5 T i ' t3 v . r -. Si i . m " : - a..- '- v - v v Si 1 5 I, . - it-- t. ' 1 V ' i -h-, J y t 'J. ,. 1 'B A:1L ID J Qurs ere the r!ans ol , t,' ' ::lpeacV,rf:;, "vtlnwarp'cl Sy pkety re -e ta livo like brotheri.'V A .1 1 VCiitt&X S4Vi29' W jt r Fir, Dollar ner v;anifn nauin auvaip- 'V .A.. ...-. J' - - :, u 4 ? Aft 1 :,V,:rxr .'7,rtisrm::nts v ik-rAVr4pJi::r'i?en Hns: neatly inserted 3 times for a DolTvV'widwenty-r.ve centfor ' verv succeedincr publicatibn t those t fTeaV er length nUhe, same pto?ortipn.;.vcoioiij i..TthanfLillv received.... Lttb to the Editor's must beostpair T.wHaridrDollars: Reward; 'niEREAS it has been n,ade known to me thutamuraer nas oeeu cu .iimuru in mc '-nntv of nobeson,' and State of orth-Carolina, t1,k 2Srdilav of starch; last, and that a certain MPRRniTH MESSETl. I?? IF the -county, and State aforesaiO, stanas cnar- ;-u oy iuc nnuin pi i a Grand Jury upon a oui c inaicimcin;r - wiui v-vin Dernetrated the'same art the body of a 'certain Elijah MCDahiel of said county $ and as it is further represented, - und made,; KnoWn to .- ; i the said Meredith'Messer, hath abscon- f'.W." and fled from theuriscUction and limits M th'-CState, anamerepy eiuaeaue unioi -w i J. .Histice. - -k ' ' v ' "'. ' ' ' - Now-inereioiy, w iuc r. v xeri-tn wesscr ,-jr -VH 'r : . I tolisiice,.ueooyc rewwm, Tioiiars win uc LiTtn w ij ,vw v j-.-..-t . Will Will pyiviiv"- .77 ' V- j i I. JUk-. WV K.Jk VW Jk-M V V i.. unnrPhonn ana r.nnnne ine saiu iere i . i .1 urniina iiiira dith Viewer in any lailinahisState, so that he I - V ' r may o "r".J"1TV' ICiTTT "m. fllHB lollowinff - val Tihv Teauire.commanu, luicnium ii viuwis . . . v. z i I":! th.. hi-st endeavours to aonrehend w or cause to be uu kavtF the said Mereditii Mtsser, and him W?lylndecUrkp M.rU.rttb Messeris about 27 ?ot2$ years of aVe,J bout 6 feet highbrow h hair; much freckled on his face and Jiand v nas a scar ;on one oi - p is , hands (hot:recoliecied hichToccasionedby ;a Mow and sonfS of the bones of the hand broken has remarkable eyeteeth and , Vmgul iityih v;. .n;r Bbr.h wtMild at i.once strike stranerers; : being.at'soroeiriei be..fjidfttU ai at others. wcaK aM tneroinawA . Jit GivVn funer any hand1 iis Governor,. i 1? .2 .-.i ..-n.. Ai-n.l l.:.iQtK 'J.., PROCIiAMJaEION. Bu the GovSrhdr Qrth-Carolinai " rwo rtunareaiioiiars, ncwaru. ; Tf TREREAS it ha3 beenTnae knowrrtojme, f f J that :a murderias been committed in the. couniv of Ciitrituck; and .State dfWrthOaroli- na. on the 4th of September last, and thta cer- UinlVEY-WILKlNSi late of the County & State aforesaid, stands charged bytthe verdict of a co roner's inquest with' havrg perpetrated the same on tbe.body tjf a cert ain-Penelope . Wilkins, of said ettunty : and as.;it t is" further represented and made known to nie' that the said Ivey Wil kins hath absconded and fled from the, juxisdic- tion and. Units' of this .State, and thereby eluded the arm of the law, and pf justice i ' ' , . Now. therefore, to the end that the , said Ivey Wilkins may . be; apprehended aiid . brought to Justice, the above reward f Jt wo . hundred dok ' lars will be given Jo any person or persons. - who. ' will apprehend 'and confine.the said- Ivey . .Wil- Xins in any jail m this State, so that he - mayDf bronsht .to iustice And do moreover hereby Vequire,' command and enjoin all. officerswhat , aucver, as wen civu us unuiArj, w;m vui.oiic, : to' iise theur best endeavours to apprehend and ' takc.inr cnuse to'be' annrehended and taken, the ' body of the said lvev .Wilkins, an4 ; "hi nr. safety and securely keep so,thJit.he shall be brought to iustiee-1 . ' - ' "-Ji. -x l?ey AVilkms is about hve teet.4 inches nijjiv stout made: harht hair, blue eves, luiLncey-anu bas lost a part of his toesfrom one oflbis ;feet i nc m a carpenter by. trade, .and' is - sup pqaea-xo .Greensboro, Kov'. 19. T8C9. '.- 29 VJ. L -tile nrnrftpHni'flnfl . th:kt.- there remains 'in ,tl f Jrtds f tlte subscriber the sum of thirteendI tfs eacbdue to the said Henry '"Wilson and A Iciivlt-r llobovv wliichvill be paid Vo tlem p. AV- fjoui: WILSONi'Adra'r. ?ilChathaml,CNov;26; lCCX" -V ' -3tp., M ore C 1 1 e a i V i n ter Cxo o : 1 j . - i WK'Suhscribr,vh-.i received another addi-.i-s-vtjon' to 'a former, v and very general Assort "eht bf'WintVr Condi: :f Ilaviriira desire to keer , a.hiH Supply ;of every article in his line, Ive will t...... I"-" ' . - 7 .... ... . . ought ;heap, ir'aua- Wn Uir Stat. ,' P.ii ifnmprs willVdn.-well tn , :" Arvu ree tor thetn.seive-., . '-. "i rVonver. as well military, -as ciyn wiuiin nLr :f ; r ; '-"rrv"- w -7 . . mAt. OV. vi.?i ' JNOOWEN.. ihthat'part'ofVirginnear.Curntuckco .Term. Reports, 1 vol. by ! ;J Ajt. ' i -r r.nr;n; M, Murpney-a Reports ot the V and uridet the gtat seal of the 3tate. , : . . . 4 vnl5 jk?-Jiv of November. A. D. 1829." . - . , - t ...1 i ' r - f ' ;:s-V,5 Jl' OVVE.N A: judged in.NortlHCarolini, from .By the Governor, f . " ' I: ;. ,J7 o-ljQ6m -. . . v. - ir.wt, Mi-. oecyv ; 7 u. - Colleaion 0f the Militia Laws V PP' ITJ?i03. -' r tl.-'Cawllna..- .i:r ?fniIE partnership jutely existing in .Greeosbo- - Subscribers Viil be U- r?un Detwi" e,auoscr.oers, under ine of th4 sunremfc Court w ZS W6- rng terminaiea . oy us d aUhe close of TernT al """laupn, w uiiuaj W - ' an(i forwarded bv mail to- ' y Liate Jdwarcl VVllSOn. v - .V.vpcin '" Ceylon, Jessamine and Cinnamon Swps. i !lH&undeMlgnt-dhavin':ad.Mnisteied.ortthe J "P 1 V-viN IJliU, r . Also, Shaving Cakes v.wthich -are highly re - t Estatef the T.te Edward ,jlsori, of Chat- rVnal Tocher in the i Oxford Male Acad- -commended to thos(gentJemen who shave them- tkam'' decked herebv it! v es notice' to He nrV f PrjucipaJ I eadier in the uxiom iaie Acaa 8Hyesv All.-of which iheys will .sell unusuallj 'Avi t r!w K'ei nyjee lu "my f emy. 1A gentle nwo' of thorough classical h4 -. ,i . - .:-v . V- 4- 1 AY.W of the deceased, vund to Alexander d . h . jY.teniry atiainments nf.higber or- Nov '18 "' - Hobby, son-in-law. 'who arc sunoosed -to reside s' :.. l:... '.: - lUietgn,.fnov, its..., ' 1 h. U? otiA tece ed nas oeen aispoea or, fi, qu.iUiction"Tas Teacher,, in the very healthy ; . - , , ' yT . , - vbL v!lp ? ct iturof.;r'M:ecoumy.North-Carorma-si Brought up lo the : present .timcj ;f Part of the countrv have received t!1iir'ilare of J . . . :t - -; .. - -'"'r'. uuums.niay require. The Ctods were : 1 1 ' fAvction1 Very low, iuuLwill be , Bold as c riot chaner. lhn'nnVnf thesamkind c s ".'.?d In-.h Pjotatoes at f 1 per bushel, and some VWUn' 6.14- - Ar xj Xj -, -.' .4 ' .. -I vl 'BERNBTHyS Lectures,' 2 voW:'. V nL' Hornets Special. 8t General Anatomy, 2 vols uicnai's uenerai Anaiomy, yois. - . v . Anatomy &nd Pathology V ; BeJl's Anatomy, 2 vols. f " : - vfBaiHe's Morbid jAn at omyW Vr ' t V Gibson's Stir-eryi 2 vols. ; "J -" ' s' VCoopers First Lioes of Surgery 2 "vols. T)e wees' Mid wifev' ' -rr ' ' - tDewees on- Fem&'es .' ' '-r7 t i Good?s Study of Medicine, 5 vols. - Gregory's Practice, 2 vols, new edition . i nacnera inoaern practice CultenVPractice ; ' Thacher's Dispensatory " 1 s Edinburgh ; - -do" J- v c Paris' ; PUHrtnacoIogia ' v'Cooof1 on Dislocations s Murray's Klateria Medica vEherle's' do v do - 2 vohi 'iAwrence Physiology V Magehdie's. ".do M rs Kostpcfcs-.N cto ; w Richerand's do", ' Baseman's Synopsis' '', I- " . ", Hunter on tbe)Blood ,', ; .v Sciidamore on the Gout ' V ' i" Armstrong on 'Fever and. Consumption Armstrong's Medical Works A -: " V -Darwin's Zoonomia. 2 vols. , .N - T, With . many other., valuable Medical .Works whicl wiU be sold on the 4avofable term8 by " . 7 J: GALES & SON. Raleiffh Oct.14. ? i y uable BOOKS, rjublished H iSe II 1 J '. .1 ' " . A I' J 0 u nnncinmiv tnr jn iie ni in i.itin nr orin-uarpnna, are co.mantiyxept on nand, tor V TheRevisal of the Laws.: of North-Carolina", by ... - i . . . . -. . . ....... . . the late Jluet 'Justice -1 aylor, the ate Bartlett Yancy, and Judge Potterjrmade under the di- rectum of the Legislature of the State, in two "large oct ivo VolumesV with a full and com : plete Index. i ' "f ' - . Ditto, brought do wri to the year 1826, by the p late - Cniet-Justice Taylor, with a satisfactory Haywood's Manual of the Laws oflthe Stte, ar- . rancred in AlohabetTcal-oriler. with an aonen-l ,-dix, which brings the. work to the year 1829 Potter's' Justice of the Peace.a J new edition; lately revised and corrected, with .a number . of new Forms and "theJLaws contained in ; which, are brought up to he year 1828. Marti n?s Law of Executors and A d ministrators, i:( which is Toller's English Work on this sub . ject, omitting" such parts as are not in.force phefe, taking the Law as it stood. at the settfe- ment of this country, and introducing every , act of Assembly ot thw State which has alter I ed the Law; and noticing every adjudged Case C, which throws light onthe subject.) This e- union vi .-iuc- vriirn. w as rcYicu,uv nic uiw uniei-justice a ayior. r- Chief-Justice Taylor's Digest of the Statute Law oi iNortn-v;aroiina, Teiativc to wins, rxecuiors and Administrator, the Provision- for Widows and the Distribution of Intestates' Estates i a hoik which conioines in fine- view an ine . . r t -i. T.i- : ir . ti a i enactments which huve been made on these subjects for a Century past, and which are Gispersea in more man iorty siaiuies Agricultural Essays, written by a-North-Carolina ! Farmer."; -Allowed by those who wre' best ca pable of judging, to be the best book fbr con veying" useful information to the Farmers of I this SiaW that was ever puMi shed.' It treats i on the. beat mode of improving land, on deep .vaiw horizontal Ploughing : on the brasses best suited to this Stale ; .on the best modes - of raising" Wheat,' Turnips and' Indian1 Corn ; i Jaml treats largely on the raising of Live Slock, ."Draining L uuv etc. The Repwrts of Cases decided in the Supreme v. Court .of -North-Carolina,' from the first estab- ; : ' lihment of the Court, when it bore the title of Court of Conference," to present time, u liic h are as itoilo ws -Reports of the Conference Court, -by D. i Cameron andWm, Norwood,- in .1 vol. TnetLaw depository, by Chief-Justice Tay lor, 2 vols Do upreme Court, Cases ad the year of North received for the Re le Re- htch are publish- $1 50 per number, Subscribers r ;in any .. -, - - v, , v JOSEPH GALES & SON. ' ; Raleigh; 1829:. ' il" .26 city inteiii .ir,. nosimaoievano, morai, ; nvuig cheap, and otlier things favorable tathe grawlh t'.nd permanent j Vcademw pentyrotan jtoly coiiuuctea i ... ; a - "1 ;:"lembi.ices the Laws - Annlicationi for th'i situation, J post paid, fro..) teachers of ability and experience, will be rccen :a ; DVaiennen ,Ia.- oneeo. uxioru until the 15tl.day of December nextwhen vacancy wilt be fill. 1. ' ;'i I P" ; 1 T. 2 duties of the I'rir.zipaVto. enmmencs ! v.- rJiIlif.B. GILLIAM, Secy, Osfsrd 12tl. :;ovf 1G29. ;263w. 1! . i.. A -" frjIIE Subseriber h3 recfiveda supply cf Gar iideu Seed, which I12 ;i!l warrant fi sh"and K IA 111 V. p ' ' V J'" : - " A . J. ..-. . Raleigh, Nov; 25, 1029.. ' - ' hl :u:s dHEAFETl f HAir, ever.: 1ISTILLI AMS & HA.Y WOOD i'now receiv ''' ' ing from New-York 'and offer for-alel ' :' k tf 't . - 9fWV lha VnrtKrt4 ltolrl rU41-i Turpentine Soap !-.-:;i; .:200 Abest refihetl Salt Petre 150 PQland.Starch;;-; 7. ?A r V 15Q Race -and grouhdvGingr:- X00Kr ' Allspice :mCM-d ? 7 doz. Hibbert8 Lon!onvPorter : 3 : Old Port Wine v?V oN-.; ; - ..2, Boxes besAmeiican-Mustardor - -: by. the poundn-1v:;t; t - 2, ; Superb Sperm.-: Candles -20 KegsWhite idXv x l sale 9' - - 12 Boxes Window. Glass. r - j uyr )F iuc ouiucs , -, c 350 lbs. best American Glue 500' green Copperas 1000 - chipped and stick Carapeabhy Log 150 v Ground Fustic & , 150 . . Allum k :75 ? sDiitch Madder ground .25 Spanish Indigo tvA: f--C500 : r:Btown;-"v---'' 50a Wilmintrton Rice - ? .'. ; n "2 Coils Bale and trace"'Rope v;:. ... -1' Hal tVirtt. hnorl ly i . . w-w AA.AU , 'f V-S . , H ogv uojivi,L-Bai-. it auic use t (. Z Hunules English, German and Italian "Violin strings consisiingkoi "lst 2id 3rd ana.4tns. W. & H. are alsor receiving an additional sud- ply of Drusti-MediciriesrP;iints &c. &6.v wlich" :j makes' their assortment -very complete ' J ' J" Physicians supplied on good terms arid all or ders promptly attended to. ! 4 i Just received 2 Boxes of he above 1 valuable Medicine. ,"'.' t - .x Oct. 14th, 1829. :16J; , Union Canal Lottery Office, . ; No. 119 Ch esnui'. St reef, Ph i lad e I phi; u f , To - our J.sjaiit;ri H7"E are prntified -JBilh tbe.!niirnprnii:orderii V W 1 we hare laf el v received From ' nur fri etuis In -this o,i in cvarj nii. ,i;cuntv ct.oi -0 well as with the fide hty with which the tickets we forwarded by mail appear to have T reached t heir destination; No fear of a letter's miscar riage may bfe entertained, as in all "our business up to the present moment, the, subscriber has never known a ticket ' or remittance to fait. We call accommodate bur friends from an eighth to anv number of. wholes or- packass-i pack age cohtains twenty, -nine of which ari warrant ed to draw $10 prizes, and 'mav;draw7bne or mdrof the capitals. Thel following is a Scheme of-the 7''Uiiion'' Canal Lottery , (Yates & M?Intyre, Managers.) t , Class Xo. 14, or 1829. To be drawn in the City: of Philadelphia on Thurediy the 17th DecembeV('";182tf. 1 Prize of 83Q,000 .; . is g30,Q00 .20,(100 10,000 4,210 10,000 5,000 4;210; j;ooo '. - 600 500 400 ' 300 200-: ioo; , '90 , 80" to 60 ' v 50 12 1 10. . 10 10 10 10 28 . 51. . 5 ,51 102 102 ' 1U,UW -L ift 6,000 5, p00 4,000 3,000 5.600 .5;100 , 4,590 ;4,Q80 - 3; 570 A 120 5,1,00 4,080 102 '204 1122 11475 It - 40 30, 20 10 6,120 " 22,440 -1- ; 114,750 133,95 Prizes '7' 20,825 Blanks, A r 34,220 rickets. . J UWKole Tickets S10. - 60 Numbers. 9'drawn ballots. ii 1 Full schemes sent to those who purchase tick ets," and also the drawn numbers by the first mail after. tfiel Lottery is drawnAll orders must ;be addressed to . ROB T. lilCKNELLi J No.v119r Chesnut Street, ".Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 29 -; - tl f . 1 i; 1TTILLIAMS & HAYWOOD hve. lately te- -fV reived a suddIv of eenuine'Naoles Soao V I together witli a trreat variety 'of other Perfume- J Snch!9 Cnloine and Lavender-Waters. Ida- i cassar and ttears uii, oosmeiic tvasn nans. lor beantlfvine- the skiri. hirrblv scented Rose. Palm. Olive; Oriental, f Violet, La venderi) Vegetable ----- ; o . - ',. - ..j. . j- ' SOX . liavertjut published, an APPENDIX, to Haywood's ! Ianual,which ssed since - t!ie year 1S19, unoer. qisiincuie: , in alphabetical ore! r, hi- Ses :;on, v;hxh renders the c hi d i n e th ose .of 1 . Worte Complete' .V ; -v t uVTti..i.:. i i:i.i . . 1. t . .. 1 - tor .mis ft;' iLiiu.i iu uie. 1 i:iu;i, hu' ciiu charsre wilT be' made. The iioJi will be sold at I'ivj Dollt.3 as heictc.rs.' V O ars will be instantly iltended to. L pt: 12, IE :?.:. ' " Tf - o ? E, T1ACT O LAI I), i., a. in r ci both e:. cf- D.i'cl. cc;.lie..."T i.cref, ari sr.'... . ; 1 the eouilA side cf Svft Crt b !. Tr - . ; contiguous, and -vrere 'purcbe ed tz.:.s 3 : " : go by the l'te V.'rn.-Gilmour cf V.'rr.. lira .pply to the Editors of the I.eister, who v.7z autre 1. :d by the owner to sell said imd. - .u u.ia 1. a ijva. .Aee 115, 1U. ' vs;;.z: ; ivjr, FALL.&llrjNTER :G0OIl T SON'1 ha.e Jrece . a : w T ' fri-:' : - 1 1 torTe; Pnde,C3.00 a few 5t-of.the IJ rfHE;Sub8Cibers-take this method of anrT fly, m tV to' : ?a, bv g to iiiie 4 public that tney have just received and are. nowoneninar.a larcre assortment of rSbptftVand Fancy" Dry fJoods,- Hardwirel ; ; tThefolJo wingifs" a'ist tf the leadlwg articles llowing'is' a Jistlaf the leading Superfine 'Rlue,Uck; 'Erown, Olive, f Greeri, Drah and Steei'mixed Cloths xYt V'ri'HKVi BJiiei.BIack, .ttrab' and Steel mixed Ca'ssmere Satinetts. of .everycfescriptjon' Blue'and Gray Piahis,; Flushing'and Kerseys, vi Lmsey Woglsey tor negroes wear Rose, point anl Duffle Blankets" . vyhite,tRed, Blue; Green and YeJIow Flannels RatiiietV. spotted Flannel and Plaid Circassian Russia arid Irish Sheetinsrs .V-jkr-1-. Tickling, Osnaburg and Scotch Dowlas ''t;- " 7r and 44 Irish Linens and Lawns, of superior Grass BieacJi; T.s,V..iC Russia atid Irish. To welling and -Tabli Diapers -J, Cambrric Furniture and Garment Dimity-- i&?'t Calicoes, an elegant assortment s PJ::?: Cambric and ;S ee rsucker Gi n ghams ; Plain and Striped Rateste and'Barege : - A' Brown Cambric and-Barege . - " ' Fancy Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs & Scarfs Do Merino Scarfs and Shawls' vv:'; Worsted Barege : Handkerchiefs, Bohinett 4-4 and 6-4v wide -q - f. Thread Lace 'and t- Edgipgs, Bobinett;Lace and Black and fancy colored; Crapes and Gimps NanKin Canton and Mandarin Black 'and fancv; colored Cra Scarlet, Biuej Drab and Black Prime Black Italian Lustring Do do and Fancy Grose Fancy colored Satins and F Ge nt I emeh's B lack Italian C m vats Fancy ' Silk,' Bandauo and- Flag Handkerchiefs ; ' D o Cotton and Madras's , x do.! : : j j- V Imitation and Thread Canibfic , do ' Linen, Cambric and Book Muslin -do.... . ;.; Gent, bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats. , ", Plain and figured Swis, Jaconett,' Book St Mujl " Muslins, -Cambric - '. - ; v; Clark's Spool Cotton, Thread and Cotton Floss Blue, Black and W. B Flax Thread I'v-.'j.; Prime Black,' Blue and assorted sewing Silks ' Ladies and Gent. White and Black T3atton and Worsted Hose , Gentlemen's white, ' black;- arid mixed Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool hose, and aose' u : nik Do ": 'Linen Woollen and Worsted Gloves ElaCk and : Colored Worsted and Silk C raids Satins and Lustring Ribbons, of alt numbers Garniture. Gauze and Can Ribbons - - - , : j SVaist Ribbon;' new style ; Ladies travelling Baskets - T-'.tp-&Z "Do Leghorn and Straw Bonnets -; ; Gentlemen's Silk and Cotton Umbrellas j Do ; v Fashionable. Black,' Brown 5c Drub Beaver' Hats-' : -U V.' 'p-:j-ZP"- - Boys Do and Seal Caps ' a .. . -y -- Black and White Wool Hats, assorted sizes Indies and Gentlemen's Shoes arid Boots of ave- 7s ry.descripti6n:.".r Misses,-Boys and Children's do dopdalVPf Coarse Shoes and.Brogans, for servants v'rxv Imperial Gunpowder and young Hyson Tea Brown arid louf Sugar, Prime:Green Coffee Chocolate, Allspice, Pepper,v Ginger; Nutmegs. Saltneter Allum. S nanish Ilrhurn. -liridicrirJ.l.i- sttnirs of-every descnpi English and Swedish Iron, assorted Patent Springs and Axletrees for Gig and Car- riages . P ' ' ;".'- Cut and Wrought, Nails of all sizes t : - r' Pri hi e C he w i rig Ti .bxeeb pP pp Pp' P. French Brandy ,"Madeiva, Lisbon St Malaga Wine Prinie Sicily Madeira and Terieriffe Wine' - Holland Gin, Jamaica and N. E. Uum ; .; ?: -. . Apple Brandy;' Old Ry and'Couritry Whiskey v ' The above Goods being purctiased principally' in the Northern Cities at .aoction, and at .Very reduced prices,will; enable u$ to sell .them, at PWt5r-.v;n,w K . ' i U - :v, .i- 4puoMc. iori.ueir jormer very hbeml -ort. and Catnblet; Caroline andamniPidsl.i HIv?V eV lt wilfr be u?rd in.futu, e ! , ir Black and Colored IBombazines B6mba?etes to m 'f SOi CJ9 :a conhrtiar- lllar.W mi'r MV.-m1Utc "- He still Temiu.j at :! ; ' i A- -i .J " 3 .. " '. Ladies and Gentlemen's "French and ; Eriglislv 'P .rV-; u,fcUJ'"1 lu uu ' z Silk Hose'arid Gloves T:: PP: :Vrb f;Pr 2 t3 tafc.e a.n c" Gentlemen' -Black .'and - White Giik Jlo-.. ;aff 'w"e c r----: Oo rx.WootLtbk; Buckskiiv Beaver Horse- 1 t''''rel?.'t P'pc. asif d.by vprnnnl fin Ralla flu n tiuflr hnt nt ji 11 si I V"J -nv,u. a -iiuur. xplt.ifrI f1 ' TVjr llhalnV. fVntt'intTCniv'i S less term t' in. q ; ;t, ; . Hair'and'MireSiftei-. - rray'be had for cr.: r rr .i,rtA Primd Dundee Btgging arid Twine after thepcn.: - cit , ; - Castinirs of.every description v T r VXhowave. one Xat c.'.- . r.r. sucn prices as wui noi oniy ueiy eompeuuun, but we flatter yourselves will, meet the approbij. tion of bur cnstomers.:?v . --i- U ''-.:y' i'v'r 5?,HAZLETT & ROBERT KYLE. Raleigli, Nov, 191829. : i 26-wU Up N.-A I WISH tosell ther place within a mile of Jlills: the Supreme Ccurt:! have 3 very rv.dlibr--boroughon which 1now reside, . There' are of elementarv 1 v!btoks;i-fbr tl - of 'v'ii-- 205 acres, aoouvoneiiau ciearea, ,ien acres ot J for instruct sen, 'r.nd t .dow-ilarid and ;the balance -in rood. 'The j dle's an 1 w&sUir I 31eai iiTiprovements areall new, ; andfiniihed in the oest manner they consist of 'a. Dwclljn -1" containing eight rooms with fire-places, b.,, passages, closets; :&c;,a large warn at a E table . and' other necessary ; Outhouaes. Ther 2 are se veral never failing Springs 'cf the ! bet . ater on the tract, and. a large anajweli seiectt 1 truit Orchardvj-'upP'-Ppp--. e---:' " Livill 'sell this' ..pr,' erty 0:1 he most' lib'erl terjrisi either for m oney on easycredits -or v. ill exchang-e-it for Negtoesor; Western lun.;. Application may be madeby'Utter to the sub scriberj at Hillsb crouch'" 'PkPv ". v' 1 ' '.-v-;'----; . "'..iv,;A:.TJi;!:so:;. Nov.':15.-V-V.- 2Peutf Cpbp erf g Ne wlToyc U GALES" '& SOfT- havejust f:ceived it p ur:u ...tit. . i a hO T IICUl .Ut'.13.rtUIKWUiIi A i V" VcT. 1. cf the Ency rifTeii:3. -Americana, a norm Di: .onarv , Pel;, Arts, Sciences; 'Literature, Ill tc to lb -1 . . i A" fl I - Li - li i. J.i . . il.iSMU will Ww jjl r Cti I 1...... . " v; ? a--. .- i - ' J . " ' ;- - vr a lew 11!. el yTOUIJGj-NEGPsO tr.ni ! . ''-v C"t ' .'UK -j AQtOC' pp 15 toCJ ir neb?, r,ed from 10 to 25 for ferrules j Cher' ill: D:zn0;lXZ0:r: an extra price ill be given for ir.ecbanics.-i. . !T. 2.t Ilavl discontir.ue4 vfhc . : A---' Perron? r;ho'wirb. to sell will dd;well to fill oa I lue e: l-'el .1 5ok fur prumpt . ; V' ."Z-V-t icesAia CASH will be.gi7en j 1 v .e r.t Mr:. Jetcr'3 Tavcr:, where lT.y nlw j uv iuuu. v . .r . - r a.A . r-..l-,l - " .... f 1 Vt ' I Ml 1 .'.! - l- i;-; -::; Oct. ci. . a .j.-. - srcti - I - ' .; ju ijm.u. i wi h'to purchase a pajr cf li A Y J i OH '. ,3 I- - a Carr lage-f. c t to e xcetsl 8, y ; -rs'cJ 1. Y, ILL -POL! Dec 4 32 tf Tf AMES LITCHFOUD ttkeVthis n.etLod CV ,.tenierintr hiS'tLinks hi Trip" ,i he will cut and m ke up st tlie Suits in i jhe tis'.vestind iast -flAc llehason hand,:first rate JUtiezvA wlchh- will be .made : up td'order, o; favorable term": '.T'l.-, ".. the: nost- .kRaleigh, Dec IS. ' . -: :3-i:3l rNOTICE3;r io closer a consigrunent, theiubscriberjia . U'-rt. Fo r Sal e vf c-i li 'it.i ; Warranted firstual i tyi; at thefedaced pricij oT$2-25 ner trallnn. . ' v : . - credit will begiveu if requlredt ; A rVNewbern, Dec;5.:v va-.! -'t'"' HlLLSBQJlOUOn ACADEMY riHH BaroiriatiobrwiU be on Moiid .y '&'-Tuc i'P j Jkday, the 7thrid 8th of December, The ex- - Crape Rpbes and I January. .' P"pi-- - -f : ,-, ' ... I .iaaj , ill uuxaUillCU tia WUUuaV. llie III 1 C. . ? tJ .. , ' . 1 ir ;EdwardSmith, farmermcf Petersburr; ;r " - , " pe Shawls IrVa;VAcad.mvi n MriiPi.;nrinnUnBr;flnAi,,.w;: . Cassimere Shawls 1 2it hiehl v distinmiished rrfa5ri d-ni- - : and Sinchew K;fi ,l - iv. 'v: ; de:N,aples. ;r.- I0f the Academv:-? -v.c:,-:r- i ;-. lorences . a;; i: The uvstpni f Kt'tidiMaii-fsiVai'-- tory to ourDniveraijty. .The co-riuor! Er rUsh branches-Spelling, ; Reading, . ridng, Geoirra-c: PW ACithmetic ana En , Grammar; are iix-i,- i tei-spersed tnrougnout tne cc :-e.- Tin ticrr . iav the higher branches cf education, to such as desirer it. ' i ,:. . - . ' A T fc' : "Regular-tiii tidniv 1 5 "per sessi c n . " !:-;:--t" IW.: J.-XINGH A: IV P. S.r-Board in the most ;enteal f i per jrioiith,;iricludiDg bed, wash in - il and candies. HiUsbor6 Nov- 24: Buffalo Siioal Gclicc it ive c'rr . I cc tne Uatawha nvert.nine. miles -fro.a Euten i and twentyrfourfrbmLincolnton; on the , Monday in Marchsext : by.'; which tirr u buddings will be. completed. 'piy ur:.u 1 ancl roomy ; arid I ti aire beun to tr - Tna'I comfortable Cabinci, iirr.iUr' to the . Winnsborough and Piatt Sprir Ac !ai : South-Caroliria.' T-The ntuatin bah an:' one-r-iS known to .be perfectly healt! the advantage -of being -entirely re al I p U c es of disii p at ion.'- No c i .r s ken wlu cAnnot board with i.,e i .a my family. ; ... ..- - . :.- .: 1 "V III I 2 en:.bsr cf. v., T will teach the Latin an fTre'ek the" Mathematics and t?ie II' -. SdenceS . And alio, i rr .tl L .2 c. jguardians,?1. 1. I'll HA.. . Huemiry,orau-.ic . Jniwand hod -vt, "tT grilles, v.';, '".': ! fcr one hundre i I ccic wm oe i t. I lars per annum, t ., e ct ;whic..' r - jaiu in ivivciiiu.u will be tk ;i but cntr . -live d em p.r!iou3 to gel a tew mere to v,,,c iristructiofi DwouiJ tlevote a mir.ition a.vd .if nt foruon' of t'roeto enable them to prec. . greater. ease; thafji they, generally do offices incqidrin a knowledge r fessicn 1 .for it is a uotorious fact, t .iin. mr:c;i .yc: t: lawyeis oavc neuuer uiue ncr ir," it. rect the studies of their students, . : t do not'examirie them as often Under siichxir'cumstancv.r, a.' ye r pursue his atudies.to"I great'disav? r . obtain license to practise'withor1 a - " s to c.; hit ' ' rr.onte;,.. n 'reist " ; r-.d . -tei.f lunu 01. praciiii iiwunuiuan. . i d3 r :.t ' rr to.de'.ver liw lcctures ;J br I will r InV u autnors, or,tne prts ci there, v ;.i ou l.t t be. read rexarnme the youhgx- :i upontl.env tonverse vith t?:en,"upon the ch-n--. i v 'c have been tr iae i.i tbe Un-Sh hw'bf the'ea stitution and laws of the UV S.. the" cor.'stituticn' and laws or is .ute, and bv. the dpr. -v.- ? V one hund. d 'Which rr. u - A!!::rr"--- ' s- , rr I i' ' tile. deii c :.:, cr e ' 1 : p rticul r: . . to Juu:?- nadjer :" !' dsrsori ci Lincclntou. - 11 if ' .4, v t I" . 4 1 1 - Cubscnbf - l.rV; reliHseatliellQUSli O . A. - A 1 . I w I . . . .. . ..berf.I.-I.inkir.i, 'nt!.. C. respectful!: lr ' n 1. t; CL. nd 1. '.t !ie nov; : ? W.2 fur tae 1. iv sec j - an J'enrert 1 to Tvit.er Lie; 1 t s.iii. Le used tc' ar. 1 'u'utcieiMed.e:. ::urr-.;LcuC:i t - : c. 1 ;."AA.e, will - n.e Bedi u : J bedir er2 leifr.j t j r.cr - ; ,e ! .-s.Svell as th'ie--. . f ,kroriI."i'!thfe"Bx,v ::tyj?attr.tiVia V ttu-- . ' e:J;and S'tibles'-"-; -n' J Tab' si a Le i:-' ' the back-;r e ays! -U v. hori i : b U.1 1 a cis V ia fa-e"1 i'M A ' fa.- ' 1 -- (. .r r - 'si 3 T .- vt . 5V te 7 - ...-nut v. -,a-" - , f 't,.,.' - ; . - . , vV