V: ... i X ,: 4f;;v, V"5eX v I 3r. V J a ' T2TJ B.E&IST133J - V-vI- vV :;;, ' ' , t.'Tfe :,J. kn,ilnrwcumier,'in the crtter portions. N.iaarsV,,lhe'suH'scrW. WnlWra.et. .C i, - r4 .iZLsV 'H, SA .? V, ' .; .ffjT. V b;-- Tn?pme crthf frir pnmtrs of U otl.edav-irt general it Better i&piVd O ling io tbV Stige.from R,V,gK tos Payette. rnttB'Cortni&h . . inRRPIL is AJLho .cpUj ..?-. r;-fnf tp;i whih r biihiiha ra.k c r tKo k iriTVi.v, precise sum oulcnowivrbui. believed, ttf be he 1 it a v -iV ' . W,. iucceedine pablicatiprtathos; tiy al.U 1 f. 4 l THE fblTrfel First vpori th lisf, is ridm? orj hqrafe ooll nu useful Kinds or exercise oi wiiuft an m. i THE : IMPORTANCVOP A NAIIOKAI. . Et- ' lp 1 Prom the Christian awfi'pM'- Vo r om e, n ow , i o ou r4i a si, a nu., n at we r a weighty arsumei rijprature. We desire and woqld che- if f beCHUSe we nopiironi.ii:. imporTanr A ivo Viiiiftft of truth vand X human 'nit ..rpl v WebelieVe tHatJiteratare sprinc;- jnrr lr) in itfiis InewpTgoilWfiald ; bear new fruity apd 'M ;,rfmg ::re p'-nior piriou? f,ut l)n;ate Isewhe;pr?ducedAVVe know that; our hope? may be4stUwn to die iccodnt oftUat Otiona!nity"wh vithtiiMm'ucl reason, is placed by for eicners amonof purjbese tlins sins. 1 But we sjwitk frmcalnano'ileriberate cnvlrtion. 'AVareinclined'to belie ve that as a peo ' elf Jwe: w??upy' a pftsition from which f he greAubjec oniterature,may be viewed morf justU han"rom those;which most o iftr' nation :Umlpubtedly we hbor tinder -ififadvplaeesl- R.wa.fkt thelite- Kurwpe : - her jibraries,; jier aft i vers! iiif, iier I e' r n eil i n Uu ion , hpr race of rofesed ' ch olars , ner spot s ' c6hKrated by;a memory of sages, and a tMusand Rt?rng,associaHotis whch hover tjver ancient I Nurseries of learning But the mind is jiot a local power, f its spring in within itselfnder ibe ;inspiratitii of jihenl anil igjteiifig 11 may aiittui anu Morthiljr express n 4)1 er truths thanj outward helps couui. reveai. A : The grea JisiJnction of our, country is that we enioV peculiar; advantages for un derstand i ng u r own na t u rev i CM a u is the ' vreat ' Aubiectlfcf literature,sand jutefeanil -id. heri than ;ele where. : In AjEuropp, political and j artificia( 'distinctions - have more or. ISA triuniphed over and obscured our common "atuie.."fiuyrpe9'we-' mett k'ms, 'hobfess (ifiiests, antl peasants. How iiiuch rarelr' ii it'to meet then by which ;.:e mean human beings; conscjoTO'oftheir own : -nature,; andconscius ' of the ut . tef -worthlessness of, ajl outward U istific v tionsV . cotnpdred t with:, wat is treasiirer up in thir own souls Man does tut vnluc himself as man. IffSs for his blood, his rank, or some artificial difetinci ion, atj(! nVt rfir tnealtributeapijmanityi tht beholds himself ih respect; The -inititutionoF tbf Id world atl tend tuihriaw obscuritySbver what w'e must need to know ancl that is, the worth and claims ofia ruman being.- We know thaV great improve me ntsVin .this respect are going oifi abrpad Still the ma ny are postponed to Hh few. ?The mass Oineii a r regarded asinstVuineris fo'wqrk wiiK,,as matentals to be shaped 'TorMheuse of their superiors. r'rhatTc;onsciousnes8 of unturc wnicu r.nncainsi as a germ, an noble thoughts, which teaches us at price self-respect and respect tor pthersand which bi.nds us to, God with filial, senti ments and. hope this has been repressed, kent down by establishmeotsf founded in forced ; and literature Ink)) itsdepartments bears, we think, tbe traces- of this inward degrUlation. Vc concetve that our . posi tion favors ajus1eVanji5rjhoundc.r: eiti mate of)iumati nature.' A'VVe ,)neanjnot to boast-but there are here fewer ob tructions ., tf that moral consciousness of humanity of wnicn we naye spoRep. Man is pot hidden from us by as many iguises as in the old world.. The essential eo'ualitv of all ha. "in n beings, foundedon. the possession of a spiritual, progressive, immortal 'nature, i hope, better understood : andnothing: r.-wj ,"! c man inis single conyicuon is neeueu - win iw.Mie iniguiiebi cnaiiges in every pro vince of human life and human thouaht. ' We have stated what seems Iq us our roost ,3 Miriam oisunciion. uui our Dosuion iV.vl n oth'er7ad vantage circum- 1 1 Bia"ce or itsoeing at new one, gtes reason " nope tor some new intellectual activity, 0ne fresher vie wsrsof nature and life. We are not borne down by, the weight of antirjuated institutions, twae-hal lowed abu es, and the remnants ot feudal barbarism, fhe absence, of a religious establishment is an imiiienseaini as? far as, originaliry uf d tot do chiefly, if not (entirely'; upon horseback. ' It is certain! very reasonable f - - tWeeri wo and trree hundre dollars cbristiiig' o0Tr easury Notes- vjefal onedoli' 'Newtero. hills,; t rt dollar &f a;iadc$lil3, several!. fiv andten-dollar. StatetRank; bilH and fiveind, ten dollar, bUls on South-Carolina pank V4 or i'SC ten doilarill on the United States Bk;ner iis tinctlfecoHccted to be 'sjgtfetl by- John liusk; and one. by ides. jAlsp dolkf;Cheiw billx folded in a &&rt'indenAohd?&Miku j to.vhorri It belohgW'Tbere' was also a JustJceV f.W;X Jiidgmentfbr ; $9(-in fa voir of Stackburchr's nneT ii partake,' land 'r by the" u of w h ich the i a va I id Jjas pot u n frq uently been su r- bnsed Into healtbrtMt. -'l -v ... ' r'To thosebowaothe'-saro-i oaore cnance is njr.oijijin a itckci at jieaa tiaar ters. "Attend to this imd::i8sm9ffird'o-:5 weie longer uyear ipan inaivniuaisr oin- , ; - Richmond. Va. er professions; U;ion . ttnsideration,h was led to attribute this entirely " to their being obi iged t Hit Ief hV .C i fctriit, ' a I - most const ntly, m order to atfend the ya rlous coil ttn held in the different partsof rii.gfanci' ; anu wmcn iney .vgre accustom- Jlaywodd a JWaniwL mmn Vi Brpught up to .the present time.v" I , GALES & SuK have just published an APPENDIX to Haywood's. Minual; yhich embracSj he t'& wt passed since' the year 1819, under1 distinct heads, in alphabetical pVd, Jn cludinj those of last Session which renders the 1 -j, , . , . v .it-"-- For : this' addition to the? Manual, no ettra charge will be made. Tfi Hook uill 'be sold; y Dill. ltnll.ia o l.Uf.,'? V 1 J lC UUHH9U1 C ClU U1C. N Orders wnll be instatStlffatfehMed to. - to funpitse' that . this circumstance may have h;il a very, beneficial influence upon their 'heal ih; and have aided not a little in prolonging their lives. It has been suppol by some, that rid- .SILilV- WUltM JttUbrW. i ingHS a more Salutary exercise, and ought I flHE Subscriber has provided himself with a to be prftrred to walking. . Thi, how v- er, i4 by ho ineans the case, umler ordina ry circumstances. Riding occasionally is confessedly a very powerlul aid to health ; an ordvniiry mean of exert Ueit is, however, ffiferior to walkingthe latter being. in general much. better Adapted to prqtnote Jiiequal distr button f ifm, fluids to the different pans of the boly to im part lo thefibres h"ir due oVgree of elas ficit r,. and in this maniierUo augment the balin ami strength if the whole system. In those cases, howevery in which a debil itated constitution, or the presence of dis ease prrents a sufDcierit antount of exer cise from being enjoyed on foot, rilling on , ; fl large supply of Silk-Wormv'Eggsi for -the supply.ot those who wish to make anxpcrftnent iii inc cuuivanon oi aun." i ney are or tie Drsi and most approved stock, cultivated in Italy, France 'and China. Several ye.ars experience has enabled him to give ample directions for t!ie management ot the Worms, and to make many Executors Against Mr, Leerrand of AnSort. with Thefwhoie!was folded in a sheet -of blanlinX pe.rsMsnuly tied iipV A liberal re wrld ill be'paifl tO the person hiding th r sitme, and j -de. liy,erngtlo the'Editnis of the ItpgtsterHalelffh the Editor of the Observer, Fayeevill 'orao theSubscriber, ' 'm:: . GEO a MENDKKHALlite. Jan. 13. "GuiJfbrd cointtvrf; Classical InstUuliotf; 1: "t v -TPTER I.E MESStlhlEn informs the cifens JL' t)f this place, that he' ha this day cpm'nienjp. ed a .select School for younggentjemieh.Ordyviri' the Raleigh Male Academy. ; HiKterras are thirtyone dollars for the. usual scholastic year X half mjidvance, the balance at the close of the year. l' t V: T A i- Reference to the Rev. Tiros. P. Hunt of this Baleigli, Feb. 8 1830. . 57 Mr.;Le Messuner, who has lately arriyedjn this place, brought with him letters of tntrbduc, .Hon and Xestimonials from gentlemen of high j li terary and moral standing m S?irginiavand 1 have no doubt that! hfcmerits the recommenttations given him. . ' T. P. HUNTi r- DRAWDNTG. improvements on the old modeswhich aie uc-Li 1!owm nm eT? werdrawn i? the irU.ii k t k- -Ti.i- I New-York Lottea-ya 9th class ExtrH. , M horseback is to be preferred." As a gene ral rule, it may be saidN that w,l king is best adapted ufthe preservation of health riding to the relief of'chronic disease. In active diseased neither of them are advisable. Bv the dyspeptic and those predisposed in pulmonary consumption, in particular. rittir g ttn poisenarK is an exercise wnicii should, nTever if possible, be neglecteil. 1 hough -we are not prepired to assert with Sydenham, Collen, and s,;ne oiher )!ivMfi.,ns. that 'Mior'se exercise is an ef- ectuvtl antidote "to the consumption,' af terlt has one; heroine seattit in the lung: yet we Iwve eeu iufljeient to convince us; .' -a' ..L. '' 1' . :Z?h. ' ' ' .1. tnai , wnen, inuu preuLpouion, tne, disease is' to be feared, the individual already experiences its rapid approach, riding on horseb icft, persevered in d;iily for a length of time, in ennnexnm with a well. regulated diet and proper clthing, is the best, per: haps the on'jy ineani by which its attack can be avoided, or its ftirtherprogress com pletely arrefted, and a comfortable eiis tence"e, j'vei fr a series of years. Inmdtng for exese, or tn preserve healthV eiht or ten miles a dayc are sufli cienl ; but for the purpose of '-'restoring health, these little excursions will avail but little, ft i! not from the fashionable 1 half hourV rlde morning and evening, in which'the SiiVne gnunl is truvelleil over, for the iuutmi t, every day, and the sur rounding objexts c ase to interest, from being too; Ireijuentlv. presented to the viewy that the Invalid r to anticipate any decid edly benefici;!! ellects. To produce these, hours inust be daily spent. 011 Ivursebackp-r the mind n ust be free from depressing vor intense. reilecton; and in the. company of a judicious .KMil agireable companion, such portions of the "Country Should be visited, irrwhith the novelty or beauty of the 6ce nei'y is calculael to interest the. mind and elevate st he spirits. Xong jturneys ha'ye tijencew 1 tnjjfe'a't propriety, been recom mended to invalids, . lo such, as can af ford Jt, a, ride at a proper, season of the year to-some ohetVof our gemote watering places, or Springs, presents very excel lent ineins for reciujting health. Let not the indolent and irresolute object this latter jaiint 'tit consequence f the distance, or the roughness ol tie road oVer which, in many instances, they vyupld be obliglftl to tfaVel. 'riiese circumstances are to b knowledged by all to be important, s The Eggs with full directions, can beent byl-mail, With perfect safety, to any part of the . Union, and the postage; ih no case will exceed plfle dollar,; Apr plications by mail or private conveyance, ac companied I with five dollars Will ' be prpiptly attended to, and-10,000 'eggs with directions, Immediately sent?f The winter season being the proper, and indeed, theijiily time for c mvey inc( by mail, applications should be in mediate ly mide. -,; v' ! ' K f GIDEON B. SMITH. Otlice of theAmerican FaiNiier Baltimore, Md. I)ec10 ' t . '; 46VV Valuable Real Estate for Sile.- ' orery and progress. ukeep th to faste!ri thijiotMms:bt pnef age'on alt iuture time, is its aim and proper business; J.ml 'f bappenes Jia gerlerally been; toe case; &'grtr passion when m nwtodeinop Jhurch wa oyerrulwnb pcrpeiuate aarKoeas ana mental boud- 44, 19, 49, 918, 15, I, 21, 24. Nol9. 44. 49, a capital of 59Odo Dollars, i III. " JWi.- 7- SMrilrS&rj Petersburg. nrX BE SOLD, on the first day of March , ? neTrt, at Public Sale, at the Tovvn House in Fayetteville, all the ileal Estate, (the Bank ing blouse excepted) belonging to the ;-State, JVank, of North-Orolir.a, in Fayetteville and it vicinity, consisting or the Lotsj,:r Parcels' oC. Ground with tlitif Bu'ddiuglihd-lmproyementa,; and Tracts offhand following viz : Ontr L t of Ground, cont.-iiuing'abotit an acre on the south side of Mumford" -street, wit li si large elegant twp story Dwelling House, a large Ware-: house in good repair, a Stableand oiheiOuU houses thereon. known ihe Mumford place.? One IJrf at the conur ot 'Person anrl .Die streets, with a large two story Mouse, occupied as a storeard dwelling, and a large two jst ry Warehouse thereon, 'formerly Henry. Branson's. ' One unimproved Lot,' tiaving about sixty feet front on Wijislow street, and running back about one hundred and twenty teet. - i ; Two unimproved Lots on Hillsborough street, a liitfehorth of Maiden Lane," one f having! .fifty and the other about sixty-six teet trpnt, and run ning back about one' hundred feet. " ; -. ' One Lot with a large three stoty unfinished brick house, intended for two stores and dwell ings, adjoining the Planter's Hotel at the foot oftfaymount, formtrly Hunry Branson's One Ijol mi Person street with ; lai'ie yare house thereon, rented by the towns a Public Flour Warehouse. - -g One Lot situate on a cross street between Per son anc Russet; strert-., with a handsome ( two storytl welling house Kitchen, tSarden, &C. One Lot fronting on Persoif- and Bow streets, a few yards east of the Town House,' with a 'targe Store HoiisV onveach street, aml convenient Warehouses hack, formerly Oliver Pe'arce's. One Lot with a convenient VVarehpUse thereon, and one or two vacant Lots adjoining, situate between Gillespie and Dick strtets opposite ihe State Bank, formerly the property Duncan Thompson. . :, . '"'V-.f- ; Several Lots- and Warebousesin- Lower Fay etteville and two well known and convenient Wharves, all lately Duncan Thompson's, h A Lot with a, two story House of two tene ments, fronting on Hay street, oppnsite the Mansion Hotel, and running back to Old street, formerly CoL Clarke's. ' ij ' , .4 That elegant and desirable residence on '.Hay -mount, called . the M'Millin placed with about twelve acres of Ground. The dwelling house is f large ano conimuuiuus, cuiiuuaiiuiiig a one view of the to wnthe garden and outhouses jhave lately been put in a state) of repair. . This plape isadmirably calculated for a summer seat or per manent residence for persons living in the low country in pursuit of healthy 4 .i -'1120 teres of iolerably timbere Lnl,' within two1 miles of 'Fyetteillei Jwith ; an; excellent Mill Seat on aneverfailing stream', running thro' J the lands (formerly John Hadley'a.f ' 1 640 acres ot Landvon Beaver Creek, within IF0R SiVLE, v A TRACT OF L AND, in-AVake,cotnty, ly "ing on bothT.sides of Dutchman's Branch, containing 397 acres, and another Tract Ivingon the south side rf Swift. C reek. The. Tracts are contiguous, and were purchased sbme years go by the latej Wm. Gtlmo'urf Wm. Brown. I - ,k Apply to the Editors of the Register, who are, authorised by the owner to sell said land. ': August 15, 11829. . . M 99tfJ Cooper'i New J "GALES l& SON have iust received Mhe pr. VVeptJlbf Wish-tonwish." Pnc Vol. 1. of the Encycloped'a Americna.rpopu- jM;larDictionarv of Arts,', Sciences, Literature, ! History r (Politics, & Biography; brought down oTitie present time. 'fi- 4 4". '-'j jf WH E following vahrabte BOOKS, published E priricipalfy for the 'iiseltOfithe Citizens bf pfvWvalr. rtarnson. Jntthe Business, ,e)oneh ii-! auioraedaoolfect the Smithiletd; &&mOJmU itf'l Tfrhe7iUbstnbe jwiU ;c4nmi businessn thif ptaceVon li pweccunCltrheX' JS' ' I fers to the public aniteMive as j . grocrIeit) ;- . :. Gpdaasare uipl)iold in ( HelBelo caWsidw ai V Kiltateavillls ' ! . inslior;tpo.the r$V$J ' : JL $,inth$U, near Sigg plaion!oivVed , ' Besday wninasta Piir'of Saddleijoi ': ' taming aiu nd eight brass Knobs for. Draw ers k l i H vV ' TJie owp ''Ai)? residing:.about six miles from WaleigVnearly it vi f:'. ! of thli advertisement, may$ have, the id prds ' pertyestord4tf : ffyf- Zjm , ' ",v. ; VV M Gt5FFEK. ' ? t :' t i , - r'T' - -Vf. . '. : . ; .'' 1 I I that sh,? ;prepaK0;ie,nipdAie Tra rU, bf the DayAVeekj Month or VearSciiol Wk drWWahy lengih-.oftifneVt :.v.S'; .ivVt If: Her noiise Situated tn Wia, immediate ycmi i , 1' V" if f,' jy ofjhe .Ca'pitoth.lfk'nVaoae 'l nurles of Irning.. There :raX 1 highly caltiYateardetiattjicheS- UvHt jtier V ; -' j -U u , Rooms are spracioiiiMi6l alryl-''ine-lplareaidl ;?':' t- t liose; ; wlu :rav honor Ver with, thllr pairooage -C, i that no exertions shall bwannrijn her part to ! i 1 render them cbmfdriablfrskfrir .Mw.;H. has alsoar'ml-'Sfabi Vl welliuppliea whtv provenderjfor horses; ; and a 'iU 'ft' 7 careful Ostler to attend1 them Prices as miderate'ihose of aw 1 House;in theciy- . . , fc'SK' - Haleign, , fltO porch h-1?.. immediately JPatr; ofiBAY. -f 'i r 1 HOUSES, for the Carpag 8yearsold. I,wilpaKhaetheploglher'' ' separately. w AV1LU POLK. iA Jan. 27. Si' J . i i 11 . ... ' i till in ii i i i r ... ;lrV iiie. subscriber informs ImTriehda,'-':-.-- 4'-;Vfcui hfsTft1 M an( t,le bJic:ifal:ythathhar - t ,f :f ti I opened a;H; of E.iterUM,ment V 1 Kp'l ? I wgpjA ar theyformer residency 'of tlielate :1 lrv James Alston, .half. wy "between Halifax . i, and Warretitontn withirra.few yardsf Capt ':i 4 -i; Wilcox's Stored And nledo-es htmlf ihA- W ti(.T kttehtioivWill be spared WpnKje'' tlnjecoinirort , of thoseTwho may fpr lym kWith c'aiL.'.This',''' ' :Xf4. with theVmoxfration 'of ;m''charirWil2b6bea:; v Vi". will secure hlm a pqrtjon bf'the pubfic-patrOn-- .'' ' Dinner and Horse-feed., supper 4 Servants half price. j t H .-j ..; t i"; CHARLES CtlENCHEU?'; . Halifax county , Ffeb: 8, ;i83pfe, li; -r Viewed rather in a favorable i than an unfaj vurajbfSiigiit. We taih conceive of Jiut little benefit th i woufd'beemedothe way oi exercise, i?om a .journey: ot any 'm'L,. ,ftrT.a;tfim Vahnnt " mius and - ST;.' -. . i w - w nui v. v i . . - ------ , r distance, 'Upon a rail road,' and in: one ota half of townfcl affording ' several . healthy j si the newly . In vepted self-pi bpelling cir8,y tuatioBsrfor building, nwhich thereiare exceU A ffamstJsnecies of naisivef feTrrin lent spig a litde north westo Hayrnount! ; . i V??1.?? WPS . .1081 acrea of well wooded sand hill Lands, wnicn tuny-arTpna or iniuig leave Jiewpbtntedty .to pt otest -we allude brboertv of John MtKay,-jufe.fS.. f U- to: the practice f lounging oriorseback- 1 ; -AvPiantatioKf ;ahout 300acrea,of first J rate intherv word s nu ins; a t n alt : jpace oVerli anioothjrpadiih thxtirpai 8eo- ?!5e. -Amohau irtteUect ihnhr frnirl m f ej bas broken some bfsth'ehains concede, to pri,poeto4itself lu legiUniate tfe ver fasting- a'dd untve'r 81 miles of Fayetteville, formerly Lark in New- hv ' ' " :'" ' . V ' . ' i. ' about three inile belbvFayyilUfbrmerl Ttiomas Day iiS; -. v-rl- ' North Carolina, are constantly kept oh hand, for sale, by the subscribers, viz: ;s... ' v r ' The Revisal of the Laws'inf North-Garolina, by the late Chief-Justice faylor, the lateBartlett vyancy, and liudge Potterim:ile under the di rection of the Legislature oftlie State, in two large octavo Volumes, with a full and com plete Index. , ' v Ditto, brought down to the year 1826, by the late Chief-Jkfsuce Taylor with, a satisfactory Index. - j S-'V. - ' J Haywood's Manual of the Laws of the State, ar ranged in Alpltabetical onler, wilh an appen dix,, which brings the wort to- the year 182&. Potter's Justipe of ve Peace?hew edition, lately revised "and corrected,-! h a numler .of hew Forijn.V'and the Laws contained ,in which' are,. brought up to the year 182S. -.'-'SI Martin's Law jf Executors - nd Administrators, which is Toller's English Work on this Ktbft jeet, omitting such parts as are noHn fojrcie here, taking! the Law as'it stood at the settle .ment of thisjeountry, and introducing every act of Assembly .'tof tins State-which has alietv f ed the La w, and Noticing every adjudged ca(e which thro wis light on the subject.) Tbise dition of the work was revised by: the late Chief-Justices Taylor. :. v Chief-Justice Taylor's ifigest of the StatuteXw of North -Carp! ma, relative to Wilis, Executory and Administrators, the Provision for Widows and the Distribution of Infestates' Est aes plead, tta A Work which combines iri oneyiew all the. en SnKhim 4 v': enactments whicjh- luve been made bn these vl'.Dece'nibeV '3oha;;829ihe.'aJave or4e--' ''-Jt&Ss dispersed in more than forty tatutes..N: j" Agricultural Eskays, written by a North-Carolina. Farmer. Allowed by those who afe besyesi v pable of judging, to be the best book for.coq veying Useful information to the Farmers of this State tha,t was ever published. It treats on the best 'ipode of imprtvinjr land, on xleep. and horizontal Plmighing :. on' the Grasses best suited to this State ; on the btj's't mudes of raising Wieat, Turnips, and, Indian" Coi n; and treats largely on the raising of Liye. Stockr Drainihg Und, kcM Xfe ' The Reports of 'Cases decided in the Supreme ,.; Court fifjdrth-Carolina', 'from Jthe firsts estab-' v lishmentlof the Court,., when it bore, the . title of Court of. ConJerence' to, the. present lime, which are as jfollo wa'rT.; ; :4&? ' -Reports, of the Conference ourt, Jy p. fui vii Au r ati nui w wiyi yui. t TheIiw Repositoi-y, by ,CWeust'ice ,Tay j fc2 vols. Term Reports, 1 vol. hy ;i .Dos'fJi 3 vols, -te--:r a'fb -klawb's ;vDa.;;r:.4 4;v61sr:ip fe:v"Devereuxi:Ddf ;',1!VqV1 ? 'Hawks'a :?W W??!Z?r M ? L" .? f a I 50 acres of Land on the inai inc inmyiauaiho practiceatne llahda belongmtOithe jbeirsotiJohnTmea. v fhnaVf C i- 1 the'freB airbutt4tb Court oivpleaahd; 01urter,$essiort V ; M ; une;a829.,.!fe:V- . . :' notert'Lo-:. .vV-r ' t:4''- ;.. Zadiam;clarl5&;Vtiyam r-' original auacnmeniagainst xacuariari Clark. anrt V yt ; r a writ iis to William Clark, to b joined Jnnhe X?W-0As ' suit, j$:-:&r h'' MAi' IlVappearihg to dissatisfaction of thttCourf ' '.fV,' ; th'atheeft-ndaniZachariab'Ctark. ii-ioV:-' V VU habitant anoyiejStateheCoufthe i! orders that puJt,Cftione, ?'! ? tt - Y,' ' J ' thc lUleigh RelstefV thatif the, defendailt Z4-. ; f chariah Clark'does not abbear and rerfliivy. l oi V ? v uecemner y essions,;,i 829 r The-above 'orders 1 iT ; was renewed and ihef-iit&tt .3ofc pUMicatiba 1; above to be er5X v' NOTICE; rmirrc r mKA r ikr v. LrWRegister to beadld at)itordv '6f5tne ) "v f 5th init. nxl: hilylWeen''Asposed bCitVTHia-- i Willih teeis authorislto aell the.iae prtyaCelyV AU" 4 V-if- 1 1 applications for thja purpose ' ca':made Vo'Ab ' & -i) salbtti'Ttancey'at Oxford Zf " .'h - ;ifeb. .12.f- .., k1 :5lmoS- - Alfred Vesta! Others wTho Vestal. & ethers. i a; (etitioiiforHhe divjsiOnlofjXndaWUiaip : 'X: I T appearing1 ' to 4 he aatisfactiontof Uhe Tourt V 41?&1 'Jbthat. Mi yisSkt; b.'oWefcnhta'J' thiacase,' isnotan inhabitant f this Sie ,it la At"vVf therefore ordered, that, notice be imSiishted irti 1 ? 'thn'Ra.teip'h Register for. six'inonths of fitm . ;a k. Dieest r of the Reoorted Cases ad-I f h Peiitioni and that the siid'.ttihn wN,r " r rr 4 -. a r!iuTt Ar -.'ii:f;i t :-Jiit; .'1 s pjetitioi'-or the same, wiU be taken pro"tonfej&. ? 3 and heMdxparte. mW'wm1 4iPTA i

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