SftPl'3fg6t 'r ?sen A.rarUty of , .:0rV :! ut,' wtuin : Ar.-8EPTBMBBtt,6;4830t:,, itWiisQen dV. alUendutc ei " ii - "JTT-wK iiinnMC :.w'Vf,';,i, flrrft. tnrv lm.-hf. ' it : - v -ivt ; 1 Ehtbin iv wmw. - , t7p- .4, UC commercial, u.isr- Vcntinn cf the vMcch acz arid. YVorkin . J? --rT. 1 WWe' the knifed; Statesland , i,mes .VbUakerC.-Sheriff, BynunAVj the-BrmitXYr-T-.ir:i - 'Lfi ifr riCooltt sTthem62,VVlut. 'VW Sd bfi true,. et if beaccdm i-n???V,y-TS "... Jl;-8' f'-at it and wil bMoe-' :-L.'tote..8eii"ln to--Cr-.,.4: s,h: Zrfiw:pi.uAt l?pntA fl?l. i.sflr..DPosKnvby; honest aJ-.sliwiW i LUmrt ipf -?or rrn , SamueL - the png hand, or set do wn aughUaVmaIicei ''K'w.vi' , ;u omthe other, - iiAiiU : H W not Wt been h'eftrd-froioit ' V - MrslAhttN6 ha rpumed ivee instruct ' ; 11 ' fS;;; - i!i Prawinarid :Painting and we 77ltf AW" cbngratulatchayoun' females in our -di?nasUian to bamljrvpcihr ?ithtbe EdIr hools andprivafQ famiiiesVori this on- mcrifcf New-York1, 'h.'i at Salinain that StateVoV the Gth;of ; Au-us&.'lSO. delfe; f, gates appearelv Erastus Root was nom- foLieU t tGo vernor.' v,'; vlt ' it "Th& -fattifAfgim: hat weVcbpied ,m out last a a runaorve announce jordaV F repeated) jr. bafiled tie;att:ksoEu rppcai 1 ill' L It-- A H .l puLjeu iaies, ima mi icn 1010 xne nanus 01 tne trench'almost : withou t bloodshed. " nJe partiqutaf8 wilOie fQUnd under! thVappfo- pnatchead. AJrjeadjconjecUireis busy Gonquerorwiirmake'of the vanquished City, but the" opinion .arel; variqusv and conflictintf. I. TheNew-ork-American in commenting upon, this important event remarks as follows i ,li?nasition to bamljr,oriJv ,with as follows i-v t .-I M9ftHegoncer or improving a ' ench are tie nly Christian cora'plexlnn of the embers,;just elected taste for , these -branches" of polite Edu- n.on who in the cbuie of threerentu- to'thtfKeVttckrcsisht y, " . ries have completelj vanquished these cor- .V, riK; '';.! r-c t.A', ' sairs. Other powers have contented them - BOt J,owevervfo bear, an, expren of as- : . selves with chastising their insolence " (omshment mUregret at. th,cv uncaadid .Me 'are requested to' mention, that to after driving th barbarians Jto' some at.- course icrCthey have hed in, rela. Ku of Supreme Court cases recently Pation of indemnity, have left them to nn to'this matter;By 11 ' re pubheati on W;aK ' ; . .renew, their habits 6f cupidity & violence vS" nlSvurrlirnS -(cAttCf ibdw: to ' f,1.b,lilhcJ-,f0 Pper. it was incorrect- with as much industry and.as little re- of the olbciai. returns, cnuui ,snow to j . 9lafeci that the case of. nn nn .lmUr wi,.l(Li?..n'; .. -n itHe;satift;ar.tjP.ot yfr jear, tain possession Of Algiers,' is a question that is now earnestly agitated the pol- ncn?e iticians of Europe- , We .hope that the , pi- Vn tirVUcomfityre i i . , , u x 4. rit that has earned them triumphant with 'T&w nthewansofAlgierS.wili;maintalthm i'V! , there,"in spite of the jealousy, of England :in?tye? .m: -v r the conHnenta! power fey their ca- iur .:re?pecUTeAa$?ertw Vefersburk'nail Jload Company.-SYhi relation with the ;AlKerines, they may ?Pt are we wilirnsr to subject our' nljui u Ji t . 'i , without any breach of iaith to them, either mlni&'MV&A. lude to'ihe choice of;Unit- ;k-- , f . e - .. - & J declare it a French colony, or transfer the ' AMr- ft? election an able directory, compos, rl,ht of dominion toany power whom their euStates edbf the following gentlemen :-t)onald policy nay point out for, in case of the Rovav, whse termA0 McKenziie, Pmirfen Wm- H. McFar- rest of jEurope being too eager to share ;tli?4(l MarcK0f Mbe relectecV ialidbbert lBolling; H P. Heath, Jas- the spoil, they may. restore t to the bar- UU' at ojnge, (riaye ans. MOHrect. rous despotism ot its latemasters. The r- nrpin;itur 'in'nc:rc1iho Mr. Clay's' ih; ' ? ' "V . . V' first of these is evidently the measure bv u-SISSWW of that place publish; Heso- lvllicl, the world v0ld bi most benefitod, .?iJfMJ"i Wv lotion, definins the duhS of the Pri- A French coloav' on the Barbary Coaal t: Lj c 0 lis tru ctedUietweW -NL'shvil I e "and ' J?e ;: meXanI its mdejiendenciefj it; rraijkUqThii'entevisa ?jW:tt innoof aatt.'.asufe tomen tni?jif jirtPirrni; ImhirnVfttVrit tn.llilii-.-raV ''MM;i-&elY!i1l IKi.sl ; ;rATrv3i 1 ti6n"bCb'untrIs atfdjw.? ergy freven ferpristngti i'ividn atit' wnom;.we-are inn eotwi lorAnesejavoraDi e VI It seaSiail geareot :en efes'1 win cfi j as xesm t ,1 rom irte iU c cs pj vne 4 nertakirigei tVni.eni1en pikeV ameTwisjhi? cpnildencMrthei'itiaiiin vitnesrin!ti.iin4em emerprie oexweenf nis place, luirees- borough : : .TliiSi s' th eitru A ntericaH Sys temTiwhi ch' shoo I d beao pported i f ac cfxt jngithiaattjUy i . I ;leaCfe all ;t1ie -Weeded u;- .iiUlir - f; : httavitir jtrth'Mert :sB.wili resell tltonn shall make tranremetit;iLwhtcin ooWrV Certain no'tner Wt1vfaf&f' conceri.m the eruptivnvf Mount-yEtna v v t A ws1.'. ' ; rtn theieth of MyW Toi errible" exp M1! 'feP'KO f 9 J??dojy ujy. rwngr Which - oHedievi" necrater? h?!iVv ort the voncaiio :-destfiyy ; eiglit'C villa- fg''siatfe-a brenetarneti,'.oYwhi(ili V the mountain, wh?rejthe layaand ihre wVmijoHty aS;itbMinM J WlHC AZ lffif ire;aVe4Smoly V" tended. - ,Aii- the dwellings hateuli'p- 4- , - ZzT i pare4liiidpr.heiDS of calt iuj-d, Miine V KZJfi V ' iar ?frtesaffe dent; which makes it in iioasat:tsriaocejith. 'ShouR Vo'Wuaint himself with 5irowin:vbeyii and to thisendf Christendom could send there. A diinetfrctfenx requires him to' visit the principal Works K uld find thousands of Fr ":',fii.-' -V T'-- requires in ro 10 visit iue principal " urKfc men with their national adaptabdi ony on tne uaroary cumbent on him I would have more influence i in, civilizing the nrincioles of 1 those regions, than all the;missibn5 which French-. ptability to. and a. r i-1 hn vik rr nor tciin .on 191 in i ' . . . 1 . am?Vr: " "Vt V4rt tmsuouptry, ami to ascertain, as near circumstances, planting suar canes fieaapusriessf W'propo8a-iH-: con h'airiracficablel' Iwfiat nlart unites the rearirz camels in Africa,: as naturally vince even hemnwetru,st, greatest' durability with the least expense these had always been their occupation. making- na de"sperafeifeortsrfo' fcVncealV fuhe conruction. ''He is also tov exa- CutWatma w?u1d n?f 1on,y be tem11 r JS-'M t -: 1 - . -" i! !? . and commerceincreased,but new channels UCicat'. ,,'-:i ; v''viw'u j'-. s. -i;vv , mine into the nualincations of En??inpers- r i-i i ...u..,.. 1 :.c. r, T u) UlUic wuuiu ire uuruciii wnusc uriirjiLa . .i '"5?rul,'''ic- jtJ's&J: Vmth .41.. view.- to - a '- proper ' ..selection It is would be shared by other maritime ria " - I V Legislature of this as a nowedge of Africa is concerned '-' v-xVjA' 'VTVv -fi-v v-iVI also made I Ins duty to-cause an appiica tions while the interests of science,so tar --t :-;d-h::riAiAn J tion to.be made to the araie are iiieso: -Aui-.'-aiiwiMca ti ' . - , . . 1 i - r 1 vi u 1 1 vie iihii c aiifauvcu in t ni"ic livii' kj 111.1 1 vr 111. 1 ui0.ui. v vnv. viiui ivi tt i j eration than they have been hitherto in e centuries., avowedlyJacVsonian,;bttt-tScr.y:qi . , -. . .. . . , ; ,. atr-H i;i -. ; : r corporation, and lor such other aid as sh ,v- 'rMviIt her,wisdom be inclined to bestow. . 7ictna-The ..U." States Telegraph I atvrck' m tfio raeulf fif &ilvi& frrvm 'Nl- noF8nnia" uuta 7 . w w 1 : ville. which may be fully -relied oh," a, majority f LfgUbto are triendly published, on the opposite page, an inte- ha (M,ortavvs;ave Jfied the Presi txrlflrVClar ilC: .y S-, - :: jesting correspondence which has recently , - lUt f,loJ taken place between Mr. Wirt, late At il rtfiL . iv . . 1 I " .'. i ' v - .i-viiii-iiL. ri? 1 - y- ... ., t for their removal and exchange of lands lidFFlk; on the 14th ult by the citizens Goveruor Gilmer of Georgia; in relation -0f:Edge.fieAd riSht of that State to extend its I jjjiijt 'as?ciMituTYtut v.r- iawg over tne, wneroKee muians. ine laeritary fieKtif former gentleman having been consulted that gtTeraab n his professiorTas a lawyer, by the Che- speech 'which'cdup delivery, rokees, for the purpose of obtaining his o- two hours and a Kalf ' &. - ninion on the'constitutioriaiity of the act DrjdiHiAgmhed Gvesi.r A a Statesman, we paf,set Dy the legislature of Georgia, ex atlmirc hlnirMva friend, we honor him, Tor 1 .. , .;. n '. . ,1 - , liie interettof h wiistitaenis; Ite h .nobly sa. tending laws oyer the territory occupied crificealfiown by t!i em, deemed it respectful, as he says, btrufftlihsr for the vjolaud rights of his hp press- " . . ... . . , ed -tryhes , thrpwp : himself intiithe. to acquaint Governor Gilmer that he was breacli-VVe baVe resolved to foil. with-binyfor employed . to bring the .question before .?""SSV?.?"" ' the Supreme Court of the Union. ! A sug redd i&h ci ri iers,' which the new openings 'f the n;nu ntaiti ihre w-io a 'grat:;vtjitqnc! yer Hie country. - AiihouEh dreailfut, ex- p I s i s a n n ounced Jlie ev e n tV the inhabit t itits A i he. ftd vil jage reniained quiet ly in t'.eir homes, secure ii Jtheirdisiancer which had sited them trora; preceding e.--ruptiosis however ioienU::?,The""det c tirn d th: s- villages," nid of .tWft--feoit' houses in'thair neighborhood, has of, course I L. .1 .. X. ' I.. I- .I " ?,.-, V,,. ca.utu a great nuiouer, or VICtlMis;. Jlh iihii iuct o-ast. U i the 241,11, M iff ihe ed ifict which had been Consumed were s ill smokliig 5 nd this unf irtuhate region was inaccessible in cVri&equei:ce of th' heat from the ashes.- stoned -a hit lava, -with which ii was strewed; It was- not tiM ight days after this disaster that it ws possible --til-approach to endi .-aur to.afrsiHt the sufferers. But search was fruitless.;- Never; was c.il.niiiy more terrible, mnre unforeseer or tntre getieral. Th. coasts of Gauibria, aitd some parts iif lbly, to wards vvhi h the wind blew from Sicdv oa that dis stn us niWt, were' covei' d vji'i the same reddish dust under4 which t country near rha buried. The fid lowing mrniurable instance "of converting mercy is "lenuut.etl in the . wri tings of Dr. Pivsori iu reference, to a re vival in N -rt!i Yaniiouih, Me. in th au tumn of 18t7 : " Three ft-mates, the wives of fhree'sea '.I'antains, who were at ftfa mi 'differt-ot parti of tne world, wre deeply iinpressed, and after severe conviction obtained contort. Jut about the. s 4 me tune all -their a seoi Kusbaiids werf coi verted at sea. 'The Wtvf s,' 'fieanwhile Wen anxious tr the spiriu'at Wftfliie i of their liuUii'ds ; af:d be hubandi wre no less concerned for tlieir wiv . - Judge What ; .happy meetit.g tliey, must have had, when ih'-y t uod what G'd- bad done tor .eaci orher daring t h eir' s pf' i tP' V ' iT : ' TtTfii? Britwh Parliament' Was" prorogued V', -oat& imWrsonM-TU' JonowmE?:trcl fiom ui3 peechjs .the ,.r maftrialrparlof it-; - lk'h" f i :M c?nuot put an end tq tu is session' ana taK9Y -ts; -sv my tea'Vieiof the jeierit lrfiamenVwithout ex pies'l: niyvcordial tUankf for? tlie;' cil i wKicji vSt- III II I III! "I - I . . . Lie?htninS.Q Monday night last, a small House in t!e heart of our town was struck by lightning, and considerably damaged V but fortunately no fire was communicated to the building. rr uiuiigiuu unify ,ucp. The citizens of Charlotte Mnvited the Kecent arriv avIJ un c xrKJ. Hon. Wm, GsTdN of Newbern to par-; bring huglihh ail vices t o tbet22(Utf J u v, take of a public dinner, as a token of their ; (three d iys iatertbanHHosbThCateLfr- r tt . . i t . " . - .-. . . - ,. -. esteem, ue very poitxeiy ciecunea uie bur they furnish wo iaHlIigl-nce of thd invitation in consequence ot the necessity l . , '1 n - i -j - . . . -. ..- 4 opening ui me r t rons. - Aiie T L TPestcrri, Carolinian. , Wo Ideation I is also thrown out bv'Mr; Wirt, 4n'aenuite'Weothe that the matter may be eipgditiously ter; the workinfout Gioid miftehasbeen mihatfeV if Getrgia' will make a case by cafried.Some faint MdeaJof-it may be wM t-oe inusuoiniueu. ii18 ,ei' gathered" (Vph&cN'wW teriliclted theT reply which, follows it, to unf kno1vi?dii K$:9?y GUmer, the gtiflmy of which last twelvVmthibe1ween and BO: isfly,aftTibutable, we presume, to the so thousand diilaV ?rtl(-'; of thprceiou circumstaocf that Oeorgh h asked, it, metal; Bank ; hasbeeh- received b;tbe?State many woris, 10 qecmne y -t .thiicitT;fi?HB : rtn?&Il-Q&fr :'Xrf iBuf the correspondence will speak lor it- :;New Cottpfc-rA 'bale-of;- new., VQttdtV self, nJ to it: we recommend the reader's ratsedVbyvCaj attention, as comprehehding a subject of amptohri.)-tJd vasFmor importance;. ; Vince,:"4atiKtrSu ' " ; , 4v; w v . - CaU8of Temperance.rA. correspondent 1 brought at OliarJesfon,ili pents VA.few..vv--- ;: r ;r , i'rf' i'nC:io of. the Fayetteville Observer, proposes to yales have; been soldtatrCh . r,, - of1. ,;; toi'Sfti- i-'p : tbe friends of .Temperance inUhis itate cents at Augusta; for ;1 21 cents, andat kf, v., , r . ' tnat tne severaiiemperauue outirucs, .u- A Warning. We have' been informed by a respectable gentleman from Lincoln ton, of an event, whic ouglit to serve as a. warning to ther intemperate. , .A man named John Ferrell, aged about.30, a hat-; ter by trade,' and a native of the State of New-Viik Journal of CommercetriTceUed by the0alediia, a itttertrb its Lool; tloiv corrp'd- of July oihi jn. which is fhti following ahgrapivf ,X; (y-. X ' ' There is some. r?;so!i-tO apprehend iltat the American public witi coantMjo- confidently 1 upon a successful i'resuH iiv jhe.WesUliiV e 1 ifOtiation." "The Adimh.alatioa1 beret8ta.Vd lheelfcrrof my;people V Xouavew-jsetyJ availed yowrselvea'pf futf "N'-v happy opr'bnunity of .general peace and internal .rpeafrnly.to fevieWtnitiyvtuthi laws apd V jad.crTestibljihMients' V fv the country, Vnd yoa' hepptled such CAtitlouaaiKtweJt'cdbsjdeted'; v4 rfocms'recomitteatith the aptt'orNutJ1 : VV. vefterble. Ksi itut.onsj andtare' Cilcolite. tO.fft-' A Y)u K?eern oved t HeCiviTdisraTirjcationSpV T v fiich nffcr?4 nuroeroua- and i ninortanO classed ? ? vV' rV mj people. ' s .t'V.'Vt-''W ; Vli9I4leclare on thU sojenm'occaaan rtijr v - f . . lfixe3 .ntiatipn iOimim&iii,vkih. utmosj;f.my -3 r-'iX'' ,io vi e the; Pfotestant refwrqaedrejijio;! fa' V'-V lisheSt iV iet mer-at, theWmeimc expVesa Ix1 rty tVrnest hooe. that th anMn'oaltfea vJtcH ft avc v pTv'5ed ori acvcownt of reDgpoua ,diUinetinH A jjjid ih&t the dec'si.xrArJunent;, with Vepett C ( fo'lose distinctioHS UaVinjbeejn itcevflrcajbly pro -' Yunced,hiy;iFaifliUI a'ipjects ijrilt ujQ withmeV ; m advancing- th object eoniemldated'foy t X? i I domCtf e. coticord tfnd peace hrch, cbjpsiitftVef " I ir 'vt surit baaisofournadouljstfengthaxidhat , pincss., '"' .-MV . ; f . ::.' MARBiEpv::,;.;tt. in Lexington; by the Ue D;p;"ttbVenmlUe f. ttv" Mr. Wm. Addertbn, Whs, XmnniJa f lAfptu v v ) J!, ' Iiv Rowsn countj. bydht, fti Jarnes SufF ft! Jr"' ilTiuVj. Ke'eves, Esq. tif Mis'MirgsueVtlit'ie" v -pie. Also. Mr; t)wet Seafbrd to SliaXydla''' Vi eeze. Also, ' Mrttijael Shaping to AIiss. "X M;UyfFreere.. ' ;Wv.7 ,:;vV TvC- ' ' In Ireftell county,, JUr.' Abraham. 1$&t to illc4 T , Straff-Msson. . , U r, ' J0 , M t V u 1 . sjn iKceis,couniv .au, irnuer Hester tjr, MSa A' 'v , " TabHb- ;Milr,: ' Arsolls. JaxeIlalkiu';t'N ?' Alisa rAnkeyyhew. V;A7- ln.Cirrusr c qnty, MK CharTe Ludney'to" XV" Miss CharrneBoV.' ; - - ,C? : .. to iss Elisabeth PUw.. 3.Vf ' " ' l ''-iL-' - " - ,ww-xt,,a - kpneW the most ,evuAblewand rSoectabte U?. . V" Another. Htro of ik Revn9nirn& ZJ.it HJ .V. f . .C.t7iitd;itaharn ortnawan countytatei '.5 4:fHu. , fie nested thMfe ud - t . :tdae.ot -about ebt yfar i., hBjvi'lterf thlji c.iaf InjUstfce.to hisfeel-' . . f tiiQwh:omef Abe nobKtratts ttinVb u'.rtin r Alarvianu wnere tie says he servea .his p-m-" tu ur.itnDnn'AiufyRu -y','t kpbrenticeship with Mr, Carson of.thal ?f vootihC; - ' -v k . A islands, without ptevioir no jce,-- liiarloiHei Statei inet an untKnely yfate in Linpoln- have. not as ynx i afyX tohi on the. IStn'. instVThe circu'mstan- . ; rV v . r?-' whomaybe friend- DeVWTUing 10 coqiriouii; wwarus .tiwuiijj afund -for the. purpose of eniplovingn Agent, to .travel and labor to piomdte the gr&al causeTemperance in Nrth-;Ca? roijna.' ?;pepncr to g'j e """no towards thetaccpmplisment. oMhe ob: tne'Bibl and r??Pctivcfcoji rons .'prosecuVion of!; theiK-philanthropic aor(s. i AMhe Uuthetord tileeting; one ; rson cpntributed BO; ejght .dther&ia J gay's the heraw Itepubjican oV the 6th UlUvll -Wila UISUUTC! C limvv i-i -,. uivp 'I rr?; At a late hour on L.IondavJpi-htr ton on the IStri mstVTr ces as related are these'5: Fei rell had not been long in the place and had conducted himself in a sober and jnoper manner un til the 1 n drn ing of the El ect i oh , ;,wli e 11 h e set-out for. a spree." During the day he continued, to pour down ardent Spirits in repeated and immoderate draughts un til he became completely intoxicated; and laid in the streeUopppsite the doornoMhe tavern during the niglit ; In thmoetiing he?made a a effort to again 'en ter tlie,' tav- l ern, but did not succeed in gaining, the r . . i- . .. 1. . -r. .1 1 r:. 1 1 . ji, .. a 4 l(ip Ol Hie ps aiyi ;tj v uatwai ti ujivi.i 1 his'neck: - He wai dragged by'uome-perf t iU i A ...U 1 - 1. - ..tvtl-.;l - I SO irj I u i it iuc - 1 1 u it .,w u ci Ciiic 11 n 1 y jacu L. - ! n-. 'vA .v'.:'.?'-!, 1 1.1; iv.fAir.i-r apu suneren xo. iie.a-.eonsjuerauie Time:.io ''recover from hisinebriety jbuton exam inanon uy some personal was uisuovcu 1 that hediad-beebTleaU-emerinie-rV'"rj .1 ' Rutherford Spectator.'.,. ,T' . .- . fc. V, ' . . T ' . ' v. S- rV i.. , cwMa,f'corri?spouucut ; 1 11 r rm K0 . Tn fn r i ft 11 1 r t h i-- "iTpj t h ' f . - M d K Richard StephensJ i yo'unnVan vho'vas Wuch Vesnected andL" whose -ttntfiDHlv death is irreatWJamehfedh'JIeasjciH- eu on menuv uit uy mc acciueuiai iuin blinjr of his :'hors.ei ' which' felf aiid ' precip Itdtedni nil beneath Ins LodyT He.su nrlr- eu uuoui no-pours, uurmxiWiMcn; uuic.ue church al.d Lbe eve a puse!c?c crreLion h r 2 f gehmV hearyirwaV . mufctrab, that Ue1 is leU'JnConlaioded lumselfC j - lofissist bis fellow mcn, ' y!, y 4 1jX iwfteHngttdbravto, r c 1 eii i to-. wli re'rf:ra. tjo jLheipro- re v ival olf the Aig? rloejpowri? ff Ghristeh dotpifrTgertcriif imi( '"tliM cause .of '.copi merce and civibz;ttuu,"wttifd- obvitmstv . . . . .. ' . . . . - . .""i giin much bv the: '?eiablhim:bl . -of.-itoe I tenUiYruleovr -tbj cuUre kutgdom . of Algirjs- lp du, tithe; tjiewhoill .rbart si .utini ots pui"lt iC pwauti irdeSf and a way ope net) it 6 the full aiid" i.ncuw ri;wueoe Jrppoi.itment oT -1 Lieut Jn th MditTa of tuVState offf r r "W.n na -" - J country t ar& a circunBtuceoccariv4 dune oar last war with GreatBntala VhirJjVi ttnUt C- . i ucfcjciaie. iic V.iyx suh iqai . HVetl t.ftomO J V uIaiA ior turw brice against. tUe Cxee . toAx?. pAit GraWm f(liie: hreour rAbra- . Lhaqv Jbn he Waa'abouf Jo'jjRt- up"h;Mn';ZX "X 5 1 1 aim several ' - rTTiicu, itiCjiitMCM, " i.aVhM't.v-,r.rirv 'w v.,,;fv' - was nc ante to sneak, or'move.ioiay K j5r?rthis ttm-ra.nceaelttfp fwasortqnateiy sn'extinguis)ieiUThere A v Ava -v coist .mlil.liUreaif, the ptraucf iae,? insteud of makahy excuse wiibin v ' L-. M 1 . ; , j .. ' k'm . . . w n I ., . hikl'lfiil I ' . ftH III Hill V rill I i Mill ft I I II IE JirrVTIl V ftfi V utvf 1 1 I 1 ' li ' r - " f It ' J 'Vr -"1 L hun.weif equipped tor aervie. and when about w safe ThcLo.ion.Kijrt'ts.quoterj,Typectin& Xjow , Mid nej ny soVca arKoitodtferul t -- 4 r. W- i, 2,, iiCLj!-:A - -iour country", you-M'now tittHe and if-'evev -v AiP'iersj'-a curious document' wuic-n.iS' not i.,!. - Vi i r - - - er aenerauy Known. .it; isceriam ihac INariMVouiii sooner se&j ou eaiwtiiin.iaiow y6u;to ... . vi sv o H- jf - vUJjve itowurd.. -' ;V ht true Am -prriV f, j . tneRtgeuHf ne,fceciefiftS. Soi that-iJfriW onlhe treat VTi&rt WeWVpv pnkston. rnf afier a Tlngertog fluesa uhlch til'" e V iif his-nrery singular; docuent, theu uizeo and'atvboiiinah. -y v xt.A-rl -.f .fc11.-!,'-'LnnnInn.'KlB' i,t ' Iii ortconh Uabkmis. count rh"i t.t' tiKrT.' r-ii l- JrV"' f jbf Apulmora!rycc,apJayi!r JouniSr aha; Esq whichunyells-ibe pohcyfpoteon;.: ,v 'aaolJarrettecitiiVta Wack :XX: rXlvO:: t:7;;70,;: AWmtbewoicoWvMrsasaTih-.wuioTL'" --l-" ArU-l 1 lldssia bh4f; Ukevcssesion' cf f be sge, witp only lo aays;Sicfe's v. "TurEeV Europe, and shall pusti ner conqu;sis -: ja uutk ceunyr, ir jacpi a, neHyriiv , V -t mtoarfaraseTnayhmfitrVf. tbe STStty.otUui. VK' . " he dj-riasty of the BOurbohsip Spainf .Y-Ia "l.cXioi.iinUieU. u.limrt,;acob cldestr; '" -V V antttlratDf tbe.DgariZa Vamnfcia, ortu ,-oOl xlwer evl t& v f1 ? ahall cease to exist r a iiiiceof the Jamjly;Cvt ln.couutyi W. Fra,cJeiilrra, x : the.Empero'rNapDleonluirbe'iayested, wi t08yw.;1etei.icete ; thocworW5nryA3. aU upwards fXOiycarao!- C