? 'V; Sr. B 1 .'. i vit -xeeeflinE fcnJneafly inserted 3 -times for i'Tlollarntentyjcents for , . every siicceedin ileum JtMIie 8amei;prnporivv owv- vu tcl0Kthpnlcful1y recedLwi: tc r the KOlinrs "iu! vt w..,...-.-, ,;.-. "..4 .1 :V . .''I'.. .4 J he enjihtencmind v?bile it: discerns! - ,MbneY Lost thi tVnlhi' looks with inrliiloonfo nnnh -'thft - ' -. ' yV - - - - ; ; c :VV-C w, 'F"""Hj ir"S"u- piuiiicai,; ur Friday las( the subfeCfiber, while travej- priiirwhtch -pf hei;n)aj. enttrtain.-; . aQ! f Jing in the Stage, from Balei to Fayette Muui; iY?rMcni wiirtr jvery 'measure i 'ui .i xiiiu"CY(v ana papers, .;Mt:P billv: two dollar StateBank b'df. Several ve frnovhQsetiviJlsordrs put and ten dollar Bute. 'tnk-.liars; afiye and ten H sKnPt nprind rk tVko dilr t!nn nf fraa .nrnvl (lflliir hills nn finiith.Parnlinu TtJ"nV". A nv K tun l . v; , ii- . ' 1 - n lfxiia. km. n.:fka itn.:j et.? u..u rhar havTifctf.d ,u ,v N :li ti wtly recollected ta beaigned by- John Htwke, v JL, -f ; ''j " - jana one by Jpnes. Asa, a tiv dollar Cheraw ucal and i;TuniM" j.niwjf .. I Sppctator. welfoumrthding 4k; Kvtirtrial Gonveohwi, f' which he ava weitib . forniin a (nstutionof l .t- l AVe; read 'itV with p-cutiac . - i1 uL.'.nr'ile In nillP rl n nn'n Sft il S we tran$ier "vy. "r : "1 " pri Dr. franklin s ng?uu Yi - r L' iloefr;act;f While .4he important questum of the VepresentatUin of ,i;he Slates in theienate, .vrathf ihjectf rdphate; -.tjid.thr.SratM nlmt eouailv amoea upon u, w. :nf1;iri th C;Byention every; moriiing, and in iapiK)ftf .hi M Pre$ident-l he anutl - progress we have iade' after fout bnfi'vrweea v.f clone atteid-ifipe ah! x-nnti.uap reasoning wih rhi ntner: our; different sentimont n -vVj : niiist every qietim. several . of 'the last tli'nksameancu)ly nnxifjof .the iuinerfri: ilnt, nfjihelhumart UMderianditVy '- deed aeem.fb feefnouKpwn want ol dif k cal widdmFince whafe.been rannm all boit trt ; searirh ofxlt AVe; liavene baW,nceiIt history fVr modt;U of fi and examined the 'different f ms of those Ke public ivhichV-having been, o riinal(y;fbrmed WithXth- sed- of their we hi te1 vie wed 'modern Writes alt round . Europe?' b'ufinil'jione of thei r Cbn v mi-. tioncSuable::to,tourvcirc 4hi siruatinn :fi i tlds sWrnblyCtv pims a it wereiin'tHe durkVtb find j6litiwl trutW and scarce able toditgbhpjei pre id in u hoiha K,happeiivd,4, Sirj JWatVWeJ have not' hitherto once,! thought M hWiuhlypplyiig tu,tho. Father m tn iltu ovinale our understand in4s ? -Iiutie reginnMVg; of Ahf contest r wiU: Gi eat Brii tai7r:wnen w'wer seibte'of (Unswe hau, daily prjiyers, in ,ini:iHui;iui A im mc ; S'-j.V r,; r Richmond, Ya.:c - Wnibe drawn Tbursda J 4h Feb? 1 830.' j : unvuers o urawiiijoailOtSi . , . i jrinz.e 0175 iu ujy4 . .2.500 2.000 ' ''A ne governor states, Jhat the returns hill: folded ih a naoer;; and endorsed D Mask. for th e past V ear , sh e w, tnat school dis; I to whom it belongs. There, wis also1 a Justice's tricts have'beeh organized in almost every- Jwagmeni ior u, in, iavorot!;jtacfeburghers tjeighburliootl in ;t Ste,SanUiin'ins Yu !SS?S!EL5Sln!t LA J100' the whole ro bS47, :and : that 8,270 have The whol wa folded in a w't nf hi Ji ade retur)i"acJrc)jng to law." . ; '.'.J'per,'nd stiugly tied up.f A literal rewtldtwiU e i4ieysieo aqopiei uy ints. aiaie is ex- oe paiaxoxne person mnning in same, anu vde- celletiCv , By 'patronage, arid not by cue r- Kvering it to the Editors' of the Register, Raleigh , 'Vr- P-IteJrm a,iT ZnSS& .'U V their school districts. y r rwn r- iwvnwvHiTT f , Jbacn aisirici uraws from tne pupuc Jan. 13. Guilford counnvN. C funds -a' sum of money proportionate to the xr . , . , rt . . ", sum th district raises by jtV.or contribu Valuable Real Estate for Sale. lion. V Such a systLQi might be gradutltv carried into operation by th patronage of WILLBE. t0S?,:o9.n th fi?t d f Mar Ti v i r t rj hi f V next, at Public Sae at the Town Hi. use he general iGovernmf, , and - it woul'.! in Ffte;uie all the Ltate.' (the Bank, bintl tn . the Udion morenrnily the heart of ig House excepted) belonging to , the J?tate eyery good citizen, V 4 . 4 Bank, of North.(3aroliua, in Fayetfeville .and t1 V'.The Governor adds . that the public money vicinity, consisting of the Lots or Parcels- tf paid to the school districts during the nasi Ground withiheir Buildings and Improvements, vear H , - ' ' $214,840 atld rrac of Land following viz III wdd'iitioO tO Ull9,amount there l" '"u..U, i,gmHMMnKU.Hii an scrr, has been paid in the several districts 297,048 tne soth side of Mumford street, with a lrKe ' , . v . elegant two storv Dwelling Ii mse, alarge Ware- ' Making a total of 511,888 ,iouse m gooa repair, a stable and other Hii- P'ul fur teachers wsm alone, in the com- houses thereon, known as the Mumford place. mnn cr).nU nf th. siotl vine jot ai ine corn-r or rerson an hick 1 i i. -i . o 4 I streets, with a large two story (House, occupied It i beheved that anumb. r of State L, aVtore and dwelling ad tare two t rt according to their -poijpiifatibn even exceed Warehouse thereon', formerly Henry Branson's..; thin liberality, and yet are constantly piefc- VOne uhimjirqved Lot; having about sivty feet .iug forward to increase their advantages on u bislow street, and running back about i. " . i ' one hundred and tureniv feetl ror.eoucaxion., i oe convicnon is !,pecoin-1 , ", L l i. .j- V i hT 'i I Two. unimproved Lots on HilUhorough street. in- ureptr uiiu iiHirc general m.u,-l ,lle north of Maidon Lane, one havingJfftv wlj;e is power." U !S Uy such institutions 4U the other about sixty-slxee4 front, and run- Besides 600, 500, 400, 200, lbO, 6050, ' v-'- 40,-20, 10; &;5. bj-V.'-.', ' 1 Whole Ticket Haiye Si'SOoa ' -. ; ters 1' 25 ' -: v-.sV' , package of ; 18 whole, embracing j the t54 numbers may be had forf 85, which is compirlt. ed to dra $40 and niay draw : $l0.000or aiiy of the other Cap'dalsU . . , ; j..", ;';- ' , Let all your 3nler be addressed o V VTATES &1M"1NTYKE, nienmonu, va. Jrats and Nations ;are to be taught i to feel that die soul of man , 1 A native of the skies, High born, and c free, hef freedom should mntptain Uns61d,unmort gaged, for earth's little bribes. PUOPUIETY- Dr.-Stope"housei"..when'-he entered - into ooly 4rdersy took occasion to prtfi by his aequaintancejwiin uaiTicK to procure trom hira 8om valuab'e instructions in elocu iio'ti. Keiog on.ee engaged to testd pi a vers' ilvtne cilj, hefprevailed upon Garrick to with him. ; After ttie rrvi e, Garrick a.Jced(t.Ke. Doctor what particular business he, had to do when the duty was over ? Nooe,' said the Doctor. , I thought you had,' replied Ganick, ' oil seeing you e'n- ier i;e ie.tnn utn in micii a nurry. . io 'ihii'g .can-be liiore' iiUleeent than 'to see. a Clergy iiMi set about s-acifd business as if ti usr wno rwere engag mist have obsef vied frequent instances of a auperihtending jrroviaeiice.in our. javor.- To that IcinoySjdencew py opportunity V" lhemean$ot estaoiistung ourrjumre nauon al felicltvAnd" have e'n'tw,Torgot ten. thatpo werf ul friend rof jdpei n we no leciger' nejed aVi stalice- ?.s--1 have- jiveil. Sir a liMig: time"; and s-the longer V ilivel vhe'lhiore convincing pnmfs fee bf that anleranireanyie whhbulsVaij ? Venate' been assurdKStr in 'the: sacred. house, they laoor; in .vamnat-ounji:---I firlyeltrve thfi, anMlit sb beii tliat wuhout-hi concurring aidr-:;vve shall succeed iti iuis pbitti th4ibeud-'r;ofB we hall be di vided by 1 our M i tl etpiri i a I tocal n t e resl s, ou r p roj iCt& ; w 1 1 1) be : co n fau n d eo, a n tl, w e oui selves shall beco.nw a rejprbach apda bv-vbrd down to'fqtur i agesj And wha h w orpei' 'mankind may hreafteri : from tiii uhfortunateinstahce blishing government a n d I eay? i t Ito cha ncei- wa r; or 'conquest.4 I therefore beg leave to move, that hence-. forti, prayers jrjkplot-i rig the assistance "of tltaveii anu MTs-Dieisings on our ueitoera tinus be hid ;ib ihj s-a.se inbly jt ye ry -m or ii - i n .: be f e we5 p rbc e edio.busi nen s $ ; a vul t If a t one pr io ore bf ;t h e? clergy b f. 'th i afc it y be "rrquested i bljcjatinahait 'servitet p & SCHOOLS IN NE W .VORK WV For her enterpnze mithe, cause lof edtir catiotC the iiState jf SNew-brk deWeVves he nc j '. 'tratle'iian aid -go into the Church aMf h' wanted to get. out of it as soon h4 pbvib?r'.' Hefiext' avkpl the D ;c- ; or wnat oook ne. nao io rn uesK uetore idnC iS". Only tne U.ble iifl Pra .'r-bo .k.' Only the BMeaod Prayer.h.M.k i -Why y,u Ms.ect ihe Dac;warHS nod tot vv vrds, irtd turned the lMve as carelessly us if they wer fhoe. of . & d ly-bok a nd i 'rdgr." Richmond Dock LotteviiJNd.Mi xo oe urawn iin reo ioau 1 Prize of 210:000 .1.:000H; . 1V'1.200m. -ir- 1-- 1.022; V.' .2 , "5- 1 000 Besides,g50( 300, 00, 150; lO&c, Tickets S4-r-Halve6 2-Quartern 1. 'A package of IS whole,whicV is compelled tod aw $32, and may draw any of the abovt capitals, 10, (X)0, 2,500;&c; my be had for $70. Address all vour orriers to f - c . YATES & McINTYRE ; 1 'Managers Tbe fbWingWbersere drawn, in tn?V I w-rotkLottery 19th' class Extra.,-; V K"Z i 44,(9;. Several odd.priold m &:)Gr:ij'E TTXTrl have just -received fr but Connecticut: v t ' r? -yT supply tV Gardeh Seed Warranted to'bef of ;iistyiiiwth...5 tir :WxviNGiish 'D W,S. Hallr Neerbi:ad;theliblicatm8r; VC pttf the'.Umpitin.torVl lh NewbenD.ecembef.rX; i;; :v Rfeams? ofrost andl PAPERS difeentqttalbieag A GOOUf'EMAt E QORajsO a I'eSnaie i ' ,f ( uouse. serva-ni,., Apply aiiois oiac;:.3fm: : - 1 ?pa, -on the iStKlni'taliTtieit ' r MAtfUBrtAC Zaoharih.-BuggcwhoJ.odght,ji) .''.'Ay.i'i "btatc North-Carolina,, , $ j. Greene County. Bluke Little, ' hi " Origirjal attacliment. Dif r v. K1 ; . p yterefU pt sojis summoned aa Beniamiii Miller 'S Garnishees, , V rT app' ating t the satisfaction of the O.urt, that the defendant, ilenjVi lie r, is not a re sident oT this. State : Ord.ered therefore, that publication' of i he pebdency Of the above named suit be, miule in the? Ualeigh Uegbter for six weeks suGcesaivelyf so "ilikt ; theaid defendant may u ppear beforethej s-iid ('Court on the 2d llond. of Feohi ryi riexj, at the Courthouse ira Snowhdl, and replevy, -fee. :'' VVitrft-ss, Vm. Wit. iiam's, eierk bfvsa'd Couvt.at OHice, the 2d Mon- dav 6f1sroV.'1829. . W . .. WM.iWILLfAMS, r.lk, ii i . , i in, State ?oiWirth-Gai;olina, ning back about one hundred feet. One Lot with a large three storv unfinished brick house, intended for two stores and dwell ings ailjoining the Planter's Hotel at the foot ot llaymount, formerly Henry Branson s. One Lot on Person street with a large Ware house thereon, rented by the, town as a Public Flour Warehouse. One Lot situate on a cross street between Per son and Russel streets, with a handsome two story Dwelling house, 'Kitchen. Garden, &c One Lot fronting on Person and Bow streets, a fewyards east of the Town House, with a large Store House on each streel, and conveuient Warehouses back, formerly Oliver Pearce's. One Lot with a convenient Warehouse thereon, and one or two 'vacant Lots adjoining, situate between Gillespie and Dick strrets "opposite the State Bank, formerly the property of Duncan Thompson. . Several Lots' and Warehouses in Lower Fa)' et'eville, and two w 11 known and convenient Wharves, all lately 'Duncan Thompson's. A Lot with a two story House of two tene ments, fronting on HaV street, opposite , the Mansion Hotel, and running back' to Old street, formerly Col. Clarke. L That elegant and cle-ira!le residence on Hay mount, '-.called the M'Milhn place, With about t rt idve acres of Ground. The dwelling house is large, iid commodious commanding a fine view of. the town the enrden and outhouses hav; l itely b. en put in a state of repair. .Phis placfe i;i admirably calculated for a summer seat or per) manent residence for persons living in the low country in pursuit of health. ; 1120 .cres of tolerably timbered Land, within two miles of , Fayetteville,, i with an excellent Mijl Seat on a neverfaihng stream, "running thro the lands, formerly John I ladley's. 64; acres ot Land onJieaver Creek, within six miles of Fayetteville, formerly Larkin New- by's. - . - 122 acres of Land within, about ar mite and a half of town,, aflfording " several healthy si tuations for building, on which there are excel lent springs, a iTitle northwest of fky mount. lubl acres, ot well wooded santl hill iands, within tour miles of Fayetteville, formeVly. the property of John M'Kay, jun. . V ; A Plantation ot about 30Q acres of tii-st ( ra:e Land, on the east side of ilie Cane-Tear: River, aoqui tnree roues, Deiow ayei'.eyin ," , lormeriy t homas Davts s. : i . - ' 50 acres of Land on the east ; swleAif'Cape-Fear River. 15 miles -below F.'.vetteTille,.; adjoining laiuU belonging to the heirs ofjlohn 'Thames. . M - '''" It. , ll I ' 1 . i.1 - . a very nreraj cr.eau. vu oe given to me pur- cha'sv r.j. Partiadar ternts mde ko wn at the sale, which will oe made by order of the Presi dent and Directors of said Bank. - y DUNCAN" CAMMROK President. Raleigh, Jan. 14. - ' vV' f-C 45 i , ,. 1 r.., i, Grand Consolidated, AV. 2. " '60 Number! Lottery 8 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize of g 16, 000 i i , 6,000 ! -1 ; j. 2,625 ; J ' ' 2,000 -4 " 1,000 B?sides 8500, 400, 300, 200, 150, 100, " 70, 60, 50, &c. i r ' Whole Tickets 85, Halves 2 50, Quar-- ters 1 25 . , A package of 20 whole,which s compelled to uruw $4 , may be hat. for $ 95. j Address all your orders to " . i YATES & McINTYRE. . State of Xorth -Carolina, Wake County. . ; . . Superior Court of Law and; Equity F11 Term, ' ":' ' ' 1329. -'.; .. 'J v -y.fW': Petition for Sale of n '.n o:-.- t. Lv r ihe Dower Lands of ftxparje. Widow, late of Wake, FT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court I that lohn Snoms, one of the children ot W d Ham, hath removed beyond the limits; of this Sia'e, and hath died leaving him surviving the following children, viz : '.-Martha, Calvin, Silves- last from Isaac Bre ; f . Virginia; and broht mwitliVnu groes m. lyiecKienourg counry pi, Uincferne -z k : h. -he siaidboiitith'feeJweeVt'-ai'jM ". ''t from thehctfhiii mas satted fc; ? ana ne maae nts escape irom nun on the road ; , i:; ,y about three weeks pK V ' , Said negro is 5 feet 6 or 7 incheiighdaxk Sjtr eomplection;;and says'toe is J2 ears 1, , 4ff'j -Theow nereis Hqtiestei'Q.6n(eVfprwl . J?r prove propertyand take him wu' V '''.'? l'rftk. ): !r ;'4WM.'COLIAN,-.?alior:'-Asheville, Jan. 15.; ' .,H -4$ '. - ' r 1 Hay woodMiuwlil . ssed-"nc.--'tli''!-vi,!.i,-'l'f&t'0.'l - , 7 y I J -Z7''' T".V-T- -"'',"rr U nderi disti net h eads, 1 n al phab e ticat forder.in-! ciuaing inose oi iasi session, wnicn reoMers inci v v r ;worlce'piiiplete;'lv: y';.-;.v FOjfJthis addftlbhvto .thetoiaV -oextii r V 1 charge! will J be rnade; f TlielBobw ill be sold , 4 v at -.Five 'Dollars as jieretofore. fi't . Orders'will.bJe'instintTialtehJe 3 ? , s Pt. iri829t:: u&0, OFFERS fotjale, h i HO U S XiOTS in the . i? .V'O'lAi w hf t)xmril,:wuh u :VAvj r-a6dat200 acresSif Which 'abacreare r' .Woodland;;-;; .TbM'is2W a - modious, and Afrell llnislied 'Alironj'itj having; ? . 4 rooms with fire placsfeaclvp wide passage on. eachi-i'garret.disliV p:v , closets aod two comtortHbletrortiand! W CiUarVt , uuuer iueuo.K?,uiyiaeunio.ye,Taf.Apatm m.. ,- viJ ,;ti vliWNvembe'rrm, 1329..- amei"AVeslbro6kiOrlgiiKl attachment, Le- ;r JVVri'' vieu on ianu,v etc. ,aisu, - Vrayvv ejiorooKi.j uarnisuee summoneu. ISiF anlSeafWttatsfaction ;.if . the Cotir jjL? that the deteodanKia ho't an.nh:bitant of t h)s Stat: Ordered tlvtjubiication ' ot thc4:peftlen cVbf tlie abpve nam.t d suit 'beimade.irt the Ra leigHRegister for sixi weeks sucbesiively 9';that the 'said defcndantHiiav come f orward'af our next CourtvOiti;ieas.anri iiartbr aessous, io oe new Onihe 2d- Mood v 'bt' Felmiary ;ihex V and tepte vy&cJ Wneisf WmUAViiliams, ;t Clerk ofliiiid Cmirt at OfficeVlhe 2d Mondiv'of Nov. '1829. '35 : rz ' " x V MPWlCUAMS, Clk ;chathaitt Cuntyi 'l?a,Te 1' ;. the teVpeict. anIJ;ratuelori o( lcjitibhr of J)eriGi)yern (rimiaimejta i.iiner hasant infldericeev'en f tr-liey ond 5 her '.liberal i? grants 'to rpVoinote thuState vviJl not4itf interested1 -andde- to f w pari 'tneir; Uover; Affrcd VegttI tdu?aVonVorfto liearit read, by 'their IhW'-V i r-1 VeuK"lec. ,t:, dren ;withr tones; Tlie Governor1 savs-- x.'Jb.that:John .Venial, nesof.the dfcrtdant in a a r trk S'Z r'.v " ' .ihia case is not tf Inhabitant 'of ttbiaSUto t jt 1 v? c5?fPwnce of tmipon lne;efdT nniered, that noticbe published m fA W WS?. be3 r" !rono7 W feteu t jhe IHIeigb TiegTsterTpf month of the filing i ur iutvviinaiaiuret ineii Aijariaiiaiii-4nf ine reuuop.uiiKiuiai uiwshkijwuu resiai. w i t'le-fui ;nligbtenr l"he "next term of,tUis Coury . "r Jdrcnday pepeWill ofJMuchiiext pU ad. nWrVtiheHtieirifebiH hrteCartry ffiirrt a,f,adnd -t4::cHA.;j;wiLuAtsv5 bemamtame4y Av4n ' i. Clerk Sip. CoUti; 6 Fo rlunes for the Neetl y . ' 5 15,000 pOLLARS, Tobe drawn inlWashihgtop City Hoi): Tuesday ... ,.M4. . rr, t r - v GmhdCtiiisblulidiLottery,C Nov 2 for 1830; r SCHEME. . " . ifinnn n Altaic 4,000- OidUrs. a2, 625. Dollars. .'-r.sTi - 'Si t 4 Prizes of ,1,000' OoU ini: VU' ;tW6 b; --Vv- 400 .Dollars. . r-S-MV."-w ,300.DoUars x ,v' , :0.rrif200' Dollars.' ; ; 50VV - - r!50, Dollars, rlOD'Doirars,; lITicUtS Halve35p:qaarters J .25: uraers enclosing-casnpnze-1 icsets win at i a r- . i l I . ... . . A . n yesier, Aaoroiru Him -ianwt: nu 11 mniier ta i-i it -.s s,tuatedXin a inot -heaiifiil sv&nfitUh.7W:Z ?V pearmg to the Court, that; Josephoyd, who attichedto-itls alarge-Fnb jntermarr.ed with Penny, another child does no with fruits selecteufpora the hordioEicikl tdse; & reside within the limits ofjheSjate Mt isorder cris1acte4'of .mckaone; SriO ed, that publication .be rojtde loUie itajeigh Ue- iWeiofekceiWV g!ster for six weeks, that the s-4 id children, and the Viird suifabtetor.i i grand children, and heirs of the said; .William sary;Outbouse : Simms, deVd. be and appear before the Judge , Also, -a TANYAUD dow in .operatibnwliicb M . ofour Court of Equity to be Mden tnthe jnjghtve emplovmnt ti 8oT 10 feihdliVvmg j county of Wakcat the Court house in Kale.gli, toPcresof land attached40 far&B$ the ire 'on theftrst Monday ahr the 4th loiiday of misea js lbmf.ble' tAvpstory March next, and pit ad, answer or demur,, other. cverv CoiiveniencrVa I faolv residence A- . " 1 j wise the BiU will be takenro confess as to them bttevcbrructedYard ;is,V1dom. . seeiClahyT" fe-i and decreed accordingly.. . .. wliere Jrrhis proplrty w Witness, IL M Miller, Clerk and Master ,Jpf reasonableuid accommodating terms. , C Wake Cotirt of Equny,' the ; 1st Monday after nv , ; Tllb-iB'l'TlbMN'' '"' V-f'V,' ,he4tl Monday. ' f i.Sy&m: A very valuable Tar Kiver Wa,,- .gM', ig tatioD in the Countpf (rranvillei cjtoi,En tf.toi.S&f' a-Tannery in the H dw .of Ox- m'.mAiii - 'Kwlti-"- ' : , ' H '.',)' whicfccnnoV'M riA0- -iT collect one on Lewis DanieVfor $450i;;one pn.,,' - .mfebytwo.deedxec S.lOO'fcliketllsei i r ' .u ' 4 rrT .'V t 2nr -fl rI present recotlecled., ThereVwis 'oileJiair'jpfiA . .;v ;r. ...Tr.. . ? '. w.T. j ! 1 Uomireti -iioiur.:itote-U.'-;&f..Tnoney pa4b! 'atii ' . sale in the-Town ol Ontord. "on Moodav the, 1st I i :i ... 1. ,i r .-v iL -:J'l j ,K rA,.-, 4. a ne Prancu. uans or, ewfuoeaai,-: letter, ji.Tjvo. - SlJatS ed thefollongTyaluable Tatn flo tieCi atelvon tbe Taylor's Bridge R ,ad IwdihgTCrom tlrl Oxford to Raligh-onlaininghy thtibn h&&& r 1500 acres, about 50 of which Se valuable low l "' grounds-4he balance first .tate: ttplahd Aghlv1 JSfW Yr t 1 'Ami rmoroved bv fencing lobacco ho, &orno i?ft SV?J S - seS stables, negrchouses J-ry comfprta- iUn tb'jfeAMES' WltLlAON TS' ble duelling house foi;.. a small family. Persons ,--u-7i--Ti j-n' f' ' jr.- k- :L:Lt- - Person cpuntyjpYivP.A 303na ,.i .1, lrtm Previous tt heday of. Mr! Yap: ;WAXllffi)W ! 'T ceyt wbo resides on thejand will take, pleasure jn tl -h4';.-H:i, , Also, 1 f,nnery; near X)xfbrd gether ith !E;,ubscribef hitting: reeniW the Stock of LeitbeHl Hbkles,i Dark, Tools, ijVll " T POJt: hsed IhV II 0 U3B 0 REN rEIt- i' and othrthings belonging to the establishment !Mf 7CMENTf6mfrly;tip improTements arivery. considerable .nd almost Charlotl-,N.' Crespetfuny; informs his fnerids '41 VKpt 1 J hew.;-. f ,:,-?r ; . v - ani"th:-.pobiicah 5 Also, two comfortableA Dwelling Hou&eaotf- it ose furthered -IfinsbQroughvitreet-Hin:.OVfonl,in who afeel ws - . i ; ( withvery' House mecelssary for the conveoince :cuVooi.;Ptery; fljortw"illbo iisM to. rentier ' " ' of families.: - r' v C.vt r W;v-i; rtonrhifprtibieV tftf ; v ' - Also. S3 acres of iVttd -paJNevr lieht Ca-eek- will be.made;loiT"eo I ' ii I All the interest of the s.AJsatorario atid to his I The. BedsViioVheddift ainferior, too:HJLt 'to f: I litV Vthe Vett...l-ftAir hta Hni'uieHr.M Fjirtiw I'TuHte, will fiirnished is Well WtiiM rtipVe -Ii -y '-.1 t rnT-e---.Threft Netm S1vpsv maii and Iw.t - wi'iLt the Tiick" coantrv will afford sUe?M with , (men. ; . .-J r' v-i, ;t;quow Of vi!;rv I l uau jix;ewise eu pnrtne iar m yer, piantatt-l tJsuenwjii oe cmpioyea, anu oiaaes aopnoaur. --k . , on. on Fridav"thb-5thitavf Feiiriiarv. theStock 1 lv!furnibed i.;n VftT; aTfiS ' : oHogs; Hoes,.CatUe; CornFodder, Vheat, i f:J&'CS YrJ l"r V $aie. wiIi positiveJybe4m&de apdthe busi sll Jbok. v.- i.. v'C ;7-:k ?tersbu r,n terms accommbdatiritopurchU r$- A V v all who arejidcbtd trfmei-la ict1xa04if ia tV VhireheWshIsdfoKaa ie. the?W- f,uk;. - V-Jil. tl)J. stV duljfc menttheyWrawn,- yl' JV. ftalSihM). 1 '7 32 StiAW?'