- '.jv' : v. vkf public lands, s to prevent ie ,VJ-i f-- uTactunng States -Sir, it is pad enougiu t . rr, 77 - overnmeht "should Premne to regulat the V , ;; ' V r- . .. if4. itlJf.-i.i.Lw f TJlC Hon.- John TV!tr;. fm. ki-s- Jint f i1?r; appeared ;nd4bok. his" aealv ithat he' w morrow jtsk leave t1irrh t 1ft ' k: . iocy&fid Vo orgixe-.tnXM &bof : &ULUiJ;hjhutKt Shaft fof- cQnicum unaer tuef sedition act. fc'Mr?lllueVeanTesent ; acit;,oVyu .1;" -iT "?"A ' w 1 - it i -. . . ;. V - ,- 1 . ' ' - r TvS bve Mtudcd Irv thK11 hi Krr ibtWrl acts niHiiniviir(vwy 1 tfty&4$J&W .?lt..ttst -Ci: ?::.:.; i-fUt;v.f ran ntiiiiic . Btteuium 10 ; ue . ciuesi ioiu 'i. -.- .Kr.r tii-fii . fwr: croiie 4.nd uiuliifesteu hay heretofore pursued, in" relation M toe 1 -'-A - "U.Ln.. '-mTl.f? hran&r lllir n till II lift d:rK & :aftd4heininds;iurttvi ijeiiplp, fc a lusrhnip ;:fjpif for S:,lc a. the l.2lesr price that puhl 1?!tW aUI;pr..Uuce, with limit. cili'ate the formation of dh States, but Vi-i Let us !'ifriJvi.-L President; SbftgW exampleHereisaJarge, v .coe;'Ve?r t' ex ntnine these opin. tpry cpming intohe possession of the XJ :!v!n; nitfa States, without any inhabitants but fZ JWf nawua, peasis a Territory h;iriir4 tri'e iaspoli'f gov- which is to be converted mto a soyeretgn rnfpenne fimrthat 6hevparif;mbra Y"U commence 1 ?!:s m KvrW--iWtioW this -Tour operations by surveying and : selling 'J1 iridm viW Pinion-' that irirt'ie -settle A I v - f ii W 6 VTf n Bt a i e a n d j h e-xl pt ti S SSViot btr ih , -iiMl tnp rUDIIC'.lillli( l"iu;irp jioa-uutBuru iy '" ". www. w ww wwn- ) r)3w hundred years at least if not for all tune td , come. The inhabitants of this new kucli avsystetn, it is most ;! ' lCotTp: rdtap trti i is:-VnS frvv I 'obvious, must-have -commences their ph -ftrtii I rt m V j- rJV . wav derations ndef a load of tlebt; the adnual r?'sun payment joCwhich jBust necessarily drain BSISbmfewIm their;countryof the whole profits.nf theif 7;"Vrtn labors just sorting as this system shall f li ftast.,..' This debt is due, npt from some ; iKiifeVtv the. State lo others of the same' iSI l Stale (in which case the money mnfc T?-:rr remain in tlie country)- but:it ii(hjeromc WtM UnlletirttVs byf whoWitvisgregtilarly drawnlr'tubeetpelrde Sir,! ft ; tlieinount ot: this debt hasf in?every one 'f rcki iy aettt ijouj i n e-trr .$ti$fc StatesV act nallnnstatitk ex : .rt w y(ltiontohic; MjWW .ceedeU jbe. ability bf eple tb pay, V mfimtt' bVVthet ; that you have : hVd :im&iMmW been cbihpelle'd,from titne to time, in ItS, and in sbme instenwes evertto remit f -tv S S)bis 1 'lhp portions; of the debt; in order-to protect ' total fuin NowMrPresident, At will Whether, ntKlfe thisysteHe People "f f.ni?C:;;pdru tlTf recllr.t ihreasuiTaadopteiiinth t4c5wRt":''' l:iiyior69 nmU thbartnaoilnd the i.lvafiut i"Pi?cncyftheeOwS;I -tc" .TengliiJhrJhe Fjeiidiand irnhae iernfrbn dawf eB ihsefc cotlm t lOrt? -Terr !: soon 1 Cmc io,o,cnn8Hifreiias rofreij;: nominal, . oppress. . rouwi ?u vb -r Z f 'w-. Sd jjei?r ringed trtfie nuffued 1 degrcf.mult'bavebcerhhe effects of a kin- .?mf not Irf the nature of hlhthatHt slibdhave ehtialiy agncultatat leMod Ian cdf loathe witelSurhvna thesntem under beenthrrwise: -i' 5vft -1' JeTve of.nq -ftofic thafcan polsibfy.'b pupaed wKVch U? !x.6Ti'nttj MK oiginaUy settled, Let gentteitieh now pause 'aiid consider foe a tn Tetafibn tolhe pobbVlids; raiid'ndeirrtfiatta moment what would' hare iirWprobableef be moref'forthe cbrn hichiabled tbera H a few , years to a- an oPPosi; policySoppos a thin tbusem as tbe, rl1' tk -1 certain portion of the State of Missouri had been cure asyjimto that clasrfof our, fellaw oiwn?; C WDSeP??d5Ce V '4b? K t' original 1.U off ahd abld to tbectar settlers WhoVany, pbriion of chtryhkf nd; TT"r:" !,wr K,a, for the quit rent or a. peppercorns ore ren ior inemseiyes unaotep procure a comtonaoie sun vhle thej jwidUO&Untian J, mthingf tp a sJa!l price to bef paid down eaAF Then, sjstenceiby the; iuslmmediateytbith ihe niiither cjnuntrfv Sif. alt the moneyithawas nialde' inthe coun- reach: Kwpuld bf-a Hist andlibemsyiteiini con fhelrindustfv .were suftVml to v remain In t-y. 'J-Si - -. x v; ' . heito whh and si i N w w hat, -1 v j1 ther than this -tht' iCaflo'ril tth'e onVy reM arid pr aB uut mai pHjcT-iiuaieuon ine oni hardshipand pnvations necessarily inri- rreniuneratiblrffor the Value of the land so granted in ihe additibn9 t? her power and I fhe new' suurces of ctmniefce anil )f wealth tbnwderalion of centlemen, whether the: LUhitediSiats towards Vhe new -States, in K.i. '.t-ri..i;i. i.il-." ... r L 1? -I'll. iuesTC!Si na orfti iiuije so lusiranu uue- ra, a we nave oeeu itrcusioineti i oneye. Certain it iv,' tli it the Britisli 1 Colohie to the Nonh of ii;- and ihe Snanish &r French to thf South land- West, h.ve beeiVfjis'treiL 1 anti" rearpnup unoer a very . aiereit sys tem. Lianns: wiiica hatl oeeu tor hikj or a 'hundred yparVoneii to every "se'tier, .... witnout anv cnarye Devonu.tne exoence 01 m . 7 r ; 5 r . 1 :ZVJ ?T"' '.-":.,.M-"u,-e"v ",lJ ,,M " coffers by coining our lands into now consider for a moment, Mr. the effect of these two opposite the "" ine u,oa u t. new oiaie. out i. portion "of : the lands,' op long credits to actual settlers ; and, as the population rPprberesseStVyou go ortytjar after, year, on j jn a k 1 1 i g additional jales on the same (r fifty r rid wel J. f:Sir.tf'nd er a's vicm whrcKWy rinnithis-is contant pera.tingbonthewelthTofrth xommtlnit "jthouiifr"- Uett-wlth cSrSwwkrcl it Wn .vetsaioejie inai tne, conquel . 51I. a -new f much of wealth and prosper COOnjtrj, tnevnnlfg out the savH bfttSl .provement nv science and.inerans, now; mucn 01 and ill orel savage men,n cu t ting tfbWn individual and soCiat happiness -would liave been ;soMu the d l!::1 1 fe don . 1 1 1 y "r . . ; .Mr. President, .with this topic. jvi , Hutu rn Tna rnnkaniiifi' it w r ia nil iirniict i - . . l. . a. l c - I . - OnTtoVultivatcd fields yrli- worth ' the fe f licy of the Government in relation to the Public Simple of the anil ?Arid was it not beliei- we find the most opposite and j irrecon etJ that thev ronjhor c uhtry found ample cilabltf opiniona iietween ,e -two parties which l t. ikhirhlii Will UtC LUC QlttlC Ul ' XTJ 1 99U I It UT ' WiTY - - .ira I I -K W mm V m V. T, V m M - rv aim ) 1 r 1 A ar lit kv Kmi"nnKftfrlbf:inaftZ:v . bottofn'of mv ioul da 1 abfior.and. detest the. jaea fields re scathctls by the I try would haverepMinedinhe county, and, I fWTm K.nJ tWKvinrl tirrt''ili' liVfirn &iA I abundant utreums tirvimg triTougti tne land, nare appose, effected ihe pro- j eeeds had eonento theStatelTreasiiry, he re I tSt ictt a teeticent local govern- J powers for the improvement of 1 the conditiopf Us citizens.! Who canaay, how ty4 now much otim-1 of the; next contended that the ,public land oujjht Wle re served as, permanent . fund tor revenue, and tu ture -distribution among the States, while, on th otner,, it is insisieu 1111 mc wiioip or inrse lauus qf rieht beloncto, aid outfit to be relioquished to tne States in wmenmey ne. i snail proceea to thiow not some. ideas in. relation to ihe pro posal policyJiat4e ptibhc lands ought to be reserved for these purpose. It mav be a ques tion, Mr. President, how ftr it is possible to con vert the public lands into, a great source ot reve nue. Ceriam it-s, that all the ettovja here'ofore made for this purpose have most signal jy failed. The harshness, if not injustice tf the" procfl- jnr. puts those upon whom u is to operate upon the alert to contrive methods of eyadlnj. and connteractinff out, policy, and' hundreds ot schemes, ip the,4hapeov approprKtious'of landr tor Koacis, uanai ana acnoois, grants to aci.u ti seiHers, &c. are rt-siorted to for the ptirjbae of Controlling our operations. 'But, sir, let us take it for granted, that we will, be able, hereafter, to resist these applications, and to reserve -the' whole of your lands, for fifty or for a hundred years, or for all timej to comie, to furnish a great fund for permabent revenue, is it sir-ible thht we shoula do so? Will.it promote the welfare of the U. States to have at our disposal a per manent Treasury,- not drawn from live pockets of the people, but to be derivedfrom a source independent of them ? Woyrld it be safe tocon fide such a treasure 4tb'thekeeprng ofs our na tional rulers ? to expose them to he templationV insuperable from the direction a.id control of a fund; Which might be enlargejor diminished al most at pleasure; wftliout imposing burthens up Mr the people ? ? Sir, I may'bVTsmgular per haps 1 stand al-me here Nin the opinion, but it is onfJ have long entertained; thai one' of ihe jrre.est safeguards Of liberty is ai jealous watch fulness on the part of the people, oyerthe collec tion and expenditure of the 'public mbfiey a T watchfulness that can only . be - secured- where 1.1- ' '1: l.". 5 . .1.. r tne v money; .wn?n , oy jaxauon a orec iy trom tKe pockets onhe'people; i Every -scheme or contrivance oy wucn nuers are able to procure wibCh rulers are able to procure tbe command ot money by means unknown to, unseen or untelt by, the; People, destroys this security. Even the revenue system ,-of this coun try, by whicb the pecuniary eyoUrces are deri ved from indirect ttucutitn from duties upon iui norts -has done much to" weaken the resnonsi- bility of our federal" rulers tor the People, and lias made, them, ; iii,; some measure, careless of their t rightss and regardless of the high trust committed' to their care. Can any man believe. a J sirVthatif $28,000,0.i0 per annum was no w levied by direct taxation, or by an appertionmeiit of the same among the States, instead of being raised by an indirect 4 ax, of the severe effect of which few are awace, t h t ttve waste and extravagance, the unauthorized imposition of duties, and 'ap propriations of ; money for unconstitutional bb- jeets, oulqbave been tolerated for a i singte. year i iy nie - upon ii, sir, tney. would not. v I distnist, thereforej 'sir, the policy of creating a great permanent National Treasury, whether to be derivedfrom public lands or from any ovher ourcer' . If I. had, Sir.lth'e powers of a magician, liu vuuni J . w- ..w w - Ul VUllVtTl . ... . . f. this capitol into gold tor such a purpose, I wiuldi not do it. IF I could, by a mere act of my ViH,' put at the. disposat of the Federal Government any amount of ireastjwe which I might;thiuk pro per to name, I" should limit the amount ta the- jbeans necessary for - the legitimat e purposes the Government.-8iri an irnmense national trea- surywpuld be & fund for corruption. f It Would enable: Congress anu the Executive to exercise control bvet States, as well as'Over "great inter ests in .the country! Tiay; even over corpoi-ations and individuals utterly, destructive of the puri ty nd fatal to the; duration of our inatitntinuiiJ ftr would be-equally fatal the' sdvereignty Cand those wh believe taf the very life of pur aya ten ia the inieptndinti tht Stale . & that there is no evil more to be deprecated thart thd cojuq-J uuuiwn -wi t4vwuyjiincuu; i, ls-qpiyj-qoy strict adherence to the limitations imposed by the Constitution cm the Federal Governments that this system worka well, and can answer the reat eu. ioc wnicn h wis R'tuteO - J. ani cp- l'wi- .ntiuus,-m wir siiBCi io ail unrjeces! sary extension of the., powers, ior Hhe influence lof tlte; Legislaire or Executive . of " thUnion oyer the. Butefr the Veople of "the States, andmosVbf alU J an opposed i to those-ariial tlistrtbutipjvs of fayofs,whrt WhieE lendebcy tb spread cprru'pb'on -thrHi the iand tcreaeanbleapb?iii Of j dbendec---tb bwthe aes of chssdlutiontb ir mppg thefftrentriWwonk of the UnlTm aTand ;finally to $ap Iprery fobiilioi of ihe. roVertimentlutelfliW , utywrti. tcic ia ..wtucrrpuxpose-iO'Wmcn it beenXsupposed thV public UndcarCbe- apA - -4 J In cnmin to the consideration i uve oriurc iwrsvnucw. uu uic. unc muc it i PYFMcuin .iC!i,xeasury IJepartment under the j, Ute admibisjration.pfv'eo :relitin thW-dispUUnprj the1 publib" laiidi as to fcreata and preserve iu certain: quV rt er bp the nion Pbfiulatn 'nt fbrductmga ctunng e. jlishrdynts. at ii wpr-sed, Sitf by the udyocates:ofthe r ierican Systenvlhat the yertr into rrat and fjounshinjconimunies, mat entire clsi'nF nprsnnThr u;niiM otherwise be pMapers in vour streeis,.ana, outcasts in soci5iy, pMapers , and;by sb 4oi !y ou will b fulfil he vjreaf , trust which' has been confided ip.ywia 'X:3 1 ; . oir tiirrc is anou er,cnne in rc huuii lu iuc publiclds, which, m it addresses itself to Jth donbtless fiod man v advcutes V I mean Ihe.dis tributibn of the obbtic . lands ambrie the States. accordinar to some ratio hereafter to be settled. Sir,this system of dlstribuVion U. in alt iU shape liable toa manv--and nowerfoJ robiectioisw-4il wiu iibt'gd into them at tbja;4imeibecau3kthe"'ab-; ject has recently; undergone a thoroifgh disrug sion in cne oioer rtouse. ana oecauevr ironi-pre sent luuications, we stiau , saoruy nave ,ujine subject here 44 Sufficient . unto the 'day s 1ie e vil i hereof. . I come now to the claims -set ub by the Vyest to these, lands. ' , The first ms, that they have 'a full and neifect Jegal aqrf constitu : tionaji right. fu all the. lands ;wif hri.thTr.'reipes u: iiiimuh i ins ccutii was sei up lur nr-sv nie ohTy a 1 e w y ears ago, and has heeii i adyoCated oti tins noor oy tne. genuemen trom tAiao ima anu inuianat wiui gieatr z&ttann aoiiity.v:'Wrinout having-paid .much attention to! this ptuht.it hs apjjcarcu j me, tnat tuts ciaim is unienaoje. 1 'shall not stop to enter into the argoment farther than to say, that, by vthe very,4erms of tle grants uHuer wucu tne .umteu . -states jjna veT-acquirec tnesCf lanus, tne absolute propertyjn Ihei sen is vested in tnemv and mtistj.it would seem, con tiue Sb unti I the lands bali;be abjd rfo'therWi"se disposed of. Iican easiTyl.cortceivejh( ix JjiTSmav be extremely inconvenientirhay Inghl v fnpi'riQus to a State to have immense-bo(iek tC laiid wth in her cbariered limits: docked utrom sale and settlement, withdrawn from the power of taxa uwii, aiiu tuniriouring in np respect t-ner weaitn or properi: But--; t bought .lhiTtaite-.of tftlnr nwy present strong claimjTiptf the eeral CiCK vernment for t he adoption of aiberal4 policy tp wards the new States, it cannot anct,the ques tion of legal or constitutional right.Beheving tha this claim, on the part of the .West, wUH?y er be rccbgnid by the Federal Government t must regret that it has been urged, as Ihink it will have no other effect . than to creates preju dice against the claims of the 'new SCatesU i - But.fir, jbere haabeen another much more fruittul soured of prejudice. I mean the demands constantly imTde from the Westfpr partiaiap propriat ions of the public laitds fpr local object Sv 1 am asto .ished that gehtfemeWfrom he West ern couniry have not perceived-the tendency 6f wu(w, lu nyei upon tnera tor ever tne sy stein which they - consider so fatal -to their in. itrests, , Ve have been told,; sir; in the!-coprsl of this debate, ot the p .infuU an3 degrudbrg ofS fice? which be gentlemen from that quarter are co m pel led to perform, in coming tiere, year af ter yea rin the character of petitioners for these petty, favors. The gentletnsn from Missouri tella us, iif they were,oit goadrd on by their r-.y wouin never consent to be b-g; 4 uwo' uie!p ?oe in tnis re- spect, letlibe say to thse gentlemen, is greatly injurious to the West. While they shall Cinti nue to.skr.and.gratehdlyN tp receivethee petty and partial Appropriations,' they will be kept for evecina state of dependences j ever will thel Federal Government, or those 'wlw control its' operations, coisenUo emaiWipae tthe -W5st. bV adopting a wise audj ust jj 'licvi' hoking4lo any nnai aisposjtiou oi tne punna , unuv while the people of the West can be? kept :in, ' objection and dependence, ,by OwCai,mal xSuu'tums of' those hinds f and never w ill the Western States tnemselves asOme-theirV' tust and f eqnal jstation among their sisters of the tJnion,Csif r,ie they are constantly looking up to Congress for favorsapd gratuitit Whatt hen, 1r;i Psideiit, is - our true poi.icyon thiamportabt -'iiibfldonot" profeaalO hav Wibid" fixed pgss;ed lipii nionir(.reUtionioStCPlTle time hVs'nptet r rived when that question must be decided j ' and I must-reserve for further lights, an (I more ma f ture reflection, tbe. formality of ' a- final' jmlg ment. Th' public debt anustThafirst paidiFor i wimsriwic ueu oieiniiivpiepget.to tke, pablie edttbrsf This dbneifwhicb: d' thre be no-i nterfere riice wlth the j $ i nkingFu nd iwilf be effected in three or fouryeara, tiietquestion will then bo fairly open,, to bedisptosedbf "as Congress and the countrynaj thinkJustarid pjpper. Without' attempting Joindicate pre, cisely what our policy ought then to bevl : will in the same spirit which has induced 'ef to throw out the desultory - thoughts- which I hayei nowv presented, to the Senate, suggest' fur Consideration, whether it will not be soundnu- licjv and tme, -wisdom, to adopt a system . ofi measures looking to the final relinquishment fl these lands on the. part of the United i Statesl-tdi nc otaies in wnicn tney-jie n. supn, terms and conniifons as oiay tuny muemniry u tor the cpsf of the original purchase, aqdalttVe trouble and expense to which we may have' beert- riut oW their account. Giving up the plan of Using these' , u cj,uh or1 reyenue or dtsaibulion," ceasihgto hiHr f hem -WWtfrear treaftUTe renouncing; fhe; Idtra Of adminlsterlby them with a Vie w to regulate and o'ntrot thini dustry and popuhttoitfthe Sxatea7rbkeep , mjjtciuh anq uepenaenCff 4he States' or the people of any,Dortion. of .thelfnfAhthi Will be comarativelvfAMV-wfkrft for the finaldjutment:of ihe Und qirestton iii Jarids ughUcnot ta heenttrely Relinquished to, any State until site shall; have madft-ualderable adyancea;ipopufitioriwdett has probably already reached thit' eWrfiiiwri .relinquUhment may.be made by- sajeto yyt.lK pnce- wnicn liiwuinot say -w.s '!:"'" ''" vcriainiyxsnouionot be disposed to-fix the amount so high is-to kee the Sratesfoe anyllenlrtb, of iim'.-,m ar.tit- Uted gtaesi Jnahoi whble' ppUey, inryelatidp to- the public lauds piay fh?b I out;rthat they5jught,nt bekept ;i -:r ' J Y !ir sy reasure, : but :t bey iould-hfc adrninistetecli chieflyVth $ t Wto the aUmiir Within f reonjeind w great nd flourishihg:cbmnmties,eor- Vjrl TnM 'tA' 1 ? 1 - "i J -V "',:- . - "l - j-a Vaiik.Lr 1- .;ijT l" suufc H4aw proiecTinff tne imiit h- juJvesVMrre read lsecndttraea'hdrtlriwiSl pon-tbe uestlohsittTHtTAftd lattrml?'1 pfbyementsi: Aftef tnWciuded " ? ;y lr. tiendrlckayeporU: robscri ptlon to the. st bck bjC t he Louisville y the cotisideration of fixecutive biisiiless, v. Dot' resolution W85T taken upand Mr. Snr ! concluded his remarks in reply to Messrs. iw 4 - ' i ! ... r-'ir it'' t-. '..a-.-l ! , "4lcc ; The Honijr .WTte well tpsnt the State J Virginia, anpeared'and to)k 4iis sea(. I I'he Senate reijed ihesideratron of 'J miitibn of.Mr Ftjot.ini relation1 in 'Xnrxtei veys ana saieajnt tpe public laotls, ?, V "r i" l resseo; the senate ft aopuiwo qours ana wien the Senate idKi.i. ed, 'rn;:v I rva v The Vrce Presulftnt lai.f, )wf art h. (:an..t. lefter iTom T Wllfs inventor pf a near ;u,f importam4impovbie Jbtiie -Mechanic A copsisiing-.fif a rotat()t-y motion adptt d to SteaV Rncrines. 'makinrr a fi AUl if. thA uc ih... nuf uic y t ates j. wuicn was react arut iaitj ffl tne. taoie . ? . 4.r;: ' .. v: 3-4 The: Senate reSumttl the consideration f t niouonanomiuea .tiyMr. u on ihe h liisyu t poponeitswj)i)pn on the plf ot' the Senate o tlopdtibnbf the Punli Ltuiiiiieiiis, pryposep, to oe printed py U.ileS i Seatooj -until an appropriation ajtallbe maj." Anil' i';.-'.V, - i' .''ir ? On moSoft oiMriWiJbt referred' i i.-. to .ine vommtneg on .ue raryot yooress. Mr. , Chambers presented a letter from (laics k Seat'onrlii retatjon to the jiriit printing tht last mentioned documents,'4 -wlikh7 Was referred .v iw iasr .menuoneti commrtteec7 'V ? On mption ciff' MrVbu I)iifft5reen Davis Kraf? an Wm. GreerJ W.ithTthetr respective prap'olsforrprintihg tht astrmentioned docunm;be referred to the! same Committee. HOUSE OF; RE PRliSETf T ATIVE9. Mr. Ifoward fromVtfieimrnitteebn!c6i merce, reportedl a bill foe t'e relief of sundn oWners ofryesse)s'Sdol)ieefeneTi7 Bait' more.:; The several' resolutions, offered ion t&e preceding day Wej ; tn! several 'new resolutions't Were depted On i m Vion of lu Conner tQ Obfier V , reoluion wicicu ujr nun Hpiue- iimesincje,, eiajtiye to ar cluction'of the duty Jon ValtJ : ancl o Mie referen of some reso utibna bf. the Legislafure of KortK- ft. '.(arolia7; Kstriiclf rp.f the2 0nVtor; A'ml .--reqiiesV ing tire RepresenTativestft to vote for&ctt a reductkini sbmeTticU ,but asVthe " liouf emredtb'efbrw thetdicus!oa nau proceeuea veryiar .tne; ?iouje was suspen ded. . Ti)e H ousel hep W ent into;thenn.!iwcr tion of the report of the cbmrnittee jpn eleciiins, on tne petition . ot ituel yasmirnotMainer on which sonie dlscumtook'Mesrs. Coke of Virginia,cwd$MOjV; of Hhib5)iiid'Spencer of T w -Tork, speakirt I q favor ? DfO h e petiti-in'tt ii and against the report of tbecommittee onelec- tions, and . Mr, P p; Barottf " taki ng the oppo site aide, previous conded in tha report -of ,the commUtee oiVelsfCtiotis, saJ decided in the affirmatively T9. T1 ; resolutions1 pf t h leistatirce of . th Carolina, bii the subject of the;'eduion oV-tlic duty bn'Saltl were, after" ki i)MediSCiis-io. Ui I'.1 pn the 'wible; Mtcltulfieiiavincr ataie- ibat Census beTngi spnciilvbrS l' vyomwiHee; or.ine wpoie on tne siate h c r ... . r . i v ...t . . - -.'.i Vt. . -'l i. . V uion, siiiidry amendments were rrriarler after which the cpmmUteeT):ao(l reported p"o gress, aad theJ louse JthejV adjourtfed r ,-Mk Buchanan. : from the com mttee non ftlie J ndleiaryiU wlwchr thVsttbjectr w as) referred on mc f Qtn or Jam wiry uiv on motion oi.yoY rinfeVlt&li supplewcntrv)tb the act entnled Aniict to tncbrnotatettto subcnen mittf-the.wMfe HouseOri tijt.bSJl to piovui for lak)nk-the 5tfr census, or enuinst itionif tU inhabitants of the: tTnhed "Stafaf Mr, BucliMi iu iiie. vtiiairj, ,r ie committee, ot tne wnoie. w engajrednearlyTaur hbtrrs in disciissing the in-ate and .quantum. bficHnhenion:a be allowed to ,the.Urhal;.fr taking,-the;"1, census and otbcri VbMuia-T-iii.-wiutit a.iirgeAnnnmer or roriuwi.. parfici pated. -Severat 'Ameiidments were agreed tb in tbez-ouraeofaheaitting, ihich -the coo mUtee;tenried tdihetlhitibvand the bill ajnenqnients baying been ordered, to tie pnntea. MIcunieV tfee'ot v77 commi ROPOSD ED(BTpNl6 THJ5 TAtTT blfsttcaobjeci the pproprHte committees. :MrFob'8 r,; , nuedhis remarks unon ilrr Webster' l.t i: ' , Alter. wwctr, Mr, Mil?rasfced for the question and fthdemirnd 'being se tne; question jwiistakeuvimoiiciirrinij to the ahk oflthe UnitH! $t&2s9' winch twice read and committed for Thursday, ihe 18thint,.'Vn "J:C : '" ' . l ns a a MAn..iA if nAir mill n I inn wr.tuuaw UM)I JWirCU:lltllf w " , von prrotiorr. wi mrstorrsrl NeWvorK, v furtUcromidmtioh of tli billwas posiponed aodiitfan ;reportetji -a hill tbreducethe, aui on CbfieeahirTeksO .cpinjnujted t( the:comtee of the whole ifouse oirthfstAte; j iMr MPuffie,vfrom the,:Cohimitteef; Way dram, rep jrfe'd i bill to retJuCe aijd mv&T the dudes upjTcertiln articleaodW'- allbw-a drawa'ckqu pintsdistilJea frumi l-giblaS8'w 4': I WKiniceiv.ti Pcading abiof Penbsylyahia; frpm a decidej Objection t the, rotroductionlbf tbe dcussion 0, chTat1hise?3ib - X kV .. 11 lllll V r. ft f v ' II I VE L I a IIIV - HI t u JV aV - . ! V K

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