A ? ; ; TkxLTS day v- Bee embeSl , . ( ? A - Is Published every Moxo at and THtmsDaT, by 'y JOSEPH O ALES & SUIVr : : ' Kt Five. Dollar r per annum hal f lb advance. , -.- -. .'.-.-r A-. . . - A -: , ADVCRT13EMENTS A v 'Not exeee'dinVifeen in?5i neatly inserted 3 -times for a lldllavand twenty cents for : bvety. succeeding publication,: those of great length in the same' p?pportion..CoJfxtr- irtcATidirs thankful ly, received, i ; .Littxrs to I the Editors must'be tottM&Z?--C:7''-: ' ? Thithe Governor, cf jJVorth'Uarpiina.;,; Two Hundred TJollars Reward.-? WHEUEAS It hii been njade known to trie, that a murder has been committed jn the 'county f Uo' c on, and State cT North-Carolina, ori the 23rd day of March' last; and that a certain MEREDITH MES8ER, late of the county, and 'Sttrte'afcresaid,' sUnds charged by the finding; of a Grand Jury upon biU. of. indictment,' with " having perpetrated the same on the body of a certain Elijah' McDaniel of said county and ; as , it is further represented,' :mVmade- known' to ie, tl A', the said leredith lesser, hath abscon " , ded, and fled from the jurisdiction and limits of Xh'r Spite, and thereby eluded the arm of Law ' , landol iustice. ?A 7; .' "A ;A:"A V:-'ilr'- Now, therefore, to the end that the said. Me, ird'.th Messer may be apprehended and brought : to-justice', the -above Reward pfTwo Hundred Dollars" will'' be given to any person' or persons, who will apprehend and confine the -aid Mere dith rMewer in any jail in this State, so that, he tmay be brought to justice" i and, 1 do - moreover .hereby require, Conamandj and enjoin all officers wbatsoevriv a ell military, as civil within this SUte. to'use theif.best E ndeavours to apprehend and take or cause 40 be'apprehen Jedand taken, Uhe- b'ly of the "aaid Meredith Messes and, him cafd J 'and securely keep so Ithat 3 he- may. be brought to jastice' : --v ' i r Meredith Messer s about 27;or 28 years of age,p about 6 feet high; brown hair much freckled on . - hi face and hands' has a' scar.on one of hi handn not recollected which) occasioned by; a t blowand some of the bones of the hand broken has" remarkable eye4 teeth, and a singularity in t his Voice w hich would at once strike strangers; being at atifnetimt-s large and full, and at others., wt-ak ancrtfiemlnute.;. -r?: ,j "? ! , 5r-r Given .under mv hana.as uovernor, .''''U-fc under the great seal of the Stte; - - 'at the -city of Raleigh, thlsl8th : day v ' j . 1 - a ... -srk ron i .ot novemoer-A. x. ioy. .,.- J NO. OWEN. Hy the'Gnvf rnor, . - ,;: 27 V P llO CL AM ATWNi-. ; ; Tijr 7 c ; Governor pf-&orffiCarotina. ' Two Hundred Dollars, Re ward ' -TTTHEBEAS it has been made ftnown xo me, y W-ithat a martler has been 'committed, in. the county of Cumtuck, and,State .61. Nortn-t;arrti-- na, "on the 4th of SepfemberJasC and tfiut a cer- tair. IVEY;w1LKLNS, late of the jpounty & State "aforesaid.-stands ch3"ged by the verdict of a co- roar's Inquest with having pprpetm'ted the same on the ly "of certain Penelope Wilkins,; of said county .and as it . is further represented and made. known to me that the Waid Ivey ' ;Vll. k:.n hath ab-6ded and -fled fronV the junsdTc tWand Urnitiof this State; andlthereby eluded the arm oY the law and of justice: v'." ?' .Now tU"refore;to the end. that the said Ivey Wilkfns niay be apprehended and brought to thi abbve reward, of two hundred : dol- . lars will b le given to any perstmpr persons,: whoj hernl und ce'rine'the 1 id.Tvey WiM Wr in any ju in ima aiAie, u iiit iiu.mT.uc brought o justice t Ar.d 1 do moreover hereby require, 'command and enjoin , all officers what soever, as well civil us military, within this State, - to use their best endeavours to apprehend and take.or cause to be apprehended and taken, the .x bxly of the said Ivey Wilkins, r and him feafe ty and securely keep.io tbt he shall be brought to instice. -' ; a , - t . . . Ivey W ilkinsft About five feet 4 inches bib, alout made, Cght hair, blue cyes,:.full faeeand bss lost a:part of bis "to -s from rie of bis' feet i , he is a carpenter by trade, and fs .'supposed to f be in that part of Virginia.near Currituck county. . Uyf ' RiTcn-ndeT inv hand as "Governor . V.?, - and tinder the irreat seal of the Sute, '3-2 fh 1 ;at the City of Raleigh, thia 1Mb day -.ST-of November, 829.- ,uVr.:;,;,;r . n. JNO. O WEN. .Uyhe Covernor,1. . " .v' ,;. JiH RMost, P. :Stt9-Z- vr v', 27 tf. ' VllHE pVrtnersriip litciy existing in Greensbo X ?rou?h, betwixt th&-Subscribers,, underthc firm of -Kyle, & Kerr, having terminated by; its own limitation,. h tbi$ day, dissolved oy mutual - consent. Greensboro' No-19..l829 1 V v: 39 St ... ; c L.ate;Ed ward yilson::y f " fpriE undefsned having administered on the -J.-; Eslate of tbe. lale EdwardAVilson.of Chat .' ham; deceased hereby gives notice to Henry -Wilnon. son of the deceased, nd to Alexander 'iihh rtrtirvJv. who are suDDoseu 10 rctmc 'intlip tte of Tennessee or Alabaxpa,N that. the Property' of the dece ised has been ;dis posed o nd the-children residing -in-lthi9 r fart of the- country; havereceived theirshare of tlic proceeds, and that -tLere remaiins .in,, . :-liands of the subscriber the sum . ol tmrteen dol-JarscaclK-dueto- the :tid Uenry Wiborv and A- lexarflf Hobby; which' willbe patd to them on . v - C '."JOHN WILSON; Adra'r. '"RhathmV NovV26 1C29, -' : 3tp V;. -More Giieap ',7inter Goods; THE Subscriber nas recetyea anuiuct ,uU.- tioh' to a former, a.d very general. Assort- 'Went of Winter Gcodi. Havin;; u desire to keep V fulWupply cf every article in his linj?, he wjll " -cobtinue. to receive, from tinie to timei -as de- ? ttanda may require.v Tbe .Goodf were au Dougni ; j AuctionVery lowi and wdl beaoid as. ceap, ;if not. cheaper.'. than any of the samekindor qu4 . &y To the , Sxat e. Customers.' will J dp- jrcjl to , -ll and isee-for .themie!vea-4 i'.-;-''". ".vl' (iood Iribh Potatoes at $1 c.r bushel, and somQ, ; v.--:-:t:4'ion:r;TniMRosEV:X 1. 4 BERNETHY'S Lectures, 2 vols. XjL: Horner's SpeeiaKc General An .tomy, 2 ' Bichat'a General Anatomy, 4 vols. . 3; - ' Afiatomv and PatholoVv 2 vols , Bell's -Anatomy, 2 vols. . !. Bailie's .Morbid 'Anatomy. ; Gibsdn-'a Surgery, 2 yols. i 'UfU: ; i ; 'Cooper's First Lines of Surgery, 2 vols, Tic wees': Midwifery,, l;':,'.'.t ' -A" .Jewees'bn,Femalea. 7-'S. ? 4-::'d6 1, foiCchildreii X '-V''-"n,-'i ; ;v Francjs'aDenman. ,v . .. ; A Good's Study pf MedlcirieV 5 tvola ' r Teacher's Modern Practice A ,v J .A. -r Cnllpii'a Practice ..- ..A 4. . Tbacher's Dispensatory A , Edinburgh: A, d" '-.A Paris' PharroacologiaA , vooper onuisiocaiion .... . -A : Murray's Materia Medica'J , .-A : Eberle's do V A do -A 2 vols. Lawrence'- Physiology" ; V Magendie'sJ - do.- Vv'--X Bostock's j ' "do. ;'A' -"-. Richerand's Ido '7 ' ,, Hateman'a Synopsis' " ' ' ' Hunter on the Blood 1 , . "4". V Scudamore fan the Gout V" -V r Armstrong on "Fever and Consumption' fA Armstrong's Medical Works "S ' -A -V larwin'a Zoonomia2 vols -t r ' f x With many pother valuable. Medical Works which wiI be sold on the most favorabfe terms, by X I AvA'-'J." GALES SON." : Ra!eigH:Oct.'UA:; 7 V;-. A V rTHH E following valuable' BOOKS, published .il"' principally for the use' of th? Citizens of North-Car)linai:are constantly kept on band, for sale, by the subscribers, viz ? ? -r ThevRevisal of the Laws of North-Carolina, by ? the late Chief Justice, Taylor, the late Bartlett ' Yancy, and ludge Potter," made under, the dr A rection of th Legislature of the, State,' in two large ;octaro Volumes, with aT full and com- r pletelndexA '1; .f A; ' 7 'p-i Ditttn- brbugnt down to the! year 1826, by- the , late Chief-Justice Taylor; with a satisfactory v Index. . : - -rA---1' - t. ' -r." Haywood's Manual pfvthe Laws orthe State ar .ranged in Alphabetical order; with an appeii- dix, which brings the" work to the year 1829;' Potter's Justice of the Peace, a new edition, lately revised and corrected, with a number .cf new Forms, .and the Laws, .contained in. ; l which, are brought up to thtyear,1828 ; iA Martin's Law of Executors and Administrators, A which is Toller's English Work on this sub ject, emitting, such, parts as are not in force here, taking the Law as it stood at the settle- ; ment Of this country, and introducmg, every J ' act of Assembly of this State whichhas alter- ed the Law, and noticing evejy adjudged case '.Which throws lighten 'the subject.) This e- dition of the work was revised by the' late . Chief-Jas,ticefTaylor. y- A ; .. j Chief-Justice Taylqr?s Digest of the Statute Law i of Nwrth-Carolin, relative to Wills, Executors and Administrator the Provision for Widows and the 1 Distribution of Intestates' Estates . " :.A Work which combines in one" view all the v - enactments which have' been made on'these ' subjects for a CentUry . past, and which are " dispersed in more than forty statutes. . ." '. Agricultural Essays, written W a NorthCarolina "( Farmer-, Allowed by .those who are best ca- . pable of judging,' jo be the best book for con. V. veying' useful information to -the Farmers of - thia State that was ever "published- -It treats on the best mode of improving land, on. deep and horizonlal Ploughing,: on "the Grasses best suited to this State ,on the best . modds ; of raising Wheat, Tji mips and Indian Corn ; T and treats largely oh the raising of Live Stock,' 'Draining Lnd, &c'. ' . ;.. - . i The.Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme A Court of North-Carolina, from the first estab r, lishment of. the. Court, . when it bore the title A: of Court of Conference," to tlie present .. time, which are as follows tT v- . "Reports of:.the Conference. Court, by D. x ;. Cameron and Wm." Nbrwooli in I vol . ,. The Law Repository, by Chief-Justice Tay A V lor, 2 vols. '.. . Ti .Term ; Reports, . 1 -: vol. by A 7 Do' - Murphey's Reports of .the Supreme Court, A-:. 3 vols; AA . . "- v : Ilakn's Do ' 74 vols. . Devereux'a'Do ; 1 J V Vol. 1 '4j Hawlcs's Digest of the Reported Cases ad "1 ' judged in -North-Carolina, from the 'year 1776 tci 16. ' :y , : ' A Collection of the Militia Laws , of North- vACaroinia.''5'.'r --A ; y- AV-: -A"- ";:"''0:Sub'scrib(rs.-iwiH be received far tlie. Re ports of.the Supreme Court whichare publish ed at the close ofeachTerm at $1 50 per number, and forwarded by- mail to Subscribers ; in any partof the tate. ' .-AAA A A' -A, . ', , -iZ--::S. JOSEPH GALES & SON. 77 Raleigh 1829. r - ' '.' 7. . '26 ; - TJiPrbt'strE aW'VU Scli6oltJnronf;5 HAVING established a bepositnry at the store "of 9. Hal't NewberU, all the Publications of tlie Society can be had, at the price9 .filed by the TJVioii in YewYovk-i A 7 A'r Ne wbern, Decemoer 22d; 1829; f , k: H7 i eent - : Raleighi Nov. 26; 1829. Ar29A: : vBunevioiGourt ofaw, A7 Chatham County." FaU Terra;;-1829.? Alfred Vestal Zc others v. ,Th6s. -Vestal & others. .Petition for the division! of-Landspf Villiam ' '7:' -VVestai; c.'J.-1lAAA,S'r '"n T appearing to the; Eatisfactlpn of; the Ooljrt j.'ithat ionn vestal,. one. or . tne xierenaanis in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State f is tfterefore ordered, that notice t;be published in the Raleigh '.Register fornix monthspf the filing of the Petition, and that the said John Vestalat the next'term of this CdurtA on the 3d Monday of March next. olea;- answer ;or' demur to the and fHHE Gubscriberhas received a sup ply of Gar : i,"ileh Seed wliith: he vrUK'arfat fresh "and line- .- . ; ; ai4 , XiEnwAn. itiontr. th"earae will be taken prp topfessq heard exparte;-A-'AvA v -V '--' A A""?'"5r CHEAPER THAN: EVER, 'I I . - " : J. A ..' ,t ILLIAMS HAYWOOD areiibw receiv ing from New-Ybrk and bfTer for. sale; 106 anonsJbestW S; Sperm Oiti; .V csif iusi nui uici i muuiu uaiiuica 300 iTurpentlne Soap 200 '.- best refined Salt Petre , . 100 1" ' Black Pepper iiA SK-fi -T t 150iRace and cTOund'GtflgertAr A '100 :-.. Allspice' : wi A . ;A.-AfAT A A 7 doi Hibbef t's tJonddri PorterA1 -A A1' 3 ", ')ld-Port-Wine A "5 ' A A " J :-V 2 Boxes best" American Mustard; for sale ; 97:: by the pound.'''iA- AA-A,-'.- A i 2 i A Superior Snenri; CandlesA A US Boxes Window GlassA: 500 lbs. Putty ? AAiA- A A 136 doz::Wine Bottles -350. lbs. best American Glue ; 5U0 r-'f trreen CoDneraa . 1000: chipped and stick Campeachy Log. I 150 Ground-Fustic" ' 150 XAllumr' C-"-) i 75 ; Dutch Madder STOund 25 " Spanish Indigo A ' " 500 . ,. -Brown. 4 ' 500 '; Wilmington Rice - A A -' A ' r 1 Bale shoe, thread A A ' .yi '7 1 Package bHsfcet-salt for Table use' ' AA ' 12 Bundles English," German and Italian 7' A "Violin strings consisting of 1st 2nd 3rd ' and4tbsA V " '. " O ; W. & H. are also receiving an additional sup ply of Drugs Medicines, Paints StcA&c.," which makes their assortment yery cogplete. j A'tA V , Physicians supplied on good, terms and all or ders promptly attended to. , J A: A !r! A Just received 2 Boxes of' he 'aboye valuable Medicine. ' ' .' ':y.- 7W7 ? 7; 7: 'A WILLIAMS U HAYWOOD; ; .A Oct: 'tttb," 1829 A;' A, 7 A X A ;' 16 WILLIAM S & HAYWOOD,' have lately re ceived a supply of genuine Naples Soap j together with a great variety of other Perfume ry such as Cologne and Lavender . Waters, Ma cassar and Bears' Oil, Cosmetic Wash Balls, for ! beautifying lhVskin, highly scented Rose, Palm, uuve, unentai, vioier, ivenaer, ,yegetaDie, Ceylon, Jessamine aaxl. Cinnamon Soaps.: f. .4.? . Also, Shaving Cakes,-1 u hich are highly re commended to those gentlemen who shave them selves. All, of which . they will sell unusually cheap;" y..- A i-'.- J-? V'. - - .; A ' Raleigh, Nov.. 18. ,'' A A .' 27 Brought up to the present time J i GALES & SON have jusr published an .APPENDIX to Haywood's Manual; which embraces the Laws passed since the year 1819, under distinct heads, .in alphabetical order in cluding those of last Session, whiph renders the Work complete;- A A'AAU , .. " For 'this addition, to the Manual,, no ; extra charge wilUbemade. The; Book wilt be old at Five Dollars as JieretoforeJ Orders will be instantly.attended to. " Si.fti 12,I829.f A-V v AA'--' ' ! FOR SALEyVA ! .4 -TRACT OF LAND; in-; Wake coiinty, ly. ijL ingon both sides of Dutchman's riranch, containing 397 acres and another Tract lying bn the south side of Swift Creek. The Tracts are contigubus, artd were purchased some yjears go by the late Wm. Gilmour of Wra. Brown. . A. Apply to the Editors of the Regist4r,who"are authorised by the owner to sell said land, t Ar - August 15, :1829. -t sr - ...V.j 99tf - A very 'valaableaitiRiyerjla'a-. tation iti the Cquntyof Granville, ; a Taaneryv in the To wb'of Ox ; brd,5 anil T other1 loperty Wr 5. Sale;; : :-;a;A-,:'' j ''' FOR the purpose of closing thetrusts reposed in me, . by two deeds executed by Absalom Yancey and duly, registered in the Register's Of fice for the county of Granville, ;Ishall "offer for sale in the Town of. Oxford? on. Monday the 1st day f February next, that being.Couft day, and continue the sale from day to day until complet ed; .the following "Valuable Property, viz : ' v !A Tract of Land,". lying on the, south; side, of Tar river, nine miles , south of Oxford, immedi ately on the Taylor's BridjjeCRoad : leading Jrbm Oxford " to Raleighcontaining byj estimation 1500 acres," "about 350 of which are valuable low grounds t he balance first .'rate uplaiid; highly improved by fencing,, tobacco houses; corn hou ses'stables,Viegrp hooses ami's 'ver comforta ble dwelling house for' a 'small familyiVPcVsons disposed to purchase are'iVited' tp view the premises previous to the day. of salei -,:.;Mir.Yai5 cey. who resides on the land ,wiU take pleasure in shewing it. ? -J.a l;A' . : ,r-- Also, a Tannery near Oxford together with the Stock of Leather, ;ititwThides; - Bark,; Tuols; and othr things belonging to thevestablishmetif likewise two Lots of 'Ground arjoining.AThe improvements are-very considerable; and almost' new. - . , ' Vi'if - ?-..-' A-1 A Also, (wo " comfortable, 1 Dwelling Houses jon Hillsborough .street;; ii O sfard, in. good repair, with every House "necessary: for the cohveuiencet of farailiesiir?..- :"'-':5it-t--:c-'; - Also, 53 acres of Land bri New Liht Creek All thinterest of the siiid Absafomi m and toiiis late Father's. Estate All ' his:Household Furni-tUPe-T)iree Negro Slaves, a map ,aiid two wo men. A ..AAA r A ' A . - i ; ; I shall likewise sell on the Tar River plantatr on, 'on Fridiy the 5ti day of Feimiarythe Stqck of Hogs, lIorses;vCattie Corn, -Fodder, Wheat; Oats, ; Ilousehbld aud'Kitchen Furniture, : plan tatiOrvTooIs; ?tc.y, A; :: . 77 , -K'-X-y'u -Ac A The c3ale Avill; "positively be tr.ade, and; the A aclicrcWafitea: c To takeco arse "of a S chool in the v 'neifirhbor- fiobd of Ralejgh tv.The r ftitiulion healthy and the y3ter'gAlt ,'i3 riefcessaiySthe Teacher should understand the -.Lati'nO andEnAlish LanV R aleiebv -D ec. 8. A A A Ai '7X2-8w AK lp plyitoeitVr- of tf;iuVscribers7perso'iially,,or iPr,to'.Uher of tWtubkriber;i.ets6iiIly, or " 1 ..- . " 't- K' ' K' f v x ' nrillE : Subscribers take vtbisr TOethod . of-an ; JL honucinga the; public' that theyJbavsjust received and are now opening a large assortment of : Staples and fncy TDrp Jldodst-Hajhdware; Queensware,; Dquors, Shoes The following is a list pf the leading articles : SlupffinV Blue, laick;BroVnA Olivepreen Drab; and Steel' tnixed,Cloths'A, A Blue, Black; Drab lud Steel mixed Gassimeire v ToUinett yalentiaASwahsdown, Marseilles and Florentine Testings ' M A ;V ' 7 Black and Colored Bombazines & Qombazettes Black atid Colored - Merino; Ci rcasjarisA -t A Satipettsof-eery;descHption;fAS2' Blue'and. GraPlains;lushingind JCersey; . Lirisey . Woolsey, fijrnegrbeswearA. Rose, Point and Duffle Blankets. AAp!A?A 0 White, Red, Blue; Green and Yellow Flannels Ratinet,; Spotted Flannel and Plaid CiMassianA Russis: and Irisb-SheinjpA? p7$ Tickling, Osnabiirg and-Scotch Dowlas . -I A 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens arid Lawns, of superior vrass uicarii -VKf 'v;? v r ' vr - Russia and IrisH Towelling and Ta)le' Diapers Cambric Furniture .and Garment Dllmty i A AS Calicoes, an elegant assortnient ' .A -Cambriq and SeeiuckierGinghams'lA "WfJ Plain and Striped Bateste and Barege A -AAl Brown Cambric and Barege AA A V .AAr A ! fancy Silk arid Gauze Handkerchiefs & carts A Dor Merino" Scajrtand -ShawlsAKrAvC;yA .Worsted Barege' handkerchiefs, Bobinett 4-4 Aand 6-4.wideri '.-y A.TAvcAA;, Thread Lace and Edgings; Bobinett Lace and Black and fancy colored Crapes and Gimps AA jNanKin, uamon ana Manaarm urape KQoes ana ; - Dresses v y, ' A- A-; ' - A A Aiyv A?;.; Black and fancy colored .'Crape Shawls AA Sc rJet, B tue, Drab and Black Cassimere Shawls Prime,Black. Italian Lustring and Sirichew ;$"fi Do ) do , and 'Fancy Grose de Naples. .;: r7 i Fancy colored Satins and Florences AA Gentlemen's Black Italian Cravats - A ';A Fancy Silk Bandano and Flag Handkerchiefs A . ;Do , Cotton Vnd Madrass : do rA'-. Imitation and Thread Cambric d A;;:rr.:; A. Linen, Cambric and Bcok:Muslift do AfA Gent, bordered Swiss Muslin Cravats, m A' ' . Plain and Jgffured Swiss, Jaconett , Book cMull ' Muslins, ; Cambric' - y-A '-;:';.'. 'AA A' Clark's Spool Cottpni 'Ttiread and Cotton jFloss Thread and Cotton Tapes and. Bobbins AA A Blue, Black and Flax Thread ,iA;; Pj-ime Blac k, , Blue, aud.. assorted se wi ng Silks j t Ladies nd Gent. White, and Black Cotton arid ; v Worsted "Hose A ; -:-A.A;AA: A'q:ivAf: A.-' Gentlemen's white, Jblack v and mixed Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool hose, and 5 hose r Ladies and, pentlemen's French: and English Silk 1 1 os? and G loves. ; .-'yr-s A' :y' A A Gentlemen's Black and White Silk. Hose A Do -; Woodstok, Buckskin Beaver; Horse- 1 kin" and.Ddgskin'"GIoyesVA--AtsA Do .":Unen Woolleaand Worsted Gloves Black and Colored Worsted arid Silk, Braids '. Satins and Lustring Ribbons, of ail numbers ' Garniture. Gauze and Can Ribbons Waist Ribbon, new style. Ladies travelling Baskets . ..XT Do Lee-horn and Straw.Bonnets . .Do , Fashionable Blackj BroWn & Drab N Beaver - Hats' . " ; ' : '.'; :- Af-U;?-'if?-Bpys Do and Seal Capsr-A Black and W hite. Wool Hits assorted sizes "; ) . Indies and Gentlemen's Shoes and Boots of eve- ry;; descriptioiiV?; A' A .7;. ' .'....'V'' Misses,' Boys and Children's do do . do ; A Coarse Shoes and Brogans, for servants A-AAv Ladies and;Gentleraeri'sPlafd& Camblet Cloaks Imperial, .Gunpowder and young Hyson -Tea;-.;. Browaand lof Sugar,: Prune Green .CofieeOA Chocolate Allspice, Pepper, CGmgerNufmegsi. A Saltpeter; Allum, Spanish Brown, Indigo, Li Ayerpool fine Salts Guripow;der,. Shot of aU.si ' xes, Bar Lead, Trace Cbainsj Cutting Knives, Hair and irt Sifters-AA'.'A Prime: Dundee Bagging and. T ineAg'4 7 ; A Cast ings of every description ; At A A English and "Swedish Iron .'assorted ? WA M? 7 Patent Springs, and Axletrees for Gigs arid Car--. riages' ':,-wA ; A A'-y .A; ;: Ar A Cut and Wrought Nails of all sizes A AAA .Prime Chewing Tbacd6 -.AA AAl :; 51?; French Brandy, Madeira; Lisbon & Malaga Wine Prime, Sicily Madeira and TeneriffeWine ; I AA Holland Gin, -Jamaica and N.' E. Rftw , '-' , Apple Brandy, Old. Rveod Country Whiskey s ' The above Goods being purchased priricipally in' the Northern Cities at auction and at, very, reduced prices, " will enable" us to sell them af such prices as will1 notr only defy 11 competition? but we flatter ' ourselves will "meet the approba tidri of our customers."" ' ;A l.A; - - SA 4A H AZLETT & ROBERT KYLE. A Raleigh, Nov. 19, 1829: - - 26-wU U - a A Cooper? NewstNovelv a Tf" .GALESK & SON " have ' just received the tP i,V -Wept'of VVish-ton-wish.,, . Price $2. , Vol, I. of the Encyclopedia Americana, a popu A lar Dictionary, of Arts,, Sciences,' Xiterature ri History 5 Politics & Biography brought' down ,to the present time. Raleigh; Dec-5. rytHE" hight-st prufes in CAH will be given Aifof a fw likelYOUNG.NEGItOES from 15 to 25 for'maIesr and from 10 to 25 for females y, an extra price will. be'giV'en for mechanics.! Persons who wish to fcell Will db ell to -ball on ine at MrsJ Jeter's Tavern where 1 may always ttefbjm'd. - WM. FOWLER. , ;;f Raleigh , Oct; 31 A S f ' 21 --eotf Notice; A Ta meetmer of 'the: President ancLDirectors Xii. of the Cane Fear Navigation Companyrhol 'den in Fayeteyille;otf the 2Ut day of Noyem-i ber last, (pursuant to & Resolution ot4the btocli holders of suid Company passed at th eir last an nual meeting) it -walteolved, that . a Dividend of 2 per cent, : on the original cupit&l st cck; aud on the arr.oiatxp ndedbj ' the Board of Inter nal Improvements, between Fayetteyille & Wil mington bej nd the same is re by declared,, Dcc.14. .Vvs ff . BlaANKS . V V ? ;,V payable at my owce jn Fayettevulc, 0:1 tne 1st day of February next, a . i -, - i V,--0 ; . v ?. ' u;.:;''.:; JOHN CRUSOE, TreaVr.- ' HuIIIj r.lccliinc. :r ; ; tir E the jgubseri v ers, pTOpnetora cf t!.e rbcre 5 ?J friamed Machine "-fofhftiliii g cotton Veed;;'y :v iriyentedby Frands Fpllet & jbez-Smith, a-.i. f )fwhich.they.;lisye ; obtaine'd patents f,? the MacUin;.and''mive.inVni , ribpfTer. .-fur f t-; A; rights for thiBf USe ;of faidriachine, any -- : tiorv of fhe0nited States; ; ifcv th use cf a &ia- ; : gie MachirieL Alacbiue r iiUbl it ' . . be applld to thpower cf i... twotc ' "3 V' hofsea will -hull and,c!ean at on, and the A opcaiioJfrorii; tweriy td;tv7ftntyr - ! ' A pfseederibtii-r-wluch AAl jiel i t t. measure orjGfty per cent, of its vc A ' iL.r. frcni,ed:LbfiP .-'O.-.j.'-ITushetlifkerneiwill yie!dat leasitvi'o '."d!6n? .f A Ojl, wfiichj is equally the yield of fi ax seed, a r I A iwebjelieve one or twoqaArts nic: e, if well c - " ; press'd,andwnrieatf'e about Jlliirty.five pounda,".';:; 't ofj;cakea&t iabl food,-' fCrA ; ' fattening hcgs.andcattlerT A" Ma "of . the siie'to do the above work',' will Cost about . T excluaivefhe Pate ritv Rght for using itA An A those of ismallerbr larger AAe in proportion. .; Ve.;have:a:.lachih'e'' no w" lit fui J oppratian, which'- will perforin as above stated, open ta the Vi.vA ' J . good lforpaintingr-fmt much, ii any," inf rior to the Linseed , oih-rt i3 ; i jgfco J f-nssligh i oij, ' and ' . "wjien WfcJI refihed is a" good io.l for tlamps.' for - oi,inose who; wish io:exaniine.u 1 ne on m - -iCmrtery- and for cardinsr ana zansinir' wool. aod"wilLh6doubtrAnswe;riaay:-blhcr 1 useful : A bale of cotton of 35 J pounds; will yield up- ' l wards ofV80 Vbushelsjof seed. The Machine , : is saited tohulreUhegteiijpr black seed.2 v The machiriei Cotton Gin ?i. ill 'A' do'tot..dritre"thi$.Machin.ei;':;The rame -proces.3 ; r and mill, used for expressing Li i:d oil, will en-; ' siireTrifbr.coTroii.seeol-a it - agree; that TOttbri selvils m uch..eitsier. groui... ahdpresfed tiiaiflaxpedA Ar ' ' ; '-.f.v'V ";'; A Fromithe abb. information, which: may be ; , relied brt; th6seho';wiih tbK purchase "rights C. , may make their own calculations as to its valued nationaT benefit, especially to the "cotton grow- -ing States, and thatjob, from an, article hereto- ' A. foreTcI'little.binOyal.eCt. AtrA 4 Tbose dispbsed purchase Patent Rights for'; A one or riioire States", shall have th em at dHferenrV A ' . Xn pricey o.versmallet .puchasers, worthy-.- theirH- aiienuon uur purpose is 10 ee 11 at .moue rate ; - , rice,-p.antbUl.arry.Jo:tMpse.rwhV the first that punhase;.JteelTri'.Yknfident Uiat "in'y 7- proportion to the4$e-of this i macl.u.e its value ' 4' will vbe enhanced." , : - f . , - A 1 ' ' A'-fe.iiaye 'annexed atToot. ariextrkct from the ; : Patent Laws, and we refer to the laws therrselvf 3 to kbowv invtt'hat. anunfriBgementvcf "apatent 'i rightbonsists, that'c the iconsequsnce$ may ti-'A I avpidrA...:.;AA' t: ?.-' I A"." ; ' Applications for patent rights, in person r by , , . letter pqstage paid; will be duly attend I t-?. A A ' ..V - A- PRANCIS. FOLLI . IT. t "ill7z0S :-A ;v t:M?$f7xfE& V' ' A' i; Ariyjpersori; without the tenteehif br her executors administratcrs, or ' issigijs, stbb tai ne'4 in; writing sh all ja a ke,.3e A1; - V A vise, use,1 or sell the thing whereof the ex z Jusivb -J right; is secured, to the said patentee by such pa. .. T tent,isuch'' persons so offendihj,: shall fotfeit and'.; ' payto the said'pateritee;;his: executors, vadmA? '"'". istratora o assigns, a sunequal tgCthree time.j the actual damage sustained by ruch pater. hisetcbtors; administrararsbr tisslnsVt'rfVm, or. by reason bf-sucb fence, which suni; shall and ; may be recovered by act tori on the case,; iound- .Ar ed on this arid the above ,mentioned act; in the ; ' Circuit Cburt)bf the United States having :ju '; . ' risdictiori hereof. VA ''-r A- -', V. - , . Petersburg; July. 1829. V 51 it. . A N'enfeebled constitu' ion, renders 't impr J sibl for me to take an extensive circuit ' 1 . the practice of my profession iis ;L:t wyer ; and ' ' ? 1 therefore propose, assisted by my brother, to A open a JSchovi at my. house in Lincoln cc j;ityic;v - -the 3atawba river,7 oniric miles ' from Siatesvi lie, A-', arid tweBty-forir frdm -iLiricoIntpri',Voa -the first ':v: ';-' MondaMarchVextr: ..by ;v.which';timef .n'lv'. buddings wijl be foWpleied. My louse ii large , Vpd rOouJy f ; ajjdjJiayc begun to ect'srall I ut 7 " Winnsbbrough 1 and PJatt Spring .Academies t ? 5 ' South Carolina. The -situation is a handsome one is vknown to tfe-perfectly HeVthv," and hVj : the advantage of,being ,cntii ely re.novcd fro n all places of dissipation. No sch riarj will b j ' ken who cannot board with rne uj(a'mc.,ibei c f my family. - "l 'v. , 7. ''., 1. will teach therLatin'and GreeTr jLanti; the Mathematics, and the Elements bftheotl. r 1 ' .Sciences :; And also, if required by parents or ? guardians, 1 rill teach wiihVre't care, th; ele mentary branches f an English education. Til ition and boarding, including cnJles, w iliir" 8tc: feeA'will be furnished for one hundred dol larsperannum, twenty-five of which, niu be paid in advanceA ' No" scholar; rAl he taken Tc? a less Jertti than .one quarter ; but ehtr -nce may be had for one or more quarters at any tim alter the opening of the schorl ' ' . " : "I now have onejiaT Student, r. d am anxi:' ' " to gel a' few . more ; -to - whose' examinatiori.an l' ' " instruction I.Avould 'devote a sulcient orti' " of trne to enable them to - proceed with tr. grealer.ease than they gerieral'y' do i.. iessi lawy uu uui ciauiiuc iitcui . vjiicit is pace a r,,cnv.i Under such pt rcu mstancts,' a you ng ma a rr. i: - ' pursue his .studies to great tlisad van je A ..' obtain license to practise 'without aco nett fund of practical information. ; J d n, t pic to deliver law;lectdre t but I will pui .t -r t! -authors, 'or the p-rtsoftl:c. -,,wh'cli H , , , read f ?.exarmne,the -yourtjrr.f n daily ut, , t converse with them upontbe ; cbin-'t 3 u.'c' have been made in tBe En!.i 1 lav by t!) ccnl stitutjonjand.Iaws Mnt.Ujj . ihc co itif Uoa and; laws pf this S&te,'rtridyT ti.edecis bns'.nf the Suprern Court, .l.h'ave .ii very '.hm' Of eiemeniry 4.w uwi? I.,"? ;uw r , r. ich, fbf instruction,' an.d for board ng, i clu tie '; dies and wasUingi 1 w sU, ci i gb; eaca "s d er.t", ' one buridred dollars pe anum, twenty -:.v ; c . .'. which must' be paid mx advance. --"All applications must be rr.le-Jo rr.3 m 1 :r-? I ... - . . : -.1-. . m ' : mm v' "' sen, oroy leiier, c:recicaiorta,T.5rt'r,,irc dell cnuntrior to tt.4e?ville A, T, A i ' A A For particular ts tolrny. qualific'atior.j, I refer to Judge Uadgr ot .itaieiii, pr tauiajor ile.i 'deison of Ltncolsfoti.' . - Ai . ! teson o? Uncolrfoa. r n 5 jor 11 is a n'Jionous iacv tnatpractii. - ers have neither time nr inch aati.i to d4- --A V . CHASiiJWILUAMS, ; At- '7-t-yf Z?m 7V-:': $7 VY.i.Cviix; f . V,, - , .

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