xx SSli i "' . i 4 eLZ&r 3' ' , j v - j-v ,i - '.irv --f- .;-tr . -.J V. , y , . - . . . - " - - - " - - WtfVf 'V-:. " J- . - 1 ' ' ' 1 1 i i -i - l -a .-'"T k Joseph GALKSsoNr:: j : hni tcr annum half indvancc. e-!f?- tiku ink t wentv-fi vc cents for . mihiieationtinose 01 ctcv 5 " . ..Jth inUhe aame prortioiuUCoMHt h. Editors must oc leditl etcroumquc sedt. -' Vircxi. .ThreU,beIngiDg to the racp of human Knpds, 4 sort of troublesome beings, who, mng no lue bnr.heir;own ; time, care WrV little how muchithey tresspa oni that nftheirinore inuusMMiu uiimi -j . rt f staT-foreer persons, who hav j. taied over the whole world atone sit l ;mmeneS24in and talk trover a- Bew, from Wginnm uuu, uy iui e arf ready to take their leave. In a word. ind iu ana sir, iong euuutni ro fulif iuitifv the iKotto we have just quot- tJgre s generally ."about. Ihese persons a Wondetfttl hebetude, slowness at iiking I hint,uopr&lelled with the rest of the hu- jnao race. ' . 1 . . Togif avsingles instance of this sitting rnno.ngitv.' we will introduce the; story tif a( plain spoken old lady from the land of ileaof Miaous. . r. fnever seed the beat; of tht'are Cap tnio SpiBitout,w said she would you be lieve it, ne called at our house last evening jestailjhad done milking, and wanted to borrow ijiy brass kittle tor his wife to m?ike apple sace in, O yev Hays I, he may hate it Sri i "welcome, Cj plain Sp'mitout ; and I went directly and fetched itout of the DiCI-room, anq iiuy u ucur umi. Wei I, presently our tea was ready, and I tould,ai,doino,lftssthanat'.jiin to take tea with u4; i O no, he. said, hecoulo'nt st y i;minute ;but lvwever,he conclucfed he'd take a drink of cider with my husbajid, and Sohedii.;"Vt'lltfterWM'done tea, I took my k nittiog,and worked till Ijth u;h t lt3hih time. honest, people bhuuld be a-brd. But Caiitain Soinitout had forgot his hur ryand there, he was isitung and talking with my husan'd,' a fast as -.eer. I lute above alf things ii ble rude, but t could'nt help hinging to the Captain, that it was growing Jate, aha may De nis wite was wamnc tor tne Kittle, out ne qurni seem . . . ..... No; Ihave not," replied Mrs. Hfeeins. t xr eii.it's as rrue as i am here," return ed Mrs, Spriggins, for I itist had it froth Mrs.' VViggius. And she likewise put her nnger oesuie ner nose in toKeo that it was not a matter for every' body to know, r ; l f" Mrs. Higgins went directly to her neigh bor Figgins', before she had fairly re covered breath, began i If ave you heard that Matthew M'Muzzle and his wife have fallen out" of tht 1 window VNo? is it possible i't said 'Mrs Figg'ins its aY true as I drawee: breath o1 I ife.5 said Mrs. HiggmliUll panting with exertion, for ins toia me not two minutes a snknad just neard it Irom Mrs. wjggma" , ; ; . , . , ' Mrs. Figgins weht forth ivith to see her neighbour Twiggins. She had scarcely neated herself when she said. Have you heard how tht Matthew M'Mtizzle, and his wife have fallen oi of the chamber toiridowF' No I. you dbo'i y so !'vex claimed Mrs. Twiggins. Yes, it's as irue as the book of. Genesis," said Mrs. Figgios, for f just heard it from Mrn Higgin, vyhrt got it not two minrftes agt from Mrs. Spriggin, who had it a minute before from Mrs. 'Wiggins." Mrfci Twiggins nw took her turn, and with the advantage of a glib tongue and a pair of active feet, soon reported all over town, that Matthew M'Muzzle and his wife had both broken their necks by falling out of a three -story Window And li" ruooeo nis eyes and returned home It may well be supposed then,t. thahe was prodigiouslj astonished the next 'moroin, heu. a bill of goods; allonr as jhisf afp, purporting to have been purchased by; him Ibtf day before, was sent to himM'l Here's a bill of your good s siriViid the Mercury of the vard-stlck. ! 4 Mine goots exclaimed the'Dutchman, 4 wat goots ?' ay . I 6 Why, the goods you purchased yester day, at auction.' - . S I buys no goots yesterday. Iattentsa sale to as sure, put I did not pinP ; ' Not bid!- ho w comes it: then the! goods were atruck down to you ?' - Mine gracious! now, i tinks how it was I gets ashleep,apd while I wash noddin, de tain -auctioneer made de mishtake.9 M : Y. Constellation. A SHIP OF WAR. We know of no work of art, no producti on of human genius and human power, ihut in any manner rivaUJ or may even be na- tned in comparison with, the sailing ship. .Nor cao we in all the various (nodes of ex istence resul ring fro.n modern civilization, find any social position so sirange, so un naiural, and yet so full of interest, as that wliich is offered by a ship of war. How n i uiuiai me scusdLKinK nr nim wnn rrnvue or the first time upon this artificial wonder! His awe at the immense proportions of the r i '.i l ?ui i K r...rr ..mm.;, ner nwgnn. ur r. ,u machine min.le ii,h .s.onishm.nt at r'm :57!?-?TO cleri.jr ith w!,ich it traverses the water by the aid of its wide-spread and inowy wings at the ready obedience with wincn, at the will of a pigmy, like himself. it changes it course, advances towards the wind, retreats before it, or, entering the port, suddenly becomes still and sta tionery as the surrounding hills, while the who had referred to Mrs. Spriggins who had the authority of Mrs. Wiggins who was an eye witness of the fact. p- :u IRISH ELOQUENCE. An election for member of Parliament lug iorwara, unui jhe. bead. Swims, and Ik.. 2.:- il .Jf . i??Jr? grows qizzy. iNo where, however, hayfe seen, in'o few words, so spirited and, moving a picture of 4her Wairiotvship, a iti those .noble lines of Childe Harold They bring all our quart r-deck recollet mods thronging so, palpabljr aroutd uSr that we cannot forego the pleasure OA copying them., .4 ' '''.' . - . . . ,a- i ' ' ' He that has sailed upon the dark blue sea. Has viewed at times, J ween, a full fair jigftt ? When the fresh breeze is fair as breeze ma) be, The white sail set, the gallant frigate tighl.-f.-v Mast, spirear arsivd retiring toTrbe tigb VI The glorioris tnai r expanding o'er tbe bow, . The convoy spread hike wild Iswana in their flight, - . ;. - The diyiest sailer wearing bravely now, Sogaily curl the waves before each dashing prow, And ob, the little warlike world, within I The weel-reeved guns,, the netted canopy, The hoarse commarfda, the busy humming din, Where, at a wojrd, the tops are manned on high,- .1 Hark to the boatswain's call, the cheering cry! While through the seaman's hand the tackle glides ; ' Or school-boy midshipman, that, standing by. - Strains his shrill pipe as good or ill betides, And well the docile crew that skilful urchin guides. White is the glassy deck, without a stain, here on the watch the staid lieutenant walks Look on-that part which sacred doth remain F.-r the lope chief tain, who majestic stalks, oucni ana teared by all not oft he talks With aught beneath him, if he would preserve That strict restraint,' which broken, ever b-lks Conquest and fame. N. A. Review. i Loss from False Economy We pre sume that, like most other people in the world, we have our share of what has been denominated the rascally virtue of self- lmerest mat is, we are not at all inat tentive to the main chance, and, at least, whenever occasion require jt, have an eye especially to No. 1. The sincerity of this. concession win not De doubted, when we protest against thevtustom adoptedHy some, of refusing to advertise in the news- l w n mm l... 4. - 1 A t J ! , " papci, uui, msieau uiereoi, sticKing their notices about at the country1 taverns, wa gon stands, &c. Now, this practice is calculated toainjare the trade of the town in general, and of the person who engages In i . I I A.X IIT I in it, a wen as uie printer, we nesi inr yaieri.r.. g j.neiy neio, ai wnicn clouds of canvass, which an instant hfrp. Lord Oeorge Beresford, a Protestant, wa whitened the heave. s dionear- as if hv AlPrTPrl nv email m .n.rifv nvr hi i: .th I , r , . . r . . " , v. y v, " magic irom nis view.f As lie approaches, olic cumpeti or. Lord Beresford employ- thc ?we excited by its growing size and ed Mr. S?iieL the celebrated Irish orator. f.Y,i' u.- a..c' i. . . c ,'. - . . . ,. . . I u' ""uauic ucicijce, Keeps pace wnn llie to speak for him at the hustings, which in- nleaauite:whir.h I. fi n fi.. censed the lower orders of the Catholics, who supposed Mr. Shiel had deserted their cause ! A bobt makr, from Clonmel made the following address to Mr. Shiel. . Shiel, a word witoVyou.' 'Shiel do you know me ? I am Maher the bot-ma-ker from Clonmel. - Often I used to shuu for you at themeetings you little deserter. I remember on e' of your speeches at the chapel about the mountain of Sheven amaun. un tne summit oi that mountain qualities blended with so much of syinme- irynu oeauiy. ine smootn side DroRen unly at regular intervals by the protruding canoon, the gracetuj curves ot bow and stern,' and the nice proportions of tbr ta- . V vccuoiinouave uiwc: wuo . mvi iavor-mm wnn ' Ka:ii,nM .with invrnv iir.j ..i.:1'!:' ' r v rv. r t convenient rodms for Uitir reception, free from i on reasonaoie terms... --va. v'ft&'m'- tl M,Y . -; t1- '.- - -i i V:MlARbtfi;'r t t ' RaleigH 24th Aprils Xlt' ''v f N.U. The liathrng-tloase'ill aLso"be opened V' Mr3srKSt$ ' TVwfor, of Gfarivute-r Gmmissioners 6f - uie a own or msoorougnf-mtnion Jones ana lAroyeinjorai -u. rTHAKE NOTICE; that at' the neat term of.tbd M, I . 1 ' i County Court i,of WakeJ l Intend-to avail - , . ' myself of the provisions of ankct passed in " , js" for the reliel of honest debtors; when and wfiete - v you may attendlf you think propef , - ;. i ' J- BOBEiiT;jbiris;ix; Raleigh, April 33. , , Sf XV V.J i tr SOMETIME in January ialmjrVp6ckOtf . :' was stolen from the pocket of t my Soni-irr. 2 this Cityv containing about Seven DoIlars rn mo- , "V ' ney, and a note of hand on .ldsiah, Uav;Vith Lewis Holloman al seturitv. for the nm fftSO' ' . Ak nnthian harmony, each sustained by its s vs. oi siays ana ngsing, in turn attract and gratify his eye. 'And wheii at length he -annus upon the deck, perplexed and which overhangs yotir c.ty,Crom well bade ti,at 8Urrounu hlm , eafes DIerceJ Dy the is so.aiers stana, ana, stretching forth niUhrilI whistle.of the boatswains, or the crated pering spars, as they rise in enct and Co-:6 not to saJ that an occasional news paper advertisement is necessary tor every man in active business, and that he ne glects his own interest when he neglects to do this. This fact has been repeated ly expressed to us by geritlemen who have had opportunities of krio wine its correct- ( -.! I " to tike the hint at all there he soti; and .,r"tIT 1 " ,rri . bellow, rising bove jthe din of the multi- lot, and, sot. ' ;fiC' u Ut 7 ,l" dise lor those of his fellow meri ; when iii -iiivu n siiuaicw, inwdrriurc&viaimeu, :n wi; . . .m , T i l fvwj '".ivii .ih wan svai tc I Cti!t' ii l'i I lpn nr unpl tnu is n rnnnii'V ivnrth 1 ..-.. . . .. e binains that worus wouia-ni nave any r .: ; .. .. . . . luise lor those r. ijc wis iiitoi, auu siiaiiiwt!i..,.u,.u u i u..i,i 4 . - 1 nuuiiriii v 11 r: iinitnii iiuh Hi riir iii mnrn iri'in ftat. r nprt rnllpil lift mv koitjin.cr wnik. set back the chairs, and tld ine.g.ls 'twas fight for tins country ; ? those were the Babel confogi;m pasd at W to go to bed. Bur Captain d.d'nt veiT words youspok I gor thm ,by in(livlUuaff first into; a Tajnd the hint no', more. than if it had been tne bitel of a fieaj-but there he sot, and sot, ahd sot. .f - -J. Well, next,! polled off my shoes and roasted jmy feet as I commonly do just be fore going to bed ; but the Captain did'nt mind it no more than nothitig'at all there be sot, and sot, and sot. the command of an lt9t!l-lllra! Ell.tinn eart out of the lipperary Free Press, and .-.t i . . niueuiem us concenea as yielding to its inward will ; s to survey and .scrutinize the various arrangements fort the comfort nidi arnm mml a t nn iiF en ni.mi inlv.ik!ti.n put pegs enoo.h into them, to, make ,ou U ,,e,!rottion. am, for d,fenh,. Snc- . . ' . - i ave equal Dwer to overwhelm . . - - . . .mu nicu iijiu a .. . country ws wonn ngnt ;.g i.r, wny f a 9ingebudy lud",.:rtJ.t.? . '! " " S,n: d finally turn you re ine uevjrs nine . 1 wish 11 tad to make a pair of boots for you and tread Hghtenough. It's you 4hat have ru-j ined the cause, and bad luck to vour Oh, iol..i 1 u 1 .. e. 11 .1. . I then kivered up th-e fire, and thought 0,,c, : S ,u s"rrJ ,ur Jou ' Ul!cr an ,nt be cou d'rit help taking the hint ; but la toriesiyou won, to see you go even to sus ! he did'nt take no notice' on't at all, the p.tchcaps; the triangles the shrieks, not the least grain jdjhe world-but there 'hhw, fJ the Sjoans. You member le sot,nd sot, andoti for L,uth! No, -by J s, I d r t"er t.te 4 Think cva r ,nnW:nr.itv lar,i alr.1 " : cr or Utoctesian.. And Td hop on Dun- tacle can h him with wonder and admiration. There i, indeed, much that' is : curius in a man-of-war. Each ship offers in itself a perfect communityeT-existe'it and self- dependent ; entirely) unlike any to be met wi n on shore. In tact, toe land does not differ more from the Water, than life ashore 1 . o . y ; . . . Innp 1av Lriim 1 . nnmsl nil fn unv tit mg a ntnt, uaptaio piuitout ; so 1 said ITT;, T r - w does from life afloat Oh f th vprv firat olJinlv h.H ,L-mAi r ... U ..wMlk,to.votp against you. You're a r.t- e S Ufne ot ,he Vrst V " '-Zf r : fn' hnrh " th- r.rtntiir. n,l '""'S1 siriKO' lancismen- wnen tiiey "praKingaiways to my husband. Dot so s ,,Tr 7 -r ' T r; . l y " enter a ra.in-of war. is entire restraint nav' !i -u. il: ri . i l i x ... ' vou'll be cut down and cast into the fire. c , V1 r, is enure restrain r, nay, - "'iMi viiv vaiiaitivvuiu nv iicijj i. living i it in k;..lfJk... i- u j;.i -J ?l YOU l at all -fnr thprP ho'tnt iind cnt. anrt ant. have 3 Kiin tWara u.o liLKU.I nP k'.i lUSt fit I , SOWR-home, I axed him if he wotilil stay all 10 r5J?. wou',f p,7 r! itd?ot possibly 5u;wr..,V,,,.c , "2I"C, . .1WUU '"T ook very pensive ; here, will you "Solute surrender of volition in all except pinch of snuff-it's real b!ackjoad, .f those embarked ' the stern superu for you. Oh, Shiet ! if vou get in- of h,m Vrde? fher rohauical ness. 1 his system of false ecnnoftw ne- . . T J. yer is productive ot the sanng which is intended, but, on the contrary, a clear 1 LI 1 ., -r T, ius uivnriauiy ensues. yve pray you, amend it!". Alex. Gaz : aue tne otn uecemoer. ensuing: . All persons are u iuiuiu irom ir&vin6 r note, ana ine.TDaKCrr V A from paying it to any, one bu myself. f; ;' , f ; . notice: Sussex countyil Va; about t wo months since" J ' " I a Negro Man Slave-, hafced BENV The iaid. ,f 'Z negro was purchased Ty; me ot Captain Thorbas "..; . Gray, Jun. of, Smithamptbn WhoV 1 thioki V- uiuuB'n uim irmu uic nciiiuoriioooor liaieign, ' N. C. whf re he is, i t expect at this lime', as he? ' ' V , - ' . V " v... has near relatidns i at or neaK. Mr n: Cirbv'i.: Ben is abput feet 8 inches hisrh; stout arid compactly built i Very blacky with quite a' -full , " ucau oi iiair, wnicu ne Keeps. comoea yeryiiigcf - v ' ih front. As I was in possession of this fellow , - 1" VM but a few days, I know of .nomarlts - by-which v 'V4, v to designate him. Ml e carried off no clothes ' T I I will ive a reward of $25 for bis confinement " ' ' $ 1 ' in Jail, so that I get him of$40 if delivered to V I me.. v.WM.PV.VVYCflfe:; ' f,,rt,- March 1,- 1830.:.;;. - -14 s f j Gold; Mines, Landsrig( 1. neighborhood,-. ofTen "ibrTsale,-'; S'vaJiikble ' v Plantation, four miles west of Charlotte vrh rtf i 'A tract contains 283jiCfesof ml;ii1arge''prt?of v V -which is as good i any 4n Mecklenburg county a J t' ? 1 about 100 acreS are first, Second and third cron t erroundL of the best faualirvi iTh nlKttJrtf nearly adjoins the celebrated Capps' Gold Mine, r and the opinion seems to be well founded . that, ?e V" Gold abounds in Jytwo hills, particularly 1 plantation ; a branch runs through if for irof V - l niffhi. U no, he said,,he coul ca. i -i . .. . . i in lie ai 11:111 : uui ntru iiciin nil vim. tuu a minute j bo, seeing mere was no usei ,. jki--w J miniature ot monarchv. wi in .: ... . ; ..u j 't . ttle vmer. and sauezevour venom ou? " d . uI.m"ni,cry' wl jin aiij uiiug, x weui ,10. ueu. ; nui, -----,4.-. r,.,. ,:... r ti es, and third estate. If I.. lhinfc il,hen , 'g..tfop or,rU-VY''tt.Wa,wdu '." b" COS t l,ffere.?cV it U ,h,t !h" ika .n.'.JT. i A I walk. You iho!rht that we nue-ht to sob ,,,uc!c"l- ,s e- v -....us, a irue v as 1 m auve, mere 1 ;. , - !?: more decided, the despo was uapum Spinitout,, setting just where r' V i i T VV iw-li Pte. This state, bf thin 1 lr. 1.: i 1 i'i . T , ,(,' ..I rnnk thp h Kri;tiirl inonev. . t In. ahiel. I !; .. . . " iciyiiio uie oigui,Derore anu there j T7T, " T ' f iv r i V Jf lnm the subordination p,i...i' Li Fii: 1. in 1 I vnnd h meinber or VVaterloril Yourself..! p-v.uuru, uie oiu. iauy, iimng up ner t T . .. ,; , w ' ' mon" to a 1 militarvi esta ,. pairing - ,A, VU " r ' - Loln lhe peculiar Jiffic.,1 in o nn en. a -..Mr 1 t - 7 1 uui- uci iir. & i!ii , l iihu , vu wnn 1 - ---v, uu auu suu-r"JLf. N iumtci- 1 IMUIIU . 1.- ' and unqualified submission of those who obev. A shin, indeed, with its contain. (,f. - ' v a 7 Gcers, and seamen forms no imperfect th its king, no- there be any gradations are tism more com- s results less necessary and com- bltshments, than ties and? dangers thesame bag and IM duck you well j .and, "u g naal TV wn.cn nao not allow j j 1. r. 1. r r isxAi 7 n.. each man to- remain, , even in immaterial in mwm mm ny 11 ik . w r 11 1 mr hi n ar 1 y u r " --a-- ii ' ... i..;.:i-.....:.i.;., .Ithincs master of hisjactiooa, but, inasmuch cuuu, iui 1 1 hi icac ,u wci.i...g -f"f-' .U r, 1 1 Uui ' ... , stone, and I'll peel every scrap of flesh off " l,,Vrt,c " - P u.e coouoci Oarr. ....i:K, yonr bones. Good bye to you! I'll meet ' ,,:u",WIon7 or aW T uui ucaviuuaiii D. , . -. T . . if-. i to oe outaineu oy me most comniete-syfc that storiea (..Jiim. .nra..to .t.;ch;n you at Phillippi, I believe they call itV . . IJ., '' niT L .. . T-TV""'wr-""T"!-l""& lli u -.;-i..;i , f-!,.l...i orumauoii w a single win. piuiy, ana that, a mighty growth lof the V.xM aiV' . ' tk11( iarveJlous may,in a short time arise from ano DnnS oul ihe ooystomeetyou. vyiai n ticeedinglyffimali beginning., , Biit.as a welcome we'll give you ! all niav rim Ko ttonn ir.VA iJUU 1 ' .- ' 1 1 ii 1 ' , ' mode of culture, which will bring them for- "u wMn more tnan the raoulitv. ot cu cumbers in a hotbousei hopejtivejr will i -A fat descendant of -ode of the old Dutch jet themselves WghW obliged to us for en- burghers rthis goodly City,' was a whjle o . . vw 111 til 1 9 iti aLiri 1 m . v.vu . w. wv ml ..( - '' ' . ' I : 11. i i - '' " iv Knows inai at tnese sales a noq is ta&en or a bid . yery'stMJii after the sale com- THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they have just received from Philadelphia and New-York, a splendid assortment of first rate Ladies Gentlemen's, Misses Boys' & Chidren's BOOTS & SHOES, Most of which are City made, of j the best mate rialsrand by superior workmen, ; "which they of fer at a fair price. j (Xj Work made to order on the shortest no tice, and in the best style. TEN CASES HATS. also; ' K A complete assortment of TIN WARE, at wholesale and retail. All kinds of Tin Work done to order, as abjure. j LOU GEE & NEWLON. April -Ht, . 68 ,. BISHOP RAVKNSCKOFT's Sermon. Dreach- ed at the Ordination ot the Rev. P. B. Wivtr, in Salisbury, price syT&t' ! 15 Cents. Jones's Lss:y on the Church, ; price 15 d6. The Festrvals and Fasts. Hishop Wilson's Sacra Privata. Received and for sale at the Rook-Store of V J. GALES 5c SON. March 3. . I GROWING A S IORY. rhese peculiarities render the economy of a man-ofwaryverjr interesting tb lands men, anu trie suojectrweil treated, is sus ceptible oftnuchv attraction. ; In j Rode rick. Randotn9 we have a good and trqe de scription, of naval fife. The' Pilot and Red Rover of our; country man' give us a more general, and at the same time more ;raphic picture of sea affairs; no1 author And til 4flniv n. uni!i..n ... iL ' I rl foUf?i.pim;- 1 W - - intoced, ftbe' Dutch-m6K.ill. hid , at r"osf "cei iW2'?-' -- . : .a - --' . . i uic wauucicrs ui i uc upbil f iinnni n "tiave you heard," said Mrs. Wiffpins HP-Je a,row-ue-oowririe nignr Deiore, .- 1 ;:; - i 7V .L f.H.!iKIK2u "Sfl'W.4 people are apt' t. da who irf k"8 gr i.jS4n terifefc,":Wii,& KK'S' P her neighbour HiggiD '1'. H'e4u' od:itolWlt-lB:,J',aw tSSLVPT' good Water Power, and jtn. excellent jCll-SeaC . IUI B 4 XK ..... .-0 .'v w iwviiiuguyuBct iput, ir irns, staoies cc otner lleCessarv Out-building v v" . . Also; 20 or 25 likely young egroes forsale V or a part or inem sucn as may npt wiur to follow; w .1 . t Any person desirous of, pUrdhasin' ; cn caII t and view the premises J or enquire of Mr. Robt J. Dinklns or Dr. J; Doyd, of Charloite," for. a descritioti,' 6ci;: . ' ' l.-i: ''A&'fri. - WILL. BOSTWICK. ' Charlotte, N. C. March 29, 1830 k & 121 N. B. The Editors of the North-fcarolina Jour nal, Nffwbern Centihel,' and 'Miltdd Gazette, wRI k resDective naDers and forward - th2ir al above directed; for payment.-' r W.R. OnpHAT Ihe .nextAnnnal CdnVentiooT toe ' " , ; 41 Protestant Episcoparchurch, or the" bio 4 ' , -V cese of North-Carolina; wqi be held in St.. james Church, in the town of Wilmington. n lhe 20th ' day of May, 1830. x. if CcfeiV1 " J I i State of N"ottIivCw6lihai Berue Countv. i v f i Court of Pleas add Quarter Sessions.' . February Ternw 1830, T anpearinfir loathe aatisfactibri of the Court Samuel Wilkinsi how m the JaiffOf this ccnidtv. - ' V -1. f. ' vEnslish ;Common Law Reports, j.:.: Vol. 15. TtjlE Subscribers have this day published the ' 15th volume of the English Common Law Reports, edited by Thomas' Sergeant arid John C. Lowber, EsquiresC containimr .Binghami's Reports, C. 1. vol. 4, parts 3 and 4. Do. do. doi Vol. 5. Barnewall and Cresswell's, K. B. voL 8. . P. H. NICULIN 8cT. JOHNSTON, . - Law Booksellers, 175, Chesnut st. Philadelphia, March 29. ,65 J t, .v -HV- second day of -March next,, adenise the sale of said slave for three months according to law, and make sale accordingly " ij-tiki1 V Test t -1 E. A. KHOpE? Cfc j n 7 AgTeeably to the above, order of th e Court'bf" v' leas and O.uarter - Sessions lolBerUe COuntv. I''r shall on the 3d. day of; June nexteforeitha V Courthouse, door in the Town 'orWindsorri ofTer17. i CANDLE J. tto order to close a consignment of FAYETTE VI LLE MOULD CANDLES, we will sell low tor cash. ' .: , -X ' .',;; GEO. SIMPSON & CO; Raleigh, April 16. 'mt,: t,3t '' -S Informatiori iWabtedi ' . v , v TIlRANCtS PATTERS6ri.an aiL ihnrm and indigent soldier of the Revolutions now re siding in the State of Mississippi,' is desirous of enable trim to obtain a pensiOo hrom the General Government. ifCj states that be ;-, enlisted in dgecomb County, ortharolina. in the24ili Regime jit of the Continental Line r 'hat Le er ved sii years, and ? was taken Drisohtr at Cam- den,Gatess defeat. -4.Any person or persons' Vniknrinv tht. fart f ll P.f tn4n. I...1nirn. aiytetvices, will please communicaic it tof the will have been confined on the 3d day of March, v J ' r ; 1830, for the space of twelve months, and ihe fUlf apprehension and confinement of the said slave? 4 v ' T baa been advertised six months &l i3 thereforo ' . ; . i - to the highest bidder, for casb f J? Yt -il ; ' ' - ;K ? IWIS iJOOTerj r tV ' Windsor, March n,,miJH-S$U:V -t- Statf rtCaxolinaf f. 5upcriorC6urtdflSqitypring V v f R0beHlV GdUaiOjfAdm &cv;:,. "!-r Thoinas II. Willie Thomaa N: PutrtamAdm'rtfA . a. a- '.V, ii of John and James; Pittard. t rT appearing to the aatisfaCtiob of the CourtSt jl xnat.a noroaa n. ruiiani, one, ot we aeiena sjit$ In this case, U not an inhabitant f this Stato, t is therefoiordere,tbfttiobricatio T raaae iouc kiciu ; w; grar r ,ie r,. z;x successive : Weeks, iJiat the said Thomas KyPutiici : a'p'pes- at the next term of this CoorV to,b e hekt at the . i . . .- i-t .'. (:- uounnouse in yxiora, ca iie i.x iioncay oj septemoer next, ana pieaa, answer, tuj demur t9 tne aaiu pui vf wutpuuuip wr ; U9 same wui do r ' : .. r .. . -j " f r : taken pro contesso, and neard txpartei : v v, tWitnesTli.11.tiiaejol.n; Cle'rkUm4 ter ot id Courtihefi ju4i,vewi ivj juazri t ic aic was cioeu, ana me . llutchman.1 laKViVA 'iii " a . '"7 ",vc W,M jiicwjc communicate -u -io tnei Ll..wv V'.ii w ' v. "' 'i.la nrl 1.;'i'..'.:r..- in'