' V -', .--'r- Thelbw)r "" c ! 'ith ' m rela'tjon-fotlin in- rti: -i. . tract cu irom-mei :;r t p. ; . v i , 'TVrVpr;.iVe hiv.e;-emtulr6m V dreadful ighty - VlVjTal sffrrers-TOeW . 'fci every pntiroyfyihe fipUHerbefare till thp'puUUc iWlnsaiiltc; ' ftT: 'tiV fa (V.SropeV tyVpu b wr & pyifa tea eVer y 'PHfHvh v-;y. pairing ''Hff f vJtf v.&v v '-- Tfie . even tar cb n nee ted with; this revolti ' :- v ; ofii cial ly r' au Otenticatedf r.V&nu't en - i ea vor; ' n n vveve ri- w in-(i r cj , -M Vgi V?jilfluir apWranc thoujjb tli'c greatest en- ilv-'v'miilfjiiimUlv wltK'ttie isVuhiff of these' ilie-: ! vCcreesMarsfi ; Pi ar mrefitedi witKth xommirdf of - v; tiievtloops. tne iay lojiowing, xnexurn i : ; theaUnKrrelascrt to a iscoun.t:.tii inpanj '?:'.A whicli al I ; 1 h e 'CnialWfa cttirer. d UtU mil) 'WerUedltvtb rcrlnuftViiic ! Ui e ex t ra nnii n ary &ia i in i" o vv-t i yvQn Ybe'i eyerjinV of tHe wjife- flay.i'tji'r' followinnf ordinance "viypVaTobi'n.lPai rls,f which wrVrd to increase the agitation, alreatiy prouueeu : .. 'i '.Z - ',,VeJ be prefect of Ptl"ce,&.r;eeiripr tlie ofcl; ' ' ; ;iaiieN of the Kindated 'he ;25tfi in?t. whiIi put Hrnin in force' articles 1,2, and 9 oft he law ' a. of the SUtjfcff October; 18t$, we have 9r- ? r f ' Art.:l"Rvery inditidttar who shall distribute ''V-V.printed Witinj Mch tirere -haU not be the v-jO i' true'- indication jnf'Vhc vname,-- profession and Ire- sidence of the author and of the printer, or Mho hall gite'the public the same writings to read, shall behroopihi before the Commissary of the V- ; .-i-.y:? ."lice;, of the quarter, and the writings thaH be sz- . 7 'Rvery individual keeping a reading room, -.coffee hoisV, Etc- who shall give to be read, jour- ' tials of bther.writings, printed contrary to ihf or dhiancf of the King of the 24th inst. relativeito ' the press shall be prosecuted as guilty f the misdemeanor wluch these journals 8c wrV'irig?, . may conrtrue, i and his establishment slial be trovisiohftHj closed." - " -v j ' ' " vTa'eRdny ''(be- 27th "was , 'early a day of .exeat excitement and agitation. Tiiej Po- lice vvVfp buy in. attorn ptin to prevent Atki nAnnl o friVm viaitinc tlu imiiai nlaCPS t Tof "rert -jpapera atid .ne ws ' v . jIncpns4eM: pT; the decree against vy y the followitig ; i -V; ioufnals Were suppressed on the 27tb ; 7 :LMfCtilu(i6n -with 27:000 subscri- .-'., - trtl the XJbiirier Fraricais, Xhe JdurruiI du jV. ' :th:VfVteffff 'r- CViiimZTra a nd ( af the I ed. v . . v - i -guillotine, and . y. ; ' restot the uacrai or motierate pariers .oii v, , yvw .f? 1, rnd Hetwas several W Emdiwe7thouiheir ; '. i. - .the folJoi.itre.-lii wnty pap.eytwnici.. K Ylj ,y V,. .::::.uu..iJ Jua -w : f. I orsn ' j 0;U nia s pu ici .i'ii u iv i v f-' "enctlit tlis which trjaled"JnV WrK V -On "Wednesday; thtf -Stb; Paris was m hoaes toii -oMh'e Viosursehti ' heycitb t . owiuivi pi -vvn"" - - ...... al .iourna4 appeareti jip v y - viK with or. rej used :to act againstne neo r ' Vi ;. St Tlie seizure of the presses of t h? liber - V b r be; f nidpMdidwi iettrenisu !Ja iriliU U I ,C ICO t Uli uctjiij mm ? ., vi uc- day'V tMa'iiy of iheNattonaOy ardsnoiw 'fv 4l. :V.KIT.':i;!vof lirti 4fi- tTIik'nnfnnt ' rnegltedVfo y'uii strajti o n f f eeltpg a rdf jrsevered in the viriy -cou its ruin Mlii V r V y&taVerrtVCtHtings t)tiiiueduntir tlie: ediV .-.acked;ahd,. t inn as. the stu 'v;:.; thectiitrged tmum? andvraitpr titrbbyiti ''K-'nalyi spi H edV ucceed ed i n f etakn g Jl j'S Vh e an ih oixh e Kcoi e PUI et ecii mq u clet fcYfi.' orou ivyi)nrtb'n)tj(Vt ftenvi froUhetrp.5tfu--,f4 4--. i i 1 11 e in at io n a i ,vau a r i y 1115 invu organ T .-i; i, rift? ized atsiilf rablefxntidltag pir b eatlGenefal Gernlund ectobk at their Duri n this pendd the populace ;'bei formed trito4;andsAriritMlevr organized' to4 J? tt extent ganedy cop -sid erabl e erou iiclamt ' pushedth eiR ad - . 'lie Ukijftl 3 uirds wlio Hicl ie ordered to"eyacfttelPari$;rdir( ceetbloud;! -oi vjuiihi ,nxm4uijowib uuarns(wnonaa tit. : :t: jafptl to the I ::vr . - J the i-c.atiiu atic!:cd r.t thrc j ox! .;ntU.:i-. icr aj.Vn vy;nrn:' "J:r' -ro oacscd,?and fir. ' "rthtf resist: ! Vnceiiniof the IVmliad tiV-:s pi bjlt'.witli flmattef)::! result, fewpu'inet'i nP n?. and r -:rr J ;tp a-p ro t csf, v b i x?Ji :ay.as'&v .it.uifthe ....ui;; li acy M e Ki n ve ml) 1 e d t o ! e U b e - wVlrt: i" ivi t n c n r n 'e' fn f - f K f ." K 5lfTtl fFjnlf erjnti accord i to soin eacccu nti, QCtliirpbEss '.lias d3cen received froi a rl 6A s far aV "ih.cj n t el I ige ri ce'h a s b c$ n iV'thnWfthottt'tbejlc SntofdaV tiiirht, ai Whtcti ,tjfoer :ib!p? Pro- I vismnallGoverninent wjU most saccessfti I - i iii wia minir v rpsnminw its tran- liliusiasm prevailed. A ueputatton Itum tjsje bad ainVetl, at! .Parted offering OOO Irnv if ; nee4l. '!VtfptaVlon.,Vfoal :I;yjmt waajso a ted to be on their way to ParW.v'; At Marseilles tb inhabitants arid iuilitaVybadiunivcrsany risen against t h e-go v er n inent of Charles X. ,'Ph e M arr eeilleV liyiiin ws chaunted in.the.streets, ami a force (was organiii ng to resist , any attempt 'of. the tyrant. The Prqvisional Government of Pq ris was abtut to send two ' thousand jnen towards Calais, and on the arrival of the expecfed quotas from the provinces, other bodies ould be des patched indifferent directions. . One gen eraVieelitig is said to animate the French people, and they are not more distinguish ed by the heroism with which they have asserted. tlreir lilierties,' than by the avoid ance of all anarchy ..arid'' plunder during the strongest excitement s Tlie following: Documents have been published : : , Fahis, JulyJl, noon. From the Journal tin Commerce. Inhabitants of Paris 1-i-Tlie Deputies of France at this moment assembled ut Paris; have expressed to me the desire that 1 should repair to this capital to exercise the functions of Lieu tenant (ient ral of the kingdom. " I have not hesitutt-d to Come and share your dangers, to place myself in the midit of your heroic populauon, und to exert all my1 efFtiWR to preserve you from tlie' calamities of civil w Jc and of anarchy. ( j ' " y On returning to the city 'of 'Paris, I wore with pride those glorious colors which you have resumed, nod which I myself long wort-. The Clamhei s are goihs to assemble, thev will consider of the means rf st?curiog the reign of the laws, and the m -untenance of he r.a'ion. The Charter will Itenceforwaul be a triith. c LOUIS PUIIJPPK D'OIILEANS." ' The present Duke of Orleans is the son of the. well known I'Eralite, who suller- re ncli llevolution by tUe cousin to the Ex-Kin?. rytars: himself a Colonel s l ' ti . . ui: r -i .1 r. zerlandi where v was a PiMfessor of Mathematics, and, some time after, came at Chiswick On the VestorHtmn of the Bourbons, he returned to France, and j - it v- ; -':.''. i .-. c i nati.ine ,wnpie 01 nis immense property restored to hi in '-Globl. . 4. Frmn tAe Journal des Dcbafs. TllE-'PItOTESTOF-TIIB DEPUTIES, y llie undersigned re'darly elected Deputies by.the CVilleges of arrnndisemf nts, by virtue of; theUoyal prrUnnce of th - , and conlorm !y3y'e,.,'&tlt-UtipttaI Ch..rter,.ana to the laws telatiye to ejectors of , the -Trt and who aire ntiw at Paris,. CQiisider themselves as a so Jiitcly obliged, by their duties and their, ho ior, to protest ag-dn'st thejnetfSiires whicli the advi sers of thcXrovmluve, lately' ca'useI to Jbe pro. 'tund':forllieroyeiinroy, of the legal system of ; electjoiv kncL the ruin of the lierty of the P'resH." 'Tie uV ieasure.i contained in the Ordi nance of th e j-. Ire; iii the opinion" of tlie undersigned, directly- contrary to Vihe.cimstitu tioual rghtf ;'of the Chambers of Peers, lo the pu41ic ' rights of the French, to the attrioutes and to Kie .de&rees of die tribun.ils. "And calcula tte,d to ' ItH-ow the State into - c mSusion, wbich dually 'eitdinprers the peace of 1 fie present mo ment atwl the security of the future v :1u;Coiwqu;eice the , undersiiirned, iny!ablv fAiihlilo theirqath, , r rhtesj in concert' iio't on ly t igui nt he said m e:vwi re-, but.; against- all .hf acts which' nuy resUlttfroVn tfifm- Aod coitMtlvrhvg; CHt- the one; hawl, lh;i tlie h-imbt-rf; Depaue8,'not tiaving hven constitu itedj'sotlld Ji! pe r Jegally dissoIvKtl tjjtj Ui ot her, thU the atterTvhtto frxn a la w ChamheW'He- hf)Ut)esin a novfelritl ri)i(ruiy manner ;s direct y opposetl to telJousjlitotirtiial t;harter, and to tlieac&Uired fights of-the electors, thi oorlnr. sinect,declaretlvatdey iMf onsider tJtenwVlvesl as iegaiy eiec?eJio tne, UerHjtatioa by tiiColi leges of -thc;arrndiserneji whose u 11 raffetf: t he capable v of beiogepced(exc elect ionsV made vccoiilin? to th t nriksihl ; ¬ toj-ms p rescrj bed- by ? i he : laws. ;Anl "if the i n- dersignedJd iipt. tlective lye xercisetb rights ; nvr, pciiuun a uuues , wjiico i ney idtuve from rii sw ue.reu. , tatei ra pi r. -,a u v.1 " c ' tKaf't)i t vranthgHad jibdical: n yotf tbe Dilfeile 'ordear?;th the VJtieKvfoUow. bbt qf the names of sixtv-four Deputiesrj; ,.p M w v;( - ' PltdCLAM ATIOxV - , ' ' ' .'-DEPUTIDSr- -.J- T?WiwtM:Pr DepiTrtmigfs hate 'ail. tlre if dthe foltowtngroclalviti wv to'thc irePeopleV, - t- rrenenmen i iance is free? ;Abs5utetor)w". I ut ixeus form ; e woyernment. rin & has raised ftt ivf'. t,i ' -i-'-i: .y. -A--., J Wi -."UVa'.." Il"r. i tW r a r 1 (,i f " 1 :.t3 fcax.f r.. L which wjt! ' nt : delay v.-:: ;''?,ilrst v... i!. : t-f your U k Covernrr;?nt . ...iy t us thes 'vr.nt 'our ceuntn . frenchmen ! they hve invUvu .! .wa- n -r;uls.rly intervene, Pi;" WHO iiss never itniv m " Duke of Orleans, to Vr-- t!se f-fnetiw - of "tiientenaf.t General cf the 'Uir.-bv , Tlnv ts, uV their bnhuon, the surest rncani promptly to , of the inn. t le gitimate defence. The Dul - - S Or ?an ivie votedto the.Katiaial ai.-l Cc..--.4itul.onal;causer lie has alf-avs dsfen-led Us ir'en stnd profess-; ed its principles. He ill - respect our. rights for he will derive his ovK fro Tn; u?. Ve ;shnll rnro triVmrsplvM bv laws all Hhfi narAntVes necessary to liberty, stronpr andfur4bleThe re-establishment of the National GuartUin.the. choice f $he x Oldei-si ' The inteiventjoii ot tne citizens h the fbriTwtion tjfahejcJe inuhiapadministfatiqSfMhe tfniyjresstdn of Jbef press s-:th?g4.ljripi35 ed:resnbniibilitv"ofthe rnirvislesyahd jhegec- rtidarygnts of tl dmtni;siraonp:TheitiP idnn tiie:hiiliri:le 1ectfbn:it0p1it?.erf'1p ioncert ym he TieadCt!e;StaiTtl flpmewti6f whicliutheyhayejiedlrenchmen! ihe kef,C)tens himself H$9 already spoken, find his lanffnace i Unit wnic!T iisuitabie m a goint! to assemble ; they wdl consider of meaus to ensure the. r ign. of thejaws niUt.hettOMtit ivince of llVe rights oftJie atiwu "Mamfeto:to . and to au irovernrntnis. c . -i A sotetnn act had in 1816, laid i the Jas?s of a reconciliation 'between the French nation and the ancient dynasty, and fixed l he conditions by ibiciist!ie Chief ot. ihe Bourbon t M)iy ,sliould resume and preserve the exyitcise of the royal authority reiterated oaths ha vi atNliflernt e pocha i ..rendered more imperioijs theohligatiom contracted by the Chiefs of.thik family, ; and h;l made their Charter tht? sole title tei ttie obeili-; en;ce of the French. All these oaths haVv been vtoratedduring the last sixteen year., by the es- tabl siimi nt Of a'great numbriof Jaws, opposed J in meir spirn;anci lener.io inc.?jrn n ui Vyiui stitutional Charter ; but each of the attempts hi therto made'against this fundamental la w had kn appearance of feydity, and had noi exceeled legislative forms, which,7 while they1 had been preserved, offered the means of rtiiaration. Tne French nation with an equaiiimty( which ..has often been called indifference-or weakness, 1ns supported itself against all the inroads of poer, all the att:cks against its tights, which, m-ulr; i. .. . -.iT :. -.i . t..i .ii..J;. ....v. I oy wur ijuivrrru auiuuuv r. iuua uivi i.vw vn; ceeded ench odier in ler the reign of he' astute ' Lewis XVI'.I. hs under that of his ' siicces'sor. :. .The nation il patience, instead of bringing buck , the Government Xu the St ntiments of jtisticei f confidence, of benevolence, -had. on the con trai)', inspired it with sufficient andacjiiy to march more openly to the overthrow of our institutions to the spoliation of all our rights-i to tlie tv establishment f those principal s of divine Tight ot those rojal prerogatives, which are in op position to ihe interests and. the prerogatives of the people, whidieaimot be regarded otherwise than as an outrage to human reason, and which Kiiglaird first "s-igmatized with her anathemas. and destroy ed by her arms. - T1' Oru n ianres of the 25th of the present month,. in -abolishing the principal guarantees cons.-cr:ted by the Const i-, Hit ion d Ciiarter , h ve set at nought the positive terms of that Charter, and of well-considered laws, adopted hy the two Chambers, '.and sancti oned by the King, according to legal formsi have at length -taught the nation that 'he Chief which she had deigned to acknowledge,'-. 'not withstanding four years of vices, of corruption,, and of treasons against his country, wishing to govern it by his own- will, und according to the caprices of his own gol pleasure. By these Ordni-iuunr.es'. tlie Chief of tlie Government has placed himself nbuvi the lay THKaitroat he has Pl!T HIMSKLF OUT OF THK PALE Of THE LAW, ,.. - Inconsequence, C harks Philip Capet, for merly C unt ofAi tois, haslceased of right to be; King of 3'rance : the Fietvch are releasrd fr.jm all ih ir allegiance to him in that character. All the Onlonnauceswhich he may' promulge will be like those of the 25tli. niiil. and as if 'they tad never been gitfen. The Ministers compos ing the Government of the; Ex-Kin, named Po- liguac, ' P.eyronnet,'' .Mnntjhel, d'HaHZvez, de Chantelatise, and Guern'oui lianville,1 are declii?- ed attainted and convicted! of high treason. H istheiluty of all Fre1)chmn to resist, by every means in their power, the orjrlers of Charles Phi Hp Capet, or his agents, Djfuler whatever deno mination they may present tnemselvps ; to refuse payment o"ali imposts, and to take arms, if it should be necessary, to put an end to a Govern ment de fuctu, and to etablkh a new Government tie jure M ' The army is to be reeast'd from its oaths of fidelity to the Ex-Kiiig i.i country invokes its concurrence. Charles Philip .Capet, his self Sty led Miin'sters or councillors, their abettors and adherents, the Generals, the Chiefs of Ue giments and officers, are responsible for every effusion of blood resulting jfrorn the resistance of the Government tie fin-to to the national will. ; Louis Philip of Orleani, Duke of Orleans, is called upon to lulhl, under the present cir cumstances, the duties wlcb are imposed upon him, and to concur unbni fellow-citizens-in the; establishment of a.; Constitutional Govern ment ; and on his refusal tjj do so, he must with his famHy," quit the - Frtmjh 4 territory until the perfect consdlid-dion of .the new Government has been effected. fi Voted In Session at Paris, 27th day of July, 1830. - ' r- . . ( . ' ' 1 ' . .;..':" Signed, 4-T, S. :Provistotval President. - ' . i;eiM. ' J. Du D. Provisional Se cretaries. The London Courier of the 2d ult. gives the following view of the character o f tfi e h e w;Fre n ch Provisional Minis' try- Perhaps a btter;.f ihistry; than this not nave been chosen, eren under biytei carcjumstanc nia. me v.nuii'K, was iijaue. aL a lime fense'excitemeut, wetriay regard it as'an 1 1 indication of I he nioiderate course in tendr d to be pursued bihelllepitjesV. ani or tne wisit ot-the people to retrain from excesses, y-lu" raosty ravol u tion s 1 bo wen ittyther necessarily into the hkndslthose-wKo tdtik. the.most y iolent&ndigenf allytiir be'en:n lyaft er. aj on&pu rgeofralri;areiiv that retuiniihw rVsifthnrt reason DasbewCthK cessity of ptaci ng at iMKeail ofe afiai is persons who, althougMririeyypbss regarfor liberty, wepnqt-inriMb . . o vi umcj i jawvi viiie yuecessiry e i -' ' 4 i., w i.uii y.atu .i t. the oru ut whicli c:il v thoso.l huye sufir-- cil ..from i: ibr calamities c.... preciat. Tvhcfi in iact:timillopuiace:rm.;u upDoed suiTicienCtacommaiifirtKe ojec .i:ittcrs-wno.?nouMr pe ine uivi-o , of their'tehpance--vye fiud Tiirou T.fiMw was. lor ft -.ions: jimei Minister of Finance andcVLtrnWrXVIH-i' antl yubetitiei tl v- oT the, CuhiL;ofMbe: Duke tPAugouleme, by'wlu :il lievases teemetU although,'- unit): . :rately-' ior,,ihev Jloyal family,- lus atl vice to? outweigh. that of his I ess h o n e s t c b 1 1 e agu e s , i t un i r a i it e 1 1 1 r v? is;avmarv oCgoud intentions and M.J Vd ci 5 1. Pi'i ripr.1 wlm i nn'ft of the wealtl . : : J- ' :. ' . . 'i - . - . , ' t ' i i ft w ' !est bankers uitPari?s;anhthe head d4 a! large IsteamVengirie . manu facory,rand o therrestablishjpents of national industry aHhougb anJ.art3lent advocate" of Iratjonat .Mfa's not trie'TenutsCtion'Wf.bein a inpri VpvolutiorilsU wbilstbis' talent tor' Government-lias been generally acNnowiM .. - - r , - . . edgetl, except, by4be late Monarch and J the party .pposed;to .tb'lpptripfchcU,: M. Casimir "entertains iii ctnnthori vitli.; theLiberaKt)'erniles. ; M 0upojit.de: I'Eure isv we believe biberl vfJthe? ... -- ' . .'--. . 'it : ..i.it.... Ultra school out -."0 enjoys tut? rcpuiou pf being a man of tajUsnt anH' lions. ijizooii i'v . kmv.'v V r-... ... 7- y ---' : v '-.vr J:-;.. and M, Guizot has acquired celebrity . a v a writer am1 is ;well catcutatedav.ta; as taleiit and knowledge go; for the post to which hehas been apotntvd ftl General v;G e rar d w e k lit? w tm f 1 1 1 tj S b uj J we heat that be; is a violeit JJlVberaft) tj a t h i fee 1 i n s ' a re h os t i I e t t h ii .couo-l try. We may, however, have bi?tMimjH- lhtormed. the linkeof yuneansfy has 'undertaken to preside oyer tH?W AtK ministration, Ts well known in Europeofi the Piidosophy with' whiclv lie;?i)ure Jus misfortunes during his exile, iind the-ml) deration 'which he has displayed since" Jns restoration If his own repeat edydt clarations, when the quarrel betweeithej. Minis tcr" and the" Liberal a. .has. beenyjdts cussed in his -presence, areto be-cre dited, he is an advocate; lor constittiofiy a I. freedom, but ;an yenetiiy - to "dicentiiVus liberty;' T4us,.thereltre we have a Pro-ft .visional 'G'ov'erhment composed, of better materials than con Id asonably ; Bay e; been expected under tbe circuuistcinea and. we sincerely hope that it vil bv iti acts, ileserve equally well , of the couiitryv and of humanity. As ,to General Lafay ette, whose" greatest demonstration of the cgafite feeling, has been the renunciation of his inherited title oKMarquiivve; bev lieve the general opinion to be, that Jie, desires the happiness of Franc t4 and &l V though a Uepublican, sans bornesr ip prin--cipiei, he is convinced that, the well -in formed part of the nation would prtter a limited Monarchy to the sbest ; possible lortu ot. Kepunhcan txovei nnieut.y iivne ha not changed very. much wilbitiiajiyv months,Lafayettenll prdunte.father tliaji discourage, any plan lor the re-establish -ment ot order, upon a,, basis of rational liberty, even though it should iio't cootu up entirely to his own &rti ideal of Go vernment : and he will riot' digrncs the reputation which he ; has acquired by an- attempt tp apply- to France" what would be very unfit for the French peo ple, although' very proper: for the United fetates of America." . . from the London Conner of Jtdg ofo Some of ou r ctt c m poia He s. ;i-p pear Lye;iry ansious to know what course tJte British cabinet will adopt in reference to the o- j verirrrow oi hk vininmiim in fiaiiuc.--Oar answer shall be very brief ohef that course which befits its interest nnd its honor. The. French R.itigand Iit;Minis try cannot deceive the people intti ab lief that Engtantf desires' the" stability of their Government at the sacqfice.ofthe Constitution, or. that iRngfand will-; waste ber treasure, her Dioul ana ner iionor-jn support.of the measures vvhidi iliey have adopted The principle of rn-iriterfef-ence. will,wc doulit riof, be as rigid lylact't ed upon in this case,, as it has been inall others.during the Administration; of, the.. Duke of Wellington, and with equal suc cess and satisfaction to the natitmluf the "French people subtnit to the present mniction, & choose to live umler a tlt;si potic monarchy, let them do -so si Frante will only become weaker and Lngland stronger by the change, lf they should nse ann uestroy tnar power wnicn. wouttt naveaestroycu them then t ne conaict wm be one '.which GreatBrttain will behold with pain on account of the evils whicb it wittpc casionj; but so longis it stjall- be confined to -the : legitimate exercjse of right for there ntav be a legitimate Hght in thv peb pie as well .as in ..the throne- why felt ou Id the , lintishiC; Government intengre , in qu arre , vh i ch as , lotfy em- i n yol ves tio prtncipleriif, sei f preservattb ,- ) ,h ' Europehas been told,' that but - forlthe British Ca bin eh-Poll gn a c wou 1 d n of h a ve btferatt the -bead.bf .ASfairs In" France' si itce,z J&u t .ffoif: K the - cou ntenlnceitif th e.J V u fe .o t .. y. e u iiigion f n eycou iu:; naye c nau iiibtchanceof suchlan'jeleVatiotiuirbpe. has" been tbVd .Yalsehbdd; t the Duke of Ay ellmgton had no more to ;do with the Bausiauuu.iurfiiexouju nut. oavciurecci Ihktthe destruct members of - .icli arknownl: b7 men setvcyithout tearrinctiiaeu:Kf:; of moderate principlear-not onMdnH fonbw 5diTf j placed alUth we bclice, is to be regarded, a?-a down- tablishdovernmeol Evntne i,! i totoe rognt anoutbyThe esiaJiitsnmentiirpiti remntWof Ihe line? r" ; ' and Ave occurrence. ,be,afctv 0f othe- !- H might beconejnvotyC tiof.s, Would tnterfere s'hiit irL : canpot to ort Without tt'oneyahd thtJl plUwJlLbyoted by tbisa aVti pic pay the taxeipdered by such'an V Come the IUtretih .between the d 5!?i W ViJ) occur to ,v; lotftker by.force .they cannot take updcrthesanction,of ibe a Will f,;ft c r -r;T -' fj . " f -r-r , u not ketr Where. C;Jneans-f .ln;;theiiijne-;TpaMi. .11ietf-riitid3ii best tplormeor informed maai i in , r rapceorr ne-r wou ic.t not-nave taken t th isextre ihett Hcinay succeed bqttvt; tremble for. ttfcqnsequences Which marsuirroniytuftcpntitrct;v.' - h Yfte $:raa Urn to ci- preset h i r Mi t opjsli tenii aiih e ineasu res wh iHbet-chylvi ng list bee n tod uced tiJopjfsayphIiido Her. air;ib.rAtts ofitJiWrjJj- irtaay it be at tt'tKertn.fer to observe the, .very :strikindt.-:tbcc;-which ex ists bjtwetHi family inahjs ctu bt tMepprpacjiinrui Buuib.m dj. nasty iii traeiormut be confess ed that tticre appears u o;other, probable termttiattda to the suru ra gi n j i 1 fie epuj s m Ir'the y Fren ch i..ku fui unit .5 iiiiun , rwiin-il'' uae UccU neaHy as greatpCcure-l thd Stuarls wereVtakthlsTiiento 1 v, we look at the?4ilt!tVrV;Fihiw . lies, me more.. ciear iaiijx-;eiutfn(-peaine simllaVlty beco)i"e a ridCIsa f les2 of Euglahdfthere;i li be 1 ou ml . many, ip4H n t s o f :'res eiu M an c e not m u ch 1 e"sV t ft kitf g jtlia fi tlun V of their hav ing boJ.lj-'dicd.byU.ii Kiblic t? xe c a tioh elrt'jlV' ea elk "fii e'se tittforth-. nate" MoriarcTis "sat; deeded species yf military gtteHiihenUuhile PrbtQCtor in .thone t:omitrfan$n Consul and ; Ein ori4 ih-7 tether, tin ie rettbrati on ilneletimatej Snver Vtghsjif eachy'tountry,- men 01 an easyj ana i nuoien t o isposqion, a tl di-Ct etl tn ore f o h eir o i ease And plca u re-'ithia'nan xf ou'il the rmli- !ic tveltartl anieVe more cioseiy vUiarra niereysupernciai wy server Hvhovinigl) t not ipake al lowarice. Jajnes lIandCbarie;thev likeness i:i.!i.t:: !l' S-S'i-iL:d.-'lr. .-1 -1. ''L't.";'1 : uai i j oeciMnesoiioreappureiH, uoui, ff cofditig toWpdr ence ot aiVieslhodd; and ;verv . strongly impressed wil(f;ari abl e n a t u re' bf Uh es; royal p renigati v6 ; both y equal ly.bnabferb'rjnillingl toperceiva the gr!1 i51! opih iiVnor;t6s node -. rafei p tlie; 1 ea t'i hf i reitra vaglin X PMWr 'sions, i n con tormi t y; iw i In the motieraxe .desiye;.;qftb seqfiencsytttbft laseyweiarewn acid'tiaihtedr; A lew weeks, of ner iahi;i uvsi mavs iOvY UJ . Vbt'dtnnlarces v trif ormatiorVh h Si t rt r' li iri o m v l icrrtntonts ' H m ft 11? tnC , ' Prin r.h f ronnVi1 Alirirl'-.Jt was SI'":' thatn'tdOO had been bVdered hotue. "'-The coHvictatrbulori yfiad' attempted to cape boti were prevented reat excttement-prevaiien, anu uic 'Ut ..-.V v-? , , r-. - ;iiK--wi uuiis- long 1 1 v b 1 1 uei i y . fv xfr!: mpll Aiidr'non!:. Wnd'rntneeJblaCes,tl tional ; Guard has akjeprnS ; of llie-pe)dpl e u, f$--"! ''V ' ?.rUM-nprtnWWnTfifiirffi that there vasly : s f It Is prober oTsf ate ftat there '1 f. i: ; ..v ;.'j. V u ' i AVnin ti utiun, no Aubn.it r.VVill iT)ey rexoir, oiyiiic-uiiieeiic,n ineir respeonyc agci on coming to juerr tinvin, wouro.ai nr ilo-h't" hi' iwillirtrrYi1 dini -iVfiifo htivteft titGuaruXn dlsbandeit atetbMyearf'a pJ : Wainihgittspontatteouiljr --I 5 I A . ' v. Hr' . f-, ' rvr:y , ' ''y'.:yyi, - - : 11 1- ".