4" r ? I 'J'h Ti ...... . . t-- ",. ., ?w - v . ',:; - v byartretoHvliike froth, fVdlJ ;.sf r v ' i , I: ' . mibllshea every Mooit andTHunsBAtiby 1 P J03EP1M1 AL & SONj ' t'ft'se In'arf PVVnumhalf iA advance. A D V E TIT I S EM ENTS : . , v WexceeJfinfr xen Kn,nea(ty inserted 3 times for a Dollar; and twenty-five, cents for ' eery speeding publication ? those! rcit- rdATio9 thanfcfluU, recelvedULtTTTtna ,4o the Editors must w poupauu y. K-t j "the m ail-the post-office:: 4 " ... ,. r.'r'.,.ii'.:-'v; '..i'r- la these two na'ionaLcortvnteocie are centcreil Jsniajiy hpV' and tearv anzif ties n,l rorret. sorrows" and j'tysi tii the com wocnt.. of a cotaiu and ,Pirts'.are Variotisor;'ac for utsr'ure 's-jsceptt'ble of viitsttvde Jill U V . . , . , . J, . . , - .J - S J . ; . .-, v .' TIip. firslime courier" . tjiat bears - in Us chitned1 'futdpiga .".the".'! )Urr Jf thusaiids thf; lat is the, silent but laithfrneriUl th-i i (:i?p.nses to vtHe aijxjous tp tiTt littde th jui fi men f orl isa pponi )tiientof(theW,li-'j that crushe'or'elev'at'.i tfieir seiisibiliues ; or involves in 'sull i mre Jieirt : kkvnng va ue n e ag.il 'su s pe met th e I ong I ok etl for ec I ai rci ieoi tht wf jIou b t a nil jn y s e rie. s? AVho ' Hoes not at tfie 'lUstahtsptituji f sthe injU bulr become huiluflvViil bieff inrsjpur breeze,' that bea r along 'hedjr. jn24tTiurrnufatl its fttnt8trams Vh des noV .when"'. hH nearand hoarse, tjlt fals.;; tigih-tiif ; efr.f eiMjlin xitus tiie of fueling ahit exUtiori ru&h', in up on his Vool a8if:h.arriiwed up, bv the.thu t tiers or pathos of Vloquen'de ? Who does cot, wtiil;: impatiently wailing the opening conietits. leel his nerves t.w itchv his hear, bea', ntid his woofe soulpsorbed and ex tttevlii the pfogresfrngdeVeiopmeiit of letters, ptpor, s sealeil-pack'es,' &c. &( . And' who doea not when the negative tiod is ziven iti replV'to Ms inquiries for letters. fefl 'the, tlnll- reflux, of Mlis .ppni .ed ex? pecttiifhsVettliog on his iVti and chil- mr ai lervenrympatntes It ils-welr worth While'for ihe observant. in searclt' of "et?V am amusement, t stand! nd,w,tch the'gnefs and .comer. t our t -U If i (j e a u d mar k the varied cha- mcierist tcS -: of .f he f h u! i i t.ude;'as their :xjhnpflVs. His bosom cherished n antic i peciatuins tre vremizexior uisappomivu. a 1-' ' - . "..iJI . V' -t:',";-" Iherpale res- ulsipp of desnairi aS thej rise TCo roi oavkKwaro upnn -.incounieiui. when lits.tiw distani ,hi.me. smticu upon wilh ie84 vignr, b' with equal z-al. Fhe c .- -.- v- ,Qrtri AHnj& hour of 6bsrvatianV wH unfoli h.im;and pls.ttre tl.rew H.r goldet, blan- ,lUnre? ciat s his cm- l.h the fur ..f SUPU;;0 Jovf,, more of human passion, ata VishmentH nd allur.m -nr8 over p-, th? :: , - ne ,4a; kli:ed ; and stoc- - pjj.r,?f ir ........ - K.f-tMVdm.V,-. .te drkf 1. ror.aoccaSJOfl moineniS passeii. within tn i'.9tfpffice'arqhe h-ve been amply com- ni.-nsiteil.r .. The Internally anxibus, but placid ed pohttctan came ' here, to receive oepitch- t?s the import 01 WhJCb wa9 to expand -to . 6ini wiuer utmetiJions, or uarsi.itie uuouie ol bis litlle , brief authority t once. IjeUM arouniUo receive, the. contents - of-4.lv receiVed ,wiiri a greedv -'grapV the parceM uwi, he ilid not rush with them, but stood uirecteifc tO'hts name.& gnzed with an- uu iutrutiny, at' the various Uperscripn- win, lrpossthle, to identify Mhe hand writ- nig oeiure me seais were uuw -ane ried hues of gratified nu'r-disa ppointed 8oli- ctiide, could be traced -over;, the lines of ni! ciuniefi.irxe9 as tne conien;s cmncweu i.r were adverse to hisviews arij expec,ta- iKins. x iiv s ui lie e uimiiou aim n-r i ..r .1 1 - ..' ' . ' f. 'i-M. L. - .I - .L1 - M... - of displeas'are, 1 tilcFeetledi' each other Jby turns until the packages ha.di;veraHy re-r Ceived a la'nr thtn thv wprp.refoldpil. and the same ' quiet : suavity; of;aspect te- 'urneu, andhe. commentea greeting nss 'K . r-n i ' . i.u .u ...n .i:.i uy standing fellow, with; tne well airccieu sbaftsfaiTectM:ivilitr;awl.oo1iteneS Ishfrc a'lMiPK.rllil-f S!id a little 6aid a little Rtr! who aDDafi?ntlv -had been- sent by her .. . y ... mother to receive tike long Expected epis - tie. -r; ; ' - ' " ' - - pto leiiers tor , replied tne cierK. t 4 The? never will coAie.'.' reiojned ihe, gatherior over fier. shoulders the.nealigent- las she descended the ....v, utiuic; IIC VOUIII I III I y Tt s lliui v -iyn me nan rormeU inecuiation. s c- It will be in:" in few -rninuieb;.9 I A Q.tti with both fhatids fiiaietljr reposed !thia-hii;-'pbcketg,.icnd !.4ve $thern.nria fne Iiinnirv than to . ' rr uioiivea ior iiid, 11 k questions & ; ; I ..I'UCI ... : A ... v i.- J H. T . r'T ;' I".'...- " oniail'frnm the west, vet- Rir..?' ' v will you flookforletterdirected to r,tJ U'trtii.:ilt aaidlmitcate vbice iV, ve .'licittfu ' -v hhm the epistles themselves b&d.iberi t'tpaud tetuVned to report 16 her ram W silviinced.slowlv tn ihe speriure. inerr tn.i ".ij ... ...j. - XssSpSSSSasrjSS'feW' .llM Meiii'tern M'iS.'inli'M.lqii- h . drecW.r'd o-be noK l.-ar-r wine .packed as wrlv.aj.ii,,. - mOO? '' ' vuali-.-r: . v. - it .i--t l h.v iffh't tn 1 ifTerent from those morbid complaints lb , 5 I Altft r Aui4., rlVh 1J JLLArl ' Uingfoj intelligence Velativeto the wS.hhnan system is 'subject in TTNIEttthisarranjTemeMttsmnstwW fpotor;pear:as.he have;;but he dreaded to cheri hope that w? e ' '0dciL 2en U week, and s throo.n i.rto davseach "heatand flouranrt the neral nrosnects there wereanv. when he.felMhal : a rep- Mead of waging away, U produces 41 gen ThaccomhioclationUood.u Pan-ew eolied Ifr I U i ' i is...... . w a 4 A d'-P f t" I . "c cierK. witb this ; fswer tne sattsnea me -mmais iiesigoatin me ui, :oq y - v j - r.u: lea h&Mae.:-; ter direct xUit, .i.ilii'r-,,., A ywg..n -'M , ' Any thing (,if H6riffTPriitViS.Tigfit- were : plcdrv ll hadnfmpty for se- f 'V-'t1'" V fe ?Ti rr; Bn.'raii?iiVi,ot;''.frfcd erilvdaVs..bul t;W' lolO-d h,(t, err kn-.w.g to trn .from lhef exper ence ,l ibr..iii;Lcf fin ...Imn.hSd rl.hned: A ! he.knd., b.;t what , is.Jor bis pwn VVhK ail' ii r i rl V" ll i - '"'''V ' ifc hoiJVf lime and eir rdaved UD'ih interest : rhis parents and all wno are gone way ot'UaleiRU and i'e erstrg,c-io .Mfasnitijpn 'pimmm tmM$$Mk 4 Nothmg for Mr;iTiShtlaceir ; aie:ai; t parcel wihin-but still "he re-, ines himseltto be the first of a wise ger e ntrant6r w,u Mse himself k keep , 4 That isd4l ' ilAtigtim&itAd fie, mainedl silent; , TheexcHed . glimmer ratioij,, and - ifieref re :cons rttes ever) VatelaU CoachU: and, gentle hor a ''riianj fy-T Which'Varffoubtla' place 'within biS" bbSoriH friendly admonuion into an attempt toco- dHyer&of t he best kind and Jie. willpareo t hiXtd ft'PiHSSff aflntenditiV'wf Sailed chill bf er3i him to ab.idSe h S4. priv ilexes. , i v " pa5,,itrv-ing; to. jerideTthohaftr. A tremnnr r i, I ''f "K: a'n"'" "member, i.: n,me.' :r...r ix n.ike : ' .entre'- ' -' - 7 V. k ' trains. I ihe IjjMjnerm lprmthe sprchj the wishrd fur &UDerscriolib.'. the rimAn- ' b fn till .Pill bea .Ball nd.P.t Shorroi". vf itHii.r i'" -"'.-.'. " . ' 7. I , vn tuiiici nrui uui lilt" tllllrPliUUli: I H r ' f" "w . m. i a marble countpnan she -tontimd ltrk,Wgh the -perture; for the' deiUerjr of f$J'frfc r'as if fhepncf could not tie i-fj. wlthnuV the elp. rted pk'.jje, .aitit ifief aiinouhring th rrVaI of the KWpTP ?'! hop, iarlsiijo; jrdin - unVi'ief. Ayiih a swollen b 'amr VrmhiJ. o- stV. ! wa n rhe hall into the tn?e v -A paue f iireeedtd; while i? cnients VeJV Ail.-w?r ri: bYi arrangf d, for ileriv err, and th fa?t th. rih and impatient watching siiiups ietifiif uk th ijpor lancuchPtivthe iiit. liisence of which it; nrigUt i he bea rer. . JVh uhn would took a btirul in fron' of ihefr rpsp.xiivp 'v11 ''hfirit beholden of w!wievr was-feu pvr? rib- d to them rihers. stood ii Mif, an mucins, hik! d third portion. bzlxv perMinl anxi. tv,.di.cussil tiiK po!iti 9 tf thi- djty ; the liht thd! would ' -own. npan r,. Speucer 'Jnd ,G. b- peucer - ind ,tj.v. iroop s controversy;' h? . nrtist.i ! thj xvorkino Ciiivn. :e ..ffiirs d 'he ren- ty-; iirtu fhe pr jjrek of aoti rhftsonry. ;uiivi uie inrong, iner.was orie, wn. Irotri day to dav na breo 'obrved ursrinw hi$ inquiries at etch return of the rnail.Uuf his spirit had so fte7i been subit-cred to the damps of lifpHiritopot,' thai ih ha lo which enrob-d the feature of tUe many h d entirely fors.jkn his iuuteritnce.aiid apparently he came now fmaf the force of habit, jitth'-r than .fritn a hope of receiving thej.ong tptpd despatih" of friends a' d kindred rraway. .Hrwas aloe :ml htd tt( o rxiiunioo with tuo.-ea; ounit him. Hif F-ai.uteN were nab. nn.ii a's. ttied ad- re br o del upon their rnnjVs lins as he ;;$tood tv'n' like, Unobser.nt Hid.uo conciotii of t,h nubile ind presence " i li throng.' No sigh, nor ansidis look pro ceeded froto his bosom or fl-t-hed atiwari fiis long fce, for he hat! grieved oer hi loneliness, and foe 'ret,e- ted crush f i..pes until the 'acuteness of hts' spirits sorrow .wan broken, arid ihroug'i despair he. had . bcOjoie , beetle.'., reckless od ... - . . 'it .. .. p4tilit but ie stooii witn an unoi-iieviog 'I'- 'i"? . o h,appv and prorous- days of hi -xive4e 5 riiin "I "lc u mi O", F-"jiin i. 1 Bdrlii uiWrlv. J, em!-ie Hoti'afy-foken of frtend-htp and inve!'; one l:i to say. that he,y s not bn- isliet) fn.in all minorv, nd h the world h:,d not become so much of. a wild-, roes hhe fainting throbs of his heart prompted U,iin believe. ' I fhetjlAr'S-.0i the crwil ;i?m?r. a0nf. with arms folded arrnssdn bre is: 1 a,,d a downward as if.'Vri willing to retard the receipt of h ir-pitte! to withers, anil y-t iot wi,ntnj; ro oe a wisneas'minvM n w"hich be crmidhave no partnership f- 'Phe crowd came and went, deposited and received despatches. I he business msff and the speculator .were . fav fed -wfli ! i nrooipt io vices, irm ueir vcrai r.urrr M . ' 1 . 1 . t " - 1 .1- r il. . pomjeiif s and hateeil to close, their, bu- grains ami enjj.igemeiits. Horatio Tri?drn 1'i,iKtLro R.n. mri mail his rv pearance at d ,witb" iingl'b'fta ;han:lie- ceiveil the tilt leljer llieet ana iiepirxeii. "t .. :.i 'i' i i,. i he little girl returned, and ran home ie p,iri reiurjieu. aiip .1 mii umnr 1 with inl.nt tie t-lrt and alacrttv -tti. pxhib'M h.fi.i.. ,ld Vm iov. io hpr famil v - 1 her success 'and "iye ioy. jo ' 1 . . " -' ." r- - 1 J . . - - - - - . . I Inhtimerab'e antiltrationS' were ;Ia hhe fiuccessful '-'were i hoy. a'Uhe.unutcp some wtiit unwoca I half affected and When the 'call of .the lad me Ind beeii answeredthe mtotfrr raised his eye and ipd hun.l i ; i nw ui.mujiui.iiMfv.n .,r..y " . . . 'sti-ht ivlsiori.v was berved. itt.hii sine as hi 'eves became V..te'ned iunn ai l' . : , V': u - -ii. a jrBuafiif V'r : . ; :. Urt spark; twhlch had arisen in msweasi, bV raised hi mf . Pd to' the box, speak he j end Id noJr-thefj a" UC VI IliCilUZ naJ iua, - w ..vvum, ....... . .r inniikn iuo ta.r itvrrnmin intn. m it a h .If Half irwItllUrpn Clei.tS. 1 n.l rjVriOIJ , IS JH '?ffiCH. n. .uu ,wu, . .'"' ' 1 ...- - 1. -' t" ..-r...- t .1 . .. A x. r 7 VI 1 1 ltnfo -- a -nail 41.1 v iii'iv i M- 1 , . - that be-livadea f e was wmmg uia tv !stjt.?' y?"r ""rTr : P Guion's Hotel, in Raleigh, anci at 3ir- wii- should reraiithefef and feared the Con- of his looks, perfumes his har wvilh sweet Uam.H. slaughter's Hotel, in Silisbury. - -; seauences of it ahiiihUatibiu't iengtli scente?t ;prtmaum, of . iothe jabsenqe.of The stages wdl leafe S he tenVbtet to'sbeak r bit: his dcefwa thtstappliestatlowr or .cologne ;.hi Nears day k,nd Saturday at ii..n4arme in4IUr ne U! WHSJ! WS! V iw rWltW .nll.r o sV.fTiht if leiKh on Thursday rfnd Suday, at 9, .P..M.and V.noaKjaine:; necuvii Tuesdays and Fridays as kkwVrdiln head to the rtsLht ot AefU-ht?Jg7 u-a tm w mv . . . i w v. v - a w w n m iii ii iv. i. i From Mr piercer's Speech in fhe Vtrginid Convention, on the&Uhflieprescnfafiorf. ,. fc The equ.iiitv of ni.n i written n hi h eart a ndls t.irn ped upon his vi Wge by the Author df his bei' g, after whose express iniaff ma look 7a ear I nr: was inauc . vy one oiner ani- )s homini sublime dedit ad sidera toll ere vultus. His f'2;ht spring from his wants, and t!- se fro God,thtv author of his rhaure He carind exist out of soietv, becaiiae'socie-' ty,i esseotial to-'fin existence. His first relations are thitse of hi. ibr'ind and father. T:t period," ivfiich in" other anirnali is slwrr ot depeodeoce on a parent's care, ,1? in man jirotrrted for purposes- the. mos beneficent. The infant Esthers hit firs ins'ruc'ions from his mother's lp. His bet virtuev he itnbibes fmm a fetherVear- and a mothnr's tenderness. When a PHmiHit Pive emolovmont ti Rnr.io hand hv; vi rtake the-piren the son repay with 10 ki'nl pes the ku.dnss he has rceijed. If- the crutrh drop from the f eb e grasp rk;',;vA u , . ; .1, .. j 111 m i u 1 1 1 g iidini. rairnmsui is uut filial love enlarged: When, we ...think of ur,(cnuntrv, we dwell on tbe menrorv of our eirly years, on the forrf those who give us our being ;md waic a?Hf its im becility When they are g' je,we revisit their remains, and from'te" onconscious urn imbibe anew the 1" r j of. ;.''ir vir tues. Doe-, not th( cherish thse affections ? . The Tartar. wanders over the interminable plains of Asta, frm cliinate 'o climate, accpmpjnied by hts flocks anl henU the Indian of America roams thro' forests vet more wild, but they VevUit the . V .i , . a' .. turn is of their n oetut ir. and recount to . t . . I. , , tnir children the story f their deeds, Are not these natural aft. cttuns at tlw1 roioiiaiioti or am n? o.nrai iiriisann nu-i f .giall P-,jst?moaSiv.' is it not as na- to rat to r , . Kt--?- ' . i . at t io ne rr. various aniruaisi whir' he liera .around hirti ? r0,ut t hi . U iprtng the elements of bo cteUi Js tbeie no property known to he savage Hie r hven Ihe biro" d. M.s ner ne;u. asw ne 10 il s den ; the for m rl WtV , . iiine- III t'l ' Y U t Dl'IVm I W I I ,i ,,f .-W,,t .UJu. ' H. I,h,s boiv anU .irnTwfor th- MM.u.tain derr"; and when he appro .ehsj.tht vyater m i. , 'j canti- a d pear for the fiSny tribe. rtt .u.nt ..f-.lar.Wr. rn.wl with mile instruments, he traverses the land and the; wai. r onder the sne influence fVelitr that prompts men- t build permanent h ni a ihns, to tit the laud, and to lav up the fruin of atitu-i.n for the neceitus.of wtn- H..vV ran lrbir and nr n-nv b-.t- ,i ,,ated ? Prnpety is at' once -'the h 1tld -he brin's of labour.' . The author n' the Kwsav on the Human Uiiilervunmrm, uiihe treatise on civil "overrun oU teii ,JS emphatically that he me in by property to denote the In-, liberty; and ail the po- SCssiotis of man." , ptpuTFPN YF 4 LV11 iAfi .tu . US OLD FEVER. There a period in the. life of every t y's , . - v J ni.iioi ;tKp most skilful riavnr.it or. " I o-J T'"" """' v. -v:"b 7 1 m " i v --. ; o double tbis point h mor danrou to tne moral chara ter than for ' a vijrat r to 1 . . ... . .ri ; i" 1 . . I ..I double Cane Horn .The vlrirlpool ,of twenty one year ami durino f hi jtime a young ma u ie snliipi-t' tn ivliat IH 1 . . ;' fi 1 1 . ;' ral intajuatio expr-w it, which renders, the subject more I lice a bladder filled wilb wind, than ara- neiojn '-'' : r . ? - t . m J . iioiie5--nB .r - I . k 1 v J- vl .s, . ! , . w - 1 . ft ""rl tested a la mode j his handkerchief taste- i ion v iiaiifrnnir 111 r. ni rpar r in v uvki ... o . O vuluntuo" in their pride and th qmcksandn ot self conceit nvenng tnesame ai ine.iio K-sre o, c oiupi.i. 10 ii. run .c T - , ... Son. shall be Itberallv tewarded, v SKluVweor iheir uay. tya wn,upn ineyiv, .. - u JW - 1830.- H " i k . . K..f Svllsi and nharvhdoi were to.the an-l : : i- S ' 1 or me mieiieci, 11 im.ay'ioi . , - - 1. -."u -uu"-l fi euros A DwioaT.'of Ifevr. TorA?, 'under the Firm f J.,8t G..A. DWIUHr. Thev have ta ken the Store No.' 235, Pnat STt:rr,. ewer ofJohitreet'.iv:Theftrftier customers vfJJameg Divigii,& fUi-k 'd James' Jhvight . ae respect-- fully invited to pair r the new concern, t ...'it ' X T i upc niviniT " Petersburg, Va.; July 5. . V, ,:. S liJU. V 1 T lull ' .92 rFFRRS fir k . KJ j SI?Sc I OTS in the "J Town pfbxiui ilh the, LANb-ndioinin about 200 acres-t- which'bdut 60 acres pre V ood land; The tHoue is 521 by e '.CQn modtous," aod vejl finished thrr ; iavijiK 4 rooms ,with fire plactsbSfJeac. .o,orr wifh'a' wide passage bn eacj-a, garerditrjb'utd;! closets and two comfort lb ler;oom viand cellar H e's under the whole divided intd several apartments. It isVituaiedin a' roost' beautiful 'grove of Oaks : attached to' it'fs a ?are Falling Garden furnished with fruits selectedfrbm the north "tart Ice-f louse c mstructed; pi iTqCk a Vtone Springdlouse a Well.of excellent water in the yard aiVOtfice in the y.-ird suitable, rm a Lawyer,; arid every neces-. sary-Outhpuse, all in good repair,. J ' J " , Also. u'TAKVAIil'ViVirtw in "nnoratinnlwfirk ON v B acres of land atUched to it; hd on. the pre noses is a, comfortable, two story Dwelling, with ever' coi.yenience'y-for-a farni residence. A better constructed Yard is seldom seen any '"v reasonable and accomtnodHtmg terms. THO. B v LI ITLFJOI I N. Oxford, Sept. I.1 , , 5oaw tt State M Xovtli-Cacoiiiia, HAYWOOD COUNTY. - , 4 ' SuperiorCourt of Law, A pril Term, 1830 MarvBryant v. .Petition for, Divorce. Elj Bryant, ,1 jRDEUED by Cour that , publication be 5 ' made in the North-Crolina Spectator, and Rdeigh Register, that the Defendant be, and ' '?iU ncxt Superior -Court of Law, to he held for the County of Haywood, at the Court ,. ' , ' , . House in Waynesville, oo the 2d Weduestlay af- ler the 4th Monday i September ; next, and plead.nr answer to ihe Plai ititt's petition, or the nit- wu oe nearu' tj; pane. --y-. - Wifuss, John B. Lve, Clerk of said Court, tJihce.' the. 2d U edn'esdav atter the 4th Man day of March, 1830- ... .. , rf. JOHN B. LOVE, C. Si c By REUH. DEAVEU, D. C: 97 3w " - . ' JV . vrl, rnw.llna Urillr P OrUl-Carolina- -Y UKUs UQUnt nmVit i imuxt , ... , PSiSSdSK' ufn it'U ordered that Judgment be entereil.pro confess against; him; and that publication be J - de for three ihonths'in.the Ualelgh 'Register antl Sta,V hthe defendant appear at the exl or final Judgment w dl oe entered aeaojst him. H. F. PATTERSON. Clerk. , . DRAWING OF THE UiiionlCanal Lottery, 1 9 HO. 13. &8, &1, ;a4s VI, S, Z7?j pye-ce dented Luck jj SIS WSOK7S OPSIC Petersb urcIj Va. camo're-stk ' J - y No. 2, 21,57, the Grand LitUe Prize of Two Thou .and Dollars,' was sold and paid. At si:ht In vhe Dclawart: and N. C:iroliiM Lottery, Glat T 27, 8 .4 22, Saturday the;31st July, either in the City K W.lt-iirh nr nnnna -nf lh T?rvfts M'lhninr tf -llt- ' "l IV B. i.Northwes Northwest from said'eitv.asnvdl Le.the.Ppi;K . KT lJ()0K COntainiin? same Money and several prt pe,s , by which the.. owner name wiUbeseen; fi is also written in the Bodk; Any person de . '. !.. .1. . ... FROM RALEIGH TO SALISBUKYv i . ff. TeHness?e,or South of Salisbury, will find tins to be the nearest; 'cheapest-, artil 'most fxpeditioua route West f Raleigrh. "Passeneerrwho are travelling from S disbury ; forth, wilffinl this rbute by the way of Rnleitch an f Petersburg Io be the nearest, cheapest and mni expeditious , .-... . . . ' .i . . . . ' 4 " . . : ' route tnit Can be travetiea Dy two iiiys. a pssen- per wno travel mis tou irora aansaurv, oy IVt' Passenger who are JUnaCQU router u-,. s by aplictatiouafMr. E. UHl I 2L?ft LI1C IV O V- - - - w- - Salisbury i on Tbotsiys .and Sundays at, Kli . GEORGE; WILLIAMS, Contractor. vuuneifk iwu. - r . I w'X'' " .- bt uiepblqnizatibri Society;; pHR, -MANAft JEUSof ;the American (Jolonlzal lion., nociccyi)ave4roiyea;pvOespfpii . -.;;: ves-el, to contev ome hundrecliif more emiginintijv from ;rfol UpjbenaV' oi0her 1st of October rf C'V-('t I H b'ghlyifimportajir," Ahat apptcHtiorisoV 1 .c v. it, jilts ApTViiin.ii, miuu ru r;yuiy lllSUtr 1 t-V ,v tecrttirt ofthe$eJj plications ;ir p c'agei may also vbe ; mad"tcr"v - ' q.vt; . : u rgi' orto';the- &ecreti4f ;vv x of a ny A mtbonty of an act of the Gerierat Assembly r; -hy'i ouiuv. uo .cnejarnf jnonaau n ucrooer 'i:T- 34, 36, T 28,. R 7 E.1, 3, bC 10, 12.13; V of p ass, a portion of. t he v La iids . raViVed t o'thtfVVfi State of Indiana, by the act of Conkress of Mclil?i'V ; ?9 1827.1 to aid in constrect'uiga vCanato' connect,-;jit;havigibVpolnts,:ith'e?wfs' Vjhe WibasK rivef uithahosef and- whichvbave been dewfe hated and et apartr for that ..urpose by Commissioheiappotedont.H'V : i3' the part of the Sfate of Indiana; by and with the . ' V J : eons, nt of thr XJommisBibner tf ;'tBc: 'Genera Land Office and the approbation of -tile IVtfsif--f'v denr.of the United Statea. - . ;;; , .V5;' -'.,; W;'k:i The part wfuch.wjll be offered for in vt cludsectioiw and ttional ctiajia? In the fol-Tf tfyi hinlowships and-ranges; vizvvi, 10, t2, 13; 24 J, Township Not 24, pctn of "ft r1 .: RSi.ge No. 3, West 2d principal .MtMrMianlU' T. 25.; R; 3 . W... 134am':T6VV-3 "U; I5t in -22.; 24;:S7,. ;S$ST. te'U; j VVV i. 3, s; 8,;io.rTT5ir.'-2Q4 27, 29, 32,f 34. - ,T 56.-: ,tr ,2;. W, .,25 4. ' - - )' 32, 34 36, T.; 26."R t:,w;.Vi, .02,4 31 5?- -r- 17. 20, 22; : 24, . 2,.29.; 32,::S4-36T;27h":. H. 1-W 3,' 5, ;80O,:,1,; ir,f',20,- T;6Hit;4;:i 12, 13, : 1517, : 20- 2224: 25P 27. 3I3.:27 5 K. 1 E 1,3, -:5,., 8;-W:i2;tfjf 5, J22,4:.u; V: 25, 27, ,',32, Tji.M;5s 10, 12. miSf t7. 20;:2'2i'i4,'25'29; 'IV 27, 3 4E. 34, 36, T. WJ Ri iJfc e; 32,;34 28,-;it ,4;;E.?tN:' 13; IS,' 17, 20V 22, : 27,Ta it: : 25, ,27, 32, 34.136, . f. C28; lrf5EflHfef 27, 29, 32; 34; 3.6, .'IVSr; dVio! 12,- ld,"15,'2224,-27Tu57;Ti;;8j'; '1012, 13, 15; 17,;20,24.:25;4 15,17, 20, 22,f29, 32, 28 UVKS" -W. 27, R. 9 E: Ul3.;5v -0,T2,Vl35;7;20w:' , zai, 5, i4v 3efi.T'28?'U;',9 E; t, 22, m 25,s 27, 9.!32,.'34;;;,6.129,-U,:i:l.-; E. 1322, 24 25, 27 29; 32. 34. 36Pv- 2o: R. 9 -3, X 8, IO; 13,' 15, 17,-2022, 27, t';. 29, 32, 3VTV28It: 10.. H- IT o,' o tr . OO O f r xr. 'on . i,'. ' . k '5 . I E-' 10. 12, .13, 15;:- 42i,''2734T; '-' , V E.110, 12, 13,1517, 20, 22, 425,; 27;29S'2iVi'v-- 34.-36. T 30. R. H E. 24. 25, 34 fit r T A , r. h e 35,- s; T 29R;ii2 v. t,v3; , 8; IO 10 11 1 't0. Or-o rt" - rrv. rt'-x A . ' " ' 0, 12; 13; 17, ;20 222425; 27. 2932,34, '-i; . '.,30, R. i2E.,a5,-T7,l20A222425i;'?'' 7,' 2932, 34- 7, T3tR, 42 E.:;i;. '35 ':V4 - V.l;' , iu,. ii I-,--; io iiU,; Z, 25; 27t 291' '. 4, 36, 1 30U3 15 1213, ;15. , 17 20 v; 2," 24. 25, 27; 29", 32, 34, ; 36, T, 3 1;- R. . 1.1 .' ' : i , 1, 3, 5, 8 10, 12, 13.17.' 2a 22 ' 29. T. - ' 30; R. 14 E. 1, 3; 5, 81012; 1315, 17 - n ; 20, 22. 24, 25,. 27, 29, '.32, 34, 36, ;T3lf:R ';V ' 14 E 24, 25,2r.;346rT2R;i4v13:"-''' ;.'(; 22, 27, 2, 34.131 R 15 E: '20,95t Cr " o-i, u. . portion oi,, some of ihe, section which were -sold Jby :tho" ; "'V General iGovernmenpreviou to.the passage of ",v the act of 2dofIarcbt 1827. and alsa feto V : - tracts aelected for lock' sites, .'stone quarries,' Ste The, sales 'will be enntmued from dar to dav. un . - ; - V: til all the tract shall 6ave been offered, and, Aof '-, ''J' ; sale made-fo'ra less price per cre 'than ' Js !Te4.4s''-;": " ' quired-for Congress lands.'.." The pidrtVlir;;TT'V j c is jus vjjivu uj iiia.c mil , fiaynieni, aaa-- receive u patent tor. t he t ract 'purcbased' t ;or by : ;f H fi v pay ment of one fourth of the: purchenroney't (y,'l:-:yl at trrntt; of Uie sale, antl the interest 'atix per; s tan. iiuunri iii auTnutc, 1 crcui x win pei eiv- c r ehby the State seventeen years, from. IhV' ' nrsi'Mona.iy first Mond.y4n-0etpber;nex for the residu;p; c': ; The KrVe and Wabasb Canil. .oVrwtthia.'-Ve five miles of which these; lands ar,e iwte1d,f'f;-i';;'':;Vi;.K:: 128 miles in llieStajfe-i)! lndiu-uaVthe..Wmesof :fe:':- the V.atitslv -aBd ilaotnee rvers, j which, for fer-- '. tility of soil, abundauce of . limc-sione, springl,! '& mongst the finest fbrttp'n of the Western floutt . cial and mahufaCturmir purpxiseV and is dajj -Vi increasing in yal.e'i Tromithe midity of emigra-i i $ion to the tindfrkUjoining, which i Selieyedto H'td wmcn usi rec: -fimencims saie as panicuiariy v,': 1,i mer,ietnaMC, Metcnautj sad Capitalist;; .-;- ,f;r .;' ' !' '.:b: nvAi ' ' ........... . . . .. A . - ... r ... ' ... i. -r . Office of the Board of .Cora 1 missioners of the'7&b"aslV & ... I" . Erie Carttl,TreatyGtouid ' 1 Jane M. - - "- . - " . X71S3k r v.-;. -. ; f r. -y. , ..' j.-r ; vv.? mmmm0m s : -j . : - , .ii--,-:li . rd0mmmm: r.l " y