.r ... r U , - ' , S J ' ' ; - v f- . .' . t i v " - T ,.. m.. ... y . ... . ,,,,,, .r. A, K .. . ... , ls !f d' ? . K df l.v m-'--4v' r - 'V Vr V where it ;tio ; Gonsalvi'i but fell upua tl.e. houses aft 'aruuri'iV ureadetl.i and' passed nver wa V prayed f or. v cVes Jj pra y- ? ,T3 '" ;VT' "5ht strike; 5 hiisbanaand;Hhat"he -t-meVfot a'hortaripd twentyfe .cents for ' But1 time vaned and' he was still-uh'-;VervscWdlpuWication:tW i:uchl ".and;! ;Tiwl-lhifJtht;pfagotf J ' LX tistihlC! : revolving thcse.hppts and fears.and . wish. - , u'.fv e jn' fny;minc!l looked upon .hiirt as'he .TT7 v'v Xf fy"ri all hhthelptessnessW fepose: 4Ni;- slepi so souhdljraod ijuietlyf that h s slum "" - v. i rLi'''"ivt"J itiVuJCt u"rs were. even as.me tuurauers of ueam; tl.clfolfowlnff ao ci?nq , behead the vWoid?ohf would that if .were!'! ; I iU withaUrbR.int Jearful ejaculata,. Anti lhen J added t myself development of fierce rassonoFliappomt. itbutone b1(w and I lonked around. Wlo)! .canehaehdtnaaden, TheniRht la rnp .shone, upon golden 'and insex ,thehuinan;4!ieartA- bodkin with' which' XU ways;;braided; iny iave(done their vrork..opoo the sensitive 4nind Jiair..If had been given uie m earlier ami 0fvoman-rer ucamy mu ur juvciuica nappier. oaTs. Di tiaureniiQ, ana whatever lost -.forever the and of ht' is trahsfprm-1 dSS I wore Jht.bodkin, still .upheld my 'ed into n infeVnat demon, t nn4.tn' proportion hair-rlt now la'v 'upon; I he toilet, where I "trt'hpr former." cent jenVss ,and -ponty the had "placed it Vlien I had iindrsed. ferci'y amliTioral debaserapctiof h'ec fall u 1 ?3 buVne.bhiw,' repeated I to niyself, or; . . i' '.i'-'1- tpB..?;,). . irathpr fhp vii nni suo-oreslprt it to me. l CONFESSION'S OF-NUK.). Jarosc from the bed and seized the bodkin. " '''".). 4 l- i . - . ' i-i one knee, up'n the , bed,. -and buried the .,Ujt,UlW;X tjidfcm in hU si.te op t .he eye ! He gave nent. I was ai 1cn51.1-u011ea.1u blood spouted forth like a fountain. .He lttheendofones..wrt yeat ha eperat. back fw 9ec,;tuis and he .s dead!' . ed-he to go tnf thenars, and tbury . th 'h'afj H at the mol melf in this convent. ,vl therefore write , rA. . , Kil; :j . - i. ; 1 . . .-a:' much ihis, tlMt, Blierrjny ueainiuey way au. w f . m-l:,Awi. ,llfli:lin na4pii oVpr n.P at Ibe real .truth concerning these, mysterious J. h- iri8U,itae W0uld hawe-bd-n gmuL to tempt nun : I thrust oacK his eu iikc inti ijriij uci bu laivfj 4- V. InViViTered kindness .with every mark of u iruui ii j ; iuif-w r,r ; Joathins and contempt : anii..now i haJ Above all things, it lias beep bitter to m ordered - him! J ! knelt-' and pryed tor ny!soulf thattwhileXbore;the fcujlt of-the SUcC0;jr ami support J but I recollected blackest; crimeUiront-my conscience,: I 'wnat my List prayer had ben; I found, it Should have "receited ; the praises of the impossible, to ujter a word. i tool; up my World, as'a dutiful daughter, and virtuous rosarv to reneat' my! usual Sprayers ; but was soon to become a mother.and was ev uctiiij twcdrieu wnn ner jonjr jaurDcy,' t Wehan'.t gotany horsei fepjiedfie, .the riighbyVs are erf :-1tTndj 'tdme,jVit. they- caii't "spare1 tli ei rh . v ani; it would cost a-much.' to hire oue. a ail mv.thread wilt com e, to. J.t --r; .; r. K;H:v,r-., ; ; ffYjsn'Aiivei h5sband.rdou't'. he i6 "any Ihinff Tor vou . - -l'V 5 -j He is; a goad m1ihlieAd.oes'all heai); but he is; a cripple andean, invalid r Hie reels mf yarn and, speck ihe Children's shoesr-fie ts"a$ kind a!, histundasa W6- man need "to have P': will be sure to brinjr ii to his ma'um ' Do your dauhteis spin your iNo ma'am : as soon as they hough, .they so to service. I don keep.them always delving for m are willing to give me what they can it is right and fair the v should do a tittle for ter pft ii yu hatl no one but yourself to pni- J, - vti r tor rl i s cw mo vk .'.. 'm.9... r if 1 u,i. . jenactmeikts and devoted wife; Alt, has been .the, horn 0opd ad 'spurted, on the beads and 'caused of the shame that mustihVye attended; the jnern to alip;t"foin my hold; Yes," I ex- ackno sledgment orhowvijeandguiltyia claimed; yes, indeed i his' blood hai risen thing 'was-jhua cherished a.m( (caresse'd,'that between me;anil heaven 1" 1 ha hitherto ,rrsihined ..the Cqonfession - vXo conceal what I had done wis my which has so oftFntrembled!Voh(iyJlip next obJpctJ l hid, as; well as I could, and struggled for. life and Utterance. Wr etery thine that was stained with blood ; It is well knawn to all who are. ac- covered the botiy witn tne ciome, anu ciuaulted with rae, ' lhinfi''myeaVfj. youth went o it of the chamber at break; of day, I received tHe'vows of UuVenjioGopsaWi; to spread a report that the Coanttiad 1 b en and thaHiiy;heartckmWtedjed the influ- taken' with the pl.ijue; ant to eek tor is. 1 wH'knew that non? t our fnci of hi nanion: that our luteiwaft nerl medicin ".'l: -".'-- Tfvr, 7,7 . 'v 1. 1 ,. . . , , . . -i miitnii until in. ippimmiuinirnr i ivinrK tiiiiimiii:t . wuiiiii uct iraut f fell upon my narentft hearts arid. led them Uianser 5 and lieo 1 declared my mien- tii wrench asiinder those ties which no hu-Kton of watching by him myself, they yield- it most willingly;, and seemed to so.as an ntonement for' the had evinced towards him held' tr li- htens thft load of. -irflilt Vfroni mc It be dead I would not permit ny of my thVws'itJuhon ihoienvho travel W ibirth pei'pfe. as I said, to, incur the' danger .of . .... .-..', " ii ' tted oniil, the accursed'-blight, of avarice domestics .xvMiId: be. ready to face 1 upon my parent hearts arid. led them -danger f and when I declared my i wrench asunder those jieVwhich no hu- tton.of watching by him myself, they ; niiinvpowcr could otherwise have unloosen- ed t' it inosl ed'jandMfi rivet vilh fetters upon tne-a. think ihatj did hairfVwhicH nothing but fet'ers could, have unkindness, 1 Ji This is the, only' palliation -.have aince-our marriage. , , i;irer..forHhe awfucriineUJhavV,perpe- : I announced. that he grewr worse ated'j and to; the Megrce in which- it ward the,secmd nigfit I declard hi I to him to I? l .i " Vt ...1,1..1 U. Utnilll Frnlll f Ka iJuiBiavii reueves iMe-oniv m inemair tnieciion, 1 "vm" est poible degree VWey "separated: me body, covered it completely with a ho thman-I adoredana Jeri all . this 1 d.id ior !he -ark m;iVriaAiiitt-nnhffr T.pf mohp iiKt.. and bltunfv corbse of that man, Trom whose - 'ni -iui t.lu-: ii.r.iL-1 1.- touch, while livinii, I recoded as from the camevvasyoungvaccomplishe - t ' , ' fnve Wejikind,but that I treated him with1 ' ight cameand with it the pest carts UihirMr al cprn and tcnguea were not and they-.UellR.tid flic. cry. of 4 bring opt vantm2toite1l him that if wa all for the your ueau:- tami m Vu vkeof Laurentio Gonsalvi:'' We hadliv; out py,his men, wiin stopped mou us anu cdt..eiheffnreom averted faces and :he was placed among years when Laurehtio i9tarned frpm 'Ira- thcead :and I was free! . On my marriage wlth the Count; he eel (or detection did not reach had MPhrna.rir. EnUt- thV h'mihf. a. me ; per sliAiluwAif suspicion fell upon my ffonp.ahroail in Vlild -ilf imniirh'iniltf fM.ohn mo' . .Mltif I 113 mCu no he lud retuVnedbefepcounVeredf me i ' ?n??!1,!I was Laorentio's bnde! public rand hKkwioV.tHat my hekrt Baah, iow diHcrent-were;;ny feehngs wa breaking. And ;we;metvm: private wlAr?h! been had I been and .triing and' bitter waa the feoptliclf and marnejl tn lino in my years of innocence. he temptation Was almost greater thaii we. ,guilt,--the , guilt of t blood,r-.was could bear: y.But'vre J?rt beaurtnd.Ve un.v kouL ltg; weight was as lead , ercar ever mh, wmI each other, and that 'nenherf : us hat passed over ioe. He questioned me vould ever marry, unless ith 'one anoth- concerning it m vain, lle thqught I-beer : and fiA.vVnV- nil " nit ' ih lUv'f IrWi itf"Was occasioned by the shock ful to mc than all the violent of nniont-t''Vhv dnnH vft,i Zr?n Axf VAli"i which had nreceded it- Hp tvmiM'nnt. UmrP id t:vhinvf .fti.-il-;i;,i:-.ir Mtitwouiu ne ever again take a tool und spotted murderess to hiV( bosornnd his tel' 1 I ..neeel ho' saywhatmv asonies ?:.Ptr?atyere:- His determination .was irrevocable'. fAVe 'parted never io tneet a gain.;v H.e:fell in his first battle, Tarn still hereT 6uf(I ,ff that:I;shVlLnntbe 4ong.V !v V i " initfi ii ii. U "Froni (te Bostm- Commer&at Gazetted V , A man of jntegrity h a man of universal good neW oi riDenediVinnpr rtMA'Ant indeed imply that- he never Jrieldv to any v... .i.uu iui ui wnai inorrai. can mis lie sud) hitit supposehe eajiectB.theau thontyon which the laws' of God are fnnn. ded; and does not! therefore habitually to lerate in himself anyVooe vCe ; dops not deliberately permit himself to offend in - ny single point. ,7 There are no breaks in the hnks of that eolden chain br which all his virtues are bound -togethertlicre'. Is no secret and unseehV disease preying on .ik uiiuucss auu neaiininess or nis moral constitution. 'In the goodly superstructore' of his charactor, there can be . found no unnoticeily.beam, through which evio the j-icnaiiiig iigoi. 01 conscience can enter; betraying thvit its foundation is unsolid and insecure. . . - . : -' . - . fVVe all. agree, that to pronounce any one to he a nian of integrity, is to bim most ex alted praise. " But when it is used in the more restricted sense in which it is receiv ed amimg us, it is supposed to imply the possession of a very valuable, certainly, but not a very hjgh and dignified virtue. 1 however think otherwise. I believe that what is called common honesty, when it 48 taken to ims ly all that it fairly and proper ly means, is a very ' exalted nualitv. and ifc, I am afraid, not so common as is some times believed. .' There are certain violations of honest v. which the laws define and punish a open irauus, 01 me nature or which no one can be ignoranf. But there arc bth ?r pa r- tuica iiiiiu toe sirici ruie 01 ngnr, trom their nature not cognizable by the laws. which really amount to the same thinr as dishonesty, though they sometimes receive gentler names. ,.Of this nature is every species of deceit, dissioiulation; or evasion in their dealings with one another. For not only is it dishonest, expressly by im plication, to ascribe to our uoods aoy qua lity which we know they have not but also designedly to conceal any fault whirh we know tbey have, and with which the buyer cannot in fairness be supposed to be acquainted. It is dishonesty to rjrpre-ent iur wares to be, in any respect what they are not, or not to be what they are.. It is itishonesty, arso, of a very agjra- vated kind, to take advantage of another's confidence in our integrity to borrow, f;r instance, on false securities or false repre sentations of our cinumstanres, without any intention or reasonable expectation of repaying and it is dishonesty to raise by design any expectations which .we do not intend or desire to fulfil. ; We must place excessive rijiror & hard ness in our dealings, among the violations of strict integrity. lie who takes advan tage of a buyer's ignorance or particular necessities, to insist upon a higher price . 1 -I . . i ' f I . ' : . man tne current value or rair marKei price for his commodity or on the other h.ind; who uses the same advantages to batdown his merchandize greatly beloiv this stand ard, violates the laws of honesty. Unite this nead must also De placed the exat Hon of usury not because it is hot right that a man should receive compensation for lending his money, as well as any other property iiito which that; money may ;be converled bat, in some d- gref, because the. rapid accumulation-of wealth without industry, is bad for the state and for the individual, and chiefly because we must krrow that in most insuuees ht who is wiIt Ifng to borrow at exorbitant interest must bon the. brink of insolvency and toat by lending to him we onlyr precipitate his downfall, and increase tiisi'nabifity tordis- cbarge the just demands othoe creditors who have entrusted him with the hard ear nings of their own exertions. we make ourselves partak ft Li-.f'-ii'i iii 1 1 the t Conference- and 'Sopreme Court;, . , Hieen marneil I should alwavs have had to - T-vi- r.f rrA :n.A KuJi r. 1 if . f V"' t' ' 1 ' .. . About ,..'miiniY.ihrit was deep hidden ,irom Mout inl the'etiyl;aVd,the;deruct,on jheJeeches eye -vygreat:Frtci.tlSh'unu an.r iJJ?- a ' .i r- ..;iwt...f V One day he ' asked- me what, had be- ihifMr f-lhi; tu- ..Whl' tome of. the goldeu bodkinr.he.had' gien ' . i- 1' - - ..-- m i 1 JBh-- v 1 if. in ht nrt roit tsr.iii r ?, ie sat oeiio 'le.,.1 r isl,t when- tHefpe'si" caVliWi-.t Jvf ',ad. f'j J, 'Wish "the )einpf ifsXbr " he.peutl ch.a 5"S-fe ;W of tbe aylog? "k tKej" approached :J.?AMWj.erwMlvIc WS'ce;.-bring ci." ' "Aliil i.u4' , W , "I'MhVir face, routed; iort .theiirbmHs ttie lnUeliWt'.'7 t'1kn-'tipitSvw'iUi'oott(ie citf 'pr ierubei I to,weqUesuned,me,,-and. flt thirWptioh7 f '.Theiear "xi thrTrwA in'nAJ.A' tfi.r '.Aaiin.'ii; Jlcariiiot dwell upttn.the-aMnj, of thus ha.V.'ln fdence iud itf iatk'ne.s. Ue ti.o. "r. . ".'!.. i: w lining hit mnr ( ibided.into a deen a sor- gh Saturday thiStst Julrj eHhctn t! itV-' VV , HJf of rt.dijrh: or okone of the. RdkHs. 't .. ' 'f. i Northwest from said ciijVa smU Leathc r I 2 uiii; containing. some; Money ilnZ - 7v Papers,. py whicl the ovcDe??a jname Twi jl ,b e : t ;; - 'f. ' U is abo writteri'10 the Ipik, ,any person. 3 eyi I V' " f liverini? theTsaVne at the.Rovk-stvre cf JGales -: vTirE SOLb t6. the ivtghst',tvidcIeVonr ' ,1 V.ihe emfeee oodiirdjy lief th clay'u , jth DWttlG-ritOtSE and tUT ton Fay'r ttev jville Streein the City oPUaTeih, occupied bV- V7'. : .' But his Jbeing a 'c.ripple isX'HeaVy'.tnU- ortune to you,' said L " VV h V ma 'a m lilftftl tnnlr Hghtreplie-iahe .woman jiM.cousUler v that I have never took now manv agreatreason to lie-thankful he fwand loliii eelletlf SprijiVf-' to any bad habit.?,'- r- susxv:frjj?$rsi;xz . - - . ' - .J. ' 151' '1 - " . - ' ' ' (linn ' . . r .J ' " rf . 1 .. cmidren have you r. 7 . -1 ' v. rcV-ctrT'vtfv 'bix.sonsaod five d irters S) whatfan- ' f v-f 5FJV v handsomely, tu-2d . v f , v. ily fora poor woman to support,!" T'V'.'.V on the Souther u, border of ;lhe Cjtji earthe.; A; , If is a lir familv anrpti m-Am tint ?overiorNresrderice,;cjntainihK abput 17 acres, ' x', tW A T7? : n v - wfh l)wplDny-IIfwsJ and Vrksho thereon, here sn?t one- of 'em IM te-wjlli lose. I hey are as guo( children aS need Efardi )V$uj?yi Ther? ;s a ery ood Spring;, VV . ; to be all willing to work, and all clever o'tf the lahu; ai5fan eligible I place.'for a smal C; ,' 1 to me. . Even the Jittlet boy, -whenhe ??KfrK ly'k'r Rein a cent now and then for doin2a chare, i:fe!SPf1? tl!0.,rfr;: j '- re big e mndated atllie Omee of the Uank .of JNewbern ; :; want to i1 Rle?gh,"i6r. the greater pV( of tlie purchase. VA ' thpv mone'r; - v-ip,- v 'WHVV-'V';--- .1' . k 1 ' 1 -THOMAS W. CaVINGTONT, Trusteed ; . ''fj. ' l ' little n r ., , 1 1 11 1 n 11 n' 1 1 1 ill 1 7ftS: :" ' themselves. I do'ali my spinning at- ; "HAYOODREttlllTSv V ' the folks are abed.' ). ' T " ; iij.: TV,- Don't you think you should be better JXIIE Ffrst Volume f this vatoVMe' -tot print, we arfr about td pubJislta v .lo or t, with References to Bobseguent. ' r. Ms of the LegislatOre,-and decisions of'1 If 1 had'fit 11 la Table of the Cases -nortd; msrcrJnaf Ah.? work as hard as I could, and now I can't strac'ts, and a new Index, bv Wrt. U . BatTx. . : "! " do no inore than lhat. My children are a Esq. of Franklin County., 'f ' V- ? , , great'eomfort to me, and I look forward The Wopk 19 at present in the Press7aod ifT 7 V ' be got Out with all convenient 'despatch. tf - -t Kaleigh, June 10, 1830 J -GALES &SON f'i 'T to tiie time when they'll do as much for me as I'have .done for them.' Here was-trut nhdnsonh v ! 1 learned n a lesson from th .t poor woman, which l UtliCe of the Colonization Societv:; w : V: snan tioc soon loreei." v. r r mmneion jam 7; u -v; :v'.-'i:-'"-.- ,rlHE MANAGERS oflhe American .C.oloniia; iCA JL tion Society have resolved. to 'dep'atchit 1 WaT71Tr:J1 i tion Society have resolved 'toVdesoatCh rfrllE Subscriber haatbimed I 'Copartnership r!:10?," a"".6 bndre Tmo Sfir v , JL .. in the HAKOWAUE BUSINESS, with Mr. "."," v,.. ..v 4?l v yu, r - GeohokA U wight,. of New Yorh, under the 11 ls S1!1 mirtant, lat applications foi ii;, vf , Firm ot J. & ii. A. DWIGH T. Thev h.,ve ta- "P"uo. soouia dp amy maao'V , r STttT r,,m io uie 'secretary or tne aocietr in this city.: ad- ' r of John street, , The former customers of James Phcatiyns tor a pnssage inay also be rhade.to , J)u,icrht& Co.A .dJarnes Vwight, are respect- J' 11 tft : toex tally invited to patronise the nc-w concern. Wolk B. ran Fq.chmodi?.-;Vl'ir v,',-' : . JAMES D WIGHT. lier Lynchburpi or.;to theecreUV ' :rf , Petersburg", VaJ July 5. Slate ot" XoYtVi-Cai'oIma, 92 8t. r.,es ! .,y f tne Stat or other Auxdi'ary Soct- : -r ties.- ' . . ' 'j'-Ljl-, ' " 4 j HAYWQOD COUNTY. ; WILCOX AGA.:UWtr?;ii -v S ' APUAerVSJU 1 A ;.Genefnan.and tidy.' well 'nae t.V- 4' ' - Mary Brys0 , -: . : . -r ; A:ruct ipthe varibos brancheliOfIaland:' -" -V ' A p. hPet,tlOTlfor Dcei'- Female aVatibautt.findij't j ' Eh Bryant, 3, - , ... . ti6i ,thiJ smW R ttW',' r.V f LRiiEUED.by Court, that pu.blicafuon ie fy of IVllcox; lit.tbe; SUt Jof: AlabamaR mileF '. I ' 1 7 made in the orth-Carohna Spectator, and and a half from Cantoo,f the'Seaf'of J tistic ' of; ' ' - Raleigh Register, that the Defendant be,;aod said counter. In a.'.be'althyVnd esirahfe ieigb-?'' " V- uppear, at the next Superior Court of LVw, to borhood.. The bui!ditjr ia a larjre; two? story 'iV-? oe held for the. County ol Haywood, at the Court hduse,1 fidy by.'twehty-fivefeef Vthe lower sto-'v t: House in Waynesville,on tht 2d Wednesday, af ryia divided, into School rooms,; and the upper K T "fVr ter the 4th Monday in September' next, and is appropriated as a residence for th Teachers; ? 4 ' ; V plead or answer to the Plaintiff' petition, or ; it is sufficiently 'spacioutf f6r the acommdMtiow V : same will be. heard ex parte: - - r ofaevebtRoardersi wrth . necessary outlidue- P -'' Witness,4 John B. Love? Clerk of said Court; attacheVLThts Institut has. belviit nnratinn at Orhce, the 2d Wednesday alter the trfJio. nearly twoyearsthe average: number of SUr-. JOHN U. By REUB. -97 3w ; en'iril nl thra nirhK.rlirtfwf ' onrl jks f'n.i' lrik. 0 THW AimPHfni7tt ' i 4spmiOJuie ocignopruoouanatnetactot thero-f .U 'i FFERS for Sale hisHOUSF, & LOTS inlne nf n 1 r , ; .Town of Oxford, with the LANEradjomirigl ftw nki.A :x h0r,K- .t-Z V. r .r V on should recommence early in January next.-w 17 stnbuted into A.pprKtioi ! miist " accompaiued' With testi- ; V.? '. ; . , f and a cellar monials of character and rtuaUfidatibnsand ad-? : ii apartments, dressed lo the undersigned iit rantnft: Nt'm 'i ' V under the whole divided into several apartments. dresse4 io theuodersigned-'at Cantoru ; Arabama.,f-' It is situated m-a most beaUt,fal grove of Oaks j ?. 'M p. .CSMltttSecreta'rV. , ; C ' . attached to !tia a larg Filing Garden furnished f August 7,. 180; 'V1 " 4'$x A'if'J with fruits selectedtrom 4he north - an lec-House '' 1 , 1 "" ' ' . , vl ' " ; . constructed of rock-a atoneSpring-Hotis : a HIStateOF NoiHK-C Well of excellent wirter intlie yard an Office iri ? l'WAkVtrmuitv'' ; ''i ',! : the yard suitable tor a Lawyer, and every neces Superior Court of EqnitvSprin&Tem; taA 'V, i? U! " sary .Outhouse, all m good repairs v . '--V V iw'irlmV V V - ' j . :-,- Also, a TANYARI now in operation, which V, ; Wdliam t, Bobertsoa,;; ,,5 t,; r.; mightgive employment to 8 or 10 hands.havimj . ' 'J ' " j-'W 10? acre of land attached fo itfaiid 00 the pre Kfeb?!,?,l: obon- S?S- - -v: " mies is i.comlortkbleWo'stWDwelliV with :SJi0 every convenience for a.famflyresidetfce; ".'A ir" , . man a sins. 5 JS t Going into a bookstore the other dav,H accidenily todk'up a new nublica'tioh callr ed' The Frusi! Housewife. 7!Turnin2ro. versthesleavest; piy; attentgn wascught by. the following: story,' Iwjiiph f .thought was, worth five shillings the price of Mb 6 book f accordingly . I bought"? ii and4 now sendrthe extract for piibficatipnC ' : 11 if PhUo8ophyihj foumt;V;t(ie most perfect sample T ever meti was an old wo man who AyasTappareutly thepqore3t tand most 1 iorf oro '--of l h I'-iinWophiA '1 sn jtrii e 1 s t h e rh a xt of w hi ch "a J Vitro f ess i Vb'e- Ifeve, and none attupua .invanpbiy, viz. wardi circumstances;. Thev wise''' woman. td whom. I havelallddediyaYkV to Cost oh from a distance t of , (enty-fivc (br; thirty miles to 1 sell Ta bag' of brqwnCthread1 and f :kiogs;,andheppati'ent)yr V'iksV b'tck ;iUher;little rgaihs, Her drtiSthoug'h idyi Is a grotesque cullection' of shreds n this way t.ti- n8t.i vwi -a'.tiAm' ;rtVf aB arfe;t.th age of k twenty-(;ne years or' X."t eriof another v ' : ' " reasonab indaccouioiodi'trngtenrV, v1 ::''-7l5" fnvor-, , i'-s.t' ..v. il-, Jirflwinw.flndiiJsinhno,'hrhn(l - sr V-.-' , ;- - 1 -."br Young Ladies '-:'; A.' John Rotton0filJeued:'und?posetHti m .V ;r ; : U tbmvs AiAHLiKW najicommenceornerjcnooii.- ."x.r r:rK'- '-': : ivx PHILOSOPHY. aVthe House where she; 6ov resides, v and KlTinsausacoaing'on tobeheardmotloni , ' will give lessons1 on Kaper;. Velvet, Satin, &C.J JL.it is ordered, that Henry,. Mliller, Cleric 'j , L .? , dants and oeira . ; V ? ppe'ar mg to the Court , . A. , , ; Ralejgh, Sert- 6. 18301; mits.of this State It js Or J red, tliat publkandn Jf "f v :, j BRlDGrK O V fcKJS,Jy bl.V; tbuttHe said defendanh be and appeac: .beforo' " i fllHE Undersigned,' Cbmmissiotiers'appointed the'Jddge of ovr Sdper,i6r Court of Equity it"tov;., -L V- " . iat'Auguxt;oujt'by''ilCeuiity Cp'urtot he held in the county otWafeei a4.the Court-,. ,''V;;. Wake, for building abridge, over'Neuie River,' house KllAIeigtJu the f:rrv Uondiy' after ibe ".' 4 K '',l"t at Col. W.lliHlon'a iUgive'riotice that they 4thilond.iy 6t September luarid pi 'id W" STt wilt procecr. t contract for thenvoTic witn $he swer,or uemur, ouierwise it Bill .iU t-e taketti.-K , 4 -lowest buLl ., bnDiurs'day tbd;d JoslanrJit protoofe. jheard ex-parte and'decrsed accord- r.'iW 12 o'clcck, at noon, aud, invite ;.WOTkmej, i. mglyi -;;i-.i-Ji . , V r'lf: .-i4 'X .V dined to oridertaka the building of said "Jlri.e , ,V'itness,H.'3.I. Mdler-Glerlc -and 'Mastet of.. ; toitterj; VV-;-- the Cdurt' of Equity forWalCeV at:0e the Vr' 'V:' vVy : CMABLEL. inNTOK, brst Alondiy after thc4A fidVof.aiarcbA.-.vVf V . ..":vs-t f : LEMUEL COOKE, : ;'.: JO. 1830.. :v'-C:,l- -Vv'. i r.t-VU '.C - ' " !t O It .Vi-'Vfo J MT; IlOREUTSONj;r' 8geo6t?:;KTl lLtULLER&.: -'-"T v 7; f vSK :;;bW.Wu- Jig )SePt.3. 1830. ?-gr::;. u- - -. .v;-11' . - -a