.5 f july occurring c.v,.. Sabbath, thera. . vlfeforrAri until to-driv f Man.' i.rV On Yesterday however, ijReligipu services wereerrmcliiittpresbvtc .,n Churchl ah ippropriite:Bi?coir8 as ileHvereiU aeeAbtyto prevjpuirtn vitationV,by;the JlerTSoMM PHunt. the Music "-'was . Vefine J Candthe Sermon 'highly; p&triotf happily iHutratetl the sacred trujUti Jthat ' all oWbTe s'sings God, (l to httn alohf sKooJci;the glory beVeii r Hj we enjoy or yet hopeifor,ih a nation al or ii(livi(loal point of yiewl : , ; a ft,r the Sermon ; a (nandsmnecollec tion was taken up in aid of the funds o! tijc Colonisation Sode.i : i The Oralion wil I be d el ivered this woniing at 1 1 Veck, in Ijhe jMethodist Church, by VillUh SeaWell, Esq, and the Declaration" of' Indepemleiicc will be read by' William HvHAtwOD, Jun. Esq. A Public:ninnyryiU at Ca pt II oNTBRVSp'n ng,' and is to 'be on "i!,-e table at 2 oVIock;' IV M.t ; - .7, At ni;ht, J the Grove in the , Ca pito' Smiare- is to be 'illuminated, ,:and Music will be provided for tho etUertaininent of rWA o" Wy,r-He' must be endued wth more or less than human ; feelings. jvlio can'rise frtn ' his bettand, enjoy the. sweets of health and liberty on this memr orable day, Without mentally offering the tribute of ''his " gratitude o Heaven, for the fortunafe pasand his ferment aspira tions, for a prospenusurf. Enjoying all our Institutions in their full force and freedom realising the. beauty aiid cer tainty of what was this day fifty-four years ago, experimental a,nd probleniatical4 thereliould b tbrougnnut our, extended country, a uniyersal nymrjathy of actio :i, interest nod feeling, which should link all hearts together.'' v Personal prejudices sluultl be surrendered by 411 Uh one accord, to make room for the more gener ous and consistent emotions of union and brotherly kindness. All political ani mosities should be forgotten ar.l all wh. partake in the festivities of the day. ..should meet as friends. ' Nocircumstanc should be permitted to militate against the general harmony of the wholei'but from ' .he most iiumble to the most exalted, all should jo'rn in endeavoring to make the occasion in deed and in truth, a Nation- ,., ' i Z 4 AL JVBILEE. ; ' ,t - . Oil tliis subject, we cannot present any ihi nyimrepf Iroprite than the subjoined letter, written by the late venerable John Adams, the'dav Vncceeding that, m which our ancestors; swore by the happiness . of unborn millions,, to shake off their degra ding fetters or perish in the struggle : Philadelphia Ju ly , 5, 1 776. Vcsterday the greatest question was decided hici ua ever debated ui America, and a great er, jerbp5 never wan fr will be decided nmong tnen. A resolution Was passed without one dis-senin- colony, "THAT THESE UNITED STATES & ARE, OF RftiHT OUGHT tO BE FRKE AND 1MUEPEXDENT STATES." The day is patted. The 4th ' 6f July 1776 will be i meiuaruhtr eluachdm the history of! America. i am apt to believe it wul be eel heated by succeed "f? penerutiohs fle jre Jlunivcnnry Festival It oiilit to be conirhemorated tie day or e- ttTnAcE. by solemn acts of devotion, to Al jn'g-lityi Gd. It ought to be solemnized with pomp, aAontf, game$t Bporfs, guns, bells, batifiret, U iUuminatiuntHOK ohk rhi or thk cojkti kit to ths oTnitii,rom thit time Jorword forev er ! Ycu wjJJ think me transported with enthu i sm ; but I am not. . I am Well aware of the toil, and blood, and treasure that it will cost to tnainuin this declaration and support and defend ttese states ; ye i thrtiugl all jhe ;gloOm I can t the rays of light and glory I can see that 'he end is worth more than nil the means and tt poaterity will triumpli, although you and I Way rue which I hope we sIiaII not. I am &c. ! -:.r " ; JOHN ADAMS." V'prtme Court.-r-Ignatius Riggan, of 'I'ennespee, has been admitted to Superior practice. ThdinW J. Jones of Sa- !uury, Washington Laiarus, of Wilr u?t.,nv& Franklin li. Smith, of Meck- twwv of the VttoAhsmge.Qxrr ers ill find ;an-i'nteresting article into -V'H eglsterundlf liirheatJ, ; copied pn the National; Intelligencer- Tl.ough u y it, who1 perhags should not say jt, " 19 by far the; mstfablf reiiew of, the , 1 'esidentV;Me8?a tl will vlML:ll - tv.t 'eeroployed , cpay .uie reaaer tor tne ,8!e,m VlWK certain letterj.whicn e feenflubiisWd;anS , other bn- I v f;rrf circumstances.' that'-Xlri-Senator Stfa and make way fur- Mrv tli , . ' - s - - . rr ' : i .. ? - ft v-.i 5 Yw Lis Q?n rr pot from'his ;own,jcnn fessiona;(we , think Ve hia tfemHthem i i . V- feehl itated ih iu4it of to JheSenafeat :Mrrte;!of AS n pnnrlvania ' ho toted against Noah; !suliseque 'upprt him. ; Mr; Marks has athorizd ajdenil oftje statement; and; aV8 t if he hjd. been present when the nomination r?s acted upon, lie should have voted against confirming the appoint- ment ,IIe was detained from thiSenate by sickness. - ' " - - Rage jf Office Hunting. As a remar kable mstancc of the prevailing avidity for office, it V mentioned in a . Philadel phia paperhat the Marshal of the Dis trict of Pennsylvani Jias received seve ral applications for.the office of Hangman at the expected execution of the Mail robbers. ' Temperance. k Society for the promo tion of Temperance has been formed in Fayettevillc, David Anderson, Eq. Pre sident, and George MNcilU Secretary. The Observer, in .mentioning, the fact, makes the following remark : " The spi rit so generally diffused through the coun try, on this subject, has operated very extensively In this section of the country, and particularly in this town,' for a year or two past. The quantity of spirits sold in this place, has, we are assured, been in calculably' reduced ; several dealers (at least eight mibt be named) have ceased to use or traffic in them, and many indi viduals, . who have been only moderate drinker, have discontinued their use al together." Cotfun Fair.-The citizens of Macon, Georgia, have determined to hold a fair -ome time during the fall for the purpose if awarding premiums to the best grow ers of cotton iii that vicinity. Legol Decision. Francis R. M'Kee.in licteil for Murder, in South-Carolina, has Seen disrharged by the Court of Appeals, on the ground taken in the motion, viz : that after a prisoner has been put on his trial in a: capital case, a nolle prosequi by the State, amounts tn an acquittal, Itail Foad The Corporation of Pe tersburg have subscribed for 2,000 shares of Stock in the company for constructing a Hail Road to the Roanoke. John Randolph. k. Public Dinner was given to this gentleman at Norfolk, pre vious to his embnrkation for Russia at which about 80 persons were present Dinner to Mr. Barton. The Cineinna ti American contains an animated account of the Dinner given to Senator Barton, on his way home, bv 200 citizens of that . place. The toasts given on the occasion and the receive enthusiasm with which they were , evidence very clearly the feel- nr in Q iin, in relation to the President's conduct in rejecting the Internal Improve ment Bdis. The sentiment compliment ary to the Senator himself, was drank with great manifestation of feeling, and in the speech which he made, almost ev ery sentence met with vociferous demon strations of approbation from his hear ers. Tlu eighth regu'ar toast was : Henry CIttj Th father of the American Syg tem his tr .Hscejd s,-rvicts mh! ahUitit-s have identified h'-s coontrv .;! uilh If is own, lhe manner m w hich this toast was re ceived, is thus described bv the Ameri- can Aa soon ax Jo'lpe Davies announced the name of " Henry Clny," the most deafening shouts and trernendou rappinfr upon the table commenced, which coittimied for a lenjflh of time, and whs httshctl onlv by the numerous stentorian calls tor the i unwinder of the loast. The rcsitnt whs then eivtbted tf jet as f-r the term The.tber of the American System," when he was zn interrupted. with long, loud, and repeated th'itrs, and plaudits, surassb any ih'ng we fVcr befire' witiiessfd on a similu occasion. At leith the President was permi -ted to rend the renan1er of the toast, when the stme scene of tumn t and of noist again ensued without intermission for many minutes.:- - The fee'injrs o' aJl seemed to.s;riijg from oar naource',' anlthe extnordinary dily of elithn siastic pleasure Jtpp; ared to flovwith the sarnr unanimtty, if U p oct eded f om one soul. bumper to resoundetl from every, quarter, and the glVsseswvire- nukly drained of thai. ' last ' drups. ' :,kncorerA ncre' was now citerated fromk all pirtsof the i6bm; and as soo i as ailenfce couid be proihVd,lhe - President di reeled the company th fi41;'ajjairt td the sam ;oast '-- S.9- 80041 4sit was renia'i!,. the whol company spontaneously rose ajrid g)ve nin cheers $ whilst the tappmg'qn th tables, stamp 4n upon 'the floor, and other 't manifesu tions Af apprb!ition seemed iiftTcent to rin'; the.bbildingurVo,h .tneir beads v After that m mnt weihought w? would, rather ,be flenr. Ctav; than any living. .Never .before dit ,wesee'wich unequivocal exhibitions of deep 'lonted'affe'etiortr Tnie "scene was, eminently, in Wirinff and cafe siinftJieotarust of wrtt maV LSVF terjKVpm theeop!e. on the fourth ot ."Vin f ' V Comptroller; flew to,sefinqui,h hUf1.'ims-o'i ri-Wec-fip,to;the &enk5, t did Sot bWtoM - Fuydieville Market: CnttonVgi TS'fL 9 50.-. .Basstnkrfarri is a 'ML Ilacbn, 5lf7.: Candles .raoulrf; H:fCoSee U a Corn; 50 a. 621, PliurS3l a. Iron 5 a-6. rlaxseed,r5 B0.- Larilt; tt. Lead-a r. 'hotr per tag; SI t 2.. Na.il S,cut, ,6 7$a wrought 20 Oats,JS8 Sugar, KJommon M - a 9 ptime W a JU Salt, Liverpool 65 a76. SteelAmerican? 8 a 9. 'Tobawi leaf, 82 a 3f.yAr. Drandi30 a5.VWhiske. 24 a 2fiWheatrT0 a8CLeeswax 20cts. nth k Notes par-to ; per cent, pre. .Checks on thevKort1i pfer cent, .. Twenty-fourth of Jurie.-Tht an rii versa ry of St John;the Baptist, was celebrated on Thursday last, by I the Members of Washington" Lodge, ,Jo- 'n a style which has seldom, if ever, been equalled in thi place A large procession of the Brethren, strangers as well as visiters from the county, was farmed at U A. M. at the Lodge from thence they moved a long Main-street, to the Presbyterian Church, where an appropriate prayer was aeiiverea by tne Kev. James Weather- by, succeeded by an aulress from Dr. W. d. Hodges, master oh the Lodge. The ceremonies were finished by sinsins a ueau titu l masonic ode selected for the occasion, accompanied with music. The iest:vines ot the day Were closed by an excellent dinner at the Lodire nroared by Mr. Wiswall. . The Orator of the day is sai to haye acquitted himself in an uncommonly handsome manner, and to nave given universal satisfaction. JVaihington Times. The Festivaliof SU John the Baptist was celebrated in .tms! place, by the mem - bers of Fulton Lodge,! on the '24th inst. I he members of the frntprnitv marr.hpd rom-the Lodge RoomL in masonic order, to 'the; Presbyterian Church, wheJre a Ser mon was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Rck, followed by an appropriate Address from Mr. Francis A. Ward, a member of the Order 5 after which they repaired to the mansion Hotel and partook ot an excel- ent Dinner provided by Mr. Allemona: in which they were joined by seyeral gen tlemen of the village, not among the ini tiated. Catawba Journal. Tlie following appointments were made by the County Courtduring its session last week : ;:i!nel Holmes., Sheriff'. M. W. Campbell, 7 own Magistrate. W" m Harriss, County Trustee. Inspectors of Aural 6tor? James Usher, John . L'llinton, Jolin C. Bowden, Win. Usher, Inspectors of Lumb'-r Jesse .ennett, Joshua James, T. D. RitcllfTe, Aieh'd Collins, Alexan ter Mcllae, J. U Jrnn5tt, Z. A SiMCer, Dennrs Collins, John S James, Nicholas Richards. Inspectors of S!fuut Morgan Shoulders, Dun can Clark. . j Amount of Inspectors' Returns of ar icles inspected in the town of Wilming ton for the last year, that is, from June 1829, to June 1830 : : Turpentine. I Tar. Cotton. Rice. J:imes Usher, 33,418 1S264 89 B. 255 iVui. Usher, 11,6.53 1 3,431 115 J. A Lilhngton, 9,730 ; 10,251 619 7,862 Timber. T. I). Ratclifre, 33,300,851 Sawed Lumber. 1,956,396 2,737,219 1,566,600 Alex. McWae, J-.sse Jemiett, Jhiu" James, Duncnn Clark, 18,484,080 3,438,592 3, 74f, 261 Slaves. 801,700 Jf'ilmbigton Recorder. A writer in the Hillsborough Recorder, on the resources of the State, makes the i'o! lowing remarks on the Gold Mines : To pass from agricultural to mineral wealth, our State can certainly claim a preeminence which no other will chal lenge. Tti rough the wide extent of thir teen counties, the most precious metal in the world is. found in quantities which e- very successive day multiplies, and the pursuit of which is drawing thither the capital ana enterprise or our own weairny countrymen and of still more wealthy bu ropeans. It Is computed by an intelligent and practical miner, that at least'a mil It on ol dollars will be realized during thi? year from , the various gold mines of the State ; ami it is a fact notorious that we nre yet ill the infancy, of the mining art, and may look forward to more than qua drupling this amount at no distant period Besides the direct influence which the ac cession of goJ-d will haye In augmenting our national wealth its more remote in fluence will extend to almost every other branch of industry. The farmer will find a ready and good market for his produce ; the merchant will find an increase both in the number and ability of his custom ers ; and in fine everyone who labors at all will find a greater demand and a high er price for his tabor. These are not merer ly anticipated benefits,1 they already exj 1st. and are exoerienced bv a larie Dortt- on ol our jeUow-citizens, The Frankfort (Kentucky) Commenta toi , a paper of character and talent, of June 1 5, says : Thex utinost conslerna iiorfpn r va I es the Jackson ranks .in this . ' f."i t,..;'fi n part 01 tne worm anti, wixn gooo reason. fheMesertions froin the patty since the President's late deVelop'inent of his deter mination to go all lengths? with the majo rity of his party, a well in their oppo sition to the American system, as tn all other respects, has produced a falling off aiuohg His friends entirely unprepQdenteU; estate, lennessee, it is rumored, haven erAti sertedliiui. 4 Tb; ceriainly, and a" W as we are credibly informed, tn this stale, iioiTedhiinandhiaparr - ; -; Coh .qgGr& yegeTablbf ;ihis jly heavy4 -Way heard "c ,e pLntcrVA--;. , iame recentjybfien in!r6dacednt6'Jay, "that his,wheat will wei-h Mzlij-fivs: VA the Unied.tateS5 aoa Irom the . reprer amxa halfmtd ,thcbushcU 'Sixtp . SentaU9ps,givert;ofitin the northcrD. pa- 'pdtmds is thetandawl weihV - rersit mtt$t,bevafnable U aii. article :of .f t. -Pet.-Old'Ddn-Jniim: -;tU : food forcatUe ,:It ' gtvw rrom to iwetve feet liighv and' furbishes an'abund- ance 01 irreen ioauer. Ane maiK. nve louryears. pjxxypiani,u js stateu mi 11m .E..-riiruer,rre bamo.anpru sut ncieiu provenuer lora rcow-xoF, a ;jeari and as the side shoots' bhl yareused,7 Ithe stal ks . last. four yea rj i wi thou t fresh plan t lna. rA squarp of stxtwfeet will, contain 25p plants,- toumeet a p a rt, or lo f more than, i four cows req ui re for a year St pro : vender; withou't tbe aid of any otHer;fdbid If some of our enterprising agriculturists would, introduce thhv plar,t a?ntng - qs, they might confer a real: benefit"in the community ; as it would then be: fn the power.of any man, Howeyer . humblehis circumstances, to keep his cows or (btbeV cattle in good condition throqgli.the. win- ter, without intrenching on the means re quired for the support orbia family. v Catawba Journal: ilr. Madison's Opinion M r. Madison has recently writtena letter to a gentte man in South-Carolina, from which it clearly appears that in hisepprt of '98, he did not intend to advance the doctrine that a State possesses a right to nullify a law of the General Government. Sir. qual Ritchie says, that' Mr. Madison's doc trines now are not what they werein '98 suiiihsc iiuw aut-ii a nine ncau vitu iiuiu i so much. Yet, in despite of this, Ve be- neve .mat Mr. jviaatson Knows tne true construction of his own writings better e- ven than theaatute critic of the Enquirer! T ainhhnmr Vint rriminv ' 1 ynwHg r . g wc. i Reckville June 23. ftn rived in our villaire on Thursday evening i nr jii ir i in n' iai a r: i a. iir. bibii u a - - i u iasi. in ?ooa neaiLU ana line smms. a iu On his arrival here his friends generally called on him, and although there was no measure of his countrv's glory" Free Press. The Small Pox. Notice is given by a Proclamation of the Mayor of the City of Nw-iorK, recommenuing general vacci- nation, that many cases of small pox have occurred on board vessels which have ar- rivetl with emigrants from foreign parts 5 and that small pox exists to an unusual extent in the interior of the States of .d Pennsylvania, which;.-' .has been introduced by JNew-YorK an tt a without doubt, has been introduced by persons arriving from abroad by the way of Canada. Nat. Int. On Friday the 11th inst. a warrant was issued at Nashville, (Tenn.) at the sug gestion of Jaines Collinsworth,'Esq. Dis. trict Attorney, against a man by the name of Husrh-'Moore. late of South-Ca- rolina on a charge of fraudulently draw ing from the Treasury 6f the U. States, a pension in behalf of John Nelson, a Revo 1 Air. itucnte is unuouoiea v a wise man 1 voie lor me 1 win servcvouii 1 tuve noanimosi-A ;. ' vwa- , a verv Solomon -there is nodis'nutineAiaf. y Wot,a tfmvfyitoetow Like Goldsmith's schoolmaster, he is an ?t!!? . e . , , -XT' I wish you would elect me a member of tue next ; j Vv.'fj obiect of universal wonder. No one can rw,. rk- rt r ... v - . . . ..i; v remained at the Washington Hotel until rection, about 200 yais frbUh Friday morning. He was accompanied taffof fl by Maj. Donelsoii and family, and will ofrlngliscastAnd still pursue the most direct route to the Her- match' witbt mitage his late residence in Tennessee. had been oriirtnailv charri& particular display or ostentation shewn the, fit,'Wmemoria()lie.:iri nriSoltthernu on the occasion, yet they were all truly annals, thatat wastlirown by tna: vessel rejoiced to Stake an affectionate shake of this day, fifty-five yars ago1 : : V-; the hand of him who has filled the I ; r 7 ZC -jZ: twntv the lest bulletins issued by the attend . triot, who died some twenty!. , . . - & v . ' . . . J inn nhvsirianc. - sn tar fit wa nAtrp.4hAn iti T I u tion ary pa vears ago. On examination before the r-v-'-'--' , A CTv'VtM District Judge, he was committed for tri- r possession, : , 0 . , l. U U Vd that he has Succeeded bv " Windsor Qastle JI ir.--Tlie;ingf V -MfM: (.mm,, Qh.,,f 1 ma dollars. The Se- J " " ' T O i vttm nt tratirl anil tors'erv. cretarv of the Treasury, having obtained description ot Mood's person, set on foot . ,i;i; J,. a.K wwih- ha avAntiiAtefl intimation 01 tne iaci, auu &u .awmaw - . a J a. - A- M,MamtfvrA . 0 j csis ; u.. 1 1 i probably be tried at the approaching Sep. in im a arriar nun 1 nriiriiin nifii i sir niii 1 tember term ot the; Circuit Court ot toe United States. Bait. Bepubcican. The late papers contain more than the usual proportion ot suicides tor this couu- try some of the cases are of men, who, n,vpr till thpir last act. showed symptoms ".V jm i 11 of insanity, and who seem to have been . . . - - 7 - , led to that by the situation of their pri vate affairs. There is in truth a great depression of every pursuitthat usually Itrd to gain : but is not this depression owing to an uutortunate cnoice in me nur,uits. Agriculture is' to this day, al an rHi .;.t,m of fraud and fore-erv. in hai passed a good-nights : Hii Majesty's '-.i most unaccountably neglected. Its sue-J in Fayettene,' after few dy illness, Iff? ifc certain if it leads not to weaitb,4David J5mitbi!niTOhant;. it ensures health and farmers educate thei crowded and unprofitabl not as yet fallen heavily enough upon us non a larm. iwnu. v t AiarH a it ptid has Ueen) to euocmnate us in the wisdom of prudence. ! r We have ! fllo- a ?rreat many of us acquired such; a 7 - 1 : I . -i.Kn- o trn hatiit 01 wearing giov.es, maw and white, is a matter more desirable than manly .independence. But the time will, assuredly, come, when a great; many will and must return to the cultivaition of the earth: The eaVth is no unjust ;ste.p mnthe.rlibut she awards with the strictest Uustice; her premium to, tnose wno are binbstimlustriouslan i- . jk; FfCfje tov Al 'roost every part of theStstei tirii A and no merchant, manufiipturer, lawyer, completing -the Wdyear of her aet-Mrs; Mary m,t or mechanic sends away his children to Slater- ;,:-.i',. m-M t or . ! - . x- Ka loirn llP Mini.il On the 2d ult. 1n Iredell county, of an affl ..VV-r' acdutre what is to be learnt, or gained . .f ltit97Ul. n-v;nai.X! .Pn,imi9t. if . nno'n a 'farm. The hand of necessity has K , Rlnj,n c;t.Wn andlbra numbCTbfveaMV; J, itopievtsa mari,;ba";r aid there itAiiiAiwjinderthr sun H"v buthe tf&'ttttt say; there' never ivould herl ; any thin hew uder,UheN8iinifIf fUcb ; 'v' V Were -tlie fa 1 ctiroqldyVe be constantly ah vl V ruwii jit? f jmrrogapn,' is .tnerp ; fyXyou. (oroociwufere firsdniWnnew; I jo ratuer soninufgoultftf:o "t?'.v ' way. , Whtthinkjyoa being graced by a spnjiif the forestas,bh 1 !r-jU'roerab? ber.bonnqarie he: fall enjoyment of thef riirhts and priviresresof citizenship MitsH l uicuiwuci wnai a name lor acon2res3- ' v man! an Indiau'cnief, 'ot-tbe'.CHeroUe , u iue, ua auuuunceu lunseiL; as a can rcpubl com po point of devotion to the laws and constitution of? didate to represent that rState -in. Coo. v - -' gress. In , closing .his 'address, to iha ,t v?i'iV tersi Mushulatubba says f.V IV hlt . Accordmtr to your laws. I think that-1 am V , 7 1 ined to a seat m the coundlrf- of-a:. mighty iX:'-tJ ici of wiph-tthe:5tate of. MisfcUsi mCYi nent part; andtl viekl to ;-n6VcmeiitinvV-t.r'iA the same. ; .If, fellowC cixe'anr) examining. , JIMH inv nrfinmnnB sni' imnaniBiiv rnninflPinovf nrm t. ",.,1 with others who wM be my -t 'Vt ' v l Jia 'rfir-W ,? ... - . - - ; :v --'' :fievohaUniaryI& and Town Council 6f Mo.uUfetille5uUi- vans' Island haVe been ;presrited byj ih tJnited States Garrison, at tnathlar-i. ''It. ' " ' m T : L - . " L l" ' ' ' - , " ' .VC t wiin. a; tmrfeen tnen oomo-jsneu wntcu - was found tnvtKembnthVibfianttarY'Ias ; ft nrV: in fKo cnl f wKUk l'-a:, T W ', Ucrtion arnmnari aanaai -w-naav w m n nnikti r a aaa rm at-c i - a n , a-a 11 lit uiab uuici ucru.uuiicut ; ur an nr na9m that if -raa ArtnH.in u -r ..-t:-;rv! b no question fiWti positicc by the British iTliUnder Charleston (fazettil a large flock ol heep assures ustthatidur:. i,l2: the seasm oferazmgliegesW tar at the rate ot a'sil(.'l-;flay toveryj20i;' .! neep. He puts ine iar.in troMgnVlspntH kles a little fiii silt oyer it, and.ilie sheew consume it eagerly;Thts fryeth'j r-'p from worms in tn general growth, and iy specific agaiptt'' foUirMlit'farm Jomlfei0 TWELVE. DAYS LATER. , 4 ftetorForlt,'- June QJM We are indebted to CaptAiken of thfc ship Mary HowlahdTincl tb Alfrcjej a passenger on, board, , ror . Liverpool, pa-' per iuju iic i?ui, von i u 1 iimuuii ua tvs to i8thi We have also Londbd papers to- the 14tiu w lhe ivingwas sttii living witn pernapi- more favorable symptoms thai) at Xhe date of our last accounts v 1 ne. oljojving,are , symptoms are atteviaieu.'- - . tt . X t ' f; f If' symptoms aralleviatejL" -MS London.-May l8,We may at lenetli r - ? t i"7i- ? V i. ' - " .V ' ?'S Wid) lil a lit. v a a a. a MM. HA V a. BBBA L M u a aat a. W . au " T - ,c vntiire to congratulate our readers on the - ' : " - - - . , 4 avprable turn whieb'his ljety'ilhj. .'f nas laiveii. aw uuw.Aioiiuuipiii.iY aui ? v VT ' ed that the Ring raay tor-the, present, af ;; least, be Considered .out of daneiv' t ( Morning Vkrontcle.;i?f 4 . '- TUe communication of, a Payer 6ftJ)ty Taxes," - . i ' omi' ted " because stehsave'bee9'--j takeo to remedy the vil of wichbe speaks.J i - 1;,: - MARRIED, ' )v -f In Fayetteville, , on Wednesday evninJyy the Kev; W. G. H. Jones, John W. Snd ford; s Elsq. Cashier of the Branch of the -U.S.'Bankv to M'ss itargaret Haliida eldest " daughter 'of : the late UobU HalHdayiT-Esqw.'. '. T y(-, competence : yet I -- fffSJ- ' 'rC? .1.' --- i-- IJWr..J .. 1 ,,f 1 r sons for otlier tnn ll; -i .fr5rraV!-' ::"-t e employments Suidenly; in Scotdechi(V B$iyf.otj.. ( at nthariv nhurcn and tor a number ot vein a . - a: vt meoiner of' the 'FiabteiV'tKli'!. in thai ; - B nei A at Jud?syUle;:Sarry ; tbunty. iv th 119th" . - v xf May; hyi Jesse Maya, living 16 mAef jnohlK ; f a tat from "liockford. and 16Vmile dorth 5 of j o nesville, B Alf; M Alt Bit Z -f? inches hiehtbrec white feet, wliite iiVheface, noCK.; Wlin H scar on mo iMms Awini. body,: with some taooie sponw ;,ncr 9a . i 't'.'-r.vfVf'i. l'i' i. .'!.'....' 1 '....V i' '. ' .-i-'f .i.'c' ; -'4 NOTE it foods on8ibCogeri9r ' Mf .'.Dolhrt'girWMVem hi.imher folio wtn. id therfubscnT hn Oerelbrefofwam.all peraohs iradin : for - 1 1 exce Yake county, May th) s nh-V.A 1 K a. 15 mm. - 1 1 : v-fV-;.-tJfci-f'.t. mm ' - S-'t - - - - - & '.;-. , 1 ' t -t ?7 . . r . ' . . . .