1 1 ' '.V f . : . : . - 7f . s t i . J fx-'-: -f' f.. , Sj y, ; i v . ... "? -1 i :: "'!' 1 .y .-V-.-' i 7 M C. . !? A .y I,: i " ; : itfhe ftPowjngDde, sungt the celebration c v v. tie- anniversary w flmcwuviJ'""" .,7.' Hnisbproago, amposet Patriot ve SatreW ve Heroes of old .c a- na-l i' T ' xromr your munswna in kioo, yv.. . to be- - liT. 1 .T Lotto rl iy'K ji - !V:' jv'tne 'altar, vrneelk: . ii''.? , 0-.; v mnoaAAnrr Pfll. ;IWJiic; ersttnessedtwtt zeal , . . ''J''en.-i5een ascended ih solemix anxa&.i. . ; 'r' i1 T;-Ano5 kipgayithwpncer, and, trembled '..v'-tdsee,1: '-n- - ,-.Mie.-wr..-weij.c t Us.nnur Wnc Kirsn unrivalled in 1 Viito -h : Cjy wee'er cease, feel as pur ane ancestors felt? long V yaiay we yearn 10 innent xneir iyaiwt uu tuj 1 :vV:-5'?' Their wisdom 'and might, tyVJi .-fj.In the council and fight, t ' Ard tHus,in CottfMBiA, shall Europe m m. 11 wvffwvk ani 01 vvv. n ih 1 a- klmi . ;f' The boni of tmt3 Dm'oir that bright gowen - Whose ri vetted links ruthless Facriov would se- y it wasfhrgedoythe hands, that wrought nothing 'ah vain -Zy- , vHVV" x ' ; : .V .nttill bind us, and keep, us, and bless us, for- ever 'fc-'T"..-v C ' n ; The Nbara, East, and WiST,r. 5' Canlt;" valuer vxisi f V - Ad the SoUTa -when she reasons and! cacM- j ir 'IT Let it be Once DiviDaa-ithe world will theit JtrrV.V-v'aee.; -V, : r " No loiigir a people U V'.V.,'.-.'.;' "' - - A-;: ' "SD AitD Fuse! Then 'pledg'eVe our hearts to each other to-dat, f As to inarch v foesto misrule and confusion) ' Whilst wir ; wrongs "we resent, as with justice we -;;mav, v:-,---- , . ? Ve'll adhere, to the last, to our great Co.t stitu- 1 i ' ('-X The. best hope of our land, It HAS STOOD -and ,Wl EI ST A! D, Jill our' freedom and, rights fall by tyranny And Europe's crowned' despots exultingly Ou- the globe not a People Uitited akd : . X Mil LJt! V. : On this M glorious day" may fairLiberty shed, Through ages on ages, increasing resplendence, s And niilVons of freemen Vejoicein ahe spread Of the spirit ami joys of sublime' Iff DEYKiuisxca ; . ' v .Miy.herglorieago forth; : In their brightness and worth, ' T illumine all nations and climes of the earth ; 'Till Sages and' Patriots with ecstacy see, Tii(- W;ORLD but one People, Ukited as ' v . ; New Publications. '' Practice of-Physic, comprising most oftha dscase$ not treated of M Diseases of Females" and In ' Diseases of Children," by William 13 nwasV M D. of Philadelphia, 2 vols. 8vo . Xhe Cabinet ir ry of England, Scotland and Ireland by the RV Hon. Sir James M'lntosh, Sir' Walter Scott arid Thomas Vtoore vol. Jst embweihg thev History jof Scotland by Sir .-Walter Scott.. .'i Tales of a Grandfather, being stories taken from J Scottish Historyyby SuLlWalter Scott, third faeries, ,2 vols. 12 mo.! j . ' i:: " ;Jst received by . NEW-STORE. . ' !, 'V 'J ' ' ' ' ' TUOMAS il. JOHNSTON and WIIXIAM X; J WILLI AMS, having- enteed i 'nershipunder the fit m of f into Copart- JOHNSTON & WILLIAMS, Respectfully inform the! citizens of Raleigh and ita vicinity; as well -9 their friend in-this' and the adjoining counties, that they have just opened anu. are SlHircceivngj. iii eiegniu H53i uiicui irr-.-'rf.f X V 7!"? 7 with islands, and covered with shipping, steam assortnient of Boots ami bhoeWLepiornx hoats. small craft, fcc. includinffadista.it sketch JlatSf close and open worked iS'raM'.fioM- nets, PalmettcU black, andDrab Beaver ; and Wool flats, vei selectedand nearly very"Artide thatmay be called for in a retail SnrJlsnch articlesas thev find thev have not .e?T?ttn aruciesas jney nnainey nave m.i, .: -I.V Imm.iliitP v rv1rfl in fnmnlsto tnpip assortment. iPronf the ! facilities they" have in getting their $ ' tloodij aided by an i honest and, studious; effort ' to bleasef. thW indulge the hope of receiving a portion of public ' 'batronage.' Their friends and V ihe' public generally,' will find it their, interest ': "' I ' to call and exaniirte! for themselves. rfcffiy - receive Season .Z-t&i "i -v5 Goodst a suirthi market all of which they able they are determined to sell lo, i for Cash only, as Meeaoricfc ot their lioods wiU not tustifv B tate of Norths C arotiha ;' :4-"W:rt-Wak:Coun'y.' .; - Court of Pleas T and Auarter Sessions, .yjr -i-, May Term, 1830. . ''. "rAchiVa E. Lumsden i4. .Jonathan O. Freeman. if . ji'ny , -.l'.l : J ..l Each number will 'contain. jb hmrMnfnrf. o I 'rfersins0- :irra1,rrinue,obe o-;!ltelS Btleigb., June IQ, liMU. , ; , . s Btt -Wjlli .ii1..fmu...;.iii tJT'.???.?. supposUwn became: eonfinnfd by his Bubseanem '; 'V ?v,M r0rnalttaamenVlC one mal.ogany j."1 viv -A:A. 5bedstead and other articles. . I v ' v 1M xni cac,4 piemij; 10 ju.q saiisiaction ot i ,rne Mirror is published every Saturday at 'the qQurttatVthe.detepdanhasm'ored I the cornet of Nassau and Ann strePi-.J u jjli i - ; -". nmsen euyk ii vi mc piaie, or so ' - ': ''-'''' i y ' ceala himself that'he ordinary process of ' , '-'y i.Sfc ianiibt.be strveuonvnim: ,it is therefore ordor " V; d that. publication I be made in the Ral igh "y ... l V. Ulster for, wtwiclcs, that unless'. the defedanj Vj ..-conica-iyrmriA v v uciore ine next Court of nU? iZpV.i n?) Quarter! Sessions to be held for the - ."bounty vbf.Uikif,; at the -Courthouse in Rafelgh 'U yff jlK'AiiiitSt; next, then ami ; 0 i:-tter; l?.IXHhe;iptoiertyJeviedxon,lan4 . rX.Mti' L ' fv' -PK" M. judgment Will be mda fi nl H . D i the nroperiy Jevied wmffTr msmmmmzm' U';;- - '1.- ;t . XTii-VJUAIii.A4-x . " xTrr.TrrTrT V snnouCC3 to tne l'UUi.3 Two Iluridre clTefiVOeritleeaind WHEREAS it 12 h&nm&mZ btftfce Day, WeeTctoftth P--Sc&ool WUK 'County oi uasweu, ana swwui iv,i i I thih d of Anril lasted that A4eerUmI iitmm pq -tvfT.ftrtr.'rthi Cbuntva4d State! afoWsaidTa charged by,tle verdictofa .IwgMj . -V - t.. ;i -tiatf1 the I ......... nftsm2 nnA nrvt Sne assure " of hiame aiv the body of one Jo at! idtnriwealth of rgtni , and aa i .,Now, therefore;. to,tBe enar' r; I c.hirles Wilson mav be apprehended & brqogh I tatrialthe above reward of 20 will be given t6 any person or persons who witl apprenenu arid confine him in any J .it in thiState, that he may be brought to answer the bffVnce with whicn hehere ; stands cJwged." v -; and enjoin all officers whosoever, eUcivil .mmtaiy. within this tate; to use cir- best 'jt::i-- onrl 1tp- or cause to be apprehended 'and taken, Charles Wilsori;;.and him keep, so' that he shaUbe en, tne ooay oi iuc him safely and securely rhe btousht to iimice. Oharies Wilson usually dresses ehteely s . ' . , . . . . . - . 1 ! (It n fain -corn- had his i . i i . t ' : ' ,iA in fnritiwifr A !nmn sn larce that no drtss can conceal it in standingand wallcinfrby straightening himself he tries to make his deformity as itwieapparcm as possible, i He is intelligent, and speaka with rnnsidi.rabrp fliienSevl and appears to be about fprty years old. Ht"ha been seenn Lynchburg, Vifirinlft. and ir believed to be endeavoring to reach Texas,' or some part of the Spanish Ame rican Dominions, where he has a nroiner resiu j ing. . ' 'sv'-- -f . 1 K.nyl nm Hnvrnnr. JN6. OWEN. 75 By-the Governor, J. B. Musa," P. Secretary. FRESH PERFUMERY. WILLIAMS HAYWOOD, Have just received an eieu'it assortment, of Perfumery,' Cosmetics, Fancy Soaps, &c. ; consis'ihgin part of j Cologne Water in flint, blue, rearl and ena melled bottles, of various stiapes extra fine ; Ornge Flower Warvr ;.Lavende Water ; Es prit de Rose ; Bears Od ; Macassar Oil ; Carbo nic Dentrifice for cleaning the Te-th ; Naples Soap ; Cosmetic Wash Balls for beautifying the Skiii ; Emolient Shaving Cakes ; Otto of Rose Soip; Vestimental Soap for tHking grease out ot Cloth ; Cinnamon, lavender, Rose, Jessa mine, Olive, Violet, Oriental, and Vernaculti S-iap : OttC of Roses; French Pomatum; Hir Powder, Preston Sn't9, tor the Head acne. Also, a quantity of Tooth Brushes, of supe rior qunlity. Raleigh, June 10, 830 : eow4w NEW-YORK Mill ROB, A REPOSITORY OF POLITE LITERATURE -AND THE ARTS : r, , ... , , ... ... t Embellished, quarterly, with a splendid Popular Piece of Music, arranged with Accompaniments for the Piano. EDITED BV GEORGE P. MORRIS. TOR thejact that the merits and character of r the Nfw-Y6rk Mirror have been steadily progressive, we refer to the past. Our arrange ments for the fu'ure:1ire far more advantageous than any we have hitherto been able to effect, and we therefore feel confidence in asserting that the Eighth Volume, which will commence on the 10th of July, will be much superior, in every department, to its predecessors. It gives us great ph asuie to state, that this periodical will hereafter be enriched whh Ori ixal coKTKiBUTioJfS from the pens of' John F. Schroeder, D D. Guiian C. Verplanck, Fiz Greene Halleck, Robert C. Sands Charles Sprague, James G. Brooks, William Leirgett, Th-odore S. Fay, and Johnluman, ! William Cox. Prosper M. Wetraore, James Iavvsom, Mrs. Emma Embury, Mrs. Mary E. Brooks, Mrs. Harriet Muzzy, William P. Palmer, Willis G. Clark, Samuel Wood worth, Mrs. Elizabeth Bogart, Miss Sarah Aiken, and Miss A. Woodbridge. James Shea, C. C. Venarsdale, What we have done in the way of embellish ments is before the public ; what w intend to do, we now submit to their notice. During the year, four fine engravings will be published. Subiects as follows : I I. Street view in New-York, embracing Park ui I now, ine rarit, puiiivu n vyii;iviiani-aiicci, mc of S'aiten Islind and the Narrows, uken from the Battery, i ' . v llI;""The a '7 fYiTh tm S! North and Rivera.- Hoboken, Wehawk, Brooklyn Heights, Village ot Brooklyn, kc Wall-str, et. about th h'nr of ilir..4 I ' . . ----- , the Exchange, the various Banks, and other public Institutions. These drawls have been taken expressly for this work, and will be engraved by eminent artists. "'' In addition to the foregoing, several -wood en- gravings, executed in the best possible manner. representing old Outch edifices will be given ootn as a matter ot curiosity, and tr(m a desire the "preserve irom oouyion traces or tne uweu.ngs r.' v v" nau contemplated, t one umeJ advanctni .Ir. -IL ,, w . - . . 6 price of this naner to five dollars j but in f iiiqi quehce of jthe unprecedented increase of our circulation-,"! we are induced, in preference ;to trust to a ntvll further patronage for; ait adequate remuneration of cur labours. " lit V-.. ! COSDITIOJSCS. con-1 gantiy printed in the roval nuartr form n L I .. ....... . i-1"" : - lau I nan. 4. 1 . l. h A . . . I i . paper, with brevier And uoupareil type. Firty Jwo numbers complete a volume of four hundred Re au9Bixten. pages, fur which beautiful xxb a the earliest nuiU to fciibscribers residinVJUti ity;. of WeworV CouinitinicatiSns Lt, ptrfrf, mutt;b6 -iddressedto theEditnr. kaZah irftr fcfiod thaMbne Year.- -f, ivyiy(-y:;tf, ftii 4 &&$.' 4Srf. and under the great seal ot the State, Ml at the City of ttaleigh, this 1st day tg4jSofM.y, A. D. 1830. T, v1" Tirta Ae',and a copious Index, arefurmshed.) iThe teps are, ur dollars f3er payable -in advcii&eJr It is f(wdrWl.wl u.. ; -itir mv, " vyrr ' .i-.-.ii cn jWh Caplt-1, cankjand several fern- nkM fof Lear t.ingv-y:: .' iff - trices as mouei House In the city, Raieigh, January 2 40 J. GALES 8c SON have just yeceived the fol lowing iew Books viz Adventures of a King's Page, 2 vols. v Beatrice, 2 vols, by Mrs. Uotnana American Encvcloaedia, 2 vols. 1 Literary Remains of Henrv Neele Letters from the jEgf ah, by Emerson Heber's Travels 2 vols, Life of Summerfifld, the eminent Methodist Preacher, by Holland Lafayette's Travels in America, 2 vols, by: La VaHseur Uichlieu, a Tale of France, 2 vols. Romance of History 2 vols, by Henry Neele L .st of the Plantageneis. by Horace Smith Sratton Hill do Torr Hill do Tales of Passion, 2 vols, by Author of Gilbert Earle Sch"l of Fashion, 2 vols. Private Lite, 2 vols. Iy Author of Geraldine The Collegi ns, 2 vols. Protestant, 2 vol. Life in India 2 vols. Byron's Worksy 6 vols. Hogg's Poems.. 2 vols. Sketches of Irish Character, by Mrs.S. C. Hall Books for young persons, abridged & original. Northern Regions, by Parry The Governess, by Mrs. Sherwood Sell-Denial, by. Mrs. H' ffl md Unique Biography Juvenile Keepsake Boarding School i Sandiord and M rton; 2 vols, by Mr. D:y Evenings at Home, by Dr 'Aikin & Mrs. Bar- bauld v ChiMren of the Abbey A variety of Children's: Books, amongst which are Peter Parley's Tales,; 2 prts, The .Snow Drop" " Walk in the Spring" Path to Learn ing." &c. ; 64 Watches; Jewellerv, Silver, Pla ted, and Britannia Wares, Fancy f:,.,wlfl nl DnrCm.onr uuus tin it i viKiuii'i. SJS ERNARD DUPUYlrespeCifullv informs his ! friend and hf public g inrally, that he has just received fiom; Ne-York and Philadel- phia, -i splendid supply of (i-ods in his line; which tie will-dispose Of at very reduced prices, Among his assortment,: there ares r F:inbcy quitenew , likeaise, Rog some articles ers' superior silver steel Razors, Knijves & Scissors, large Tor- toiseshell Tuck Ot mbsjSc Side do. Hi Perfumery consists in part of TojK.tt; Powder, Puffs and- boxes ; genuine. Laveii'iU-r and Cologne Water, Otto ot Kos-es, vHi ious Kiims or essences, ius- metic and Shaving Soaps, real Naples Soap, and a great variety of fine j articles. In a few dnys he expects a further supply, among which he will h ive a handsome Collection of the newly in vented Instrument Called the Harxomcox or iEolinas, with Preceptors. , Thankful for past Encouragement, he hopes that by the punctuality and neatness with which all orders entrusted to( his care will be executed, together with the sincere desire which his per sonal attention will exhibit to give general sa- t sfaction, still to merit a continuance of a liberal public's patronage. B. D. P. S Clocks and Watches of all descriptions can fullv repaired. All kinds of Gold & Silver Work manufactured at'the shortest notice. June 14. ! 85 eo8w BLANKS, OF almost every description, may be always L I ..A. A.I 1 T : . F 1 a r-. printed on good paper and uer the most proved forms, viz;: FOR CLERKS OF COURTS. '' Writs, Executions for Debt & Cost, Execu tions for cost only, Jury Tickets Witness Tickets, Appeal & Bastardy Bonds, Subpoenas. Comhnissipn for taking Deposi tions, ' ' Apprentice's Indentures and Bonds, Administrator's 8t Constables Bonds,, 4 Marriage Licences snd Bonds, 'iV Capias at Satisf iciendum, . Orders of aie from a Justice, ' ' Recognizances ind Bonds to prosecute, Guardian Bo'tiidijiaud notices to Guardians Fi. Fa's, against Bail, Process agai'-stiSecumies &c. &c. FOR i SHERIFFS. Deeds for Sales? by Execution, Do. do. j I Taxes, Buil Bonds, Forthcoming Bonds, Pax Receipis Ub. VOll 1 ON STABILES'. Warrants, Ca. Sas. Appearance Bo'nds, Executions &c.: 8cc. LOOK HERE ! A FEW days since, a Negro Man called at the l- house of the subscriber, living four miles , , ..1 T. Ii ' J fiuuobuuvil the I j , . Vh mVy "r ne saia ne i had lost it a short iriistanrf karb .nn ,, - i wmcn ne came, ,bu would go and find it. I of fered to accompany! him, but he said he would leave his bundle, and soon return, y He deposit ed his bundle in' myjyard and startedoffii. search of his pa and l accpmpaRied him on horseback. As soon however as we reached the VooJs, he darted pff and I have not i nee seen hira. ,- Ttis bundle contained a number of valuable ar ticles of clothing ihe chief of which are. her no i 7 WMwnk'Ull LI1C 11 1MI 1 ticed, With a hope that they may meet the eyes of the owner, f ir I am! fconfident they wefe stolen. ; They will be delivered to any oqe haying a right .? ?ian hera 4, the,r paying for this, adver-v tisemeht. They consist of a blue cloth coat, half woTTf two Umbrellas, one silk, th'Vother cotton t if ofassfnett pintaloons, fashionably nude ; twapairhite cotton do. ; a cambric ahirt and two coUon shirts itfc nice twilPd whit rmin tiout : a Black ail k anrl whlt i . mmWS . Wake count vi June 12. r 1 tr v i . 11. liive on iiunu ine io - . - .. . .. 1 l . -iLh. tJ in Publicatidna'sultabli for young perse The ''"rah'c" Peasure, illustrated by stories , ' KraVlgafcr ;.-t'' - - ili .TcHiTd- rAntaintntr a descTiDtion of the mn eop1e:ofth4tfiin!biW Mt ParleVV "Writer evening Tale.dcrdo - v :1S?-VU, ., avenile TalC8;':S:dolq; :TalV.abwtcAm t Tales about Eutope -v- do o.; ; Tales', of Animals. - containing descrlnttons of 300 Quadrupeds, J)irds rish- ea, Keiuiles anctl nsecxs,-wun pmnciyua c- .' gravmgs. ; . ? . . - v 1 ",-', Baylor's Scenes (a BuropOtrith 6? copper- Evenings ,at home, or the Juvenile budget Diversions of HoUycol, or the toother's art of ' thinking, 9 ' ' ' ' The Boarding School, or Lessons of a Preefep- ;v .treas to her Pupils, ,i . (vv The 'thuueor Biography of many distinguish- : f ed characters, wiin nn ciigrvip WThe Children of , the ADbeyr ubridged for The Looking Glass for the mind or, intellec tual mi rron. ; , . Sanford and Merton, 2 vols. Parent's Assistant," 2 do.' Early Lessons, by Miss Edgeworthi 6 vols. -Mrs. Sherwood's stories on ihe Catechisin Stories for children, by Mrs. Hughes The Robins Patience, Decision and Self Denial -t , Tales of the Genii, 2 vols. ; .... Fame and Fancy 2 do. l, Life of Franklin Life of Marion Uo. of Washington Torrey's pleasing companion for little boys and eirls. blending instruction with amuse ' ment, being a selection of interesting Sto ries, Dialogues, Fables and Poetry. ALSO a varieiy of Primers 8c smaller books. No Combination and a Free Trade. Earthenware & Looking Glasses. THOS. J- BARROW Si CO, Importers 88 Water Street. uVew-Fork iTkFFER for sale 1,000 Packages Earthenware , J Glass, China and Looking Glasses, compris ing the most complete assortment ever offered in' this market, and which will be repacked to the Country Merchant at the lowest prices. in consequence oi naving reiusea to join tile Combination for reguluting the prices of Crocke ry, in tuts city, we have been made the subjects of a most intolerant persecution, the object of which is nothing less than our entire nan and ex- pulaion from the trade ; cur characters have been assailed as men of integrity and lair dealing, our credit as a house of responsibility impeached, & every endeavor made to ruin it And to crown the whole, our importation! through the regular channels have been all stopped (in consequence of threats thrown out to the Manufacturers in England) sothnt we have been obliged to em- ploy Agents in Liverpool to make our purchases in suu.i a ...auj.er u.at m,r names WOUKl not ap I nap in 1 tr-jno-.rlirtn all tlx. I. ant upon obtaining credit for our importations I are defied to us, and nothing but cash io Li- verpool will obtain for us our needed supplies of Ware.j AYeare suffering these hardships iri the cause of the Merchant and consumer ol this description of goods, no teas than our own, and to them as our last resort, we come for aid and assistance ; so long as we are enabled to sustain ourselves against more than forty men. who have combined to bring about our ruin in this unheard of manner, we will continue to sell our goods Free and independent at our own rates for Cash ior approvea Uiiy acceptances tnli. THOS. J. BARROW & nn. 88 H ater-Streett abuve Old-slip. 84 oaw6t June, 1330. Sunday School Books. TOSEPH GALES h SON have just received 9M an assortment ot Books, adapted for Sunday Schools and Juvenile Libraries, among which are me iouowmg : ; Mrs. Sherwood's Stories' The well spent Hours The Happy Valley ! The W arning A Sister's Gift Helen and Maria Harry Hobart Sketches ot the Wellington Family Ann Beaumont Ellen Sinclair The Talisman The Lost Child Infant Lessons New Year's Day Advantages of a good Resolution Gedrge Mills Mary Jones Robert Woodward The Storm Sophia Ma ton The Closet John Williams, the Sailor Bqj George White Little Emery's Sunday Lesson Cabin Boy -j Exrly Impressions The Good Children Temptation, or Henry Moreland Gems in the Mine ; Fisherman and his Boy Gardener's Daughter W.-nI.ife of C. F. Schwartz 'HjR.uth Lee ' -. .. Winter Evening Conversations N Memoirs of '-he Rev. Henry Martvn Life of Dr. Cotton Mather . D.iryman's D lUliter ' Religious Fashion Christian Martyrs My Friend's Family ' ' i The Five Apprentices Broken Hyacinth ; 7' Fall of Babylot . History of Joseph ' Abraham . Life of Rev. Jio. Newton ! t Rev. Claudius Buchanan First Day of the Week The Week completed, &c. 8tc ALSO, -y - Common Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of At torney, Indictments, Deeds of Trust and Bank Checks. June 12. -1 ' ' Odd Vnlnmps 1Secino . - . ..mswaua, J GALES & SON, on looking over their Stock . of Books, find the following Volumes want-' ing, which of course render the Works useless. They will be thankful to any person1 who will give them information where the absent volumes or any' of them can be found i ,f , v: , ; ' 3d yol.East'f Reports l r -pJ i- 1st dbi Goldsmith's Worksi pqeket siza 24 do. Pioneers V 4' . t': j 2d. do: ' AnUquary , -! , ;- 2d doGodwinV Fleetwood j 1st do. Woodstock ;-v fSdacbbRpy'P:: i lstt!6.nArthiir Menrvn ' ,it: fe d jdoi Calebs iu seakh of aiWUV ' 5 imst.dcyinagastb.ijfe -h .,ilst do,' L&coh. or inanv thinnin fer woTdi i V.I. i ; 3..UALK & UNhave just receive . ?.uPPlr,f B(H)Ss, hlong. which "are the following :newirlnerestlngPub1tcaiio8t' 5 it 1 - J?;hNof Germany ;;fCaoineHitoiy6Citland, 2 vols. ' " ; Literkfy Remainal'ijfilnry. Neale, v V Memoirs of Ieigh' iic)iinoiid J M jrMind and its Tliwilurf i? rRomince ofH6rv2d Heriea MiltoVs FamjlT; Letters ' "t " ' American Encyctoj 3ia 2 vols Memoirs of olivar ' KnihriersOns rjeiters" J)e wees" Pract ice of M e Jicin e ?,Bell op. Teeth vjMacchlloli on Fevers " yir.nuai or Aiaieria Aieaira t)arly 's Gazetteer, . iatest Muiorf.' ' Pollock's Crtirse of Time, &c. &c. ' ALSO, 1 ..') A variety of entertaining Hks. fbr &A" and a very general asslnient of School iio.li..' anu -fiiaiionary Ariicies. , -maw publicatioWsT JOSEPH GALES & SON Itavejust rtcTuej the following new Works The four first' vtVA of .the. Diplomatic Coite-: nondence of the .-'American Revolution, be! Ihg the Letters of 'Benjamin Franklin, Silas ,. hi-anp. luhii Arlami .1 .ltn a... i . Win. Lee, Ralph Izard, Francis 1) ."w , v - , n i niur ,f j na, Wni. Carmichael, Henry Laurens, .John r.a.irKns M. liumas, ana oiners, concenung the K. .reign relations of the, United States, duritl the'whole Revolution'; together villi iV Letters in reply, from the Secret Ciunmiu tee of Congress; and the Secretary of il. ' reijjn Affaiis. FMited by .larad. Sparks. Abbott'? Sermons with a memoir ol his life. Ware's Jiscourse. .. j Worcester qn,the Atonement the atoning crifice' a'Uisplay' of love, not of wrath." 1 The demand for this Work has he ii si great in a few months, thut -wy ter editimr .is called for. TheNew .Testament in tiie common version, conformed to Griesbach':, Standard Give k. Text. . Greenwood's Lives of the Apostles 1 Liberal Preachvr, 2 voTs i Treacher's Manu.d, 2 do. Scripture Questions. Willard's Rhetoric. . Raleigh, 1800. 'HIE SUBSCRIBER FBtAKES this method of informing his friend , fL - ami tne I'tiouc in general, mat te n a pur chased of Ma. JaTpn, the CITY IJOTKL. This Establisliment is siinatvd on Fayette.viMi Street, near;' the Court-IIwlse, and in the -business part of ,lhe City. It is also the Northern and Southern Stage-House. The Subscriber is happy to inform the Public that the contemplated improvements, of this Kh. tablishinent are already farf 'ailvanced, and be jdedgeshimself to, use evry possible exertion to render comfortable the stay of all those wlu may favor him with -their Company. He is de termined to make every effort to place it in the 'power of all who may call on him, to sny, that no House that depends on an inland Market is bet ter supplied. Particular attentiofi tqjleds, &c. His Mar shall be furnished with the best Liquors, and his' Stable wit h'every Variety of Provender and an attentVe Ostler-r-the whule suptrintend ed by himself. He flatters himself that he shaft be able to give general satisfaction JO UN. DUNN.., Raleigh, May 5, 1830 i ' 74 wtf Gold Mines, Lands, Negroes, &(. ?MIE Subscriber wishing to remove from t'ntf 1 neighborhootl, offers for s:e his valuabli Plantation, four miles west of Charlotte. Tke tract contains 282 acres of land, a large part of. which is as good as any in Mecklenburg ooiurty about 100 acres are first, second and third crop ground, of the best quality. The plantation neatly adjoins the celebrated Capps' Gold Mine, and the opinion seems to be well founded tbt Gold abound in two bills ' particularly, on the. plantation ; a branch runs through it fur ot a mile, which, it is thought by men of judgment is as rich in Ui precious metal as any -of the' Burke Mines. There Js also on h plantatioa good Water Power, and an excellent Mill-Seat i'iiY n.iiiiiig opM dions, aloa DeHiiighousejwi Barns. Stables Sc other ;nvccss:iry.;ont;huUdniirs. Also, 20 or 25 hkety.youirg Negroes ioi wk r r a part of them, sucii -as may not wish to folli le. - 'tvj;:; -i P-r;y : i , rail or Anv person -desirous oi purcnasiii;' " And view the premis.es : or euquiicotr iT can x n;Vin or Dr. J. I). Boyd, of Charlotte, w-; a description, Lc. ' Charlotte, N. C March 29, lSSGSTjt , State of North-Carolina. V ' Wake Cbunty. ! Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, ? May Term, 1830: John B. Johns vs. William Nichols. Original attachment levied on. negro womanr Polly and other propeity. . r IN this case, it appearing to the satoftchon 4he Court that -Ihe defendant has remoa himself beyond the limits of the Stte, of conceals inmseii inai uicuiuhwi; . . Cannot be served on him. It is thereforeordV that.pUblication be made in the Raleigh c' .u. !. rlifpnduit comc forward on or "before the next Cportoi rw - and Quarter Sessions tu be lield tor tne c; 9f Wake,' at the Courthouse in Raleigh. -o : third Monday of August next, then n?nLi V.!" r'klnd the , issue, juugmcni ihuo . t) property levied on be condemned C1 . , plaintiff's recovery." cC? C-FFER8 for Sale his HOUSE & Jig Towo of Oxford, with the-LA about 200 acresof which bout .60 Woodland. The Hprtse is 52 by 40 modious, and well finished throughout, .4 rooms with fire places . on'each y9 wide passage oh eacb -garret d.strihatea closets and two comfortable rooms ; , an ls. under the;whole divided into several P.0aks : It is situated in a mostp Beautiful grove " attached to it is a large Fing enic.iiouse with fruits selectedfrom the north r an i fc cohstruaeoV! of rock-a stone Spring-" ;a Well oexcenent water in the XtTdTil X ncr the yard suitable for a Lawy er, and ever , sary Outlusei raJrin good repair. . wblcj, A Alw, a TANYA Rt) now in opcrat s might yfve employment to 8 or iw na h prn lof acres of lanti attached w misei is ;i rrtabte two tory. A every easonable and accpmmouaux - KjoU' 1 , 1 s " -':. :.- f'Ty 'win -A'M''- . . t. -; 1