- ky rAV; ' I ; ! - .y..J -..: ' ' . ' 5 l IV r' '-;.v;Vr -i-fi'S, r:rz . iv-;:,. :--:vv " ' ' - - - - ;t?:v sMMW- At Jjoyarw. m hwi . v t ' tjUbllcation those of pl-eat 1 I :,l tains air interesting article from i th penof 'V i.; . ikl , imIami Msvrt Crk I ft Z the teniperate "personV-s and .esi' ble ifb trule'. with, those djseaand "be ; cufrj; ton' taken as anexarnpl ; . whose. bills of health for. the. last two jeirt rite, n W a-e pf fifty deaths ccasiorted dfrnctly by folempefaW ton? Wl1?1?: tyifoiir f and.as mbst drunKariJa.penbe- tWcen twenty .aod seventy years of age; indbout ten deaths out hf eyerv .twenty JouV occur between tliese ;ngesi ft; follows "at"aboatWVpf4eiery tin ydult'stTris who ilfe in thatVty,w dies'-not merely .ta. Jilrtnikardi biirso directly and 'potortouslv a drnnkard, matjus -jcnaracier is as 11 were nrnciaimrd to the :wf?rldioo his&ombstone xTak',nri it ;fr:grantcd- that thepenpl'e,if lioSXon are aa.iruiurunc tusc; fi "J1 w ther city; Mr.S.' assumes (he ravage ihere by dru nkenness as his data, and then: pro ceeiis to nake ihis catculatbn 'Thc'popK uati6n of the Ui.ited States he; puts down atf twelve millions? oheu 1 'of every Tift y of whom he7suppoesdips lannualy, and ijee .''itil I consequently "be 24() OfW deaths eiery tear. vThis: feies ten x husa rid Vs the pro-Mrtin;Who-die annual ly d irect ly frum the eiff cts drunkenness. vThis estlnfate Mr S. thinks favorable, 'one and thai we canqotet at half the ;Jact u'airar ages cowmit:a .oy .tnisiiorroiname estroTer.-f He affirns where there ..isne ., man dying f VcJual ,drunken'nys'sherere,JIthrei' ir (four,t,6 speak, within boutids,. vwhove if diseases'hich have been Vith'er grad ual ly produced or. at.teast iVeuderei fatal,' byAi he , e flV c t s " 0 f b a r d1 d r i h k mjr u p n ; t h e c n t i f u -tjn, -and that; between thirty,, and; forty lfotisarifl persons Oie atir.ually irr this way. ft has been estimated , that - forty-five' mil- .Jiont of gallons ol irdent' spirits, are, con- sumed.annua ly;m the U, biates,at,a ot ot th.rty. mil ions ol dollars jvlr esr wit 1 vai " uiivivu ... i" iicdf T' iaA r iuil -...,vva mi uiv iiiiwi,huvui;, vuncu itutU "pri .spend on an Veragfvthe Workinw-.tnni of Pie vpar iri'linnlmv: in the state of stupidity and inactivity which' f)llows;hard dririking;T6ay aU MriDii.jir o. rconienqsi n, careuuy Exfroch from tht Nokh American RevUiA -mr.riKin;wei-,oaser,ves inttusrre out consultrng the manuscript papers itMhle officeVof tlie.; Enlish government;' In fact,' it would be an absolute waste of (inte any person to engage tasuch ati under- wn; til l he;canhavet free. ;andl full? ac- -.-" y inns, iiiav't 01 m?Hci iam, vumiueS .d tlijs privilege,- and heieitthed'tdfJiaVe -?v 1 ciivtuaiiy f ui jusvworiv rniuraces. f cinpaf ativelr sinalf part only of .our to Hinial hictnftt i ri.lt It ( h V rtn'nohj " rk 'r ftraciive.nart; was hoped; that oi)grw; would lakmeasures tnprpcur !bi ttidinj; ucKtineaur'e and?makiiig Yroi: T8torf or procurihr'cii)jeS orvair; the.iial Den in !. D' I'.l, n?' f r. ) ptouial historyof thisVogntry tTlie bill, 'Jefer; .was never;; heard of 'more; and JJ UQdnturbcd'iupoQ the.tableV tifl it Was wept.away amidst tte to tn things., V CiingVess have d much to dd TlV that.they;find jho leisure to Ihiok of the naat: We all invpYrth.V jnd eveo;puremberf of Ci'dgreisr rc'not ' huh to nrndlaimin tk.tlllJ Air.il' i : 1 tnit We are- ih enlhtenedinir .w.i Peopief; ;yrt :theljritilv; arlii: . . r , .theEditors'must be mU:; ' Vir;;' " MM" ' ' V . . -V .1.,. - . , k 1' 1 J k. , J - death,' directly and iridifectW, the MCtoal effectsipuxicationv-a .the f di: eXfmmedratf prpdua M anient spirits J. anu him..i m rr..c .ing the intempf rite. jnorc liable ; lo af hv the causeof lk diseases, Athan t rfl nlim Ant tr ' n. . U 1 ' 1 1 'it', i,rvv,v,-u'Hu,CMin.fr,ioee papers-- scripts, compare the , printed Sheets jth the original,; and .execute htitf'A :wh;ch;jnatura1lvdeVoIveVuport anJ editor.' ,a tt ,ui iv( hi perpeiuar progress; and will at .length become a treasure ' of ffreat impnrtance forC Uie jfuture historians of zed ?EuropV aolriiJifTerertf to itV hUtoryas auuea j-avis,, renresoritativpi. Oil ixrrticf iiton tTstnil ft'.'.F- ' ' . 1 .-i- v v..' Ierlamafion about urn ncsturg ;tf bo t who thoughr, aridihow.ther liv! ,whatv inffu ence they had upbni'thejr. orin guidiric the 5letmy;tlhaV a wkife ( Ahei posterity 5 these are fiinf iMn; 1 tht oV . r.i drearyi qTtjjWorth- invftij;tin: They :ire,;Xevenhe!ess Ihe'ence f JgemirQe l?TioryAanU frany;tlnf(n ;WeSir?tiV lfcArn ?ott to- revei ence liat jsofM in the chafacterii ariirl deed of our forefathers, M;WvJ"y -theJMhef ifance" they have franlnlttU8raKdrpronr by their .ex inplI u'Mfre emptjr declamation ab)tit thee tlings.cqme tilt ,nithiiV, except- to puflT up our vanity,' arid add t..3 ouf igrio. rahce-;thc ridiculousnejiAooi Jalkin-nnm. pousy about mrselves.'n , - 1 V , ive nave noteirihf annexed passage of Mr. JHIrson's, Memoirg-in tl;e cllec tiont(f jiVnting JuSt printed. ;S c&e'at MnndpjpKs-Ourbtidy was Utije numerous, but yerj conteniiouii Day after day.v wasted on the J mir unim portant questions. . A . metnbeiV one ' ofl mose viuicieq, with ; the morbid rage i.f de bite, of' an ardent mind;1 prompt' iinaina tion.nd cbiqUs flmv'of words, vlio heard with impatjencf ahyL)pi&. which,, was nut his own, sitting, near,.me,on some occasion bf a triflin-j but wordy debate, aiked me how could I'sit in silence; hearing smuch raise reasohinsv which a wbnl IsKmitd Tuie ?;! I obVrd ,tl)im; thai. fure tndet-d w eay, but to silence impossible: T. .. ' In "i... .. ' .',.-' .n -..'.it'll, i l:. , iiitk in iwrauri v(rug!ii lorwanh' by my? x el f, I -1 00 k fh e b. u ri 1 on r1, a a'" w a n ' 'i 11 camtjentlon Hnj, ;'. bat 'that in general, I wag willing. to 4atrri ; that if eVernrgbuient or hjecHoh jwas ut by some, ope or other of thf iiUmpriMis ViebatMrij. it l.wa4 'ihnnoh I f not ; J thi.ogfit ii;,sufficienV f sujgvsMhe not be juslified. And 1 believe, thnr if tt.p mVivbersf detibtrate b(Hles:weVe th nh. serve this ciiogPtlvi theywoufd di talks mcS and do nothing; iertred 1 .....K i A i ' - . iMuteHt a'pjjinf,. nor to an. but fhAnain point, WvhichiwdHj.i : riecide' questTon. i ty, li w y er .s hiu Id d o t n tK-lhj ojbt rint .tVlTe expected: The, following, numbers ..were drawn in the wiont uouery, JvtrkcUss Extra,1 J" i..v,iv 44.19,'9,i :9;l8l5lr2 ? N?.'l9,V4t.- 4?. h'.pili ,f(i5,600 Dollar.'.: 't SeverL.f irond ,.tr ' ... - v ,i c' a-"' v-' -Petersbu rjjJ'l A TRAOTiOLAXO, ipf Wake county ly-r- ing op ;hoth.t sides vOfDutchmanBran'ch. contaiin5;,39rxAcrcs, and another ,Tract lying on the south -side of Swift Creeks ?Th Ti. .cnnuguouu, antt were, 'purchased .ometyears g( by the lateWmi GijmoufAVmBfown.;'; 'uO'C.CHatham County, &R Term,829;' A frrt Wtal fe ntK rk tri 4'.-- ' ' . 1 Petition for the di vision of Lands of William 4 V r V Ye'starrdec.1 ' 1 ; . ' .v-7-. H T.appeanng.to the;sati'srActioh,of , the Court .!L''thatohntVetaI,-one ,of the defendants in thiscase, ,1s not aainliabitant cf this State ; it is thereforevr(lered,.4l..4totice be published Jn the lUIeih. He ,ter fori six jr.onthVcf the filir pf thd Petition; and that tlie f aid John Vestal, at tlie next tflrm'nf. tk ?m.f : -u "JLj-ic .l of larch next,pled, wisweror, t! -nur;to the nftttirm hts th L.im...'.ll !!,. l . i uiiiuMiin, vriyioni gulp into a repeiitmn offersto the pMblic an extensive astortment of Dry whjt hud . been ; already .ta1d by othVrs ; G'ylS Groceries Hardware, and all such other that ihis was. a", wasVe 'nutl abuspf iheltitite 00vs as stre usua,Jyv1ld in a. country Stbre;- iTn'tl. naliern nf 'h. H,.,A.J . .:.i.t le sell for cash, as low. as can be nurcased ;V,., u;.nttl;Mfl.mijjlf,n m tfte Jrtsa !" f ? VUVvirS' ' a Ji..fore ;l.e; re vo! iitioFif a Uil during tr,;itlr DrFrankllW-n Confess; j aiujii-viiftuoufiitrs.tfthegrea( points te-PSlthatal. liUteinV: would'. follow or; ihvmseWs. 1 USiv. preaent Cohgress CffKi .tiio fiiuch t-lJcinshowvcan it h;'to inci:nr inc-iii ti -.uwiy, m - u tnrji ' the ' "fjeonie' i- - ' Mr loretvara any person tra-ilJ if ie li.'sn.,,;,, ' -"-' i . W.J U- v"f , 1 ier papers. To any perbii jiliding, or giving I 1 - BfW;'ll'iny informatron Of the Pockct-book lm gif JWi11? ; Wli Hk by iM hrt t 'I'hat one reward 30elier huiKired.THMl li'ty. lawyers .shVu!4 dnhusi. Uie Contents to . JAMESWff.T:r A iSfi. 4d.ii mi,.. ...!:... . .i.,'iv..v...!(... i.1 1 fS;p'WANTlHS p.vcar oiav,ri wypurcnase; ihem.togcther: or Jan., 27V, -w- 0. -H- 46.-.r. i ,lar Dictjobary of Ariai Sciences.- Literatures History ; Politics 5c Ubgraphy, brourht down h tothe presenf timA- -VV .y ,, TniEREAS it Has beeb made known to pn'iheSd day of December last, and that a; cer vuuiny ..vi iuucum. Him Qiaieoi JNortn.iJflroimjT; tain J A MKS" lir ITMNi lte of Clarion ; Dis trict, in theState of S6uthrCarpirna;j)V'ihe;ver: diet of a 'Coroner's Inquest,, stands charged With hayine perpetrated tbeane' on the bodv'bf a certain James ,U6dgersof,lhesaid County, f is further retireSented and mde. known to me, that the add- James ,G iitmari tiath aVsconded, ahdfledjrom the jurisdiction and liraitsofa;tUis State,' and thereby Eluded the'fcrna 'ol LaV'and pf Justice. : y.. L : UNqwtheTefdre," to thend that thej said James G.itm4nay be, apprehended and; brought to jntice, the above Reward of Two, IJundretl loj lars will be givento any person or. persons, 11 who wfll appjrehelnd and connqe .the aaid Jame? tl. Pitman yn any Jail in this State,.f ,so that he may be brought to justice ; and ldo morever hete by require,; Command and - enjoin all officers whatsoever, as "well military as, ivili within this $tate-to use their best "endeavors , to apprehend and jake,;or cause to heap pretended , and u en, ;t he body of the .said .James -GPitirnan, and vuucinviiujiu piiuc 01. ixoriu-t;aroitna : aim as it ptexion somewhat darken his person well pro portioned has' a peculiar lauerh,. in doi ire which he shew?, his teeth plain--.he caniibt write, hut has a good, address for ;t man witout;'educaiion. &7kV(f& y c,v linatr mJ nana as uovernor, Vs andunderthe great sef of the Sute, St the city cf Raleigh; thk 6thday ; J B'jMpsE, P. Sec')-. y;, 5& ' 1HB Copartnership herelofore ekistlr. iun i. der the Firm of Bower? St, Harrison wasj by matua! coosent, dissolved .on, the 1 6th .instant. Henry G. Bower having purchased the interest ot Vyatt Harrison in Uhe Business he alone i? authprizejd to collect the debts due the concern, and grant discharges ! ; . ' mrivG. Bowies, f . - ' U'YATT, HAURIS0iV. Smithfidd, Feb. 15, 1830. ' . . sf2"i , ;The; subscriber will coiitintre the mercaViTe uusiiicnv m wii piace, oin run own nccountto-be te."and Wdl atso oav the market trlf incah, for, Cotton in the sed orb:det Xl 'S' -" .- ..; . HKRY G. nowRRQ: ' yaluable papers, a 'number of notes of hahd. wh,ich,cannot at present be Temembered.-T I re- coitect.one, onewis. Daniel, for $450; one on Francis Lawson, with .Wrn; Street aecufiryntor $100 ? Jikewise, a'number of "small Notes, 'Mtit of N. C; and bne.DollarNotel'of thp iimi lWnk? with a mimberof Co.istablesReceipbi, and othef Person county, NniySQ. y . V f 7 ;vr 30 3m tate of NortU-Carolina; t : , ZacWiah Clark ScAViUiam ClarK ?-l Origin! attacliment againtZch-iriah Clark, and Winas tdiyniiarnClarkto be joined inhe ' suit, .sV.i, VV'-X' J-1 ; -. iv - TTT appeapng to tie Vat tsfacti on rbf the1 Court .iL that the defendant ichinak Cbtrk. i an! in- habitant of another, Statei-Tlie jCourt therefore, orders,that-pubhcati6n be made' fo week "in iv pw.w.ftu vftiVliuiiu ,jt "vienaania chariah Clark ddeSnotppeaisandeplevyf or en against Vimi yt; . V . V" . V" f ; ucvcuiocr actions, loay v I ne jibove order naon:the lth insfantaefirfo Man namerf EIANUEL; or MAGICS and says he belong, to Zaohamh- Bugg, who bought ? Ktmrin "Atigust last from Isaac1 Brent in Nortumberland' co'uriVy; Virginia, and brought bim with ;a 'number of ne gfoes tQ Mecklenburg county, 'N. Cwhei'e he le 3xa.1t! about three, weeks at"a JMr..Uussel's' 1 : Said ,negrois;5 feeV5Jo:rkhesii-h,dsr:: cwipiecwoii, aiiays neis 2f vears oldi- ; v tirif Governor .of&roV . ;Ty6rHttpdrd dollars lleWard nun vaiejy-tBiiu, securely. Keep, .sotuat he may be brought to justicel ; . - vi ff A. James G. Pitman is about fee'rhipti. c'fim- Conducted bv Mr. Unttn'm HiliV. akA t . , v , ... 'TT.-w'f ! uwn. wa - i in me ota present recollected.; Therewas one-half x of ,4 Hundred t Dpllar note"; U. S. tripriey; 'payable it tTie BraHch Bank drNew.Orleanrfl letter U "No. "wM4iaui unc-uair or a riny Tjoiur ,noie, v. IS; paper, payable at. Charleston. letter L.- No. r2H6rone 'f en .Doflar nottJ or ihf 55ttA tianfc s ' Hay Wood County. ,v. v -".Z- - -.Court of KPleaa and Quarter Sessions. Cif ) ;Vv'-V p;:? .lune829. . ., 4 V was reneweu,an,a jne oraer Ot publicatiori as aboveU be madccr;f r ' 5 .V yfn x.f v ;,.Ci ,- t (Vvr,Ur,Wf,l J-.'- vwiwuiuaui-uiCJi JUS,Wa-Ot ' NorUl- - iiit.j.u,iu IHUK.UIUUC ountv.ni.' uarmu vn'rr SuhoMh.. .j:t t.-..-.i sible. for me" . take an ex' -w rirniiiii' I therefore proposevassisted : by mybrptheriUc c 'r 'v l "y,u"use in i-incojncouno the AtaWba, river, ,nineVmi1ef3 frorn Statesvillt and twenty four frpm Lmcolntohon the ifirst buddings will be completed; My KoUsMis tare-e and roomys and I have begun to erect small but comfortable Cabins, similar to lho-ilit tu JVinnsWcnigh and Piatt SprjiigAcademies' of South-Carolina, ' The tt iiatiot is a ) handsome one -is known tobe uerfentlv hAlVKv sA all places, of dissipation, v Nb'schoWwill be li ken who cannot board With' me asra memberor myjamuy, - t4rf :) ry ; :4- ' I Will teach the Itm and HrAt t the Mathematics, and' the Elemenifi nf tKZXl I rgnardians, I Vilj tacb wjib great earertbee- f'""HiRl iiivujiuiiig; vanuiest wasmngv &c. &c. will be; furpisfie4Jor brt htrndreadol Jars pr jnnum, twerttVye .0 which! imist be pawl in advance y6 scholar; will be' taken- f6t a less tftrm thaii',nn-'il.).Al,..L;.ti'..u:Llj am' anlriniia to get a fevv more t,tO hbse exammMiort and niMrucnon iwouia devote sufticieH portion of time to enable Ihem to; proceed twith ranch greHter ease thanfthey generally ilo Vrf lawyers? omces, in,acqtilring a knowledge of thir-pror fessirn s for it is a natoriotisTart. tht nMrtnr, Uwyersrbaye neither time rtor.incliuaiiort t6 d do not examine'hem as often s onfce'a month. Under such cireumstanct.s. a- vou'ritr man inii.f pursue his studies" to .-great disadvantage. And obtain license to practise .without afcomPetent tund Of practical information. . 1 dooi propose to deliver lr . lectures Jkbut f Will point out the authors, or the prtsjof them, whlcti ought to be read ; examine the young meVi daily upon them,' converse with them ipon Ithe VcKangeiitwbicb have been made, in the English'law bv the rtnn. sutution jmd lawiof tht-fjjs.'rtlie constitntton and laws of this .State, ami bv th , -W.i;, .h r, j the Supreme Court. t I have a very gboo library lof.eleinentary law books t for the uie of which,) Tor insirucnon, and for boarding, ipdudini can dles and washing,.!: will charge each -student one hlinttred doUars per, annum,, twenty-five of which must be paid in idvl:nce. 1 ' -i .All applicatioms tnusf .be made to me in i ner-1 dell county;; or to Statesville. v, S j . ;Vor 'particulars astom) qualifications. prefer to Jmlge Badger of Raleigh,' or to? MajbnHen: derson of Ltncolnton.f , ; . 1 , ? - RICHARD Y. 'BttUMBY: - :Dec. 11 1829, " ' - ; - :y r52,2m ,VMrui-V)UVOiUa lSOOU:s;:: Hof fR?R. fo),0'?ff !bfe BOOKpibKhed A priTCip:tllyv for; the4ise of theXitiina of North-Carolina. ;aw rsoat-nttr fr'v.,!iUlc:: 8'd?, by?the subscriber viz: VJiVlVf The Reyiskl of Ink Laws.ofr NorthldaroKna;' -the-1ate.(hief-Justice fTayIor, the late Bartlet v Yancy, and Judge Fotteiv rpade, under the di ,t icifuuu ui inr Juegisiaturejtne.SUte; iii two f largtf ctvo Vulumes(withatidlriaicom Haywood Mamiatof the Law$ ofthejStateVar1 ranged invAlpliabeOcal orderwilfra'fppeni Potter's Justice: of ;,the'.1Peade; aneV, edUibn; ,AAf w mvii,vfig uie . wore, 10 ,ine Year 1829 - iacey revised and corrected. wuh a nnnih ; 01 new torms, ahd the Laws contained which, are brought nnitn th nViftOft : Martin's Law of Executors undtAdmirtistiators. V (which jsToIles' Rr,glishWork; on tins sub ' ject, . omitting such narts asafemt iv fnv er? Xakinfbe Lawasitstorat te. settle . vment of this country: and introdiicinf "evr 01 -tseruaiy 01 mis estate wnicTi JhaS alter ed the Law. and noticing ,eery,adjudgeV xa'se T-vV - ' 4 ' l,,.c w"jeci. v injs.e djtion of the 'work, was revised bv , the v lat V ; Chtef:Justfce Taylor.; 'f'H lnieMitstice 1 aylor'stligest jthe Statute !'ot North-Carohna, relative to Wills Exefiutora' V "IV'Tif JiV'tAlin rTi:;;;A " 1 1-' i and:Adm1nitrator.v:tJfewision fcWpdowVH. SlT?' VJ and the Distribution pflntestate,,Estateii: eSPKtTFUtLY;announctothdt mife7 -' -r'; .' v9 'whiclitcomblAes in dnevriew ill the tv enactments whichHiave been Wajle on thesV Vr" V 1 :-wvurjr . jjasi, aim 7 wiiicu are tnsjjersea m'more than tony statutes. ; ?, ;: f ; Agricultural Essays, -written bv a North-Ctrolina tFarmer. VA Uo'ed bv those whd ' are best C4- pable, of judguigf,Nto. be the best book for coo; 1 VevrnT!usettit infnfrT. .tmn n.tKA V. f th is State. that Vas ever" pubifihedv It treats' y vii imcjmwi innae 01 improving ana. oiv deep ..ivv iiuiicuiiidi riougiung i un ,ne-tirasses. i oesi nuuea to this State, ; on thebest modes of raising' Wheat;' Turnips an.V iiwliin ''Corn- Court of Nbrth-Carolinai'-froni th firt tl ah: lisbment of the Court: ' when it bore 'the titl ;of; CoUrt ,qf c6nternceV'ao present: ime.h.chare.follou '..'UviftV j..-vi'viv-in,MU5 ovueivnce; ounj-oyru. Cameron and Wm. Norwood: In Ool. i Awka- Digest of the Reobrted Cases- adll a'?iT;''Tr. ports df theupreme":Oourtt whichV are pub!b-: eq at the close of each'Terro at SI 50 ber nuinbet npBX Land orAbsalcm' Yancey"; ad vertifsed in ll tJ.a Register to be sold at Oxfn'rdim 'tKA 5th inst. not having been disposed of, Ihe . rus tee 13 authdnsed to sell thd same priv itelyiV All applications for thL niirnnA ran h r iA kU x k The Law Repository, byphiefjustice Tay-"-v i iwyois.- V f, ry;;-w! ; l " Term Jteportsy t roU y , iDo-U r.v- . Murjihey's Reports of tht Supreme Court. " . ' 3.vois.;,; v ". ; HawksV -Ih v'.iVpis:' '--V apd-fcrxyardedbyr mail ttol tub?cribera ;ln any part pfthe State.-S-YC'V :v.CiV 'V --t't-V' JOSEPfl GALi;s c SON. Grated .cqh&otidat jwiar, :X4V---. ; : :2.ns-W ?.y '.;r" vX'e:lT..-.?;: .A pickaxe o,fj2fbole." Whiil is..compeliil't.'.' !f4i--' ,J..PENDIx.!d"Havw.-.ori's li.mi.i 1 .iAVK, ",. orkcomp!6je i: For;..tMs additioh'to'.the'M.'inUat-Ro riV, . 'A,f vV charge will, ber made tTh e'B 66 ks will be' feold1' i : ' i J arHve,-Qollars as lieretbfore: . Uvv m.icV'V V.v'; ' ' ' r)rdersin Veinst ...tly attended tb? , AdJ t. the late;;; J?:zcrt anrjihe ub 5 J: XvV; . scnberwitl rnlhe4ih -diy of: Febrdarvaiext,y:i:V r..v being the Vedneior the,FtbVUarv7rn bf Johnson Coiirrty;Couj-t, xnoAeat fliblic Sa7ew V; i ' ...... v?..mui; rcoi,i.anu, situ:leinjtJohri SVf,' fon Cptintjf; Ujhthfr butli side oCNeuse 'RiycrT r-; :;, t'v about threemdes beJo feihlthfi." VU ' elfi sqhires. The' ;jibove described- laha cbn"V r?un? l1 n.of"aftbJm to inurijiatioht-A fur" MJ-' therdescrintinn-iV Knf iii, A.?4 V- r t ; iC...,-.iwu(iimunf cr Mr.;n,irJes- Stcvehs resldV v"?AC ...7" v,":r a.i ""uii.HrcTftcornmouaung, ,. ; a., " at the election-iiftlferiiviiai'. tt...Vw. j . rU.T lavb goodcharaci a aTevery valuable.: bcinv mnctW' 'r.,i'i-: 'tv'( ?Jr ;of the JaU:iteuben.Skii4la:,ii,"T Wt1' ' ' take place. rtU .ii.Vfv '',vvr i'7-X' , VJobnston Coirnty Jaf .Ststl Tf Wl$R to Scl,tJie placV withm nW, fjni - JU borough. -pn which, l;ow es!de :Tlire ate'-' J4 i V i SOSacres, about onc If cleared;. cn icts -biA ,i 5 1 Jeadow; land andtthe balance ;iia- Av0rdi ; The Vr ' -lmproebts'are.rll neJw,,;niranishea f A WeVJr4' 1 hest maniteiwthey consist of a' DwljingHduseA C pntajivng eight roVwhh:nfeMrcsbesidei5 ' A :; passages, closets; &c large. lfafnnd .Sdlbi'VS, and.otheecessaryOuthouses..r,There 'are fa&$ViW ' .veraV.neverfadjhg Spting;s rfof (he VWater ;ttV ' ff V a !arKe d elf select d fnlV V V? : Orchard.; a rO .y Tia.U, tit rSrA V ieiTOS e4ther.fOr moiYHV nn--icr u.-n''. T . exchaWi; for roi V yellers; Gentlemen and ;their mdi'es, IJfonrdeM C. J . , " by.the Day.Veek, Monthor YearWSchopliihii.ii; -dren for anv lpno-ti Ft;r av .''.". -v'- -r- ; Atter. house, is tituatrd in theT'imtnedWe vicini ''.svV J ty of the Capjtp!, theHanks,' ? and several Semr-' A V - ; naries;ofLarning.:t,T1 highly .cultiyated Garden: Rooms, are spaeiousWAirv. f.She auresVuIl ' t howAhoooi With tbejrpatronigei v'n?' i that no xrtiops h'all bejwauting on her pan to oT reilder them comfortable; f. , f v,.V N - Airy-Mh also good .Stable; Which; $a4lbo ? '"' weirsupplieditb provender fpr horses "and it ' ' creftdOsUertolaueiiu them "V'Trf-VT-i Pncet moderate: fsftbso' -House In Jhe qity.? V'f ffiV , i ! . : V r " r-t Raleigh.' JinuirV 2," ':C l' " - .''yVu V'ake County., Vl jgt?f -;''.V Superior Cqurtof.Law anM2qurty " all Term: ' V i' : r yH Petition fcfSale of 'r , ttuWellSimmi&dtrieVH 4,-.v'-t' ; r J. difd .po's.sescd A . 4, v - 'A Bit lahw '.m.. tw--S - , '.3.1 nSwaS foliouing children, Vb i Jlanha, Cal?i.,Silyes"- : y-: vester; Sanford and Marion x , And it further "'.' pearingtoe Court::tl.-t Joseph Uoydrl(wWV v : interrriafried with Fenny; anothetcliilddots noti.','.';.., reside with fa the Jim its' of the S,UU'jv It is order- , 1 '.s ed, that piiblication be?inad ijr the italeh Bey " 1 r V V ' giet forsi-t:nreek that the . said cHierpn anH ,;. ' M'X 'r grnd-children, anJ 4eirs of ) the s, id Wliam v . ' . Jy , Simm vdecd;,oe and appear before' theVJ 'd!!; -.' v of our Court lof Uqn.ty . t. .b e; -hctien in; dip . . county of Wake, at'ths Coqrt. house in lUletcb "t -i n the first Uondayrafter,. the ;4tb':21obd'a;tdfC flJ C;. March next, and pkadijviWtT odemvrCibe" wise,the Bill will be la!en pro cphfas a lo them. .$!' ;V , . jKd decree'daccot-dingly V ; . v . ,'. f t t Witness 1! . y -Mil ler8 Clei&vn&T JLIaster -4t - "?v ; " C: ;

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