, , . --. vsH t , ,!, - - - !; r Ri.-J ; - ?. , " fiy'TfWiJ th anniversary rfe bih' 1 S kofAsiiikTott.Jj How many emotions of 1 Ct:nd,that!ooB bao thed cf 'i 'v -attrWand compares that period mtb, 1 k; -Wprcf int. ThenVe were the vassals J ' . nf in overgrown monarchy,- the olonista r I A foT Vlcinlom .beyond1, the seas now, the r ' ? ';iiae orer(cVr;tf lisped i.ie reSbt I Y cWner of .theyifUi.WhHst !we rally ? .'ro&d' jealousy Wwiard : rights. we,caive$oUectwiih 8 :Tli&Wthattfce firStfs the! admiratipln A! " of tl Arld?4 and tJiatEthe last are sacred . -1 v r tD 08 V.d bur-posterfly foreirer-thfe pirthv (1 ' - oCetery AmencjnK c u V, J Lv A1ttt oC;cResdepid;d4ttt:;theniate: ft Vhrm of thf prVm - V v ;;int Equity. . .- ,&v 1 ;I!toberf HVWrnnet,Wifc; h: liaYlakV petu V erwtf& Kmand n4rer, praerm the" 1 - " ' trnn and finaldecree m the bneinat caUse i ' 4 Mary J' 1 JutiTA tthrs am3 , Hstef S r r W?f divtioi of faml fitcd An! decree accord Dpi jieph Alston 3c Others tC Jot IIncfab itJ . rYLnd confirmdi andlree according Hf P t ExVt htr: front Mtcklehbur lnih decree. !' ' ' v (Jeorsre UouMir'a' Admrji. c heira 'tv-James e -:.V hVvu?r Si others,' frdJri Rovarf-Dccr.fc.'- v :lte t I - i uaJ Itison t f Hobert Woke. & - others. on i nev j 1 p! sc;2: cjp-uje oi rcciatin-tjie great caD; te;UiS; nSed ith irt theVa; ,t anu (!, May exami: .J importance rrrijicveuiotian. ine nutn irac incalculable rootf tvofUd ilow to 'ie jjo. tntsttjs irr1105 5 ber.of comp.titonrvas at firct reported t u , b e .A c n t ' b u t f r o m v a r i c u s c I r c u n s t a n c - was rc.JuccJ tdi ' Uve. The:one:?riamcd 4Th NoYctty,iyeighl"5 5'" cwonly MongingtorMessrsijraitb vtc EriclS drJcrtiOdoDj hadhe'pr -e.ncei The 4 rerj&i" uw4raiipu--a'aeDiiment. RpeeQHy changed Mrito.Hvoridef,; by Jttruly'mar- ucioie u. v Ane vourc ia coupuseu as loh lows-'. ' , V- Captain fchales GT. radgerjrKr,$ideC cSP7v tain Joseph I.rJJichoIsoift Caotain: Edmund H.i pnetors to stake ,a thous"paUnd tbat'asrsoo atihls Rai I waV bet Wee n: M an c h'es ten and lA i. & &. 'It white, trom -jred!! Keport of tic j.pooi lscompieted, ne will perform theeil tire dtanceV; (between 30 and 40 mhf, a n d ? b ere to for e : cori 8 trl er e d 'xtday 's jlj o li r- oinciM wriung xne auove paragraph- we est oh tthe. morning of; trial, the nurcUr -f .j , ,a ueperai.jLavat vonrjsicrtiai ass:r- m,ui prori!'qncr oiea in tn..: cityon ..l.auay .lasttor fthc trial of such tracers as'-triay be'- BroTsht nghtness'pfjthis JCn'ginc, rxompactMGss and beautifulorIananshiL,,' excited 'nwU Master Commandant VVUIiam hnbrick; Wasi tter;Comrnandaht Charles L'Yt MfaSI$ster i;ommamiant erenyjtennon;Lieutenant $aac aiKeever: Lleufeliant fThnrlpB rsz: iir.nmi W; Henry &r."Morfittl Esa Jadee Advoeatjy-i - U We' are mttcff'concerned to hear, that u c 5n$iderable nurhbe? of ofiTcefsoMhe I-.. I'v" iff"-;- "--'"" "-'" nwniDer Mrfi .ueneve, tnan:naa verroc' 'car red at any tinle before-Xire' iloi tin- trialaby the-Court now convened :A . '... '"c rh::1 ? -Nati Intel engaged Jn theSiTOTieme Cotkrt of t5e; W uiicu ojpineaciogaauciaxe voun&ei wjirr Mr. ,v eusier-iq-nevgrear AStor caae4' which has Occupied the attention" of, that august tribunal for; several Mfi. Ui has, of course;' incurred some obloquy for thus resuming, as Jt -"were bis practice x ie mew-i orKvwiium e r ci a i Aavernser defends him; oft the eround that tifein re- laiucu ujr. vucvoiaifjviui new i orKt- long beforelfiei became; Secretary of fate, the impo'rtance'of the causcard the peculiar ci rcu m stances ; of , , i vreq ui red" tha t . h e -Miiuiu uui wiuunu n 'ProiessiopAi servi express an cpinicn of-iu meiUs i joi have rific io cau iriry, unifucrejiiinivoro say yHlouspecfojrmaiiCesl.' It -WasT resulVed in v ii,iry itspeea,carryin us, compe mint ftf CoVe andAV'a'ter only! (for these are;carned m tji? .Engine) with 'its; pro-; prietors tp manage; itlri daried1 "ofT at tfjeamazing rapidity of twenty-eight milei dy and continuous A trial ;was ,theii fo be inalof)tbeyelty; .withitfeiee. mes; ttsweight attached toit, but owing to some inattention as - to the supply of water atTd cokeso much delay. tQok plaxe FvpH s V-"- w r ' i i . p t;co n u ..in p? una jihe - even.i ng cojrtirig onyjyLwarthougK t pro per, to deferthe proseciitidn of thercompe titioti tilie tollowVns d ayimt no doubt is' entertained that ifs speed tyitUhe pro- poseu joaa, l;wouiU be i n "proportion with jthaf tfrfity. exhibited; ; and if so; ft would ,V- " crie Gi-;iejci& wire ym;amrh6ma9 n N lS K-iww Ex'rfrom Warrert lie port fdr d. . I - f' Decree acCttrdiMKiy - Atiaower or &aleot,ne i1e i - gt,L imless diviiled by coT.senti. V v . Wii I ' ! ''i(Tins F ,'Norfleet I leny Johnson AdmV. it.' . f; an othr-r. from Bertie-r pecree final. A iAi haye UarjiU:ihatwig to someltttle le fect)in 'thev adjustment of apart;ofitie nia in ment chinery, which had rlyeen'v putTtogether I , - t 4 n K-rf ti litmf Tntmn &. C. 1. Cnnnr, e 17 t ' I 1 flrrdeilaweremindoiU 7r 1 witli a load. was "not mvule with the No- PrO I - Ricirhl'Areidell&-others' ttnAmet, Blat. 'lfv".Tt. V. , , H c u U'feU & itlie8, frOm RuiheHbrdCa-seVetU!tnd r, V ed-to rtuke froper parties. v , uf - . . - " Owing Jc-the above circumstance thqf. r rw) s J..bi8rllcnTr5Bryjnirf o tlifj 'NovefV appearedlobe the favot-. otItlJ .rttpson Appeal dimjsst-d.r t - - Vi- -T - f I" , ' 0 MThomVDonoW,, . Richard Offilby & ite Machine, in public estimation,' the En- pe-1 Tvt JobuTr Garland, from Oaswdl-F-HUl dismissed, ginc named the i'Ubeket,,,.wasthat to i(3ni EbinVzerMcNaTr,t?.Thos: Jtaglatul others, . r 4l - i r , , - -r 'J(uni ' h in '-y - ui- e. i:-i .;'r-:t v..l which the iun?es awarded the nremtum of thej"' I 'f Orange seasid,' and referred to lhesClrk of e Pre I 7 ' -(Joan hclcwi v; uavui uiuni-on -nu omers, I fromJofuston2-.CausetreniHiided, V .ii idenl I,. :'KobettJFI Helme v Ransom" Sandrsdm'i. ao.5.: -tc I eiftBjonnioivinTenocutowsiiecreei:"t':?v.s L f tJyfuv'G. Gully nd clliers t. fonts Uavis. from 'Mir Johnston-Cattseyemaoded , ; - "C I TWoiaM:Damron andc.othersl v Mirv Gold and thei.'.fr6iirCaswe---C,faiisfe femrndrL v thVh t vi ; -common lAW 5 YpV ' ; IljHlti I f' Vi,rii'iCmith Mt .t-ik.trrw"lr?r.r-t-.t J'9M 'T- thirvmitb from Mecklenbtirgudgment jev km' ' vcrsedjTi'vl peVjrial fjrjted. Jl- ' 7. . i fioioer f yjrtinfnrier JohrV .VFaucett, ApptvTrom K) t VOrantjrt-..ydment ftf the CurtibiiluV-ffiruiVd 1,1 h, tvid CobbV. AdmV, tVm.W-lb6ra &rJ.- .1,lT Wkeri Eafi-.c.'fiom Guilford Oil wotipn er , fJeitiorari ordered. vV.o-V 4;'' - V SKler.t HseyMcutham and oth( rs u.'Tiios in Hof- :?flCT h lJrertk..H.-boHier iWtiV.'. Collier. y . from Ot idjoar- ttliata f. from Ornrq:e Jud:mentfaffirmeL''lvrv --. : remres v'LVyju r Ml in, irom' AlOOre ment affirmedr . ,." r . 'LTr Joi. LReid t.;Tboir;MDReid; from Moore II v 1iiiiiin -..,1 ...l . . -r,. i. ' I ' r pen on,demiseofAnnvMortisonVVApptp v t5r.s l F(n i GeoJConnel. from BurkeJudi. ment af- v; "1 II Willianrv Casern appellant Ai James tlarmom . From the Report of a Select commitleer of tlieJlouseof Representatives, on Uhe suoject oi j.rre next cen&nsii appears tn?t tKe whole population of the United States is esiimtiieo at iweiv&munon six nunarea thousand naineJyV f ree p'opu lation 1 Oi 650,000: -slaved 1,956,000 :; JtUe com-'mittee-ecommendva ratio of- 50000. -for for 'omitted, to announce to st5e1 public that -the, enterprisinjrVconractors of the nain Northern c and :Soulh ern ' mail-line1 from, Petersburg ,to, FayetteviIle,ion-vthe 1st. inst commenced running,, a! Stage 4.1 r J i'4 I ' e. i i in e a. wee k, :xo y anu irom .mis placed Halifax Onbr about tbe 1st of; aijuury, iiiey twm ineuceu;rujiningi sim ilar Stage r from ' Hal jfax to -Mur&ee&bo-rou'gTT, where , it interacts sMr Thomp son's Fayetteyiile and Norfojkline. We can.t therefore congratulate . the.farriiers aim jjtaim-19 uvuijiin i4ic-wau-rs ioi me RoaboejnnditsVioustrittutary streamsji. wel I vas the public tn general, upon the faci lity thus : aSonl ed i th em ' o f : a v d i rectf speedy and cheap' con yeranceirCrom Dani- tbe'Methodist Episcopal Gburp, hasi we understand, d'eterinjned upunrestab)isiing, within its junsdictJon, a college-in Avhich a liberal education may - be" obtftined, The Westerrif! -Shore of -Maryland , the' Maryland Southvrri partof "Hennsylvaniaind.-th Northern part" of 'Virginia, arei compre hended within the boun(J rthisr 3bnfer ence' r and, we tearn, that;the, location bf Ke College is contemplated at twq points: either at Boonsborougb invMarylanditor. a'ud t -id what beght iol JoVmuscdt he mam d arall, utilesV h' could jcbVuaa. ' .rejs no nc-". yiu mzy ils 7u a.ioioec ue, JrfjUu witu xhom hehid t ;e ur a new noveJcv look at ..tiie..tiiler touched it for- thrt'je v fi.es.' .lii&'M led .hrtn..s k it nameless M.OU a :inouri -isucn a uie, ' as Uarney t-JkroL-f ; '1 ,- characters', and denouncu, theau(bor ffur l 'ZaJ)iydti W&rr :: HriJri V- ,4 4 W-ffe.respectio?JAldyettes risit to York- Thfi.oUoVing is, th.CDnjdlasion'crjbe awn This Irfgatarcircutahcef' xvo - Memorial --presc :fecl to -G0nVrS, ?the belieyeT; wasf n "If mentioned 'inany iOftLe -. subject K lhe4reel.and CheKlcee tmlianij a'ccoynfs oHhe Visjtyublisheoat the tirae?- by jhe, :m t -tbgrhtHy hel;Ut je-Yo Ve etuned to torkthwri ere'ep."ied . -t;wbicb more tl$afi2,C30 people' were pre; the rest of tlie jUvIn feitiuy.A circ'm?t&oce ; setVtV3tWj7rekret that we ifaveWrooiu k of considerable picjuincy- ,mented thevinter;4 . brthehple.'tomoml. -r 4 'rlfV :rl,r"1 lV- f . ' ' f ta -1 . wi,M ,tv - &ieu vjnju. tenerai itavettej i c ( 0 earn llaf ed bv our tiatran'ai Authority x--bv the fendececouection oq-it Bcestors who sough t;ayebtm cimtfn en 1 1 f rom tue So 1 1 pressioh f f i ni u si" ajul L arbitrary Vg6vernmnta-4by7hel uni sullied glory jbf VAlMngtff, the r.thert bis'country. who, wrlj Ufa fellow patriots, m the infancy vrar natiejial ffoernmeutt say e. j ne mas rr euoeritie:-assu ranees, ip in e red men?, of Ube foreV th3t k theTVge'ovrHr go y ern m e iu sdou u t e x re na j o inetma' i r u ly paternalcareand Jhutheengeniens;uf ihe)venmentaviib.jVe rndiaua iho61fi be fti)vernmentuvim,jhe Indiana -houirt iinnbrnbry fulfilled, according' to thV umUr- iflnu i g At jne pa r ties ;oy a? regarti ?to ioo rputtrAnof o'urpUftjffetbtWhoarjn a periiKti inr5y;years nye.rapneH.,uocu. merjts of precisely the siin characrer,vpur; porting to ; tie t haiijJnalf treaties, liu t tin w threatened to Wcancel led; by, that sV Aitbjf !iiK IbV'-weak -'and defenceless'which hnrpr-bfe"" mind jjbjf thatabhorrnce which pyryjuprigfftleg the suggestion n1 oieasures that rescpon brule firrc6y'and ilidregarifthe vlairtisOfttjus tice'j by the dread'f incttrripg -reproach ftfVi.n-ift. 4 Vi a . c a rt t yMf . .I! ftft wftM " 4- a t : . ?f- 11 Vi 10c ,nnvj 'g"J'iJ, ju i cmoic count tr.J4 and ?istanf age and' Jbve all by; th apprehensinn H theDrvin dipfeasur which ; will nut fail to pu nish a; na tibnl "l Hat unminjlfut of itseiigHgemerits and swayed by motives of tPmporarf 'Interest 'anctnari iw yiinuueujioucj, urarganivinfi cries ul the . oppressed, iVrd e the f suffnTfg i i)f vi he hel pi eby a 11 . t h ese jcu u si d er ;tion , y nu r memorialists in treat ij fiur5 tjontirable; bod v to joferpose and ave the Chernke9 from such injustice and oppression ascan hard j iy fail lot-, ,ccompi.hing their rQ$ ',nil5bf4 upon our 'country." " , , i Ji man of Jrar.?Vh?rc doe s' not ner-' 'apexIftriL :. lustre 'pVndi;nius ad womler ' lul cpmbinatiotv of Mix . I ndii jstry .thar 4ible on .board a first rate ilanoi VVar,ji.i Aye sel 1 con tu inig 1 OOOVmKv SndV lQGf I pieces ojMftavy.otd rancerand bea n 9g them jsafely"4b tMstantrhuresV :ln tWeitV-fnur h t Vnrktc . n. establisbetLbia hit( Hilar- V? ters'in the same. I use which ''Corn'HlIIvhaii,; t-ftpne.hiSftft.forty-yearftTbefqre.Someetv in eamtnipff tber cellar, m oder tpt'aVaV'itbd'.rv dimnff j the liiegtji TheV: immediately; irvadfnt' kno wo totbe J!6nse4'"anot theintellie'enee nooni reachedlbe camp.' l3hortIafttr all the.candt vi in the cehtre oftbe lpanipk: where the fdiesmt ? I '$ofd,erqViicedilurfoff;ih cvenipff'A ball in' I ' XorktoWnVin 1824,Jbvtbe,t-hf)f JCoenWa.Ks's Z candle, appeared uo,peasant an 9ccurr njcvtw jVi' ourld feVolutibnary sKt4iers,'thA(liotvithsrjt ti- : iftg their grest'are anUthlltiea,orl)2 J V most of thero u'ere"unflin la retire nntfl ikifr" i indies werejentirely onAumed.Vf e Ilarnft from Liverpool, - am red-at;New'i'.-; York, I-ondonpapers to the 7t& Jod!WrV yHiuuiu ine owl vi jauuarv, naye peen l iyAU accnunf3 .agree, that Pwnce;Leorjnld,: - i sJHs said the state of tielanc bainotj:; , been co5 trarrnbil fori Veatkas (lurln thev . " few r monthsthat have.eUp'sedince;.iha pasWfthIleliefiUir- tfaZ'f, ottoa; continuesr m'steAdTcle1acu nd prices liave improved fully lpeclb, ' Vera Cruzi,Vur.der; ilaVof Iheihf Jair.1: ' dentBustemantfe has completely succeed ed anthVJlole4 has 'declared , In this faVorantThe has .taken the; reini ' of govern menu until a nevvF.esident fsv appointed. 'V; '3 in il'l ;n,n Rowrfifttudmentreversed-Demurref djoiniiv ' .'overruled. ftiMjmlgment of Tespoii4ea' ouster..-; cra ar! ' Bennet Smith yv'Jame Jtoaneeor &c appellant , rw " rVot on demise of . l)u net' Pat terson'vr. HucU ' : ir . vTate ..Atoa-Jir&lS State r John. Mann, from ,CbqWan---Judgmetit fphe Court.beldV reversed. -and judgment for ',ttftf fohn MerrilCfrom JredelWJudmei .revcyrsed d ner trial orJ-ret.i- ? itedfnt fa. cell, rtraeni r)f 0-1cj limine louse Office i y nece ment 4. . . i wblc i, h-vir , inept affirncdl: , . 4 (iVamThe great Railroad between l'lyerpool., and .MancHesterjbeins: -nearly II V CO.hnletptL': thVTIirprtnra nf bv iin!lr nce' a i snm time' ago, ofTered Vpremrum,of . motive Endue whicb, lat x nublic exhlbi- j Enjane which, lat a nublic exhibi beVade'onXhe sjlof October j iiaat.A rew on the Railway a divert wiirhf VU-n I '' thejgcatsi peeoJit hp least et No. I Penfce , vThe offer of ,o handsome: a pVe- ilj-infill ;mijim andrthe-brilliant professional pro's4 contain!! ?. : " - .r .t . - I I mnA.-!ft I w ' - . ' t 1 t ' i tj,ns r nmuicai'meni natural ly.exciteq .auivov Garden - w . s.. . ."4 CT.- ; icCOm- nif. or compeiiuon r ane conn mo n$ ition ttv ' nwhi'ch:Uie! izoWas'tTered Lweiqsl uifhi i That noAEngine brought forlvr. : d for epin- IXA. . k P-Vuuoo should weigo more ihanx lons 3tp andV capable off drawing ifterit,'', on'a Va'traioca citizen , ;tee,ti.nes,thtf aheinineiti fate n.menc-' . hat W thin Xk'i; mi les ati houV; ?itha o"1 , Piiiro of ritea, thViieVot x e cso xeaing50Mb3:' t5 .thsquarVjncb . cV . Pported:,on;Bprin,Uhdv Vcso'Alr i ' v wheels, and; the height to-ihe'top' of itKc II ""wJBv,"u!;l'not?,exceea 10 lect. J Hut the F.tiAtn. ittM :it;' rived i3 .tredac- 1 1 have ..'t.-Lnt the representation in the Houses of Rep- TentotireSj 'triis ratio, it is supposed,i Leesbunr,-in Virffinia. -lex, Phenfa: "will increafc-the number of tliR House tna- A ' i 4 " bfmt two -Bubitml.-an'tf' WMtV ibem? H:n FrifJi1?3t,-hoJrapo , - 'c-s-'w i f ' -r tat bilU AVefe finally acted upon by bCfv0,-;; 4 ? theislaro; oftthe fiTtatof Tirgir. -'V.-..v'w . .'Jnia -The CorfWionVilL was finally : gur,late;mlnister,to Uciumb,a.avrived ad v ihei amJpdmeiiti to thej Si- 7,rV ; 1 , " y " '" lV' hui i nate Deing,accenteuwunout;any)imotiin rinife manifestHnnwL :Generat JacksoL'sT cation : so. that1 the J bill is'nowthe lav ri- " 3 T ---- "---V " T " W t -T - - .T" T J T - , , j ; - , - " . 1 r riL I I IV. H III I I 1 1 S 1 IIMI l fM I 17 M ftlIPI fffTfl eulogy to tTie-(cbntrarynbtwithstanding; ofithland. ;Jt djrects thepplis.fpr re- -re rquireil,we shall and-ihis tofamount tlt-BolYfar Jwliling tbb madcVXing; iecUon;or: ratification to be opened; in sabifjs jhe gtinsrth.emselvt; . ,i ft - , v J r , t April : the scrutiny of thepoils:to be et A-I;nhri'nrita. tWvVii'tW-?V;. o n . t m tnmn tha 'nrur -" Tina naon.txi rt ipi ' .:.. ' v-. ..- i errisedliv the I?Teriitiye.W"It rdisneriftes tasf e.!f-riyene.7.u ela t,by:a ; pubtictj ' with the : extra, session of the Legislatures iiasbeeneparaledfroih' )vRat' isf called i Vt Jliricts jiKe electio'n'of Senators anchDV I i 't 7 lftinV,'UUbW 11 .VWUWVftUftl-l andthe first Legislature; under thenew" Constitution to assemble'o.n he-1st Monj 'liay bfl)eceinber nexC .l T f- " ; v;vlne second oh these measures was the 'i . - . . r -ri ' v' . :v ' . . : - . ' " y ' ... ' . . : . ; " ft 7- v ? v..t ' ft-ft.--T lmr4.i r . i.- ' jK 1 r- r'- .' , , v iv, lirayioiu-: iroiaTiiie; commiiree on i aim tor -oinerDurDOses. wnicn nasseu dv IMi'iilarjrV Ailai rs,r Has re ported va,. bitj. olfa :mjon tyiof 63 votes;U'Ve"Ghartei;. is.to, prevent Suttlers in the ; Army from sel-rbeVenewed fornine year and amontn : 'jinjiipirltUirus or, intoxicating ' linuoys.v ihat- is, ' it nydlnow run for.iwel ve Years This'bTlMvini TiloSt .proby.ilpasSfttandt1ln'davmontfth't from aywnext.v.Itis to Against fexjgeacj; every bip.1kast have. tunother: set of sai' cbles orda'se - and r.ur '''..kftftki. Ur-" :v. t,j-Kunz?i, : wiiiuii- ttivriiici,, ainouu. in a p ank, pucJi, amf tow f surgeons miW the J?th year of his HichMji ,iun JwkC x erablev load 1 -ho whith we mbstvkdd lht i)e -s I 'order 'ft f ' V ft- ft ft .ft. ft?,. 'ftf v i V y ft ft- ftft.ar.ftft.ftkftjftvftftft "lSft ft . ft. riea at least ,idfonsuurden,or d,i4.uiu lus f .ana "at ine sane Uineis stferetl and- invi thu.'cva'st'sburce. pf wetcliedrtesspour.i nay aybbnus of per cenU amounting to WdteVs will becujt off. vMbstTpf the e- B5I,360iVa Jnt J'l re V'' viviwjiKh.exIt ,iii4heYajnyVesuUfroija , : 1 ,V " rrM S rrf-t 'the use of "ardent jspifits? (Tlleritl pef 1tVfthin a few days past, aoung woman rfirifrwhTch allows, to -each in Rowan( county, rNi C iyasafely.'deli iiddier'would not bf itseirpr riiMihua eiTeAts- but i this:al ibwarftee -on( vi i--tbe v-onl v lived, however a qaV'brt wo creaWcVayinlippetitft? for1 'mreVnd iThemother is doing rvyell;--IPeML Cqr f the-meatis of indulging it to a fatal excess A' J S-77 4 ' t; 4s presenfeft'by Hhc bottler TliusT hun- v? Tickling.X -French' paper. ""gives, an 'dreds'VvhbntVred the army with habifs extraordinary account' of a' man in .p2ris livkHftftrtmlrLftfl-.mA'' rpnii eated hW; irt 'lef.1. hiri' hlrrdher llh V vui" .' wb. - ftftftV. . f WW. ftft . ft va -!-. "r TV . w 7.-. "i l -r 7 - f : .. - ujeNeaisiriicft,.ueiwern tner lemijiina. cup i viu uauwajica . isai ii inehf. 4 !ueli we're? not' theCWenvwno ,a-H chiefed.OurJndVpL'ndehcenbra1 -are? they Ibini 'to station ;imself-in' an 'adjoining tliose upon 'wbnm.iln.4 country could place robmV she consented 5 the husband;bound buch reliance in the bdur of peril: VTbm her tloiely and'then pegan to tiqklejther a re 'a Tnere " apofoyffbf k .defence, and $0 feet.'P SheUuhedimmoderately x an .faf!(roWbeingtted;fr - aqttye.ervrce, thelvwasyslfentXafie I HI VI ftCI UftiU "ft IMliHWUVI IVV. T 'IUU WVIUI I anu aga.HV(ilI Wti aucuu uiutuci and d atiLnaye;nptthe siic;htest-necessH Ay to j)l ea'd V an , ap o! o.v' It is ;i n the THAI TulwPrfl (If IniPllPriHAI nf ' tlnMIS I ,.V.V V W " a - .r.V 'a- ' ,a'W almost inanimate ;Aiiouier at oMawgoufrtstrm Inejids 1.- certa.aty rli. rDanjel Vebstef. kri,QT vonffres , 'would havSkiired hen fter husband fletf f ibnlns from firriudicid -d..iirer. ll.A'TA V power 01 Oft ress to pani 1 lowncic. .ing na ie remains iuipu , ei-yous ry man stands 00 nis owpttr-n-trppoits ?)d?7 S fromir.nro1A 1 (MllVftktfl viarv naiy , h ft. Ja v' nrftfl '4hA trll II HT4 . 1 tiiin";. hnltlrr inTirDI V xm! i T rilvPll k -II ! ... I M J"a? !- . tKaftft aftftaa.Vt K n v ... a a . I- a. i at aa I j . . - t . w ' . . '1 " ' ry-surrendet: jf tl.eir -s!'')ianc5by JI e .the sry it rnWhe'a fictioii.-IIt'ishard- iy conscioas-rnat -whatialisJrbr hsx"Jins';V 4!vurJ5 cre?t $,CaixIih. I ironeyhouldinotexceedi15 feet. 3; garrisons at Fortl'H ryend SJiettV Iy creditable that.any huTfrtan fclng could Vi 1 scrupulously -weighed, franfL.redt- ,M '?oaT? 1 ni';:' at the Endne should 'ebb'm lertce wolcT ttWdel l'apd'4. lhat.there shodl'd be two Pcnerto inc.ieeiip oi the;mcre,repu- ,tne,nil.sriicwintne wct o toe JxiVLtft V?Js -r'V'j, kafelv-iTwM 'nKtr ' u-i' J'' tabP.i part of our soldier siCthe suttter ; ii t r ijund as to bean able to resist milst bfdre: thejCoatwUh the raoti4evcn e Kimm:3L- ' V;:;. flifiLp be witb: fcHortarcofthe'ostex- PiWmXcib r.ic:? oiiiVa man consitimes abouKSl bsbrailid loiiar renurred. daily An suchia sbip. 1ifee m(iifl8 then.reqtiires thaf he; be la- ten, wiiij.uutiu.iij.v.; o provisiOtuf Vvundec1 wetubVaiOOVlbs j 3D of'theVe are generally on bi.aril of a ship of ,100 guns, fe6livar,as he IraUheVetofore driven off the V' VC; the" weight of which- Exclusive .f rarriiop.. eM:ai'j T -j.'t.-i.j-Ji!.. : -s. ' mount tal 1 83,C0a lbs' $ 30 t wii, ty4our pounders, on-ineVecood.deceacVVeiV' inr'5100 Jbs. vll weishini J 53.000 IbSin' i He lower dpck!28!telve doundetam.tint ... i j - ft. . m ' i ' v .. - . ft :. . . . . t, . r ... . f. r ".4.1. j ftv i a c d m m . . . - - . .. -y . ft. ' .. . '.ft. mrtr- Met' . ' - 1 I ' . - -. 1 at .-. - t . - -., ,j a r. . .v " V- , . v; t,i. i . " . ,w . t.-w -x. , v - VV aaiA k( 4n iincomion. on ine-iid insr. Dy the lfevPJ. f ' -i .. ,k. ai. ..-ft'ftf- ar -v - . 1 - i . . :v wenerai raezjtasueciarea vtnat smco ' VTlV, 1 the1 people of . enezuela bav proclaimed' theirxleteWninatioh to;Vesai n7 1 h ei rri tv-t'j i w nerties, and selected him as theirchieff $7 heAvoaldlfree.tHem fr'im'the-tvninnV:nF i.''. ' pte te char ge of a pnu nder iv e ihs i bout I 4 IK. rft...l ri4l' inn nkC,.Xaa L'.aik ) ius awi. iubi ryur v-vfiaiift,ft 4iw,acava'j:uiiaj frt U-tter. a. A&fdtfhe J;new b should -liavc Ahe iii-l 5 doubted supnorr of "the 'Army. - , Mn 1ft.inco)ntonor the-2d inst. bVth'e nrvP.t. SparroWftiftAllevi Stcp'. rr-iti pvaktnr 'of "n.ii..ft..''ftnr.iiftft.ift''T..M..ii ...'.-".. .'ftT -v , -r A. ; i. . tci j.ii laimiui. iicucu wuni), to tsS ftlrina v' '. ! Pews-daughter of i:r.,Tiimnns Dews.. - "A'' Ot'". In Cftiswell courity, on the 4th wisur bythts, "-Ss ; ttevJohn'II. PickardriKJl'm. Weatlierford s. Miss Trance G. du5hti.r,of Mr- Sanu Hoofr -In Davidson cojnty, Tehn: Jtaf; Th'oma'TiH Greene, c.raUa' -e,-Flm Ja to MiarSanili J'' Wharton..: v- . , r-; ; f .C Lrneu wiio astinucn ease as me uraauesi 1 -. " " iu'- i 1 .... ' - 1ftftftftftWftf- '. ,3 w. t 4-' . 7e Suvremt i Courl.Ax asmn ice cf the Staf.;To a mind iof the vlrv firt this tonne. re ntlman urtrlp?- f n f J- ."f try. tether jtsuitf literature' and scidncej 'ajwlt promised ftfanv)dt r; "distant ; time, to totriyVafe " bohorable distinction i . LwthV 7tA;C-1it ,He was ewg-ed u th& ftudy of Iiiwf'nd l.7;;. though qftert d-mn ?side by hi l6v.,orVenerat.,i4yv iiteratarend o- - ' "illy delayed by Jll T,-, ' Ee had made a- tiro -rev. in Tr-.r i-.r- j-i . correspondent. oJitJie'Bnstc'i Courier bears ae'r--'tirorres ?in' ipriiin''ftt-mi. gtiin i muchintdr4ncei)f bis years.SJIe Vasabeloyeclt,4 ffta I I iWhfft. ffft-ft Ik . m. 1 "T-. aJ. t " ... i. '-A,'. ' 'ft f j. ft. uu.-ww, in in lor. ui! "rejirirMr. TrunripfiT. . . r l . - -ft I . . , '. r- . . - . v .X(ft- v . . I, a I b-a, ;ft.w.Ii VA ..1 .-"J'J". 'J .. . me louowina1 ieinmny .io ine uicniiy anu l .. v.iivaaiiM., iurvpiciu uisptjjuqn iiow?ii&:?--:tY-i ,dec;orubi which tnarg ; proceed ingsf laKWJfS h kindred dust.h5fr ' . the hr.heViadTciar tribowlof IheTlaSl : ) ' -Tins bereive dMi W aJX;: C V'4n the Supreme Court Iloomfitiencel cBeriahedVccolldctie-i of .hi!f.wortb.tfaiai - 4..v..rft.i v t? T ' Jj i o- a1 l-y.car vfa jierffCfti Aiu.araiiftT daughter orMr.f -n1 7 .CXU H i y e-iu ora i i orcv 1 1 uieir cnijMiiu uon a i i y pnyowrance. -ot autlHintv," is tovoe ,oervea 'mthe ae4:CT't w7Q,unr - .'."'', jkvftft... ' -a . lf4.y 1. 1 r m .4 L. ftft m'anor.ortnose on-tnojftencp,iilrtJirrttheirlr1:,oua i -.1::.. - ar.i.ftai n-:. -a--"i k.'- clsloOft r8nd-"Curtrsy tards4bebarAin'J;f which-ithere ir no iitTectatioDcinnor fatrf congresa strike the 'mjnd;4o(7eyery : visller From .tiio ir prgcceojrTioining out argu mentyo- liitubftitflfisy JftlL,.:i, -e- iranTewsi ard "frintmagtnafiobi;t atigiage.r Any thioff'inor or fess'awouldbetlt'of 'jnhz&! j nereravuw iiwic; iijvihSvM' :.-.-.uik court roAMrir-onf.:etiDot.tLliov4fae'elfiauence:of thouht-aod nund, bntTiLturnishes ?. xonq IrMell county; The xte- "ft1- i woman tjr arr.UIe rr.nners." - I me rresoieriftin l.nureu.-., 9- i 'a..'-.;aa. - "ft .V -.V ft I oppori unity no oaey iue stn a nne r as wen a tWattef:bf-ouc sUtesmenJ i ittsjtbe only pfejbem 'the Canitol'yvherc a'safe 'com i r' haLLV.ftf -i ' - i a. ' . . - ft. '. . . . . V that StJL' . an rl fnrmprl'a t.,, f. ''At- ofth United ,utes.f"t),H4.vtr:; y"1 . . 4. ' v - - " - - -ft ' I. ft- iw . - aft .45- I ft' .1 ... - V. a. -I r ' ' " tkS . . ti a a 'VaKftft-. 4r LaftLr ijii t 11 lcs 'iiiiinv irirn la -ltn rnai ; n r. lift" . " f . --- -v lft .y. . v m. ftTutaCfty iftj irans:rcf ousmess on VommilahJ: and respectful lyrefertf; to the gentfesien naineti -4 beb. . for bis quIiStttons.v,": f '-r - f -" I, .-V I a - f1 .14ftartVJ.t3. -,.T '"A 't - ' Trtft'y0.mnat43m;li -V. 'a.i -. . ' ft.!? .Vi i! J" ' - V ' a .?r r-ft' -' Tj' ; . ",1 OaM.tit.ft 1 P.. '- .L - " V-i" f

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