- ; 'V'r : i Ji . THE SSGISTSBX ; r : AsPublHhed evcry.Moxo at and fHirfcsiiAT.by JOSEPH ' ALE&r SON, v t A'u Dollar per annuni-half in advance. ot exceediijS tte&en lines; neatly .inserted 3 i times fo aDollar, And twenty-five centa for cveiy.Vuceeeding puricio't those of great er legtn in $e ;0f f proportion.... Commit hic'a'tiow$ ihanlcfulyi're.ceived,.LiTxsRs td the EttiTors rausi.u vutipmu. . .-s, t THlijGOLDENK APPRO ACHING. i i n i fe w)Jtm rs j rit ori 1 i h a rycotf r sc 'iv'fn.tsir-provided that jiOjiitiexpct'df cnuse V expentlit ure ;nsfii"lrhiiil6f. niur tiX iroprfinsvwnicfa we M6ttlo ? beJikely;: to feet nri the r approqclv of och an era, Jwjould , r s and such we misht VathbhaHV indulge. -wue perverse man man. which but too of tn leads iiirfi instead Vf imnrbvinff liberally the eood- things ol Prbidcricej to petVerV tteinjo puris of evil. The eveot of Wfijc is looked forward . tol fear not without "reasdu, with tartiiywtber tfian complacency as odewheD jealousy and u ptdity wilt find Tile w'octasioOs for "wratilj)itg and corifnon; :Aj whichgpolHicalido deyis.ey by. aod the event be' met wit ho"ut any n(: ihese conflict of feeling onthe pjirrof the vari ous sectiorjs a nd vi nteres t if ou r rr pu bl ic, ca nit otu t be fin tit ed 4 o res pe ctf u Ixjnstd' era t ion. M r; peto(i of ,M issou rit has in troduceci in the Seuate a bill of njost plu il)1e pret ehyionsand which, from the con fidence expressed b him' in the1 wisdom of j ts prpV 11 on ?r is'ca 1 c u lated ' to (Feet wop -deWv If pprports to be ;njeitKer moreubr less.tHaii bdl to provideVfor the aboli tioiu.o(runowfWa to relieve the p e op 1 e r fro m S15 f e e n millions o f taxes and to improve; theCotjfJ ition of I he agricu I tu re, m a n u facta restf c o mm e r c e a ml; h a v iga t i o n , of th e? Uwtc'dS tateiW eiik In rto give it)n:detaU6r;;thx by which i tsj n trod uc (ion , wa accompanied ; whieh occumorelian feix coluihns ' thi Tn- t.etfig'encifrrNli plan ts onle of equivalents w&fetalfatiorissU its the Senator alleges priucipally.iii '.the 1 suggestions f Mr Jeflersn 3 he. peculiar recommenda tion of which, is, that it secures a chance, little ihort of Absolute certiiinty, of procu ring an abolition of twelve millions of duties u'pdn our exports;; in foreign countries, in rt-f u'rrr on abolitibn of tvtJv millions of duties upon,toporis fnmi,thuiV- to be ef-ftctedby-io for reigtratioQVrmUtu V'US ' JjpeaJ pf stxtep millions of Jaxesicbu n ti ng me rchan t's! profi f s at 33 1 per cent.V "Among thevery comfortable consenueOces which the nroiector predicts. would be felt in every, family, in the pur- tuasc yi its necessaries, 11s comionsvdnu its luxuries. Linen.for the per sou, the table and; bed, would be one-third cheaper. f Coffee would be one.third cheaper in the. pounu r.iea, one-miru ; wines . ana shks, one-third f and so of all the articles enn- uieraieu 10 me am. .uaverif amny wowa save one-third br iipwaM account, bsvery state would-retain withinfs. 1 i m its t s proportion of these 1 6 milt ion s. and al I; the shatne and mjschif f of plotting! and combining, and 'wrangling Herej' about the division of so much spoil, would be .avoid ed and yet the crbwnine - mercrv? K re- inaius to-- Ve'oId.UTOis v. Would ; be;1 Biecuj,qcain anu uurjat 01 ine lariu ques tion; andt with lis ioterment. a r.fVstoraiion of .that :harmbnj-the." Un ibpSv hfch a 1 1 true patriots d esire,rand w h 1 ch the progress of this question' has so tjreatly iniDaired." 4 We are not pre paired to" lis(en without uiuc au . uugiTiugs 10 me inventor s ue scription of;tbeirmes5of hisj grand pana cea. In i the latfsroae of ttie.tl n trUiHncer ' it is JieforeaVtribunal bv which its mer its w fl I be thoroughly: sited , and tor v hteff it may befeafelyefi.?' - Jf it is found.iren. tmte'ujfeaderswil If, on analysi? it 3hall prove a?tn ere de, ci pt ion, it w 1 1 1 go duw n forgot ten w i th t h e rubbish of the patent ofllc-. 1 1 r i&;no eii- dence.of the wisdmn of Jlr. iBenlon, that he, jus gone far nut mjh waj, on that oc casionj to introduce 'ao unfoundrdreproach fp'di the admiiuslration of the elder Adams, and to talk, in.; the silly, terinsdffroihjr de-cl-tnution, of ciah't oer cent." loans:, the. Mamp act Jhe black' cockadej aii'd th'e standing arm ir 'iti time of)eace,,of t'.con trivanceft for extortiiig money; from' the peo ))lej' for-the". support; of;. that; strong'' and plewjid government,' ivhith' was theris trie viri iMieu vision 01 so many exaJted Meads." What a pity that the Hamiltohs; the'Pincic- nejs, the Jays?'andrtbe;;Mar8,hal$ of. that period,'couldbt .bave;enioyei the benefit t poli tied instruction: from thp- lMrnp.l Seuatofof Misaouri L vVj.;t;v;V - - J r Massachusetts" Spy ;1 MR. JEFFERSON TO DR; RUSH. tx 'JPoblar JFofesfet; 5, Mll "ear Sir While jnticBllo l ain , so ch engrossed by, business ocsdfiiety.itbat gency.-Here I have leisure, as Itave'eve- 7, V - "r "wpns'won, 10 ininK or my friends T recur,' therefore, tor the subject ofjour kind letters relating to Mr. Adams ind; niyself,' wjiich,: a late prcurrente has SVP't?0;1"8- 1 communica ted tOvyou 'the cbrresporMlence which had parted vMr& Adams and myself, in proof that'I cool (1 lot ffive frieiidiihiriin fvrhnP ,wr sfpiirnenis as he had recently.ia ken ;upowards mfself,1 and avowed and maiittamed'irr her lerters to me. Nothins r : t a 0 . . . T ' o buta total rn ttneiat ion ; of 1 hese c ou I d a d -niit aueconciliation, and that could be car dial onljr in proportion as ihe return to an cient opinions Was bei ie vecl, to be sincere. In theaundic hers, I hatt actated Alr.-.'Affa'msr kri w in't fie weight, which her opiriioli hvrwitb him, and riot wvihstandihg she had declared ! in h er if ters that th ey we fe hot; com m u ni ca iedohimr A late irictdent has satisfied mtha Ij wronged hjoi hs well as her in iiptf yield ii)g entire confidence to this as- su ra oce 011 h er part. ; 'i( ;uir iw i . ipy. neignoors x irienus, oruthers to the onr u hu lived nh me a Secretary" at W ashlngtonv'tbbk a tour. t the nrthWanl duriog the last summer. Til Boston they fell 'in company with Mr. Adan,J and by his irivitaVioftHS!Setl a day" witn. nim at uraintree; lie .spoke out to them every thing which came uppermost. "d as it occurred to bis mind without any reserve, a seemeo most deposed to dwell on those things which happ.-ned durior;fiis own adinmtstration. H !p(ke of hiYmas- .trsws he called his heads of depart merits, as .acting above his conrol, and often a iiinst his opinions Among 'many other topics, he advej-inl to toe unprincipled lit centiousness t the press against myself. adding I always loved Jefferson, & still love htm.7 - . th is is enough lor me.. 1 onlv needed this knowledge to revive towards him all lhe'aff. ctions.of the most cordial- moments of pur lives. Changing a single word only in Pi", franklin's character of hioi, I knew him to be always an honest man, often a great one, but sometimes incorrect and pre cipitate in hisf judgment : and it is icnown to t jiose. who have ever heard nfespeak of Adains tha t I have ever done: him jus tice myself, and defended him when assail ed by others, with the single exception as to his pohticui opinions. But with h man pocsesteing m many other estimable quali tiejy why should we be disocialized by mere differences of opinion in politics, in 'tigion, in philosophy, or in any thing else. His .opinions pre as honestly formed as my own. our uuierent views ot th s;me sub jects are the result of a difference in our (gftiii'Aitiou and f'xpe Hence. I nevt-r with drew from: the socteiy ol any man on this accounl, atfhough many Have done it from me ; much less should 1 do it ('mm one with whom I had ghe through with hxul & heart, s many tryingscenes. I wih there fore, but for an. appose ortas'ion.to assure Mr. A. of my uuthunged affections for him. There is an awkwrdjes- whicti hns over the frsuming a corrt aipond nee so long dis continue!, onless soin.Mliing could arise which shouldcall for a letter. 'I'tme and chance nuy perhaps genera e stu h an oc casioo, o winch 1 shall not be waotmn- in prompt! mile to avail toysejf. f you Hit ters to Mr. Auams you Can, perhaps, sug gest toy continued cordiality towards him. and knowing this, shouhl -an' occasion ( writing hrt pneot itJ n, him, he .will perhaps avail himself of it, as I certainly will should i' first occur tu N rn.und tor jealousy non exi-tif.. he will certain ly give f . It pli.V to the,mural w nnuh o( his heart. Pupap. I inly open ihe way in some letter to my old fn-nd Gerj who 1 know he is in habiss of ihe greatest intima cy, wuh . I have fhu'i mv friend i.iut open my hfrtrt to, you, becusv o were so kind as 10 take art interest ii hating-agin-. Rev,ilu:in.ry affections,1 vhi h itavr teased in expi -eilni only, but tii-t hi tliHr exisefice. God iever b(ess you ami preserve you in life & health. THOS. JEFFERSONi " par py bPiiuT. : . Jf therene evirio itie world? which exceeds all othei h blinding, perverting, and betray liig ioHfikind.it'is party spirit. There is no class in the cojmunity that is not liable to its influence Uieiwise are not abpveitrrthe ignorant are not beneath it -and tleriuost c.wary are ofleiFthe 'deepest in its toilslt 'disclaims-1 lie slightest in terference wTtV he u uprejudicrd decisions of conscience a nd reason wii le at the Sartie tjme.it is puling ilarkn s for light,: and light for darknes, evil for;gitd, and good for eVil. . It alitiws a man to congratulate htmsel f on M is pre-e mi nen t 1 mpa rtia I it i es, while every eource oT affection and hatred within hlnrate ;uh(er its unbn.ken spell. It represents one half.of. the community as involved in the moaU pitiable delusion, if not 'criminal perversity of heart, K- and .the other as exempt from all ihe passion, and errors icident to. humanity opponents in . tenfold darkness-r-frienda the" child ry'tf" of promiseVwitha little cloud to guide them by day, and' pillar tof fire Vo iilummate their path by night A..Z,' Ci 'H' jioe . venuercst reiaitons :aa. sweetest ami poisoned by this; demon4)f party spirit. It is not uncommon to see lhae;who have been'rockediothe sarrircradle nourish ed athe same breast, regard ingveach other with jntolerant aversibtJ.f "And even those who anticipate the frienilsbips and fiarmo nies orthe heavenly Wiirld,' are not unfrp quently stronglyat variance w;ith their brethren in this. AamjJy is thus depriy d.of its peace a coninumty placed in t lie most discordant and wrangling altitude and a nation whose citizens enjoyhnesame blessings, and are animated by the same great hopes, is involved in broils aid intes tine commotions. iArid'for what t What is the mighty sourcecfajt this d is, rust, disaffection and abhbriue f AWhyf sim ply this one man jcalls hitpsetfja lemb craf, anothbr a -federalist ; or unV brefers Mr. Ada ma and iit.tlrer General I Jackson as President ; or orfe is Masonick another AntiMasonic in hii artVction. :Nw. the ghost of Morgans liot more shadowy and unsubstantial than ire the subject of con tension between thtjsei' parties ; iy vary with every breath, nd hough theLbMige rants may.wear theij- distinguishiog bajlgrs, and tlo battle underitHeir opposing baiiners. yet there is little id the conflict worthy of serious comment, except their own folly anil delusion. They resemble i children building a cub-house and wratiglinj wheth er it shall have three pr four cornets. KEN HAW A HALT WORKS. j . j -; 1 , The saltworks ii the western part of Virginia; on the great! Kenhawa river,are said to be amon t lie jmost productive of the kind in our country. They are siMjat ed a little below Chjirfestbwn, abimt ixty nines rocu tnejuncuon pt Ivenhawa with 'he Ohio, and ar4 nearly equi-ditaiit from Pittsburg and (i4cinnati. Thegreat supply of coal in the! immediate neiirhboi - hood, and the? factlitei foiv conveying he alt to a market rentier these woiks pro- f . . i i r n'aoie. r , i In the Miscellaneous; Repository,' nub lishpd at Mount Pleasant, Ohm, tnere i- an article entitled ' Sketches of the Wes tern Country, ' writted by a gentlfm-m du ring a recent journey, which contains an account of these work-!, and the ne jjfibot ing country, which wej thiuk will fy ing to bur readers.! 1 i The Silt district i4nn'object of to- be grai 00 much interest to be passetlover without notice It commences about I two miles above Cbartestowa, and extends up the irjyer'to Wit cher's creek, i distance of apout ten onles, Expenmentslhhve been inade in different places aboK and behiw these limits to find sal?, anli without success. Tire discavery of if, vyas at fist ijidicated by the buffaloes, and -hence, to thtf; present time, it is called )Lick8. i There are: now Jo dperation 52 furnace? There have been perhaps 73, but some are out of use. Thy usej coal, bf which on an average, each furnace consume .160 bush els in twenty-four ho&rsi,and'eacH furtiace employs eight hands, fexejunive of icoopers, c. I he proportion hi'slaves is estim.tt ed at about one fifth of tje liahds eiiipluyed. The amount of salt for thi year istimat e(l at one miMion of bifhlrls : and the cost of manufacturing, inilulitig barrelling i estimated at sixteen debts per bushell . It is mostly sent dbwuithe rivetf in arks, but some is taken b SlauiborttsL It is sent down the Mississippi as far as Mem- puis, and op.that rivrr as lars St. Ii4uis. It goes Jf.to Ohio, IntWnaYljiinois1, Alaba Tennessee and the Tiorth-west part of Virginia. It iv carried as far.ioutn as Wythe and Washington counties, Va. whfre it is t-xchaoged jbr i'roji'and iasuui;. ' The wells are frofiiltuo hundred and fif ty to five hundred feej bVp ; ami the av erage strength of the water is about eighty gaiMuis 10 uie uny pounus oi sail. The country, piriicularly in ihe neigh borhood of CharlestoWn, iso broken as to uuniiiauaru uejiMiM 'Uie IMUIIS OI 'tile Nver bottoo. But the:hi(ts : abound: wii'h coal of an excellent quality, aiuiJperhaps with metallic or-s. .'Iron-ore it is said has been found, but has notjjeen worked. The buildings of different descriptions connected with the sa) works', particular ly on the north side of tlie river, I form a long, dark lookfng ytllagr, composed "ol houses, cabins, and sheds of - rio ordinarv appearance. Snue off the cabin i himneys are very ludicriju figures. . I'hey are built 4 rough, stone, without regard-to Ime oivplumb, to the Jieight of six r se,ven feet Jvthen tvyo or three feet -ofiticks and mud, and the whole is topped off' j with a There is a meeting lou$e near the. cen tre, of, thef District, occupied nt present by tliePrebyterianSj and! : MetbodUU. aher- natelj.:. X 1 I i " X'v ... - r. ; VvKENHA WA BURNING StRlNGS The Kenhawa Burning Springs ae situ ated about 8 miles above-Char I etown, on the north bank of the;riyer.J Xher; writer from whom the account of the salt yorks takb apeakirig of ifie Burniog Springs, ; : Ther are three in nntaber i! t wo m rtthe bank nd one ne3r the'ede pf thel wateri I ilidoj aee those oq )fre bantbut that P,?a.r W water is merely an excavation -in 4-:. ie ear in, oraooui mrec cr tour: feet charged an inflammable gasi t was theu ; ' A ; NOTT tiR on fire-and in some parts produced a bril- & V- liant flameother parisresembled tnV Ti!?Mo r burning of spirits, of wine. - Th$ bottom 1 - vAranspoirtatibaXompahy;;; sCji was perfectly dry, and on . being, stirred Z g4fr0?m: ? with a stick. tfiV n! - t" -TIa i-" v'--'i-' -v-r'-1- the ascending gas.' .' t Apprentices Wanted ; . OpHE Subscriber will take a couples of sm rt 41 Boys, between the aires of twelveik fitirn. s Apprentices to the ;iiilor JliisrtrSS4 1JC wouia prefer them from ttw c;mittrr. -4 , . ; . r ALUX. CAWPftpuJ. Raleigh, March 33. !. 62 BISHOP RAVKNSC ROFT's Sermon, preacb ed at the Ordinationfbf the Rev P. R Wtikt. i Sahsbory, priced (i J ; 15 .tones' Lsiny ouhe Church, price 115 do. Th FestivnU and Furfs, , llishopWHsoo's Sacra Pnyata. . f ' ; Keceivcd and tot sale, at tle Rfio Store of t J. GALES & SON. March 3. ': ' W - 4- bank of capk fkak j 1 9th Janitor. 18S0. .HEItEAS an act was passed atfthe last w nieeiin? ot tlie- ticneral Assemble loueh. injr the --extension of the charter, theEliaii'k of Cape-Fear, under certain-limitations nf rt stric tioos, to which,- the assent of the Sictholders, is requiied by a specified day TJierefore He solved, that this .meeting be "adjourned! '"to meet at tte Uanking Hoose in Wilmiofrtoni on the Secood Tuesday, in April next, .being' jthe 13th day of the Month,. the;i andthere to coosider, of the same ? and of all other matters wherein the interests of the Hank of Cape Fear, are concern ed : and to t:ike such order thei eoo asi may be deemed expedient. . . ( Public Ntice is hereby given, of th;e above Resolution of the Stockholders, at their adjourn ed meeting in January last, to the intent that all concerned may be duly apprized thereof. J. R. LONDON President oi the - Bank of (iape Fear JOHN FULL, Cashier. V , 5OTtl0A J. P. S3 VALBNG-ER, Professor of Music, f - T ETUItNS his thanks to those who have na 1 tronized him in his profession, for toe short time he hns been in lialeigh, and hopes for a continuance of' their favors. His DrosOectu ar so v flatten ng, that he intends remainirie in the. v far. r rsons wtio wish their daughters toe instructed on the Piano; wilt be waited on. Ti-e younger thev commenci the better j say from 8 to 12 years "of age. i It is of the utmost importance, in order to perform with execution, that the pupils should be thoroue-hlv grounded in the rudiments and learn to finger weiy L wies who have r been taught superfici ally :nd wish further insi ruction, can be perfect- cu hi me puicuce nn application. His terms are movterate and he can be always found at Mrs. Parsley's Boarding House. - . . N. B Piano Fortes tuned and nut in e-ood order, in town or country, or within 50 miles of the City. All orders will be thankfully vtceiv- ea. ue win Keep tne instruments of his scho larsTn tune free of charge.. Raleigh, March 16. ' To Merchants, Planters, and a ar rm . . - Jflunujachu-era. i Jratnanfrt ff.mmiiimti rpENOERS his1 services to his friends and the ft. Public, to transact business on Conlmission, and respectfully refers to the gentlemen named beloWi for hiquatificatioMS, f ; i. "t ;J5. . REFERENCES, V 1- ' r Hon. Samuet'SmitTvio Senators in Congress F.-Chambers, J from Maryland. John Foiyth, . ? Se9r Congress V from Georgia. " Daniel Webster, ? Sat,,!ph $?&k :' 3'. 'trom Massachusetts. ' LVwis VV iliiams,' ? RewcsetativeiinW gross from??. Carolina. " Warren R. Davis, I RseUtailve, : jinf Con: g,ress from SCarolina. Messrs. M cdonald bTi " , I f - " , Uitlgely, V m. Lor- j . - " t ; Tnan,Esq. Luke Tier- Baltimore. i nan. Esq Isaac Mc- f ('"" " " Kimm, Esq. ' ' J - . f ' - V ; j ' B alurhore, Feb. 9, 1830. ; - 153 4t ; EXCHANGE, NORFOLKr VA. SITUATED on Main- ,j?tree.t;.;.the;most;spa--cious and beautiful in the "ihole liroughj and convenient to all the S:cm Boats and public Places, whether of pleasure of busines : Tliis extensive establishment has been enlaiWd a.nd improved. The furniture is new and" -"leuhtand tji't. Parlours nd Chumhers are -lurnlsIieJ in the ui i aiic. aiiuer its present arraDge menf, b equal to any", and inferioifohone n,4he, United States. ,Th: Pobu'c. Uooms,, Chambers and Parlours for private families; ate handsomly fitted up and well furnished. : ; ) A Reading Room, and a Letter , Box for the Post Of&ce,is atso atuched to this estab)i$Iment. STABLES amLCAURlAGE. HOUSSVith every appendage necessarjrfor the ; corivenience of the gentleman and traveller ; ' i:f wiir start from this House, arid 4 general ofijee will be kept on the premises from whence the numerous stageslfbr north kyisou'-.witfBtart x ne convenience oeauty and accommodation of tnisesta&hsbmentj-andihe premises are acknow ledged to be superior to any in the place. - The proprietor pudges' himself that noy exertion on his part shall be want'me oromoie thi nimfrt of guests and Tisitbrs. Thankful for oast favAnW north, the- sub- ..tviviHiuciiii;uuijcj. uv anremimn(r;iLtifn. uou j mem a.conunuanceot pubJjc .patronage j - o'. 1 - na, luiunu-'iiii. iiv 1 : - r- m v r.El -VVll yVilrin addition to her rother autie'snnklLebne? " -.'.N V inp 10 ana trom, JMewbern, J. qt-le&vine Elizi,. : w - - j -belb City every Tuesday evening after jthVani" J ' yl of the Ste,from;jJorfoik,,aod;,NeScni ? on every Priitay; to commence ronninVimTTiiM- " ' " day the-16th March next., -f "N' Fare fofr Passenger JSFreight.bn moderate . ?-- rXl rms. . , ' "t-.vn '-', '5 v - r" Feb. 20. - - .i. , -: ; ;J, .55- . ' . ' 1 :f" ; : 1 1 1 hJv terms. . . . 1 separate tyi Jan. 27. fpHE undeTsigned "oftV for sale, ii tow briceK ; '.-is'.-,'"- . jp flO purchase immedratelyJ'a- pairor.BAV lkf" J- HOUSES, for the Carriage-no: to exceed .VfiM Svears old. J I will ,w.K JC-L :LJ ' ' A. . ' fuiMuaab iiicni ,iwo new. nauos of . his own manuffirtn - -t . which for tone and touch, are said bytbese wfco ' : !. ' are competent iuflcs .n. h;J- t: , -. f t Jwrv...wy ivawiiug iiiustv, luoe equal 'to any g to purchase crood Instriimentt Ktl ,Ti to call and examine his previous to buvidPls ' ' . Old Pianos renairnl. imAA Sfmi -IluO ianos renaifed. tuned and stain o oillw' suortest notice and on reasonable terms ' , ,A weslev whii akerV March 10th. . - ,:'vu t' , Plantation, four miles west o Chai lotted te tract contains 282 acres Of land. aIartn. ttarr'F ship of the .Instruments, the . subscriber , bas no 1 r.v hesitation in saying; that they . are . substantially - I made and will tand Well in tUne. Tho K 1 ' ' ' " brom Mines, JLanus, iesroes&cf : r friHESubscribr wishing to remove fro m-tlie' X s: f I tHfighbothood, offers'-for s:ire hi;raliiftMfw- : which is as good as any n Mecklenburg County ; " ' ' about 1 100 acres ar;- firetj econ'd and "tivrd crop- V , grou nd, of the best, riualhy. Th "plantation , ; nearly adjoins the celebrated Capps' tibrd-Mirie, 7 sfnd the opinion seems to be We!k 'fotinded bat'' Gold abound in two hflls particulal-ly bbljhe plantation ; a branch, juns througUli "for of a ume, wnicn, it is tnougnt by men of judgment , is as rich in the precious meu as any of.the.. Burke Mines, There la also on hel plantation good Water Power. vand an excellent MilLSf.t for mining operations, also a T weHiOghouse; two uarns, btabtes fx. other pecessary outbuildings.' v vi iiAeiy young wegroes tor saie- noirfi f:Mikl-nihir. or a part of them, such as may not.wish to follovr . W, I . ' and view the. Drenmes i ror nnnir nf VIr tinht t- VJ J.V Dinkins or Dr. J. D. BoydCharJoUeV" for v , a description &c. ' t74v-:t'Vif4 r'A' i' Charlotte, JV. C.'March 20; 1&30 ,'63 t2U'V '' 4 N. B The Editors:of the Narth-Carolihaotirl .T.T j nal, Newberh CentineL and Milt6rt"JazetteV"will ' : ti'r please give the above twelve insertions Ati their - : respective papers, and orwal;th;eirccouuli ; , as above' directed; for payment ."S-W.IB' ""' sVrr- '; New & Cheap Boak$.i K J UST received by the SubsctibeW;; and now , . opening at the Book RoomI twb Honrs hitv the Posf-office, a lurge and extensive Assortment, consisting of: Law, Medical.' Ifistdricai; Theolo- O-ical artd Misrpllan.nn Wt. ety of; new and fashionable reading School , ' to TORNEtt tc HUGHESf ; Raleijjht, March 241830.;;, j 62 V " ".'; !"-.-- vrv-'r . r 1 "j. .. . 1 .' .""j1 :f"il-fii TIIIJ OTmnnriT-ntirt w-rf' .l.'.v xiac4 oUDCUlUUEili;?, "JS .f r w, v. . liie wuzciis wanis piace, ana our riends and acquaintances, and good citizens Of 1 North-Caroliha, are invited to calli xj v8 OFFERS terIe his HOUSE H LOTS Jn the n & -Town Of Oxford, witli the LAND adiwnln , -' . --d)out 200 acreMf which about 6b acres are :? Woodfandi.Tbe House ia by(40eetKconv ' modious, and well finished thtoogbwiv having T ' " i.romilh fie place oh eachf floor WUh r'k .0 lv t "f".,i',ws-c.M, cavit- garret oisuiDuxea uitoc i . v vwuiiwiauic rooms r ana a ceiiar v. s with fruits selectedfrom the riorth an lcp-llbifi. kU might erive eraolovmeittioB nr in Ku ha;nw I0t seres of land attached to it; and on the pre iseiis a coififortable two stbnr JDwelliug. with omstnictr. rock a r stbferio-Ifouso' a r' 'X every eonvemence 4br a, family residence. ,s Puii.efMcnce -ior a viamiiy residence.- , A -belter constructed Yard, Is seldom seert , any certain r .rigro slave, calling himself W-W.IBII 4 propeny wiii dc aisposea ot oa" vv . -s-r reaswiable and accommodating terms; t:' ' " ' ' t-' THO.3:UTtLW0Hirv? - V V t - Oxford, Sept1. vi -Avj; yf r .5oaw tf; ' r" V . ,.,iM i '' . I'lii J . , ?. v; I r State ofKurWCirormAP vAf "' . Vj- --Bertie Ooiinty.' V ;Court-of Pleas, ani Quarter Se'ssioii,; - ? r f Tvappeariog to ;the; tathActkm lbf Court 'S' ML thatiavcertain, iiirrnal9V.fs1Kn; h;iain Jr Samaenri)kins,;nowJnthe Jill of this county. i 1" Will hay beerx confined on the 3dday;of Uafcb, V .. V tS3Pr for thespacerdf twelve - months' and tho V apprehension -;id confinement :of the'id slave -II V'J has. been advertised bixl' tnontha - Jt thrnM ' - '..- orde;taattheSheTt5; jinmediattly after the , V second dav of March1 nestadvVrtM th mIa? , said slave for three months according to law", and 1 v ;? make tale accordingly. :. 'fr TV f; .-v A", m.. 'VA iT- .' " -w Agreeably to the above order of the Court bf Pleas and Quart ec Sess.ons of Bertie1 county, 1 : .v -K shall; on theddaj of ,runenext,";tefoTe the" ;s Courtl.C-.lifcdobf in theTnvrn V.f Wl.wl - rv 1 1 eV s . .Of ,--V'T 1 -. - if ' V.. r, - $ m c- -' ' ft. fi! " 4V