- .JR. S L, .4 vV r 4 . - X' ' - i -. ' -v n J- V ; ? 'A ; - ; ;r : Joseph Galc3 So::; , - . rf iq ;V-V F injjtore.a very pneral assortment, or Sch'twljiHd ether Jiooks' Stationery, t VjucW they oHeffbr sale to .Country Mrq'iars,- tliev ;Af,hera&nvl nthrs.-. en. the most nccomtnocu ' ji A y fcott' FamiiyfBiblei t ijew edition, 5 vols. a .'Fam.ity;. Bibles, Ata?ltL rarious. bindings ,(-va. wtlo-To. 1'o'ckgt do, fine eilition; jn eittra .Limtincs :'Io. do. common t Schoorclp,t,ocKei .a Testiment's. m various b'uKlimrsVSchoor doi v CJommcn-Prajer, 'doL dot&c.-. v Ame'ncan.Prec tor. ;: Murray's finer. Grammar si I ;t2 iio-aodo abridged J 'do. do Exercises " r i 4 . v 1 f .idurrav s Kneiinicead r Scoit's Lessons v t-?rV'' 'lnU'pciactiorr 'IAtfof Heading well s do1 3eq ue 1 " , r ,do tv - - Oratorvl i. J1 GreerJear Jingr mar s.v-:-dor.: T ' yardman's "do V Comly-'s .: . ' t ..'1 JAopu1ar Lessons Looking' lass . ; :. -Xe w.York Ue'adersrNp ' -i; Sand 3. Jacob's Greek deader A receptor ' ; ;do Latin,; , .do,,4 Farrana's Gr'k; Gram'r. Valpevs dor lo Mocre's' do v dor. UudJimaas Latin- " do Adams'.. ' do do Boss , ". . 'do,y J Levl?ackV French Wa.nostrochto. u - ram- boLipivwioij;. v .F Ai l ILY P IIYSICI Aj 5 l,'- ' TKIATIXGOFTfJ . t - , - PISEASCS OP Tlin UNITED STATES, With their symptoms, cause?, cure,", and rr.ear.3 or prevention : common cases in ourgery i iwc "management and diseases of Women and Chi! dren a OUr eatery, for preparing. Family, Medicines, ani a Glossary explainingJTechni- Cal terms -Also, 1 7Vie :AVe Edition: j . ;? r, ; ' Kevisedjenlarged, and very considerably im -V ' - ' proved: I . .v; - ' " BY JAMES EWELI. M. D.t . 5? , do do do-; 'V, vey lJaboIlS " Gough'i t Dilvvorih's s Antnmetic . to do v' do, -do-. v;' -r- HISTORY. AVhelpley's Compeiid of Robertson's Tv tier's FJemer.ts'crdo Walsh's Arithmetics y Adams 'do J Colburn's.do v , 'v- do Seuel to Arithi metic' ".V ' ? ; -; . do ' - Key 'to . dd N diT the.-. important suhject; of dometIc;.medi cine, manybooka'have been written; ,which, though xcenent jn oilier respects, have greatly failed of iiseftillne'ss ti Amnercans ; because they treat of diseases wKicl existing- in very foreign cUrnatei and constitutions, muwidely'diffetrfronv mxrs; ,f TJ'e book' now l 'offered, to the public has, th erefore,, th e"great advantage . of 'haVingbeeri writtenby a native:Xmericanfof Iohg,and sue cessful pnctice 4n the southern .states, and :who, for years past," has turned much of his attention to th rhmnosition ot it.' "s '':-s ' -,-v" Iff To every famit more especially those in re- mote situations, the possesliori of thU book'must conducted by such a guide, it will not be pre sumptuous to"tsay that , any person of tolerable capacity; and reasonable:attention, may be ena bled to pracctise with safely ; and advantage, jo rnnsp rases 01 Kimnie uistases -iiiusi iuwueu- w oiir climate, r - . - S- ; ' - -V . -' Thiiwork is for sale,',by ' '," vt : . '..v,-,V- ' : . ' -Jc. GALES & SON. -sAitgust4:-V ?y -t- -'95r ,1- 4, : c Giimshaw' History: ,ofj .v-fr. Greece . -'.i ' : t , 'do . "dd Rome 1 'x do .-do; England, - . do ?do IT. Stated Tlale's', do U. States ' Villard'a do IT. States ; Cii-Goodrich' do U,; Stat es M'itkin.' .do U. States 'Hawe'A . ; da Greece V BolJ ins A hcient HfSt ory , x Uuldsmith s Animated History' of Charles 5th , - , ; do, -' do .American- do ; do Scotland and India " v Gibbon's History ; of Kome f'' , ' C 1 .Nature T, v iiumej smouet anq ifis- 'J AdVi m'sjGerigraphy and - 'Mtrses-r, k fto V AV orccster's do ; t G F.O G R A P LI 1 ES. Scott's Xifeof Napoleon The "History of Modern Europe," with an - ac "count'of the Rise and vFal! bf i the . ' Roman , "Empire' - IrvingfsvLife and .Voy--iagesof Columbus--ai- r bridged for Schbola Anfcuetils & Ramsa'y's "r Universal History do! clo , v do f Kpltome do i-Sm1le's Geography jand 'Atlas :v SPELLING-BOOKS. Cutnmings'i Geography ' .and Atlar , v Wondbrid cre'silo do? OLD MAD KIRA WINB. 7 Si "STuTE have lately received, and offer for sale, Kf V ; tbefollowing"Win"es and Spirits, which we .can recommend tb; Families and others, as being pf the best qualities f - rA Old 1,. P. Madeira Wine, , . s do do;4': x do bottled in Oporto ,tc;siciix? Lisbon, v 1 OWPbrt ,7 , - French Brandy Mouana urn t , , ; , j 'x-t Jamaica Rdm 7 . a -; ?x? London Porfer 's . '"'.'' . Imperial Tea - - 'r 'Gunpowder do." ' , ; ' WILLIAMS & HAtWOOD. : Oct. 21st 1829. , ' ! 18 DEU& ilZBDlOUTi: Q-'0Ili5- v K - ... 1 1 v . TT AVE Iately received a large and extensive Jl.' ass'ortm :nt cfJDrv&ndMcdicibi: Con$st? ing,'in'part, 'of SulphateuinineGarri Opium, IJenareotized do. Refined Camphor, Carttbarides Castor Oil, ,V4tr. iitner, Kiawrwm,in. vr various kinds,. Solidified Copaiyail M Pepper, Iodine, London Blae PiUyBlack Oxyde Mercury,' OrtVated.ICali forsaking, peutrar mix introduction CCk l. , til 4i -culture cfJte. 4' IAS" Fine z.:: 0 the , Unit Slip. Carb'. Soda:rTart:Acidurkey Gum Ara- k;. r'-Tf.iMaoriPHia. euawuaric.vaiou;c., .ja lap, Rhubarb, ;C. Tartar, ;SugartLead,pt; Ni, tre, Bals. Copaiva, Spt. Ammon,rtAntimo. y, Snlph. Cbppe, Liqoric(Paste,j&c,v " ' general assortment PtenAIedIcnK.8, Shop Furniture,, 8uieo,nnsiHirjiints,lJye Woods 1 ratte'rs'.Trimmings and Materjals; such as Aqua ' FortisQuicksilver, i Cogw StringsSkins; ; BindingshdBandsBuckle M Brushes, very low. A large Vu pply of Pai nts & Brushes of every descri p ti otr, S p t . ,Tuf pent i ne, Linsee. f ;nmp and TanneVs' XiilA Gotc and Sil rer 1i leaf V Copal and Leather 'V arnish i"super6r qnality, TV'i ndow-Glass,' 8 K 10 W K 12, 2M 16 and 16 t18,WPutty!7E!itli;: Their assortment comprises . every, article: in the Apothecary's line V tbej principal ' part of which having lately been selected by Ihcmselves in Philadelphia and 'New-York; witlv Cash; they are enabledid sell to cashjealerd -jpunctual customers on much better terms than. ever -before ofFered : in this .market. VPfiy'''.! Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine berore purcnasmg eisewnere. ' Raleigh, June 3, 80 TO THE AFFLICTED, . OF almost every description; 1 may be always had at the Bookstore, of J Gales &iSosr, i s da v .r., Goodrich's Willetes - "do- V Willard'sV "d An do do J, . v 4 AVester's Spelling Bks iComly's.V "'tNo w.York: do 'UU. do : 'do do 4- Picket's V Walker's' tiooary - v-f ,.do Jarge def, pocket, t.-.- Johnson's C do - j do - do ,-..v School Die- 'do do do .do . 1" Todd !s'j ohnsbi i's .d o 1 Bovers French - - do . " "Ifngtjnt.'sdo V v do -4 Newman's Span'h do tEnticksLatia da Itirray's Spelling B'ks. iJniversal do do Dil worth's doj , do Union ;.-dox r do v. DICTIONARIES.- ; - : " Ainsworth's' Latin Dic- ';tionary - V - - " t fie'mpriere's Classical -Dictionary Buck's Tbeological Dic- ,tioary - Br.own's . Dictionary F of - the Bible--i ' Chemical .Dictionary' :;, : H ooper's Medical do -i Pickering's Greek Lex - icon ,' , Schrevelius'Lexicon .' Grove's GrkC & Eng. do r i . r: , -- fr DRAWING PAPER. , -. vp rawing; rapcr; ;Demy. do.do" : Medium ' do' do" ;x; Royal Drawing- Paper Super- Royal do dov v i V- y writing -paper: ; r, 1 ; ; DAMapAr)-'o Omni Ifviiim o nrY TYmrfll ? Tca .'pet fv Super Royal and I rape riil Paper, '" - Letter Paper; Fool's Cap Paper rolioPost cTJerny Pa- t," : , - r P ANCYPAPERS.1 ; . Morocco paper , r;jGold Paper . ' V. MarbUd'Paper?' Z vFan6y. colored do'" 1 PAINTS, &.c. , Reeves' .Water.' Colours , 5 Cam'ePs Hair Brushes. - J"'roy. Paint lJoXes, ' W edge wood' Pewter,--. . Corkr Glas h. Pocket V5' :: - Sand Boxes BlacTcS'and, ; ' Wdia-ilabber and India , - t Silver Pencil Cases- 'v s'.Kidder's Indcblelnlc : : Gentlemen's 'Pocket ' 'Hooks - jVistting Cards Casci Black 8 Red-Wafers. " n lack "and dted ealing v4Vax - M-l ,.t W&ck. and1 Rd Ink - V Black, and. Red InkpoWt - der ..' -. -v ''.v Dra'wjt4g Pencils and , Klotting 1'aper Qiilfs' . J'-?, VS Slitfcand SUte ".Pencils tVVra'p ping and Sand Pa- Dav Books, Ledgers,', Journals Casji Books, Receipt printed on good paper and , after the most ) ap proved forms,', viz , . ' " , ; ; FOR CLERKS OFXOURTS., - Writs, Executions for Debt St Cost, Execu - tions for cost only," Jury Tickets, Witu?ss Tickets,- Appeal & Bastardy Bonds, ;': Subpoenas, Commission for. taking Deposi- , tions,- x - " Apprentice's Indentures and Bonds, 4 Administrator's & Constables Bonds, a Marriage Licences and Bonds, ' " " Capias at Satisfaciendum, .'. -Orders of Sale from a Justice, : ' v- r Recognizances and Bonds to prosecute ' z Guardian Bonds and notices to Guardians, ' Fi., Fa's, againstf Bail, " 1 . - . . " Process against Securltiesi &C. .&C. ; .:- .:FOR SHERIFFS. - Deeds' for Sales by Execution, ' Do.-; k do. " r Taxes, .- t' v. Bail Bonds, . "' ' :i Forthcoming Bonds,- ' 5u ''" v,aTax Receipts &c ,1 ;-.. b1' . FOR CONSTABLES i . Wrrajt's, Ca. Sas. . r - ' - : v Appearance Bonds, - .Executions &cv&c. - . -y. I ; "1 ALSO, - r ; 'Common Deeds,, Mortgages, Powers of At-'-.;torney, Indictments, Deeds of Trust and Rank Checks. - - - , Raleigh Sept: 3. . ' ' , - . 4- '-CTj" All orders; in (hair line attended to,' with r.5the..athest despatch. 7V iOct 9th 1829., 1 V .--5'--. '15-f .l v .IHTIIE Atlantic. Souvenir,-for 1830 splendidly ; j jl, abound in embossed leathe'r wlihgiU leaves," i i-- itid twelve liighlylfinwu'ed engravings on steel, by the first Artists, j .- - . .j . -.-."t C-'W V 1 ' ; J. GALLS SON. ; -T : R jFronRspiece-.TIie lWife,venirraved; by ' Du ' ' B.i.Morse, Village School, engraved by Ellis, -from1 ureLb'y Ilitcher. i.",.' 1 ''"'- he Cottage,, engraved. by' Kearney,- frojn a itie'by WestalU" ': - 1?- v - ' ' ,-jrand, from a picture by S . xne f ; a picture, . - pictn V V v ',!"T? Gipseying -Party; .engrared t by . vPurandr ..'Jrom a picture hy-'Leslie. iV-.J'- y?: fr- The.tlrree; Sisters,' encraged1 byCoOMacre, from a picture; by Str Thomas Lawrence r -' ' The'Cijttage "Door, engraved by KeHey; from , - picture by Oalnsborpugtir' h- 't ,0 - 7 I The Parting Uour, engraved by CHisfrom ! 1 '"-' P'Ctirre bjvCojrSould. -v", . X V s. - 1 v ' v -" c ufiuit, 'cngraveu oy tutus, jrutn a picture ' V v - by 'EastUke.V '1 ' ' 'LVl ' U - r. rt t Tlis Ponrait, enirraved by "Hamilton from 'a -picture by Ooirden - . ; picture ' ' . Beconci isher lioy.tigraved oy- Ll.;54. from a liationV'engraved by IUman' and Pill. bow; i picture by "Stephanofl " -'TT?..::'''r " ' - " ' It' . I Avery valuable Tar River PJviri- ,tation m the County ..'of Oranvnle a Tannery, in therown- of O ford,: and omer. Property, ; for .Sale. - .. c ITOR the purpose of closing the trusts reposed in toe, by two deeds executed by Absalom .Yancey and duly registered in tbe Register's Of .fice.fbr the county of Granvilfe, I shall offer for sale in the Town of Oxford, on Monday the 1st day of February next; that being Court day, and continue the sale from day io day until complet ed, the following Valuable Property,' viz j ; ' : A Tract of. Jand, lying on the south ' side of rv . 1. 1 .: . : :i -I ... .1' .! '.I -. ji ar river, nine nines suuwr oi uxiorci, immeai ately on the Taylor's Bridge Road leading, from Oxford?toi:'Rleigl- -containing' by . estimation 1500 acres, about 350 of which are valuable low grounds the balance first rate upland," highly improved by fencingv- tohacco houses, coi iv lycU scs, " stbles negr)t houses and av. very comforta ble .dwelling house for -it' small family. , ' Persons disposed V topurchase are ;. invited to view i;the j)rmies previous 4 n the day of sale... Mr. -Yan cey wjio ..resides on the land will take pleasure in shewing it. r . - ? -V, , : ' - Also, a .Fmnerv near Oxford, - toereiher with' 'the Stock: otXeathenr Rawhides Bark Tools;' antr otlfe.r thnigs belonging to the establishment "-likewise two Lots.of- GrcMihHadjoinihg. ' The linprovementsare very'coustdernble :and almost jie w-; VV X. XV ' -v " --v fi f. "Also, two i comfortable D welIng.llouses on Hilbiborough' '"street,. inOxford, in , gwd repair; with every House necessary for the convenience of: families. , ' . r1 i 4 . . , !). Also, '53 acres ;of Land on New Light Creek AH the interest of the said Absalom in andtohis late Fathers Estater-All his Household ''Furni ture. Three Negro.Slaves, a man and two Wo-, I'shall likewise sell on the Tar River plantati on; on Fridaythe 5th day of PeuruaryJ the Stock of Hogs," Horses, Cattle, Corn. Fodder Wheat Oats Household and Kitchen urniture, plan- The r Salef will positiVefy be, made and" the terms accommodating to purchasers. " - 1 - IL M. MILLER,, Tru , uaieign, -riec.-J--;' Trustee-' v t Six-dhd-a-quartet'Cents Rewardi r v . 7 ANA WAY from the. Subscriber, ;on Satar OCj day, thelSth.ihsU.anapprentice boy,' nam ed H j x J ones,: 17 :y ears old last J une,- 'not very till, but well-set, with a. bold countenahcer'fair, skin and somewhat frechlsd, with Lfje .white evos. His Clothing is a blclc jeans Coat and plain .white .P.-ntaloons and & wool . Hat. - Any personubringing the said vboy.to me'shall have the above reward. - " " - -".- " ; - ' " ciiAntES slaglf Bnncorobe'Coiinty, Oct. 26. - - " f 23 3 w. - .The Temple Ksfina. en?rraved bVKellv: 6'1 M Hpnme.nF cMcf om Vnnleno., Mecisions oir me ..prer e. court,1. It will . r. trom picture buriiv4 . ; 1 '-: VAPD1L-V 3Wt i,iitU ;nc Ivca..oiiaco guL.sr.wSrs m are nowin' . i : r. " ft .v; a.; f - V ; & v r. r;. : r 22 r i x ' ' ? " 7! " V.Vri 7 ;Xru u,ty iraneaiatei.Md l.-r vtr Jci by to JgetableSirup0ndPofV(ter9 v! FOR DISEASES OK.T11E LUJNliS.. , THE Proprietor of this Mdicine after repeat ed trials of its virtuestwhich liayej been at tended with the most signal success no w offers it to those who are afflicted wJtlf!theHwasting. diseases which it is designed 1 to.relleveV in full Confidence that it will be found efficacious, par ticularly if . taken in the incipient stages of fliese diseases. " l- A'3-"v:--'' i;":'';" For two years past, this Medicine has been prepared in the' form of a Powder,' & taken aVan infusion, with the most happy 'success. It is now offered to the afflicted m the form of a .Sirup or in Powder, as the Patient may prefer, under the conviction," that either- form -will produce the same happy result. Among its most prominent qualities the following may be mentibnias jen titled tq particular consideration ' It, promotes that gentle perspiration which is deemedhealthy and checks, those sweats which are morbid and pernicioiisJi.ltvrelieves-xch'rpnic'afrectlonsiiihd congestions of the lungs by giving force to the languid circulation.1-. It assuages coughs. It pro motes freeiind bland expectoratidp- It removes pain 'from the chest. ' It relieves asthmatic and difficult respiration. . If, corrects obstinate cos tiveness, and thus leaves the bowels in a regular and healthy state. ' Thus, it Is found, that these painful symptoms which indicate diseased lungs,' readily yield to this powerful remedy , when sea sonably resorted to, and that . it restores the pa tient :to that bodily vigours which that cruel disorder the consumption, if left to: its natural operation, would very speedily destroy. ' ; Certificates respecting the virtue of this Medi cine will 'accompany eaclbottlc. ; Pric'of the Syrup, $2 50 per bottley or $24 a dozen. Of the Powder $1 per bottle,'. or $9 a dozen. . j - :-.- . , JAMES HADLOPK. Fayetteville, Feb. 1829. 53- " cry' This Medicine may be had at the Store of J. GALES & SON Raleigh. JUST PUBLISHED- GALBS'S NORTH-CAROLINA ': v - FOR -' " ' ' ' ' 18 SO. ' , ' jl : ..." CONTAINING besides the Astronomical Cal- J, dilations, Essays on Agriculture, Valuable Medical and Miscellaneous Receipts, Anecdotes, a list .of the Members "of the next Legislature and , of the Officers of the State and General Go vernment, time of holding the different Courts, tec &c. - - . ' ; t ' . . itc ; . ' This. Almanack may be had wholesale ( of the Publishers,' Raleigh of Mr.. Ed ward . J. Hale, Observer" Office, Fayetteville, and of Mr. Salmon Hall, Bookseller Newberri i and retail, of most of the. Storekeepers in the State. ; ' .. Sept. 1829. ; ?&U'&4?ij Dying & Scouring Establisliment. TT t (L. WILLIAMS respcfullylnls the I Ladies, and Gentlemen bt Raleigh; jand . Its vicinity, that he has commenced the . above bu siness in its various branches, at the H ouse, next floor but one," belov the Confectionary, Stoe of Mr. JIenry Hardie on Fayetteville Street. He dyes Canton "Crapes, Silks; Stuffs, Straw," Leg horn and Chip Bonnets, with a beautiful irloss on them. Ladies' .Veils, and Merino Shawls cleans ed or dytdy without '-injury to their borders also Indies' Handkerchiefs,. Hose j & Shoes; dyed to any color. . Cotton'and Wool Yarns dyed. , Jh Gentlemen A pparel of eviy description dy-' ed, scoured and pressed elegantly The collars of coats will hot sustain1 any injury in thelprpcess of dyi-ng or scouring.andwiirbe'putinabahd some shape.',,, tfif, ;V,f.:C -. All orders entrusted to .him, will be executed with the utmost faithfulness and the greatest des patch. f , ' ' - "iTv.. -1 I Raleigh Sept. 2, 1829. w-x : .., . I 4 - -. More New and Seasonable' . DRY : GOODS &c?t I HAVE just receiveddirect from New-York,' - an additional supply of -. " " - . t . 'Superfine JJlue; Black &Steel-mixed Cloths . Satti netV, Camlet and Tartan Plaids Black Worsted Gauie Barege : ; - Bla6k O.tuze Handkerchiefs v ;ty Italiah Crapes and Llitest'rins' -AA C A 50, ps. Calicoes, vt ell assorted r ; Gentlemen's Seal and r stent JLeatber 'Caps' ; xouu-s fiiotocco anu Leacner , ; v 'do Fancy, Printed Cravats ' ;Av.j' --;.' ., Green Baizes and;Green and Red Plannels f ; ;2 bales Brown and ,Bleac!;ed;Shirtlngs V; N; A"general Assortment of Hardwire, jc. . GrS. U. Co.? havefor -sale, ?on Commission, Fayet'eviHe1 Mould--Candle',' all sizes from Fr ink's Manufactory - Raleigh, liov. 30, 1823- ' ' ' DO ; Supreme Court ;UepdrtcJ . OSEPH GALEC ts. SON, have just publiht, No.'2"Vol.-fI. of DsviaKox's Reports of tJ til bt(ltC3 -i-' ' - v Tx'K. ALPHONSB LOUEAT, lrvir.j censid-lV-ii. erabl" enlarged hi3 Vineyard, : on. Long-. Islandsix miles from, New-York, cn .the road o Fort Diamond vlierehc now; hai, in "full cultivatibfl, as Vineyard of forty, acres of ground, coniatuiiii; -muviv i ( ,. , .... , .. a:i:arsery of ,000,Crap j Tinejtoots, compris ine sixty-two varieties, . - d in E rop., Le- tWeen t40Nand 50N Iatitu.l-; 1 "1 having Io thepeculiar advantage iof bein' bl-d to pro. ciire; the best. species of Roots frdm jiii Father's extensive the de- partmenls; Frdtic0j4&'$f.i l-at.7proposes to'the v numerous friends to thejcultivation ot ti le; c rapey y ine 1 n IbeUnited' Statesa subscription. , - tlr;fAL;ill .engage to furnish, subscribers with their-Grape Vine Roots, 'before theF ofjpril next. ' The Roots will be three years oldi and will produce Considerable fruit the sec:' ndiyeaf fronv;the time 6f their being'planted They-'willbefrcariefullyjclassed-and packed which-will greatly- facilitate thejthriving of, the Roots when transplanted. " -V, : : Orders will Be punctually attended to : the subscribers d esii-nnti nj? the ;q uintity" and spe- 'ciesbf the Grape ?Vj he" Roots they wish to havei They will engage to paynor iutU. roots or more, at the rate bf 12$ cents for each 'root ; for. less than lOOOatJLhe rate of 15 cents'; and 25 cents per root for less than 50. 'Roott only twosycars old, shall be paidfor at the ratfr of 9 cents each; for 1000 br more V I12i Cents for less than 1000 ; and 48 cents for less than 50 roots.--' . - Payment to be . made on derirery of-the roots.' Letters not received unless POST-PAID,. U ; -. Mr. A.' Lbubat's Book on the Culture of the Grape Vine, and on the Making of Wine, may be fbundt' the principal Booksellers oft the -TJ nited States j' and his.Agents will furnish them, gratis, to subscribers. ' , . V f ' 5 ; - Mr. Loubat has selected the following species as the best 'the choice of which is left to sub scribers. ' . , 7,'V' --'I - ' 4 v :.' -- Table Grapes, or for mating' Strong TPirie. - v . .. white.' . ; . v r : - 1Alicante, 2. Robin Eyes, with big clusters ; or,02il de Tour,f grosgrami 3. Do.. Melting, or fondant, J 4. Sweet GuillantjMuscatjj :;6..' jlo.: Frontignan,' 7. iMuscadelle,', from' the "ri ver Lot, 8. -Malvdisie, 9. Tokay, 10. 5rian, 11. Constan tia, 12. Malaga, 13..Meillers. . X 1 - " " -. ' ' " ,V'": ; -Vv,7 HED. t t . , . . 14. Large Musca 15. Malvoisiej 16. Red Foot, (Pied Rouge,) lT.Black Hambourg, 18. Con- j: . y ':;f Wine. n-'':- - V' WHITE. ' '"'19; 'Auverfirnat,,20. Blanquette2lJ Doubinel- le,"22. Plan de Dame, 23. Olivette 24. DouCette 25. Plant de Reine, 26. Burgundy, 2 Morillonj 2SVr Madere,Ir29 Bourgelas, 30. Picardaa, 31. mT,GALES-& SOTT have just recewidL i .ladelphivthefollowingew Publl??l,& ; Maddock's Repohs,; volumes iX - - Sau-ders oa Ple&dinsr and EinM- "Tee : .-1..'. , Peters' Reports, . Btoryi.ple'adingsrhe,ettoflil-1 , Gtarkie ohEvidencef do.' J3 vol. Thomas "Cokeir Lhtletoni'i3V iiemois of, Bolivar.' . ' ' K Letters fforn theEgeah V; .r' RED. V33.- Claret,;34. Aiiverghaf35; St, Jean, '3 6. Jacobin; 37.-Meunier, 38.; Pineaur39.lPritariie 40. Teinturier 4l Bourgignbn, 42. BouteiUant, 43. Suisse," 44. St. Ahtbine45. Garnet Noir. WHITP ? 46Chasselas, (from Fontainebleau,) 47. Do Golden, 48.; Do. Cracking", 49. VD6. Musk 50.' Muscat Iiezarde51Do. Small "Berries; 52: Do: d' Alexandria.) 53. Do.' (from Jura.) 54; Sau vignon. RED 55. Chasselas, 56; Do WioleL 57. Muscat Rouge, 58. Do, Violet, 59.Muscat,t Grey; 60. Damas Violet, 61. Do. of PoqueL 62. Early Mag delen. f ;:''-1.??w-'?1 Subscriptions will be received byv' . v. -- i JOS GALES & SON, . ; - - . Vvvf&;i. ;$r-4'?i-lUileigh-;'ii DYING & SCOURING. ARS. MARY ANDREW'S: Yesoeetfullv' in. ItJL forms the . Public, - that her -DYING-and SCOURIN G'ESTABLIS H MENT is now in com,' plete operation, on HaJifajfe"Strpet 200; yard north ot the State-bbuseah4 that she is prepa ed to execute work in Ail?its variousbranciiesi She will dye.lLechorri. Hats and Bonnets', Silk Sattin t and Crape . Dres Stockings, Gloves, articles of clothing for Gentlemen, Sec. &c. She also dyes and presses Domestic C lath. ' " . Mrs. Andrews still Continues" to carry on "the MILLINERY, BUSINESS; at the same place and will do work in that line with- neatness and despatch.: .rf,v,-. , - Raleigh, t October 22. f - . 20 .' '. Stop the Swindler. - ; " ON Tuesday morning Ust V man phf ained a Horse from ray Stables, under pretence of going a few miles into the country, with which he absconded. He is a person about fite feet ten inches high, light complexion, brown hair,' blue., eyes,:- and has lost the two. rmddle". fingers on his left hand ; he wore a blue camblet cloak The horse was;. dark brown about "16 hands high,- 5 years jold,tandof a -slim rnake.', One Hundred : Dollars reward 'will be given for his apprehension and confinementso that he may be br9ught topunishment, aiid, the " recovery of the horse, or twenty dollars for the horse alone JAMES LDKDSAY. ; Charleston, Nov. 26.. T 1 . " 'X " 30 3t ed e be the tlb- NOITCE. : , STR AYED from' the Subscriberoh the 5th of January last aj Horse iMULEv' about ten years of age, dark color, compactly ' built, and has theJhair rubbed off his shoulders" by the col lar. .; He was' seen 'at; one time; 'between Mur phey's .. Mills in Orange &' Greensboro" in Guil ford county making for this .place. He has no doubt been taken up or he would before this have reached home. A reasonable re Ward will be given and all expences paid; 'for his delivery to me in Haleicrh; - - vv :. Raleigh, Nov. 10. " LEWIS "hclloman:1 vr;KQTiOE;. V7'AStalcen up and committed -"to the Jail of this , county, ,on , Jhe , 2d ofj March' Jast, ' a negro man supposed to be a-Slave, who calls himself SAMUEL WlLKJNS.and says that he was bound an apprentice to . Wm.v Moselyi ". of Norfolk Va. and. tha. heranawayironvthe said Iasely before his term of apprenticeship hatl ex pired,;The. sa'ul negro has beenjn thii county 5 or 6 years'", and has passed during that tineas a free man 1 he. is about 24 years uf-e, 5 feet; 4 or ichf s -.high; .and eoal.) black: The ? owner of said negro ii reqtiestedto come 'irward, prove property and pay charges, or he1 wil! be dealt vvitlr asthe law-directs. " t . - '"A iK't .'.;;JAS1ES PALTIER, JaUor jWindscrBertiecounty June 9. , i -SPrice adv. $V- - "82-6-,. v ,.rt new mi ns er-s a ermons, ; a nq w series r Todd's Joh npn' Dicti .6naryfK--u ' f : . Neale's literary Remains: v :J! " Lant: rf the PlantaVanerVi T-lJ . . . --0. .r-, vii ; ,Tales ofPassion v- M'slo JDevereux ' 'Richelieu x .Hungarian Tales 'Subaltern's Lo:Book -SttattonHUl " School of Fasbiort - ; do Tin, i "O-J .do "Hd6 c V do , vf- s do do tin - - j ne uoiieians ; r :,r Tales bfrM.ritaryXife vThe Protestjrnt v Anna ' flm tcf pi rt" iw jv.f av'wu . - Vi'sita' of lercv f ; v rit do - Travels cf Life v ' ,. do -V ' Ghepberd's.Calsnder H ' 'dof . 1 Tales of theGood;VVoman :MtZ V. Apician--Moreels-:Jl;; ; ' , "t Irving'g Corumbusdridgedby- hirnsef , 'Virginia' Housewife 1 fZv ; 'Z" ; ' . PastorVSketch'Cook -l 5i; ; .DickVPutiirState:.--- '::- :VY r ' Bichat pitome5'';. R t1' X' - Ewell's Medical Companidh, (latest edition v- "ALSO; a Tery'general Assortment of School E6oks and Stationery. " " . v Oct. 7; ; - ; r ' - . f ' - i - i. Watches Jewellery, v Silver and ' i: Britannia 'Ware, and ! Fancy Goods . , r, " , BERNARD DUPUY respectfully informs his . friends arid th"e piiblic generany, that he has receivedfromNew-York and Philadelphia, ; an exterisivend -splendid -supply ? of Good in his line, of thenost approved and latest fashions. In - addition to:his fprtner stocki he has. also xe cejyedndin futureViH constantly keep on hand a' superior; assortment Tpf Perfumery and a great variety of Fancy Articles which altogether, form the roost desirable collection of GooVbs ever" of- , fered in thisgmarket.i Persons desirous of pro. ' curing any superior articles,- are respectfully in. vited to call and eximine for themselves, as he is yery confident that the richness, neatness, and cheapness of his assortment cahhot failto please. v lie returns his sincere thanks for the very IU ' beral encburajrnenthe has hitherto received and hopes that by i; his personal and punctual at tention and devption to business,; t6 merit still & ; i continuance of public p atrorxage; . ;a . " M. ltl' f!TfkR mrl Ws'-h f all . zrAnn mostearefuliyj tepairedt., '-.All kinds ef gold ad saver AVors manutacturea at the shortest notice. : November tUy&'yj?s, -.24 tw-'- -lNDORSAl BY, virtue of a decree of the Courtpf .Equity of Franklin Cdunty rhade it Fall Term; 1829i;shaU oflbrsaltfto :itt the Courthouse in Lewisburg, 1 Tc esdiy the: 15th day of December next, , a '4'ract cf Land, lying in the' county : of Frankll n, oh the - waters, of .Ly hell's Cieek, v.adjoihinVrthelandscf -Wra; Johnson, jasl llouze Sc others; supposed to coo aift about 70Q, Acres, it bVing tha late residence' lof ' isAacjHoujvde fojt the purpose of "makingpartition amongst the heirs of jsafd Isaac. The-above, landwill be s old on a credit pf one, .wo and, three year? by eqtr 1 instalments,-the . purchaser giving tone withi c'proved security for the purchase money -the. last, two bonds to .hear interest ifter twelve months from the'date. ? - . , ; 'SAML.' JOHNSON,' CM. E. ; Nov. 10, 18:9. -. ? 24 o4w -4 Baltimore; ashingtoB - &; George-- town HeV Line of Coaches,. ' . Through frorifc ur and half to Jive hour$: fern -tfZ Will leave LYFORDs FOU?rTAlN:INN JAghl S(r'on THURSDAY 6th instant; at half past & "o'clock n the tnorning,': for Va:hington, and continue to vrun lailyv ; .at,the same time,' will leave , Bametrd?aMannw;Kotel,-:j Pennsylvania Avenue; (hear : the Presiyehts house) fur Balti-, more. , '1--.. . , , (jrjc Books kept'at the aboe placesr; and also at the! Stage Office No, 2, 3 outh-Cal vert street,, for, the reception of passengers names. V i;CEj Fare Twp Dollars and Fifty Cents. -r.;v Baltimore,-Nov; 3- : v- '1 lm ,;:;v" 'Machuic. ": .:r AOU SjLE, ir. moderate termsa heat 'Pannel DdmL'z IxV.GIG.Mtid, HARNESS. Fcr terms, apply 'at this Office . . ' - ' ' " S ; BLAi;i;s;c; ;v .. v - Of alfkirds, and ' jv.. " Printiti j in general dn4 &borircoticfl " :y;jNe:Ut4his Qti.rtt - - Vc-Vv Clerk Sup. .Ooait, IKTOWr to be" seenrand obtained in 4 Raleigh at . c5( jourhopNoth.V These Machine, t amongstthe most 'useful of modern inventions, are" so cbnstructedthat one cf therprf-will gin," card and spin, from 30 to 40 cuts per May ; whicliis' equal to; they labour , . ofj6 twomnlwith th'eVcomnton wheel, rr; The machine will spin 6 threads,' f ne V coarse, andv, twisted Accord in gr.to the .wi. ... cf the. spinner, and thequ:drty of tl.a thread ,for evenness, and strength is nut surpassed by the best machinery in- the UnitediStat e.' .These machines re now: in Common use irt West Ten riesseei and in dif- -ferenr parts uf this State', 7 and are -veryhighly-approved of .by svlt those1 who make trial oftheni. Persons wishing to' avail themselves of this ' Imr Liens' time and labour saving machine, are uni ted to calf and jud - U-Azhrh qy: 23. 23 jt- -r- pcrior.Cdurt 6f.aw 4 Ch.sV amCcantyi; Fall Term, lB'. . Ai:r d Vestal & othersT. Tbos. Vestal & others, " - rctUltri for the division of Lands' of William A vestal," -dec TlTappe !-! rt 'to iKe satisfaction orthe'Court 'estaL one: of the-defendants i this case,! is not an inhabitant of this State i ; therefore ordered, .that notice-be; PubIs". " Renter for-siS inontns 01 . iuc ".. on, and tb -1 theid John Vest A tl ilUei-h- Ci lilt; 4 wanuii, ftiiu. in t J l ie nest xerra ci ,11ns uu,!, ty.e e .iiorh .'i,t riorfi - Bnwer.-or demur io u . petition,- or the sun ni hCiid ezparts. Vdl be takeh pro'conft ; , V: clerk Sup. .Oouit. .' ::?:-;;; "-?:v5

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