: V. ' fc!Hf ?C - T - -1 - 7 m,. . ... eS??Zryr'&yr "V :,Wwniniwinttmr8nt.j 'attend ;td Vobr farm. I 1PTTT-7-nrtrT- AhvAr vrr'ttf.V.i viii fits kiiirpii ur HnuiniPdwinriMn. ihnrk.: -j -..-i,'- - - t . , , . t - i-KliAe every " . -: t ' t,? .Lcceding publication: those o great-, eTnlthln'the same pronortioni.,CoiW. er 0 f-.i.;VfiiWr received. LtmMjo t t summer; Oade an excursion to ,hnrf with the intention of cnmpletiog wI:"n.i Wribed bftbe learned four ;;'Slt of -liking rery, long,w,Jk. on thre 1 li din. M -arrived. tfme t a ?i!inn'?ibi'Wai received by a res S able lini-nfanvan E their power lo make me comfortable, t iff Etiname excellent (ried ;mut n; .aoiL:iVi4 drinkins a quart of le, I asked lPUndLd lVtt down, and partake of a he Scotch generally arc, IS fttl f aneedote, of which the folHow- i nSir," said the lnodlnrd; 'Mhrainn was. fiirrtierly k'cpt.b Andrew McGregor, are lation'of bine j;.nd;these harfl-boUomed rhairt fih which we are, nqwUti were, iSownand B(wenfttravelltng,1ikethe m and jackall Bos weir generanj pre- where heMWa-fine leg of muttohHe ordfred it to be roasted with; the utmost expedition, and gae particular order , for i nice pudding; Nowjrs Kef Vmake ihje best of all puddinga.v Elated with jiisiood, luck, ht jmmpdiateljr went out irv seirch of hte friend and saw thfc; giant of Jearoing-Rloiyly advanciog n a pony -v- t'MrdearsiirBUidt Boswell, outr of t have laat, with-mqathwideVlppQa.K(hoQpfv.thf smaiie&r, ana. stomachheavin, b with some difficulty recovered' --nir breath ! and looking at Boswell with diznifitd conterriDt. he; roared outih the juus bf ;a Stn- : w Mr. Bpswelt, sir: leaver off laughing, and under pairt of my eternal displeasure, never ntfer q single arllable of this abmi- inable adventure to any soul living while vou breathe ?V rid ib, i" said ;rnioV nosti you have the positive fact from the fimple raouth of ?ur huroWe servant." 1 ;Jingeh99 Reminiscences KrpatK wfth iev. "ffbodinewsl'f inHbespoke at a -xoroifertabla inn .Here; delfcioui Jeg -f fruttoa it b now getting teady and I flatter mvselt we ibatl make alnostkcelUnf rneal Jobn on linked ple8edndil opeM laid be, ycu have tjeirjkea'puddi.v ' Sir, you will have yqur favorite 7pudd irig' re plied 'the, other. TIv 'i ' . Johnson tot off the ponyy arid the ' poor inimal,' relieved rpm thej giant amel t hu aj into the stable Boa well usbeted the fioctor into the house and left him to pre pare for h delicious treat. ' Johnsoo feel ing his coat rathet dimpi from the mist of the mountafnst.went intothe kitchen j and threw his ppef garment biiri chair before me nret: ae, sai on xne .noD, near a mue bot who was very Kusy attending the meat , Johnson jccssionatl peeped froin behind hia coat while: the . b:Jteptrbasting"tbe mutton. Johnson did not I ike the appear ince of Mi head : when beabiftad the Wsting-ladle from one hand the other hand was never idiey anc.vme uocior mougai at the g;me timhelww "sonielhmg fall' on the meat upon which he determined to eat no m,aton on that;d!ay'lieH'diqher. ' wag innniinced jv BoSwell v exclaimedj ' My dear Doctor here comes the mutton what a pctupe ; done to a turn, and looks so beautifully brown IfTb'e : Doctor titter fter aaKori grace Bowel I said--? oppose J am to carve, as usual 5 hit part shall I help Vou ito" The Doctor replied J H " My dear Bozzv, I did not Hketo tell Vs oefore, but t am determined to abstain fro m meat to uO dear ! jthisisS a great disappoint , .Mno myifetf z:v,"cul wim-iqe puuaiqg." Bo8eli commerjcetl VJfieatuifeiil ?atfe the first cut at themuttoqVi Mow V? ns j what firieflavored fatso ' ant bro'ObU wfelivlieththiprtmi . i he mejit being removed, in - came the ; ;e;' JyS fell agerly to, and in a few tea nmiJinithed(dl the pudding I f 5W?We was cleared, and Boswell said vi1 wlVAe 1 wa mating the mutton DrVrea fre(ittcllt); i"1'0 to laugh 5 ' n-wh tiotlecj ybur fancy : thn! Klr0ttor literally tbld v him all hi & -pareLd at th .Vtchen; tire ; about aoft a patlm ah( -i,ct r himaelf v'le9 on seems ,thH iiru i;,iiv.. n- - iSfewrd, reprimanded before CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCR. A tria! recentl y tbok vjlace i n j England which rthrtws'the necessity of extreme cau tion in receiving ctrcumstantiat evidence. Unbins Jadoba farmer of great respectability,- farm ins f ,200 acres of land, was in dicted for burglary, & stealing a variety of arttcjes? The details of the cise wmld be tedious to our readers t but one part of it was ot the most.eitraordinory nature. t A mqngst jhe; I articles stolen when the bur- y:was committed were a pair of .sheets and a most remarkable cask. "A pair qf sheets and a caskTwere in the : possesibn of the prisoner, which were "positively sworn to by the wirnesses for the nrosecu - tidn ' be thnse stolen. TheTsheets were identified by a particular mafkin the mid -i die, and the cask by the markx P. C.84," encfoted; in a circle on one,end of if ; : A- bout articles so prticularlv marked, one woul(I have thooght there could have been no mistake yet the; Witnesses were mista ken. '. Fnr the defence, there was called a number ;Of witnesses, j who iwore to vthe sheets bping the prisoners by the very same marks by which they had been identified by the witnesses on the other side to be the prosecutor's. With; respect to the casK, it was proved that the prisoner was in the habit of using a great many cranber ries in his establishment, that they came in tasks 5 and. that the cask in V6estion was one! This waa proved by numerous vMiiir5e, - wiiose repeciauimy teic no doubt of the truth of their evidence. - In addition to this it was proved that the pHsf oner, purchased .his cranberries of Mr. Phi lip Coleman; ipf Norwich and ihai bin casks were all markek P. C.B4," enclo-i sing the article, precisely as the proascu- tor7rere ; and that the cask n question waV.ohe qf them. Trfe learned Baron, in summing up, rinlfked,.thtthisf. was o)r of the most ex traor din a ry. cases ever tried. 11 cenainiy appeareu mar me witnesses ior the prosecution were mistalien, quite un intentionSlly, he .was sure. The prisoner was, of course, acquitted. aie HdWTO PRESERVE THE COMPLEXION. , To the question which ha been propos ed to us bysomeof our female readers .iVhat is the best fluid an ordinary wash for the; face calculated while it re moves Impurities from the skin to preserve unimpaired the freshness of the com plos ion r" We reply, without hesitation - simple soap1 and water both articles being as pure to s can be1 obtained. We have poiniea our, in ajonner number, most or those tauses by which ihe softness, trans parency and brilliant colour of the skin4 are impaired, j These being carefully a-voided--tlaily ablutions with soap and wa ter will effVctaally answer all the purposes ior wnicn a'tong 11st or- cosmetic 10110ns are in Vain reported to. . X)ur female read ers may rest assured that the only 'beauti fiers qf th skin,, are personal cleanliness regulartrxercise--iteiriperahcepuretr. j tern pr . It any one ol. .these the skin and complexion witl invariably suffer. . f k . , - . . . It ii onlyly 'preserving the skin free from alt impurities, and thus enabling it to . J Mai vmi t.-i tVuilft "u;mon cap i saw'jOw Tour own nlan and nuraue if uteadi ly remembering ;a rollinzetone fathers no moss do your work' well and m sei- m order, and every romg -fitted, for what t is designed contrihufp rhprFullir An.f with a librat hind to objects of usefulness and publiq improvement, regarding' with anxioos Solicitude the interests of educa tion, qf the christian ch uVcbr anrj of j qu r bef qved country ; ,'discountenancing by ev ery possible means, idle and vicious habits,' and promote bv your example, and with all your energies, good conduct and vital pie- v viivic ui which you move J let no circuiTrstance or exisrencv nf tifi m1r you jjuilt of Auhonorabte act s in short. bend all the powrifaof jpur immortal mind tq the faithful discharire of; yourself, your neighbors, your Country, ;Wyi vruj,(anu you cannot fail ot com plete success Tout with the annrnhni.m and smiles of approving Heweh ou will secure to yourselves riches and affluence, and the character ot an hnnt. intli(Ant w ' t Ti vv "Va tj nd independent American citizen, and cause your name to live1 after vou in lone and venerated remembrance. MANAGERS,; OFFICE, I Richmond :Vl A tions that any external application is at all useful. To this ;end there' is nothing so well adapted as pure water; with the occa sional addition pf soap. They, who from a ridiculous idea that washing frequenly wriin waterkinjures ine SKin, suusuiuie cus tilled liquor' Gpf ogne wa ter;ofcany oth er r nuiqf simple or compound, pursue a practiceMmws dest roy if aj au pleness, transpa rehcy, and smoothness, and to cover it with unseemly Diotches. . 1 .v . ; " But it ts!not merely as a local, wash we woult enforce uponal It he lise of pure wa- ter.When Applied' in the formof a bath to the whole surface, at tbaM seasons of the year in .whicb its. use, in this manner, can wftb: propriety, je renorted. to, it ia( pro (JuCtive 6f the tdost bViieficiar effect s--pro-moting theigeneral well .being of the ays tem, as well as that' healthy, condition of the skin independent of which it can lay no pretaqsions whatever to beauty. It is a well hcon fact, that those nations by whom bathirigis tWmpsTreoehUy.resqrted tqt areithose distingufsheel most generallyi fur elegance of form and freshness of complex iwJournal tfffeaitfu ytJl ' ot to gait . Richer And RespectdbilihL uenuereauer, wwum. jmu Dariienund TJiuoii Canal i tiotterj To be drawn Saturday, 1 9th June. 1 of 820,000 is g20,000 - 1 10,000 10,000 0 1 5,000 5,000 . 1 3,000 3,000 10 1,000 10,Q00, &c. Tickets 86, Halves Quarters 1 50. It) be drawn Tuesday, 22d June. 1 of 825,000 is 825000 1 ' 5,000 i 5,000 2,500 2.500 Besides l,505j l,O0OV, &c. &c- ets 85, Halves 2 50, Quarters 1 2. io:....:oi- BismaV Svfanvp, 8tV Casa, 10 De. drawn atJNorfolk, Va. Friday, 25th of June. 1 of 812,500 ig. 812,500 1 3,000 t 1.086 10 , . 1,000 10 400 10 200 51 .100 , Tickets 84, Halves 2, Quarters 1. Orders promptly attended to. Address v YATES & MciNTVRE, Richmond. Where have. been sold and nald within u f mv weeks f30,000, $l0.000, $ 0,000, $10,000, $6, 000, $5,000, $4,000, 4,000, $3,000, $2,000, $2r 000, $2,000, . and mahy other.-vaUiable prices. YATES St MclNTYRE, - " ; t Mangers. 3,000 1,086 10,000 4.000 2,000 5,100,&c.&ci North-Carolina Wake County. Richard Smith w. Henry Jones. Original Attachment. ' AN attachment having1 issued at the suit of the 1. above plaintiff, agairiat the defendant, which has been levied on nronertv of said defendant in the hands of the Sheriff of said county Notice U hereby given, that liirther proceedings is stayed on said attachmert frjr the space of thirty days, wheri, if said Hen. - Jones do not appear a rcnievy or pieaa, iu,. ;nt nnal will be en tered up against ''him. f ? - r WESTON R. GALES, J. P. JOSErrI QALE3 &SONv have just received me uniowing' new vvorjcs . v; " r The foitr-' first vols, of , the Diplomat re Cotres- ywnucni;, ui me vvmencan levomiijon, De ' ing the Letters of Benjamin Franklin, SUas Deane, Jobn Adamofin JaV Arthur Lee. ' Wrn. Lee, Italph l2ardFrancuiJ)ata, Wm, P,..-.!-Uit tJ'iL'Jr." i . '. .:- . M. Dumas, and others,! concerni her the Ko ' K rein relations of the United States, during me www ncviuiiun f i.opeiner- wixn tne Letters In. reply; ; from the Secret Comieiu -. tee of ' Congress, , and the Secretary -of Fo reiern 'Affairs. Edited bv Jarad Soarks. Abbott's Sermons,', with a memoir of his life,"- . Ware's Discourses.'.' '. ' Worcester on the Atonement the atonWIa- vnuw jjijjptay oi love, not 01 wrain."--The demand for ; this AVork '.hai' been' ib great in a few mouthy that another edition is called for." : - ? The New Testament nn the: Commtin Version, contormed to Gnesbach's SUndard Greek Text, Greenwood's Lives- of the Apostle Liberal Preacher ' 2 "vols, Teacher's Manual, 2 do. - ' A scripture Questions. r ' Willard's Rhetoric. Raleigh, 1830. NOTICE. , THE Subscriber will be situated by and after the 15th September, at Weldon, (Falls "of iuiiuk.c; s viommisaion ana-rorwarding Mer chant. He, will be well prepared for the Storinff ui u arucies ascenaing' as wen as tnose descend ing the; river : and his prices for forwarding Cot ton, Flour and Tobacco, will be less than the present,- ... , " '.' u - , -. .': MEMUCAN HUNT. , www. J ' " WE, the underslened. Merchants i n "Vnrfotlri take great pleasure in recommending Mr. Ilnw ... r: i i l. v . " w uui uiciius wm -enc puonc,, who sena tlieir crops-oy way ot Weldon to market; as a gentle- ucuwii ui me sincicsi npnor. w e nave nu douin but that he will make a valiiaM quest all those who favor u-with Consignments to send them through his hands. ,v W- & E. TOWNES & CO. JOHN a. ROY. JAMI.S GORDON, . ANDREW HARRIS. f my 29. 82 2t 0 Equity of AVakeCtHint wilUed t?5 . : tlje Court;House ort.tbeI Monday m Jane nejctV;1 X ?5 a T-hutbleTracVcfLand:- lvintr bnnoth xuU Y V. V. .White, Oak Jnakelcountyi :ep J fr mg. 12SD acr.es, From to 20Q acres cf whic5 , ' is . cleared; hndnd ; uncLr, good fenced with i ' C'v SJ I .velrinHouse,, a Cotton -Gin,' and; other con H V -vement, Outbuildm thereon, rectedU '.Ths rtst i4 Wqodlaad. T3jUta.ndJjea.l6 file's sRest5, of RaWfe on thqdno i;ywo and i:a X remarkably healthy situat lorU- p.d V ' ' ; V' ' v;A .credit Willbgivel, tothWcK. fe;' twelve and eighteen nionjlis; ; :vV ! ZKc " or other particulars, apVtftAlsey.;iunt'eV;';"' neajpthe premisjev orto the' subscribe rwho is & ;r , duly authorised to sell thU property. V r" U 4; i . t . y . 'fib. WakeApril 19.v 1830. - ; n , JUST-PUPLISlffil), . V- a 'r JB". t. I Sk i' pvav! vepons cr asey ar.? r5 ; guec ana determined tnjthe Supreme Court? .vfe'v - Also, Pampht dcctirred'jn the lielslature ofortrfJiroW f at ;rts late SclaionVon the Biloestabfish a ank-V ? I V ?i ofthe 8tate. '- WCfJ.-Xe l" JiV f naidgb;; June 8;:i8to;: r yHj t4v'- e. neigbborhood,fTers, for ajilat-fijiaibla-;" fc -SV ' . Plantetioiy four rmleawespf Cbirlohe'. " Tbe ,f v I J tractContoma'282cres of htnd, larrf'i V about : 100 acres. ar Brsf, .second and thiM X' - vr -Vl ; ground, 6f.ihc- best- quantyvThe pUaUa . V ' j neatladjoins the celebrated. Capps', 'Gold Ifinej . , .- and tne ppvnwn Seemlta,be fu.lbunded Nhat V-i Gold abounds m two hills 'tvi- r,Mw a- A V "f .' .C, " . P-lnaH?n branch, runs tbroughJt for 4 of v. SHOCCO SPRINGS ; WaehSn County, NottK-Carolina.- for mtiung operations, klUsoaweUirig1?.cAjsH twt or a part of them, me., ' - f Ahy person desirousof pucbasrrigrVcn tk To Combination and a Free Trade, Earlltenwarc fe Looking Glasses. THOS. J. BARRO W & CO. importers 88 fcr St&etJVeiV'Fbrk. jf " Ti Vr i V - .'"V FFER for sale tjOOO.Packares Earthenware, perforin. witjlreeooni, us important iDDc-l.Jjr Glass, China and looking Glasses (Compris ing the most complete assortment ever offered in this market; and which will be .renacked to the Country Merchant afKe lowest- prices.-r In consequence of havingf refused to join the Combination for regulatingijthe prices of Crocke ry, Mi this city, we hav beenade the subjects of a most intpleranp(5rsecution7 of which is nothing test than our enrrutn and ear pulsion from the ydcte jwir characters have been assailed as men of integrity and fair dealing; our credit' as a house of responsibility impeached, & every endeavor made to ruin it. And to crown the whole, our importations through. thejregular channels, have beeti all stopped (in consequence of threats thrown out to the ; Manufacturers in England) so that we have. been. .obliged , to em ploy Agents in Liverpool to make our purchases in such a manner that our names would not ap- pear ut mc iransaction au ine jacuities attena ant upon obuining credit for our importations are denied to u and nothing but cash in Xi- vcrpuui . wm own.in ior us ipu necOCrt Supplies of Ware, We are suffering these hardsli ins in me cause of rne siercnanxana Consumer of this description of goods; no le 5s than our own, and to tbem as; our.last resort, we come for aid and assistance sd longs we' are enabled to sustain uuraeivea agwisc more man iorty men, wno nave combined to bring about our ruin in this unheard of maqnejT we ! will fcoutinue , to sell bur Woods ON tKe 1st day of June nexf, the Houses at Shocco Springs, nine milesSoulh of War reton, and sixteen miles Narth .bf Lewisljurg', will be opened for the reception of visitors.. The great advantages of this Watt-rihg place in most cases of Dyspepsia, other diseases and debility, having been tested by those who have attended them, to such, it is . only necessary to sa', that all the Buildings are, in excellent repair and condition. The accommodation, in e vei JT re spect, shall be such as my best efforts can effect, for comfort and convenience to all who may vi sit the place. To those who have not visited f Shocco,iit may he necessaj-y to say, that ttie buildings' are sufficiently numerous and. conve niently arranged for the accommodation of a large assemblage' . The . private'apartmen Ys will afford ample retirement to those who prefer lt and the public . Halls are abundantly spacious to r- ceive all who may desire, company, andy where music and' dancing can be enjoyed, by such as delight in it. y An arrangement will be made to have tiivine Worship performed at the,Springs on the Sabf bath day, rwhere such, visitors as may choose, can attend preaching without inconvenience.' In addition to the valuable Medical qualities of the Shocco waters, they are located in a most healthy part ofthe country, Surtounded by a p lished society, where the jnvilicl can be restored to health, in an agreeable circle, j . , j. The best of servants have been provided the Bar wijl be found to contain the choicest Liquors, and no pains will be spared to render the.- time of visitors' perfectly Comfortable.. ,2,, ii .V My terms fr 'Board, he. will h c 'l beFdav for each grown personChildren and. Servants halt price. ; For Horses' $15 per month, or .60 cenisperaay. , -v - . ANN JOHNSON. "I inav not Wish fa faiTdr, '7 'I & 1 1 7t -"' i I Z:V7 M,r preniises t r enquire, of, Mr.- Robtir - J. Dinkms. or Dr. J. D. lloydpf.CbaridUevf t". v description, &c; A.; ' ;V:"V . 1 1 4 V f &r Wanted :JmWedi & - til tflilf 1 cademy, 14 miles No?tlast ior rkleifffcU : - , ' V - T !LI The aito,tion Is very, healthy-the water good, . -... thene1ghborbood atreeableinriw- -V, . .. vr the Teacher should boeV tfr rrAhrr..if ; -S. " beat ion,-viz y ortderstanfltli RnWKt,..f ""'fiB avq some Koowiecrxe of Mathe- suc n n a salary wdl be g ven equal irf ' -amounts 00.,-, .- -y) . ?5? vn' ; V Apply-to the Editors ofthe ftii.VJTiv - ' ' v , : ; I Rfllfti, Fsq Vnrtmntgs aWUgsM: nmynf ttir TmstaeK jortb Seth'jonea; Esct.r Se cretary of the Board tP-TW7 " -J 1 7" ' " f ' Raleigh, Aprll & - ' v More Jfew.Wd: Cheap Bobks f munNER BOGHES, klhVNortfa.CmilTO . . v.w, cun uuu ai aii times a firehk St ' . eral assortment Bobbea4brtdhfr;tfy S ..V', every thihg in the Various ApivtAetol? :iefc. ence, LeraiUreSatlonarv-and 'KHgraVihgr : 'A VV PuM,c,-private and WialbrarieMndthwe; " TOyil ordeN; thankful .A J '25 puoctually attended A'Yt -V;"?lvf -"v The followm are ambn tKe SreriSit fer''1 v. ; A one vol: Rbyal octivo. nriCft iri?i?:. ' ' V i Jhii work ford the toftblic iufpresftht V ' ; , A i-JT T11" "cnn,."XndprOnounctnir;,r f i. . , Dictionary for general use. About i,0Q0fC - ''V'VU tiona are Contained In this Dictionary; vbicV' :h , are' not to be found in any similar wirlc;" r T ' ' 1 ttnW ?JW in Calf and ; r: fc v Sheep bindings, in.6 Urgevb.volswihf. . mciwcoy iiocior Aieranti?. ami .jvyi mended by the'Wst distihguiihed ClerW - h: :aand Laity of . the; affejt denominations. c rep auu iiuepenaeic ax our own rates jot Uaa approved. Cwv bcceplancet hntik V:-J;iVi' . f June,'1830.p ;w,v j , 8w6i a . NOTICE; There will be IQALlPARIT furnished at Shocco Springvton the even'mg? of the, 6th anjdTth July. -The MusicTprbvideuV'fbr the bc casion , will not be inferior,4 if not'isu pe'rwr, to auy that Was' ever heaNlNo Shocco Springa,Mayst.tl30. ur "C uaiegii at Fayetteville Observer, bori' Free Press, Ro and Milton vGazettes eight insertions, payment to the Springs. THE SUBSCRER ; '4. OFFERS for Sale bis HOUSE & JL0TS in the Town of OxforcL with the jLAND adjoining about 200 acresrT-of which Jibout 60 acres are f uuuiaiiu.v luc nuuiic is 04 oy w jeei, .com raodious. and Well 'finished throue-houfc? havin? 4 rooms wrpi fire plac'e-onTeaph .floors whh'a wide passage Pneachr-a' garret distnbdted into closets and two comfortab le rooms r and cellar under the wl)jol( divided intfl laeveral apartments. It is situated in a-most;beHutiful grove f Oiks ; attached to it rs a lartre Fallin"- Girden furnished fvithmutselectfcfrr an ICeillouse wuuatrucicu 01. roca;- a tone r a p ric j-li c 112 5 1 a Well of excellent Vale'r loathe yard an UHIce in the yard suitable" for LaWjVri. and every neces sary. Outhouse; all iu good repairs s! ,r Also a TANYAliU now in . Operation which mielU give eraployx&ent to 8 or 10 hand.havirijj 10 acres of ldrid attacEed tp it; and oa the pre mises la a cbiilbHable two story Dwelling; with every . convenience Ycra , fainily 'residence; A better!, constructed Yard is Seldom seep "jlny . -K- -vrt"r,"v v uccpiy spimuai tnougnts - 1 ,o J and absepce frotorsecUrian bia 1 ' " V V pi,o;w'pPeYfirlvu5-vW v; . prated frowtU .t- . superfine paper ndi&w typd? .Vpwardt - ' i 5m Cdpy,.W6ve;nJd?rected 'U'thtfZS?? &2, '6i;: Octavo jaUfcfor-taatfyffi tSril - "';-tu anditiest,eVerprfntc.. " -5 , - -Ssif rt i ewhu apectatpr.rirJ Blshod; Home's lntrU&Jf VVfLjf S A'Vl e Advocate Edenton ; . . ihecripturet - 75- fl v, 1. 5 rwdl ive?the foregomirl lr.ti J irC-vi ,.w vi .iai.detideu-.acccunU-for : 'C1;.- JrViJ ..-V-: .".,.,;; ' i'VV 's- Av, v.:,:Jw- ,-.1.-1 ' , others, --Wtar .i iC 1" - 2 i&tio Novels: &c&&:&frA' i. , nu DDrwrm i -.i .. , I wrn.tv. - Thi nr-"rtir fill tntrVmrJM rvr . ttaleigh,June4, lS30.r?.r-'-'-V'sV-' ' -v? ;l;?Avi 0 flCTj: Greensborough PatrloTand Salfsbury -5T 'r " f Carolinian," wii; insert thefabov;rra, count crV- ; v ' f V .at clock, A M. at he door of tUnU .f'" A Stock of said Bank:rr'7"i5J:v A RaUigb, June;5,U6;a8U K, tA BALI, Will be given atIrTypod'tftiittL -Jr , lnlioaisburg; m the 2it2i iUnt, Jn cmik, K ; tnemoratioa cltJie. AjiuiycTaary; st, John IhlVi 1 r.. ' 1 ' Si msUl Strutter, 7" . t ' - . ? i h . v. I'i- . ui 1rmiriilMfe iflii rmmkAalt mm J 's- ivatfunjton israneh. I'M ;i.W. BAA . ? . zjjP : s --U v , . 4f ' 'JK

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