1 T' 1 if ' " MrCokN from .the Committee on He- cheo reported a biU ta abishhe 'office Mjor General jnthermr of he United 4Sitt forotfcr, purpose ? -which was twice' read and ctn milted, to iHe Committee xf the whole Housen the. ,stafe of the Union, Oh motion OL;vir. xayimy," w, , Jfcwfrwft 'That he-Com-mUtee-on' Military tary, Pens'ons be Instructed to; enquire! in( the j: C nrovidinc by law, that Hbe, invalid 4.iHioner of the" ReroT.oiiyf' war may avail SiemseW eVof'theAcnjfit ofthe genwcirct of 118 and 182QT Tor of the acr of 1&28; providing relief for the brs of the Revolution, without rebpquiitMnent ot their " iaIUpensibnni:'. ' -fi&SH ' On motipji' oi r?wr.-opeii- . w;vx- , : fteiohTh the Committee ''Cpf9meje:. v. :u.fM.trt tn enautre into theexftedieicv of making APPPTJ'a Iaw farlrf W boat, SllO: Caroli On motion offMr. jDeberry, il was Retolvefc That the J pnttfc n Military in tne nxis jioiwitnstanuinff x as tnere it r;nm.:. r a-j.m.j k:. piujtiuii.iu incur uiai- ujCriJireuiurs, or cjGi the decurities f fp 4 every "VJase 5 anil ej6aiBihV.prdvistons or IhecU a6 not'to;,appy to".aaj ilebfUhlch has beeri cont4acteilMiniIer n J engagement to -be pafd more ipeetliijr.. an byIafger ihtal- t, to be statf6ne at or neai'.thp.firant MlnncV wis "in Vamptico SoQnd, fnthe SUte of j!brth the pension list oi me .unucuiDwws r Ins papers in he ,War iepartment be referred to the saul Committee. ' f. v v f , The Ilouae prqeefted ,to the ' consider Atton of the report of the committee .of E- '!lectipnVorftie memoriat;of RuelWash burr, contesting the election oPJames W. Ripley The qUestVonWill the' Hon ie ajree to the reso! u ttort s recom mend ed . in said report ? wiU ag;tin statedfrom (the 'ch.ifs .riv-v-vy "UW - 'Mrs. Smyth' of Vai - and Mr. Howard ad dressed the House,; in Mppori of the re solution recomm ended foi adoption by the committee on etect'mns.; . .... Mr- Boufden Rpoke in favor of theiglit of. the petitioner to his seat,, . Mr. outhetland r(ise'.tn address the "tHouse, but yiel d ed . the . fl oor.foV.a m oti on to aHjourn. '"Fhe; House thenacljourned till Mondayvnext. i , ; ' LEGISLATIVE. The follbwing Report, uaa preserved tn the House ofv Commons on the daypre vious to the adjotirnmcnt of the Ieis latute, and laid upon the tabled ' ' f Tlie select joint committee, raised un dera resolution of the two Houses 6 take into , consideration the most eftectiial means of .conn,ectins; the waters of Neuse . riverr with, those of Beaufort harbor.' by a Ship Canal, andtt enquire into the pr o- priety of requiring theaid of the General Goverhmentitjtefeto, have- cbnsjdered the iubJect,;and'H,ort;?'';M 7 j f .'Th'a Without' en terihg intda detail of the m any , ad y an tas w hich must accrue to 'the State offiNorth-CaroUna from the ftccomprishment of the work proped, by affonli ng to xa' l arge ami ferti le section -;,of , the State -watered by the .;;Neu8e river, a direct outlpt to the ocean, and thus over coming the natural obstructions which shut it putfom 'ythe.f'cbininerce. of the world, vourf committee entertain theopin ion, that as a work of great national con- -cccii, it claims the consideration and pat ronage of the Gener d . Government. A3 port of entry?,Jand a -harbor af fording a com moil iou ft, arid safe retreat for our merchant vessels w)ien pursued by an) enemy,ann a point irom wnicn anavar armament may. most efteetually annoy a foreign force T arid secure the priies that may'. rewair .thetllantryiof our seamen, the harbor of f Beau for isctoo w6ll Viiown as connected, with - the events of the late war with Gfeat-Bntain to require com- We can see no just ground of complaint agarnst these stipulation noranjr reason toappreIendv that, there? is any thirig in A erir to affeci th e debtor wh p i s ; w i 1 1 i n e to comply with the stinula'ted terms. The acts give ine uirectors no new power, .in relation tosecurities' Theyvalwayr djd judge of the sufficiifericy 6 securities in every casejt and the clause respecting notes' rnade ;nd(er ineciat contract, 're-' lates exctusively'to such businpss paper as, byagreemerit, was to be paid ait in a turity or at two or three instalments. li !II'L: iLI.?. ' u win ue ume enoun 10 -compiain, wnen the Banks shall fail to compl v ' with 'i the proyisions of "the acts and; anyincohve niences 'are 'experienced. -tWe are confi dent thatif the debtors make their pay ments, according to the plain and obvious .meaning of, the actsi all will go on well , Internal Improvements. We commence in ta-days. Register, the interesting. re marks male bv the Hev; Dr. Caldwell, at,thenn"uul meeting of the friends of Iq'terrilil-T mp rovetn ent, held in th is C i ty, invDecember last. We recommend them to thev?spesal attention of our readers, rwhn will not only be esdightened and in- struciea Dy tne information iney impart but delighted with the force and beauty of their expression. They show, howe ver Jrreat the apathy manifested jn North Carolina, that aspiritAf enterprise in other States is beariaj down eVerv otjstacle opening magnificent rivers for internal " ''V'' .' it- i A "it cotnmerce caning up cmes anu .villages in the bosom pt tne wilderness, and chang ing the face of creation Already have we surpassed the calculations of the Chat hams, the Burkes and the Franklins, who foretold the gUry! and power of our Re public, at the dawn of her existence North-Carolina may yet distinguish her self in the race for glory, if slie will se cond the suggestions of her patriotic ci tizens- 1 ' -We perceive that a bill lias been reported in the House of Repre sentatives, to create an add ttiortal Post master General and tct&'dd to the Depart uienf ten Clerks, with'valaries of from SI 200 to R 1 600 each. 6 The good work The 'Tariff. Mwr: the Il-Mort made at an early stie of the present' session of C'i' es, - reiJt've tM ' li 'Tariff, we were which could induce hN tcii.withhold tiae lwm A-jiy- ??Ht&Q&Z- : 0 Jim:lrust: Hayne,invvhis WlII Islt-Ul HIVUi djlttlUf i r 4X3 rf CI J i en coupon . xne rtaeraiisis. - in repry-7 pirrsaiair. y euier, u anj man (eels -$he-! u i Itjs off; Federalism ly i ng ery heavy upon his , conscience; 'he knows where he can get abtolution for bis ain, triotIctState Alrue Americitt pnneipend! feeHnEp"tief aid he ir4ur hb; sectianatifeeKhj and in half art hourcome oiit anoriginal democrat e?tCfZ in the wool" We find, the following retort courteous in the Harrisburg intelligencer,. (Penn sylvania,) , Itjis partof a legislative de bate : ' 7 V' "V':T , ' Mr. CRAfT, a young man of conside rable promise, from Allegany County- ha ving thought proper to answer Mr. Mar tik, of Philadelphia county, on the sub ject of connecting an important subject with party feeling, M r Martin answered fr. Craft, by say in that he would quote the following poetry for; the gentleman's instruction : v 1 " Large vessels canmay venture; mnre, But little Ckaft must keep the stuire." i Mr. Craft replied; that when the gen tleman offered argument, he would con descend tdr answer him ; but as he had been pleased to amuse the house with po etry, he would add the remainder of the couplet : . v The noble swallow seek the sky, ,; But foolish Maiitiss can but try." . 8 . ' 1 I. - TOH TE nALEIOH RKaiSTKTl. ORIGIN OF YANKEE DOODLE' Messrs. Gales 4 Son '. In the simulta neous attacks -that were made upon' the French posts in America in 1755, that a gair.st Fort Du 1 Queshe, .(the present scite of Pittsburg) was conducted by Gen. Brad- tdockand tliose againstiNiajara;& Fron- tenac, uy-uoy; Shirley ot Massachusetts, and Gen Johnston of New York The vfollowing is an, extract from' Jude Mar tin's History of North Carolina, just pub lished, giving an account of those expedi tions. . ;, .vender, and my charges adapted tn theiprejwjirp feliaveiit prese Jot of 'Music - and -his ' fmilv. t 'hiuse-rTers htererbre watacirrt a instance wdq wish co receive mstrupuons-' ,m. this pplite; bknch,!; $0slgSf4 M;;fr Bat'elclfimeb-lOK4 0- TheStar will insert this send their bill to Mrs. Earsley, erweeTcs,'ind c:-i;iv-:-:'.T State of NpYth-paAmai; i J.; ay wiod bunty.'-- lif t "Cdttrt of Ples untl Q'her.Sessrons, ' r : V-..funew-'489. f . ' y. ' H)ben;L ove, . . j. Zachariah Clark St VilJiainVClarlc; Original attach meht against Z ChaTiah CJarkv and a writ as to WiHw'm Cta'rk, to bp joined in'the s'dt.- r : v !; f" IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant Zacbariah .Clrk,149 an In habitant of anotheState-r-The Court ;therrfore orders, th t oblication be made six 'vreekin the Raleigh Register, that 1f .the d fehdant " Zar chariah Clark does not appear nod replevy, or plead, that at n;xt Court judgment mll e.giv en against him, ' ! ?-" " December Sessions, 1829 '. The ahoye ctrder was renewedjantl the ord;r of publication ts above lo be thade.p5 ' t j" " 48 - LOVE CkUtlC. cV victyi-cotjsihtm ot the TJL.otsor Parcel i fr Ground with their Building 4ind Impro vetiifntv - ' - ' and Tract VofLart$ folfowm: vV; $a ?.T'ui liHsj.A t of jtfountl, c- it imng iboutjan attr V t oa.the-.aoatliVt'of Mumlroitfeefritbilrjj:i "y rMselhoajiira ,i' hoilsVstheTn Wndvirna thfunififcl.plHC " '"X'- ; vyrehous; thereon'of merUv Hpry'rWnsonV,. fy; .Qilf .ntinprpyed: Lt&raab09t f wxty'IfeeV' - v front- on , Wmslow sbeetnd running back about t-ii-'' lone huredridweiity .jeet;V(;':'-' ''O! a Ijtde north f akleri LaVe and the b.ihotts1tx:'feetTrnt iad riiiu ! ' One tot, with '4rgy;tiiree;r st''ifimshett''-,-'-v; hrlck hou5e, ihenfleiUbrwocepad kiirs.. a) ioininir:the: Planter's Hotd . atihw fttnt'-t'. 'i i 8 tate of North .C aroliriai " ( Haywood County. 1 ' ', Court of Pleas and Quarter Session,, June, 1829. I j ; Jphn Miller v. Z cbariah Clarfe. v ah Clark, does not appear :and repjevvi or ph adi mai ai nexx iouri juaginemiwiu oegiyerTagaiTisi him ' - . ' ' i -. ' - December Sessions, 1829. , The above ordt was renewed, ;nd the oider of pu dicatiou . ;s above to be made. . ', .i,. 7 48 RO. I.OVE. 'cic. !t. C. rj. Mecklenburg Cotinty Vai tnent. - J ' But it is not the rOtecdonywhich', may De, extenueU to our foreign 'commerce trom this port, that- alone imparts tO; the ' work in contemplation a; nationat j eharac ter'orj! interest. 'Iwouldj' extend the, chain ofi inland navigation, and . enable the ;Gqverhneht'tb' transport munitiohs'of war intime:j of : danger from Boston to Keaufbrti Ud tests thenracjficabilitv ind propriety oi ponneqiing in fa rt h erj: ji mp ro v mcnti the Atlantic States. Your com mittee therefore recommend the. adnpriontheac tiohs.'4' ".''.v)'. v". '" :J ' ?'- .' i-' ' - . AVlUi. GASTON, C'n. Eesdlvrd, That, our Senators m Congress be in.riictetl, arai our Represer.ta'tiyes requested, 'o use their exertions to obtain from the dene Tal (ioverimient an appropriation ;for the pur pose of unitiner by a ship canal the waters. o! Ntuse river with BeaUtbrt harbor. ' A, lusnived. That the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of this resolution, and of the. re J Ktors ahd. Representatives in Congress' - ' ' RAI.BIGH REGISTBR. THUDAVi FEBRUARY "M. Small. Pox. Weregrei to learrVfrdni a privaie,sourcet:inav xni9"qisiressingjiais ease has madeitappearance in Newbern that 'tpore than a dozen; person are infected with' it ThevAutfe this way bv whole of the Retrenchment.- nf.ih ojnuion. 'hat .a-rei.mn of it would towh-rhave1 taWeny steps toi ' prevent its spreading,' and. we hotie therefore tbatits ordered front the North by our Physic jangjf ana we trust, that on its amvakv general; iflrrinannn tun r vAawAi .-i . 1 1 i The new BaW Regulations will Jake no? be seri iusly agitated .it thin timef A biM h?s been lemt d haweer in tblSen iif , by Gen. mt' y the -Chairman of the Cm'! itte of Fiiiance, of a very important ch-'i raster. I: jMopnses ti? modify fron nd after.th30Jh dy of June n- xr, the duies on liofi in b')lts, ffemp, Milas.sesf-Saii-duck, Muiiutrtc'ures. T VViid att Co tod Ch)t.lH whatsoever. Wool unrtjiatiulat tured, Ciothing'.rehu4 y made, Cotton b:g ?i t), CoffVerTeav, VV oil 1 e n C ar pe t i 11 Shot, Fl Sftlt, and souie other,, articles. ;lt prppises tn abolish, from und alter the p:issirig of tjielactf all dutie on Iron,' in . .) ' . . , "r'y V.lrV ' 'J. . !. ' - ' bars . prfpart'il tor -Jtdirway ; and,; from andiifter the SOfhlaV aof June, 1832, to admit, ;Ve of duly; nes of ali .kinds $pice.i Ctf 1 ('octu, various Fruiis, Silks China, lia'ce-i'i h , '.-Sa 1 1,,- Ca.iton Crapes, JLinen CiitnbticsrItwns, Guze, ami a va riety of otherarticler. 'v' ';'V'; V:--' , , 1 . ' Th e . A I e x a n d r i a Gtize t te, one of.;, the best edited and most indeperuleht papers in the Union, gives 'the following glowing description of 1r.; .Webster's .great Bpeech in rlie Senate of the United States', in.repiyio wr. inAYNK. Rvery inmg we "The Army of the letter, fShirley iand John ston) (lining the' SMnimpr, lay onihe Eastern b ink of the Hudson, a little Soutii of theOiti of Albany. In'the early part of June, -.the troops of the Eastern provinces beSn to pour in, com pany ficr company ; and wch a motley jtssem oly of men never before thronged together on such an occasion, u(s an example may be found in the ragged Regiment ot Sir John FaN taflT. It would hjite relaxed. !ie gravity of an Anchorite, o have seen the descendants of the putitans, marching through the street? of that ancient City Albany, take their situation 10 the left of the British -Army, some with long coats, some with short coats, and others with no coat at, all with colours as varied as the j rainbow ; some with thcrr -hair cropped like the Army of Crotnu I),- land ottiers with wigs, the locks of which floated With grac- around tlWir should ers. Their much, iheir accoutrements, and the wh le arru'ig' ment of tht: troops, furitished mat" 1 ter wf uif tisemeht'to the rest of he British Army 1 he; mus-c pi yeo the airs ot twc centuries ago. ..od ihe tovL ensemble, upon 'the whole, exhibit-, ea a Sight tf the .nde.ring strangers! to which tfiey hacJ b,ei n unaccustometi. . Among the club of u its thai belonged to the British; Army, there was a Doctor Shack''urg, attached to the sUflP, who combined with the science of a; Surgeon, the, skid and talents of a musician. To please the new comers, ie composed a tune, and tvith inucligravity recom.mended it to the officers as one of the most celebrate t airs of m rtial music. The joke took, to the no small omsemeiit of the British : Brother Jortathati exclaimed it was nation Jine, and in a few days nothing was hearil in the provincial camp but the air of Yankee Doodle. Little did the author, in his composi tion, then suppose, that an air made for the pur pose of levity and ridicule, should ever be mark ed for suchhigh destinies.. In- tt'ehty years from that time the national march i inspired the heroes of Bunkers Hill, and in less than thirty vLord CornwaUis a'nd his Army marched into the American 1 me s to the tune of Yankeeel Doodle." CflHE Subscriber, who was some time a Tu- Cl tor in the University o this State, has 'ta ken charge of the Bodton Male; Academy, f The Exercises will commence on the 19th instl In fxh ition to he Branches of Learning usually, tfluglit in the best institutions of this grade, in struction will he giye'nto such as desire it, in the F'rench aiul Spanish. Terms of tuition, for the Languages und Mathematics 12 50, Common snd English Branches' -as r,ralnm ir, Geography, &c. f 10, for the Session of five nohths. Board may be obtaii d in respectable families. at $6 per month. When every hing xs furnished to Students, as fu-l,"iu-:tshing, candles 8cc. the expence n no case will exeeed ,35 dollars' a ses ion. From iti great 4e ah hfulness, moral and refi-.ed society, cemrft; situation and conveni ence of :ccess, ' Boyttfon'possesses many, advan tages for a permanent literr -:y establiahnient. JTjli'e Academy is very retirelaiul remote from the oustle of the town, and the inhabitants wPl co operate with the teacher in the suppression of vice and the preservation of order. As the m rals ot those committed to my care be strict-, ly guarded, none of notoriously ' bad character need be sent, as they will not be permitted, by remaining to contaminate others. ' Of the' eli gibility of its situation, the 'fact of its having been selected as a location for the contemplated CoHeiro, i&sutncient evidence. With a view to the design of which "institution, tn bring liberal learning tmlhm the reach ofpermni of moderate fin-tunes the Board -and Tuition have been fixed at low r ttes. -r1 ' Of; my competency t teach the French and Span'rs ., 1 have satisfactory testimonials from the Professor 'of Modern Languages at Chapel Hill. V , JOHN J. WYCHfci. Jan. 10, 1830. 43 3w , , i , ,1", r tii 1 - .Ti rciiuuiio i -fliui:kcreiuE.-r no comDiimemea me - - . . ,; ( ' " . J. ..,1 J j 1 . ' , h. r . T"f:iLfBEri50tI)f ,.on(th56nifdayfof Jtfafch ''.. nef,'at Publio'SaleiT At trTTow'n House in rayettevllle, all the Real Ustate -f'hr B.mk t.fX''. big '-.House excepte"d)?belongiDg to ihe' State . ryi, Bsnof ovth-C.wotina,iivFayett'evine: ahdit V , f liayTnountltbraHjfly tleiuBransoti ' s 'o'fK'il! wnq mi viii f-crsonisireei'.wiin a targe .vvare 1 -hoiise thereon,-Tenled hyfthe tbwa as -vPiiWijf;-''.-SfA'' 1 Flour Warehouse: KM.i'-v V"'4i v One. Lot; situate on a. cross street . bet weeri Per- i ' f , 'P ; I'son a ftd JScisseJ striet iwh.a Knnd.w 'il- i t oryr D wjlmg Mus'e, cpeGaMen'Sil' 'r ; ti' One Lotfronfiug oiif Person lBowitreetaV , yv; ? ka-few yunls-'eaif of,te.o'wi!I.ciu$e!witb;a larger ; 1: '$tore tojis. on 'each1; it reet; ( an'cboVcneitX - - ilfe", , Warehoiises back formerly Ohf er Pece, r ' - ; I fpne' It witb'awnvV 4V;3'' omi yiic or ova yvaguni 1 s ; aojpiningvsnuaiO . ,; fyi i," beJween Gille'sp'ig'iid Dick reetsoppdsiter : 1! hc oivr .pnt oin,ieriy-jiieprorwny 01 JiUncan, : To'; -mpson,wv, ii.M?v Several ptttd etteville, aWd two Well hown and coivenitut'f :f f f A IolSith yf wti story Jioose ' offi vro-' fert Original attachment. !f; mnts trontmg ota; HayKbetv-oppi8itev.Xne ., wi' ST-appearing; to the satisf icvoi- of the Court, Mansion Hotel. jand-r'mijng jtack toyOldsVrcvU that the de'lend mt Zachariah Clark UWivihlia?; farn ; y'' . f '- J J- hit ,ht of another Slate The Court Uiereforr .'-Ttiat elegant aiid diraWe eiidencts ri Hay tjk ':,3;: orders, tmt publication be made six: weeks inth5 mount, called tbelMUjaTt ptace;;iwiih ahout yV-J Raleigh Rep-ister. thtif the defendant bftrhr- twelve acres Of Ordahd. VThe dwelline- hotisVn :..'VA-I large and Coinmodious, cemmiodiitffi: a fiiiieview' of the tpWtv-the garden andy buthpuses; hay 1 ; l.itely b en pit tnf 'stateaf repair. .y This' pUce' ' 'viS isadmirablv calculated for a summer stat(or ner- t-W' manent ruleneetfoirr Jnersph 'fiVmg:4V,tti'..l6tr ; Country in purAut bfiealth). i.? ' - --W'V-;'- '.S'-). ;-ft$ 1120 Hcrps of t olerably timbered,Xand, , within ' two miles, ot Fayetteyille, wth anive.tvcUeatT Milt Seat on a nverfaUingtream, running thro' he lawls 'formerly Jbhn Ifadfeyrsiy!-: i y;;.'. 640 acres of tao.1 -on Beaver Cr.etfc;I within , VV si x mites of Fayttevilie, forme y f-iiVkiri New- ' iyi byN. .'- : - f r - : y ;yyv,rv . , i acres ot unv within aouta';.iTHle 'and - . v"V' aV half "of tbn''ar.i)'gWy - tuaiionsYor buildinir, on whlcbHhere ae excel . -Xi Pi rn . . . ... . - .. .- . . s ount. - prings, a little north west ot Haym 1 08 1 acres of el r o ded vsanil hill Lands, "a : within tour miles of Fay etteyihefbrmerly jthe .4 ) property of John MKai hjfi :y 1 J-r t i-.'''vTk-'ii (i t i4M)nuun.ui unn jw fitiTVi ursi, rata v af ;t! 1 Land, ort the east sideof the Cape-Feat Itiver, v ' vf -';!' about, three. 'miles btlbw Fayetteyill?,yfbrmerjyv - tj '- fify Thnma llavis'si. 5 V 50 acres of Land on th .t J; yy e east side of Cape-Fea Tiiver, 15 nnU?s -beow VFiyettevjlle, adjm'ia frf? lands onffin to the ht ira of JohnTtiaraesi v;y y 1 v A very liberal credit w?B be given ta the p.ur-, ' V if chas .t.4. "Particular trms.'made ktibwh at 'the 1 4 J t ? . MARRIED, ; On the 26th ult. at - the residence of Col.' Da vid Hooks, in Duplin county, bv the Rev. Leml. Hatch. .Mr. Thoa. Wr irht, Jun. to Miss Eliza Hooks, second xtausrhier ..of. Col. 1. Hooks 1 and on the 28th, at the residence of Major Thomas Wright, also by the Rev, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Sal. 1). Hooks to Miss Sarah Eliza, daughter of Maj. Wnghf, all of -Duplin. y i In Gnnville county, onihe 26th ultimo. Mf. John Fuller to Miss Rebecca .M arm ; and-on the 28th, Mr. Joseph Howard to Miss Mary Paihani. 1 DIKD4 In this county,, on the $Pth ultimo, Mr. Henry Terrell, in I he 45 th year of his age.,v He had long enjoyed uninterrupted health j until Wed nesday evening, the 27th, when .he was sud denly taken 11 while , attending1, to the concern of his farm, and remained speechless to the mo ment of his death.; - Mr. T. was a very worth v jtfitizjen, and- much esteemed by'all " who knew htmrvHe has leftja wife and ten children, with the more anxiouV.to te&W and we are snortty gromiseu tiiat gratiqcaticn oy, tne EtHtnrs of the National Intelnsencer '; F05 two days, MirWerterenchaTned a nu merous aiidrence;: nb wearibesv no satiety,; wa felt but every man draak;'ih..ithpleasurejind' delight the,deepv clear tons oi his j yoicei fun bonscibusf ;the iprpgressr bfyip'C.Hey ws calm, cbllected and ignifiebHe; showed that tjht shafts bf bis antagonist had - fallen harmless at hit' feci. y. At Vtrnta he Via severeand; sarcas-: ficu llis jrbny,- pointed and delicate, -penetrH ed at' every, jhrustJ- Tne.Very ;weanon that had been psed against him, :befteizerLJahb5!'turne.fi into fntrumeuts of. attack upoii hia tas$aijanV. Rut tlie tecbnd day,' in his., aitnehtb'bbn he constitutional power 01 a ajaie 10 BUiiuytan act of Congress' be was eminently great. .Ta use a 'fierure of Mr.V,Ifiyne'fLf he bore ofT upon bis .sale, which will 'be made: by order'of the Irei- - V v?" dent and u (rectors of.saia is tnK. , t 1 ; i t DUNCAN CAMERON. President ' itkS Raleigh, Jan., 14.' U - "Jl! ? 'J -1 Valuable Lands and Mills: -.'- nf r T .. 1". 1 - 'M i.:il Au.rit! 5- .'iil "fmdes 0 tliis citj, lying in ' t lie fork ofjCrab: tree and Walnut (Jreeks and NeXise .Hiyei'Siconi t .ining about 1000 acres. ;ATn ere istVabpm 100 0 $ acres of bottom l.nd. The upland is iicli I abd lies y l well. .About 2i0 icreiJ of the licl iibVW; liAM state of cultivation, and Wfll calcti'atedJi'they '-, tylyV culture ot Cotton, com and siriall irraiti -Th"Sr'i.' i-'AWjt jmprbvements. are a GVist Milf-.w'ttb;. three pair 01 -siwites, aivi iiic nceiHry jnscinnery- lor ine 5- Si? y h- 5V- hear in relatiorrtb this debate, renders us bumeroiis otherelativesahd friends; io mourn .'. . 1 ineir rrcuarauic iius. ; ! ! . In Newbern, on the 26th tilt, in the 20th vear of his age, : George p A. Burgwin.eldest son of John BurgWin, Esq. ot that place; , ; . . J. , 1 The .uncertainty t of Tife was : perhaps, ijeveT more strikingly rdhiitrated than , iri,tfie death of this amiable arid much esteemed young ;roanl--n the enjoyrheat'of nbust,be.alth,rin theigour of early roanhbbVl, and in he, very( budding iof hfs usefulness, he became a yictira of a wasting and protracted' disease, .. which .has blasted; the w elt tounde'd anticipatton jbfshis doatipg rela iiyes,' ami terminated the fond' wiahes -of an ex tensive, circle of ythfttlitimHter In the sCale of genuiu emritjthe" deceased occu pie4 a conr spicuous adon yjVith amlndmuewtt Vir tueand prudence and exb ibtting a "tendency o prtical osefi bbngiy ahve -'tothe " tenderes impulses of ' do jnestic and social affection: JTo -speak; copsota tioii to tlie .felinsrsj ofthose who auflfer front so snomaers jue pyiars a tne lempie 01 jgnorance 1 amwumg aaispensauon,i is tne peculiar, province Buffalo Shoal School. AN enfeebled constitution, renders it impos-, sib le for me to take an extensive circuit in the practice of my profession as a Lawyer ; and I therefore propose, assisted by my brother, td open a School n my house in Lincoln county.oo the Catawba river, nine miles from Statesville, and twenty-four from Lincolnton, on the first Monday in March next : by which time ; jny buildings will be" completed. My house s large and roomy i and 1 have begun to erect small but comfortable Cabins, simitar to those at the WinnsboroURh and Piatt Spring Academies' bf South-Carolina. The situation is a handsome one is known to be perfectly healthy, and has the advantage of being entirely removed from all placeS-of dissiiation. No scholars will be ta ken who cannot board; with me as a "member of my family v ' - ; . I; will tach the Latin and Greek Languages;? theMathematics, and the Elements of the other Sciences : Andalso, if Required bv" parents or guardians; U 'ijl ttach with great care the ele mentary branches of an English education. ', Tbr ition and boarding, including candles, wash! rig, &c. &c. Will be furnished for one hundreel' -dollars per annum, twenty-five of which must be paid in advance. . No scholar will he taken for a less term , than one quarter'! but: entrance may be bad for one or more quarters at any t ime after the opening of the school. ;." ' y' 1 now have one LartaStudenit imdarn anxlbilS to get : few. more ; to, whose examination. and ineuotiou I would devote a sntficieht portibn oft i me to enable them to proceed ..with much greater e,ase than they generally do in: lawyers' offices, in acquiring -knowledge ,of their, pro fession ; tbir it Ma ! notorious fact, that jra'ctising Uwyers have nefthertimel or inclination to,tli rect; the .studies of their'studentsC and tbat they do not wtamine them as often ms once a mnnt h. i'lJhder such circumstairces, a ' young man' must pursye rus wuuies. to, great nsaavantagex ana obtam liceise to iractise withmt'a. competent lunu 01. practjcainnrmation. ; 1 ao not propose, to deliver law lecture's j but I willpomt withe authors br he p n s of them wtiicb ought to be read . examine the young men daily tipon therh,' cjonverae.with thein upbn;the 'changeswhtch have been'.made in the English U w-by the conu stitutroO iabd la ws of theiO. ; f thecoistituj ion and laws of this State ftnd bv '.tbe1. decisions f. the Supreme Court.' I have a Very good library mantttacture of Ftourr ; one Saw Mill, witu twou ').' haws j aiMi a oiun itn ; also, improvement iv (w, i,fp for the accommodation ol'ah Oyerseer and l oirV-,' 20 hinds. If the abbve Jsynbt disposedoVat 7C '-.lJt private sale .before 'trje 3drVfpd y in.Aiumbyjni'' ' -'L FelriiarV;nWit, it willlm tjiat Hjiy be btP-redfor , , sale at public aUCti)n, he?orevtheHlbiU'ti)ouse in . Uaieigh, Fdr ternsLapply tat he Vi'tiscfibe,1 r ' THOii CO BBS Itdeirrh. Jarw 13J ' V - rw f ' ' .y v '1 , -' ' ii.' ' -' 1 - icotrimittccv.. . ;-. m$m iranarv x . m. na, oh the 12th .fbstaqC a 'jfc'gt-, Mai Wned; ; Ia- ZaohariBh- Buggi fWbd last from Isaac BrtKbrtUl'rlbeflallantyiLi:i V-H) t Virginia, shkI bjg!fi(W$l i tyfviH of lemehrary law books t TQr tbemse of whfchV fbrostructKMy and fbrboardregv ioclub'iiig "pm dies and washing1, will - bhargeeach -student one bunUdo)laMer annum, twenty -five of which inubep y Al pplicatibtrs must befnade tb 'me ln per son, or by letterydirectedtb7 Vrry, Ire dell countv ,-or to SUtesvUe f' : .ybrparticuUrs as to my nullifications, I refer to Judge .Badger jof lialeigh,.- or tollajor; Hei tierson of Lincolnton. . ; vC , , v i 4 1 he stakl about three wceJcsU atMrusselVi ' ' from, rence- his roastert&rte& - ana about Sai eomt neaae ins. rscapej irom.u union inc jpW. . . .v -r i three. weeks aero. ' ' y yXfl if ': d -'negro i 5 "fee'6-qf? inche high,V dark. 51 jlectuinand sayseus;5ears"bld.- . '4Pj& The owner is rexjuested to come -forwardi V- JJ prove propeny, a wi oim awv. v -r . ' ; AsheWlle,pan. 15?y- y4:3wpy - -v " 't , jh the Clerk'. Of. . JrS'f - - 'ii y-, d TOLElNTput of hft-.pokeg O fice atyBoxb'orbiigb,5 Person couniy; a, Blacfc Leather Pocket pudc, containing a number ot vaiuaoie papers,; iuuiLcr ui -ihmvswiimiiu, ;- '" 'V- wbicb cannot at present be remembered, re , .: r..,,i'. collect one, on Lewis 0anjiel, for $450onebitt Francis Lawson, y itli .Wm; St reet - security, br 100 ; like wisfe," a number bf small Notes, imt al 'y'&P present recotlected 'here waVbnalfb -iSv, Hundred Dollar bote, tt:- fioneW:fpya6lat' I th Rranrh Kanlr.iif New.Orleahsi . letter: t7i . 'tJ . a, psper, payaoic aivnarieston-fc leev: in x j , : ' ? 2140! une.vien iioiiar none, oi inft- stM.e:.iianie a of Nj CAnd btie Dollar Note of the&me Bank, . : t : I wjttCumoeV jof Cbisbles. Keceits,hdt h'er valuable papeic kl Wbld forewarn .. . . ..--:.yiJ Ironi.'traditig jfor. Qp$ibjs., bteaof hnd.o . JSpJ iher. ppersij To ;any person findings of giving I - , ; . 'V;''.-?-ihfbnnatibnrof the?Focket-bbbk rewaraotVrf bvteuveting oitvthe same wmiiC:r yersthountyyovj 0. rTT . i. . . r t 'it 1 till il ti i'THE- Subscriber' having ; recently ' ' 'y; KurctiasedtHe HOUSE OF EK FEUA t T?.TAINMBNT. jfbnnetly :ptly:-v -.-vvi i; b-i: piitklnWw the town oC' - v and tb phhethav 'House ibr th reception and en ' ertain merA bf all.: . . : 0 who niay feel'disposed to'hbno: him ' with" tiuf - ' persona 4 comfbrtable.ra'Hid unremifted; exertions ; jf ' will be made tb'ive:iidft.1tac;tb ' The tBedi and, bedding kre inferior tptione ibi f ; yTable wIl b Tfbjm'islie4 iu-'feir si the niarltet iy.. vM'f the, back-wintry will .'afford i the Br with bV' - . ? , quorsof therbes qualitjr attentive Vivl truafjfif. , Ostlers will be employed, and 8taiW' bunJant. ,

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