, H' , .... - . r C - . , - - r - r i it , ' - 1 T pV', f 4v 'A a.-.v... i. i 4 . 7 I;: 1 - r i8TATTU HP. Jt ?4 1 j V'l' ffredntsdaij D Mr; ...Love, presenter.. ;cnpthinS:Bnttain - crtiticn of npra 4fLrred. u'.ft nLlr- r.Ioares;.a bill to ,v "Sloan from. Elizabeth- Sloan. 2 John fl.Ir.DicliU'bi 4-ron of debts in c uiir i.ro't.tiC.l for ;cnllec- c e r t a I n c as cs- w I r. c . 1 bi 11 S 1Y5" Tuissed their first rcdinp " 7 a .Tlierciig.'.atidns Of Jame? 'CuIil :l7 loner5 Commandant and. Ji ! V Daniel' r first rc-dlnr. 'J VV i ' Militia, were read andfcccpi:d; J'. ' 7 Y iM)Q bill authorising rresly V4'er?on ' Jl fk "Cpi ?ranklin to ,col!ect hrtf&rC of . taxjs, - 'iliKrvas indt'linitcry'postponeit. 7 .i.Mr; M)avenport,a biUi r.utnpnsing ; ChafleV Phelps ater'SbcTifr oC AVasbing- u.rton cduntyi to .culle'ct.tnlrears' 6T.taxes.-r- v: J .The, Senate thenjentercd Ujion ftp-Bank '-L'Vr - Bdl nd were" Jengigel: n..it,u:itiUhe " YVouclof adiournmcftt;- before announ- Vv Viccdit passed itsfctliiid.reading f52'to5.; A 1 v Thursday; fiec: .:, tV-A 'reares.Tronl the Judiciary Coni.? "mfttee-Tiiade- a renortrecommending the Wejcction'of tbeijilV'referretl to ;ftem,t to, ,-Kamend atf acf session; irJ.vrelation , to the collectioiof'debts trom.the estates V of -deceased Versons zc. :The;bi U Mvas' K:' 1 ead and rejected tol, " . V- ;V I A: V V MK Lov presented a bill. to divide the KegjmenKof .MiUtia in Macon;coynty--- , f JMT V eiCI",-a QUI It auienu an v-'l'-" .Mr IW'illlMnv of Martin: from theconi- 4;.V;m1ttee of Propiksitiohs ahd Grievances, re- oi feneal'a nart , c- -nnrfp-ff amfrtvnrahl V on 'the 'v. DetltlOH J.r. i'James ? tobre bfDuplin county. Concur- -rhp hill fn i-pnea a nart or tne za .sec V-'iionf an'act"ba8seainVls66,Vt6 reviie ''-Jl' ih'exMititia Laws of this State, relative Vthe Jnfaii!ryt xyast indefinitely postponed tl r limton : of -fjjeauf qrs pcesen i cu a, ipetition, accompanied by a bill to' regu- i Jate'the-fisheriefr.on Blount's Beaufort;:7-Uead the first' time.- J Tnsely," the ! petition of sundry ns of Lenbir,:dn the subject of ma- . citizens vj '-iTlie-tollowina'BUISpassVd their? iec ! orid and third readings and iiave.-becoriie. v?laK.vVz': . vlV prevent: th .felling, of iUveinxChatham; county ro- authorise the Jurors'in;preferc:ic-3 toother claims, arid'the;bill supplenic::tiTTto ala act for iniprovingi.the tiavigatu , or: DiacK-.or k theemuity Conrt-of (Turntuck-to proyule : t for. tKeVrecYion of Public Buildings and A V lr jothef. purposcsrofconipel 'th'e Tnis- 1 " tees f Moore, Chowan Robeson to pay .. I.?;: -.South Riven so- far as it. is t .3 dividing V;. iinebctvvcen the counties of il. -oh aud 5VP5blll to' authorise Charles -,riidps, sf:; late "sh wiffifVashiiKtou cbiin tyf ticcl: vAlect arracsof.taxeswas rejected on its 1 II$E OF commons: 77 STuiitrfniL Dec 22. Ir-.iexaiider presented a bTirtoamend tpe.'made a Kep :rpfpirpdrto,them4 askina: ta oe 01 "diarce'drinCtlieirvfurtKtKr-cimEidraiiQn,'. n; 1 1 1 e 0 u n u in a 1 1 1 a 1 ' u' i j e c 1 j t j ,e ' v r , : '.- s-.-j -s v.:' i-'i.ir.rJ:: nroo. AvOn.a's to ih- expediVncy of ?IImiMno'th" lisbiriiv'jf'fevcurintfs token by t the MHili Laws -s- rpecls Jlie , Utnionu X1- . uririii'r irdantrvVUdlein'en,; ;;V-A5r.jWJprca'W allien d the second p SrrVTative?tot JfiV. tuu n " p(-EdeiUon-whicV Li V J bi 1 1 . oasse d tfieir jfi f st re ad i ng. : , ' ort on the v toiio w in r reso- -"; - r . )islate in relation tojfhetn. - -One.tfuchmg rA- 4ber expediency tf aineudiogjjie lawrela- V.V tive' 'the.cstate- fiiceasejl isons. , vlr'Xr;:'here JhereVi no admjnifef raibr r, execu- ' T tor : One," ropongra'reyibidn 'andrconoll -V. 1 id -.tioo" rC ht Laws repec'tlng rvoyoi s &c i j Oher directing anenquify into ih'propriefy s - ofcompeuwjr fiainlins-ieior- . .mgnuiara h VJhlXiMls in uviiCss,J0tvn?5e:isafter fx--?:.: - -8" r: ' 7 " -.. f ....... . ' . . :- . . .' W th 'rnditirfn?i)f; iudtrrier.fr rajiris.t !beir i ?; ,rincinils':' aid one, proposing to. piovtue " V-' i'r e 'e Oec U J ly for . l he p ro l ect i o n ofv ' t Ufr Iff.' Wdliams-preftentpd-a bill to incor- tt - " porafe Lincin Acadeinv in Beaufort coun : J V K ty- VReHdff h' Sxrpt tirue. ' - 7i " C-r ' ' J -.- Thf-restcntiorr of.Owen.B. Cox,;M ior ad accep'tc! Ar. ;lVaroji -submitteda . Resolution, i 1 i 4f'V whiclj was 4a id on tite'tabte-TpW. posing to Vf : SUnVtruct ourt'eoators a fid "reqist.our Re-, v;'i-! xpriWja uves, jfi Congressr, fto ;call: the at- t'. ttitwrt otvthat DuJyio -tnejaw incorporau "t - f iiiir.tne" Criiied' States B djk, for; the puir- ' "? V'; pqe of qrelitfbig. it 60'.ai jtWpryide t" ''"'the punihnrein the1 offence of sellin for or tbe reipict e count v couri nihiii tins b b ta 5 e, t r n c-na " e f i j n u tv i o a a I s o .t.. -i - . ! ' " V' r .-. '" -- lV.--l 3 VJ f""nlteViptip5l elfeMiiiterfeit notes ou the, i?r riI 3inkwhicl thence; it seems,- is, pot ' -rl'Wv pidedjr by laww -- " ' Mr. fcjw-iiifi'piesentedt.a bill -for ihejm 'A t'i "prwicment -if thd? rWjlifrom'thf jp d.Fort in ;c i ;:!Bork lou-AbbevflfS ibBancoinbe: county. ; ; ;.t;-:itead.ie CrVt tiice': V r: - IV fttived U;grauting Jutfsdiiition5, v --;,l?:'V-ltV- i::"-w-r' '"t:-- severe as' Pel . v J.'f--.i vt : - 1 ciiuiiicrtt or Tincnvaiioti on ahe ,anrtpnt ' ' s. . r -. : . ... . : . .... - . , ....-. ri - - t .' V ' S A. , .. x . . w v mm mm . V . & A . . .... A . .. .. : i a . a . . m.bbb.1 1 'iBiai.vaaa.. . -. . - W W . a. . ...crnMa. laH a .... . v a. . a.a . W a I. .11.11 III. liiau ra u a. a" n B . . . i ... - . , . i-. -a . -, - - i- 1 laWS1 or-lliP'-riiinfrv fn frk-if uh .. ?CR'"- n"r; r?-,B?? V -.W-atV . ,n .-Fr.ealt thb Office.: -.? -.red in 1819, "to amend free respectinj i' 1 t'V, l... 4 Ir. i i. ..ir. ed in 11 b:r in, - a bill to amend an. act pass , i prevent the fallin-'pf tini clr c'in'l; l!e rattof IlroWn . iltftUiirtnnV-a'bUIJo amend' Creek i. Mr. . an act pasv.- 4.i ,1 8lt0,to amend an act passed in 1 8,vtoel c c t a -M agi s t ra fe forihe town of Wiliriinatoh iis-.i'for.other pufposesM . Mr;-..Fishery a bdl to incoporate'the Sa- " " - '! r: . wl. t.;u I'll- iisuuryy igiian i. r ire c' pa uj; wuicu . uu i paVsedlther-firt; reading. " TheenKr.osstMlbili"to authorise the fonrir i ii g i F j ri? . E figi n erCo Ua h vj n t h e . t c vn'-of Elizabeth" City amllhe bill concerning the fees' of, the, Standard keeper of 'thef county of KutJierfufd, jv -re: read the. second anti hirdtitnes and ordereoto be'enrb!!:d''as wasTvlso the bill; to autlurise the settinf of Gun ih ithV night timer in the deserr n the counties vfPaiquutahk" and Perquimans. :; ; :C Wednesday,' ' Dei j 'On rnotioihof Jfr. - WhitaWrof facon, the caihmittee'ton Internal Tmprovement Were instrac'ted tmenquire into the expe diency; of promoting; the objct .of-:"an act- 1 passed in 1826. to establish andregulate a j. urnpiKe uoau in iiay wooa county, ci ther by. an increase of. the shares ; of the stock ot "the said company and asubscrip' tion:by the State Tor. some portion of such additional shares or otherwise." . . Mr. Nash, 1 from the Judiciary Comrait ee,. .to jrthom was referred the following s ubjeic tsi" vi z : . t A bi 1 1 - vest j ng in a single Justice, jurisdiction? in certain casesA Resolution instructing' them, tp enquire into the expediency rof authorising Exe cutors arid Administrators to rent out the 1 and s .of tli eir testa tor or. intestate -A bill to change themotIe of instituting suits in Eiectment-A bill more effectually to pre vent frauds in deeds of trust and mortga-i I ges and:a Resolution as to the expediency ofrepttalingthe law of Jast sessionl rela tive to Executors an.d Administrators, "re portexT,that:the committee had considered the severarsubjects and deem it"' inexpe dient tolegislate on any of them. Con curred in; r -: - ' ' Mr X.ittle presented a bill to authorise John Hf Jenkins" of Edgcomb to collect certain arrears of taxes. Read - the first time. - ' ' ' v -The,vote on - the bill to. improve the Hickory Nut Gap Road, was re-considered and-it passed its third reading and was ordered to be engrossed 74 to 48 ' .. -r. ; The bijl to disqualify persons holding a seatin the General Assembly from the enjoyment of any lucrative ofiice, Was in definitely postponed on motion . of Ir. Ualloway, 74 to 31. , i,. , - . Thursday Dec. 24. , " Mr, Wbitaker presented a bill to extend the provisions of an act passed in 1828 Mr. Newland, a.btll to authorise the coun tylCourt'of'Burkejto appoint commission ers to view and lay off a Turnpike iRoad from the Lincoln fine to. James Loving's, passing through the several Gaps' of the South -Mountains .Mr.f Russell, a bill for the relief" of PreslyC. Person : of Franklin con nty which bills passed thei first reading. I , ,-'Mr. Cox presented the memorial of sundry citizens of Jones county, ; praying tor an appropriation for the improvement of;the navigation of Trent River-i Re ferred. - : . , ; - The bill giving time' to the "Banks of Dape tear andINe. :rn to close v-their business &Cv,and to pay rnd collect their tieui. was reau ana aiier uiscussion iaia on the table. - t . ; ' " . '., The Ban k Bill was received ; fr c m 7 the Senate and .ordered to be printed. . ' - Thr biil.to vest the" risrht of s electing Sheriffs in tbe free white men ofthe State was;read Uhe second time . Mr. Greene moved ,'for- its .indefinite postponement, but the motion -was negatived, 86 to '42 votes.' -feundry amendments were, made to the Bill and it passed its. second read ingYeas 79, Nays .50. The- whole day was occupied. in the consideration of this Bill of the, passage of which there is inow, no doubt.'- y - ' ; . ; ' r r " The iBill to amend an act passed '1806, repealing so much of said act as ' exempts rcfc Quakers, ,Moravians, & Menontsts.reli- cgiousiy. scrupulous oi oearing arms' be ing under consideration j Mr.-Wheeler of ncuuiu, iusc auu aiu, iiiai uie original characterjofthis bilf had assumed' an-additional, importance from the fact,j that thou 'h opposed 'byable gen tl emen, on this floor, it had passed two several readings. Mr." t said;-: he could add but little weight to ...the opposition, yet'a's'some por-tion-of -thosencitizens to ! whose?rkindness hewas indebted for his seat in this U6use,: woii I d be m a teri al ly-affected by" t h fi n al passagecf the bill,", he; would waive "aU personal tiohsiderations,: ;?and discharge conscientiously vhis, .duty.- -While'he dif- Tered with the gentlemen - who ' had , advo cated the passage, of thisrbdl, - Mr.'-W-wished to differ -vith ;due"; respect-N ,We are so constituteds often to se'e-the'same-' ooject in uinerent0viewsfyana an honest difference o f opi nibh i shbul d i n ever; mak e" vu,tump jji aij; lire wuiiiMuw oi uiueceiii o pinions, the itruth is often' elicited. :The exemption of Quakers. Moravians .& iithpr from milit i ry duty Svas; made in J 8b'6,;al mosi ; ftventy-four;yea"rsrigi. lt has be-7 Charta ot , t liijtrlies.tliat cnti.i.! h.rto- p iablihed,'tii.ould net be chanprCfo'r liht auses. l:vouldnot.beCas er. the Great of Russiaand re.HVtrr?r cverr one who proposeitan a- a come, a custom sanctioned -by the 'wisdom or our torelA.hpr It ith In JJecldrati' n of Inderer.derce: ahat Mana thecnaltvpfhtsnthnesz-batj of - their fatbers, :.3r theliicn of J ? nuth'trottoud ror : -oc i rc.-on from Uemed to 3. , v'-V .V' Hi: UacliiW- - d iUc-..e::iia destroying the dncuntuages rdsJ the-otfzcicntio-a.scroples Tr7C thev subscribers, porieto,! V- ' cf Idnd.'and tear ng away w.lh a para- s sect'chcriSir ar i:: .t' bearing V; named Machine toHm?w? pidal hand,;tbe veneratedorks pfour -n Jgich ,1...8C"h 4at' ' '-n Itisrioffo? Rented by Francis Fotlet Si je2P?I?, Ltcrs. have ercr admired thwi re- artn., th-y . y ia n. . Uisn. lor. fonwhich they h; obtained;& nlnf thi fnv Bdronof Er !-Jd,'"we USloi ...aa, - -w....v Macinne ?nl improvements, noioffar P Ti?::J ?eJ -K Xfd . Hisl ed custom in;their; creed, noi- it :prcper to pro,' right, for the se rf said '.Machine fS r Jt-fjathe.d tat thpse who diffeKfrom, us are tion oitbeUnSlcd States, or for the u L'o? cf the land. ;'Iave-lisUned.atte.ntiyeiy Dy-rJtU decide Machine. AMachmeof 8e H"loff to the remarks of gentlemen in;suport of wrong It is .oeto dec Ue M to th fro?tay5 this innovation ofthe aw,: and whde i W:lthis' roawer.v ..x v,ufc v.t. v h0Pgcs a hlUlilld deah . n mirJ'Ti intentions,-1, can not scoped ;of human; legislation. w. Bi, . : .icy operation, from itwen to twly?.5?' mire.their, patnoxicipi lejiu " - J oriwp flri; XQ answer for these oninions of seed per hour which will iJ I'!: Ktti I found 'their! remarks" bnjhat prt; r.t our Delore. mgner uw.u..iy uau Wseof 7 rfeclHfatWn ofHiftht:whb"-s atem- thai lytnnunar. , . a -iu . WmanUeif men are entitled ex- feature and, the Creator-vV Wj should be A.am.diimtitftnr nrivileses cautious how vve interfere between any -i-. j. hnt. Sn rnairlpr?it.ion of public servicesVfsec. 3.) Ntfone isa tvfhas been so, liUer.dly mer Xeffislabres,v that deemed by thenCan exclusive privilege. The act of 1806, - chab.708, liberatly e tends thisexemption claim, to sucb privil of. public service. greater aumirer or '.inisMcuMM: ' uubuki.ui."" r . - 7-"V- - fn our institutions, thaoVl f AU W Ve buht not ;in justice ,to Torce these should be equal and enjoy the same pn vi- men ; 0 violate their '; conscience Mr lees -This exemptioh fronV military u- Madison;in his celebrated w memorial to the ;iiy this act,iMf.K0V conscience; says he; belongs to every man, the several -.Uoq rt s k f-Kecoru a re : exciijp?, anj lt 1S unalienable. ;lt is unalienable the State; PrinerSheriffs.VPysiciapSr DecaUse the iopinionotvJmen; depending Ministers , of the Gospel,. Custom-House on on tne evidence, contemplated in officers.- Post m uste rV Srage Drivers, Stu- U a n w n - m i n rl si'. ; can no 1 1 fo I ) o W ; th e . d i c- dpnts. Ferrymen, Millers arid many others. tates of other men; v If this right of con Can this exemption be extended on account scJence be exempt from society at large, of any .public services If the tuakers st(lt jbss can it be subject to that! of the are to be reducedSo the ranks, why not , - lativs jfi The latter are but the. me oiner cire, . w a. ocean separates u? frornjll'daiigrous a id ambitious neighbors We heed; nH a forc jolb constants In the field, Tr our history shows that in every war in which this re ptlbiic has been- engaged, the event ;does hot burst oii-us ih the sudden fury. of the tempest7; but to the cautious eye, the cloud is Jong seen gathering 1n our political at mosphere, and "We endeavor to avert the storm that i about to discharge 'itself on our head. Even then-admitting thai thee Qu a ke rs t we re" ! r ot xe m pt from j mi I i ta ry duty, , what benefit could be derived' from pressing them into the militia service at this time I am conscious, that a';well trained militia is the cheap defence of anyj nation ; it lis the sinewyarm ofthe hardy yeoman- ryiof our country, forming a livingbulwark for the- defence of our liberties. But it misfit 'seriously be1 questioned. whether the militia, .as it is "regulated -m the South ern andMiddle States, is productive of good in any manner. In the excellent State Paper, which bur Governor transmitted to us in the commencement of our present Session, we nnu thei sage remarK mat the Militia laws, as generally enforced and observed" in the MiJtle & Southern Stales, instead of advancing the military art,, are productive of a contrary effect,- by engen dering vicious habits, encouraging intem perance, and consequently a spirit of in subordination!" The State ot Delaware, soiconscious ofthe evil"-ffects of military nJf-. r miutoK. ha nholmhpd theni eniirely and I need not remind this House ofthe disgraceful' scenes thai' have their venue on a muster field. 1 need not "'tell legal gentlemen, how often.the State dock et in our courts of law is swelled by proser chtions for breaches of ihe peacgenerated amid these fruitful scenes of riot and dissi pation and I need, not tell , other gentle men the. revolting and disgusting appear ances on ..the muster ground of a jmditia rtgi m e n t Th ese pa rad e s d ra w m e r i t oge ther many days in the ?year,to the manifest destruction of their time, money and mo rals, without improving their military know led'3? rr discipline. If the .'people jconsi deic! these musters as agreeable 0 desir able, why is our table in this' House crowd ed wjth petitions, to reduce. the "number of musters ? Their good sense points out the evil attendant on such institutions.) The officers f (with some highly" honorable ex ceptions) : are ignorant d the "very, rudi ments of that 'profession wit- ihe trapping of which they are decorated, how can they teach vvvhat they4 never ;Uhen!selves learned ! . To "many ot them the description of Othello's Lieutenant Would well kpply, :i " That never set a Squadron in the field, ; Nor the division of a battle knows t' THore than a spinster." f - Shall ye then pass this bill,' and press in- to suchservice under such banners, men whnQP nrnfpssinn U no, M ViKUU lir whose profession is peace, arid whose life & one of 'unobtrusive reVirement ? Shall we add another sacrifie'e on the bloody al tar of thisfsaAguinary Deity , ; I, hope riot.: It is not my province; to eulogise, on this perplex your; Courts 5 and theicofferiKof :our i reasury are augmented by. their xrU I hllTft ' V .if P. A M.l4 I ntvaAM ' 4kaA ...111.' . J suffice", bq t you ;wil 1 force them into a cus tom which theiflives, UieirhiLitsV their consciences forbids- Their - early history shows."' that Ihev'Have e :r Len .Tirtr, to1 hlhfif nful tnpn nf hlndshirl . TKen" principle.! have decended. from father "to son, and their, persecution secutious in theearly periods, of this cduntry, ias in' other 'coun tries, .show, that- you may tear "their bo-J iawf lneegisiaiure acii-w w,Sc.j. Xheip iurisdiction is both deri ,s; no necessity limitecf. . Limited; with' regard! sranuing i..rct. oy a -phj ' ?7"v ortinate departments 5 more ..p ua ii!iiin vp-art4 lrefl from j' ' r - . . - , 7 ' . Vi - "T" V a isit limited . with .regard to 1 inai. ucdtc ui scci in our counirv. l . IB-', it --'-1 - . -. - .J - A F m u u 1 nilf i I hl7ori nnfhpiini in.:ilin n . I ' .. r"!."s that tak rhf Lin a Irra.-nF ni . -Sf ata no ... . mass 01 citizens, none are xneir superiors 1 1 n -v 1 rT 1 asni lnrnnMirrr mr rv m a a. - .j-'" ari'd,In-dastriobS:v."wI.ar.f to thsir.peaee- n i"i ' Zn TM W ' Tm' -"J t''""1 Spir.t-sVrnngreffect,-auo thew "pomp aU ,he,horf.,r4 of Supetiiiu;,, -nieekc andircum?tanceof j-ionous war" spreads able orim-infe. -ih.i' . J . Mi. n im. uiiu Jtuvcti it ?, r nunc ihuic useiui i tho ki t"-.'t- .v. - to them no enchantment ..they, are as 'ci- QuakeVIUa tizens quiet and obedienV-a. neighur Such principle w are! called 6n in this kind, obliging and charitable tNo pauper bill to annihilate. "i"r r': . ? 'i from thU.sect,". crowds 'your parish ; no ' ' - ''' - - f it" ' ''-r- fc -v -vexatious suits prosecuted by, this r ;onle - -" v',titt3Lv"ba. " VVviLfk man' mid hi& conscience- anili'we. sliouia rarely, legislate on any matter that lies ex. -rpitnrp and vicegerents of the formed vative and to the co- necfissarily the consti- preservation oi a tree governroentrequiresvinot ; merely "V that the - metes and ' bounds wbichseparate each i department :X)f power,'vbe uuivera.ly maintained ; but more especially jhat nei-' tiier of t them be suffered .vtooverleap-the' great barrier which defendsthe; .-rights; of : the. people The rulers who are guilty'of such encroachment exceed the cotiimission from whence they derive t.t&eir authority; and ,are'tvrants---tbe people who submit to it are sidves" .This is the opiuion'ofoiie who ias filled solarge a space in the eyes of nankind,''fand wboig arrhis very moment anxiously looked oh as the Paiinu ras to guidef.the political bark of hfs1 native Slate , into .a' 'safe ahd quiet harbor." ..-Our own history in the examples. of our-fore- fathers, shows what trleo wilf do and men will dare for the liberty of i heir conscienceV 1 1 m a Ue r s u o t w h e t h e r : t h ey a re m i s t ak e n or whether they cherish theitrue'faiih-'-':'Jt ofte u happen s tha t :the mos t ,; biott el re the inost stubborn. But it is sufficient that t h ey so "believe. . Ou r fore fat he rs I e f t i h e i r homes and their firesides and with i heir fc lives iir their hand they dared tne pe rils of the stormy deep and: tlie dahger of a' savage foe, tnat ihey might" sit them down under , their own' vine and figiree and worship God after their on conscien ces. It is not denied but that this Legis lature have i the power : to. pass; this bill but, would it be honorable- would it be JU1 wouui u De pontic r AS the ffentle- fr1 Nwbern - (Mr.GustonJ quoted he words of a favorite author are here a p- plicabie it is exCeUent " To have a giant's strength j but it is tyrannbui To use-it like a giant. a -V It c.mt be considered that the conscien tious scruples of this secfare to be adndr--ed but if the peaceful influence of their, tenet-pervaded thew"hoIe world, mankind vould be happier and their toniiition betw ter. The general diffusion of their quiet principles would: realize that .millennium promised to the good and : faithfui and would be a sweet foretasted of that, happy; period depictured; by divine inspiraiion; " When men should learn war no more ; when nation shall no longer rise agains nation 5 .when the sword ihalf be turned m:o the ploughshare,, ahd the, spear, into ine pruning nook-". , To us,as guardians of the public weal, th page of history wiM show us that the principles whicVthi! sect' profess are not destructive tf the true in terests of man nor the happiness and av melioration of his condition : ihe true" and legitimate object of all government. ? We ' have reason lo lluiik lhat ProvidencthaT rules atl human actions, that tHe first &et tlers of this nation .were. min nf r,.r.,i habit and uncompromising integrity Look " , vl"Vlls mat nave, been animated 1 fin : rnk tutkH. ...v. X e peacelul prUiCJDleS of thft Onlrpr' V,!H,I"'C A-eunsyivania, the land that re- r7"'! Ker William Penn and htsj ,..uc,s, a.animated by,the same priri. ciples which his descendants stilt inherit mu rentt to whasp c ait uriTiPr.PsMrv om .tmn land to that on which; Pil- th sworil ot .blood in one torch uf" itpeftluf othe Pennsvlvania i-. tii tnati.. . ' r " TSLHX rubscnbfr-- ir.tr.A'n. i. mHi U;"ove'.r.6mCiriT4 part ofthe 1M f.wei, oi; l rs tor sal 2 th ioovf--'VtBk. jJishtoent.iwithor:wiiL...ii-:-h-v.-.,:: ture. There isattacbed to the 'rin"s. 6 t irna "rr fj"v p , ui, w iiica in excetlet IV )us ruer. prjinc Rieauows, groe' would be received conditions, besides will ftllf?0 sbI'hpent'unot soldfbythe reari; -" rTT V7- 7'-Tf?8 mol JFrom the increasing custom tfur the 1 1 t tA ,1 , .I, " """.wriucn,t t..ree ear? daring tha summer mpntha-'the nl i'ce,-if extended by 4or- Virginia Legrslature in 1784, lays iiHl own itlcould not, 'lie as a fundamental and undehiableitruthy that the duty, we owe' to our Creator, and ; x the inanner orrcfisch'arging It fcan ; be di-' to manyrwhojiaye no -rC'(e;5'niy.by4rea'son:anuxonvictKm,notv ege, in consideration b rorce or violence- The right tbjone$? I UlVIt , . - , , . - i tuents. " ine . . .. ..7 - . - -.- . ; cent j its weight h Zl1? ;erable '...v wne i bu.helof kern v. jy.ed at feast twG Sr Od, which i eqiml,to the yield ot flax 525"' f luat e. and hit rii i : '"u' fattening hogs and 'cattle A- MacWne W !? size f o do theboye prk;.wiTI cost zhmilt' exclusive Of the, Patent Rihf for using j? 3 those ofasr-dlkr or larger size in nX!' - 4(1 We have "a Machine' now in full onei- will perform as above stated, open to tlie .of. those who' wish to xmine Tt. Th lion and ,wiU, no doubt, answer many" other uJn ... i 1A bale of cotloo of35j pounds, will viir wards ofS0 ;b6shels ' of seecl. The m is suited to hull either" green or. black. 'seed The machinery Sh'iV drives the Cottgn (rm C do to drive ttiisMachlne. The same vproc ! and mill, used for expressing inseed oil svyer fon cot ron seed t';nd; those engaged in agree, that 'cotton seed is mucly easier !l and pressed than fiax.seed. r" ' , "From-the above information, which hiay W relied oil,-; those who yish.vto: purchase rU i may makctheir own calculations as to its VaV Sccj., We "conceive the discovery to be of national jenefit, especially to the! atton jjmvt ing States an 1 that too, fromun article hereto fore of little -or no.-yaluev , t.- ' " -'Those disposed'to purchase Patent' Rights for one orflfore States, shall have them at diffe'renrt' in' price, over sniatler purchasers, i worthy tfitir; attention Our purpose is to sell at moW t- price,; particularly, to those, who are aroonnt the first that'purchase('feeJ,ng''confitlent that in nrooortion to the -use 'of this, machine it' vi... proportion will be enhanced,. e : AVe have annexed .t,fpotan' extract from the Patent Jaws, and wtr refer to tlielaws'triemsefvpf to know, in what an infrinEreinenf of ,a hat-it 4 riphtfCrfnsistsi thatlhe consequences mav h avoided-"" ;-r ' ' titl -Applications . for patent rights, in person op W letter, postage paid, will be-duly attended to . : PRANCIS TOLLfcl T ; hExiract from the Vatent Laic?, 'y Any person, without the" consent of ih o. tentee, his or her executorv ftdminLstrators, w assigns, first obtained! a writing shall m-ke, de vise, use, cr sell the thincr whereof die exehiuv right is secured to th ( said patentee by such pa.' tent,jsuch-persons so offending, shall forfeit and Pay. to tfie said patentee, his .executors, admin. istrators m assigns, a sum eqaa) to three times the actual daniage sustained by such patentee, hisexecuto: . , adrninistralors or assigns, from, or by reason of such pffencei which sum shall and may be recavere4 by action on the case, fdund.' ed on this and the above soleritioned act, m the Circuit O0urt ; of the United States having ju risdiction thereof."-' - . .''. ". J Petersburg July 182C . c ; ' si 4t: ' .' Biifialo'Sh'oat Scliool.' ' ' . A N enfeebled const'tmion, renders it impes--J. sjble-fqrnie to take an extensive circuit in the practice?ot my professnm as a Lawyer ; and t therefore proposje, assisted ty n.y brother, to open a 'School at'my house in, Liricalh county.on the Catawba river, nine "miles' from Statesville, and tw-enty-fouf'rorn X,incolnton, ,cn the first Monday vim MarchHext by whic time my buddings will be compTeteUr My house is large ind roomy,,; . and T have beguh -to erect small but comfortable Cabins,i similar to -th6st at the WinnsBorbuh'andlatt Spring Academies of South-Carpfipvt- The. situation is'la handsome one is known to be perfectly hefl ! thy, and has the advantage of .being entirely removed from all places of dissipation.V 0' scholars will be ta-, keji who cannot board'with as k memfief of my family.'; r .. - . ' ,i, M willieach the Ijatih and Greek Languages, the Matheinaiics',and the lernenuf of the other Sciences : And j150, if required, bv parents or hguartl ians, I i 1 1 teach with Veat caret the ele-v meniary o ranches ot an i;n,iish education Tuv ititMf and hoarding",' Incluuin candles, washing, &c. &c. "will bejurnished for one hundred -. dol lars per annum, twenty-five' of which must be paid fn advance. ; No scholar 'will beken for a; lesterm- than: one quarter but entrance may '.be .had for one or more quarters at any time after the opening ofthe school. - ; " t now have one LiwStudeizt and am anxious to get a few more to whoseexamination' and. instruction Iwould devote ajsuflacient portion of time;,1 toenable them to proceeds with much greater, ease than they generallyVo' in lawyers' offices,' in acquiring a knowledge cf their pro fession for it is a notorious fact,' .that practising ; lawyers have neither time nor inclination). d. rect. the studies of their s itudenuand tbatthey tlo not examine, them t i .ten hs once a monttu Under such circumstancor, : young';.man unist pucsue his': studies to r: t disadvantage; .and obtain licenset0jrictise it hoiif a competent . fund -of practical information. I do not propose' to delivelawJectures-; but I will poiniout the authors; or thVp rts of therp, .which ought t be read examinelhe yomig'men daily 'upon tjiemi converse with ' theni;.upoihe chahgeswlrclv tiave been .made in the. English law by the con stitution and laVs.of the U.'S. thecoristitutiah , andJaws-ofthis State,. and by-jthe decisions f the-Siijreme .-Court. I have a-eryood library .of elemeirtafy lawbooks ?i for the, usa of which, for instruction, and for board'-n; including can- dies and washing, I will t.aargtjv each student ' jane hortajred dollars per ".num, twenty-five of yhich must.be paid m advance.... ' - : All applications must -be made tcyrne in per-' $oT.,;or by 1-tterVUrected toJnas' Ferry, Ire dell count , prState vyilh-V.' - . J 1 ; i Kor. particulars us to my qyalificatibns, I refer ' to Judge-Hade'r orUaleigli;; or to Major IIe derson of Lincolnton.;' . , ' , " - ' r ;i : v . r , . - r wciiaud t BHUny. s Deceit, 1829;;r - V ' ;$2: ' . ,' -. , t .. ' , - - - . t . , T a.rneetintr of ithe.Fresidenl and Directors 1. of the Cape Fear Navigation Company, hol deh i inFayetteyille: cn the 2lst 'day of -aNoveni' . ocr lasi, pursuant to a Jlesolujion ot theMoci XDa-nded bv waHmprovemt.-.ts, between Favetteville '& Wil- mingtonfae,- and the "sarae is hereby declared, . - 11 '- , ... rr " t - . .. , f . '-. yaDJ w-.in'ietteyille.xinane .day - of Februirv next. , - ' . 1 - - ii in v rn 1-1' TraZsr. '.r --.. .w. w 1 . (35 tir Biwu i i...u..K-iioniucn, .it any, inr,ri, tT the Unseed od-li : to aood gaslight oil,- wheiJAVvU reh)d s a tf,od - oil for lanms r machinery' jmd lor ca i din - and ce3LniJr. ? rm-.i-holders r.f ,1H lmnnnA a,rl . t1iA.W afi aI- . : j ce uc j ; wss i i e sol yea , t oat . a uiviucu. pK?ri- ne1 5s 2 Per .cent, on the cri-inal capital stock, and 1-On theamount xinded bv the Udard.of Inter-,

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