. vj, ' .... .. .-. . -l , . '.t . . j -: ; ' ;.": -mm- - - "Hfc a i ' ( ? 1 4 f- 4 4 5 if- . t ,1, ' Y I If . 'i.v'-''vr. l- - ,J " Ours arethe plans oiTair.deUghtfiil peace," ; -- S-;:U-;', - ': Jvl r-fV. " ? UnVarp'd party ra-e to nvSlikebfDtherir., Vi. 7 f -; " rv ' " Vt 4 CHEAPER VTHAN EVER. iFii fe? ?r WIZ'ER GOOD 8:- f'i.'fy r - ' - r- JL f f.-" -XJ S '.. ' .- . ! ' a .... i 17 , - Mpabishel' every MonATandTintBSDAT, ibKPIl G ALE S' S( 1 fj At'me potior, P etj an num-hal f m ancc. :- 'ffot eiceedinc fcn'7iTiMf neatly, inserted 3 . -times for i-Poilar, and .twenty-fire; cents for exesncceeding iubttcatjo those of great. 'frthe. Editors pmst;be fioilfail ' ViT. fMiMC lheNumbers drawn m;the w - 0 . i 1 4 ' 13. 33. 46. v'nie"three latter all so I at thi manacrers ofbce. ' i?v Me Ghvfrnpr: ofNorti- Carolina; I : cond DQckLottery, clas, No. . ; w J J'-frrfHRUBAS it'b.as bee a mad"knowh.tomei ?' that a mM"der. has beenJ committed .in the county ot Koc n, nnu a wic oi ui-vvji imi, on the 23rfl dav of MarIast, and that Artam I MEUEDITHT :iiR,,ltte.yf the county and t State aforeWid, stands ch-rgd by the finding of r a Grand Jry upon ' a-bilt ;of indrctment, with havmg perpetrated the same orf the body of a certain. -FJij ih-MDaniel of saiT county ; and as it is further represente"d,::nd made knowji to r p e, ti" -the said Tllere JbMesseriath abscon ds!; npd fiV&from te jun.iction.and linijtsof : th" ' Sfter and thereby eluded' the arm of -La. r ill arrDrehehd and confine" the said Mere dith'Mecser in apy tail in this State, so that , he ' t may' be brought t 'i jtistice.f' and to tnorbver - berefiv recruire.'cQmmand, . jkndrijoin all officers vbatspever as-weu muiiary a kiyii wuuni upi '.-State, to use the i?, BestTdeayoua ftp apprehend and take or causeJ ta be apprehended and taken, f;the bolV ot the4 sam jkiereaun . iesser. nu mhh about Tjlffeet'Wgb;.Kr6,Wn-hair,;ihucb freckled on - h face and' hanav,.ls scar on- one or nis 1 ' iands.(oot recollected -wfitch) occasioned by a ; blov andvsorne : of the Tjone of the hand broken, has Temarkable eye "teeth; nd a singnlarity in i-y h'S voifceV whicffwould at oRcestrik strangers being" it oraetiroes large and fullana at others, wt-ak und efTemlnate., ' -A'', 'l kKSc under the irreat seal of the SUte, ' y??t ' at .the;city t . RaleighthislSth day tvflf November A: D. 1829. T5y the C&vernor,' - ? ; - f; p n o c t am ation: ; " ' iTwo :Huhdredl5bllfiYReward TfflIEREAS it has been-mad known o me, Yz-that murder has beetv'committed Jn the county- 1j,f Curritucki '.abd State oflNdrtn-CaroH-na, on the 4th of September last,' and that a cer- .tain 1VEY WILKIS late cf th6 county & State " ajoresaia, sianas cnsirgeu uv luKcmin uj . v ronerVinquest witW having perpetrated the same , - on the Body'of a cferlain Penelope -Vjlkins, .of said tounty:--and AsUt: "u Turth'er represented ,v .and made known tOTne.that the said Ivey sWil kins hath abscWlettand fled from the. - juaisdio--f tbnr and limitsf 4li!s ; l, e, and thereby eluded the .arm of the lawknd of j"bce iAX. Jar wilJ be: given to' any person or persons; who - 'will apprehend v.andconfine rtljeflysaid Ivey. Wil K kins in anyjtiil in this State, so tjiat he may , be i.brotightua justice iAnd I do'moreoverhereby V'requkecommand and enjoin " all-officers ,wl it-f-u evvas well civil as military, withia this-State; ' i:to juse - their best'endeaveurs to apprehend and takevoV cause to;be apprehended and taken, the body of the said -Ivey 4 Wilkins, v and hint ' Ssafely stout jiiade light halr,blue eyes," full face",: and :ihaa lost a part of !risto.e9-foncaie-pribis'feet'4 t iieiis a carpenter !)yitrader and Js supposed to bem jhat part oj Virgin ia,n ear Currituck countyj .-" i-i? Given under mv had as;Gov: . .r$ 7 ni-.it iitiHr thp- jrrpaf n! nf til !sf!itf T: l : i ...... - .... the City oFRaleigK; thisl7tli day ot iNoyemoer, a jj , io-'. 4 JtiQi OWEN,. i py theiloVernor, "v,' ;7, t-IH JEf pa rthershtp .lately! existi g ia :Gfeensb6- a.rfough;i beV-svi xt Ufe S ubscrioerS, qnder. t he - firm' of-JIy !e-& Ketiv ,-liavin terminated by ' its nwit limitation, "fs this, tiy .ilistilvd Oy mutual; cJiistfht. -V-'7" : DAVID' KYLE? . f v -w'ii v" i WS1. KCItlL.' 1829. 29 3t .lijitc "lidward IVilson. ,i : , 'nHEiindcraigued 1.. vinj adniirtistt .Jonl the i A Ebtate of ths .'lite Edward AVilson.of Chat ."s'deceased'jihereby gives notice -..to Henry , JViUon;, SOrt .of the deoeased,'- and to Alexander ?9bby,son4Ihv.:whO are supposed;tq reside t the StateofTTennessee "or. Alabama, ! that' the property of the deceased has been disposed .cf, r debts paid,;anJ the cl.ildre.i residing in tl.ii --.part oftthe ccuntry have received their share cf tile nrnr.ffi I a ' arti ' tVio-.'fbpr'rmainst-iri , the -1 , r., "Jn I - - Ifow, therefore, to-tne ena tnat tne saiu leditlileSser may be appvehended arid brought "to justice, the above, re ward oCTwo Hundred nollar willJb'e given to any pers- n or persons. safely: anti securejy i Keep so luaiuc mjr broug-bt to jcislice. ;V V ; . - - V ' . MrintVi Messef isabout C7 or 28 years ofage, r Now theretore, to tl.e end tnat tne saia ivey Vilki;maybe;,apprehendedand ;rought to i ust ice,' th eVbave reward of 't wo . h u ndredr,'do- v.nd Securely ikeep, solbat he' shall be brought to'justiCe. ;; A ; Vh: jJ ivey Wilkinslsabdut five feet 4 SnchesiKisb ; A BKRKBTMY'-S Lectures, 2 vols. Jl Homers Specid & General Anitoroy,v2 vols " . Anatomy and raUiology t s Belljs Anatomy, 2 vols Biilie' 's .Morbid 'Anatomy '- ,-., A.vf'-n's-Surtjerv,. 2 vols. " ; 1 - V : Gibson? Cooper's First JJnes-ofSuryery, 1 voJs.V JDrwees '.Midwifery V ' '-'t Dewees on Females..1 '--doV r'onCbiidren" iFrancis'si Denrnan;, ..; -1' Cooper on Dislocation ' -Murray's Materia JMedica ' i - ;Ebe; le'a. . do " do ' 2 vob.4 - Iawrence' Phvsiolotrv .'-7 'A '- . . Ilrct-rtr'a do X Rjcherand s - do p r 1 i i V i i Hunter on the Blood ; .Scudamore on the Gout O ,..v - -J , 'Armstrong on Fever and Consumption t; , Armstrong's "Medical" Vytorks " - .-.i1!-DarwMn,8'Zoonbmia, 5-vbls.""'' ' ,Vith" many m other valuable r Medical WoTks RaleiiTh:Oct.-.14 t - rpilE following vaTuable; BOOKS; published ?L 1 principally; for ;the use of the'Citizens -ojf Korth-Carolina,;are constantly kept on. hand, for sale, bv the subscriberf; viz : ": - 1 v" ' t , The Kevisal of the Laws of Torth-Carolina,by vtne late t;iiiet-Justice I ayior, tne late Hartley yancy,,and JudtrcsPotter,- made under-ihe di rection of th J,eirislature of the State, in two X large octavo Volumes', s with" a full and com - plete Index. . J. late Chif? Justice. Taylor,1 with' a satisfactory 4 V Haywood's Manual of the Laws of .'the State-, af- ranged ut Alphabetical firderv with an appn t v'dix.which brings the 'work to the year,1829. Pottera Justice of the Peace,'" a. new"; edition, v lately revised and corrected, -with a number . - of new Torms,.;and "the Laws contained in '; which,, are brought up to the year 1828. : . , . Martin's .Law(bf ? Exe'cutors and Administrators i which" iskToller'a English york on this sub- 't jcct,I omitting such parts as, are not in force .. bere taking' the Law as it stoo) Tit the! settje- V ment of. this country and I introducing every .act of Assembly of this State which has alter ed theXaw, and noticing every d judged case s which-throws ligfit on 'the subiect) Ttiis e- j: dition- of :the"vork: was .revised by thvi'late . I Chief-Justice Taylor. , , v .',' Chie Wustice Taylor's Digest pfjthe Statute Law of Norih-Carolina, relative to Wills, Executors . and Administrators, !t he Provision for Widows ' and the.t Distribution of Intestates Estates t'-U A--Work which combines nir one -vii'V all the i enactments" y whicl) have been made bmthese -subjects' for a Century past, and whlcn ai e dtspersied in more than torty statutes. ' s " Agricultural Essays,:written by a.North-Garolina 4 farmer. Allowed by those who-,are hest ca pable of judginsr.-'to be tfie .best book for con- x , -eying useful inlormatlon to ihe Farmers of - this Stale that was ever, published. It treats on the- best mode of improving land, on deep 'f and . horizonUl. Piottgbiog : on - the Grasses Tbet suited -to this - State ; on the best, modes -- of raising-fVheat,- Turnips and Indian "Corn ; : ad treats largely on the raising of Live Stock, Th Jteports of Cases decided Jn the Bupreme ; Cjourt "of Nort h-Cni ol i na.- from" the first estab-lishment'-of the -Courts when it ore the title t of Court - pf ( ConfTece,"'to ;the present time, winch are as tulles: Reports . nf. tRe Conference Court,' by, -D. 'j " Cameron and VVm.jNor.waod.' in .'l"ol.,-... The" La w Re positoryl"by , Ohi"ef-J ust ice Tay 'Ynp 9 tT.lu -J , M ',' i Tenifc RenilrtS .'1 voL bv i .Do- Mufs. Kepqrts of the'Supreme .Court,' 3 v?ol?,t C ' '"i J.- ''llauks'ssllfli - .y,' '4voJs. , -7 Devereux'Dp ' ' .V'VolUT ; T " Hawks's Digest of the Reported Cases ad ;,T , judeed tnv Kortli-Carolina fi-oin tlve year 3 ' 776 to j :v- v-; V . AColleetronHof the Militia-Laws of Norths - nSuhscfiberswiU Dereceived foV tlie" , Re-' ports "ot.tne oupreme ;ourt wnicii ai-e.puousu- ed;atthe close of each Term -at $1 V per nuinoer, and forwartled by -mad to", 'Subscribers Jn any t part of theState. V ,; . V " -. J -' - JOSEril GAL.BJS & bUJN. V llaleigh, 1 -29. 5 - X :26 :rWNTED;l-;.'.,-'r: -A-Prbicjpal Teachei in the Oxford Male.'Acad-: ii my?i -A gentleman of thorough . classical and other tried literary atlaijments of higher or-, der'-uis'resented-'iiithrsnstitutioiia'profitable and u-cfult field for the foll-'e'mployment of-all hl3 qiulificMtibHS as TeACh'erin the, very healthy feapitpl of 'liranyiUe-eountyl. NohCarorirta-so-ciety' intelirgWttliCfSpitble -and morale living cheap and ot heK thing favorable to" the growth and permanent prospei ityof an'ably conducted Academy. - Z " "' . ; " ' ' ' .Apflicati.o?i for tliist tuation. "postv paid, from .Tc clieii-ofubiliiy-aud etpei. will bt2. received -by ; Stephen , It: Sne. JO.x i d.NV.C, until the.Stli day cf December next, wlien f yacancy will be filled. - . ; t f The duties of the PrincTpalto :cnmnence 11th day vdf January 18w3; 1 &.t'jr - X ' ROBERT-BCILLIAM, Sec'y,. , Oxford 12th .;oy,-1629- -,t, , 26 3w.T ! TjMIE Subscriber has received a supply of Gar - L-vden.Seedvwhich be Vili wax rant fresh and genuine. W - C DcLEHMAN. Raleiglr, I,Tov. -26, 1S29. ,29 ;C 5; BLANKS X; , -Vv. Good's 3tudy'6f Medicine; 5 vols. n x " i Gregbryjs PracticeV? vols. i.redition " 1 -Thachers Modern Practice.- , f Cullen's Practice ,v7c , Thaeher's Dispensatory. ,t V" ; Edinburgh ! - - do c v-j: tv -. -i.x ; ' Paris;Pharmacologia V., X', -v ;rTurDentineSoan l , 200 " bet refined Salt Petrel 1SQ:. , Poland Starch 100 Black Peppe, Vf ,77 v 150 ,J5 Race and ground Ginger ;,5,10U2 Allspice i: --::'-'"'... tT 1120 Kees tYhite Lead- : 12 Boxes 'Window Glass - 500 IbV Pattys ' - 36 doz. Wine'Bottles " 350 lbs. . best Am rican Glue.A ' , 500 lgreen Copperas v - i 10Q0 0Q0; chipped ard stick Carhpeachy Log. K wood -' 1 150' Ground Fustic ' 4 - ' . 150- Allum " ' ' - ,75 .Dutch Madder ground - 4' 4.' 25 Spanish Indigo - '"'Jl-; . A 500 Browa: ; l V f- , 500 Wilmington Rice;' v ; T ; . r 4 '2 Coils Bale and'traceRop'e I- ; - ;lt Bale, shoe thread ' -'m-' 'x .-s .".l'Package. banket-salt" for Table use . ,12 Bundles, English, -German. jthd Italian v-A -'f.Vidlin-atrinai cbnslsting' ot 1st 2nd 3j-d ' v os, ri. are aiso receiving an auaiuonai sup ply of Drujjs,-: Medicines,1 .Paints $cc- .SyC.,'whicl makes their assrtment ver1 complete -. ; Physicians supplied on good terms and all or-f ders promptly attended to. v -r L-j - - Just received 2 Boxes .of be' above! valuable Medicine. V , ..1 -;:. - .WILLIAMS STHA Y WOOD. , 1829.' . ; -J x. ; - 6. Oct. 14tb ' " Union CanaVLotttrxi Officii No. H9 ChesiiuV Street, Philadelphia. To bar distant F iends, ; TIXTTE are gratified with the numerous orders Tv i we have lat elv received from" otlr friends in tbi??, and in several other distant: States, as well as with the fidelity witti which the.tick;ts we torwaruexLby mail appear to have) reached their destination. .'No Tear of a Jetter?s miscar riage may beenteruined,'as.ln all our' business up to the present moment," the 1 subscriber "has never known a ticket ori remittance, jto fail. -We7cari accommodate our friends from an eighth to any numberof whiles of package a pack age contains twenty, (nine of which are'warant cd to draw $10 prizes,' und mav - draw-'bne oc more oft ho capitals. The following is a Scheme ofthe s - ' ' ;, -'o'- ; " Union. Canal. Lottery,' . (Yates- & M'lritvre -Alauagisrs.) . A ' Class No, 14,Vor 1829. , , t ' To be drawn in the. City oftPhiladeiphia on v Thursday the 17tli December, lB2i. , 1 Prize of 830,000 ; is - ;so,ooo .. vio,ooor 5,000. i 4,210 J ri,oo(i- 600 mouo 10,000 , - V - . 10 ; io 10 io: "10 .28'' . 5 j 51 - 51, 102 . , 102 ' 102 .04 f . 1122; 1 1.475 j .4,210 10,000 6,000 ' 500; , 400 soo; 200 ' 100 - ; 90 r 70, 5 60 -'-".50 40 - - SO- - : 20 1 :io . 5,000 " 4,000 r3,000 5,600 .35,100 4;590 .4, 08,0 3570 6; 1 20 ;4,o8rx 6,120, st '22,440 114,750 133,95 Prizes- - ,835 Blanks, 4,220i .ckets... (I t .y. r vVhole Tickets gloV ' " - - won xumDjers y iirawn oauors. -, -Full schemes sent to those who purchase tick ets, and also the drawn-number by thefirst mail 'after the Lottery is drawn All orders! must be-i addressed to - . . 'llOB'T. T. BICKfSELL. . . , ' N6.at9Chesnut.Street, PhiladelpJiiCPa; ov. 29.'- 9-St , maples -soap: rriLLIAMS &HAYW6)D have lately-re-; T Ticeived asupply of gentiine Naples Soap ; together with a great variety 01 other Perfume ry, ; such as Cologne and 'Lavender; Waters! Ma cassar 'and Rears' OilCosmetlc Wasli Bajls,' for ps. Alsp,lSha?ing 'Cakes, -w hich are highly re commended tothose'pj'entleme'n who shave thero-selves.--AlT ovhich they will sellrUiiusitall'." cheap.1 -I- ..... r i- .. , . . . i- ... ; yIlayxoooiVslila Br jht'ur, vO. the'tiresept tit: GALES:&ON have just publisher: Tan a . APPENDlX.to J Ijv wood's lfa..uai. wb.lch aces-the Laws passed since vtiie Veaf; 1 I umlerd'sr: net , head v-in alphabetical order, " hi- I eluding those" or last b'ession, .which reudt !er the .For lth)9vaddition to the Mahuair-'iTio- - extra "charge will-be-Tnade.r -1 ne-Book'will!: be sold at Five Dollars as heretofore.-v --'t r , Orders -wi'.Lbe iuctajilly attended to. ....... 1 - - y Sept.; 12,' 1829. -C " -TR ACT Or LV. in , Yake cWntyNi ii. ; 1 'l!i sides of Dutchman's: .Branch cbnt t lying on the south i"iac" Iwift Cre.7 The Tracts are cr.rstiguou?, id ere" p,rrcha',cur 'Drae yeirs-" goxby theJate-. .,v4JM .inq? t Vm.-Urov-.u ' ,:'Appj to th- Etlitors of thp lighter, wi.o are autnonsea oy tne owner wcl s.i land. 300 ; ; ,2 Boxes best; ArtieriqHu Mustard, for sale, : y vby the poundr, .' "H';- i- - 2- 7vs superior "feperm.-CandIes beautdying the skm, -nighly scented, Roe, Palm; Olive,- Oriental,' iolet, ..Larender, 2-YegetabIe, Cevl6n Jessamine and;Cinhamon.:Soapk': 1 "X . received'and are no w opeijii ng-a large assort m ent or ''btapLe aurt, Jancy Dry? .Goods,:-J Hard war Queenswafe,' Liquors, '.Sl es Btots, IlAts, &c ;v The following' is a list jof tbe'Jeading.articlesrf Superfine rRIue,-; Black, Bro n, Olive, Green," -siDrab and Steel tpixed. Cloths. V- ; c' Blue, ' Black;rDFab-and teel mixd Cassinxcre Toilinett, vValentia.Swans 1 -vn,-'-Marseille's is net ' Florentine, Vesti"gs ' V " 1 n Camhlef, Caroline' andTaVni PiaiJs 4" iS': Black afid Colored Bombs .'.nes 'nbazetl - Black atid-XIoiored .'Merjno-Circssians ." - k Satinetts of every 'description - ","' ,- Blue and Gray pia"m's,tFlushing.and Kerseys, UnseywooJsey for negroes wear v ; : Roser Point and Duffle. Blankets ' 3 White, Redi Blue, ;Greenr and Yellpa' Flahnela - Ratinet? Spotted Flannel and Plaid Circassian : Russia nd Irisb-SheVtmgs J Tickling, Osnaburg and Scotch Dowjas ? 7-8vnd 4-4 Irish Linens and J-Awns,;of superior Grass;-BIeach-- . -.V ' Russia and lrish. Towelling and Table DiapersVi uanionc jc urn 1 iu re. ana varmeni jJimny v ; c j Calicoes,-an elegant assortment";,, "-V''"' ; Cambric.and 'SeersukervlSinghainsVV-, Plain and Striped Batiste and Jlarege) -:x -jy 's Brown' Cambric and Barege- .,v. .'".-" "I ' Fancy Silk and Gauze Handkercliiefa Scarfs" . Dp- 'Merino Scarfs and Shawls..' tV.V ... Worsted, Barege Handkerchefs; . Bobitiett ;4-4" and 6-4 wnle v . - Thread Xace and ; Edgings, JBobinettr Laceand; - E-rgings . , j-y ;xv ViV. Black and fancy colored - Crapes and G imps.,., ' Nankin, "Canton and Mandarin Crape Robes and ADresses ' : :' - . Scjrlet, Blue, Drab and Black Cassimere Shawls Frime Black ItalfanXustring and Smchew.'i - Do ; do . .and Fancy Grose' de Naples 1 5 iancy colored bat ins ana riorence .; r . -j. Gentlemen's" Black Italian Cravats,? ' v Fancy Sdlc BandanoandFlag. Handkerchiefs: -Do Cotton and Madrass i .-, do Imitation and Thread Cambric do Linen, Cambric and Book Muslin ido Gent, bortlered Swiss Muslin Cravats" ti-. ...&. Phijit and figured iiwiss, Jaconett, Book & Mull Muslins, Cambric - ' --'t Chrk's.-.Spool Cotton, Thread and Cotton floss Thread and CottorvTapes and Bobbins. ' , V Blue,1 Black and W. B FJax Thread ' .. . Prime Black, Blue, and assorted sewing Silks Ladies and Gnt.r White and Black Cotton and ,r Worsted Hose - - z 7 ;-,Jr." Gentlemen's white, black, jand mlxed.Cotton worstea anu lamosyvooi nose, ana 3 nose Ladies and Gentlemen's . French, and - English' . SWk Hose and Gloves ! ' : Gentlemen's Black and White Silk Hose - ; y uo : w ooasioK, tJucKsKin, ueaver, liojnse-i ki n' and Dogski.i Gloves' r , Do ; Linen Wooll c-n and'Worsteo Glove Black and Colored WbrstVd and Silk Braidsli Satins and Lustring RibbonsoT all numbers ; v - Garniture, Gauze aud Cap Ripbons , " : Waist Ribbon, new $.tyle' ' ; V V 1 r.'". :Do 'iXeghorn.aud StawBonnets;;v',-..;.,'., Gentteme.ifs Silk and Cotton Umbrellas; ' Do ; - Fashionable Black, Brown v& Dnib Beaver Hats, - s' Boys Do and Seal Caps ' Vv'v ' i RLir.k am! VVhit AVrirt! TTat 'sCQnrtfrl sitao .i -.-: Ladies and,Gentlemen s Shoes and Boots of eve- ' ry description ' ? v , ,1 V MissesBoys and Childrep's do r do? drftt v Coarse Shoes and Brogansi for servants " Ladies and Gentlemen's Plaid S&Camblet CloaKS Imperial, Gunpowder and-young'Hyori Tea " urown and, 10 t sugar, Prime Uren C ttee Ch ucola t e, A 1 1 s pi 6e, P ep pe r, ,G i nge r, ; Nutm egs: r Saltpeter.vAllum, Spanish Brown,-Iodtgo J:. verpool fine Salts Gunpowder, Shot of airsi- ? zes, Bar: Lead, -Trace Chains, Cutting TCmvesj Prime Duiidee-BatreinET and Tihe V : -- - ' Castings of every description , - English and Swedish iron, assorted r. - t ' v Patent Springsahl Axletrees for Gigs arid Car Tiages' "V v -'.--. - . t Cut.and Wrought Nails of all slzes. ' . Prime Chewing Tobacco ' ; r ;French Brandy Madeira,Xlsbon &M:tlaga; Wine Prime Sicily Madeira "and Teneriffe Wine v;f ,- ' Holland Gin. Jamaica and N'Er-Uum'W-:-'t;.;::---.. Apple'B;andy Old Rv and Country Whiakeyo ;.Tlie above Goods being purchased p. .acipally in the NorthernCities'at auction . and Htt very reduced prices-wllf .enable us to'sell tthem at Mich prices as will not only ' defy. competition, but we flattei ourselves will -meet the)approba-. tipn of our enstomers; " 1 - p r" . " - 1 1 1 AZCBTT & ROBERT-KYLE. Raleigh, Nov; 19. 1829 . 26-wt.U.- . :FORS ALT: J IWISTlto selltbeptace within a rtile of Hills'. ?boroyghon which I noWrt .'.de' Tuereiare 205 acres, raboutronehalf cleared," ten acre of Meadow land andthe balauce in wor'lTJie improvements are iall newV-rand fiuislu J ?Jn jhe' nest manner---tney consist of a iweuing iiousv necessary veraliever Vailing SprJngs- of;the best waten on the "tract,7-and a large rand well "selected fruit Orchard. rl V.' , - ' 'V , -vI will selUhis .property :onJ the :most J)beral ferms-r-either for mony on easy -credits v. will exchangcLit for,Negroes 1 or Western tnnds.vy T -Applicalion'may be made, by? Ietterltb tiie sub' scriber,- at IliHsborough- 1 t' k r.W-AicriiynfiiViM" Nov15.j v2? eotf i . Cooper? rixew A T -V ' - GA LES S ON vbave ju'si received the ej ,' . ept tkWislvton-v'sh,' Price" 2; Vol, L' of,tbe Encyclopedia-Americana," a popu- jT. lar v juciionarvor-AUS,r aciencesr LJieraiure, i . ' -History 4 . Poli tics & Biography, - bryug 1 1 tdo w n to the pre sent time." : '.Raleigh, Dec; 5-? ""jS' ."V.- : a . nt of v Wht-i t" fjnjEIB .Subscribers' itake this method of .arv JLrnbuncing to the ... miblfc . that thev have' tust v-'- I-' 7'- ' : jf:T the 10th ir.-t. J lost ,iyC 1,-a.boy a O ae .t 5 years of av n"-: i'op! r "Creek J-leetinT He se.lL-'' his - '.r fI" -,.i ' !uc evt-s ar lVhl.e zr 1 1;': " in 1 v :.l l'n unl tj' ai. 1 vcoppeiii couw.t el; .u-.r:-!,e dov. . i:',t r ': ye'" ''.. - c'.ia .:i t: .. fu:i : .,:c .. Tn r .is.--. Any ir ' pr 1;- -ed Y,u :g JA Inquite "f th n -er, "!mc JON af ' - have r;- ... v t fNorth-C "tin; iu-st. pi A. TTb 1 l' T"1 .i i .,11, 1 he pal Ch r, t ti.. Ch .!,.on.AJoit,iV lit f to . !ock. . . r"2etip'"of A., heid at 10-o?clv.ck 1 . the i..on " t.ayat the Vest., '00,. .--t anc Oi .dl the r.iei..jers ii Jr V Dec 16. tailoring; lj,:t: TTAME LITCHFLD -yte Ter"- Ms than!- tu'.jfi,. public for ir ..-rmervtrydibe-d su. a every e;. rfwulLe used .intutm-e ( i " U to merit it, e solicits a'continuar " "f age:- .He still, remains at iasc 1 - he wjll cift and make up "p.t the r' .u S ults in tlie newestpand most f; !. . . b 1 e Me has "01 hand, firt rate Hilt, and iuici C) which y willf fye made up to o. der; "n the 1 favorable terms .1 . - .' - Raleigh,-Dec 18. . -r;.;.,NOTlc::.'"v .' Xo'cJuVe-a cons);: .i-fji;' thtj .subsci-iber Uzi For Sale - 3half Pipes,; ;4qut;cr di.;- - Madeira T7in,. ' ..eighth, fdoVj: . ; - J ;U - ' ; VW'arrantediiistqualitvCattL re". d- 'ni'. sVa! credit will be ' yeK? if required. hUOV -Newbern; pec. e. C : - t HILL SB Oil 6 UGH CAB Jlf- " rntlE'Examinatiob will be on M 'iy . JL day, the 7tb and 8th rf D-cem 1 e - ercises will be.resu'med .on: Monday, the 11th January. - - v Mnt E d ward S mil h : - former 1 vt of , P e t r L .1 r - y"') Academyi a.teacher "of long exp 1 ience'j and highly distinguished, for cl.ss:c a.., sc'.c".- tihe-atiainmeiHs, ' 11 bexassociated in the lu.or3 of the Academy .v . -""5 -v s;. The Wystent pf sfud; - - Isj- i n r;e; ' pr " p irr toryno ouritTliivers; . 4 -The common Hr. ri , branches Spelling. Heading, Writin Getr -phy, Ariihmetic-Vnd English," Gmrr. r , re" ia- t e vs persea. t tir ou gho ut 1 h A -cou rs e w ' Tu 1 0 n n the higher brancnes of education vi! H.n to such as desire it?: - W :s t f : Regulac tuition, $15 per session. . ? TvJ- BINGHAM, Prir-rnl. ,P.' S Board in ttie rr. s , tr " ' " "0 per juuiiiii, - jiiciuuiug oeuj wa.sn i ifHUbord; Nov. ,24A v' 7' ' ) -Tvv A XKA.CH !SH AV ANT . j . fr0 takV Charge; ofunAcadein in" Jie nei J.- bnrhodd' of Ralegh. THie situ at ion. is-v. healthy,' the water ffood: and th kc ner )r!i j J agreeable ;it,isi nycearv' the Xeac.4r lOv,. : Piscsa niojuiinwiuir quauucanons VIZ ; standvJhe , Latin; and -litfgli'sb Languages,' and have, some knowledge -of Matuqmarics- ; and be oC-undoubVed mor al character. A, salary tb :ch an one .would be tbted ot fotir. hundred dcL-rs per annum. -An ply to1 the nitors o." this paper personally, t by letter - post paid : ' :, : - ..RaieigiVNov.rir: ; - 26tf. ;vBumJo Sli6alScJioo?. N enfeebled constitutionreiiders- it i t -?iuir, iwv. I'iciu uiK.e an. extensive Airr.ti 1 - i the; practice of rnyi,.p.rofession"as- a'Lawvef ; 1 : I therefore propose, assisted by my froth er, to open awoatTOy.house.in-Lirtcoln cc ;itv,"M the Catawbii river, nine miles from St.ites.. and twenty-lour; from Lmcofnton, on the f, t buildings will be completed." My Jiou: - . -and room ' and i h tve bega to erect comiorxaDie--i;anin 5, . similar to- t 10 t- - Wlnnsborouglt and Piatt Sprihgf 'Acad.mi: . South CarolinairThe situ- ion is a I I onerr-is knoWri to bpprfcJv healt'.j, :u 1 the advantage 'cf-being:, entir- 'v- i :rn"0 - all places or dis nation; ?7 ,ken--w)io cannot -board ith 1 5:I will teach tbeLit' "-id Greek Lir' the3Iathernatics..and tiie Elements c''4).?f Sciences JiAnd also'if r-uiredb p .j guardians! will teach wiui trret 'are t:. j mentary branches -ff an ringlish 1, ' -1 ition and boanlinsr.incliici ng canciles, v &cAc.will be furnlshe. fcr'one hundred lars'per annum, tvv-ntyifiver cf which mv t paid in a-ivance.. o scholr : will he taW r alessterm t!tan one-quarter but ' may .be had fc. one or tnore quarters rt t tec .the opening' or. tne school.' --I row have ofieXato Stu'deiit,-anrl a to geVa few more,';- to-wlio: ( ' a' instructioi5! I avouK devote u . p , of time-.to eiiiblc them to ; rc2ee i wit i greater case. than they r-c-.eral: ' do i;, !a v, ofHces; in acquiring a L . .vied j r " their r fessiofiV fori tisane" -ious fac..' that -nr-r- ..in-. lawyers have neither time-nor ircl!.iatiot to rect. the. stutues ot tneir ftndci. an i th .if th do not'examine them as ascr.ee a Under such circumstance ?, a ' youn pursue ins siuuies - to-, great, c.aacivar.. 1. obta'n riceiu-1 to-p: actise' ..with'iut. a coir fund of . -practical inffrnwtion. do r ' i,i to deliver law. lertu rc-s-; but I v .1 r r.c c 'j -i auU.ors, on the p.rts -f them,' w.hic.i rT 1 1., -- te,d j -examine ihe youivf44,',n C .' uj- converse with them uponvthe 1 ' ?.r, - have been. maJe'in tl.c EngLsh' I ivv b 1.. c n stmrtion and laws of the U. S. the ' ist itu i s and laws cf-this 'State, an d f;v the. fJ c" the Supreme Caiut. I Lave jr-vcrv k . ' tt of elementary law books tnr the 1 . tor instruction, and tor bor t.:g, uicu:u; dles ar w s4.in(j, I vill c:5 e "'1 one 'hundred dollars f . r trram, t c . whh-must be paid i 1 w vance. , . All applicat:T- mu-t be it.. o ; . snr, or by letter, -direclpd to 7 ' i c. dl cemtyyrto :. 1 1 I r A'-L the 'Ame "c'l t ;Judge "Badger of -lUleigl", sv to . r Her. deisou cf Liicbl..toiu v ' . - , V 1 er- lic- 4:v'wm:fNS6; 1329;-: .v,-5tp" V - kintU lur sale at this f0ficc. VXugust 15,;18C9., -:r. V :v-i?9tf. - rec,4vto. 4 o

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