. ,lv.DxU i.I a V ''l . -' : r(.' v r TOLSN i&n Ihl' filiscrr- c . WlwC theV'ft uliinoa-!!.:' t' I ''; v ,:".tbfit'five tWt itgbi;a af xf v ":4vf I i cereiR tit or 'ninety car's" eld i . . ' i ; : Jr-on ' hindmost fop, vshii e (ti ft I , I k. A. k U -Jt A VkV Vv4 "V r"i; . qrcfia infcld-crdcr, nnda : V thft,ltt ' Ananas the -pper.r nce of luring re ; I . ,wcund r Vn'ea? the enter ec?je something li. c isselhad y v l ch jet ti ik- in it. - He .vbrka, nvrll .i.r.Car"3ge ..', :?';'4,-.vf.t7jll"gie; the abc ? reward toany;pti" ; ;C 'vl 'io will be-the ccuse-wf my.cbt ing possess c. Vi;.':r'ihe:abii;Vedcscribed horse.),' ' K: .:.. - boutnarnpt on county 'VTeliWst.1, v , 3 w TI(C ftrst Ann-al ,Mejnjj ohe:North-raro-iTiff-, 4 i t i nalHaptisfc B tniv: . nfr Society A is , t ' Vbe; -4 ; A' Ah eld, ia Greenev"!!.; Pitt,.6nqnty; cotnmencMigr VtK$ FrTdaV before thi .fourth. Sabbath; in 3tirci Vt1 v'Eb.id Society are sotcrte1 to attend. ' -J h , : Vt - 1 V j : r; , At the jast r .-ietin f .t'e Board 6r Manafrers, t;t -Waiaftw-tKat Find.v the first thy bttbc i nieetinpr, be bbspryed r. ; a ttay .of ' .iiineandl Vk raer t "'3 hped th n thi? day ill b 4 icuUrly regarded by all who jwiiH thprbsperttr. , :r Aofsaid EvanreHcal institiitibrt.-; feV; .'.i5 '.fe.'-.:.- ."PTj"A.vn h'Stbre a.vtrv ,Te..2nl rc:,, ..cr.. ct O Uchool and other liooks, Stat ?ry, Uc-- FniW'ttib! is: 4t0. 8vo. in dd d 1ocketo.t Cue edition, in ext: a "Hfu i rato RnB-lfsTiReadMScoUs lessons:, Popular l.esdpai i f 5 t LiOOKjng' v lass V fewYoxk. Readersi Koy iI.and-Jt Jacob's Greek Reader : !f 1. -i Ln r d n to "e ,that a murder has bee., committed in the cr-nty bf UatesontT State cf North-C-.rolina; otv the !23rd dav of ! : - li Lt, md thit certain MTUtEblT'T MCSSK late cf tV coar.y and Ctate aforesaid, stnds charged-by he findirf Gra u iry upojt-'H bi. otmaicimeir, u derS.--J.v-Well ; will . . ..it I "h nd wLVi r" iWj . cforsale; nice 'O.a few.Wof-the HigtoL;;;;; ;; . -J?Mi ry oF I , orth-Carolin.i, -ti nvf .volumes by lpf- i cis Xavier.'Jfftrfini .juspublisI)cdyV"v, vr' j ' ' . .!(." ' I" I " I ,1 ' II . I . I I I J t. :vltlo;;?u'Sel;-' Cplumbian,' do V . ;v ; ; Pieket'i Tnsthictbr :,,ck:- r the Rjclmion EnqHirertqo, rect(eaapa eniarjj ! -( ?i 1 ; i: 'M'' v r ' a citizen of Virginia, priced bents iWcUir'fes ontbe Uestrldiv, Sj stemelivered .-to' ; v: t he S e fuo r"V olit rca 1 CI a sa, of i V iltra'mHd Mn ; ; 1: Cofley: Jhoina$ Jiew "Profrssbr v , ' r; 'bf Uistqrv,lleUph vsica,, a'iidr PoUtreat tiwi VTheT)over S(?lectjibf: Spiritual Scngs By - ! f !''' jAtUire w. -liroaddas;-price. 62 J' cenu:-.! v i crabby enUrJ?ea;hlavweyar;onvl-ortJB, iUlabd; six miles frpMetorbnthe-road' r t -Vi:l cuitibrti a'Yinej ard Of forty acres of gnjikd, H i ontalnuivia htoclc bf 65,000 ' Grape Vihe'iand :Iurrya f:n8.GrammJV paWamV Grk.. Grarn'r. ldd:da ao-(abridged) Vipey'ad 'b"i ir ;Ar:iir,i R. nidi man tAtiii??.? VCv v" 2 ; " J n ft sity-4 w'okvarieti e s, sel ect ed i b Eijrope, V b e-. xf i iVV'J. I?fe4h e b e st speci es bf ltoot$ front fc Tt hers ::;,fextensiveyineyar4 andNueriesnvAhe'd? . vn. artment "Garonne;: jv kitJrnnicg '45, 3a J foposea t b hp nurngtrbua rcUi 5 .sinenas-td ,tlie euUtTatie,n. ot the Grap,e;yine?m l-M "rTthe United Stated subscription miMSi ."it"; V 1 ;'s,'l' Irii ".A' I t will 'inff9v t A fiirnili n'KefV.1tAi Gre.enleaf.En GxfAdamy ;t ;dodo is ftirther rer bie-Hthsaid llcredith Messer; ' athabscon-r d"efC?-d flv?d:frorn tbe jttrtidirtion f -tt liri'Hipf th:put?, anx? thereby etude,, tae a.H; Ci ,av and vi Justice;' ;r ": '. . wave, t. re tore,-to tne,emi ii.ai iin? saiu ( Me redith Messer' triaV be armrehend. d and brought I .th above reward ,ot wo, iunarea i Jll ; PC TIrl lOany person urvci !-! who -ill appreherrd ind. confine thersaid Tlere- fUinPjesseniJianpaii in jnis aiwc, au. uwi may:be, bryjg:bt to justeefandI.'4o Amoreovei 'jwhat savt?ra elttiltary- aaxiyil .ttmrtrijiy StateVtb tisetheVr '-b'fiiktndeavoureiojtppiTnend' And take or- cahe to be apprehended ar I taken, inrDoay-jDi ine, saia aiereuiiii; cscr saTely and securelyi eepi; -fid.ltbat, he -jnay be4 brought tb justicei 'i'-J & tf&J : Meredith Messeris anbdt7:0r28 Veart of ager about 6 feet vhig! btowp his ace ajid ,'handsh scaronrie ofj hU handa:'fnbt'Tecb!ect'edwhic bioV and sbmeb'f the bones. of thehand b'fojeni J .yhaH ttheBob'brof 'JiG U wfe '$o : 'fH;j?cety cart ,bevhad,4d thbrtces MtA & pre- d , - : m.v vii$' V L 1,: sf??i hhma Sfet ?8I Vf: beaf5cWetlmes fulVand at otheri PiWe'snthnietic 1 Walsh's-Arithmetic :;M Sc -under theSrreat sealjof !he SVte, CbtburnVd- t$lW?tinatt ny;tIie:Gbv.rn6rvm-:;:S:-f Willard'aVf&fdb--. Uabotl3 rioV U ''-J- doi; SequtUo Aritlv VVhelplevs Compendo History bf V Hitbry t Charles 5t1 ' Qo 700 America jy uer-s jtiietnents ptxuo Gri w shwa 1 1 HUtbryf Jjpf Gre.ecellV:! .VldoiMbiiro; tf and India . . I Gibhon'j History joK Halso3LT States hwmafdVdoILIi States Pitkin's ; doU.! States a vy w ,s, j ,:., V4V vj v. v.. :; Scott's Life bf Napoleon The ll&tbry t)f iModerb ;;tiuropei vitn an- ac "iconnt of the Rise ami . Fall of;the ; Roman rv in jc" Life ' atid.VVoy Rollms Ancient History Irir ing'ii . Lfe and xvoy : GiT4sntonitnated ra)ces bf Columbus-- i ; fixture ;'p v 1 vDriawi i.r cpoois. 1 1 tiurae.amo iei ana ijis-iiiurin s iwiusay itheic rapelvfo : o.&iad "' i'M-icaif J-P'm 'ttfe iutie of theirtbeing:: planted. Adam' Geography-and CumminV Gebfphy ::trW ;ramiatlaajr vf.- !v;4Utc'tl :MoraefbM1b;r Woklbidgedodd; H- iv; .'vnodtshen transpkntedlliiViii AVbTceBtefV do -vvclo GiwdVSch's do, -?.-Orew .nd,&i5--Epitome dof Wllettpdobs Vf -' su " Smiley VKeography and WMard: do: t db 'rc of pieGrape'Vine Roots UieV wish ib.liave JAtlas 'tU;-;T;5i : y'i' :'spELlNGBbOK 1 $:.;at;ih.eycaf .t2.eTt;:fbV f;abhWbtfor-.1eas i'WebiteaSpeUinB'kstMbrray's ''ri: J,4tJan-.l W,t4h.ra bf;i5:;cn.taii;-)ariaL5: : cents Comly's? ; da v;b UniVerKal: db-llb - J; Tt; r?t for Ie3 $hri:50k oo n iwa; veora '.rfeYorkPdo do Dil worth's dp i : v A do Latin Dic tBifJh GvnnorpfNorih- Carolina HEIEAS it4ias.b1eeri:roade known tame, r.f t 'f that 'ti tmirder a been committed 5fthe county; ofCnrrmvck,iand State, ot North-Carol i. na. Wth- 4tli of SeDtemberlastianrthat a cer tair. lV&f WILKINRlate of the, county Estate aforesaul; stands charKecl 1yi theverdlctof a b- ro nerk inb uest with having perpetrated the same on thVbmiyf UCa I ceHainPenelopej;Wilkin3,;ofl anu mime Knowp?o uic inwi iiiusaiu : n Tcins hath absconded and fled from tbel jurisdic tion aqd lunits of this State, and thereby eluded V,Pvr,ient;to be made on dehverr of theroots; picitja Kv'db ? Ainsworth'a tibhayfl. - - ' J ' ( - ' ' ' t' :v Biconary-:.';-; Buck's Theological pic? Brown's ;Dictbn'ary 'of ChemicalrDictjonary ., v Hooper' Medical do v ficiterings ureesxje- .1 f fePe .Je, f nd on hejM?king:of: Wtne.inay; db4 tarredb .v4?..fb'b.fo0hd.Uhe principal Booksellers of the TJ dtoocket do tatela :1 vv 'Wrrlbat has selected the. foItowinMjeciei. .Todds Jol. ison'sdbE Vr the ct.oice rf whic iXlcfttosub. BoyeVs rrencri, liuiL.uj 'i.. ,t. i;; i hi -i: riifLLii' ii i ini ir i j-ji icwii j i .. ua mini uu : i .' ii-uii ,! :s '. -y '-' '.v v:.-;; ' ': i-'-? .WIIl TE;.7.fc ;' V-'J -V"1 Pnmry Dicjtionary ., SchreveliuS'). Lexicon y : v f , a:iT. W oir. gros-rain,' 3.0" Melting for A , "-V''V ""ti :. it V:; rFrontT7r.nt- 7;;.luscadcllc, (rpra the -river Jfrt, f p . jx - , v-w " :."f VAi-'; ldvokSeV9.trokay, 10 Syrian, Ilk Constan- Kv'i' 'RAWING PAPER. v K: u V',' 7;'t v lii4 aJaga,,.13r.iMeillers.i V : Cap'Brawing Paper lUoyl Drawing Paper x h nH.-:'- ?j4-,BI;d. N ; 13emy do sdo s Super Royal do do 1 '; f 't;?j'S4 Lar;;eluscati IS. Maivcisie; 16. Red Foot, Medium do do : ' .VV's 'H? ' ' 'st: ir'-rr7W. v -- vS'' r' LetterPapereT0ori Cap Medium and Royal Pa-' ''13io; " ; VJ ! ,l 1 L,f C'. ' -. FolKPpst &'D'emvPa Super tto)aliod Impe , v ;-A?'f;'19 Ai'vergnatf.?p.-m,in' ieuc,2t. P ncinsl. Jet r-r;v V rial PaoerN .i v;? le,22 Platfde Ih : .fe; 23 O. eHe.CMJoucette, " PV ?rL' I y .plant'-de-iReine, '23 ,Uu.gundv,2r. Monllnn,' FAKCY PAPERS, ! ; 17 ft jhj; ,.-Maeref i. nour5eias,uu-,i;icaraan, ui, or ' !. Of 1Ch0osse;32. P.. S..J ,C ' V-Mar the arm of the-law an3 of justice -ifif i Now thereforeii? the 'eiid that the said Kyey WilkinsN may be apprehended ani 4 prougnr to j usticetUeboTj..yafd' of b unddS dot Ufaiiobienjtc any persoti or jpersonswho wdl appreh-nd: and oonfinetthe,! said )I vey Vil kins n an jaiUnhi Stated sb that he?maybe bVoucht to iustlce V- And I db bioreoveri hereby ruirejommahcl and enjoin all officers ' what- soever, 'as wcivvti.a-r v " 1 . . ' tos Use their best,ndeavourstb apprheri4 and tike.Wcaiise to be abprehended andlaken, the . i ' laAim i. tr:li.: ,1.-1 4,:. ::..l. to justi l r "Ivpv stbnV.jmade light; hairi blue es i full face '.and has lost a oartcf his toes'from one of his feet he is a carrieriter by trade,and is, upbHel to i ai.mc uy o xutieigiiv auis Aiiiuay & of November. A. D. 1829. ix ; .; , ;jno.'oten. By the Gofernor, r ' ::joirar B.. Mess, 7. Sec?y. : . '27 tf. r, . vu'.i. u rn. a jL.f-xi v( . v ix&i Me' Governor of Norih-Qdrotinai , LTwo Hundred Dollars Upward 1J 1 'v ! f piewnern, liecemoet-llv .w-,?..",; - '"' -T('r.i;li''iri.y -, . ..... iia. I peal&BaBpnds pfeice's Indeiftwfe'a EW vAdrpidistr lois;ic Cnstatilt BbS tG tX&& SriN 1 .WX)rdewofjSatetromra :fffVT ?bcreg.leayeo -tall-ffli- 1 (lfecbirrtizanjes and'Hond idpTosecutew tei)tipn pflcgal geiuleraen tlirouuv ty Guardtan lndsndolicea to Gardiahs, litej States hejf AmenCan Edition 0f ; Procesii against Secmties&cc S& 2 ;.ergiantnd Joiui',CiX svtre of . v .l-'eda fKSiteahv ETecutibnlf-i;) -j. 'Tbe constant referenc 2. to the recent fciUi 1 Qi'06)ttoWfti :Be4ons, hither bmentsoC Counsel a,, iXv'rMKdU i ort comrnerclal .matters ;iaod tt he analJ .A ' WarrajntsiCa.' Safc &4$)$m : iAppearance' Bonds,.ipv V , Executions .&c &c-Q:.:r ? :'?; J 7 " Gommon ufteeds, IbrtgPbwer f At- J JgnJk0 v, V r '. v--v-f -v "JilJjV l.vij- 1'.' '..u; , h ...5 WustbrcessanlysubsistM b.lAyestibilsirlviw t wp" cpantrieswHbs leguJ pnfici pies ana fiL. heatdity .f)nt.UeuPovexnentipqe4:!kubItW4 iere5rbbidlyno Africa pJurjst wbowonkf p.f - w iv-tu f-. r mv live Or J fZJit't ' k ,.' .; . ,;' 4 ,i'1..,..,,r7v"lu tov nep uit4eGiQea.mngiarMi;as aHy af; -thef;authentibVpubhcaii - f. -t v niSRASES Of. THE tirClTKTX" STATRS:";'T' 'ajrv L ,th.tsApu.bricatlbn haS;Vn:"undrtaken;ud $ beib cbbduledbi te'mosl 'Weonb.lnical plan :4vi. ;s.eT link b-iu il p 1 1 yHhoie; ;ca?fes w hich 1 r4 v' Vdreb' aOipebfbryi t ' cal teriiisAlioi' the 'NursV5uidi. i;:'l. : ..!f j'prowd . ) , .. Ul .'iinv' A4 iVW M ,lt".il,;M(fvI cineV trf-inVM books have beeik'writnB whichi thobghexceUenMn '"other respects, 'have greatly laua oiuseiuuness .10 Amenpans ; cccaysc H'cy mmoieiandi9tutituttonr must Svidjflyfdifter from Ue, htttitli;ypJume,!WiU bellied fvom the niirrf.i.'fltii.v Hon linw V-ftrt1 A tlis nrthlib'T o Impress in'fthree nlrths. tviiit .Wiflltirmt tm ik therefore, the great 'a4vaotageb x. hunlan'hialir'linnnH X- '.iir 'ilC'Lr-'il ' ':. uuiiur pec i ,fSt bscrip tibtis; or ordei siomnlet e s?t g tor ,To every family,; more especially those in re- j odd Tulamev tceivM.bMhe Vubiish'ek by J, ni"tL ouutiiuii fyi -yaii jit rv.ii'.ia, l.4vl.)4lat.l conducted by uch a guide, if will r not. be pre-j - . 1 , .' . r-' i.J.- irv'-ill.ti p':,lii;:i.iUl.:i'1'.'t-L', sumpiuous ia say: mat any person -or toieraoie r,; i -jniauvipinsu.Hnv iou -M4...f jir-. Jj'-J. '!--K'Kl-:'rii'r-u ' 'UvIl.-'t:' ' :..'..' rr. . ' L "'J iiWtlrnisji Uotin'.fjiUoiiiiV6ipi lrepnbhsl them here; ,;wt,thin lour : monU5ir ineir armesiranc& n imruiTiiir. n?. m-. -.. . v.v, -v writi eft hi' if native a VteVibrL af lorii and iic. cessfut practice in the souil)ern;statH8 ami wh); h tor years, past, , lias turned, rmicn ot m attemton, t iyo wttns: ir paper covers. i xi iiic uuuiiju&iviuu.ui'h, . ... -i: t. jf.,v s iv-.'iv., - v . M.f l4'"'A Ai.:ii'''Wi.?)vA,';,:''i'l. ...-.',: , i , bled to pracctise wUh safetyrnd adv tlioseicisofslmplrdUeaser --xrAK p.-ri.i-' ...-t- :J r ' t- ,-t'i - i? . xinswura. is r aic, uy r: - i.vt vs vv- - ,v A UK S & SUM. -11ff7"HERE AS it has been made known to me . f T thata "murder has Jjeen committed in the Connly of Halifax, and, Bute of North-Carolna, on- the 21st day of October last j WHITMKLL. ;OT.TON late of the County, and tate!afore said," stands charged by the findinr ybf vsC. Grtnd .titjy, bn,a bill of Indictment, with havirfj?! per. petrated the same on'thebody.of a certain John i F.- Harris of said county And as it is further re presenteu'anci made Known unto mev tnat Uhe said WhiiWell Cotton hath, abicoodeci and fled from the Jurisdiction and limits of the State, and t It Li If. x. t'1 , ) I ."' ; "?. '.I'? '.'I?l.rff . .11. AiiVPPrfnaf ' f.f " IflnnS ; I .. . ! ? 1 ilil ' rra.ntlVr'liF ' ill (l limn mirnnrt A T lml.'.fan 1 1 v. . . .1 " 1 " 4 I Suisse, St. A-wtoinc 13. Gm So ' 4' yOPaJbtoxes Z.:-4 ; r thepahle aH'y t yf: ' w.cWood, -PejrteV, ',t;'"" , V H 1 1 Ti. 5 . '. $3 v "Cor,"GIass EPucket ''VV, 46,.Ghfb tfn i rr,i.tainebleau,rDo-4 "s Inkstands '-4 V'-r C-AMnscat Lzrde,' 51 Doi cs mull Herries,- $2; Do,. Black $n'd V - LH?S' Afeiandria.) 53.0. Jura.) 54Sau India Rubber, and InC" . ?. ' fi6omf -V " 'lnC'' X"l"v- V ' r-.' . i . UIu. v Sdver Pencil Cases r rr'V5lbhaMelsf 55..J)o VioleO 57. Muscat, KWderVlndel. lelnk Uouie, 5d.U;r VoIet; 59;'MuCAtGrvy, ,60. jGbttlemen'apocket' ' ' Parties Yiolet, 61. Do. of Pto(jUtfU 62. Eatty Mag- Hooks.. ; 'J'l- r' r;,;r';jdelehf ".ya ;l( ; ',;vK vh Vi8itipgX5ard;Cas ; Subscriptions dlbe received by Memorandum Books SSiKE " K I i V thereby eluded the arm of the Wand of Jus., bled Paper -v .;k jtancy colored do ; t. o v -,J4 ,hK . " . FAINTS, f &c c , ' tlitfore, to the end: that the said Whit- CpipurslU lack & Red Wafers i tijack and' Red Sealing ; '.Wax. "x-v -0 Black and Red Ink -j MiacK ana ttca iitKpow iler'' V ' ? ooaenpuons moe received ny,.-" Memorandum Books -J r v, - -" - ' ' x- - - V ' ILdeiVh; All prderajn their line attendedJoV w th 'm V: .,7' , M'?n' vvthVearliestdespatchJ;;?::.- ,s V . iii. II(rner'sSpecid?tl3eherarAnatomyt2(vols',1, v ' -T-f . 'J L".N J i4;4v?fticTt's.GeneraI-Anatony?'4 vols. fTnilE, Atlantic Spttvemr, for 1830.' 'splendidly' ' Anatomy and pathology J k'. il bound in embossed leather: u ith gSlUeiVes,' i,Vfv:;XBe, Anatomy ?. . ols. - ; liiX d twelve Jiighljr finished iigrayiiigs iiZ iteel, , pitfV9'1 .MorbidLnomy ; !. v; hy.the 6rVArVistin Af ' , jV.; ,N I( f'vVAt ;CiHfop urg:ery,'.2 vols, i ... r - Just received and for sale hyVV 1 k ' UfV -if rCofiper?t-.rtnn Lines of Syrjery; 2 vib . y s- 1. AjL,GALfcS SON. 1 w'..-' . -."V -iv liewees on r.er.iaies '' -vif xlobnbTldrcn I anv ; lull in thi9 State," so that oe may jm broueht toiij'fiU i bcu . aim i vi u iirrsuv. tuurcurcr reu un: 'rum. O rawing Pencilsand? 4 majrid aud enjoin all officers vrhatsoever as well Slate avl 'SlatC Pencils Yrapping and Sand Pa Day . Books, .Ledgers, ? ' J Jcmrhalk, .,,lv ;r,'; s'n Cash Boofcs,Recetpt LMJUlt.9, ;l:''tlGcd;SL:idy,of.'iled 5: ft" f -LGresrorv's Practice, ; , 'vv Thacher'.i Moderb Practicbr U'i;:.Cimen:PracVicC:vv '; ' . A' e -iv. ,;f .-rha,che'r?s Dis penifttorY :"? s .:. : 1 '' 1 ji '.' 1 1111 J f I'ii i . hi i ii . ooper ..4 VmV? rl ? C rlgraW bjrgate;tT ." :::.:-- iticncraiKi s. "j -voir i.":-.! jre i v ; i, . -o ""rM'j unis,4uiii aincuirei mellCottbn may bepprehended and. brought tojustice the abov;reward of $200 will be gi v en t anpersorkbr persons'who wdlappfeheiKl k iind confine'the'aidf VliitmeJr Cbttoii in any : jail civU as , military, within this State, to Use their o est . endeavors to apprenena, ana taKe, or cartte o be apprehended and taken,' the body of the said Whit mell Cotton,' , and; him safely and rae", tMirely4ieep, so. that he jshal 1 be brought t O jus tice; ; a - ; - -7 i v - tVhitmellXIotJton isabout 6 feet high, of light complexion, slender and erect in person,- speaks wnu raucu -apparent precision, ts aoout 4o years of age, and is supposed to- have rled.to the State itlrtN- uhu.ht my. nana as governor, "51 and under the creat aeal of the State, ,mS at.tne City f kaleiglu this 2d day of : 'iv v - i; jno. ovvjen: 7 ByibsGoyernar, " ; -!' Vfl ff : riYteEiritertjii i HAYklNGjieen solicited by WfrieruliV; Pwill .. hereafter be prepared td accpmmodajte'wiv' Board v and o Lodging, , transient persons? W1ksc stay in the cityfmay be limited toa short peHod. 1 shall also -bel glad to receive Boarder vby tlie wee&Jnbnthryear fmishfe(lmyjSubles 'lpplied' wjit1i.'d..' pro e nd er, aiid, Wy charges adapted tb" t $e p rewu'i e f the times, y: , U&n' fit have at present boaromg-wi mirbfesi: pr of Music andt his ,f irnily Sty puiei foflers,v therefore," great faCilitiesto yptbjrlAdiit-s frm a distance, who wish nojrecelve irictiSnslfiii this polite branch. i '.,;;kj-Xl'.l!. 4JV v v.y.' :' rT ClHl PARIXVV Raleigh, FehJ 1830 C (O The Shr;wilt insert this threoeeks,'' and send thelt bi)lstbl.rsfPa trpil E Subscriwhbjaat some tfc T1 JL i tot in the trnrverbitvtoi ' fthwState has ta ken) ichargevofl the Boydtl)bfMaleiiem TbexerqiseSjWlllm In addition to t beBrancliesof Learni nvgsiial lf taght in 4ihe. best i nstitutjons of trns rie Obi strucjtltJbvWiU be; given tp stitjrV 'a? jdesire i!injthe' t fV.Y fslTTTvi ', ' Willi It.' IUil Languages anUthematicaj . J,tJ4mmbn: a id Engl ish Biche &C.S 10. tb. the Sessibiif fivebntksl iAIiiitril ... f - - - . - - - s - ' - : - .- t . . .- . iiiay; be obaiuedAin.respectk per months Vyiieia yery; t bing f'rjiifs'hedsi Stu4ents,'iue, expence.ui no case will ixeed'35.-dbll5vjba' sesii ' s.J 4.-. t.tr..i2.;.l . 'uL.il i"u, a jr iuuiivsi great ncai' ijiujujniviH'ruv W1 reflttedlsocyeiitrt' sitna jnce bf. access, Btjydtaapossessea. iags for p.rjma! literr-iy ifcstablisbiperttThe Academy r is.yeryretired and inbtefrmrfiie' tustlejof t he to wnjand; thevji nliran tsVw, iCo op c rate wii hthe tiictigt?-1 n t he slip pressioiiCof vieeandhbpreferyatioribfrde rals'bf those committed a rof carbbfnct ly'guaid; pone?of peed be ht,VNasltbey ilLi)0tibpeMtt'edsjc4iv1' I remaining,5 40 pontinate.otheri.Of iheh iriMuu , um'h ' Diiu.ikiviii,! me 1 ict visits i'jiavincr . V j . 1'' ...iv;' ...- .'.v-. -','... q neen seieciea jw a location tortue contemplated EPCTFULLT announces 4to thecifuens of miiid-h that K !tl l-i-1, t a Dinnn .1 . ' iiJk 1. -1. . . i i same.T His terms will b e mo- n his modof cAingcannbtfail to give 'jsatistaction. Re an c 1 Ve.satisfcforvf r ierencb as tb'his,qua ; I hose persons, trbn wisl-theif dai: t rsto-ta 7 ' lenst'hbT " ni.'-ersfbha vhb have r.ot.riabos n Uke 1 ns at r.'fr& .idenciVt" ' trV'Parsiey V Bbardir. j hou.j," on yw"; ,a ouHivicn c,iuc we view JO thCdesighot; which instttutibiiV hijrigiUberal he&njtr; within tferwhYxfffonc.iit. iffAMA-rir foriuHesf the Board aiildTvitlopiJiavet beeti fixed SpaJfeIyc.aat,fabtory.i tmiiribbials; frbbi the rossbrybf; ilodern ihgfuags" at 'Chape! i Japiql830vty" y &t&$$$? x.tc Halifax; th- sulpscribereipectfu .quests tjtoseho,are indehtedlnm, Npte pft Account to call and makb vayinent withobtdelay; ?s frbrb: the nature of his Vmri ; -'i-: rikmH further in 'uTgei'ice cawioi be giver t7Atti aa taking Jeavec: 1. 3 old fre,nds and' cbst bm' ers, viio nave p itronized lum J ' - otrghbiithe wqu. J bejhf . to acceni his sincer thani Tkv their liberal.' slip - 0 rand for rther.sli 'tf Hav z b-friended Tim riag.ihh sojc.M.'iti Tiuj , citvl he soil iver den . m his recdlectjc i feeliiigs of theOht fk?ctio tf rem.."rnbrarice.-' - K 1 JAMC3 LlTCIIFO'rtD. " rinn uttiev Booki haitcide KlxiJiWsfons Whose i idgWent the PbbUshers ' cyii" rely khd rirswuiswiuwiiicL purpose ct . xnvs. WprIC, ;fM' the stibjoined remarks, extracted JVbm Vo'uhtary bf the; bfiletirl : s1)0W tlivestimatibfl ia'v .' .iThis ljlrteiworkls nfe f rt a?,racTiTlv; bd bonsequntly Vtseful t . cts"tofhe Ikinrl ye, jiave - c w .ecii . iv,. j u '! iiji insirucijon JOiVJ 'gaise-,sbasc1ftatingyth Iihei little jearner,illeartaiir ciples ' of -vitiis 11 randi otj bdirc'at i n,iforee' I .himself iaw re;of lits pro-grs'beleentv, of fh c science areeluck ' at eduij; Vervl1 lpn4 mniuicr. pv ens, ji hh,s, pnjjlS,, wunwucii, eveVy 'child is Amiiiar r'llieseV that, by siigiitest ,1 nspectibn he: wilfjmpier. pfbeVprbpertres:iO 4'st ractmeihodVmere able to impress,! it a cour.- f minyi tek. SWe .cannot Recommend too highly tlifs lit tlei treSfte ' to. the notice Slid patroJiaL'e pi techt rA, parenU aothejflbte vebile ediicato 4 . adapledtopurposfii ;o'fttitthor fcflbtrK Mbcecl?ilfn 'VaVwX"1 :niCV acqtmlntabceth; rttnmetfc. i ntsiiioiiiw so navur.u , ap his iios ti ktfkiffc sowptf we,are conOdeiU. that any:'clildibf binary' ipacitVf; fi veAears old,- rrtay tvtf; taught. Kv ill rt 2! tXJtVjylt :rrMf:;mcris . .'s.pefmaneeK ' 'vy"s lV,'VM wvpa4nea imi MTOpjlineo, that the study ol ArUhTPetic Vmy 4 rofiuV nvhejias hiUtjrr) engagrncjLher ihtantvm iiil; Aand ettablmsr-'lt j J.AAwli.'-:i..- "Iti . V.fi. i'-i i - -." '..?'.. f's J?JThisisihe nqsjtcitrioiis and 'amn'sing-lfook fprternentary .nstructibb in Xithm4iictt whic ; ...':i:A.i.r .a v -'i ! r s -k. wc 4iY.c-:r i wHnesseu.0!: only arevpgun uitroducr Mtu trated bv Pictures rran.Tpirin th iAjiner;.rjncl alcuiatedat 'bnde strbhsrlv to i, ""."whi wup-irine scjencoiOt'mpuiu'y Hm junderstanding of ,tlaUnes4 itself 5 ? 1 VLetjanVp toin&truct clnld-Vwiibllyiffiibramof hutnberiV TremiisVjittteVbb and surprisedat the tasyptvgress that wiy ifee.. made-tbe .stbdy) oY'thjptittcy ge-ft tlie.m'osttunbonukar anddlscburie-inSrVith cbfl- idebbn this p larVbe'cbV beenAprticu1 tlypleasedwitlAlheV teaching W .K;i,1 ' ViWA- rtinleof 1 fcti,'- 1. 15 V"U.. -x: .i.T' "". -a -.,11 in IBS :whchhey acrpii re ; with great diSculty J old system lin4iwich!ts-left to mere.hsttceJ.i .mpit bCHn.i chbbls;to EmerspnKiTendi If .as e Wtoxount .bbe fingers and a;:CBW :pr,s;x.eara,inavte taught the .figured in 1 libujii-beheVelif 6 eaTiychoMv and hope" to ' aee tcrwWl trodi: 2q.Jlh64e Itland tomcpnt ..-:f g-)ld by J- GALES U SON. Ral?gk.'

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