1 ' ' A 4. -- i , ', :l .77 v. 4 ' v 4 i 4 fit' I'. V.) : v': ( .... 7 ' -? '.. v v- . . 7-V ; , , i ' V' -Ml. T- if' " A v. V t'i -' " -"'V -r ' A MM ' t THE GRAVES OF A HOU8EU0LD JJy "Jllra.JIemans, f e&eh fair steeointr brow Vi- ' 5h hil fulded flower in sight,--- jOh ; "midstlhe forests of the We'sV'S;.-(; Ly a. dark stream is laid .'he Indian knowt his phce of reVv r vTheVea? thVtonVblue teaath'. one, v e ; . i '-V He lies where pearW lie deep r' ' 'ifc was' the Ibv'd of all, yet none " - 1 O'er bis low bed roaweep-f V , Vv -t-s V""f 'i'i'-: ' '--V44'"V 1 (i1 - : : One sleeps where souihern Tinei are crest. ; . Above the roble'slairt; , ; ( , ' VAikI one--o'er her the rovrtle showers - a v'1 - jts leaves, v 8011 winuijuiu t, L' T toil an flrtiirJ- ' She faded midst Itailan flower; - The Iast flf that bright banoV i . v .' -v i '" 'syj: . ' ' '' " " ' " " Ah(Vparted thuvthey rest, who play 'd . Beneath the same "green tree: i Whose voices mingled a they pra d H Around 'one parent knee I w They that with smilea lit'up the hall, v And cheerd with song the heartli, : t . ... :f Mil': "n.n.'.fl ' . 'viaa : lor iovc, h tuu, wen. ,; And nought beyond, O Earth t Male aiM emal Acade my , riT W ALK ER respectfully informs the V -"'tSnWritanU: of ' Ederecmbe and adjacent Counties; that Vis second Season commenced on the 4th imtant, It his residence sevn miles tram I nrb6rough,:injthe immediate neighborhood of x?v-hVfferew in beauty sidey side, v, I V.V : U-nlf W tA1i wWt ti :r.-f V'Th.y nild one home with glee i; .;v v v" ;-JLilL r"v7; -Vtv-vVheir -raves Are MverMtr and wide,; ; . ' ' -vr Dy'uoahahdvreamiandaeiir -6AtES .-xtt ji o ' i ; : r cdn V -v rs'. APPENDIX to Ha :: ' -vhtch '; lVrki:--. iv.4 mnK.nt at niffht' ;Vf';A'ki- embrace the Laws passed f'- t: - tr 119, : ?'.. i. b'Teriknber. Session of S Months. Greek; Latin," & the subordinate branches $14 00 Geography, English Urammar,.msiory, Compositionri&Cs &Cv , i 8 00 "Spelling, Reidinpf and Writing, . 6 00 Itnardin?: W.ishin and Mending, . 25 00 Boarding may be had in many private fiimilies inlhe neicrhborhood,f preferretU ; Under un arrangement with his present pa tronisersj the vacation will commence 1st day of August and ter.ninate 30tli of September r. y ' I f -Siich" as did' not enter at the commencement ) . . ;of thewtessionj will only be chargeable from the t ' " me oi iiieir niranuc, ujj. i wvn.v their respective Sessions. ' June 23,T830. 6 4t ; State of Nortb-Caroliaa. ::-.'-:;y; -v . Rockingham County. J '.i r Cotirt pi Pleas ana jjiiirter Sessions, J. : August Term, 1830. , Won. Winchester v. Isaac Cummins, Admr. of r", , Robt. Cummins. ' Motion for a decree to sell Lands. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that James Moore and his wife Mar r iret, J naihan Cummins, Robert Cummins and Newton , Cummins, heirs at law of Robert Cummins, dec are not inhabitants of this State : it is therefore brae red; that -publication be made for six weeks iri'the ltdeigh1 Register for them to appear at onr ne'fiCouft of Pjeal and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Rockingham, at the 4S 'Court-house in Wentwortb, onthe 4th Monday . "of November next, and plead, answer or demur. . lTtt; UO; GALLOWAY, C. C.C. fv Sept.7V3- ' . ' . 10 6 bb$k& . w -. : .T, GAliKS 6j SON, AY-i received the fallowing addition to - their-Stuck, viz,: ; Encyclopedia, AmencanvSd Vol. ; ? ' ?'t Virginia llousewifir4 new edition ' i'j ' c'.rorpe's NationaiCalerKlaryi - ? ' .( Sergeant H Lbbers Iteports, ,15 Vols. ' " ' . Hoveden's. Supplement to Yesey, 2 do '-Menvale's Reports ; 3 do "j ' - ; Montagucf-on Partnership, v " : ' 2 do ' " , peters' Supreme Cbdrt llepbrts, 2 do Starkie ou Evidence i , 3 do , Rnwle on the Constitution) - wr- . , ' . Jlolt on .1 4bels y - 'rrX:-" VMontacue on Set-off NewUud's Chancery Practice. - August, 183'J. '?fi'-v;?:-'? ' STRAY DOG. WS-r-l3eil tii.tirauviiic wu'iiYi uuui 1 six nines 47 southeast- of Oxford. I 'heard iof the dog at Cha- r. - , ... ........ n;.,.L:..L 7 ,,.1 lliltr whU rtn In. wav ..from P tlshoromrh Granville. : Any person hearing of a stray dog nir hHNiM : tlMftntf At l tin V rinw Answering to the description given above,;wiU please makeit --known to N. J. King, Eq. V.t Chapel Hiltor Or. Wi II. Strong of Pittsboro', v.who will. secure him forme. All, information - respecting him will be thankfully .received, and any person. who !will deliver th'e sai l VJog to ei v tlher of the above mentioned gentlemen, or myselfat Oxford,"1 shall beTiberall'y rewarded. ',: ti -J'S' VN..B.;STEI)MAN. p;; , September -2.' v-'-'- i'"'--'--i (-, y-lQr.-f-. Medical College of iSoiith jOarqliria. r ' . I. ai"r stolen from Ihe subscriber, about r t it?P, TT ?t . : V O the "middle bflulf las, .a valuable 'ilound sShSV' Mr' U',U . ' Cbg, of a yellow colpH intolerable large size, v T.llt! gi fl i f1?- i! SaIlshu- T , 0 ''i with a while breast a.ul neck; and wijh I blaze Vln? ? a 7 Salisbury every Wednes- i' his face, the end of his tail - also wW He f-I ?n U f ' & ? c A' ,M andnarr,ve " . .. -. L-.....:t , . leig ) on I hursday and Sunday, at 9. P. M. and 'V. JL : reaumed; the. second Monday "ta November V the purpose above V;v,,y ; . : .WwnWJo.hh-'IlolbrookriL''-'!):-''' ffK through that r-V -V nrrtrv.S amesltaVrtsav. M. U ' .' ' s t nes but simply vV; Institute and': JPrtteiied Wife;4er Ileory' U - r$faietiMdic&: HehryB; FrosiM. I)?f dreK. Thos.'G Prioleau,: M. D. : '.-c "-H : C&mittrydhd PkarmacijfcXm: RaVeneL jff.h, ..- :.., n. it.iJ.. .j t-.:i i's-.T-ii-." . Faiholosrieal and SuticalAhnt6iw. John VrL 'K ;, - ;VMpivO; 'tpd??-'- rvv--- v : v VemmutrMot noawrtsr,-John 1Vagr.er,ai;I)i' V, - A;'VS lHENBY3.0ST -y f w r , v . -lyrxr- rr ! w . rd cf.Interr-1 lr vill mt at Clisrlb Stat ... the l iti of Octo'wk.. sonscorteerne J wfil please, to. ue notice. fcfi By Plcr of the president c the r .y;. ' v; V j.-n. -- Raleigh; August 3U irv (T The Elizabellr (Jit) ' It. three weeks. Under; distinct f. eluding' those of I Ses , :Vorlc complete. '1 Tor this addition to t ie ' charerfUlbemsuJe. The at Five Dollats as heretofore. Orders -will bbinstanUySttteu.). ithe il, no extrn will !,2 sold tSi. S RS PECTF UUl.Y 1 rfpfrna' the inhabitants c f Elizabeth City, IUleigh:Nwbern,i.,W.h- infffon; Fayetteville; and mher ! places ; ijv the route through 'North-Carolinathat; he Intends visiting the above mentioned places in the month af, August neit for tlie: purpose tof TllNING and STlUNGiNG PIANO ;.FOU riic r. -V ",ftir. uoes noi inane a iJrsiiuc, u ti jriMii the tountryii foV thV.-pubse:menUoned in this advertisement Vbut so maiiy nVrsons h:vinff gone throutrh thati district, who know nothiag- at all : f the business, has induced him to undertake the contemplated' trip.' v No pay unless the par- lies are satished. " . . NorflkrUne59. . j' ' " . 93 3t YATES & McINTYRE'S OFFICE, . Richmond Va. Dismal Swamp Canal Lottery, To be drawn at Richmond 1ft It September 1330. 2 Capitals of g5,792 is 11,585 26 1,000' 20,000 ! 30 500 15,000 ! . 32 ' ' 200! 6,400 , Besitles R100. 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5, &c. Tjcket9 5 Halves 82,50 Quarters gl,2 Union Canal Lottery, CLASS 17. To be drawn in Philadelphia '25th September. 1 prize of SO.OOO i S20,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 .5,000 5,000 .1 4,000 4,000. I 3,000.. 3,000 1 2,000 2,000 8 1.000 . 8,000, Besides 8500, 400, 300, 200, 150, 50, 20, I0,v5 Whole Tickets 5 Halves 82,50 Quar- ttrs $1254 (rjj A Pick:ge in 16di Union Canal which is compelled to draw 590 may be had for $200. QTj A do. in 14th Dismal Swamp wnich is compelled to dnw 545 may be bad tor $100 A do. in 17th Union Canal wh-ch is Com pelled to draw 50 may be had foT $110 Shares .oPI'ackages in the.'&tme proport on Addr-ss your orders to Yates 8t Mclntyre Richmond Va. where was sold a few days since the Gr-nd Capital of $30,000 and the Cash paid on resenlation of the Ticket. . YATES & M'lXTYIlR,' Managers. Richmond. Fa. August 21. A New Mail Route FROM RALEIGH TO SALISBURY. 9L : stage fare, five dollars. UfgRtiiis arrangement the stage runs twice .ii'Veefc, and goes through in two days e ch I way. j Th accommodation ?s good. 1'assi-nirer who are travelfing from Raleigh to Salisbury, or I ennessee, or South ot Salisbury, will find this to be the nearest, cheapest and most expeditious route ! West of Raleigh; Passengers who .are "travelling from Salisbury North, 'will find this route by the way of Raleigh and Petersburg to be the nearest, cheapest and most expeditious route th it cart be travelled by two days. A passen ger who travels this route from Salisbury, by the way4of Raleigh and Petersburg, to' Washington City, will go it in five days, and will sleepthree nights -out of five atl night. The Contractor wdl pledge himself to keep first rate Mail Coaches, and irentle horses and drivers of the best kind and he will spare no pain3 irf trying-to render those who patronise him, comfortable ahd safe through his route. tvssengers-who are unacquainted with this w.lif.. n i V " i ' ? jV - 'SoAi?, ooi as the Southern staare arrives, and irr vo nt trV4 I . -'"! "' 'r'l'8 na arrive at ... . V- -"uu.iaoi i . , - ' , liKUKGIi WILLIAMS, Contractor. Jtine 14,. 1830. f . -,. 87 tf.- GEO: W. GliONLUND, ; v , i . ;PROFESSQR OF MUSIC. ; " RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Plymouth, Wasliington, New bern," Raleigh, Fayetteville, And other places in .wvv 'i'wu(iu x-.uiui-oHrouna, i.nai ne is now on his tour yisitine: the above mpntmnod places, for the purpose of TUNING & STRING 1NG PIANO FORTES. 5 ; . Mr. G. makes it ,for the, nresent. 'CTnrls II" . . v - : V J ' - ww umg mrougn the State, for mentioned s not because he persons have gone or intend districttnoTttni of their bill iionoraoiy t earnjpg a few, dollars. He will take L-,...i.LI.'.! ' ' . m -t - .. cW0i P.cure, recommendations from highly f8P?ye;:Pro(nnr:Edenton, where be is now employed In Tunin!?PtAn fent?i a xro ao that those; who in fiture may feel disposed Z Srj" ","ir .Pronagci.may.not ,be . ,-rHu,nl5-.-0" oy- tee repeated mal hi3inu"ns of; a, certain Unworthy iudivi. du-'-- - ltttbtt;y &rV,:Vii - r ' 7 " . -".",vfcu ius VylTV on Ralein-Ki qtfested tottebahd M&ti VfitiS' : Raleie-I r 5? Aov i dWf.i-iftV ;v (.7 j r.- ii si irvi J r. -t v.- . o;. ts Exc for ore, cf J C .itj - t - i &ftc- - 1 : -nr counts.' Debt U Cczt, Execu i c 3L-.sts. ..ubperr' tlon.,, CVApprp'- 'M.irtl -' Ord Cor- . Hli'vU Exec roii for S!cs Do. do. 74 . rc:t';com Piond.'?,-' i ax lisceip' 1 S CvC. " i on con: VVarrants, Ca. Sas. Appearance Bonds, Exectitions &c. !:c. 71 NKW PELIlxVMNOVEJD. t ; BY, MR.; ItULWET?: f tf Paul CJifftirtl is perhapsi the most.oginaV of all Mr. Biilwer's worka.and can. not fail tp add largely to its Writer' reputation'. For the 'mail of the wbrld,fit contains shrewdness and satire'; for the moralist, matter of deep thought, and for the young, all (he interest ot narrative and all the postry of feeling." Just received by J. GALES & SON. .iuiv is, ' SALE OF THE WABASH ERIE CANAL ' "."-- 9 LANDS, IN I N D I ANA, ON A CREDIT OF SEVENTEEN J EARS BY authority of an act of the General Assembly of the Sta?e of Indiana," approved January 2th, 1330, the undersigned will 'offer a Public Sale, to the highest bidder, m Tracts ot 80 A cres, or in FraclionHl Sections, as the pu:lic lands are sold, on the firt Monday in October near, at the Town of IioAsrsponT, in the county of Cass, a portion of the Lands granted to the State of Indiana, by the act ot Congress ut Mrcti 2d, 1827. to aid in constructing a Canal, t connect, at navigable points, t the waters ot the Wabash river with those of Lake Erie," and which have been designated and set apari for that purpose by Commissioners appointed on the part of the State ot Indiana, by and with the consent of the Commissioner of the General Lund Office, and the approbation of the Presi dent of the United States. The part which will be , offered for sale, in cludes pections and fractional sections in the fol lowing townships and ranges, viz . Nos. 1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 24, in Township No. 24. North of Range No. 3, West 2d principal' Meridian, 1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24 25, 27, 34, 36, T. 25, It. 3 W. 13, V4, 25, 36, T. 26, It. 3 W. 5. 8, T. 24, U. 2 W. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 27, 32, T. 25, U. 2 W. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22,24.25, 27, 29, 32, 34, T 26, R. 2 VV. 25, 34, 36, 1. 27, R. 2 W. 3, 5, 8, T. 25. R 1 V. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, U4, :5, 27, 29, 32, 34 36, T. 26, K 1 W. 1, 10, 12, 13. 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29. 32, 34, 36, T. 27, It. 1 W 3. 5, 8. 10; 15, 17, 20, T. 26. R 1 Bast of the 2d principal Meridian; 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13. 15, 17 20 22. 24, 25, 27, 32, r 27, It. I E. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32. T. 27. It. 2 East. 1, 3, S, 10, 12. 13, 15, 17. 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32, 36, r. 27, R. 3 E. 34, 36, T. 28, R. 3 E. 3, 5, 8. 10, 15, 17. 20,. 2, 27, 29, 32, T. 27, It. 4 E. 32, 34, 1 28, R. 4 E. 1, 3, 5, 8, lu, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24. 27, T. 27, It. 5 E. 5, 27 32, 34, 36, T. 28, It. 5 E. 1, 3, 5,8, 10, 12, 15, I. 27. R 6 E. 13, 20, 22, 24. 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, T. 28, It. 6 K. 1, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 22, 24, 27, T. 27, It. 7 E. 1, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27.29, 32, 34, 36, T. 28, R. 7 E. 1, 3, 3, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 29, 32, T. 28, R. 8, E- 25, 27, 32, 34, 36, T. 29. ft,. 8 E. 1, 3, 5t T. 27, R. 9 E. 1, 3, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, T. 28, It 9 E, 13, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, T. 29, U: E. 13, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29 32, J4, 36, T. 29, R. 9 E. 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 27, 29, 32, 34, T. 28, R. 10 E. 1, 3, 8, 10, 12. 15, 17, 20, 22. 27, 29, 32, 34, T. 29, U. 10 E. 10, 12, 13, 15, 22, 24, 25, 27, 34, T. 30, It. 10 E. 1, 5, T. 29, K. 11 E. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22 24, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, T. 30, It. 11 E: 24, 25, 34, 36, T. 31, It. tl E 3, 5, 8, T. 29. It. 12 E. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, T. 30, R. 12 E. 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 37, T. 31, It. 12 E. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 34, 36, T. 30, R. 13 E 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24. 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 35, T. 31, R. 13 E. T, 3, 5, 8, .10, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22, 29, T. 30, R. 14 E. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22. 24, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 3f, T. 31, R. 14 E, 24, 25, 27, 34, 36, T. 32, R. 14 E. 3, 5. 8, T. 30, It. 15 E. 3, 51 8, 10, 15 17,20, 22, 27, 32, 34, T. 31, R. 15 E. 20, 29, 32, 34, T. 32, It. 15 E. except "a small portion of some of the sections which were sold by the General Government previous to the passage of the act of 2d of March, 1827. and also a few tracts selected for lock sites, stone quarries, &c. The sales will be continued from day to day, un til all the tracts shall have been offered, ahd no sale made for a less price per acre than" is re quired for Congress lands. The, purchaser will have it at his option to make full payment, and receive a patent tor the tract purchased t or, by payment of one fourth of the purchase money, at time ot tne sale, and the interest at six per cenU 1 annually, in advance, a credit will be giv en by the State of seventeen years, from the first slonday in October next, for the residue. . The Erie and Wabash1 Canal, on or . within five miles of which: these1 lands j are situated, is 128 miles in tne State of Indiana, the, values if the Wabash and Maumee rivers,' whrch for fer tility of soil, abundance of lime-stone, -springs. gwu uuiuiT imerspersea occasionauy wun small pHirie, navigable rivers, and water privileges, (independent of the Canal, is, decidedly a mongst the. finest portions of the Western couii- try.' The greatest part of the, lahdVin ttie Canal Donation, is of th richest quality.'ih' a healthy country," well adapted for agricultural,' commer. tciHi anci increasing tiori to tti be linryrecedented, hitherto, in 'this State! and which ;'mi'st.-;rr.'mehd'is'aaloras particularly wyiMiji .uc. aiicuiioH, anu mtercst ox toe f ar mer. MechaJUR. M Arr.hant. untl f!anlfalat A r : !fSA'XEWlS;5"- " ;pfScef-e;rioardrcbm:if Fre.9i';v Krie.Ganal, Treaty Grondyt-yw fte;ndiinai(MayU?t th- j bhcation cf ' Catiirds ' - ..d .Ci-set, . nuhh via con i.OUJS A. GODEY, a Monthly 73 Pf i action wit This work is devoted espeqiaUojhe service -r nttobkin;;cWefl)r'iheni;for rtfrhVb 6pafedtVnier-h-r t crUlly frpm thut iof anyof ' - licalf-nowcirculHtei' . LylerVRtcli-ropriaor I eve to " ? : 1 their means,' wUf be fotiiut,' ! t; tv !!!. iinprhvemepti Jrl aprtie, tv? , : ' ' 1 ,vof Its predecessors. j , tiiough riffuial con- .rit jll always oe accep ,11 be htr jldttced tollie'ex to be provi d torjhepur nosL o i mvs allord ?a -piiMUU.tii supply -i" 1, .Iter j whic h , v U e n r t" p u but rk fewjthe atti.. arrancrcrnents have t ;t ? Air the Lnr's Hook u ; cf ".oveliy. .' been. in at. 1 or ur, 1 ' -i -. .. ma v be ? exnecieu ; to and anstrnction,' W in -nyitlngrrn, to tlio for whomjhe wortc is inTenuea ji is preu ;.eu foo tnai a juisccyany uc-ig . i..c 'iiuntc ki the Ladies, cawnot but prpve.wofi hy-' of the tention of the other sex; Among tlie subject , uhih mav' he emimeratetl'as likelv to' benro minent. will be found Mcncincldinl: Notice f ne w compositions wi'hCcasipnal d bus on the science, and reprjnt8ofiiuc'i'e' songs as may be thought worthy' td "be "sodU tiuijuished. Biographical Anecdotes; Talesr aiU Interesting Narratives from writers of real talent the Fashions ; with an illustrative engraving quarterly, fancifully-colored This department ced, touciung those exercises and sports wlych are generally regarded as improving .t..;bo.tli health and oeauty, among whicli Riding ami Dancing may be specified W,ith appropriate wooil cuts by skilful artists. K Poetry, of course; Will b.-one of the departments .to -which;-great attention will be paid $ and. Embroidery,., the Poetry of Needle Work, will fill,, its due space. On this latter subject it will be difficult to find contributed who cn write clearly,1 but the en graver will be perfectly intelligible ' ",f: : " J.1" i' CONDITIONS. "ft-. The work is issued in numbers on the first of every month, and comprize fifty-six large octavo p:tges ; priQieu on a ruie supfr royai paper wun et tirely new type, and carefully stitched in eo lorrd covers. Every number will contain a piere of Music, one Copperplate Engiving, and .s least four Vood Cus illustrative of some -of the contents ; and every three months.a colored plate of the latest London or Paris Fashions-? The subscription price is $3 pVr annum, pya ble in advance 25 per cent, semi annqady,' will be added to all subscriptions hat remain unpaid, and the wrk disco'i'inued to those who neglect to settle up their arrears. ire;it attention will be paid to tor war ling the work to"cbuntry subscribers, th;t they may receive "it uninjured bv mail transportation. Agems receiving sub. scriptions and remitting the amount o the lub- 'lislii rs, will be allowed 15 per cent, discount', or a proportionate number of copies of the work. Address LOUIS A. GODEY & COd Daily Chronicle Office, Philadelphia, ?C ovtAvAi av 6va Books: rwilIE following valuable EO'ttS, published L principally for , the use of the CUizens of NorthVCrolina, are constantly kept on hand, tor sale, bv the suosenbers, viz : i The Revisal of the Laws of North-Carolina, by the late f'hief-.lust ire Faylor, the late Bartlett Yancy, and tudg Potter, male un lej the di rection ot tne Legislature or tne Mnie, in two larg net vo V dumes, " with a full and.com nlete Index. - '- Ditto, brought 'down to the year 1S26 by the late Chief-Justice Taylor, with a satisfactory Index. Ila'v wood's Manual of the Laws of the State, ar ranged in Alphabetical order, with art appen dix, which brings the work to the ear 1829, Potter's Justice of the .Peace, a new edition. lately revised and corrected, with a number of new Forms, and the Laws contained 'in which, are hrnnfht nn to the rear 182S. Martin's Law of Executors and Administrators (which is Toller's English Work, oh this sub ject, omitting such parts as are not in force here, taking the Law as it stobd at the settle ment of this country, and introducing every act of Assembly of this Sta'e which has alter ed the Law and noticing every adjudged Case which throws liffht on the subiecU This e- and Administrators, the. Provision for Widow and.the, Distribution of 'Rit estates' Estates : A Work. which combines in one view all the enactments winch have been 'made on these subjects for a Century past,vand which are dispersed in more than forty statutes. Agricultural Essays, written by a North-Carolina 1-armer. Allowed by those who are best cat .pable of judging, tobe the best bookfojeon. veying U'sefUl information to the Farmers, of this State that was ever published. It treats on the best modeofimpri and horizontal Ploughing best suited to th: State ; on the best " modes of raising Wheat, Turnips and India" rCorn; and treats largely on the raising of Live Stock, Draining Lind, 8ic. ' t- , ..-rT l . .r . l Uun or lonu'tarouna, irom me nrst esiso- Jit of the Court. ih U 6he .M or1 Court of Conference," to the present time, which are a follows : t: Reports of the Conference Court, by, "D The Law Repository, by Chief-Just ice Tay lor, vols. " ; Nt -y Term Reports 1 vol. by r , Doi v t - 'f Murphey'a Reports of the Supreme Court, J.VOlSv- - , . -".'y-.i Hawks's Do 4 vol. v f v Ha Carolina. r ort" Subscribers ports of the S u pre ed at the close of eaohTerm and forwarded -by part of the State JOSEPH GALES & S0N.w ct.d i broad that will give every tacnuy 1 ine re , . attaibmentbf the choicest nditar: t prv". tionsA"ThedeMgnflncludes every tS whic:. ii-- o oru ..t'uifi liti.. i..c 1 1 u.il iimiuf lh cn nnntnrlinr nf nprsnil I well" versed in the art, & no'' pains wUl he spur H?'Jh-wnVfTOH6 viU.'-ji,; el to render itnoi the least attractive part of the Le4teAAtPr contents. J - : . , -yn ;,r?rg : A vvoM or two now ana men win oe. iniroaiciri r- .ir"- r"' Uti "y," "?1 PrK. dition of the work was revised iy the late PHF iwiwrb v f. vy.p ; Chief-Justice Taylor. f g ' qf il 'M ' 9uVyears oTtfe. Chief-Justice Taylor's Digest of the Statute Law Wea;iowK j kijow.o. i. .m.c wks's Digest ot the Reported Cases Mm 1" HVr wCT..- but . judged inVNonh-Carolina, from the year 1,0,1 W;S?m---" ' ' A Collection of the Militia Laws of North. c- .K.irr'TT will he; receVvedr; Uie' r X m Court which are.-'hubtislHt fcJt-b-X'&xil i' ,''. A mail to;Subscrber; in anyl - "vS'-V " m i-V "S"-1 T- C:..;;.r Ai-pn--?i; ''to.rftia'fr'and 8etynuB mNorth-ParolinaihFtite f !r4"S:v ,:VM$vAa ft' ,"praf.pearingt thectioi ortne V? Alseyones ry voneV Jun, i J- that, Raids Hardy Jn4 Benjamin Hsnl y S-yf; Original tiacUnert-? 7 i vf -oftheredantatah ifeW NAtclrmetir if ?taef itjs orderobc,be ji m. A4sey Jones agamst be detendant Henry mem, oy auveruncuv i -g s' " Jonesjun which has beenUeyiedT-on property fN PPf smi'' inlainds bMhe Sheriff of! iai(i'C.ontyrN& X6urtt6.he?h sUyed 6n said attach nieiit for the space of tbirtv pleanswer tuc day8,henif said llBry 3KmdQ'Tkih.fy$dr. frStorteg Kgt i and repleryr plelidudgmen entered till isnisidMmmm mt c. err-; HI it .f: A - and the Public m general "h is. i1 -ls chased fns; Jbtkk, the CITY, HOTFi'1 .ThlsEstab.lishment iVsituated-on ?bl , nef s. part t the CityTIt? is alio; thelr and Southern Stae-innise ?ntrit MSKI'II GALtli5. ci SUN in?Ter,eweva pi pmpm Fhtnklin, siLc .rt-rW.ml-eeiplzardnci :M. ,Uumas,antl others,-'-concerning the Fo r- reiffd relaiibm Vf the Ifnited Stntf.-" vi..- The -New;stament -i n a tieeommon veriion Msbiifbrmed toJGriesbacVs Standard (Gretf .Willard.! Rbetbric;: - RaJeigh, I&oO. -'"W U&tf&i? " - To be run f o f 6h iheBattimoTe Course ' ' M ' '-t?'; -:'" ':'v:---' From ' 'thejjiil yiib.ttr of tli eAmerican Turf 1 : tY 4 -TlegtsteranSp w V B ALTIMORErJOGKEY CLUB. -rpIIEYonrowiiig Swee'ffHtikfslW be run foron I the BuKimorc-i Course,. 'ire open. Persons desirous of.snbscrding: will please addrrfg a It-t- terp tnut ettect w j.Aktnner, phtar ofthe Antricantfitei at-ialtijrnore. N A We. the uoHcribers.. asree to run rolt ani fillies, three-years old t hisspring; over Ihe Ul a race, and thejrulei of the conrse, in all rt. ' spects t o5 govern. ? i.'fo, close on the first of Sep tember m xt, by which tune the entries must be accurately described, v MayJ27830. I .Two entries toikeahpve. f -' :fu- Spnn&'WU I Mile heats ; entrance $2Q0t: Ti.'f. five or more to make a race to closi first September next. ; ' ' -83 lf : v. Two mile heats -entrancel j300,h. f. five or more 'to tnake '. ;a;rafce i to close first Sept. next. '. . Three eiiiieti,:'. .'.-.'u:;,':-; J: - . -; fMile he4ts ; entianc $500, , b. f,. ijvffor more to make a.raees to close- first .Janaar .'1831. .:21woentriei.-''':;yY:r: Mile heats ; entrance $500, hf f.' four vr more to make aVace '0)033 firsV'Jatiuary, -'1831 One entry" . (Tnformation! 'Wahted:' TOHN KING,iajion of John H. Kingj tleft V; . 4 JP friends iiv Deitie county,; Nortb-Carfllina, several years since, arid 1 he fast which they have' heam ot him, he was in some way concemeau J?"? "Sumner county, -Tennessee. .;T . 'r? S bemg;dad. ut is desirable that said John shpuid 5omBinr a sHre; ot ibeEstateif he u living, Any persn possessmg information relative fr..ohn King, whetheranyefnot,- will coaler a favor by communicating the same as above. uaiiam,t;ren. juiy:.:, v Odd Volumes Alissinri' J GALES Et SON on looking over their Stocc . of Books, find the followjngVpluroes wart- size- u 2d do Pioneers I -1 2d, do.-Antiquary, j ' r a j 7 x?iLk,A feSS' . n .n U. ''nlu iv- iv ; V'hHAkiJt v ad do,' Calebs in ; searcn oi a w w '-J.stdo.niajre Pastor, . 4 i ?k uo. ' raxm vu vriwn .-, -...v-t i - .i ast do: Lacort,r many Ihirgs i fe f istMoMiss EdgwOrtViEariy Lessons that the; contemplated improve rrients nf 4 - " tablishment .are already far ; -i vaiiced xa" pledesr:.bimse!f to use evi r ovc'.kia 1 J1(l i tbt te;nder:imrurtahle Uhe i. y of ij jtkertH'f favw Icomnj termined to make every effort; to place lf i i noVev of all whway call on him; to ' sV r Wse tyt depend9rti inUud;Mari :rf r sipphe4A4artictilar:ttt1b to'ijLJ and Tits. Stable . MlivervN Varietv: ofVi-r., t-v aml ap attentive )stterewh ln5I ' ei bV It imsel ' v I e ' fl tt et-R hi hi sel f t fS? i " be able to give: gpenrtU'fctlnii ,;l A bbotUs S erntois w ith a Tnembir of his YA'e Woiceste icritice, attispiayrot iqye,ot ofwritb.". - U great in fe w hioiilUV thalVnoiher tditW." Greenwood a Lives-of, the Apostles. Liberal Preacher, iVblsV v' Teache'Maiijiiildo tim.ote t;ourse, pntne day preceding the Jockey) Club race, -neitutumni-lvfb mile heats. En- trance S300: half forrifFive or more to mi i . . & m mi ii - ti Tr lint I'sidence to James Kioc now residing .at uaiw or any of them cab. be found i V-' ' ' K 3d Vcli FstCReports?V- ' 1st do.v GoldsmithV Works, pocket ..... ...k. ma: a .1 m a 1 a m mm. at JP50 per number; ft si vtlaiVnni; lUrAnA othen.. .zF r a a v k s a . MAfcM - . '-. : " j r . ... ,,-. : ... , . . v -:--"s -. vV,-