo.i f English and Swedish Iruli," assort el Z--"1 5 ' Patent Springs and Ascletives forGIgs and Car - riages Vj v- . , . - v -T; " 1 Cut and Wrought Nails f all sUes Prime .Ghewuig Tt-bar-Ao t ' t.';- " French Brandy; Madeira;. Lisbon &. Mrdga Wlue Prime Sicily Madeira and .1 enc-n tt&yt tHef. Holland Gin, Jjinaic t and N. E. Rum" " Apple Brandy, QUI R and Cb'jritry Whiskey- The.above Goods b'ving purchased principally in the Not the rn : Ci t ics' at auction, a nd at v ery reduced prices, will enable; us' to self; them atl ucn prices -s win fioi j Oiny ueiy compeviioii, 1 . . 1 1 a. 1 . ? -i , i- 1 -.- . . . : . -1 but we Hatter ourselves will meet the approoa. 4 tion 01 our customers. ' v , : ...x; , ; 1 1 AZLE IT- $c. ROBERT KYLE iJaleigh.Nov. 9, 1829; 26-wUir FOR-SALE ! - 7 1- - X WISH to sell t he placeiWithib'a' mjltf of rOlW borouarh. on whicli notv reside., There are 203 acres,? about one half cleared, : ten acres of M eadow land and tl j e bala nee j n wond.,, - The improvements arerf ail ne.w.and .flnished inthe best manner -tliev consist of a DwcUin-r House. containing eiglit rooms v1th lire places- besides passages,;iclosets,'ctc. a larjrvfiiarn and btables,' and other uccessaVy Outhouses. xTherejare se- terms wither tor jmon-.-y on easy creditsor will exchange; it forrNetrr'ots.or. W esterhlands;'nr: ,J. .-Appl iplicaiion may oe made by letter to the stth qr, at Hillsborough.; . 't7'77-C -V . ' X ' - W."ANDEirSON.- scribe. Nov. is: 2J -eotf TBoiird of-Asricu lturc; 4 fME'ETINfi of this Hoard Will be held in the X. Conference Koom in t,heCapitol 6n-Tvues- day e.vening at .oxiock,; Ty I he-ratteuuanceoi th'eDeleuates'-cd'thej-seyerar'AgTiculturavSocie- ties 'in Jthe S;ate,are requestedJto-atttnd;and If any such. Society has omi,ttel foippoint a De- legated aMemoertrom tne uounty ,is:uiviteu to the meeting on its behalf " s V . t . NOTICE; . A LL rtiersons --indebted Cto'the late 4Trm .- of XSLi tSliirdmlVo arejiereuynouned,, uiat their Notes 'Accounts have been -'lilaeea in the ,i outneii, vaicniiaj. awansuowu . jiarseiuts a . ' Florentine" Vesting; VV "l "x Camblet, Caroline and Tartait Plaids : v f veral never.raiung oprtngs . oi ine Desi, waver on the tract," and a large . -and well-7 selected fruit Orchard.- . , 77 , . - -"f . I 'w ill sejl this -property, on ( the; most liberal r lnayrvootVsfanntily i' " -Rrooit ft pr to .tfie "present tim 0 rGALES'& SON-have just published, sm O'AFPENDIX toJIaywo'od-a Mauud, wh-ct, embraces'! he-Laws-passed sVlfte the veur 1. l 1 1', 1 o t r Under I-stnict jtefids.in alphabetical. order, h.--eluding those of last Session which renders ti.e Work complete-; V . , !." ' . ' PprrthTs 'addition "to - the Manual, no f ; a thsrge- wdlbet nyide.', ; The Book wdl " be bol 1 UJ' l-Tve)o liars. as heretofore.', ?, t ' , - Oixlersvdl b instantly attended to. - Sept.ti2i829: r s- " i - V . -'V, ' ' Alartin Counltf. , Court of Pleas arid Quarter Seioni, -; , . September TermV 1 6 : ,,r josepn j.;vjuia!ns 1 y.i i . Henry: & J."J Watlsi Jos'eph'yr. -.Williams-' v. 2 ilenry- & J , "J. Watts k - - ' v . y 4' nenry cc j j. tvatts, " . 'i - .v ; Joseph J.-Winiams ?V Henry J-rJ J. Watts, ; 'Joseph J.WU'iamsrt- t - 'j v. Henry'S- J. J . Watt s, .1 .appeanpg tolhe satisfiction of the: (wnt, natcob J. vWfttts is not a resident of t.r-is State rtfrdered therefore. 1 bv the Court' Sth:.t piiblication fbe made inlhi Raleigh Register for six vetks,-to; notily sjid JJefendant i t appear at anr nect:-r!Sitrt ; if , It to be heldrfoF the county of Martin at Willum- ton, on the second Monday ol" December nex'i and-shew, cause, whv the ludprmeht'of th l.'i tice-below, .shallnot be affirmed and a Vrn'di tiom JEdrponw -issue to sell the land levied on. : . .THOS. ,W., WAITS; XJlerk. Price adv. $500 .-V- . ,13 uuuiMiiiig- v.ji;jes, ana anotner iract lying on the south side of .SwifrCreek.. The Trjcts are' -amtiguous, and wevepiirchased, Kome .v'eafs ' jo by the, late Wro. :Gihriour ot' Vip, liimv-u. ' Apply to.the Editors of the Retfisti w'w ho .n e Axilhoi-isedby.ibeowiiectoiell said land 'l August 15; 1829. .s-v." -v'i - 9Jjf ,UBiT:rsity,ar:North-Caiollna. e ay By appointment of tng President of jthV Board. (, C ' , i . '..'ACHAU'MAMjY Sec'v" ' Raleigh Nov. 12th 1829J ? . . t 26 - ' : Six-and a-qitartei - Cents r Reward'.' AN AWAY from the Siibri! -day, the 18h iost. an anmejifift-' hn' . .n t m- cd ilix Jones, 1 years, olillabt J w nt,' vot J ery tall, but; well set; with.a bold pouhten Inci, fur skin aud somewhat reckled, ' with large uh:,j evs. His clolliing.ts a black, jei.113 Coat am! plain white. Pantaloons and a--wool-". Hat; - Anv person bringing V'lhe'said"boy Xq tne shall have , the above reward. - '3 - 4 " . ' v v CHARLES slagleJ liuncombe Courtly, Oet25., 3 t-rV ne:and,g.heah . -7 y .-.r . '-r---jL. 4 . - 1 -7- 7 Finland Coynmo, Cloths -all c.iWrr-;, Cassimp.rzsJ iStfdtinp.t? flnJit and Gfof 'de IndidrilkSf -piah'Fiorr I and: - 2?ic Palm iirinik : Swiss ah I nt , Muslins- Aferin? 'Shaicls,', "JSplendi l Ik It ana uonnei juoanas, jMce (Japes and Veils jp ineiais sat ;uapsf canoes ;of ail kinds, Itoshand Print Blankets Irish LLiens. B;, II.;, SMITH, has just received, and ' opened the ;Vfyatpetl and most 'extensive -issotts fl:;:.,y4.v:"F01trSAi2E,, r- ' ,lL TRACFDF'L'AND, ' in Wake coiu.ty, h X-tC iilcr on both sides .of "Diitr.ft Irian' iti im fi 'FHEAnnuarMeeting of tie Trustees of lb M University. oi'iNorth.-CarolrQr : will be be! J a me uAcnmKc. uHicc wi '.l UEiuav tiie torn c; ment . qt bEAsnNABLE Diir Gnons'of whicli tf.e above-named- com posea-part, ) he has ever oi- --' fered? i'-tlps .-marketvaiut v'hicb havin ; '-eVn perchased- by . a ; fi iend of his jit Uns''; Package . Sajje'iriVNEW-YoRir,; on the most advautagco is terms,v. he js necessarily enabled to seil them fe-rtatkbly..cheap;i'4I-t.07'IIS he would pu-- ' r ticularly, recorp,mend ;to the attention of Lu tr$ ' as inany or inem re ou per cent tower than for- nieriy, w lie iws wcmum, .superior joaj (S JJroii'Sl Sugar,' Teaynd iCqtf?et ' Coiton ' JIurtrinr an I 'Iron. 4 -7. -V. y7-7 . , r , K-lleu V Nov. .12t- - -. r . .24 . 4t ' V'Beaay-itfuffc? Clothing, c. fflHE Subscriber respectfully inWms the citi- : -AzetVsjf.Ralergh.anti its Vicinity v that he ha laken" a "-Store ; on Fayetteville Street, a : lev doors below t he Bank of Newbern, where hein tends keeping i handcart-assortment of UC - -DY-MADE CLOTHING .conststin-of Gentlemen's. Over,.T"rock Dress. COAT'S. ' V C- Do. ; , pantaloons & vrt:s vs. - r , Do.' -flannel DitAW EBS & S 1 i 1 IH'3. Together with anasortment .of Fancy .'l-ticlts. such as 'fine LtEN COLLAUS 1st. 2d. and 3d: quality SUSPEN'DEJlS-CKAVAT B LTTF NKXlSPainndVanry i?ilk-C WATi! Lil- -libridge Patent Co-nposition STOCKH- Z.Z.z. ' 11 e e j pects to ecei ve front New bprn, "wee k I v aciaitions to urn stock; j anu ue assitr Uie pu.i-, lie that 4he .articles -i'ewell-madcund after tii latest fashion. viSAApc. PATumnn. "I J 7octl;28lS29.'?:. -0-1 V,'() 1 kN"' t hVv! OlVi Z st.ri lost iry" CITilJ, a bo a ' y Jbout 'Jyear3.pf -agc ..-iK-af-, Pp:.r- Cr-t Meeiing.-'Ho'tsr;'':' He has a fair s'sin Line eyes and ' whitehair, and liad on'a wool fat .n.-.i k a S-iit of 'wniteaiici eppeHM: -cuv-on ciouk s, . .. i ii 1 . - s . . . -. - i ng lie iijss iru apoun : ry jjiaiu latTon ul cJjwiH "-. thaukiuH --,--". BB HAKll CllOSS. , '

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