":mlJ;,'AX : ' A'-t' "h T . !?' v t:vv;S -cl: rK . v w v, ir V ;:"'''V:" ' ". " . " l"t 1'pjinintnl fill herUail- nf of'the pitow'tlierr rrte'titfs ab - Vi-- - '..-.- ; ; '" . 'i--Kri''''-i tt"; , ."'':.. ..'Vfd!i.VS.?4t- befn sferi n Salem ra'nd.V mnW-. if !V.v-h:iki,.i.-;.nft -.if '-j. -n' ;V VirtfijivlW. i itj uoiiarw -vT.'-:vr,' a. v.... & j vi i it aiiubv ua jB. ivuuiiffraaii ana iusf onuc were seen len.i . r tn nnn. r yjn iA vuun v.rwiu pruucca ipenirrnnio conmc forv v AnVR O SKMKIV JS "i J xcceaintM7(Wt neatly: inserted 3 timesfbr a 0)1UrV 4 twenty,five;cehtsfor ; eerr4ceeed! Kiciows thankful received. to 4 ' the Editors must beofpd.- V The uVv.'Cott6n;Mr;, nDrand R iiA rhoset' s, vH0 4flou nhel fihoilt the I f thtf'lt intoryrnte : curious TIIU trv hal be5u, inthe lanffuaKef that Ipe rioHeXDsed.WlW ? dtfrinjvhich te inhabitahts; ivere afflict oi with i demons ahulserwrouffhtitJori by - cno.'tWa. aii Wbineiah2isht atiu die un- deiexCTum . v 'ill :ii'nn o.f'tlv .jiniintrir the learnea anKcryerend factor's .bok, ,Vis to authenticate the lyery iraglcaiHnstan- . cps iV which they infested the houes,vand a ffl ' ted 1 fie pe rsofi of the i nhab if a nt s. Flashy; peopJesay 9 be, may , Dur ft esque i lieeth t ngfv but-h eit ; hu nd red s of the in'st 4iber peopJe-j int a euuntrjrv where they have aa much :niHther-wrrcertainiy as the ret;of manki nohinr but;thObVurdan'd fro ward spiV- U f s;idducisih can question thera, , I have nut mentioned so muclas'one thine. -liMixx ' will not be justified, if it bequlred by the oaths of more consistent r persons than any that tan ridicule : these odd pKehome- na." Andcertaihly.fewvfactsv if we may judg ty the, evidence, have been better . establisheil thanhe existence of witcheraft, ?and the wars of i prodigious Spirits in i tlie provinces ' f -''NeWTEpgland,v4urVn?: !, ti tn e oflJ r. . M ath e r. , : j W e have a ccou rt t s of trials condlVted with altbe Ibrrn :and iroplenichtrf biarispruden by. persons were, convicted ofshold.iug com--Inuiiiciiu.rf wJtV'ehiphtt' 5- and we have, what islstill more remarkable, voluntary .-confessions of partiesa,acknowledginthem- selves in leauewMii iie, uevu. o iar. 1 'tjver? for)?.lii8 the Records' ?acd archives nf courts oj" can ferify jthe truth of any iheV?tibrtwejmust believe that many iiif the Jhifis'wbicbT)r. Mather has 'sent forthi are hot only truj as historical events,; ;b4 afso naturaify incident, however rare ly, to the conditionarid fortunes i -of' men. It is "not for us, however," t6 areue this mat tcr, but1 many of the Doctor's stories are rfauy siriKiog, reviewing mem, merely as creations of fncy 5 ahd soiirt of lne phe nomena which he describes, and boasts of having witnesses to confirm, have in iJif- ferent 5ges beehseen in similar forms, and m cou ntries far demote f rooi Ne w-E vgland .1 tine and his army beheld ihl the' air,' is of this description 5 "and apocalypse vouch - &afed to Godfrey, in the Crusade, is of the same character, DiVr iMather describes r.oises and hurt!ings:heard in ; the air, a short ti me prior, to: the find iali war btJ 675, accompanied wi h the beating of battle.- But without entering into kn V ' par ticul ar ui-ijuiBuiun concerning loese omens aim auguries, we t sliali here prtsentfrii; version of his story of the naval apparition, only yremisin that it "contains several particu lars whicii tlie Doctor had n6t noticed, but which we are persuauea, are not less true Jhan those: he has related. ;v' - A ship, c4lledyioal?s Dove,'",i; was pcfianng io sail irom xne port or saiem N one in alt Sa!emrMras ' in the slightest degree acquainted Vithtliil and- Clkn.n - I- ';..'. . ''i'.. 'I ' - m '''.'.',. .uc ;upie,inqruiatoey4nemseives seek t Wfla nr T blameless' nnrt thlri rnhP?rflrira ufl '"xny resnectab e xbtit theis s)2ntetl people 61 Salem i knew thefprestiguousf apt pearance of the demohs. which' alflicteJ the v..uniry, and they discerned something -ai pout them-: which feddrtif X h,; AA0.Ht.A 4 .,?nyrs6biintendinff trevtsltlieir -"eysirij. U i lhe Noah's Dove rbufeteientls ...... -, iuuuju uiey were rasn in ?0,IJS 0,;indcthatitwoldbeas w-passegers,: befoHaiwldraglhem- fites at sea with .flfcrSiink Kn iirtlrnAufn 4ttl ;nb . - v ?e8e admoiiitiona VrafVif deca t bavin kir-a vii i-v A .1? :ana.?? ifrwiith ne has ihtbitedvtint on iV the limes in vvluclvheliy 0r ..Uld ' KnorlAnflj"- tvlipn .si.-. vnnnV man: ccbm pa nied bjlli 1 & gaged birihAf6rhimerndieras passed b?ceyalehti ibrvented 1 tn i ril-w r4DS? infafuation only serv-w?vd?.:the.iqtrM A great; ntiltitude crowded the wharves, Jo see xheir;freJlationsmbarklYwere sorrowful, and many in tears. - Atlast jthe h?p hoisted the signal - for sailinr, and, wonderful to tell, at 'the ?-same time- that .he;flag was unfurled, 11 black bird, much like' a. raven, alighted on fhehand of the town clock, and by its weight j pushed 7t forward, some said full tenninutes. Ev ery' one who witnessed this sight was struck wi'h horror, and some laid hands Upon j heir relations to , pre vent them from em barking. But those who had engaged to go with the fated veel, were wilful, and woukJ not be control led.. r Duringihese struggles, the tw(unknown grangers caine a,j!y iu einuarK, arm knr that was the bride was in. tears, weeping bitterly.,: However, they stepped on board, Vnd a sadden gust of wind at t hit moment (the ship; being enst loose from her moor ings) made, her yaw off, and she was almost 1 insianiij ai sea. i ne crowa, nowever, remained anxiously watc hing her progress, untU she Was out of sjght They then re turned to their respective homes :. andthe wholeconyersatiori of Salem for that even ing was saddened with presentiments and forebodings concerning the Noah's Dove. In the course) of the night,- the, breeze freshened into a gale, which before the mornii)g, iva heightened to a' tempest. T"he eavraged With tremendous fury, and the wrack of clouds tiiat careered in the heavens was scarcely less tumultuous than the waves of the ahgry ocean below. All the iuhibifants of Salem were persuaded that: the hurricane had 'something to do with the mysterious passengers in the No ah's Dove. Many were instinctively con vinced, that the ship had perished, and re signed -themselves' to grief. . For . three days and three nights,' the wrath of the - ?X .1 ' 'A. ' '. iorui was uumiugaieu. jn uie conirary. it seemed to 'increase, for although it was then midsummer, dreadful showers of hail mingled with tire, and thunder,fJouder than had ever been heard before, pealed continallyt v No man could doubtjhe fate fl Noahs Dove, Indeed, it was the per- suasion of all; that every vessel which was so unfortunate as to be within the sweep and phrenzy of the winds anil waves, could not survive the vehemence 0!. their distrac tion. "f Vhe sun, on the-morning of the fourth day,, burst -through the clouds in grat splendour- the winds almost instantly be came calm the hail ceased the thunder was mute -and , the billows from raging surges rolled themselves into a noiseless twell. A ciange s abrupt, convinced the pious citizen? of Salem, that the doom of the vessel was sealed 5 and although it was in vain to expect thatthe sea would pre sinthem with ny-slfvf of her' wfeck, or of t hat of other .vessels, they hastened in great number down to the shore, where they si md until su nsef , gazi og and won dering, with anxiety and sorrow. ? Just tfs the un disappeared) ,a sound of acciamanon .ami nurry, .accompanying movement, arose iroma group id persons who were standing on the tup of the rock. considerably elevated abve the crowd, and some tine cried . that a vessel was in sight. The whole multitude, on hearing mis, were thrown into commotion, and fluctuated to anf fro, eager to catch a glimpse of this unexpectedvphenoinenon It WasV however," ; long before she came dis- tinctlyiri Vg'it, for any wind which was thed' blowing,' was o(T 1 he shore, and against the vessel ; insomuch; that an old grey headed s ai h) r j. a ni 0 n g t 1 1 e spectators, de clared Jhat it was impossible " she could work into the harbour that night. But, to thei r' a? I oh ish m e h t , she still came forward, witn nervjeir its squared and her sails full notwithstanding she was steering in the wimt's eVfi; before her hull could be. pro perlyrseetiiit was the opinion of all who beheld hlglihat rt was the Noah's Dpye UBy tliiiojje tUt twilight was much fad- ed,but,itifjtgan to be observed that the ship brighiiied," a jf some supernatural iikmi sHionvcuion ner, ana unon uer aione. as it she bAd been there in the bUze of n pbn-d ay,ntt a panic u f d rea d .ah d terror iuii unon i ie wno e inQMitutre. a ppareii it jsiip vva s a d e vice infc'ih e ?jp res tigi pu& spi rit sffanii t ha t i t;eho veu I ; pr :ti ig h t to pray rlprbteciiort : thefeforef nf bunt eu u pmVa jarfce litolneV and teftiiMainukhi repeatingf.tjie lihealou,v ine snore ecnoea wi in tne fioiemn'meio- & Hpund) t$rte$ n rid J; I am en tat ioas bt peiY sohSiinjeonar wafj jieird th& ai nttQh eb aVbou iv arid beinj il I uminated r-9 Fhts wony ri u) ci.rcumstarice was not long matterf&tt s t a rs a ppeed ,"!ie' vyas "seen as d fsttnctl y i-s The' IJerend ;edeeStebbinv ivbo wastheu m tberowdan acjiVena; and one who" Mlreil Wit-Lord. Iknewnthatithe derly embracing each other, but no noise was nearu on rjoarrj. At that moment the mass and rigging fe! I inf o, the sea as if they had been itruck;;dowtipby':iightmog,; and signals of distress were displayed, and still no sound was heard. 1 : -: ' The multi(u(le:suspenched their breath ingi convinced that the vision before them was the unsubstantial creation of the pres tiguous spirits. This belief entered all their minds v6imultaneouslv, and in the same moment the mighty spectre vanished. The Nuah'.s Dove was never heard of, and it was. believed that in that hour, riven by the lightning land the tempest, she had foundered. , 'Count roe not, says the Rev. Dr. Ma ther at the conclusion of this narration, ' struck with the Livian superstition, in reporting prodigies for which I have such incontestable proof. :ooo0:m SINGING CONDUCiVE TO HEALTH. The Editors of the New-fork Evening Post offer .these remarks to substantiate a fact which may not be generally known, but which should e within the knowledge of all whoifeel an jinterest of promoting the health of those whose sedentary habits ren der them most liable to pulmonary affec tions. . j "Many parents in encouraging the de velopement of musical talents in their chil dren, have no othef view than to add to the number of their fashionable accomplish ments and afford t)iem a means of innocent solace and amusement. It was the opinion of Dr Ruh, however, that singing is to oung ladies, who by the customs of soci ety are debarred fijom many other kiod of salubrious exercise, not onl v. to be cultiva ted as an accomplishment, but as a means of preserving health. He panicularlv in- sists that vocal music should never be neg lected in the education of a young lady ; and states, that besides itssalutarv opera- l- tion in enaoung he,r t sooth the cares ot domestic life, and cjuiet sorrow byihe unt ted. assistance of the sound, and sentiment of a properly chosen song, it has a still more direct and important effect. " I hereintroduce a fatt," remarks Dr. Rush, ' which has. been suggested to me by my profession, and that is, that the exercise of (he organs of the, breast by v singing, con iributes very tnuchi to defend them from tho-ie iliseases, to Which the clinfate and other causes expose them. The Germans are seldom afflicted; with consumptions, nor have I ever known but one instance of spit ting blood among tlienv This, I belifeye, isN in part' occasioned : by the strength whirh tiieir lungs jacijulre by exercising them frequently in -vocal music, for, this constitutes the essential branch of their education. Themtisic master of our acad emy has furnished me with an observation still more in favor of this opinion. He in formed me that he had known several in stances of persons who were strongly di$i posed to eonsumption,' who were restored to health bykJhe exercise of their lungs in singing: j ifc r- ;' - ' ODOOO MISTAKE OFjAPROFESSOR. A grave and learned Professor, in Cam brilgfeUnivrrsity, Was one evening walk ing behind a fuRmnabte lady in a white gown, when the dress of , females was nt so short a.it is naw-i-and'beinffj as schol ars sometimes are, rather )tbseitQin.dcd 'he miso;k the lady's train for his own " white pocKet hanj'kerchiefilwbich fancying he had dropped he picked it up and put it into his- pockeF. The lady continued onward, andthe Professor behind her ; butat ev ery step he felt strange jerking and pull ing on orje side of his coat ; butnot at all suspecting the cause he went on for some rods along in the rear of his- f.tir neighbor. The lady, perceiving that Jike - true; love, her Ml rain did not rbn smooth,jturned to as certain the c i use,. and perceiving that the learned '' professor i hall 'got possession . of something more than his train of thought, exclaimed, ' Doctor l'lf tiiank yoii to let go of my gown..? r ' V ' Pro5sor. Your gown, madam ' v ada.-1 beg your.bafdon, sir; but I be- tie ve i ii my sou i , you've pui (ne: lai i oy my gown into your pocket. ':?:' k . Professor. r In j ft mypocketmidam; ? Bless me ! so I have.: i I bea ten. thousand pardons j I thought; itSjmy pocket handkerchief. Cwif Z ! - InformaUdnWarited , 1 ' "V , A r mf tT71 RANCIS - PATTERSON, an aged, infirnvand JVindigent soldier of. the Revolution, ndar Te sidmg jo the State of Misiissippt, is desirousof procuring the reqaisrte testimony;-; tn order to enaote aim o ooiaiu a per.sion irom xne uenerai GovrmwnW He sUtes;that beHenlistedAm Edgecomb CoanKorCarblina In the tUb ltegimentorth4Qri i that he ser yeii six yer iwdiiwas denr Gates' defeat. -t Any person or ptrsons knowing th fctof Mr, lattersdii?a Revotutloal .1 1 1 10 6,000 : .5,000 r ,000 j 5,000 5,000 ' 1,000 X 10,000 Besides 8600 500 400 S00 200. TicketsjSlO, Halves 5, Quarters 250, ... ,: Eighths , 1- 25: - Address ll your orders to Yates & 'M'Xntyre, Richmond, Va. r-j--K'' . : : ; ; yates & mcTntyre, Richmond, Va? MAklGEIlS OFFICE 1 The following are the 4rawri numbers iq the Connecticut State Lottery, class 4. ' " : 523 1 53 5 3 44 54 35 9 50 9. 31. 54. capital ?1000 r . 9. 44. 50. r 1000 3. 9. 50. i 500 All sold at this office. "Drawn numbers of the Union Canal Lottery 6th Class. r r gO 38 52 26 54 , 6. 22. 32. llr" 22., p2. Botii sold at this office. .11-6-492232 $3000 ' - , ' 1000 Dismal: S wamp l.ottery Extra, Class No. 1. 5928 1 839 27-30-l47---51 19 19. 47. 51. "'it $2000 " 19. 127 i 51. , -1000 19. 27. 30. 400 , All sold, at this office, . Grand Consolidated No. 8. ' " 22 GO-53 2 43-74 635 533 22. 53. 60. . $20,000 ;. '5. 33. " 35. i. 4,830 . Let all those who want capital prizes send their order's addressed to Yates 8t M'fntyre, where niore capital prizes have been sold and pidd; than any other office in Virginia. Amongst thecapitah, 12. 43. ' 47. - " $1 5,000 k , 24. 32., 42. 10,000 ' 12. 31. 48. 10,000 s 7. . 23. 30. 5,000 7, ,11. 44. 4,000 Besides many others. ;.J r .'-tr- YATES M'lNTYRE, Managers.. DRAWING. THE following arethe drawn numbers in the Grand Consolidated Lottery, Jfo. .9, vi2 : , 58 31 30 41 2 54 5 7 39. ; The following are the drawn numbers oC the Dismal Swamp Lottery, No 4 ;i 37-4812532 433634714 12. 37. 48. capital of $25,000 : 2. 43. 53. ! 10,000 7. 34. 36. i 5.000 , 7. 14. 36. : 3,ao 7. 14. 34. 2,230. ' Were the five capital prizes. ' 2. 43. 53. The second capital of $10,000 7. 14. 36. 3,000 7. 36. 48. 1 -1,000 14. 34. 43. , 1,000 All sold at the Managers office the $10,000 and $1,000 to distant customers. YATES & McINTY RE, : Manairers. ... Richmond, Va. NOTICE., r O AN AWAY from the subscriber, living in l Sussex county, Va. about two months since a Negro Man Slave, named BEN. The' . said negro was purchased by, me of Captain Thomas liray, jun. 01 aoumarapion wno, l-ninK, brought him from theneighborhood of Raleigh N. C. where he is, I expect at this time, as he has near relations at or near Mr. D. Gray's. Ben is aboiit 5 feet -8 inches high, stout and compactly built ' ' very black, with quite sl full head of hair, which he keeps combed very hjrh in tront. ; as i wasn possession or inis.teiiow but a fe days I know of no marks , by which to designate him. - lie carried ofi no clothes. 1 will give a reward of $25 for his confinement in Jail, so that. I get him or $40 if delivered to me. s V n -J a VVJI. r WYCH E. March 1, 1830. a My 15 pd: THE SUBSCRIBERS Tb ESPECrr FULLY inform the Dublic that the V ' JLl haVe J ust -received, front Philadelphia- and Ne w-Torlc, a splendid 'assort m'e'ut : of first . rate Ladies' gentlemen's. Misses?. Boys' & Chid?en Most tif which. are CitV made, f.-4he- best mate. rials, and by supenQr:wi'kmen, which. the3rjof ier ai a.iair price. -.v.. .. r . - y-H v otj Work made lo order on, the .shortest,-, iro-f tice, and in .the best.style,' v r- X 'K , j-VTENASESHATSX corrrplete sment f TiN, :WARE,t wholesale Cahdretaity'AU doae to ordefs as .above.;" .tCii:;,:lfi;4, j : -xouqee &. newlon 'April 14v-;:. S . lt.fe:i.K:w'6a Take :Notic6f mifB Annual Meeting of tbecStockholderir of mi Si. '.- " ' ; ., jg - me uape- ear wavigaxipir iinpanywiiir o hoUe-rfjii VayetteVine pn "1 June -hext;; atyhich time an placed CthfStok ?Jmeedflgibf the iidentabirectori of the apeiPeatANavig holden tn FayeUevulei : on Thursday the 3d day bf June rieitrrXleibefa'Qf"iht Board1 are oarc v , -j. c v v 4 u .i .a:. ,.r u - a.- - . - . . vj . ) v ..m m. u Mjtiuii ill mi. w .r mm i i 11 i ii 1 11 holders, are requested to attend either ia person or ,by proxy rm cularly requested to be punctual tn Ttheir attend' in cost thirteen: thousand dIrsAUofbhibf 1 1 brickmtended for the Preparatoryschaol hbufi;':Z y 1 to4hiafcoUegeAhcMt:voT4wbich"b tieedftecn.-Iiu'Wredollai vgcriiM same wooqioric k, ancuipLio exceeil ' v . s y ! I imcimcu wv wiuirucn ioe.ceni.re ,-Dmia,j5"sf '? ing, that it mayereafti) jcnv to 5 .and such- pod eHakcrs as 1y4tiHik. pVtf jpeV. $fr$f u. tdtdo'areu' hers; either pnhe day Br be respecU durability, jietn? plainness and coti W&fH . yenlence) tedatbpppriati rl:IeQ;,lieighi 1 1 f, - y,-" T ; .' .. 17ZU: -K , -vi- x. oraer o ne judge ot the JO of Equity bf WskerCouhtv; the Court-House on the 3d Mond is xlearea;'hifand' DweUing.Hou'seCbttoii';.!Gm?afe -Wake. Apfil 19.. 1830. A T AN.AWAYfp:tbibe M.mj ot repruary last, a wf ttaniedCOEV ; ilIN, Of GULIJN wEpLIN,' a his ihHbotcasibned bv "thefcutf an It is Drobable that he will filr-hlcn.'j ... ; . a valuable Tract bf Land, lying eii both Vklei of ; f ".r. I- Vhitfr.qakeek,iniWH ine' 180 acresf Frdmtl50 to 200 at&rhK ft XU5- rest is Wooaiid.,'Tirisv1and 16 - miles west V -' i of Raleigh, on theroadtb Haywodd,and ja V Pd remarkably healthytuaabri: -. rewjUW twelve and smQ For other partiuhtrapplto Al ?fk&. duly authorised to. sell :UHs;'pertyv . .,-?:-t-..-,.K- ':;.SAXfnRf: WHtTiDn- iV:; - ' mmmw -il lilt AUUIII u' .a-?..&. .,r M topassamongtheiloiVerclassfiwW ;:,;7 as he ia:bngh himself t his cheeksarVerV very whitei with yeliov 8potri :hia clothing &&p-- when he was last heard from consisted of a blue -V-iP: Likely he is .jn R6beaon:, countyon Drowmrig' - K j Creek as he hwTelations ebit-Mr- i j ; j - ! epunty9on Cape-Pear. ':; riiH''-4 -''. 'fU ' rwdl give the above, reward teliis deUveW ; - : m me in benotr.. jcountyJree. !pf riyyothef V 4 4 pense : or tohaye-jihured ,;in hy.'JaitsrxV.v:B. wild that I get4iimagain;i.O:.-: Af.- 'iM.h- March'13. , . - :;PilOCIMAimwi:;;St:' i?v we Governor of ortk. f?fth7t. ; Li ' ? j. wu; nuuureu xioiiarsitewara hiv WHEAS iaen madkoo Wthat arMuraeihwbeen'committ County of CasweH; on the42th day bf.tAbril last and that W?r5! -c '.--: CHARLES;ILSONtheCounty;ncr State- Commonw ".yw Jonniorris, lateof the '1 :-5 1 d and made knowri unto me: that the .'I-IV-ij represented f200 will be triveii 7 ' K. r - HcrBU,i' wnu .jwiirapprenend And I do moreover heWbv;k saia .wianes Wilson ? hath absconded vin:fler . Z " ' ' from the jurisdiction and limits of this Statei and"" $iy? ehidedhe; amPrthe lawndjusticer s to trial, the above rerwrdofS200 ivill be eivttiV)' ''-" 4r!,' and enjoin offic as mditary, wiin this iJtate ; endeavors to apprehend and take or Sbse to be ' - i Charles Vydson rid him safely nd ciectirely ? - haries yiIsonuaHy;ress f. Jiignurc nan w. few f? - 4 ' ' v r CTey. nairs , iniermixea. and rather a r Vml - Et1? 13 :rkabh fbrhaKngba hi) back.;brokei temp?. Mff e-hfVn awsani conceal it ? I nf 4) sUinonaaWby he tries to make his .'defnrnSit i:,iJvl : ' as no&slble file W'lntetbcrentl and Wnvr-wtfK i, .V.'. vcn.seen in,i,yncbburir 1 ': kti ' VrpnaM,beli Ai& reactf Texaa,of some Dart of thr Smi,K;A. vUMrnM U-t... . ' . ... .. - J' ricab Inwni6nswhere,he fiks brother residV - i' 'V -and fitTrfor ih- ri 7i T - J i "i-fc j. r -w ww . A ft. A L BCA1 1 IIIP V Wanted Iinriibaiatelv . . uF-ivuiuuu iycxjrcimny ioe irtergoodr r . thneighbbrbobd agw the Teacher ahould possess .the tUot1nial:J-v, Wiy; fi cations." vix' Understand -th Trnrtth'& -Ttm A'i Dihguaes,and nave some kncyr led tif Mathei 'i ?y : mUics, and be:ptimdoubted racrl .hajafteTjV-.v.- :; amount to. - . . J ) tJ- Apply to theEditors of tl.s UegUterto trcQ r ( f w Rolev JETcasfat Uole Jv; boe of theTrustees, -or tq SetbJohca Es-g Sfr V A 1 crelary "bf the:Board .fifntttees-j- ut-1 f I - a t auvu mu uiic.ys v wiu. uc lwrn filial . inr . r . a. . t r, v .A- aty sejy ice, : win pieaejcpmmunicaiOKil Q lil ursuriueo,;vvai: seen rigging -oui l in e ery