4 -. a, W V - -J 4 V . I- r," ' A'' m Jf .it.::-:? '2 rw v' rr 1 J V iiy. AiN wife; I.widna gie.mv am wife: -?, iVhr omr' wifr Tsee i ; " ( v j.1 w'rJna guv my airt wife ?J" -;h: s r F nn v; wile l'see ' . 'v;i' w;'bonne-yet I've never seen. ' 4t V nn.nnlf.Tn tK'lo .kflfh r!ltln nf '''x'4i"."1'J-Ailc:,eerte I my Joanp-; : ;1 o y v a.a Kur.hea,hei ord on ane - v . . 1r, Shet gude-w a.t' neebori roun, YX V 4vnAnVayeideV me f ,';' Jwiona jne my in we-,4v - . rn-i 'v'-Por o'ny-'w'iie I lee! '' , 1 v :o Ar O bet kwltata kindly, .'' A vUuefmelt my heart nUrit,V ;;:. yvS'v-: 'frtTheH o'erthe baby at her breast v V vfiSl b-.-ya wi fond drlight i f ; , " ' -7 b looHlntill its bonny flee,' ;Vl V. " M - I,, ' ' " ' ' - - - ' I i ; 4i VorthJDartolina, are constantly kept on hand, fbr 'Ji-;-. t '..lt fi by. the ittbacfiber;li i ; 'AThe Jjfvisal of the Caws of fforth-Carolinsi, by jTancyi and J udeotter, mad e undef the di tfectioji of the Legislature of the, SUte ir( twb larlje' oettrV Vilumesi; wUh -a fulfand cbm Dltto-' broiifrht : 'down to the -year 186,, by tb' Chit, . Justice Taylof,' wiib satisfactory v. Hay wbbd Mamial of the La.wsfof the Sttteafr v - .wteiyret.Tsea;4ina coTrecteq,.AirimA a numojpr 6f'neV FbrmsV ind Ke Laws cbhtaiued, in f v:f ' wnicni-are nroiifjni uj xae year io.,.-,. p ,' ."Martin's Law of Ejft-cutbWiind Adoitnistfatorif, ; fwhicVis TollerV Encrlisb Wbrlifbn'tliisub, ; S, -'V-',-jectpomitfi n s i such fpiri a: a are jpbt 1 n ' force : J vherei'5 taking the Law st BtopJt the sftler A;'; liient b i'1 ij'?act of AssemWlrof thiSfaHSrhich )as alter- i ed the Law. ana noticing every -adjudged case , lurui-VjlTJnn, relative if iiis ccvuiyre Iar.d Administrators, the irovisibn for WMows " I lilt uuui'iuuuM'i iivnii.aiukiius .t a ' .V.?if . :' 1 irt ' f " enactments which ; have been iriade on! thfcse - 1 i v "in.-. .1 .i'iJJ' l.!iL' !. -) A uojects "inr fcuiury n ; wii,icu. are . X.. ,.....r in mAM knn tntv atina ' f . J : mf raiaini? - Wheati Turnina'and. Indian fiom :f. and treats largely on the raising of Live Stock; . Draining ;L5ifv1. &cY : ;rr ' The Kepurts of Cases decided. ; the -Supreme vCourt.of Nbrth'Carplina,1 from the Hfst '.establ Kshmeht of the, Coarihen it borethe jtitle o iyonrr 01 uowerence 10 the present x -( lievereux's . 1 jo , t ' ; f fheelo'sehfeacliTerm at Sl-SO ner nimSVi !and FfwaTfleVl by mail - to 'SubscrTbersJn -any, r part bf therStaWV!: t - ST :.f-V:: '.JOSEPH GALT,S'KSQNr, ;r v i 7 ' distersed m more than forty statutes ".AgricuVtnraf Essayswritten by a Ndrth-Carolina 4 ' - A JJameT.Allowedby those .who - areTbestcar : Tjable tof ibdfirinir. to be the best b'bokYorbbhi ft' 'J .4 .veyih useiul information to? tbe Farmers of 'C tbiStat thai was ever pubUihedt;tt ireats 'J il -bti 'tlie best mode of improving land, on dfiep :' ': -;f.nd : borilorital : Ploughing 5N on ' "i he 1 Grasses ; ' .'best Mli ted to tins' Stat j on the bestv modes j "l yj. v .Jlepbrtsarthe" Conference CotirVby; D . .: 'i V ;Caeronand;WniNorwn ' V-f. ri'neportVlcVoV.by'' - r v ' :" MarpheyA Keporfs of tbe4 Supreme Court, ' ' ;f 3 Tts'h t'- ." ;S' -v --r. r-Hawksfr I.igest : bi.the';Reported pisesikd- 'i "(A"Judifeiin''3VoTth-'Carofina,.Tr Ihe year -;'.;. ': 776 tviH26V -v" Hf - V pA Coirectfon of the Militia LaVsA of ;bftK- !;' - rv? Carolina.; ; ( W' r QC? "Subs Vibeni, " will be received for tfie ' He- '.'; r ,nnrlsof the Siiiireme i'ourt ' whtchVarerj'tihTish ; I" jiaijwobiVs Manual,.- 'rvr U Brouglit up to tne present tirae.' T-- GLES St)N have just r pubttsbed ati y.iav Ai'tMiA 10 1 1 ay wooci;a 31 anua i r wnien embracjeslhe LaWs, passed ;sincetlieyer'1819' ' under," distinct .heads, ih' alpbabetcarbrdery'jn eluding; those of last Session, whlch renders the Work4'miplete ' : : . - vFof f this addition to tbe' Manual, ?no extra ch irge wilt oe made. The Book witt be sold at Five Uoltrf ailieretofbre; ' ; , v Orders will bbrnstatlyattended'trt. NOTICE, L V L ' HEREBY forwarn all persbb from railing tor the fallowing described NotepfJlandj' Wake county July 17, Pi , . . V i ,T$ ESPEjDTFULlXlnwfntheoba .ti EJizabeth City,tRleigh,NeaerivYasb.- -f;-"-route,lhNUgh-qrtb.Car6UtM';tlia j. vlsiting be above menlioiied jacesln tlimbntU .j f August hexVTor tbe purpose pr TUNING - an.hSyTRlN.GlNG PIANO F0RTBS;?'5 &Zrt V pifk 6m does not make m practice 4 of travelling' the cQuntry,.fbr JliejpurpPsTnentionel frt this advertisement t but so manv Dersons h H througrt4halTl8trictt whp kow nothing- li 4l.A V..:' .... K.. : 1 1 tl! R ... , wi ,winii)9.it f,,9 '"uutcu in m io undertake 1 Ae cotempiateaV..trip; y0 paynleMthe.'paN -j. -. a - ... . j "T t ' --. a. a ar vwma aiaavr.v- : Uyjtnon s ; deg cri ption s w: NeaU y eecute a th?i Oirlr rr i - HtKPa-:iaT''-y i ? Liounivoi cja swell. nrf sta.te.or jonn;rouna. Afli 'the 12th AAv'rtf -:'A nril lat :. nA lht ft CeTtaia CIlAtltS VltSON', bFthe ColintV- and sUfef roncr't Iniavw'st .with aTinff nirpetratcdMhe sam'nif tfiA harltr hfni :Tnj.n Miiri Irfle-f.fthe Commonwealth of Vttfpni tnds it rf presenua and made Jen own notome, tna ine sau1 Charles HVilsoti ' 'haLth KTOonJed' and. Bed fnmth iuris3ictinn nnA limit nf this State, and thereby eluded' the irm ?'f the law arid justice Nowthetifpr.et6ttbeebd,?tbar;thet ;nartea wwson may be,anptenendeti t orouni iu uni, im; iuutc rcwiru ui win i?c pmcu jtq any pefsoh .0r;peTsoavbwOtJajrebeiid L And t drt moreover Eerebvrt'etiuii commartd and enjoin aUblHcera whatsoever ' well civil r military1 within this State, ,ta use1 their be( endeafora ta aonrehend and raktf. dr. cause tb be apprehended iMid taken,-'the bbdyof the.'aald kee jr so fthat e baU berojag hi f b j itsticey .. Charles. Wilson uimall v-dresses 1 p-r ntetl V 4 taanea TusQn,ana rruro aateiy Anaseweiy about rreV hairj interrnfredf and ratjiiet,:tUVk"bm pleximwHe -IsV remarkable fur having bad his back broken-v When yoiinar,'-and italorromg aT A 0 5 --"V w uvKv,lli pa. wmi Oonslderable fluencvl' and anneara to be "ahnur forty vests oldi tie' has 4en seen in Lvnchburp. 'JYifginU-Aod; is. beUeved tar be ' endeavoring.to rcpi 1 oriiome part 01 me jspanisn vme rican" Dominions where he Has a brothef esid .By the Governor,; ?EYQUKtMIRRORi v Cnjjperpftt Engtamnt. & tOeekt with ' a PovularJPiete ofMmicl krrmivcdihith Accompaniment Jor'the Piaho. vv EDITED BY. GEORGE 1 .MOURIS., Biiuti iRe laci tnat tne merits and character of the,NewiTctrlriAf irroipf JtA'f hMn a();iv menf s for lhe.fuMife'are far. more advantageous than anv 'wer- have b'itherto keen able tneflVnt. ,nd we therefore confidence; in asserting that the'Eigbth Vblnni which .'will commence . tl.. 1A.L .r l..t.. A iil t. ' . . fc. "' - . .vmi jiur w uij, wiii oe 'jnucn aupenor in ; Ke'" grew .piesnire to ,sute, that this periodical wd?-hereafter be enriched with O ri- 01m coiTRtBt7Tin5s from the' pens of. ' ' f John F, fichroeder. U D.'GuKan (; VernlaheTr . Fitz.Greenef Haleck Rbbert;C; Sands, Cbarles Spragiie, " V1 James G. Brooks, - rVYiUiam' Leggett, $ ;Thvodore S. Fay nd Jbin Inman,? r -; WiUiam Cok. Prosper sL; Wetmore,"' ,. ' '; . : Ja'mcsr Lawsoh f Mrs. mma Embury,4 : William fVPalmeiy Mrs! Mary'E. brooks JWlli G. Cl:irk Mrs Harriet Muizy' WtMi iJ Uliirk, Mrs Samuel Vo'oawprtb, -Mr James Shep, f ;- T.v m i C. narstlale, Mit Mrs. Elizabeth' Bogart,' iss Sararr Aiken, and iss A..WVMibridce, we nave none in tne way of embellish .ments; is before the publfc V what we intend ib' do, .we noW submit to their nbticeT "During tlie year, four - fioe ebgfayings will be published: LnbjectsasfbHowsiC v; - ; LStreet view in New-Ynrk.' emhrrin ParV .Row, the Park,V portion of CIv4tham--atreet( the Jlrick' MeetinLc &c." with alt thelife and fmi!e Jneident 'to that part of the: town.1 " " v' ' J V. TA VTew rt?e Bay and Harbour, studded with islun'dji, "aid covered with shippimrbteam- ppar smaii cnir,-fcc, jncmamg a'distant sketch pt -jStateb .Island and the Narrows; taken from jibe -llatt erf .'; ,: The Oityof New-York; from the'Bav, the North ttnd East Rivers tfbh'okenV AVehawic, Brooklyn Heights,'' Village of Brooklyn &c.' -ilV.Wanstr4rt 'about, ihe huur. of thre ; Jl?!X. vUra,0Us . Banks arid'otlier public institutions. y . , . . . . ? jThese drawTrtgi, nave 'beeTi' takeV elspreslv foMhU;brandn eminent artlSTS. .V-iv'.Mrfn, tV- ' U In addition t the foregoing, several xcood en gravings, exc,itte.l in the .best possible manner, ,vepr senting bid uteb edibces will be driven t ' 1 . r. . '"Vj5" ruJv ,ron aesire oft he e vr-Xadj- popular piece of Music, .aKanged for tbe Piano forte'ivU 1: l.mH :i&K -ift -j V the praise wlch the Mirrpnhas.obtainecrfor its i typographical fneatness Wili continue to be pberved''J'::iv" ;J- !;; Frbm theaboveit ts'obvious thatoiiV expen 'ses.must;be,vverj' materjaHy increased'; .and we had conteninlatfcd, aine timej advancing lhe prifte gf Jhn paper tojft; dollars 1, in coose- uuence 01 Phe Jinprecedented .increase cf pur circulutton , ji w,f iiitcr iairunge ror an naeqiiate femuiieratrinTof ;"ur lib ours. ' U' - v .. i-. ',-.. 'j, y-- y-v . -. v 4 . ..." ?'-' r . 'v;?C07lTreS . ..--v.".v ,!- rt -TliQ. Iirrptubs'he-e ; Saturday, at - -y-?-- tiuiiur,'" io sur- scriptwnsrejcwvtrd foria eirr.i,t "Yer '' " "' .' sTi'" M?i m&A& gales ks?n;: - I II II . ' I " ' v" himself ieynnd 4lteJimjtsof ; tfie State, brsb conceals himself that the m i.wie-? en w- riVT-Twj" ST ?l,J tberetorewdereii; that publication be madei nr he Raleigh risfS eHht tiMless ibet'defcffiaitK forwarifcon or. befbwr.thW . ;anauarter.s Ot Wake, at th r.,r4K.i-l.:- Tix;Lv "'1 7 -t i - - . . .iiwai . uuui i in - rip,. third'MonHa; .i IZZ':2? nyanjnt i k F1 wniKi there to I ipleido oroertvX: rW:WMlN Xvvu;L;icdrcii r vvcn jinuerrmy nana as uoTcrnor, t , in and Under the jarrj-at seal of the State, V y. SatltheCitybf Rnleigh, Wis :1st day AJibl May'; A. D. 1830. ; ;, x .VrVt V.i- V -v rJNO; OWEN." S eeretarv. ' 75 k. n'lmberAviIl contain: aa-lieretnfAi.. 4 . . I ,. J ohn B. 7ohns k Wd Ui t viliS It WrnoJ: attsef .jWfe levied op n:Voman i ,Kf r property;, th,,e.se,t:appearm lithe Court that- ih rfAA,r vi- -iAH 1 I .;T.f iVil rtiftJ?vaj Hl !?; WVtrA'WWct ..yindJvi- ,.'?f1h-at,t nnce$500, h.h f-r or mofe fi! t'Mnnday after the 4lb',Mohdy- of March, A Asf:r. S.jR:crj; o:aaceJt?clpscstJanuaraa31;. 01R3tt--V . u ' UfJvtUD t)UPUYespectfidly informs bis Ml) friepd and ihe '.-.public generally, that he has just tecei ved frod .Ne wYork; and Philadel phia, a splendid supply of - Goods n - his line y which )ie.wiUdiSpC3e of at jryr-sducsdrriees. Amon? bis assortment. therj ere, s-. a r nicies J " . if ' - , Vt '---'- 1 I' Thankful;o ast ,encbutgeme,n:t, be boper all orffers.eptnistedto his care will beVxecuted; iogeth'e'With- tffe'ncervdeaHwhic1i hia per- nuui 4UCIHII1II Will CMIIUIt , iw-,jicA,s;nt:i j , i. s uiocks and watcnes ot an descriptions carefully repaired. fcjA V kinds pf- Gotd'& Silver Mrork roanuracturedQit the shortest notice i lv 'June 14. ':SX:A ' 85'eo8 F. Almost every description, - may. be always. .Vr bad at the Bookstore, of J. Gales -SuSoay pnntea on gooa paper ana atter me mosv p proved form vwj-tr' : s :' ,! ' " FOlt CLERKS OF COURTS, v i : r Writs; Executions for Debt & Cost, Execu " iwm for cost only, ; f 'Hf?;V'f; ' ; ; , r jury Tickets, Witness Tfckets V ' Appeal & Bastardy Bonds, 4 'e; i " Subpoenas. Commission for taking neposi- tiobs, .j- Apprentice's Indentures and Bond ' J- Adminrstrator'a &' Constables Bonds, ' , . Marriage licences nd,Bonda,V -'y i.j r; v ' . Capias at Satisficiendum; -t S . t Orders of Sale from'a Justice, :',t , . " RecoarnilanCes and Bonds to nrbsernfe ' " ; 'Guardian Bojidsand notices to Guardians , Fi. Fas. against Bail, 'v, : - . 1rrocess.aga.1nst securities, etc. &c. -;i ' , - FOR SHERIFFS. , . ' Deeds for Sales by Execution,- ... . Do. ; do. vTaxes, Bail Bonds, f ; Forthcoming Bonds, . .. :" rax Receipt s &c. ;W FOR CONSTABLES. Warrants, Ca. Sas. Appearance Bonds5 Executions, &c.,&c.' K HERE ! 1 FEV days sinceVa Negro Man called at the h'Mise tjf the subscriber.' Hincr1 ' four milct South-east of Raleigh, and enquired the way to Smithfield, stating that his name was BEN, that hevbeonred to Mr, Nathun Upchurch of Chat ham, ana that his master had hired him ta some one in Smithfield. On (questioning him closely, it wasVerv evideht that he had rtmaurav wWk supposition became confirmed by his subsequent vuimuvui f ucmij, 3m:u , lur ins pats, .ne saui- ne had Jost it a 9hbrt distance back on the road which he Came, but would fro and find it. i f. fered to accompany him, but he said he wuld leave nis ounaie, unci soon return. He deposit ed his bumlle in my yrd lld started pffin search of his pais and I acebmoanied him on horsebar.lr' AS 8ffn however as we reached th wooJs, he darted off and I have rtot since seen im. ' y His bundle Contained a number of valuable arr ticlea of clotiintr, ihe chief of whicli are. here nn. ticed,with a nope that they may meet the eyes of the owner,; (or 1 am confident, ihey were stolen. They will be delivered to anyone' h vinir a ril.t to demand them, on-their navinp-for'tbis adv. r. tisement. They consist of a blue cloth" coat, bnlf La pair of cassinett pantaloons, fflsh'iAtisihlv . wi7i.iwo um;ireiis. onesuiv. in- othf r rnttnn . iwo pair wnjte cotpn, ao, j a cambric shirr aid two cotton shirts a nice twilld white roundaJ bout a blacK silk and V white 'Marseilles' vesf a lurnatnau worn a case of razors, &c. &c. ' . ; ; f ' JAMES. BUY AN. Wake county, June 12, . -85 tf THB First Volume of this valuable Work be I ing & t of print, we are about to pnhlkh' a new -iti'in of it, with References to subsequent enactmtita,oy.ihe legislature, and decisions bf ll,c V""r, i conference anci supreme Court, a Table of the Cases reported, marrinal Abi ircis, miu new - lnuex, oy vm, H. Bathe, Esq. of Franklin County. ' ys-., ; . The Work is ?t present in the.Press, and will ww ijfc vu win, wit uuniciueni aespatcn. ; . . . J . GALES Ik SON ' . . .Raleigh, June 10, 730. '' ;? V . TO GOLD MIS BUS. rmL subscriber Jiavimr obtained p.. !- t 1 the year 1827. for Mills for crrindint , wnicr mctais, anu rjis plan tiavincr :bien- fr.rtrflv if.--. j". Washititf Or, nf rSnt an4 ' . , necessrry tb caution the public against using si milar Mills without Iris consent. 'Tlin .iifu.ikA. thinks it unnecessary to give any description of v. v - ' wpciaiiou in various Darts of he Stite. 'His Patents embrace Branch and JtiageMoKt. M Libera I terms will be'eonceded to all who make early application for Rights, arid every information given on application WMH; FOLGER. : Chaiiotte, N.. Q. v - - 9I1m - KEW.lEI.HAM NOVEL. 1 I 4rTf.w, in,iu?o volume h . ... BY MR. HULWER.2 Paul CliiXbrdis nerhnb flio mbst .nrjginaPatt Mr. BuIwerV Wbrksand canV not fail to add larp-elv t'n it- WrJ P t -; m t J v. 'i 1 v- .; and sattfer for the moral Ut rmtfu though Tidbrthey0ung,: , ?V c, "u4' 1 'ne poetry; otteeling,,j,v.w L .": v 5 Just Jf k f . r r IfO r - 4 FROiESSORF MU??IC. . '' RmihY the lidiei and GetJemeniofPiymouthf Wasbmgton, NewM berni -RileiirhitPavtifftrill. l.u " I . : . o .-M-vr-" -7,f ,vvt: Places, ii the. route-through Krfrth.f:rT;- . now. on. his Joijr ? visiting ithe- bove me&ioned places r the purpose f TUNING 8c STRINf J. IPTtANOFORtES-' J'8 e'bfiV through fabttVte for K'f&m mention not because ;he Cares for hb many persons have gbbe or intend resneltsrhU ij .V "? ArV?P ?niJ ,7 n icw.aoiarfv4.He' will tke care loinrnenre: i.j:.:H;"ciw4tc 1 nere ilis of Fancy tabite new i likewise, .llogers' .perior i's-" KSir ZZrZS" "' w l VilversteeipazorsVKm vrr r,,"; . s 6uf Europe toiseshelluckCombs&.Side doi JlisP 7. ' Animals, 'Contiimnff consists Wpart -ofToilte.Po wcler, bfTsVand ; ?V P?n Qdiedv B'fds, Fish.. .bbxeM;tenyineye "PlSni0 meteata -ahi Sbapvrl NapleiSoapiand c.JTaylor'i Scenes in ittfope ynXhtf copper, greavarietyi neWlcleslnl ew duva x Plate gravmgs. r; -V ; .bfekpeett'fu C writ 'aVtiUsbmeolleetibiv bf.the newl v fn- ' -opene9-vols. - , w. l. Vented instrument cal!ed;the 11 ijrttbr- or I PlT"ns ?rfcI?tneft f i"" An,ns fANOS & ORGANS. ;K"r,,"f,'CRirance jj, iu ;,rve-cfmorg rbr hatahpse who;ih3fum Mceelose fir,tJanuar 183l:f fi Izz ustratc by -r'u Liivinsrs - 1 Austria, con' 'nini? a describtirin'of tiiev rni ; pers,vaistoiis, churacleT and costume of tue the BoarilingiScliool, or Lessons-of a P'rece'p v t rt sa in her Punilet-.Cw W' -f Hi. ; 1 The AJnfq ae,br Biography of many disti nguish ,rl h.MMklpr nrit h f ri n a ..hmMi.itiM . ' : i Tlie:Xhildren :bTr:the;r Abey, abridged fbf - Patience, Deeisiofl and Self Denial - (sTales of the Genii, S.vols.' BV.i Fame and Fanev 2db 4V .V Life Of Franklin T VV.5 r', " t -T Life of Marion Db'.'bf Wshington Torrey's .pleasing com'panioji -for little'pbyV :.; and girs, blending instruction .with amuse ment, being : selection, of ioterestingtoJ lies, Dialogues, Fables, and Poetry, I V i ALSO a variety'of. Primers h smaller 'books' Odtl VolanieslMissina.; ..Tv J incr. GACBSfcSdN. of Books; t find th if fo Which of course They will be thankful to art. person :Whcriir rib ..-.The fajolting' Glass Torlhe mlndor; inteileC- . . tual mirror.; Vi-' Cf 1 l), .n ;Sanfprd and.Mertbrv 2 VoTsvvtj vParenl'a Assistant. f An" t . .t - i Early Lesions, by Miss iEdeortn 6 ybls, v:: ? i :Mrs. Sherwodd's stories on the Catechism r i? Stories for children, by.Mrgi MaghesV'V J ' iTbe Robins V, v . t-ru Mi; '-nuvri give them informal ion where 4thebsentTojamertfe r a , -.-';: Roy 1st do. Arthur Morvvn '',' 'i 2J do, Cttlebs in search of a Wife 1st do. Village Pastor 2d db. Paris Chit-Clat 4-- 4 tellersr Gentlemen apd their Families Boarders Dy me my, weeK, Mont h r YearSchool ChiL drep tor any length of time. ., w .r-,ti ner dousvjs stuatea,in tle, .Immediate vicim well c Prices as moderate .as those le oYanr Boardt , ; s House in the city. " r ' 'Raleigh', Jhnuary 2i ? 40 i.' State Nortb-Caroliiiai r 'Wake Cbtnv v;.-:! "' i. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term, 1830. s' Joshua E. Lumsden w.tlonathan O. Vreeman Origioal. attachment Jevird on 4onf mahogany I N this case, it ap;earirig to the satistiction of x,avu,fiiiLvviii:i avi lilies, v: - , t meourt mat the detenr' nt hit m.w ii.i.ci uej una we nmiisor tne atte, or sojcon-f - . ... .v.iiuivva ceas .hiroself.tb:it the ordinary process o law v,..iuv. uc crrni on iiim: iria.tnerewire order-, ed thai, publication be m?de in the'Ral igh Re firiistet for klx week a.f that nrtlesa the rt4VnKnC comes forward on or 'before the next Court"bf a ai, j. -t . ajr.iAiA k a ri.. . m a. a t a av.j - ic 'vi vcuancr sessions to oe neja torwne pn theod Mon av of Antrnst nexL. tbennd hA . 1 I, 0 -1 tile propertx1 levied ofi be cundemhed attnieet.fri.l plaintiff's recovery.; v- v ... 91 B. S. KING, New Pulilicatidhs. A Practice of Physic, comnnsim? most of the ..otj n.ii irwicu 01 diseases 01 jr emaies' l jndri Diseases cClMldreh,' In . 1 1 nr ..y on.icnrcjn oe rot n , r- v ; ;- - r a. a i- - - 3d vol. East's Reports .'.." ; .r?mZ lst.do..GptdsmitbVorksi .pbeket "t!xe VhUi tf '2d do. Pioneero- - , ?, . X .?Hn fl& v 2d db;:God2iVfeetwbd V V latdo.Worrdstbbk '. " - 'V 'dentfofthefS tatfttof MUba&a, ji? ,i a. 4i u 'a ," : , f tiierwH'e'vOTOereu J hat notice; Ka w.,kr.A. . s! - co!V.0ma thTngifnfwordvT5 ' ii ae, uist Kdgworth'4 Early Lessons: f ! Vrwii pro coniesso a iiw-v,-. vf rr . td ium,saind decreed aecordlifgly. -i " - Mrs: John ,Hay wodtU ; ? TjESPE T FULLY announces. to- thet, Public ::r; i&tfrrixr; tti nm n i ' , y wi tiie.apitoit ine uanKs, nd several Semi, ;va-V'sft?W g- , v paries of Leniing There ' is a; beautiful and 'Vji'i'artncr ntnnn " highly cultivaled-Garden' atrachedHb ifVfi Vw2i:i?S5 'SVCRtBER, Roms are ipacioua and airy.lSheurell TAKESthi method of infdrmirig his friends t honewho may Jioaor her -with their patrons 'that no exertions shall be wanting ooher part to ' VV render them comfortable.' ; .U:. 1 ?.t'HV?hnnt;rs Situated qn FiyettevUle Mrs. H. has also a firood Stable- which shall J?re:'eT' he Court-House; and in the LbsW . supplied with 'provender for bmW .1 nesipart.f the Cjty2 ttfatsbHhb-Nbrtherif' , . . P.Dewiss MD, ptPbiladelphra;2 volsSvO, vWorcesterTqft th AtbnemepU i.the atoning sk .The Cabinet;-History .bf England SebtUa'nd v cringe a tlisppfltove,t n'oV bf wrath ' ; Ireland; by the Rt. "llonv Sir JamesMntbsh, i Thedanrfbrytl Wbrkbasbeeb' W Sir Walter Scott iid Thomas -Xioore-vbl 1st greaeln k fcvr months, Vharanolher editioK' - embracing: vthei4 History 'of Scotland 1 by Sir Vvis-:lledfor 1 Vmttwtt.- Tales of Grandfatberi being stofies; taken from' ' 1 ScottulvHistory,, by Sir Walter . Sottf third , f TextiWf f f K t , ; Jast Received by " v A? liHj'eraLPrekchet1,,'i!? vblsf JJ? r ' . ' " v.-r;---- o;GjlLES.&-S'ON-; :Techer'llptju1o I ' Vt Register and $portihgMagaiiner''":; ? V- ..VVwftftHC BALTIMORE JOCKEY CLH , feSSP H!iHE following Sweepstakes to be run -on Werthe'stib finlesbhfeeyeadjdtphsprfn nioreouKe, Qjtthfday preceding tbb-Jdckey twenty:) C1HU; raceext automn,awb mile heatsE a race;; and - the;rt of-the course Tlnkr fJ! operqn,:dm s govern; Toil? , tembepext bjiich time the entries! ipust be3 TUfSncSatiselDbinlne o'nto.ae.berd-on 'tn.otlefl;-: accurately ijrescribetl, ..May 2Zlo2Q,A 1 IMtionleredhatfHnry !Mille'r, Cleric . WMCnKtslSra J,iberisoAnd'it tb'make hit tJv efeodapfs 4e4idefitbbut the - ' fcn.-vi:-f '.-i bt Ueiipthe:lhK'lghs'IUgbterfor;sirweekV ;, 4 33 tr?-? ri;V h n: .thatthejddt 'inirjbe andappear. ,befor f . Two hme heits enti . nee $303,: Cfite or' bf Judge :bY bui . v jperibe Cbuof Equity,, ; ake race to close first , SeptTftekt? -oej bell in4hb; county Witfejvat P,rtjL : TAree;eisrles, -r :t 1 Rile1bo4fierfitIfonday; afier. j j -Al w?b-deQur:otherwiW tSS SS rJ!?jE V:ufessade J OALES & 50?f haveju . VX 3)wghs Travels in the NorfK 'Marboit riistorv'nff: rGerm Literury Re afna bf Henry 5rh?8' tlemoirt tf Leiirb :Ki' , fM.Mindano, ' ' r miliar&ter. ' ' tic 1 JST Lel.lon eethM K- Mich onrTVv v v . ;:-.;5:r.ALSO;,;y. , 4 :ftr0f8Pbr Wt rkv6hnst6fv';,nioM I RenaTah NlMitm T.Vr. 4 '' .. i1 7 7. " ",w ! u SOU Bfii di.- rdv Vind fio;-- V?ourt pf the dendantsV tbli? M - . - , " : -vf ".Mn.Tioiice he : jem,- byadvertisement in hete&fr fosix, Weeks; to appear af the next t?J field one 4tWMyl Plead." answer dWm. ?Tjf H.er 8. nd kcnpYo.bbnfts: SiZ A Witnesx: Jim,; It -JB,:f U ni . ' L 7" tttf . Vf H arOU -.Carolina, - , ji Mvw aj a a. w - a i n n it- m ain - -,i Spring TermV 1830.; ) H'dDdant, olmonlB6yett, be and.nr,".! I '551X5 WPje held at the Couru 5-S J'-.'-J.' If flii ''. ,t I a w infera the Public t 9ncI aed Jmptoyements of this Es. , t - . i . H"ccu, ana. ne ks jiiiiiwi ho-, use; evry possiDie exeriott ra rendet ieomfortablethe say of all thbs'e who may.faVor him with' their Comnanv. He WfTp.l jcrmi nedl to malce every cflbrt to bice ii iii .ihe odwef of all whn miv call nn him."! A-ba'tr.thafiitk .Hottse thatVlepentls; .on -an Jnland Market is bet- Ter-euppietk particular attention to Beds; &c His Bar shall befurjaished with the- het i andhis Stable with every varietv 'of Provender JOSEmi GALES & SON bave just feeeit ' . JiN fbowiog n wbrkg ; ; L. Al: 1 w;, v '"S ' ,i4ra,yi ocfiiaiuui r ran Klin, Si as i : 1 1. ;rv 1 t; . ?r:vk- i v . , tM)udiaskDdotbernrr i;A- oaoxi-s ocrwops, wua mcraoir.OT niure ? . WrkrActArrinin hA lMnam.nf U Ih. .lA.I.ia.i V,tbesiALMnfUTetvaerkhd.M:.ste . I . 'fsr-. vr""f"f V" "c ust londuv in ... . ,. . : ; i ; - ' . I .'- - . -' r " ... t. ed by himself. lie fla?tefa himself that jie shH be r-Lleto give general MtisfacUon'&teV- ' r--;t; 'V- j'iHJOHN-DLTNN. t tlaldffh f Ms v 5L. 1 83fl V - i yA' wtf ' - - ' . t x .v't-ii ui uic;uiiiicu ami tJ 1 liinn r , Letters in reply;, from the, Secret Cofhmu-. rcitii Allans. ? EiUiicu nv jsnn ?nrK. , a-. v ' 'V, e- i- V - . v ' i N ? b fi a n w b s ;e 11 ii ;v :.r t t .1 1 h.r 1 I I J i t f ;SJ r ) 'V ( 7' - "1 . nil

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