'' ' .ilAw ". ","r'' , ! L-i' ' '. 1 ......... -, ,r -i-J '--I'iii' " " ,',!" -.-ggigjllLJ,.1'.--, LL'J.J ! ' .' . ' ' ' mi - . ..;,-.; -, . ,. X" ? n '.j- 4-i.- - JT' '.: . . r : r i - - .. - - . 5 . .-. . ... . - - -. . 1 - - , .. 1111 i . - "Ipah1i4he4 eteVy MoxwAT ftncj THtrRSBAT, by "i tFiven 'tUuv per aniiOm-Vrhali"iti advance, f. i--1 v k A OVE RTT S KM PNTS t r: ot etcfieiltn fem7iV57fTieatly. inserted ,3 timestora bollar.and twenty-five centi for , eveiysucceedjn picion J.those pt great- pr length" in the sam'es-proportiqntj..CoMM. I' yicATTnxi tbankfutly i received;.. XvtI-khs to the Editors must.be iiottixml- r J VNAGERS' QFFICK, !s v y Michmond,jFa.4, YioVinff are the Numbers drawn nrthe ... v."iT, 4:3 r. -$10,000 v 2,500 N' -2,000 . ,'15. 28. 46.V- - V 28-731, 46. ' -200 200.' 200 v 3. 3 46 The three latter alfsold t tbe TOanaers -office; , i YXTKS &-.MMNTYRB, V il O G LAM ATION; ? A'P Govrrnbr : of rNoith- Carolina. TWO HUIKirea UOllars;jtewarU.'j - . '4 - y-.Vt--'"', 5 - -TfniKKKAbiinas oen J-w f, f a that a nyuroer ua occh wiuuinirw i ic -'count v of T5beson,Rand State'of North-Carolina, on t(S-23rd dav off March last, ahclthata certain tMKUEUlTH MESSEB late of the county ;and Stute aforesaid,stands .charged by the findinpr.of a Grand Jnry. upqrii a biltf indictmentv with iisivm tjernetratei:! thesameon the body of a ceit., r-njan hcuidk -ft"" t tl the ?aid Meredith' Messerhath abscon- tv State and d tlierebv eluded. theTirnTpf , Law Now; theretorei.to the encvtnat ine saia ie- mav- be brought to justice ; .: and I -rdo;' moreover nrphv reouireicommand, and enjom all othcers 1 ivtiaitnpvpr.. s well militarv. as civil within this 1 .Statei to use their best endeavours to apprehend and take or cause to be apprehended and taken, ill- hTv of th'e: said Meredith Messer, and him safely nd.,securely3 keep'.ao vthat the'may be broueht to justice. ' , - AippVith Messer is about 2or 28 years of age, about t teet lugu, orown ;uiu '"" jp.... . hii face-and hands, hasJ a scar on (oneot his jranui n twu.v " -j - blow and some of .the bpnes of Jthe hand broken, has remarkable eye, teeth, and a singularity tin his voice which would at once strike strangers, beincr at sometimes large and full, and at others, -weaK-anu ciitiiiiiiaici it under the'great seal of the SUte, :0t B v t h e G o Vc rn or, .? . J. B. Mos-i?.' S?c:'?-' iniOCLAilA'IIUN. Jiy the Governor, offXforth . Carolina3. ; Two Hundred' -Dollars Reward. tinl m tile "known tmethJ the said' Ivey Wil tion aiul limits of this7Statevandkthereby eluded ri?t ii,-:ru'ltl jnii lien ..jrwiii imuuiv the arm hf the la Wvanf, bf lUStlCC-' r-: V U Now thtrcfrre. to tHe end that thesaid lyy V . on.nMl 'ana : bfaueht to ".st'icc, the'abov'e reward of ,twahuhdrfcd dol- Wc .,n k mn tronv npritor nfersohs. who .w.ll,,.h,wl rrofine tbe-said Ivev Wil- k.i in anvi.il in ihiRtate.5 that he-may-be, bi ought ioYuV.ce V And 1 46 moreover-hereby . mfiii-e, command and enjoin 11 officers; what-I Mtuer.-aswei cii a iiiuitai v, wiiuiii tri.a l '-(' use - their besit'endeavours to apprenend ana ft ttk'v'jrtt chus' to be 'apprehended an'd taken, the bod r.i the iaKiavev W ilkiAs awr h;m lately a ,d .acu rely tee p;'So that he. shall be. brought i t i-istice.' f : " v - v i ; - - 3 ' li'- is h ctCrpertei5 by iiCde awih 14 supposed:, to irllnEinderrwVd,havirier administered .orr. the! "j 1 "p., tot. 'i.,i Mif I'VVilsoh. of Chat - proceeds and f tb-t ; there, remaihs in th Tel.th Messer.may he apprehended ana.orougnt ' s .-- : ' . Vv it i i 'J.,j ' r i-r M,r r JL nnncipallv tor the use of the Citizens of Dollars will be given-to any person or persons, North-Carolina, are constantly kept on hand, for uh will apprehend and confine the said Mere- X ibHCiibc. viz : . , '.Jj;ii;"i!.r'!it anv iail in thVs State." so, that she. TheBevisal of the Laws of North-Carolina, bv ftS w at .tne city oi itaieigu, imsioiu - of November A. D.'lozy.11 - - - 7TJvr . . . .. JNO. OWEN T ? that a murder;has beep, oam'mitted, io the '-., cnuntv t Cnmtiick, and .state oi avorin-i.aroii- . v. i..... IVr.Y WtLllXSrlate of the county & State Agricultural Essays written by ji North-Carolina afVm s.M, t,d8 charged.by the verdict of a on, Farmer :, A llowfed b.y thos e who are best ea rner's n.,e wVth having perpetrated the same panic of judging, to be the best booK: for con ' on the body ofctfrUHi Penelope Vilkms, of .vey.ng usefu .ntormat.on to the Farmers of S,idccM,n(v: and as further represented this State that was ever pubhed. It treats ,' Ivej- Vilfeuis jis anotis nve reet mcjves iiiiif iSlO't Bind-; fi'tt half; blue, eyes; full face, and i 1 rv1ostV puU'oWiiS '.tocV frbniVne of his feef y; " ;CX tSbSSy.H beceiveh Wthe lie- $M?TlP! V nff18l ! pcSSWHhe Supreme, Court whiclrure publish r 5St f bfM: jSo OVVFN ' atl6e close of eachTerni at $U50 per number, .u,lvng7c';..27:tf. - parto,in.te. &SO: , ; ;"itaiefgTi;'w9.-- - ';v,v 4 rough,' "hetwUf the Subscriber. under the UJIltlUlgK 1fn " WofKvler&'Kerr, haying teimipated uy lis 7 ' 3Tachill&.7.:Tf': '". rt-i hinrtatioii'ia thisday'di8sol veil Jy. mutual ' . ; y , -v , . V-V V'-.rV consent. s -;V ,V., "IAVlH KVLE, OW l;b sn andnotajned id Ralegh, at ' V;-.' V AVAL KERR. ' 1 : oui-,ShopNorth-AVet,rf 4liCjCapirph reenvWoVNV.6; 1829.": : 29 3 1 ThesMachinei, amongst tl.Qnostisul 0. . ,-larni. debased ; h'erebv gfves notice to Heory macliine will spin 6'threadsj fine or. coarse, and ; .Wilson, sonVof the dcceasetV nd to Alexander twisted according to thewish; .ofahe spinney -Rohbv, soh-in-law lux are supposed' to reside and the qua!itof thev thread t for 4BvenT.cts and l" the' Stale of Fennessee or Alabama, -that the strength is not surpassed by .the best machinery " Property .of ihrdeceised' has been 'disposed! of;' in the United States. These machines are now ii debts'p'aid; and Iha'thilJren residing.ln .this in common use- iiv West Tennessee; and -ia dif- -Prtof th (.nl,i,'i,.VnvMyrfl their'Hhare'o): fere rt t uarts 'of this State.and are very. highly the . u iie Kuoscrioer tne sum o. j ujnecu rcisuna uni.vy .Tt, v-v5 - ; v-i - -" .- - r i ? 1 ,r I Fieci,' tTtie to the''d -Henry 4 VTil son nna Avf rnense ,Mmeani labour, saving macmne, are invi- j for sniepTitQuejurjucuMui juryusnycuij 1 ':xim r Hobbv.' Vhich-wUl be- paid4o.thieirM : ted 4 o call and judge forthemselves. -J " T 1 1 n A -' LARGE"' well proved Young JACK", import-1 HR' highest prices in CASH VviH be given Tor a few likely TOUNG NKGftORS-l-fmm 15 to 55 fm males, and fjronv. 10 16 25 for females Persons' who wish to sell will dow,ell to call on me at "Mrs-.- JeterVTavernwhere, 1 miv always befquna. ' "v ' ' W1LTO WLEU. ' Rateigh,'Oct.31. 21-eatf , A BHRNETHY'S lectures, 2 vols. U v V sjBl, Horner Specinl Sc Gehdral Anatomy 2 vols ; j'BicJsat's General Anatomy,' 4 vols. ' '-v' 1 Anatomy and Pathology ' - Bell's" Anatomy, 2 vols. . r' : v; Bailie's Morbid Anatomy v" ' ' lf ' ' ' Gi'jsqn's Surgery, 2 vols. , .. - Cooper's First, Lines of Surgery, 2 vbls l . ,w ; -i 1: w ees ivi i a wnery J Dewees on Females f Tr "do' . on Children " :r -rranns's Denman . . -1 i .i , r Good's S tudy of Medicine 5 vols v j: 'VGregoryfs Practice, .'2 vls.-new edition V Cullejr!s Practice; Sv- ' ' v, Tbacher's Dispe'nsatorV'v. :, Edinburgh- do'' ' Paris pharmacoloffia ,-. Copper on Dislocation lurray's Materia Medica Eberle's. : dq . do. Lawrences physiology- ; , Magendie's . do ,'Richerand's - do raterr.m's Cyhopsis "' -7"; ' Hunter cr the Blood - . " f cutlimoje on the Gout'' , - ; Armstrong on Fevemnd Consumption; Armstrong's Medical Works . ;? ' Darwin's Zoonomia,2 vols, f ' " Witfi. many:- other .valuable i Medical Works wl"h will be sold on the most favorable terms, " ,?.4ij,rl' apt 14 J. GALES & SON. f; OlAl the late tJlue Justice l ayior, the late Uartlett .,ancy, ana:.iuuge v otter,mane under the di- rection'of theJecislature of the State, in tv o I n-J large octavo Volumes, . with a full and com plete Index Ditto, : brought ;lown to the year 1826 by the late Chiei-JusUce Taylor, Willi a satistactorv JLndei1, - - .4 j.gj ,n Alphabetical order, Willi an appen aj wLjh DTm - (, W()rk tQ lhfi lg29 Potter's "Justice -of the Peace, a new edition. lately revised and corrected, with a number f- new Forms, and the Laws contained m which, aTe brought up to the year.1828. - ; Martin's Iiw oi Executors and Administrators (which ts Toller's Lnghsh Work on this sub ject, omitting such parts as are not in force here, taking the: Law. as it stood at the.-settle- . ment of this country, and introducing. every act of Assembly of this Statewhich has alter- vedtlie Law, and noticing every adjudged case whlci throw's light on the subject.) j Tliis c- : dition of the work was revised by the late ChiePJiistice Taylor. ' . : , Chief-Justice Tayhn 's Digest of the Statute Law of North-Carolina, relative to Wills, Executors arid Administratoi Sj-lhe Provision for Widows : and the Distribution of Intestates. Estates ': A Work. winch combines m one-view all the ctments which Jinve been. made on these jects for a Century past, and Avhich are ispersed in moe than forty statutes. -.. (. on the best mode of improving land, on deep and' horizontal :.PIoughing : on the Grasses best suited to' this State ; on the best modes of raising M'heat, Turnips and Indian Corn; ' anu treai tareiy on raising oi iive atocic, - training anu, oic. - The Reportsiof Casesdecided in . the. Supreme ' Court of North-Carolina, fromthe first estab- - lishment of Ihe Colirt, when it bore the title of " Court c,f Cohere nee," to. the present - time, which-are as follows i jteports of the Conference' Coiirt, by I) - Cameron and vm. worwoou, in t voi. Th'eJLaw Repository, by Qaief-Justice Tay- lor, Vols, t , ' , TermfRport5, lfbl. by "J . Do -Murp!i?y's! Reports ot the Supreme Court, ? . i Hawk s's . Do 4 Vols. ' , Devereux Do l ; ' " Vol. 1, -Hawkss l)itrc-st of the Reported Cases ad iudtred . ut i ortn-Carolina, Jrom xne year ciits-Ctiei. ---day $ 'vbich'UvqU.! Jd-the.-; labpar rnf fi womehVwith.the common wheel. The j approved of,by .allthose who make.trial of them. NEGROES, WANTED. I -rf1V Ttllnur nm. vuf.loK1 nnOC! ..KlIoK V 0 HE APER THAN Ell; : -nriLLIAAIS & HAYWOpDre ifew Tecetv": ;f Sng from New-York land olfer iar sal 5u 100 Gallons best ';s. Sperm. Oil 150 100 ' Vp land Starch, 4 V f 150 t IJuce and ground! Ganger . tOO;"Alspiceu V , ' ; , 7,doz. Ilibbert's London Porter -Ol Old Port Wi lie " t2r Boxes best American Mustard, for sale hi tlifi rknunrl ' 5 v ' i " - V - .Superior Sperm.'' Candles:, ; x - n KgS .White Lead - - 12 Boxes Window Glass ' v ,. -50o( ibs putty ;; - , - " , -v 36, doz. Vine Bottres.. !. ; , - ;l. 350 IbkV best American Glue ,kC . J I 500, , " green Cdpperas - - "V -x 1000 . chippedand stick Cam peachy Log ....' i WOOU''. ' -r - f " 150 Ground Fustic ' -" 150 . " Alhim' - C- : 75 'y Dutch Madder crrcund- ,25. 500 500 k Spanish Indigo v f " ' , ' ' .Brown x , f - VVilminerton -Rice , 2 Coils Bale ancLt race. Rope 1 Bale, shoe thread i I'acKaffe oasKet-sait tor rahlei use 12 Bundles : English, German ari d Italian " Violin strings consisting oi lsi 2nd 3rd mm tins. . i 7- - - " ; W". & H. are'ialso receivinc: an additional stip ply of prutjs, Medicines, Paints &c. &c.; whicli makes their assortment very1 complete. Physicians supplied joii good terms and all or ders promptly attended to. v. . ; k swains paxaca. i ... s . ... Just received 2 Boxes of he above valuable Medicine". - ' . N j WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. Oct. 14th, 1829. 16- . r Union Canal Lottery Office ' No. 119 Che&fiut Street; PhiJadelpliiii To our distant Eriends. 'SlffT'E are gratified with jthe. numerous orders T we have lately received from our friends in this, and in several other distant tates, as ,well-as with the fidelitv with which the tickets we- forwarded by .mail appear to have reached their destination.- No-fear of a letter'4 miscar- nage may be entertained, as in an, our. business up to the present moment, the subscriber has never known a ticket or remittaneetp faih - We can accommodate our friend fiom n eighth o any number of whiles or. packagcs-H-a pack age contains twenty, nine oi which are td to draw'$10 prizes, Vand mav-draw .more of the capita's. The following isa warrant- one or Scheme ot the ; . t . : Union Canal t Lottery r - (Yates & M'Intyre, Managers.) ; : Class No. 14,'ir 1 829. To be drawn in the City of' Philadelphia on "...Thursday tlie 17th December, 18i. '.- 1 Prize of 30,00() , is 10,UU0 - 5,000 20,000 . ' o . .. . - - : 'io 10 10 10 .10 23 . 51 ; -5 51 '51 10000 4,210 1,000 . 800 500 400 300 f200 100 90 80 -70 60 4,210 10,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 - 3,000 5.600 5,100 4,590 4,080 3,57 : 102 , . ' 102 102 2.14 ' 1122. 11475 153,95 Prizes 20,825 B! an 6,120 .50 40 ,30 !20 10 5,100 4.0 80 6,120 1 22,440 t 14,750 34220 Ticke s. Whole Tickets S10. - 60 Numbers 9 drawn balloti. Full schemes sent trt Those who purch fese tick ets; and also the drawn, numbers by the first mail fter the' Lottery is drawn-. A II ortlersmust be addressed to ; ROB T, 1 . H1CKNKLL. ' No.-J19, Chesnut SCreet, PhiladelOhii, Pa. , Great Union Canal Lottery, : J ' . Class No. 4th. : y To be 'drawn :in Philadelphia, on Thursday Ifth . ' ' '. December.,-' " ' ? l GRAND AND. SPLENDID SCIIEME-' tirand capital of S30,'000 is r -v.rv 1 10,000 :10,0:,0 " 1 ' 1 . - 1 - " 10 - 10,000 5,000 f 5,000, ,4;200 -1,000 ; ; -6005" ",5oa 10,000 i . s y j v v -5,000 ;.74,200 10,000 J 6,000 .:io 5000 X 10 IO -4000 -vV'soo ;:s,ooo l"5;600 ,Besi d es 5 l:3rif .S 1 00," 5 1 each o f JDOj SO, 70. & 7 1 03 ri zes each o f 60l 30, 1122 ot 20, & 11475 ot 10 AVholetickets S10. --Halve 85 r A package of p-whole joa-anai? compeuea to draw'a'aud ach-nce at the samejtinie fo.r ome ol' tle above splvindelcapitals-packages of shares in same proportion:' '.vs"h ' V tflr Y'ltes-lt M'ln'tvreiWlanairers of the above Lotteries- - , v. t V ri Letall your orders be dddr'essed'-to ?Utagers' V7 200 lbs. Northern M6uk Candied. ; ;? SOO" Turpentine SoapV,. - rt 1 'SpO best refined Saft PetVe" B Mi'sw i.ocra , iaK.e 'tins,- uicmoa v. Of an- .an nouncing to thepubliq thaVthey have just received aiyiare now opening a.large assortment of. Stapfe arid Fany Dry - Goods, . If ardvXre; uueensvvareiquors, jsh-oes,- Hoots, I Itsr &c Hiue, liiacic- iDrab and Steel mixetl Ca- Toilinett, Valentia, Swansdowp,lMarseitle and - ,tiorentineiVestinjrs ,'.." Camblet,Carojine and. Tartan Plaids Blacks Ratine Spotted Flannel and Plaid Circassian Russia an'd Irish Sheetiners " , li """ v.-r Tickling, -'OsnaburgandrScotcfnowlaa-j' 7-8nd 4-4Kirish Linens and Lawns, of superior Grass Rleach .-',- , - Russia and InsbrToWelltngjind'Tahle piajiers Cambric Furniture and Garment Dimity i Calicoes," an elegant assortment s' ' " y Cambric and Seersucker Ginghams V; Plain aiid; Striped Rateste and Rareget Rrown Cambnic and Barege . '". ', Fancy Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs k Scarfs Do Merino-Scarfs and Shawls: .i.;: ' - Worsted .'Rarege: Handkerchiefs,'; Bobinetf 4-4-and 6-4 wide - (V ,' . A . v Thread Laca and Edcrines. Boblnett Lace and EJgings-: V- Black and fancy colored Crapes and Gimps -tx. Nankin; , Canton and Mandarin Crape Rubes and . Dresses - N l 1 , ' -. ' - - LBlack and fane v.-'colored Crpe Shawls;" '; Vv SCtiflet, B'tie, Drab and Black Cassimere Shawls Prime lilafck Italian Lustring and Sihchew '" . . '. Do do " and rancv Grpse de Naples - J o - .Fancy colored Satins and Florences , V:v:J;. Gentlemen's Black ltalian Cravats 1 - Fancy Silk, Bandano and Flag Handkerchiefs V Do Cotton and Madras. do f Imithtionand Threarl Cambric do . y.v ..: V Linen,' Cambric and Book Muslin, do - c ' Gent, bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats 4 ' Plain and figured Swiss, Jaconett,'Book Et Alull Muslins, Cambric , t" Clark's Spool Cotton, Thread' and Cotton Floss Thread'and Cotton Tapes and Bobbins : v Blue, BI.ick and W. B. Flax Threal -Prime Black, Blue; and assorted sewintr Silfes t Ladies and Gent. White and Black Cotton and Worsted'Hose Gentlemen's whiteblack andj'mixed Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool hose, and hose , Ladies and - Gentlemen sFrencli a,ahd English Silk Hose and Gloves - . ' ' - Gentlemen's Black and White.Siik $ Hose " - v Do Woddstok, Buckskin, Be'aVerj Horsed kin and Dogskin Gloves f v -iN: -. :;?A. ".v-j Do - . Uneh Woollen and Worsted Gloves Black and Colored Worsted and Silk .Braids ' ' , Satins and Lustring' Ribbons, of all uumbers ' . Garniture, Gauze and Cap Ribbons r - , c ' Waist Ribbtm, new style : 1" - 4 ; " Ladies travelling Baskets - r- J r ' Do 51 Leghorn and fetraw .Bonnet a' - I v Gentlemen's Silk and Cotton Umbrellas Do r:; Fashionable Black, Brown Dr.b Beaver Hats J" ' . ' , Boys Do and Seal Caps . . Black and White WOol HatsJ arsorled sizes ? Ladies and Gentlemen Shoes and Boots of dve- . ry description : . i :.". 'L - -. -. Misses, Boys and Children's ' do do' - do -vv Coarse Shoes and BrogarK,i for servants i ,. 'f-' Ladies and Gentlemen's Plaid & Camblet Cloaks Impenal Gunpowder and voting. Hyson Tea:" Browp and lo if Sugar, Prime Green Coffee . Chocolate, Allspice,' Pepnir, Ginsrer, Nutmegs. Saltpeter, Allum,. Spanish Brown; lndigo,vli- n Ji .'-a . in .! 11 r..- cr.f .. 111! zes, Bur Lead, Trace Chlainsj rCutlihg Knives Hair and Uir,e Sifters J. t . , , Prime Dundee Bag-ging and Twine .-J'; i-y-Castings of -every description . JJ " 7' " English and Swedish Jrn assorted - Patent Springs and AietJ'ees for G".gs ami Car riages t "v u. " ' . Cut and Wrought Nails of ill sizes - , v ' Prime Chewing Tobacco . . t t ? " ;.. ' ' French. Brandy, Madeira Lisbon & iMalaja V4ne rriiue many iiaucirt iiuii. i cncnu? Holland Gin, Jamaica and N.--E.vuum r iv Apple Brantl Old Rvt and Country Whiskey, The above Goods being purchased principally' in the-Northern tGiif ut-auction 't arfd it,very reduced nrices. Will enable us to-sell 1, them at uch prices as will not onry uety,! competition. but,we . flatter, ourselves will meet the approba tion of our enstomers. k" ' 1 1 AZLETT, & -ROBERT KYLE. Raleigh, Nov;. 19, 1829, 26-vtJlv;; FOR, SALK ! TT WISH to sell the place within a mile of Hdls-l JL borough; on4 which 1-no w Teside.-. There are 205 acres, about onlialf clearedvj .ten acres of Meadow land, and the balance in u wood;- -r-T-he improvements are all new, andfitiished in the nest manner tney consist oi a iuwenirig iiouse containing eight nioms with fire places besides passages,) closeTs,"&c. a large Uarn and Stafilesl and iOtner necessary yyuiuuses.;- -. i wcic siic ser Veral never failing Springs, of J he best water on tile tract, and a" large andV well selected Ifruit OrcharcL. f ' . V, " I. will sell tliis propvirty, on-the;piOht diberaj .feVms-usithef for monry on easy creditsor-wfli exchange itTor Nez'-oes or Wester'n jinii v , ' - Applicatinii may be. made by letter to tht-sub scribe'r, at Hitlsborbugh.'lt , . ,1 " v ' " r ,vV; VA W.DCRSON -- Nov,: 15.1 l'. - ' " - 21 eotf -. . ' : Oopptu- NeWANovel.f 'lar Dictionary, of 'Arts. --..Sciences. Literature, Vllfstory;; Politics & Blograpjtv.yhroushdowfi ?vto tne present mne..; UaleighrDeclvV.: Vv. .NOTICE. 1 A LL; persons , indebted to the late- lmn : ot 'A' S: Birdsuli&Co. "are hereby notified;, that their Notes 8ci Aecpunts have been placed in the hands.oFt the. subscriber tor coRection, w-tniji-aructionAo commence ysUltXagainstyail-those who-fail to come forward land settle -the"' same ne fonowing'ia'a list or the Ieaa.ng articles i Supetfi'ne.rRlue. BhicVl- Bro'wnrniive-- Grn? -JJi-ab and Steel mixed Cloths,Tri v v'. - 4simere"i and Colored Bombazines' &,Bomharettesrl f V I Iff 1) 1 C2 X I T7 -'i Black and, Colored Merino-' Circassians : ; Tri i',T"n(,: . ,A . ,r, A Satinetts of.eVery description" :-?.-" -T. A l nn hh' V Vtuity y. - BlueWGray Plains, .FuUing' and JCerseW, ti?lnt W-iVS fk branch, v t , .J . - t -v . ? coritaninjiy acres, and notlipr-1 Vur lv5nr , Lmsey oolsey for nejrroea wear: w.V.;-JC the .south tde Sw flXek : 5Ef.Pi"nJ B"?.? B,Mk.e!?VVl:- contiguous and wcrl. purchased TiLmYv.ir'V J entrof AVihb-ton-Wish.-:; - Prce i. 7 Vol-' It pf the EricvclopfeUla Americanti, a popo- immediatelvV V, TV "T.'WETMORE- tunc; 99 APPfiWhlY n lli,v.,l, t.l . -t t t v' 'c ws passea since vthe ye:' 1819. V"!l,..v?W 1 eaas, : iii-;aJphbelcal.oider,-l cIudmg:those)f last .Session; whic. renders l! VVtirk complete.? x . ' " v " '"iFor thi$ addition-to-.the -HfjblL no c ie . cumc win oe mae. :The HwoJc will be at FiVe Pollers as heretofore - ,OitIers"Avil bejnstautlv attndeit"tn - .V-' .a ..,19 ifloo" : s.V.''. - ; .- , vr. gVby the htfe Wm. Oilmour oT VV m:- llrnwn .. . c , A-pply to the Editors ofjho Register; u ho arc a..M.uMscu 17-uir uwijer to fcii- saiti lanu.,. - . Augustus 1829. C V , ' " 99. f ; ; 3iou5uc up-ro the present Jf G A LES &; StiNi l,aFe just f Six-atid-a-quarter Cents Reward J "-. ; v r .-. --- tr , : I "5 ANA WAY from the Subctiber. dayrthVl&h inst, an apprentice boy, nam V ed llix Jdoes, J7 ?years old-last June,in"et verv; -tall, but. well set.with a-boltTcountVnahce,1 JaiV : skin anl some hat Ireckleii -with large - w hite eyts'. : JlCs clothing .is -a black v jeans ; Coat anil f.-7-" plain white PantaloonsiKd a- woolliat. . Any, .v- . jersonr britigin; the saitl&oy to tne shall have. tlie above reward, zrl" - ' r . ... CHARLES SLAGEEl Buncombe County; Ocf, 26. l2S 3w- 'the l'OliT inWllostmy Child,' a boy '-a-"VF;bo'ut 5 years of ge tieiV- Poplar,: Creek? Meeting House He has 'a 'fair' skin ' vvith L eyes and white, hair, , and iad on;a woof Hat and a suit white - andt copperas cotton clothes. When talking he does not!" speak very plafn. Any . 1 n f orniat ion pf said ' chi Id wi b e ti 1 j i 1 k f 1 ily rei?eived, . , . d ; RICHARD CROSS, - T&ZOURlfeYafEmPKINTilRS: liberal wages will be'given. w " FS..HEfSKELL.V -KrrOxviller !x?6v. -4. fialli hoVc,; Was Ijius;tb n Giio rsje . ; to w it New Li h e, o i C-oaci h es , " Through from four arid liaff to five hours' Will leav'vj LYFOUUy FOUNTA1NIN& Jdght- , street onJ MUJvSDA,Voth instant at hiJf pat 8. o'efock 1 in thevnVbrning, - for Washmgtoh,; and Hiunuif iu., run uny. j.ai ,iue 'sanie time, .wilj' , ave bjBdrnarti'i "JWansiohi:'Hot.eV? Pennsvl vania ' Avenue, near Che Presiy tilt's limise) fur B.ilti-' morei . ' A" ' - t" .' - , - ' J, i'Wv's m pi aniif aunvo piacts, and also. at the StageX)ffice, No,:2,-:Sout;h-Calvert;iBriTeJ,i''.t for ihe recepti on sf passengers 4names ? t. . QSj-ire.Two Dollars and Fifty Cen.- ' ' . Mialtimore; Nfov. 3. iV."; y25 "lm : ;s NOTIC E; ' , 4 -Quarter; do; y npHKEE or.ur' Journe.vrrien Printers; who', ' Xare,firt rat'endsteady workmtn'xv anted ' 4 immediately, at 4he; Knoxville (Teiinessee) Ue- ' ?.C . - v Warranted hs, quality,- at the reduced price pf2 25te'rraflon. '' -.,.'' " WjA; credit v. R be -iven, if required." .-'-' Newbern, Dec 5. wish to piirchasea pa'r of JjXVMlOltSES for v JH a Cu&eritTo exceed a j-tarsolvl.-; "" - - - --rT .v . "CV" WILL. POLII. x. Deoir ; d ' . ; - 132 tf ; - -p r v ' r A 'very, valuable Ti ai River'- P 1 an-' vltatiouiii the County-of Granville,. ; aTacinery; iMheT6wii of Ox- -"lora, tna oiner irronertvy for - -Sale.--;'. . . T7IOR the purpose, otclosing the trusts' report jD-.ln me, bytwo -deeds executed -by AbaTor.l Yanceyarsd dulp registered m,thelU,;er-s Of liceTor the'eounty of GranvilleTsIi.il Her for s?Je in thel 0 wn,ofsOxtor.d--'c n v Monday : tlie 1st day ' 4f February neio7iat being' Cotr : day , and continue-. lie sa: ra so m oav to t lay until lav untd comnh edtbe following Valuable PropePty; viz't V - A'Tfact of'Ind, !ying on the south :.side of Tar river;1, nine -tunes soiuh of Oxford, iminedi- : ' ateiy on the Taylors Bridge R iad leading from" ; Oxford r.iorRaeigh-T-conlaining..-by eslimaiiou 1500 aqresi about o5Uot wlucli arcvvaluable low v -pjwinlfs--lhe baUnce,.fns rat e u pland," highly improved by fencing, tobacco louses, corn hou-' ' ses, st:ibl5S, .negro houses and a "very xiomfcrta -hie ilwelling house forr'a-"s-Tiall faoiilyi- - Person y . disposed rtoc purchase are. -invited" to vrv.v thi: p rmise re vi ouW t u U day: o f sal e. i 1 r. Y a n 1 cey v. hq resides on'the'l.ttui will take plcuame i" Aiso, a i annery near .xi'jrti, togetner it the -Stock 'of Leather;, Ri w h'.des JUrk, iVo! , and" other things belonging to ihe establish lie nt likewise two Lots'or . Grou nd adjoining.' TL every lie offam.lies.x : " -'- ij Also,' 53 acres of Land oniNear-L"'.t i.ivr AH the interest of the; said Ab--a1omji ai..L r rte-FthViLtstrte AM :'Ws 'Household i ture. Three NegTorSlatesV'nian ind tv.-o meii-l 'v' .V - 1 shaR likewise sell on theTr liiver-I tinpfbvemehts art yei-y coUflwUerubte and ahnosk jiew.-- , , t. Aisow: two comfortable lvf elling- Houses on Hillsborough- street in Oxford,' in; good repair, 1 with.every House necessary for the conver.ienbu on, bnWidayMeth day, oj February, th-j : to:'. (. of liogs,"il0rs'es, , Cattle Corn, Poddr, '.. ; a Oats, -Household and Ruciea Purnituri.-, :Tbele:SiH:pp5itiyef)',be mae,.'.r.d 11 - tennis accam'mcUating to pm-chis. rs'. - - 3 " '11, M. rllLLEir.Trnstce. . itaie5sb,:rec. : :t5; 5.. '. . J.'. i.. Nbv.ilO,. JV f vXf - t if.. '7 '' . .i A ... - r; - -v; . ... "vs .... .

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