WHERASi an act was pas at thIast ' mnaiampiIdOnefU ofthe GeneralAssemblv. touch- ' l C.CLASS2' V -V. ; I t- kt Five Dollat ptx nnum- VV-r:"-, vlAnVRUTISBMKNTS -.i ,cecdini publication V those ot prcat; thanltfully received. ...LtTtxHs to 'the Editors must be pottpnid. k : J . 4 : extract from the'Atnerjcan Masonic Record, tiMVti AlbanNeV-Vork the following , poVions of an'address; in this State, byDr, Si'wiHsiLiw pri:the last anniversary of St. John the; Evangelist. It is however iio be, .lamejntefl as a ;t Melancholy, facthai -ri rprpmonies of all other ' ceV'bra-' -.tionsv are PPV?!effl ?Ue?stf sanction t cd by silence, tne masonlc alone 1a jnade 'f iK iftt of tKe ulKaY'aiidUhp'iiaugh of the . 1 1 ' criddV "r-nd 'RWh'w: oftheir order is,f every part of ; j ty: emble in ati cal of some worthy virtue, iney naTe ior inavueen at cased of ;parading;merclj to show ; hoping hi their wautlv trapping to draw the u n wa- ,ry and- youthful idtoUheir 'snared What in the spirit .orkindnei and'bnitherljjoye wiuid.aHktiaAlasonrjr done to create Tor her, soch jealofiiies, and to cause suh anaths to be Heaped 'upon her ? : Is it becaTi?e she relieves, the; indigent, and su-..port9,:thetBicted;?,vU---it7 she wipes the tears that pthejr wise might course their way unheeded, from the cheek of th? lonely and disconsolate, widbw, whoni all ' the world besifte; had forsaken ; and who, bur' for ' Masdhf'y, divine- Masonry, might have pined in secret tilher griet becoming too heavy for her tender frame, she would havesunk ta the lilenVand uhpHying tomb ! Or Is itibecau the plaintive cries of the deserted orphan, nl flies to its relief ;4ndrJ with thi hnd of beneyo lenceadmioisterl jto it wants 5 hushes, with kindness, its Infant cies, Land restores the blush of heaUh0 to its sallow choek- ? I ask'if it iW for such a Sethis, that Masonry is proscribed For. such are the deeds of Masonry ;.and he who violates one of; tho3? ; sacred injunctions .to relieve the af flfctefis uowrthy the name, he bears, and has no fellowship with' the craft." , . .. .v v .. . - - ; - Su ppose . we admit, y what the public generally believe thati Morgan was c inied :-bff, and Vurdere(bry'io'niV, wh belonged to the masonic, fraternity some 'misguided br theriv who in a thoughtless . moment or 1 in a' moment of infatuation, considered he was doing that which would render service to his brethren, andvbring a desirable im; jnyrtility to -jFuniselfinpt reflecting that ' the excitement it woujdjprodlice and the horror it' Would create, might give a vital 8 tab to his own and his. brethren's fame, and tarnish fthe unsullied 'reputation of an institution', whuhbas stood , prolid and e rect from timejmiiiieihWUK-Npr the public more shocked at the outrage com nntted against la wlj : both 'human' and di vine, than areCMasons themselves ; nor would they" rejoice" more at the ipprehep sion of the perpetrators. . Delieve usfrriy . friends,' you: all know as much about the abduction and nrobablejnurder of Morgan, as we do, -if he is to u rd eretf, and if it was done by the hand of a Mason, , it is surlici enlly evident, that i I , w asd 0 n e w i t ho u t ttf.e Knowledge or .consent .01 the: traternity, from the factJCthat mosU of the lodges in he State of New-York, have declared their entirelignorance of the, deed, or re- nunciauon otrany rpemperwno m'gni De concerned itt any; waytirl the perpetration )f the barbarous-actJ ; A ' appose then, J say we ad mi t the prob ity of., Morgan' being mUrdered-4and murdered too by a Freemason can it, af ter the solemn pr otest-of these Hodges, t of weir . ignorance or tne aci or actors, aneqr, r ought 1t;iplaSect; the, fair fame of Hhe ihstitutioaK AreStheyto lie liable for crimes; committed withoutlheir knowledge M .ri 1' Li j i" ...... consent jyou nau as weiifueuuuiiceuiiy christian denondnatipjj for ar oftehce oP.a lhouhilesstmemberitahd if you did.jn hat a 5J epl drabl e condition woultj, you place socie ty ; y du: would destroy allcon li'lence in ministers of the vgospelthe bi ble wuuld therebv loseiis, infltienceahd be left -In 4xoriclitioVlittlo Superior 6 !S abil we that of the poor, lndanivo in clouds,' atitl liears mm inhewindAll wnfidence inhatreligion'wBich is, tending to disneV the 'clouds of - ignorance anil ciinaviititifin untilii tia naelpnvun . 'anrt U is .a pleasant .reflectioni:.'oneTery friends.' and we feel' trul v. Gratified hi t the vi, inai mcranti-maspnic' excitement peaceful order. Itha9, in the languageof -i..."5.f. .....l...Ll!!.-; - J .J il ' some urs our ureinreii , " rrayeu lamer. a gainst son, the wife against her husband 5 i t has talie n'ated the nea rest an cl . d earest eonneiQnsStii:rJifei';' it has prostrated the best feelings of the human heart, and im planted in their stead,' the baleful passions of' hatred, malice, and all uncharitable nes.,, : . i ' '. ' ' ' - ' ,7 ; vThiiis ; a mournful picture, and one which causes the philanthropist torsigh for the arrival of those quietf and peaceful days when' nation shall no more war with nation, but mankind become one band of brothers;.';-' But when that tinVesVali; arrive is only known to Himj who can say to the " rajing sea of human depravity" peace be'stiU." Until thattime however, breth ren,4 we must preserve in our laudable de signs ;, acting upon the square with all mankind, and keeping our passions and de sires circumscribed within the compass of prudence ever bearing in mind the exam ple of an illustrious brother, to relinquish existence' itself, rather tharr transmit to posterity, sacrificed. principles, or a blem ished n imp. h Fearjxot, masotiry cannot be subverted. The storm of malice may nge pihd the waves f envy beat against her temple, still it will remain firm and unsha ken. That which ' was established by di vine wisdom,human folly cannot overthrow. It has already withstood the ravage of time's .unspiring; hand. "Ithas tri umpned over the maddening rage of infu riated bigots, and the persecuting zeal of proud and hiti ghty' tyrants. It hss outliv ed the billowy flood of .ancient days ; wit nessed the downfaU of unstable kingdoms, and chanted the requiem of dissolving em pires.'' And shall a few heartless, ambi tious and designing men,' now attempt to overthrow the mighty fabric ? Miserable presumption : Thty had as well attempt to toss ihe earth from its centre, or revert the motionrof the planetary world. - . 'The practice of friendship and brotherly love i also strongly recommended by our order ; ahjl justly so, f Ht is bv friendship that the huma hart is softened to listen to the wrings, and 'bind op the broken spirit if a feilow creature. It takes to its bosom th bing it has found worthy, and shields hiin, from the frowns of a mnlignant worhl. It warms with jts kindlv breath he cdd hart of the misanthrope, and cau ses hi stubborn spirit to acknowledge that human nature is not utterly depraved. and it is brotherly love that'tauses the Ma- on 10 greet with pleasure a bruther, whe herit is in the mild climate ofthe south, or 11 the frozen regions of the north wheth er it be in.' therepublic of America, or the monarchy ol JKurope- and to divide with him the last morei hat he possesses. '1 is his which makes them' give with freedom, and receive withut humiliation. Endeav our then, my friends, to possess and exer cise these laudable virtues. If you have a riend, trust him as such, and deceive him not. rr 11 there "is. on eartn one tning hat disturbs our tranquiHitvmore than any other, it is mist tken friendship. It almost annihilates, for a time, every tender feel- ng of our.naure ; it causes us to distrust mankiiu'v and forget the: duties we owe the world In fact, Of 'all the evils that on life attend, " The . mt)st heart-rending is a treacherous t -. .''friend. ' ; - x If then r'o be deceived in a friend is 6 destructive to our hopes, should we. not en deavour f act cautiously, that he may not be deceived in us.?.Ah'd is not the circum stance of our, lamenting its loss when we thought it purei-a prdof of its delightful nature, when it is really so ? A'd we do believe there is such a thing to be found n earth.' as pure. Me ,dhip, not withstand a distinguisher auihor has saki " Andwhal'frieBfdship. but a. name. I A charm that lulls to sleep ; 4 ' . A shade that follow wealth Jind fame, J But leaves the wretch to weep." This doubtless was asked in. sr moment of misanthronv. when:the mind of the po et' was soured , 'pe&J' sprn.iftiH'genef . cms-return 5. tor thus "to joudi tne proies- tations" of the whole ;hu man family, is in dicative of a want of fellowship with our teiiow creatures, gnu rorgenuiness 01 me benignant exercisfLof brotherly! love. Prudence and: caution are our: watch words : the former tif , which is representet by the blazing ai'aji placed conspicuously among our .emblems, tha,r the mason , may be thus frequently reminded of the 'neces sity of practising it, 40 enable, him to avoid the co.mmissioD ofj acts for which his cort-r science might reproach, and Jhe world con d fin h i m, , t h efeby br i ngi ng .i n tt i isrepu te his ow n h fa br e th re iii 'an d the i n s titu tion 's cnieter'.'Ca somenguiirded "moment something; we are desiFoVsk posedstoe ajte of yulgat: ot Vetnorse' bfe Jthe coiottquence-No, is the :possbsibn th portancetofMons'tha eMllytfiey His;t)eposs from thi we meant to exclude the-sentler. or to insinuate the non-necesity of their practising cnem. jt ar, very tar De sucn in tentions from us ! we.deera the necessity equate but know that womaoi is, naturally more inclined to charitable acts thanjnian. And if there is one object of loveliness su perior to all others, itCis wojmari kind, af fectionate woman-when bending over, the couch of human suffering she like a minis tering angel, offers with that kindness wo man only can, relief to the pantrngS frame, and consolation to the desponding hyarti Woman ! whatis woman ! A being form ed of all the tenderest feelings of jhuman nature, with the loveliness of beings of an other world ; formed to be the parrner of man's joys and cares, adding to the one while she diminishes the other. Ajid tho' we exclude them from Our order, still are they dear to us still do we consider them all we have said till do we view them in you'h, as the beautiful flower that jadorns the gloomy wilderness, surroupdedjby the rugged oak and towering fir tree, who, ap pearing conscious of their charge wave not their boughs too heavily, lest they im pair its loveliness ; and spreading a beau ty and a fragrance around it, that imakes even a wilderness ' desirable : still in ma turity do we yield t them higher 4nd su limer charms. 66 Yor heaven has imprint ed on a mother's face something beyond this world something which claims kin dred with the skies the tedder look, the waking, watchfut eye, which keeps its fond vigils over her slumbering babe. Materni ty ! ecstatic sound I So twined art thu a- round our heart, that it must cease 10 throb ere we forget it ; our infant's armsire up lifted to it ; we cling to it in manhood, and almost worship it in old age, and he who can approach the cradle of sleeping inno cence, and view the fond parent hang over its beauties, and hilf retain her breath lest she should break itk slumbers," and jwith a fondness that prosperity cannot jncrease nor auversuy aitmnisn, without a vener alion beyond all common feeljng, is unwor thy the name of man, and fit only for the shadows ot darkness and the solitude ot the desert.?! meetiner mg theffextension of the charter of the'Bank of Cape-Fear, under certain limitations and restne; tions, to which, the assent of the 'Stockholders, is required by a 'specified day Therefore Re solved, that this meetingbe adjourned,1 te meet at the Banking HbuSe in!Wilmington, onv the Second Tuesday in April next, being thet' 13th day ofthe Month, then and there to consider,-of the same ? and of all other matters wherein . the interests', of the Bank Of Cape Fear are concern ed : artd to take such order thereon as may be; deemed expedient. ; v- Public Notice is hereby given of the above Resolution ofthe Stockholders, at their adjourn ed meeting in January last, to the intent that all concerned may be duly apprized thereof.1 y v J. R. LONDON President s th , Bank of Cape, Fearl JO HILL, Cashier. 50-tieA. - j NOTICE. THfi Copartnership heretofore, existing un der the Firm of Bowers & Harrison was, b mutual consent, dissolved on the, 10th instant, Henry G. Bowers having purchased the interest of Wyatt Harrison in the Business, he alOneBs authorized to; collect the debts due the concern, and grant discharges. 3 M HENRY G. BOWERS, ' ' WYATT HARRISON. Smithfield, Feb. 15, 1830. -52 The subscriber will continue: the mercantile business in this place, on his own account, to b conducted by Mr. Brittain S.' Utley, and now of. fers to the public an extensive assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, and such other Goods as are usually sold in a country Store. He will sell for cash, as low as can be purchased in the State j and will also pay the market price in cash, for,3Cotton in the sf ed or bale. - HENRY G. BOWERS. - Smithfield, Feb, 15, 1830. ' - ;IS CLASS a- rr . Tb be drawn t Rrchinohd hitie 31sf day -oft' ' ; ;l;ftarch; tthi. month.) Tll;iJ-pi'' eo.NumberLotterylOlDwBa rA 1 of.g2o,ooois satXTJOo11 Besides g500:400, 30.0;00, 1 00, kti Uc J. h ' Whole Tickets 85,.Halfes0,-QuarV S'v - - - tersisgjJf--wy K v. u t . J StaieVf NdrttCaiina; i4if'& : Superior ConrtfIwahdEqu z' BuTweltSimins'&jtherJt Exnarte T 'wnicnvwnv ijimma: i IX appearing to the saisfaction othe - tJoufrf that tohn simms one of ihe childreVxf , WltJ i2T f 'X I Ham, hath rpmoed bey Stated hath , diedxleavingm slrilvintrJ following children, viz t '.JllaTtbaVCalylriVSUvaf ) vester, Sanford'aftd Marion irAnd it 'furUfeVai':C-:-. bearing tohetCourt thatJosepIdwhct V intermarried with Penny; aiiother child dono!; ' reside within the limits of the State V ft is torfe V-tl ed,:that publication be:madejn:thefRaleiMi ne gister for si weeks, that the grand-childrenand jiheiriioflslbe: said --VriMfaWffi&& Simms, dee'drbetand'appear before-the Judg.V f, of -our Court;of Equity;albeholdeiT4h county of,Vakeat the Court house f n: laifi;t-'tf J on the first Mondaylifte the, 4h 'ridy , Whv4S4 ' March next, and plead, answer r demur other v' -r wise the Bill wilt be taken pro&dfcwixio thenij V .'aV, ' and decreed accordmgly -'Vl Witness: H . M. Milleri Clerk anAttri ' - J A mother's love ! Go ask the plant that lives I ' "By heaven's pure dews, On yonderl parch ing hill ; Ask the pale flower that summer's sun re vives, :' - . i For some faint emblem of that holyl thrill. 7 The fickle dews may show the plant that pines, . The lofty sun forget the flowery glen : A mother's love with death alone declines, And sav, ye white robed angels, dies it then? ' But my fair friends, your praises have been so often repeated, and by so much a- ler eulogists than myself, that I refrain from going further, lest I fatigue you with the at'empt. Suffice it then that we con sider you nil that has ever been Spoken ot you in terms of praise summed up in these words : Heaven's last, best gif to man."; notice. ; ; The Virginia and NortH? Carolina 1 ransportation iyorapany7s STEAM BOAT Mrs. John Haywood, $ RESPECTFULLY announces to the -Public that she is prepared to accommodateTra vellers, Gentlemen and their Families, Boarders by the Day, Week, Month or Year School Chil dren for any length of time. Her house is situated in the immediate vicini ty of the Capitol, the Banks, and several Semi naries of Learning. There is a beautiful and highly cultivated Garden attached to it j her Rooms are spacious and airy. She assures all those who may honor her with their patronage, that no exertions shall be wanting on her part to render them comfortable. ' ' tP:. Mrs. H. has also a good Stable, which shalfbe well supplied with provender' for horses, and a Careful Ostler.to attend themy' Prices as moderate as those 'If any Boarding House in theicity. ' m . Raleigh, January 2. 40 NOTICE. PETERSBURG CAPT. J. W. McREA, i : Will in addition to her other duties, make one inp 10 anarrom iMewoern, jn. u. leavingtMiz i beth Citv every Tuesday evening after the.arri val of the Stage from Norfolk, and ';Newbern on every Friday; to commence running onj Tues day the loth March next. ' Fare for Passengers $8---Freight oi moderate terms. ' ss ,'-v : ir. : Feb. 20. ' ";',:; 1 S5:: To Merchants, Planters, Manufacturers: and TJHE Land of Absalom Yancey, advertised in the Register to be sold at Oxford. On the 5th inst. not having;been disposed of, the Trusi tee is authorised to sel' the same privately. All applications for this purpose can be made to Ab salom Yancey, at Oxford, or ';' HENRY M. MILLER; v Raleigh, Feb. 12. 51 lmo- BISHOP RAVKNSCUOFT's Sermon, preach. ed at the Ordination of the Rev. P. B. Wixet, in aausoury, price s 15 cents; Jones's Essay on the Church, price 15 do. The Festivals and Fasts. -f Bishop VVilson's Sacra Privata. . ; Received and for sale at the Book-Store of , , J. GALES & SON. March 3. v " ... fllENDERS his services to. his friends and the m. Public,1 to transact business on Commission, and respectfully, refers to the gentlemen named below, for his qualifications. j : '' REFERENCES. , Hon. Samuel Smith, ? Senators in Congress E. F. Chambers J from Maryland. - vwJw c Senator , ih Congress John Forsyth, from Georgia. !V -ri - rj- -I," --j vs, -3 gress iroiiN.uaroiina. r-w n; 'Representative in Con )ffl55 .ess; fromUCarolina, ttsrfcac4ddV&T ,;;Ridgelyr'WrnLoN -:.P4f ;:V': j ;'. 'j h man;Esqt.uke'ner- VBaltimore. nnan,?EsqL?IsaaC.Mc-J -ti W ' - i , Kjmipsq. V '' ! Baltifliore.F,eb. 9;i830.V' ::&U' ISS HARRIET. WHITA KER will give les sons on the Piano at her lathers Music Room to young.ladies who feet disposed to be instruct ed in that vry deHghtful science he.feela assu red, that frbni bef formerexpeTience'ui teaching music, ana naving at xuis ume a nrsi rate insrru -'vii cvcij bl lih umc uisiracLSviiie laiei-i wiu w nresrrf e 111c rcm vi irieuus. luei y'&mmkUji &Mmixmytt&tit ISm''? S'l--1 '-' 'vwf It U ti..tJ.jL " V ' rBr 1 i v - V - ir.-' ; , , i ? r- - oeauie to give-geerai saustaction. ev ? it ,4i Unerea tor sale on theraost reasonable terms."' inr so .elliknhwn, I deern4it tmneceasarr to .c- A New Supply of Hardware and other Gfoods. !ust received from New- Fork, and for ' sale onjae most reasonable terms, T"' To wit -. , A fine assortment of Locks of almost every description Hinges and Bults ,vv ; Chap Traces of good quality ' Weeding, Hoes do. !,t Steelyards of various sizes '( Cut Nails . do ' Wrought Nails, 6d. 8d. & lOd. ; Saws and St-el Blade Square Brace and Bjtts " : xion itnu oicci m an Kinas . . Cast Steel and English Blistered" Steel Finejpcissors and Razors Jack and Penknives, single and double jbladed ' ;. rtjf Blacksmiths1 Vices " S Wdge nd Hand Hammers Screw Plates, : " Waffle Irons Spades and Shovels x Box Iron, for Dagon Plows, round and square Bars : . Mill Saws; lit do. vv . ... :j' Cross Cut do.v . . Millsaw Files "and ,al other ; kinds of first quality .Cast Steel and most ap proved factories Carpenters Planes and Tools. i Vi : Uack Planes, Fore Planes Smoothing - rianes and Jointejfs, mgle and double Iroits ' '- 'v v. s ?. Sash PJanes, Ceiling, Tongue & Groove and Flooring do. ' .f. f , ueeorianes,ASiigai' ao. r i r 3-8 Cut and ThuretRaisinsr Planes. Moulding Planes, Quick, Overlowand .. Beedassv ;.;;.;" v."-.. i Common and Casfeel Plane lrbnsV i h -QUeeiuXTPare. i-? Ktf?&& J Cups and Saucers? j, A Cheap CoffeePots.fvi-';- i y An'Assorim .. ' 'itibylin.-lJdsofvaiibAasiz AUoi a General AssoHrhtntpf! jBood jractory cotton, ot tne most approved Factory and all numbers ''"V v J ; 20 Boxes clarified fiandles, but little Wakeourt of Equity.rjthlstf Mbnday aftei p ... the 4th Monday of Septeniberr 18293 - i v - IL W. MILLER Mi oiaie or jy orin-uaroima. tew-. v- rzu. , -r.Kipnara amitn vs. wuiiam JNicacjSj Ui ips; r(i Original artachmentlevied bn anojwoiTian b'X?jfl' M the name, of P,olly and other Fpef : i JL ottKe Court, thatJltie defendant liaSemdvei 'Vi'Jv I himsf beyond thfc lirnUsotrthistat conceal himself that the ordinary . process ?otfa&kK& -At-"?- cannot be served on mm. .. It is therefore ofdefj - 1 ed, that advertisement beV ma'de in, the " Rlelff h v i - 1. Register foi4!V wrt:' i'ht,.ii'nlriW'ir'-VlW'?r,5s- ! ant come forward xn or before the pext iertor . wd i the-CQuTtVofleaslin4daer:3;es held for the cauh'tirnf Wrfke 'afihk r.nitfflnniwf t i'Xvf m Raleigh,xoh the, third Monday ipf MayextiC then' "anM tere to replevy anct pIead;4ov'issu'c--''fj judgment will e made final; ,thd jthe tfropefty rY ! evied on be made subject t,3 plaintift's recovery ''f J By order, , JzM!: . vB.S. KINO, Ci,Ci r r';t Staf e of iNorth Garoiinafef ! Wake'County, -f V:'V CourtjOf Pleas andQuatteri'Sawions i ftt-'Mfi j v 'Feraary:Terml830. John Depo andwife-GillyAa ) icii JUUII30II, u"roing;ieiary,anaWne. Ann, and William Jotinspn. ..4- - Berry Johnson, GrayJohnson ,-: Coma-andifeSalfvrV:.-' -i'ift) Petition foe divhbn 6Cpees B IT having been made appear to the istActioiv '?Of7 Ofthe CouHthat'tbedefendantsCtl" tition tnamed,- have removed beyoncL'We? limit r?-rt of this State t is therefore Ord;etdvftliapub vK' lication betmadlnrthe ta1eJ.ResterTor:Vix urA1rL ' that unloce that AoPanA-.mn J t Li. ft'i.t i ":t .-.; A ... son, Gray ; Johnson, and Matthew: Ionian and V wife, Sally,Ctome forward on oVheibre' tUi- nextVfV term of the Com- 6f,TIeiisnd Uuarlef Selpritffe j House in. Raleigh im ; the third f MondaVf.MaVA nexr, tunana were 19 snew cause (if any4beyrsVj Vu have'V ?Whv said'tietitron-shftlt nti hiv. n-i4n:?rX?:t--,i and division in said nerp slaves: if "wiljl M$'.: considered pro confesSo or the part of said e v vf & fendants4d,;the;ray 4 T-the cWora"and il. held for thePouritv: ofJobnston.VFebruary v 1 1 'yVfev f Term,:i8301T the ' subscribers iqualjfied fa the'l Execut6rs ,to the last Will' and 'Ttainr 5!' Isaacillianisde,cased t all ferebas ndebtfcd ifv to: the Estate ofaideceased; r 'tidf make'iramediate paymenttnd al tlfosef tuv&g r?fV claims to pesenfthm:withimthatrne td by lawj or thW noticeiwifl be' plead in bafVof theirrecayery t 'W'F:te$?fr ?Zif On theaGthf MaruVtt, a bia iiiuniui brruii. a wtrif- Jinn nn v. . .. merbus Stiick of Cattle Hogs;- Irsesrarid Shjfep 't'i v t V Corriand Fodder,Hou8ehqld a'ndRUchen1rr"' and other articles too jtedrotis toi mehtipni- ? . The'aaleilTcbm.n of said decd; & end in the M4 ifas arrived whtsStanrtvinJine iieaWurM: iG't fesiiesfauctorv;' ..g u.r' Bt-Sgoo ;whic& may.bA ft discharged by the payment of Fifteen dilara ltf"V45i paid; witbiii the aeasdn 1 Thirty Dollars Vo insurei.f V to be paid when itj&ascelftin Wl'li foal ot; tbep'rbpertyxhanged 'Fifty Cenw to the GtdbmmeiyJwU horte:will hve drpaitumjt?i.r6 quired, fedoii:rain at 2&t;etitsper davveiy q.ir wiU be taken toprevept; but iSvilf notW tP-h

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