. ?.4-'.:. r;: - . . - ; V .1 -H-i- Oura are thcplans of fair,delightful peace, . . y f . . T 1 V ' v. " - ; ? "i' J: '' ' " - ;::;r-:. i' '' ; - ;; V--.5l,?l?rPf paj; rae tpli ve like brothers f tUtijfif ;; : '' t. j4 puhimie! e very. Moxd at arid Tn vnf dat, by At 'iff Dollar per annum half in advance. : ADVKRTISKMRNTS , K-ot- exceeding'-tixleen line, -nfeatly. inserted 3 imea for a Dollar, and twenty-five. cents lor every succeeding1' publication : those ot ?reat -. lenffthin the same proportion.;. .Commc f KtcATiows tnanciuiiy receivcii..-. - - the Editors must be postpaid r; ' " MxVNAGE BS', OFFICR, ,.' ; i'' .V' lilchmtnltU'Va. , ,T!IE fbllowiriir are the Numbers drawn in the hichmond' Dock, Lottery, class No. J. ' . t .3128 lii-r-O iiO 47. . .4 13. 13. 31; 33. 28-31; 28. 46. . $10,000 ,2,500" - -2,000 28. 31. 46. . . 200 . 13. 31. 46.' . '. , 200 13. 33, 46.' W 200 - ff. rhe three latter all sold at the managers ofhce ' PROCLAMATION. HA the' Governor of North-Carolina.',, Two Hundred Dollars' Reward. J irrIIEUEAS t has been made known to- me, f ? that a murtler has been committed in the county of Zo'eRon,- and State "of North-Carolina,' on the 23rd dav bf March last, and that a certain MF.UF.DITH MESSER, late of the county and Stte aforesaid, stands charged by the finding of a Grand Jury upon a bill of indictment, ...with haviu? perpetrated the same on the body, of a cVl:' Elijah iMcDaniel of said county and as U iN furrier represented, nnd made known to r. f,; t. j the said Meredith Meer hath abscon and fir J from the jurisdiction and limits of th!- Statr, and thereby eluded the arm of Law xnrfo Justice.'. - t , ' Now therefore, to'the end that the said Me rcd th Mrsser may he apprehended and brought to jotic, the abovc reward pf Two Ilundrrd I)olUr will be given to any person or persons, who will apprehend and confine the taid Mcre- ltth Meser n any au in mm ouir, su mai mc . - u 1 .T - may be brought: to justice ; and I io morejver hereby require.command, and enjoin all officers vhatsotrvt-r, as well military, as civil within this State, to use their best ndeavouTg to apprehend nd take or cause lov be apprehended and taken, ;he bod v of the said Meredith Messcr, and him safely and securely keep, so that he may be krnujjht to jtistice. " .r ' Meredith Me-risabout 2Tor.28 years of age, ahcMit 6 feet high, brown hair, much freckled on hi i'tcc and hand has a scat: on one pf his h:rJ (not rtcolh-cted which) occasioned by a blow and Jioitieof the bones of the hand brokenj lu r mrtable eye teeth, Tid,a ninulrity, in h'. voice which would at once Klrike strangers, ht ing at sometimes large and full, and at others, wrak and tlleminate. v iff p. ' . i n utiafT my nana as uovernor, Rv the GoT-rnor, J.'R. Mi'E, iV Src'j,'. IUtOCLfV31ATION. Jhf the Governor Jo North Carolina. Two Hnridred'Dollars Reward. IfHEURAS it has been made known to me, ? T that a murder has been committed in the otn.iy uf Currituck, and State of North-Caroli- in omhe -5th of September last, and tiiatacer- t...r. IVEY WILTvINS. late of the county & State aforrsiid. vtnndi charged by the verdict of a co ron r inciuest with baviir;eTpetrated the same on the b i.'v of a . certain Penelope Wilkins, of siid coiinty : and as it is further represented a'd roa.le known to me tbj'it the said lvey Wil kiiihatli abscoled and fled from the jurisdic tion ud limits of this States and thereby eluded the :irm of the law'an.l of justice : . X.-nv tliercfore to the end that the said lvey Wiikinsmiv be apprehended - and brought to jui ice, the above reward of two hundred dol i irawill begivn to any . person br persons,' who vill Hopreh-ud nid confine the 's iid lvey Wil kins iii any Jail in this St.ite, so that he may be Lio ight to justice : And I do moreover hereby rf-'jsnre, command and egoin all officers what MiCver, a well civil as inihtary;tithin this State, Trj u-ie their best endeaVouri to, apprehend and isk ,or ciu.se to, be apprehended and taken, the body of the 'said. lvey- Wilkins,' and him safely a ud securely keep, so tliat he shall be bronght Vi justice.: '.-.r;. . ' v' ' ' - . lvey Wilkins is about five feet 4 inches luh. jSUvj: niade, Jight hair, blue eves, . lull t.ce, and it ts iosi part or ins toes tram one oi nis teei ; h is u carpenter by .fade, and, i, is supposed to Ije in that pai't ol Virginia, near Currituck county. J NO. OWEN. . ' ' " 7 27 if. ts Hi Mirsk, P. Slt?ji- f fillli partiiethij l.tftly existing in Grefeasbo h. rouh, betwixt the Subscribers, uudeC the vf Kvfe & Kerr, havinir terminated by its - iniitatiuii, is this day dissolved nnituil C'n-e;it. . t - . f r t . tS i ' . 'IrecnAHoro', N"V: J 9, 1829. 9 3t Late Slltl ward; VilsofiOr.t; " i 'pi IK nndersigied having administered on the 1 Estate of Hie late Edwarti 4Wil5oh,r. of Chat 4n, ileceased:i hereby gives 'notice to Henry Wilson, son of the deceased, and (to Alexander nobby, son-in-law, whoare sup'posed . to" reside lf the St&tA m' TnnPMo nr Alabama, 'that the of t!ie prnceeils,' arul- that " there the h1$ ot the subscribee the iumftlurteen i 4eachf due to the said Henry Wilson and ddl- I d A SsfttfA. -ve -1 J:.;TO; - under tne great M-ai oi me pi..ie, -Vijtfat the citv of Raleigh, lhU18th day NV of November A. D. 1 829. v - r if 7- - ' 27 .5:,ven tfiiertny liahil as . Governor, I vCW'Z and under the,Vreat seal of the .Htalei irul ,,,tJ ul,y f Raleigh, this 17th day Cy cioren mr, U rOnprtu ..fll.. -1 -... I k l.aAn li.nu.rlyit debts-pid vanj the cJiildren residing irethis Hrt of ihe" CLCMitnrir liuv rrir-'ft thir share remains-in Hdertlohnv. vrK;h uriii.ho n.id tn iitfm mi I ilth dav of January. 1830.4 V - '-v.j :. r . I selves All or whictijuey wi 1 sell unusually wno tail to?come torwarxl ana setxie.,ine samci '.Nation.. " V- ri".Vv. V ROBERT. B. GULLIAMSec'y- - cheap, r,.,: f i - V V - immediately....,- - I- WETMORE..M ed.ifom n OOIIN.WILSON, ;Wr. : 'Oxfor lth Nov, 129. ... ,26 3.- - eigtNov.US. "Iov.-IO.'A ? " J. hf.y 27 3t the American Farmer, B-lUmore. , NEGROES WANTED. HE highest prices in CASH will rje given for a few likely YOUNG EG HOES from 15 to'25 for'males, and from 10 to 25 for females ' an extra price will be given for mechanics, Persons who wish to sell wdl do, well to call on me at Mrs. Jeter's Tavern, where 1 mny always hp fount!. - . ; . - vt vnwr vi W OVA. M. u T Utlh . J Raleigh.' Oct. 31. - 21 e.tf A BEUNETHY'S, Lectures, 2 vols. Hornets Speci-d & General Anatomy, 2 vols -Hichat's General Anatomy, 4 vols. ,1: - - Anatomy and Pathology " Bell's Anatomy, 2 vols; - - Bailie's Morbid Anatomy ' i". Gibson's Surgery, 2 vols. A f . Cooper's First Lines of Surgery, 2 vols. ; Dewecs Midwifery 'l)e wees on' Females .t. , do 6n Children v- 4 ' Francis's Denman ?s'v'v' . .' '" ' Good's Study of Medicine 5 vols. Gregory's Practice, 2 vols, new edition Thacher's Modern Practice Cullert's Practice ' .Thacher's Dispensatory V : Edinburgh do , Paris' Pharmacologia Cooper on pislocation Murray!s Materia Medica Eberles ' do 'do Lawrence Physiology r Magendie's " do Rostock's - ' do Uicherand's . do -Rateman's Synopsis Hunter on the Ittool f ' Scudamore on the Gout v 2 vols.' ... . . Armstrong onFever and Consumption . Armstrong's Medical Works Darwin Zoonomia, 2 vols. . With, many other valuable ..Medical Works which wil be sord on the most favorable terms, by , J. UALBS 6t SON Raleigh Oct. 14. - ' . HHE followrijr -aluallt .- . principally tor the ust of the Citizens of North-Carolina, are constantly kept on hand, for sale, by the subscribers, viz : The Revisal of the Laws of North-Carolina, by the late Chief-Justice Taylor,, the late Bartlett Yancy, and Judge Potter, made tinder the di rection of the Legislature oftfie St:ite, in two large oct ivo Volumes, with a full and com plete Index. Ditto, brought down to the yearl826, by the late Chief-Jnslice Taylor, with a satisfactory . Index. Haywood's Manual of the Laws of'the State, ar fianged in Alphabetical order, with an appen dix, which brings the work to the year 1829. Potter's Justice of the Peace, a new edition, lately, revised' and corrected, with a number of new Forms, and the Laws contained in which, are brought up to the year 1828. Martin's Law of Executors and Administrators, (which is Toller's English Wtrk on this sub ject, omitting such parts as are jiot in force here, taking the Law as it stood at the' settle ment of this country, and introducing - every act of Assembly of this State which has alter ed the Law,' and noticing every adjudged case which throws light on. the subject.) This e dition of the uork was revised by the late Cluef-Justice Taylor. Chief-Justice Taylor's Digest of the Statute Law of North-Carolina, relative to Wills, Executors and Administrator?, the Provision for Widows -r 'and the Distribution of Intestates' Estates: A Work which combines in one. view all the enactments which have been made on these subjects for a Century past, and which are dispersed in more than forty statutes. Agricultural Essays, written by a North-CarolinaJ Farmer. Allowed by those who are best ca pahle of judging, to be the best book for con veyinjr useful' information to the Farmers of this Stale that.was ever published. It treats on the best mode of improving land, on deep and horizontal Ploughing : on the Grasses best suited to this State ; on the best modes of raising Wheat, Turnips and Indian Corn ; and treats largely on the'raisingof Live Slock, Draining L-md, &.C. r .; The Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of North-Carolina, fronrvlhe first estab lishment of the Court, when it bore the title of ' Court of Conference,' to the present 4 time, which are as follows : v Reports of the Conference Court, by 1). -tCameron k Wm. Norwood, in I vol. The Law Repository, by Chief-Justice Tay- lor, 2 vols. v ::Term Reports, 1 vol. by . . Do ' Murphey'a Reports of the Supreme Court, ' 3 vols. ' . . Hawks's Do 4 vols. Devereux's Do Vol. 1 Hawks's Dicrest of the Reported Cases acl- . jiidtfed'in North-Carolina, from the year ;." . -1776 to 1826. r: A Collect;on of the Militia Laws of. North ' Carolina. - . V-4 : , '(TjF Subscribers will be' received f the Re ports of the Supreme Court which are publish ed at the close of each Term at $1 50 per number, and forwarded by mail io Subscribers, iii any prt bf the State. . v . - , "':,v; V JOSEPH GALES & SON. ..llaleigii; 1829." ' v ;" ' . ' .IV W:NTED, P H nci p al Tea ch er in he Oxford : Male A ca d emv. -A trcntlemanjof thorougli classical and other tried literary attainments of higher or der has presented in this institution si profitable aiid useful field for the fult; employment of all his qualifications as Teacher, in the, very healthy capital of Granville county! North-Carolinaisof ciety intelligent,-, hospitable' and moral, - living cheap,' and other thirigs favorable to the' gio-wth and permanent prosperity., Of an, ably conducted AcademyV'W . 7: t".' - Applications Tor t. thisvsitiiationi '.'post paid, from .Tea'chers'of ability and experience, will be received by Stephen K. ' Sneed, Oxford N.' C. until the 15th day of; December next,, when vacancy will be filled. wm be filled.' iyv.,: .1-? I . The duties of. the Principal tdf commence - A CHEAPER THAN EVER.' ilua313 & hay wuul) are now receiv i ing from New-York and'offer for sale, 100 Gallons bestfWS. Sperm. Oil . ,c iDs. xortnern Mould Candles 300 " 200 150 " 100 150 100' m Turpentine. Soap A best refined Salt Petrel Poland Starch Rlack. Pepper 2" t 1 1 Race?and ground Ginger Allspice i - 4 - 7,do2vJlibbert's London.Porter 3 Old Port Wine ii 2 Boxes best American Mustard for sale t - . 1 , oy tne pouna. , Z. ;f4. Superior Sperm., Candles 20 Kegs White Lead "12 Boxes Window Glass 500 lbs.. Putty . .36 doz. Wine Bottles. 350 lbs. best American Glue 500 green Copperas 1000 . chipped atad stick Campe-acliy og. wooa 150 150 75 '2S 500 500 . (4 (I Ground Fustic Allum ' Dutch Madder, ground Spanish Indigo ' f Brown Wilmington Rice 2 CoilsBale and trce Rope 1 Bale shoe thready. L;f. 1 Package basket-salt for Table use 11 Bundles Enerhsh. German and- Italian Vfolin strings consisting of l it 2nd 3rd ' and 4ths. W. & H. are also receiving an additional sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints &c. S c., which makes their assortment very complete. Physicians supplied on good .terms and all or ders promptly attended to. Just received 2 Boxes of he above valuable Medicine. , 1 WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. ct. 14th, 1829. v ; 16- Union Canal Lottery OJJict No. 1 19 Chesnur Street, Philadelphia To our distant Friends. WE are gratified with the numerous orders we have lately received from our friends in this, and in several other distant States, as well as with the fidelity with which the tickets we forwarded by mail appear to have reached their destination. No fear of a letter's miscar riage may be entertained, as in all our business up to the present moment; the subscriber has never known a ticket or remittance fail. We can accommodate our friends fiom an eighth to any number of wholes or packages--a .pack age contains twenty, nine ot which are warrant- d to draw $10 prizes, and may draw one or more ot the capitals, of the I'he following is a Scheme Union Canal Lottery; (Yates & M' In tyre; Manage Class No. 14, for 189. S.) To be drawn in the City of Philadelphia on Thursday the 17th December, 1S29. 1 Prize of830,000 'is S30,000 2. 10,000 20,000 2 5,000 10,000 f 4,210 4,210 10 1,000 10,000 10 GOO' 6,000 10 ' 500 . 5,000 10 400 4.000 10 - 300 s;ooo 28 200 . 5.600 5) 100 5,100 5 90 4,590 51 - , 80 1 4,080 51 70 3,570 102 , . 60 ' : 6,120 102 50 ' . 5,100 102 40 4,08fj - 204 . 30 6,120 1122 20 22,440 11475 10 114,750 1 33.95 Prizes 20,825 Blanks, 34,220 Tickets. Whole Tickets SI Q. 60 Numbers 9 drawn ballots. Full schemes sent to those who purchase tick els,, and also the drawn numbers by the first mail after the Lottery is drawn All orders must be addressed to - ROB'T. T. BIC KNELL No. 119, Chesnut Street, Philadelrihi iPa. Nov. 29. , KJ9-ot Sale of Negroes & Town Property. ON the. 8th of January next will he sdld at the Court House door in Raleigh five Valuable and likely negro slaves the; : properly oflthe late Wm. Glendenning on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond with approved security.' On the first day of the County Court, of Wake? in February next, being the third Monday in February will be'sold on the premise's" also a valuable Lot and Improvements in Raleigh, be ing the same whereon the laTe Wm. Glendenirig resided. " The Xot is eligibly' situated,' lies op posite the State Bank near the Capitol square, and has on it many improvements- TJi sale is made for closmtr aMtHisU Created in tne wui . oil Wm. Glendening deceased, and. will be on a cre . - . .... U. '-j ' ht of 6 and ' 12 . months, the purchaser : giving bond with approved security. . . . v HENRY POT IE Kg only . v;- . survi vi ntr "E x'ri of ! : Wni- Glemleniox decd..bv'"!"- -k' - . 1 5th .Deer. PARKER RAND, Agent. 1839, ir7ILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, have lately re- T Vceiy'ed a supply of genuirie Naples Soap ogetlier, with a great varietyfof caher' Pjerfume y . such as Cologhe and Lavender Waters," Ma cassar and Bears' Oil,' CpsraetrcVWaslv Balls. Toii beautifying the skirt,- highly "scented Rose, Palm, Olive, Oriental; 'Violet; ' Laverfder, ;VegeUbIe, Ceylon, Jessamihe and jCinnahaon Soaps. ; 'Als6, "Shaving"' Cakes.t wluph are highly re commended those gentlemen whu shave them- FALL & WINTER GQ OB S rgiHE r Subscribers, take'" this method of :an JL nouncing to the public that they hayeljust received and are now openioga large assortment of' Staple' and Fancy Dry Goods, t HardwareV Queensware, Liquors; Shoes,, Boots,7 Hats &c -The following is aJist of the leading" articles Superfine Rlue, Black, Brown. Olive Green, 'lDrab and Steel mixed Cloths., Blue, Black, Drab and tteel4nixed Cassiraere Toilinett Vakfntia; Swansdowni Marseilles arid Florentine Vestmsrs ' ' - v Oamblet, .Caroline and Tartan Plaids ? Rlack and Colored Bombazine &' Bombazettes Black and Colored Merino Circassians Satinetts of-eierv description ' Blue and Gray Plains, Flushing and Kersey's ; i-.insey yyrQoisey, tor negroes .wear--. . . v ; Rose, Point and. Difl3e Blankets' - White, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow Flannels Ratmet, Spotted' Flannel and Plaid Circassian Russia and Irish She tings" :-: ,i : f Tickling, Osnaburg and Scotch Dowlas r 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens and Lawns, "of superior Grass: lileach ' . -y-r. ' .;;. Russia and Irish Towelling and Table Diapers Cambric Furniture and Garment Dimity i; .i Calicoes, an. elegant assortment V-. v i C ; -Cambric and Seersucker Ginghams . . Plain and Striped Hateste and Barege Brown tSambnc and Barege . . v - ' Fancy Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs & Scarfs ; Do Merino Scarfs and Shawls . . -: ' - Worsted Barege -Handkerchiefs, Bobinett 4-4 and 6-4 wide - f.-. '. Thread Lace and Edgings, Bobinett Lace and EJgings -: . Black and fancy colored Crapes and Gimps Nankin, Canton and Mandarin Crape Robes and xj Dresses , Black and fancy colored Crane Shawls , Scarlet, Bhie,.Drab and Black Cassimere Shawls Prime Black Italian Lustring and Sinchew , i jo no ana f ancy trose de .Maples Fancy colored Satins and Florences Gentlemen's Black Italian Cravats Fancy Silk,. Bancjwio and Flag Handkerchiefs Do Cotton and Madrass do Imitation and Thread Cambric do Linen, Cambric and Book Muslin do Gent, bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats Plain and figured Swiss, Jaconett, Book & Jkfull MusTins, Cambric -. Clark's Spool Cotton, Thread and Cotton Floss Thread and Cotton Tapes and Bobbins Blue, Rhck and W. B Flax Thread Prime Black, Blue, and assorted sewing Silks Ladies and Gent. White and Black Cotton and Worsted Hose GentU-meiv's white,, black and mixed Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool hose, arid hose - -Ladies and Gentlemen's French and English Silk Hose and Gloves '-' .-.'a' . Gentlemen's Black and White Silk Hose Do Woodstok, Buckskin, Beaver, Horse kin and DogskirifGloves . -Do Linert Woollen and Worsted Gloves Black and Colored WorstV-d and Silk Braids Satins and Lustring Ribbons, of all numbers " Garniture, Gauze and Cap Ribbons i . Waist Ribbon, new style f : h Ladies travelling Baskets , ' Do Leghorn and Straw B9nnets Gentlemen's Silk and Cotton Umbrellas Do .C Fashionable Black, Brown & Drab Beaver Hats . ' Boys Do and Seal Caps Black and Wiiite Wool Hats, assorted sizes Ladies and Gentlemen's Shoes and Boots of eve ry description ' . ''' Misses, Boys and Children's do do do '. s , Coarse Shoes and Brogaris, for servants ! Ladies and Gentlemen's Plaid Sc Camblet Cloaks Imperial, Gunpowder and young Hyson Tea Brown and lo d' Sugar, Prime Green CnfFee : Chocolate, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, .Nutmegs. Saltpeter, Allum, Spanish Brown, Indigo, Li verpool fine Salts Gunpowder,Shof'bf all si- zes, Bar Lead, Trace Chains, .Cutting Knives, Hair and V ire Sifters "-'1 Prime Dundee Bagging and Twine Casting's of every description English and Swedish Iron, assorted J f Patent Springs and Axletrees for". Gigs andj Car viages j .. ,-- ' - ' Cut and Wronsrlit Nails of all sizes . Prime Chewinsr Tobacco . ' French Brandy, Madeira, Lisbon & Malaga Wine Prime Sicily Madeira and Teneriffe Wine Holland Gin, Jamaica and N. E. Uuov 4' . Apple Brandy, Old Rye and Country Whiskey- The above Gooils being purchased principally in the Northern Cities at auction, and ut very retiuced prices', will enable us to sell thenvat such "prices as will not . only defy competition, but we flatter joiuselvedvyil meet the.anproba tion of our. customers. 11 AZLE I T & ROBERT KYLE. 1 Raleigh, Noyj. l9t 1839. 26-wt.ll.' ' FOR SALE! I. WISH tosell.the place within a mile of Hill6 borousrhr.on which I now, reside.. There are 205 acres, about one half cleared ten acres of "l t ' l 1 1 " - f . . 'T V: mi Meadow. iana ana tne oaiance-in wooa ; i.ne improvements are all new, and hmsued m the hest manner- they consist ot a Dwelling House, containing eignt rooms wiin.nrq places, oesio;s passages,, closets,"-&c a'.larg Barn .'and Stables, and other necessary Outhoases. There are e- veral never falling Springs of the best waier onl the tract, and adarge aud well selected fruit Orchard.- -;- . : 1 will sell this, property . on the most liberal terrisr cither tor money on easy c red its --or will exchange it for Negroes or Western lands. .crjM A pplicalion may be made by letter to the sub scriber, , at llillsborough I '. - 'itrJ :AV.I ANDERS ONt Nov. 15. ','! ,-vKVyv :.-;:-: r3);eotr; operflJSeyir Novel J GALES . & SON have just received! the Wept of Wish-ton-WisiK' Price 24 Vol."!. of the. Encyclopedia Americana, a . popu .j'lar, Dictionary, 6fArts;iScienc'ei4" Literature, 4 History ; Politics & Biogvapy broaghtlflown V to the present tiroes V-VV : ' Raleigh, Dec 5 - - l TSOTICE r?. 4 LL persona indiofed 'totfie -late .firm of ra a? KirdaaU 4 Co. are hereo notmeo, inai their Notes & Account's liave been placed ini tfie hands of .the subscriber for. collection witti' tn strhctinns to1-commence' suit against all those. who fail tofcorue' forward ;and settle,,the same ... . - h m - -arm : . -v V . je . .n wish to purchase a pair of BAY MORSES t r 4l. aCarruige--not to:exceed8 years ahl.C:.- -' , "WILL: POLK. 32 tf .'MUTWA Y AC, 1) BM.Y; :-. . ; Franklin County N. C: T j ( t i t .Tuition pr; Session 510, r.Board ,i t do. - r40. .- r,'HESBterms-!irtclude.--vvery 'necessary ex 1 - pense.exceptJJandlesr , Books tvill be fur nished at the Petersburg; retair price-. 'Every . student will be reduirt d to briiurwiih him a uair . of Sheets, Counterpane ahd 'a pair of Blankets.- -The. exercises .of-this IiHtitution will be renewed on the tirrst Monday in January,', and ! he first ses. sion will close by a public Examination on the first Thursdayand Friday "in Juvier 1 he 2nd session will Cd'mmeii(i?e!; n',th.e1bJI6winniijday' j and closer wit hout an' -Exami na t ion, d n the 2 1 . d Fiiday of NpyenibeK ZtytiStZl V; "The system of studies s reffitlat etl bV the nlad 4 of our:Uhiversity. The ub-criber 'WiH-devo'tQ'' Ifis whole attention, to the duties ofjy' School. : c Ay h ill, a., m. ; ;Dec; 1, 1829; itt The- Raleiffh Star; Halifax :Mm4tvzt. ami TarboroV Free Presl wjll Insert" the above. four times, land forward their accounts; to the sub scriber; . ' c.iS-'j- i-ijV1'---' ' Buffalo Slioal School. . 4 N enfeebled constitution renders ;it Jmpos xIl sible for me to take an extensive circuit i n the practice of ni'y: profession Ss'a Lawyer ( arid i uicrciurc propose, Hssisiea Dy, ny orouier,' to, ionaay in Marcn ; next.: ty winch , time my open a Achoni at my House m Lincolicouiity,on 4 the Catawba river, nine miles! from . Shtiesville, and twenty-fonr from Lincolntonl on the first buddings wjll b& cornpleted. 'My house is lar,e' " and roomy 'i 'arid.i;havebegun torct s nail but ! comfortable . Cabins; similar 'to M hose - at the ; Winnsboroujrh .atvl Piatt Spring Academiej -of' South-Caiha.'Te situation ia a handsome one is known to be perfectly iheaitbyrand has r the advantage of beinj 'ehjirely removed f rom aH:places of dissipatton.'rN9-9chblara';wiirbe ta- ,'. ken whtKcannot board with ate as a member of iny lamily. .f ;" f ,J.- '- j- ". ' ? I will tach the Latin and GreekrLancuasres. i. the Mathematics",' ami the Elements of the other, .'; c'. Sciences : And also, if required by parents" or ' i. guardians, I ill ttachi withirreat care the el e mentary branches -of an English education Tu-", 1 ition and -boarding,-mclliding candles, ' washihg, &c. &c. ..will be furnished for one hundred dol- ars per annum, twenty-five o which' must be paid in advance.. No scholar, ivill be taken for less term than o,ne quart er.sVb'utt entrance may be had for one, or, more quarters at any Tune after the opening. of. t lie sclrdol,.':'.. ;Wl-'v ':; 4 -- ...' i.J....' k.i , ;r.:.., o. il v : -:. ; . I now nave unc-.Lir o ueiut anu ant anxiou o get -a few more to Wh.osei elx uni nation fcand1: instruction I would devote a sumcieiit portion ' . of time tO'onable them to proceed with . much v'; greater e.ase (ban theyvgenerall do jn lawyers' offices, in jicquirutg ,a.knnJedge of their pro- fessibn ; ' for.it is a-nnous fact-'t hat practising lawyers have neither time rtor?.inclihjttionto di rect the studies of their:,studeutsf , aivi. that. they ' lo not examiriiethenV-as oftenv jonce nonlh U nder sucn Clrcunistances, a y oimg - man ,"mnst , pursue his studies to great dlsadyantatre: aiid obtain. license to practise '. without a i competent 'h und. of practical mfurmation.'"'! do not propose ; to deliver law lectures V but! Will point out th'e authots, or the pnis of them;1 whtc ought to be' renxi ; ;xanine:ne young iien .aaiiy upoii lliein,'1 ,;, converse wit h? them upon the changes which v. Have been made in the English law by the coin f k sHtution and.Jawsjf thetU. S. 1 the constitution . and laws of this Stale and by the, decisions' of 1 the Supreme Court; 1 have a vei-y good library of elementary' law books for the use of Vhichl1' for instruction," amt for boarding includiiig 'can : dies and .r wasingJ.will, charge each student ; one hundred dollars periannUm, 'tverity.five of (' wiiitu iiium ur run Mi' "usance; .-cvv-f -f v.- v. ' " All applications must be made tome in .per- . son, or by letter, directed to x5ioavVTV Ire-, dell countv. or to.Statesvillc. '") ' ."', rft ' , Fdriipiarticulars as lo my qii dificatious. 1 r'dfer. to Judge Badger of Raleigh,i or to Major Hen- - derson oi Lmcohiton.; f v , V.4'.,- i RICHARD T. BRUMBY. V Dec;-ll, 1329,". .. ::V Vv;.-. S . ,32-2fn.' . . : ,Ku(erior Court; of, Lawv ' Chttham Cbuntvv " Fall Term. 1829. ' '.':' Alfred Vestal & of hers tf. Thosl Vestal 8c others. Petition tor . thedivision Lands of William- M ' ' -Vestal,'.de7i -VT "1 : T appearing, to 1 hesatisfaction of the Cojjrt , thilt John Vestal," one of the defendahts in ; this case, isnot ao'inhabitant of this St ite : it is hefetore ordered- lhat notice . be published !u t he Raleigh Register, for six months of the fi li n ' oi ineeiiiioivinu.uiai iiie eaki jonn vestal, at the next term of this Court, on the 3d Monday of M irch next, plead; , answer, or,, demur to the I petition, or. the same will be taken pro confess and Heard .e,xparte7i:;V.:. 'yysV; , - r- CUAS: J WILLIAMS;.. -J- ' cietk sup.- couft. ;-' THEiSUBSCRlBER ; V x; ; FFRRS forSale his HOUSED LOTS in the' Tpwii of OafofdV with the LAND adioiiiin"' bout 200 acres Of which "about 60acres are - Woodland. ;They II ouer is52 by 40. feet,- jcom ' mo Jious, Aand well finished ' throughout, havi.. - 4 41nts:withrelaces pn each floor, witlf a wide parage on feachi gaffet distributed into closets iud t wo. comfort'ab le rooms .and a cellar under the whole divided into several apartments. ' It Is situated in most 'beautiful grove jof.O iH attached to it is ajarge;Falluig,t5arden furnbhed' -' Willi uutui scicwcuiiwiu uic MWiji7-u lCr-ilOU.;3 c mstrttctedt pf Hjock-a $tdne .S pring-l lonse a 1 Well of excellent wteran the yard aiv Ofiice in me j:ru fcuuaujc ior vaw.cr uujevcry necej, sary. Outhbase.1 stU In godd'repair.t - ? X$Oi a'TANYAtlD now in operation,' which ipjght give employment to 8 or 10 hauis, havin; 10 acresof land, attached to if;and on the pie- Arises is a'cbmtortable wo story D welliV-t wit !i , every convenience 'ior a iimhmv itMwyiee. oeiter constriiicted 'Yard .is jseldoiii se i ai' whereU TJns property will , be disposed of oa reasonable and accommodating terms. - r.V. . . .THO. B LITaT. E J O N N. . i , '.Oxford Septal. J. 5ohv H LARGE well p rved x oung J a iu,,i n por in SO

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