... " r ' t V" -It exist In, every - P?V3X dependant St-te nermi -. 4 permission.-- I c fock j ru th e Lou i s vi 1 1 e a Oil Po r 1 1 a n d 0 a-? j . -f 5-!' '-- " I " ir '? 55 although Vh6rearc:fefs,hcre ..ftoP K.;t;n Constitutlon,or JortyV.Yearij, 'l" . W: seen 7 theif. Happiness,-- yi U r.rftwil! 1ot beV "d those;wha ap jiWmrntsand representative of .;thrPWe great branches of bur public Sed ana ma.ntab.ed.- I am cottons of having ? W v,' amV-the Senate toojloogvvjwa, i;h va ts iuitel; 16 the; clcu3svqn bf-sd i . S H 5 fulVivnd 1 hay; nov beea ; -puic ijiiil vus. prat in ;ibb guLjiuera, iion-VfEiecUtJve;busipe u"', -.:rtu-:'f i'ii1nofeten:now;! per 'lieOU-'-"r'i! V'ljii -..uV-Xk ivMtiBaMnw! fsofmortW tV.:ih-rto. to nave .ci, iv'-'T. x, ' . i--vt WJriS fed bono pfthehple coautry, Jand te VTShVt we are.chiy tm U bted fof hatevr .,?rtues. n the 5eyere.5cnootoi . aQYersuy;-- e tt hact ita orinin Upecsea diaonlete nrGStnte coramei'ce. and rmned credit Undents bejug;if inflUe.Ae Kret;iWeK . r ' n y 'u'tt Ii newness inc. ,i,urir, yri Juration tfe?nc4;ijj 'itv aild bfesaing tndiJtMyhpWArtiry ba " stretched out, svider and wiraiar popular fl litw, spieadifarther ahtlierey; fayet I outrun ts protection, or Us betieiU. 'Ml bas been tons a)U fcbplous foiinumvot natnaj: socia; 7 pVKfinaI hj.pniness'. : l.av(? not allowed my- t-tgejf Vir-to JooVbeyorid Inp pn9nf to see .:what ' mVht Jie hjddeh; in:ihe,chancei of preervinj? 'tbe'bnnd-:ibat5ttnite'tfi?etlier shall be broken. asunderil bay not accustom ' Vd my self jo hang over pTecipice of disabiv'n, ! '.IWiiw.VdKmV short sisrhf; rcan fatuom . lO hire wit'. i r '" -rf-j. , . ' t - . . : the denth of Jthe abyss below our could I reffaii bim as a safe counsel K?r,in. ,iue iTrs cm una w? Sbrtip discussion tookiHHcetV He reioA luiiuii laiu oii in? uau e ur-iMr.' L.eicner- in a i u emi ( . i u $ .1 u irs ti u $ a ii se ; I f sue u the sfifeater Mr tf of thtf ; ameriil mpnts rt? "'5 a w1;; iieiiuacewa.ine.iiarj'' refeeif by jljeal If for the prvtV 4" m eacft thfe prt brahebif tHresoldtion the.otler'tWq :divU()n rbfrl resolution is ;fiiially. aded read iVi, v.; ; sr ,. j.. ! . '- "' " xieaoroe, jiQ,aTnena.U)e 3tn rule, tarwii : a motion to adjourn shall alwavi be n ord r;'tbat. $t the motion to lie on the' tSble ahall' bfe decided without debate" o as to insert afterl the word 'M;tahIe,,-tbeToIlQwuffAworus;ivor't6 print any document. v Jren arm a.Miworea vagine a o cer uu. T0e Hud reported We bill, which was then Union i o States dissevered, discordant, belbff- - ; , , , -- erenti U a land rent Avith civil feuds, or drVnch- Pol'O.I till Mpiidn. V Ki,'.ed,vit muy ; be, fraternal bToou! " Ltt thei-last! , - reeble anMingeringianc5', jaxner, jenom xue : i nursauij inareii 1 1. Vprgeouii "Knsign of the Uepiibbc now know The House reitmetl th considention of und Ubnored th tbe followm- resolution submitted by Mr. , advanced, its arms and trophies streaming i n their Anii-r ' J wrigmanust. xnuerbun . , , f nor iigl5tar bbsc'ured bearing lor Us mottot . Resolved . That the Committee of Ways and bqsucIv misei '. iMeana be instructed to bring i a bill allowing a lA"wwf'fi Ktwti thosV-bthef wordsbf delu'iicn draw back of nine ce nts per 'gallon ,on .aU ni m 3mrfoH . distilled in tbia ;ctuhtry from foreign .mo lasscjs, butveiJwberjer sp'r(t,aor-ill;9ver. in -quaractera of when such rum is , exported to a foreign coun J;b?mg liglfeblazijng on; all Us i atnple' ibVls, as try.. V r , t they .. floatt-;oVeip.Utbe-.-ea, an'4 over tb? land, Mr Andprim addrpsspd ibn ITiius in randjur everyih remarks of ye.'erday. .? that otler, sentiment, dear bot-evety tnie. Amer-l u u y v i t Van hrt:i.I ifiprtv ;jiTUnion. now nd forever. J . v . - j - - ! one "mvI inseparable ! , u r:'iir::t..;jj;i'h- mane io a:i urfu ine aves atid noes we ""'J.. . -f.iiinii;imi; uh.nVon ordereiL-itiid the motion adi .urn w; .i , flttm;rf-,-.; While the union. laSTs wei ir rtiru uy vote or u r 1 34. i ne iine Wednesday March 1 0, "r? A bill ws repriil by M r. It." MV'jthnt son, trom the coioyiine - iMithf Post Omce and. Post 'RiaUs .'tu extend the Inuiking -privilfgeof... iitembers on primed papers. which was read twice. Oo tin question Of its engrossment, Some debate, arose.- VarioUs-uiot ionsiir'j)'ost)ntt and t lay on the table were rejected 5 but fh ayes and .,no'S uav(!g.heeii ordered v- tht'bifl wa h nally -rejrti irdby U vote of 7 to 65.- llie Hus ihiii resnlvt d ite.f into Com--n it 1 ee of-1! he,. VV h ne. 'on the st-re of tie .Union, Mr. Cambreleng in the Chair, 'when Mr; Wicktifte coiici tided His remarks on the Judiciary bill. tMt, Daniel then iiHiyevl an 'himeoiloient ; .sfier which, nn his'motion, the Committee rose and re ported progress. A ruoion bem then re s V;Ther siibscribeKhaabeenifbrtunate enQugbto I ;he.?jP! bl p ,cpoper:tioni-;nd';bis;on.Ms$in9ua attention to the Htitfei: of his office, be can"- brer wht such'a;papeldtheubi i fieugioji,; aim 4.ne suuuuie.aocirines or Ajnnst tianity. 'will way lifd .J ti 'ui -vrbmV&iiaidtiiifc ing aavocaie:nni' in, partisan - parncuiar creed, bdtithefriendo rfed on ih'e eVeilasting baiis; of Hederrjptkii"!enir inies 10 lnxptentncewe ;xtena ,iue;uanai9T. iej 1ows)h(ppi'nd thermantlf. C)wrUyQ;ai)4' ;;For the- torer of elegant, titeraU&fe we promise to carer, largely i.itomnce ana roesyr naii ;oe luid under cOntribnt iiin ' arjtd ; frequent forays rmade - ifttof J h6 Untellectrjal.wol4J to coU'tlie i - j ' J- lit .j-LJi:'li.tA.:S' 'J.V. cnoicesv.muxs ana nwcr for ni oxnquer. ' iTbe''1fh:r6sopbrcI -iihd Seientific,baJ); have bur; best exertions to furnish them with ah beca sional repast "suited to their several tasesi ami. bii unweariAerFotts shall always be dirtctedJb suit every cla8sof the' reading community,.by a judicious seleeti9nrinteres;g ntatterii- To those all - aHsnr!)! n c -an d i moorta nt inter- ests Agriculture and Commerce, much i of our timewill be devoted tohej first, we' orbmise a true state of the markets and the improvements in Cdtore ' to the other, a Correct Shipping list and Price Current, y Aif v ... i 5 ; In Politicff, the Times Will enlist under no banner, nor support any set of men-of meas ures,1 (fas aut nefas.).: The Editor is aetermiued to steer his bark r.lear of the political vortex io which so many of his brethren 'are drawn, and for retain the vantage grru-d hich he now pos sessesi of looking calmly on passing events and Judging metv by their measiires, and measures iby their ifpHtilts nevertheless should the! sancti tity of the Law9,' or the liberty of the jCU zen. be seriously rpenaced ; we sbajil then consider it our impefatve duty, to raise the only b inner, umler wb ich we ever hope io fight, (tlje Stars and Stripes' of confederated America,)! and to clear our shin for action. f: - - ' ' VVM. Gl CARRINGTON. v? r fxvJL -a - v; - v i v? uyuv ? jyki wi ih veil if huh ntr cxuiw ; rgtp purcb ise : immediately, a P.aJoKflY. fcrrcd tipon the tfouTttrf.vAMtt pfstpt ' 1 ! ratp?jc-:V!LL P0LK.h extent oLthosa benefits. SclfineM gp1'-' i'". 'V ' 1;jan7:v;f-Ki - - I oeralWSbtatoV j m&BrJ ' rj niomept in hich-jte eneesre nl t ! M TARnmTKU lv Tea. clusedbuUhiVreal" benVactqof a&i'";; - :iXOTrsonlbnPianoatberutbersMusrenoonl. t . 'e . ; r' 4 ' toycngJadTes; todf of6i Jo nigiKandatVJbear j e in that very "She feels assu. the'snecrasfstmi Jrividtousi;' hear them-i $"v ! redibatTrOOTbe.fotmerexperientiem - uli S. ' 1 tWisTcVind hiymg;at thiMir&a nr'rate lnstnu elvcfaS8eth : rnebtwbjcb isikept frequentrri are, placed beyond ' V' Marcb :10tb .y VtJff hearth of bfiidao fuljf ppfeciate V; ' ,ed at the)rditatiii of the UeY,T. Bi Wubt w- ; Jones's Kssay on tn. ClTUi fi; pne r dew Uisbop Wilson s Keceived and uti.rastsinr, Jt.v.T r-Jf iiouse 01 itenrcseniaiives,,tne Dili locouiv w .r' 'a Sacra Prrvata. 'U-AcVltvtdAW Y fmftVlAtlli4r;;L , or saleat the BookrSlore Of lr , ' v b -v.r. TJ V -'.rV-i .i. - : t' nra r p fc cnKT'- Ttia and the renresentattve 6I.hifthravft'j.i'-:,,-v- MarcH"3; -V---::. '', - officers and ieaihen; !ias,bceti-1aid"SD Mhej: C :'BA.QWI?rRIU i tabiei theie to FemamiVVe grctitYWiVrV 3.- 9wm 50. cause we-conVivehe -tlaimieC .p?lfii' ITTHEREAS anact aapassed at the last - , ,r' C'- IVvC W meetffigKtbeeneraembl toacV actTallyTdue atid;whlchlotight,ior .4, ingUhe extension of thd cTrarter of the-Bank of, palfiv Bad no 'iraporiaot tattscraer.ce''' tT. 4V ,t ' X3ape-Feart under certain bmitatiorts and restrict - u ' 0 4 j.:' 1 r J K 'vi vi " tioSvto which; the assent Othe Sroctdders, resp! Ac Mtlon; is required by a specified day- Therefore lie- ful.eXpLoitlt would till.be.'adeQt; Tl)e? S solved, that this meeting be adjourned, to meet pihjLi,; 'A ujh,U-$ au AuV . t. , at the Baokintr .Housem U'jlmington, 00 ihe r;rv ,. r 1 v t - viV". r t 1 Second Tuesday in April nexi, being the 13th lrlpojitarts '&f her Crew-mmUred in dun- 'v. .v V day of the Month then ndtbere to -consider of georS. V SbeaJ IwtUo ttV Won ibi fK haye high, exciting, grat 0.1 motion pf Mr. Sevivr, resolved it- outbetore uitof us;andour cnilUren ,; Bey'na sU-inni Commiftf of the Whole on the tiut 1 e,kt ta peneiraiine yeu. niffj:' state of the-U!.iui; U.u . : oil'vil,.! riir n m.v- lint T ' 'Y ,V,"r,V .-..... ... ...v ' opened what ties behtnuV When my eyes slall t,!- P ,u:'s of, the Judges of the Sa " te turned to" bebVdd for the lan prtMne Crnir? of At kapa iS. The bill ha- ' ileaveit, mayiLbotisee. liiio shining, on tb,e bro- vin ' been nmrf ihri,uh. the Commit lee TERMS The W anliirigton Times'! will be edited by Wm,,J. Carringti, and published ev ery Saturday by Henry I), jdchen, or ja royal sheet of-good paper and fair type, at thkee dol lars per annum one half payable in advance, the balance at the end of six months, t ' State of Northl-CaroliuaV '" .- G'anville County. f Superior Court of Fquity4-S:ring-Terni, 1830. John K. j. Jones ndiwife and others, ' - -vt'l . i Willie M. Spears & James Richards, Executors of John N. BoaWedl, dee'd. TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, JL that James Richards, one of the defendants in h:s cas, is no.t an inhabitant of this State It is therefore ordered, thait publication be made tu the Hak igh Register fo six successive weeks, that the said James Richards appear at ibe next term of tliis Court, to be held at the Courthouse in Oxford, on the first Monday ot S-piember et, and plead, answeri or demur to the bill of complaint, or the same j will be taken pro cori- fesso, and beard exparle.j . - j Witness, Thomas B. Lit lejohn, Clerk & Mas ter of saia Court, the hrsst Monday of March, A. D. 1830. ; THO. B. LITTLE JOHN, C.lM. E. Pr. adv. $2-75. - - , , . 60 COIGrltESS SENATE. -.0- A resolution to change thejdaily hour of meetmi:, to 11 o'clock,, was agreed M. TvaYefdnTi,' FpoVs re&oluttbo. rela tive to the Public Lands was resumed, yr Mr. Polk iiiovvd to amend the same by J adding to if the following : 'And to' a'l, w also'. a, drawback of four a h.ilf cents pVr square yard on foreign cotton bagging, exported cither in the rig- j m?de in the Raleigh Register for six sU iiial-packW ir around the cotton b de of weks that the Tl1ioma8 Npdliam State of Nort;h-Caroling. Granville pounty. --i Superior Court of Equity Spring Term, 1830. Robert B. Gdlinin, Adm'r, &C.J . : vs.l .-$.4 : . ' r Thomas II. Willie 8c Thomas N. Puiliam,- Adm'rs of Jotm and Jjmes Putard. i , B"T appearing to the s'tisf .ction of the Court, M that Thomas N. Puiliam, one of the defend antn in this case, is not an inhabitant f this Slate it is therefore ordered, that . publication be successive i , ' V Wednesday, Mar$h 10V , in the tnViitiatiop of Executive' btiifie?i rM;J ,,M I Duriiig' rthe; aVthn'g; thi-ftibmi nation ot H M any foregnf emmrry. ; . Mr, Polk sjMke in support of the a menimnt. y' : ..- v M-M Hilary opposed the resolution and atnebdmeiit, j, Nji4. M tiiin n' plied to lr. Miliary, and advocated tl-.e amendment. The lebate n by he expiration of the Jiuur consider itt" iestduciotis. ' Henrt Lee ad Consul Ge'tieVarto Algiers, ,Vasireiecit:dv- . , - . -' 7 f. A'f : ;3V.v ; . .-. r,Mt. Powers, from the com suttee on-the , , Wt!iAAii: "f's- ' District of (Vdumbin, repot ted a bill ma- 'v The bTltcompeiiie the heirs JUo- .King apRronria ons-1 orpine npieui , ot fb-rr FuUb theXthird supnm t of the PenUentiary tu ie District tune.' Thmipiti. from thc-same committee, this illlwhfclfepropowVt reported a bill fur the benefit of Columbia- i towushipf lialriifr i thj ;-neirjiv illobert Qotjfge. ,; ; .:xJ&& t r4 - ' tlfultoofic6 . Tlie residue of the day, affor the morn- of Columbia. aw$ by him-1$ -4 Viou n t rUh & ing Business was occupteu on me utu ior. - Naysi thfrfon Ve thq relief of Mr3.,Decaturrwhichwas fi- .vthwithUhevi :nally laid on the table, 'Xjta97 , 'Noes 76. ? 'vvinV WfeationM.r adopted; tliat the UconMUiitlun House will, op. Montlay, meet at 11 o'- Vvime.iX4f fc trr clock, ami Mr. pucker laid a -joint reso Wheeunob;ys3VSVthe::Ih hiiim 01V theUable, ..authorising the ad- rtf aJ Debate of much interest in a consti- rurntbent oP botli-Houses ,oi the 8th - of , tti'muftl vtewvof.inach' importance,. and o ,MayJf , . , - - -t appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Courthouse in Oxford, jon the . first Monday ' of September next, and plead, answer, br demur to the said bill ot com; la nt, or the same will be taken pro contesso, and heiiw xparte. Witness, Thomas B. ?Lirtl'-john, Clefk & Mas ter or ''tuft Court the nrst Monctay ot Marcn A. D. 1830. i . : THO. BJ L1TTLEJOHN, Cj M E rr. adv. )J 75., j - ot . ne samr 5 ana 01 an otner mailers nucreiu mc ft , , - 4n , - , , r'r 1 merest of the Bank of Cape Fear, areconcern bad passed-into other handssailed under 1 4; j, b j d : and to take such order tbeieo., as may be tbVenemyflag anrf wisVecapVurert frtirAV (vs! v 1 1 teemed expedient. ; , ' ' ' 'Si" "'' J i"'V'1' vVi - , i I ed dee Public Rcstduti ed "meeting concern JOHN U1LL, Cashier xti. :An nr Ho k..a 1 piicinv. iit ine nrvp iiprauir nniiniK -. i . i-,iuoc u iicitut ti'Ci" winiic uw i j x jr f'. r -' js. ,. n '1; of the Stockholders, at tlielr adjourn aaoriatp.,HU tvidntw askV thi nation- Ki 1 It in January last, to' the intent that alU-; - , f . v., 1 - t " ifk.i" ' td rnav be duly apprized thereof. iu p-tj utc guiittuv, crcv anu nersru, ui(o -Hi J. R. LONDON President of the ? value of.th'e Vessel thutaWDandTthey - I j'k t I i Runt r rnf War. VI .1 ..7 . - s . , T """I"- " J ra .liA if 1 4 T i AN A NOTICE. ' 4 V;ftrw WAY from ihe ui,scriher living hv i:n,ti1fltk instant the -dttillinV bouse of1' ' w. Sussex county, Va. nbpat two months since. .;- 'T ' a Negro M m Sl:ve, narned BEN. fThe sod Mr. William Hortjman, Otltt C0Uniytp t, ' I negro was purchased by me of Captamrhom-i? together 'Witfi 4lHtS contents tVert COli' t 'J Gra, Jnn ot Soutliamptonr-., Who I think, -V i . f brought him. from the neighborhood of Raleigh, suraed bj fare. ;W : J) .J; ..J N. C. where he is, 1 expect at this ume, as he r CT OOO J TV ' has near relations at or near Mr.. D flrav's. Ben is about 5 teet 8 inche lujh,i sit and Mtlmuhoty-Qu the 5tlvinstant:firo in Jail, so me. March I, 1830. ire a reward ot $25 tor his confinement I . " . . - - r , " t i-, ' " that I ga him-or 40 if dcln ered to one , W persona vboad retired to o ; nQtice to. escape and were-burnt tojdeathl liuiiuw,. , run1 The Virginia and North-Carolina son Transpbrtatioii C;ORipany's steam: BOAT " r or rnese was an intnr. a'coioren ner ; .4 1 , aamed Pero j"the(otheri aVbisiS' icrV' I ter who appeared at the second. storV:winy : ? v,. 4 dow, buttlid nofcsucceed m eacapins: 5 V Va of Columbia wasi installed' a Boffo ta, oa : -ltrr PETERSBURG CAPT. J . W. McREA, the 20th loQariuaryl:;Sucre $kk President BtdiVjirniade a s wear u you, ;nas myitmtnu oeen, siainea F . . . ... . ..-i - - . 1 k. - ' :; . . . Will in acltlition to hotfter duties, mafce one "jr wuyi ri wgoui, wjuwiimjt oe' -i :p: trip to and from Newbern, N. C. leaving Eliz - tnie';v6:jtfu1lyffoid beth City every Tuesday evening ajter tbe rrt in'y&fSpfli&nii'lTC vl of the r Sgejronv-Nortblk, and Newborn ,ne.rciatieimi . nest- thtsme jn esijli c Fare for Passengers $8-Freight on moderate he hai;tQand;Ubllcppl frms. to pehnlt bioT to cir b.-o. . .v-.---i . 55 . f intoegect- A -v ....-4 RAIiEIGH RBGISTER,: qThe Hbtf THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1830. State of Noi th-Carolina. - i Hay w()d County. . j Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, .Mnnei 1829. ; " Robert Love, . . . . ' TJW.' ' ' j ' ; Zachariah Clark & William Cla:k. Original attachment against Zachariah Clark, and a wntas to WtlbamJiark, to be joined in the suit. Y T appearing to t hej a 7v wtwen our. uwnorter.was loriuiiait; euouirn i - ... m , , mh. J.tt Vibtain pfeUyl f: a.I - iU lw.i.:n'Vi hiiK ' tiPOiilrtliQ. rlp)Vlttf ( t; N; ZlC'SNk ; arm niner,m..M.er,Hu imno. mi , -ly . . .r HpVrUiid , ;;, V cord fiirr s seiJbmh JiBl: CI-Hrnedewte;bslfo1i - : yi : ' ' 1 J'feelvmfe'wf f:-1: r. j r JartOn;lVaftwejlcVSmX; vlETORNS his ariVs totboi?e'wW;haye pa if. Ltm.'?HayTh tronijed Jum Tp blspfofessionV fcr theisbort : -int WiaCi-Ki timeibb e-nt bt . Raleigh;" and:vhdpe a . .nrt,Not f., f; t prf oli e cbntimtance xf .their far6rs; His rospebts re v. ,n? f e:hil ttt :be engrossed; lUir lirU ; pity ilufirtg the yeav , Persons who sb;thejr ;'teadi'iig:a,ude.cideA:'f :ovaubtek..toe'tinstrueU'd W -thlario;' ai."be Johnson, Kmghtmrt H ixsMesM: WcutiotvtbatbepapiUs : Brow; teurnet ChaseVPickeraojl?isJPdo roundedln the.uentsba- lertojfifigt V Pevthi VrpliWirhtiv -Grundv: HavneVHe Idricks. Holmes: Iredell" K:K satisfaction of (he Court that the defendant Zachariah Clark is an in habitant of another State The Court therefore,, orders, that publication be; made six jweeks int the Raleigh Register, jthut . if the defendant Za chariah Clark does not appVarv and replevy, or plead,1' that at next Curt judgment .ill be giv en againsWim ' v f - 'December Sessions I 1829 ( Theabove order was renewed, and lbfe order of publication as above to be made. v'- . i 48 yl -ltpf LOVE, Ck. 1L C. C. VSuperiorlCourt of Laww , : Chatham Qounty. Fall Term, 829 -Alfred Vestal & 6ther vs. Thos. Vesta) & others Petition for the division ol I imds of William : ' '-. Vestal, dec.; . , ; , c ITappearingtothej satisfaction of t the Court that John Ve$tal, jbneof the defendants in this case, ; is not an inhabitant of this State j it-is therefore ordered,- that notice be ptjblished m theOBaleigh Register' jfor 'six months ojf the fim )i' the Petition, and that the said John Vestab.at the oext term bf this. Court,-on tlfe'dtMonday of Marcboext, plead, f answer or demur to the petition;, or the same will be taken pro confess We finish in to-day's RegUter4VlV ra- live?:th 3fr i . , u Vt 1 -4Societies of the College bivNeJersev, '!V ster's unequalled speech. labour next, fuQt'1,'4k,JfL, 4l JLy ; ui . .t "4 "ii-u f-i ov the -day -preceding theoest-(i:om V we shall commence the Debate which oc- njencement. Kc i -W, - curred in our State LegislatorepVtlvi r , ' :'"J?fi i'ijkll ji Rank nf tliA Statp -1 WExoedition for Liberia- The finenew vr KU 1 1 jReaction, Mr. Chilton, a Representa- ' A . 1VI Mr! iv .; 'rV -Ni ..rfim , ISToK le . Ru ffffles. Sev- ed in-the fccienceion application.; H is terraa are .. . n i!.L.-,.f I o i vv uw.nnin. t. !: md(Mt md. ne can. hft atwavs s founds at) XTrsC -4roup, j'yjer,,jwmte vooanuryio.'&, ' i pj: "m; .. ;r.?w ; v. trl:tt-tilliVt? .... ..v :t.cST-' .c,'aar., : 4 d, - Jle Vill keefrthe Instruments of hls scho- $ K 5iUl was reported bnTloads' arid, Ca-, Margin tune free of charge.;Vv ! nis.uiuovstng a-vSUDSCTiption-oi ,piocii 'i'.v thii ltaiVr.nvVl '.brid (rihirtvn,ftitrnh.d Convi 1 CHA$. JV WILLIAMS, - kV j-.. p ClerkSup. Court. WASHtKOTON,; SeT; Dollars :-4thera"mgleinsUncei to ,l'bepaid ibi advance .Twenty; Dbllafs the ces Season;'; which maybe" :&icfiarir paiu wunm me seuoir; iiiuiy-uoiiiirsiuiusurc. to De paia woen ivis 8s-eriaiicu. mc nurei& iu c:tt,of,ine propcrjy piiai jcujt ii ijf.vcius iu uie Groom in ev'erV .lnst4nce.-llres. Uft withr the I horse tsdR have gb. pasturajte' gbaortf tev' -ca'i0'.bUl(etd'.preve nt but 1 will loot b responsible for escapes; or accidents" of any kbidU AvxsHrwoTOH'a Pedigree and Perfbrraance be- $rigtt 1 Qn.fgoip'ery,To wner p,hn;;Htispni-' of Philadelphia -has-been chartered br ihe 01 on i7aiion i ocje iyy io conveys mtgra n 1 1 to Llberia$he Wn Jccbromod ale bom- fort8bTyboUtvl 50; passengers; Atlho' " wouldvub tyesgel,' ' should be m'iVoonyO -l 1 V of A prd. ;A pplications 'for a pasjagejii f behalf offree4 persons ofiblor,orc those v f libefa1thie their tolon.itjort ':r five in Congress from Kentucky, the same ... 15 - .. - : J . who introduced the famous Retrenchment Hesolutions, has addressed a letter to the Editors -of the National ntelligertcer which will, make some,nbise in the politi cal world- Mr. Chilton rode into Con- gress, as a thorough reformer, prpmtsirig io ttf L V io exert an ins power u cori-ecv'uos.'aou" ses and extravagance of the ..laetrthtn- istration. He begins to perceive, howeY er, that the clamor made by the dominant power while struggling for ower,;r was, V sound and furyjighi tying nothing; ntenaea merely ior poiixicai eneci.w air. Chtlton havtnsr at length become conviric- . . -." ; . . . i .- . . eu or tnts, ne unourtnens iimiua; jna blunt sort of way1, and, declares-he will suppprx ir. itY ior our nexi rresiuenj ivianyvoi nis panyr win aououeas loiiovv suit. The Senate of tfie United States bare rejected, it isisaid'tqtamnoy, the rittbi inatton .of Henry Lee, laVConsul 'Geperal to the; Barbary potvers He has bovgever received his outfit and salary and is no tfoubt satisficdi s. The President has sincV sent in inename .01 Vommuorer: jrorjer. as his successor to i whicbweVpr6sume, there will "bftbCoppbsTtuinXOnVFridair last , the. Senate colirmed the apponent of Atitbbn V BuUeWak.Char&e dAtTairesT to ihefepublreo Vest,TW-Chairge;to;TeroAH"f7V rr. tlvi.' - -T' :i;:W.e regret pcrCftiYtbat the bill prc irtding foV.thc tfeira;of; TulVoiV, ifias t been ,J rejectetj in jbje Senate bT the United States, nya?arge majorayi;t ii ever aTjy countrjr; possessea a oeneiacior-in a ".Citizen, ,tne, .iic,oricf y oiii.Biocfey,7 vvAsniniun, v.6, bri:HV:Batr ,j rt;Mailmi WniiefebFr .V, WmmWVBtekor(i - : iJenjaLiiiinr Prab.Richiottd-Va.. iU: i HaroCMAtkiniiPete - vv?:4 denhiliOreeiisbb J VhltePerqu!nwnsi .V-Sr r ooyv t be t v ' flu; 24-Bank iireeii be1weeie4:M:Hd'an ; - 5! third 6treetf.PjilUde:lphia Hotel,' a Wider-.1 ,t : JuVGowV.the Urget,eVrrexHibUed;tn lhTiiv. V . country r-welphins 2.60U Jbsalive l8hPir- V1. J I hahad three Cves;-; stands' 'feet'.35 in- H Ches bigh ineasures from thVcnd'or the f v ' . 5 wuct. uie hum oi ineiMti, lufeex aincnes; , - - . , in girirr arounn ine nonjr, eefS Inches ;r;h. , 4jeet'4nche4:froithe; i. ; fcet tbheop'of ier,wUbei.frh'fcur-- - ' pnyipgMraraisejl' and fed.bV. Mrdi'l rg? v.' tingKoub v.-v vie tni'TKi'mimii .v v . ;.jliafr. J7&rpfe1sse td aaVtib tour Vaoer t' tbaiihe'Ite'vrofeisof.'iUtxkKtv ; tersityhasfciidty bis, .; w cbuT pV theUVubjt; pterance; at -tbja. x " 1 if' Fresbvterian ;lMirlI bn'SaliO m.U . " "v intt., ine rewcoiaer, axnoiX)ii &acb iocca-' ' siona invite a 'geOerai attendance of tbe dtixena V, - tbeir names Und uch, otbers as nay be disposed Lv 4 ' I v i j niipir nciiES is mat rminrrv. ann viiirnn j it-.i"-r- vr- :"-:: "v r,r:,--r." i v wy iui;t'furpu vi iuruuu& a volunteer :f ' ns.lhovlstnV .subset pfion-Of, Stock Raleigh,!. rcb 16, ' -rr , -. unjg.sa weu Known,, i ceem upnecesxary w warthaf rbenefactorV; EverjAmericanV Company; atjS'Teqoested tstacerAt the Court- C ' t.i tMBajuo caswefi;N.'o:TebV-f8 3Vrwbbreflec -r'fn;