1 . . '"V tr. ! FRSNClf ULVOLUTIUU. : , ;,Vrhc fblloViag Letter Tronic , C Pitfw, 'to the' Editor! .'the ; -rrc'ior.der.t ia New oi k. Com ;,eroW .dvfertlimpartsVinore lively; ito- -Won f the recent QCcurrenies in prance loan v. ?; -y.;" to'b'egat Itemed from : r so wspap eV accounts t C ; V Frm the 2V". X.CmfaiJMvhtutrt qfSepfAS: ')f i : A7e tmfcp pleasure in laymgefore our readers V the following extracts from a letter from T" r- 'tonal friend, a highly respectable mod intelligent v America fcentleman no w to- Paris, - who has V' to".' he a distinguished part in . the emancipation ' V ; "cf Greece. and who feels it as singular instance . inru1 fortune that he was enabled)tb be a sraec- tator of the glorious erentaof the last weelT'of ; T ;ParisYXg'.. 1 1830, U I?wilprpcetil WveTyoo IT 8omeacc6uht of the IblOodTi important, and i .t?restine scenes of which have -Gi been vithess within the st four J days ir) - thiacapitaland .which; wi(l prove, or have : f iycu 11.5 uti mm vtj'M! r"7.r; u " v; archy, sappetfjVyOOO bayonefsi t by anobleileet, and by a well orgaiuzed - internal atvlixternalystetn Qf.adm)ms iratton, . lc?f the unarme", unorganiz,eu, 1 J rtSw. ifrlhevi chose; Jeaa him to the SCftl .7oldbutJ display thepeo ; O tion and wjonrto pie swear'the tuU shall be a bloody one; - three tast lays and arevilhng ;to sur- rrendef their power into ; the hand, of a ; government which, houghtied flown by the bomiS;Or a? Constitution, WlllDe Ot (he form best adapled forAtbem--a Vmo ip'af "Vf5iriTiil lor them -a i mo- Monday., July 26. Surprise and inilination are on every countenarjee; - 'Tlieniad King of France, -; in a voice of thunder, has thrown down -the guntletof defiance to .his people, and'svorn to bif a despot or nothing. He nasvjtjissoiveu,' ine pnainoerT aruiuarujr c- altered the lays of election-and uspen- ded the liberties f the press. vThe news .circulates rapidly, but cannot Veac' the Common'" people, at-, on'ce. -'1nrieasu res have been taken to prevent this J theMoniteur, the only.paperconaining .the decrees, - cannot behadat any "price. Fu nils have ' fallen ;' every one is agitated ; too much X- : l. i- ' 1" --: 1 t j. 1 ni .L'.tiL ; i j. : 1 so to f know how to act. ; bu t .meet i ngs - have been held, merclia1U8 6f the highest respectability have sworn?4hey will pay ;; no taxes under , the present ordinances, .. measures. taken to aRsembleUe Chambers ln spijte of the decreellaiul all the editors - of constitutional. papersyhave pledged inemseivesio one anotner to issue meir paoers as usual without taking out a nri- ;t Tilege, and in spite of the police." In the i evening some con fu smn Pol i gn a c's h ou se ja assailed all the windows broken &c. t tif;tS"vV- Tuesday, July 27, noon. Ministerial papers exu ting y say Par.s ned andepta usuaKyesterday! but - W-,MS --I'F"-"- i.inmaii itno nni Ra 1111.11 in Hiriiii :nui i manty protestatibnsV and i m inefliately the ..jJoliceff25ith" anarmed force, broke into "V.; TtheiKhtuses,: and carrietl off the necessa- lVprts. pf4he presses ; they were hissed y ::' v--W A 1 u 1 -andJpe ted by thepeople, who thenbe-an :. . narciiicaronepuijyou- wani.nQ specuia- have made a singUar gcene hi the streets ; tions youan.mike of- Paris, particularly nf the beautiful :X than. Icanyou-, want facte ?o -here!' I Boulevards majestic trees are cut down V i gft and thrown across the road to form bul : vvf - . Wiswmtjle. and who oDenW crv. down V&S' he:rboV eh?rt,,.iT. N - : to,eabooV. Ull'nS G,,T ?vf.? 8,S" - ' - 1 v T ' " r.L' ".7; W.V;. ' ;,ery.-- Evemr; burst ,UDon the city the; people become more ; and more furious and loud tn their pro- f '"'W'T Ul tf 8 c 1,e u. V4" . non were placed orrthe boulevardsj whole VreHrients paraud W P "1 - ' " V:ccmiI they pressed ' k.wl itnAn'tlmm ttl ttlllfl IPffi tlrPll.! tlltklld hard ubo"nrthem : the soldiers.fired ; blood fir has beeh shed. .! have seen the lancers ; ' charge the mob j bodies of citizens wel f : 1 ' r tprinw lnxv their '"blood, and you us' men lininflr over the bodies, and working themselve's up into a spirit of I fury and vengeance ' which ; canmit' be quenched, but in a sea of bj dod. . Til e c rf of to arms! to anrtsf isT abroad j -'the ifpesfn T tolls its dismai peal I ;the people begin to rush urt- armeu upon i ie.Bo.u,ery,:, aa.,.vueu. .1. 1.1:1 i"... ..:i 4U with frill 1 im & i ic 1 aLk 1 is 111 i r ia 1 n. u - i hi. rBnnnnper 1 tii'e ihfantrv are readv to " . 77-:..-r k . , I ; r pouf ln the Volley pthe "horteeman's heel ; 4 is ready to prick hir steed into a charge V uoohy he infuriated crowd who ;;. threaten V tliernv; IfC wil I ,'be'a - Woody :'niglit' to night, " and a bloodier day to-morrow. ',- Tliee has; been fierce fighting and consideralde bloodshed last night : mus ' , letryfrattledand bells raiig but and the and not-less brave citizens '-assail them f croVvds 'of peo from the streets,'' from the opposite .win- . 'fc ;.-. In tlie sitfectsv af'beitPmed,vsme' half dows, and from every point, 'whence their V ann n'l'usquets will, carry. All Paris is a bat? '. ' , thHrpops pariide the streets,firing a,j. f field 5 .111 every streejt is a bulwark, iheymetVthey' clear one place, as sooi'i ..from 'every window flashes a musquet, v . as' they ri gonei'i t azaiiVjtheyarif from every house top rain down pavement i 'red' 'upon from the .windowsgfrinii ;t1ie atones i on levoted aotf yet obedient', sol - corhewfth'est tops; diery of the. King.-They must yield : . thereua a ireneral call '.'to armsP' 'The however, or the momently increasing tide ri h hathtnai miliHas aaseinbfmg -; 1 al I.-is., tu mull 5v,vll' u' ictiiiiiuiic; .' , r " ' in re ; volt x its brave' vouns members are leail- the more dreaded Charee'bf the; lance "afcj shading b.i furyorthe peopn 'V;v"i.'i.'ftn''fWil:UakeriilosiL 1 11 :. Arws I . .r' .F l a mt it), f irhnrn lli'in Kftyinrt "A V A.irul men weix8sembled i; when lhe lnx dium ant rapin tramp 01 leei an- , t rf- ! v enemy j vjnoie regimeui. ni-rt ucU Jiib aijtiarW another.foUowe'd, 1 i head ; th milUia,sharillfornieU v.x Id .not budge i j&"fierce altercation took place-; " the;: regulars- jrese ted, but p au s e d f o r t ! U fiha I wo nl "t at Out! h s t an a man knocked theaidofc thefGrenexal- ma rjy"d eadt and 1 h trno psheffl - the square ; Ira t 'soonj th e j rail i ctf, .fired from behind thfel corners the .'.vciteiUbTazel. away frornrthjWimlolv8, paemen stones showeretl from the house tops thejplabe became top hot foe th'41 DdkeW'"cer' ed ; andJretiredln Vbtheri - parti of 'the city success ia yariou a J; the spldjers are brave; well founds' an3 well led,-the jjeo The pie numeroa! miuriateci, anq ' aeierrnin Hotel :de:CvUe; an important nnf h hoon rrVA fhnponilftati ind'reUkeh .;to nVve:maTiy,o1Jier posts,-; but 8tilr discipline prevailsvw!rever1he jsouuere can marcniney gain uie uay. iuccegis doubtful j thepeo- ble have cut owHrees, thrown down aTnp postSt . and taken up pavement stones to form barricadoes to protect 1 h nn g a tana A rn n vp ran e yOf thp ivhnl proclamation this morning of a leader be u appointed, have not been fulfilled, they will have them in the morning ; they Uvp nn rulnr Miivnlv of novvder or nro- I i i. .i.J. cUt . ii TIHI0I3, va siauK IllH UIC lllll j Hirj warks; the branches filled iifwith pave ment stones, overturned carriages, bro ken boards, signs;" &c. so that one cannot get along ; every shop has been shut all business but war relinquished ; the shops of armorers 2nd the theatres have been I i r vi ? i i . i - srrippea or ineir arms 5 -ann 1 coum nor but laugh, in the midst of a fray to see two fellows tugging one at the hilt, the other at the scabbard, of an old theatre sword but it would not oipeout ; they pulled and jjulled, till the. handle broke, and. let them both backward into the dirt. put no other shops, have been touched; qo pillage committed ; 'no unnecessary violence rfsed ; all tbMr enemies who have been taken or surremlered h.ive been kindly treated ; part of the soldiers have refused to fire ; the rest are tired of "killing their countrymen, and knocked un with fatigue. The Swiss and the ! Royal Guards will, however, be steady to toe last. Thursday, July 29. Tlje night has- been a dreadful one ; the citizens, mure numerous than ever, more bold and unremitting in their at tacks, have forced the soldiery to shelter Knmoal wad 1 r rli a hino ao r rklorkt,rkMt fc ,attl.r though encoaraged by the primlisesf the King, seein-disheartened ; the moral in fluence of iheit- situation must be consid erable ; a whojle'individual mass of their countrymen present to them the. hand of friendship, calling them brothers' if they accept it, iioiuins reauy me sworn 01 veil- ut .f ., o r . f, .. , i 1 i x 1 1 n ?. , 4. , . '., . . !. J have been three .I,,, an.l three n-ts luty. their feet are swollen, their UmS parched, and their resolution gone ;.ma- J have lai,,.uwn their arrnsf BuVthe fhe pe le a8gaile - .f . , , .... ... . . .... - :.- . . ha? been appointed, the Sl.riou old U- fayette is at the head of tlie Provisional foment ;. I followed the veteran .0 his head quarters, and slmuteil with en- thusiastic thousands, vive Lafayette, vive i Saueur de hux mondes. . ... . .... . . 10 oxlock. 1 tie people are rapidly carrying jevery ost ; the troops retreat in : confusion ; -enthusiasm-is at its height; the most determined and brilliant valour is displayed f they have carried the Pa lace of the Tuilleries. v Noon.- The people are victorious; two regiments are firing oft. their muskets in the air under my windows, and shaking hands' withfth people, who kiss and hug . ...... the,nV and run . to .bring them fotnl bring them food and a i i i l ' iiriOK 1 never was such nouie was such noble. courage. such touching generosity j the Parisians are covering inemseives wun giorv. I have justi Come fniin witnessing the de- voted-ahd laudable bravery of the Swiss troops ; "'driven to the worst extremity these faithful fellows , have shut them selves up in the upper stories of some houses and are firing their last cartridges - from the windows, while the enthusiastic - J. of popular fury will overwhelm and crush - them. people are Vast'efa'oC'the f the supposed blind andfuribus mob as niuchdiscfetibiv andS'eoUcomluct as thev have done of bravery.. The Provi- Stbnal Government is heard and' obey ed 1 ;nie;rjepoytiy circular the I Paris th& night'S very twhere jovir see . IIUUUS'. Wllb UJdll.il Vll 9 I 9 n Vinivavnuca r li vo to hayeleaderH a djstrus I privailslamorts tlie J people of theselves All the fu i rni tttt-enf the! palaceas ?beep dcstrbyetlvi butf hotliing; pillaged ; some thieveVhaye' .been instantly shot. There front Jds horse fire 1! was ihVcry and bang J bang! hang! -'ftitfrymfft the t mu ma were nnven : DacK leaving va L C trolesWre cstiihlished every kvherc ; , tny AVo-rhllrfitV tKft diad ahdl UwStjSOOtb- inlY "attending tle woun'ded ; many who look like the meanest cffnat,behvg rnosj respectably many who:dard .not low tlieir noses in the streets yesterday,; no w duster abdiflourisfclongword lacts, the lowef clapf people--nonpt, the it"buXtl class .ofworlenr t,t; ,1 ritKk . hti 1 nips h a nl e I V; - VVi th Ou t bril'eroVganixationfc drivenUhelinrtKhieous K-irigjand. hisjiire-; lings irora 5iieajivai.; v ,y. , , Friday, July 20 "Strpeta a.fuH:as thev could. hold Vi'qcei daylight every one in eager yet' no noise nor Hiimultsaw ;dozens of the bodies of the fain hid otit fjif' - re: cAgnifrotbebrhiiecrand bloated and. rapidly putrifyihg bodies, livid and t distortedfaces, I recalled to mind scenes in the East,, save; their Do dies Were headless, and mUtUate'd there were also wagons loaded witli the bodies of the soldier3V which Werf thrown in heaps, from which stuck out artns, and hads, and legs, iii all. directions who can have an idea of war from books ? Now that fight is done, and danger gone, begin to pop out the aspirantjs for power, the free gentry, the civil intriguers not an inch of nose did they show yesterday; now thev cry "how -we thrashed them! hey ?'' Vive la Charte" isjthe prevail ing crv the chiefs, and they say Lafay ette at their head, wish for , republican ism. I do norbelieve it, fimevery sober, enlightened, patriot sees thejnecessity ul r egal sovernment, anl names the Duke mm of Orleans as.the man for the crown 1 1 mifed by the Charter. Some, but a few and, feeble cry Vive Young Napoleon" the mob cry no Bourbons, 5 none that have Bourboii'blood. Goil grant the pre cious moment may not be iobt ? hat the Provisional Government majf sliow true patriotism, and call Orleans it is a crit loal moment oh ! that the blood, which is yel unwashed1! roirr the payetnent, may not have beji shed there in Vain, or cause the shedding;of more. Evening. France is saved from the yoke of a despotic monarch and tie worse yoke of a despotic mobocracy Th Pro visional Governmeni have named Orleans Generalissimo and Itegent. Situraay July 31. Orleans has accepted the call, and is in Paris. The Chambrrs meet on the 3d-, and 'will make him monarchy with limited power. Kvery thing is entering into order. The King has fled from St. Cloud. Polignacf wno bravely stuck to his post till all was lost, is; not to be heard of. France seems following the example ol Pari ; hut the King is yet strong especially if backed by the Al lies. The fleet may stick to him. 1 ail vise him to go 10 Algiers, and turn Dt y? Thus you see, my friend, 1 have given you my daily thoughts in their rouglt tate. I tave only to add, that to-day the per fect tranquility of the capital sei-ms to ensure the cause ofx Orleans, and the Chambers meet day after to-morrow The King's flight has been intercepted ; .he has turned back, and is, it is said, at Versailles. Wo, .ot to him in person, but to his Ministers HIGHLY IN i'tiitKSTING. Nev.Yorlc. Sept. 19 The ship ConCordia, Capt. Britton, ar rived this morning from Havre, whence she mailed on the i lth ult; having taken the place in the line of the ship Charles Carrol T, Capt. Clarke. We have receiv ed, by this arrival papers to the 10th, in clusive, which contain the important in telligence that thr Duke ol Orleans was proclaimed ICing of France on the 8th, under the title of PHILIP VU. Tlie ce remonies proclaiming him King took place at Paris on the 9th, an account of which will be found among our translations. On the 6th the Chamber of Duputies declared the Throne of France vacant, and proposed several changes in the Char ter : that the Catholic Religion, as the religion of the State.be abolished the mi nisters of all sects to be paid from the pub lic treasury -the censorship of the press for ever abolished. After these & other modi fications had been adopted, the Chamber went in a body to the Duke of Orleans, and offered him the Crown, which he ac cepted, and on the 9th proceeded to the Chamber of Deputies, and made oath to support the Charter, as amended. The following changes in the Charter have been made : Ministers of all sects and denomina tions are. to be paid alike, out of the pub lic treasury. The meetings of the Peers are to be public. The age of electors to he redu ced to twenty-five years. The censor of the Press abolished forever, and all trials for misdemeanors of the press to be by jury- . The Chamber of Deputies to elect its own President. - i The citizens to elect their; own muni cipal authorities throughout France. The National Guard to be re-established tlwoughoUt France and to elect their own Oificers of all ranks. . ' '';' 4 llie systehi of Ordinances to be abol ishedv and no laws to be passed 1 without the concurrentys oflthe State. VI AH was tranquil when the Concordia sailed, and the issue of tlt revolution ap. oeared to ttvve aniversal " &fitZW. j the freiich the French ;p'eople'.v l&Vk ?:- i.namoer , ot Deputies, j im the r r- . -' "vfiwi.;; a reason, wh'cht was received- with acclamation hf aiji.afii. iuon,Qf jm. oal verte i4i niJ-t,'n ,x 1 1 tar llritain. Cant- Frendi, had1 beencliartered bjnhe; Proyisinnal Government to convey the ExrKing, famr Jly, and suiteuqf tHeouhtrj. jHie foftnir leftlHaVre onUhe 5thandhe lat ViHeth'P'Augu thereto iiwal t their; acdyalH xWe ?l earn bmTCapt ririnned CheTbouibnitlietn 'hburlyiief ng rAfiriPrtin their-destiftatinni asVJt-a'f . kept a profo chartered. ttfie.inonth,, ' , t.. i' f fV-Ph4tKAif PArti on th'eZtlithe dec ara tiohsf tjii? aiftberi Af hnutiesJwereaoitecLiby 89'io I wHh thee U minified; asfjftllo s . TheCha mber; of Peeri decliwsXhait can tint HWflKfsratei nnVtlie pVovisioo jof the decl.jratk jbn .dfthe ; Chamber these terms Alt tnenominHnpns jiuacreiiimns of Veers made In tte reigTn of pb-rle? are,de- clared hull and void' ' : v:';;,.' The Chamber ot l'eers declares vnai u win leave the.decisWm of, this question. tothe high prudence of die Prince Ueutenant-General. VVhen these. propositions were. before1 the. H use, Gn. Lafiyettc thus spoke , General Lafayette ascended the Tribtine, pr found silence pi evailed s lie su'id M In muont-s jug this Tribune ffor 1 he purpose of expressljig .art opinion opposed to thar of matiy .fi tends of liber ty, lam not yielding; to a monrcnJary oi predion, nor am I -courting popularity, which I -never preferred to my duty. -(Cheers.) -The repub lican principles, which I have professed through-' out my life, and tinder all government do not prevent me from. beiiijf the defender of a Con stitutional Throne raised by the People. Tii'e same sentiments animate me on ier the pr sent circumstances, s when it is judged dr-sirable to raise to a Constitutional Throne the Prince Lieu-tenant-General, and I am boutul that this choice itie more perfectly fulfils my wishes the more 1 becoriic acquainted ' with him. (Cheers.) t d not partake in the opinion en tertained by many ot my tellow-citizens as to an hereditary PeeraKe.-( Hear, hear ) A diciptfi of the American School, I have always "concti v. ed it to be necessary that th, Leiri-dufiv- ttody should be (!ivi led into two Chambers, didVr-nt ly constituted ; hut I have never been able to comprehend how people could Jbe hereditary Legislators and Judges. I have always thought that the introduction of Aristocracy into public institutions was mixing them with a bad ingredi ent. It is, theretore, with great pleasure that 1 find you occupied with a project that meets lie sentiments 1 have protessetl through ul mv life, :nd which I only now repeat. My consci euct- forces me to make this repetition, and de clare that I hope shonly to ite tlit1 hereditary Peeragt suppressed. My ft lio a -citizens will do mf the justice to acknowledge, that ii have al ways teen the upholder f Liberty, 1 liaVe at the me tim? been the supporter of public order. (Prolonged Hpplitse. ) The numb'Tof Peers thus pppnsd t r be reilueel is 76. among whom A i'lb.hti. Ch-veius is one; Admiral Dupeire's name is last. General Clausel, a distinguished officer of the imperial regime, is appointed to the command of the uiniy of A'iers. Paris, August 9. A 10 o'clock, the Gh.imber of Peers, headed by Baron Pasquier, went to the Palais Royal, to declare their conourr. nee n tin resolution ol ihe Cii .mberof l!pu ties. The following adilress was deliver ed by the President to his Royal llh ness : . f " M6nseifneur : The fllismbrr of Peers are pomt- to present ti your Itoyal liihncvs the Act which is to secure our future destiny. Yu fir nierly defViuktl witU mm our new and inexpe rienced liberties ; to-daj 3011 are about to con. ecratc- them o insiitut 01 snil lavs. Your ex alted Understanding, your inclinations, the re colleciions of your whole life,- promise that we shall find in you a Ci zen K'o. Y.xi will res-P'-cl our e;u;tr.ioteeM, which ..re at the same time your own. This noble family we see' a-' round you, h. uglil up in the love f their country, of juvic , an.l of truthj will ensure to our children the peaceable . njojment of that Charter urn are ahout 'o swear to Mi.intain, and tlie benefits of a Government at once stable and To this address his Royal H g'mess re p ied as follow : Gntlemtn : By presenting to me this d' -ciaration, ou iiav.- testified a confidence which deeply afiects me. Attached from conviction, to constitutional principles, I desire nothing so much .as a good uiv!t rstandirg between the J wo Chambers. I thank ou tor affording me ground lortck ni upon it. You have imposed upon me a ureat task ; I will endeavor to prove myself worthy of it." The M;miteur of yesterday contains the offirial publication of the Declaration of the Chamber of Deputies, adopted in theii fitting of Saturday, in which ttie Ch . ruber f Peers have ded .red their coucuirence, ii also gives the following article :, Yesterday fixed the destinies of France.- Peace has crowned victory. The Duke of Or leans, strong in, the dictates of his own com science, and by the jnll of the people, waited calmly the decision f the Chamber, while the people were impatient to see intrusted to his hnds an authority which would put an end lo that intermcdiaie state of things which would soon have terminated in anarchy. The -proceedings of the Chamber presented a scene more sub lime than has ever been exhibited, kvery feel-' ing, every opinion, every regret, was respected. Never did any deliberative assembly display more admirable calmness and dignity. After having, with one unanimousvoice, declared their, resolution to present the Crown to the Duke of Orleans, they proceeded to the Palais Royal, attended by the National Ouards. The ,Duke surrounded by his familv, received them. M Lafitte having read to his Royal f tighness tlie Act of the Constitution, the Uuke replied in the following terms t 1 receive with deep emotion; the peclaraihtn you present tq'meY I regard it as the expression of the Tiationaf wilf, which Bps pears to me to be comformable to the potiiical principles 1 have professed through -my lite;--Fdled with rccdlect iOns which have always made me hope never to'be called to ascend -4 he 'Jlirone, exempt front ambitionand habituated to tbe life of peace which f led with my family, I cannot conceal from you the sentiments which agnate my, mind at this great cbhjuhVtWef' but there ts one which entire! v; alltheit-eloye of my country: lam fully; lifcinn nf nis speechOTe emotiorf nf they Prince .the.effaaino6f:hrj;'-M 'fiiw J moving picture 6f wwuynwaithemntausm M .i;. tKflcc Preset . . I the mostMnnressive sce - n" Manhalsof.iiatiohs,; ,ui,;jiii muj.titixde f tU the FaoceUe;canie nn4&!?Ct: 1 ciy,cpinpaniejd M'Laf... f e theywere both received with . uc- a'l itchiwrehid when th f?a,;ntu if;Oreaus-en A.rA t.l-ai: Tr 'I'mren to ii. J 'W understaiH' ihaKfini nr.,v c"- , Ve i.mler8tan,!.thaV the d'Z: leairwiii " larne UliamhpV. Ar ia daMakeo In ;be?Kingin nreseiice of tl 'ii x V. l,n ILW" fn n.i: i ;iU ,n,Jie w il 111 order lint to continue the l tliietidnitarchy., W i Charles K&Vslept on'vFridnv i . i IMr-lc, jwheref appeaei to be l! intention Jo., maker a :stayV, He'has more than l,8V0 jnen with him',Dra.ft" ' 4rtily, fit tout provisionsVnd complain bifterty --tjiey.only march one day on con.iit, "f !V'ng their, pay the next. Chart, X refuses to travel m.ire tlian sevn ? 5ht leagued u day,T The country js v vt, but under arms, aifd wearing u V " tiotiakcockiijle. 1 - ; ' 0 l"e ft: V Ry. ?!&ff f ay; Gen. Laf.v,. has given Dbtice. that the Review (,i -t,H N&tio'ija'l .Guards is fixed fur instant. i. ..... ''.'. ' ' A ftc r h 'i ! d ingjs e v e ni I c r n fe r renceg with M.i Airuado at Pent Bout r ott t of the eerrts.othe;-fi7tii 2fith and29tiiof July, M.- Burgos, ;t1y Span 11 fiaMCla, a. getit, has dejiartetT ftr; Madrid witii ues- patches,- ... , v.v ..- Kitrabnliuaiy confusion prevails at Madrid in consequence of intelligence that several towns in' the nrovin'J aaii....: . , , . . . . vr.Moaiusiil r have declitred agaiiKHt the? present govern inent; and, the -iniiabitant of Galicia arc ready to rise n;n mass. Th,e stunr of tne Constitution has been again set up in gey. eral places. ConaliUttiontL' Gen Lafayette visi fed t he wounded ve, tenia v at the Excha"n, ': It appears that ;tiieritnor nf the doafli of the Kitiii o Naples i'.unfomeil, the Gena Gazette ot July ;'2f4, aimuunces that his iMajesty was to emhark" tl.it t eniiv to retur n to his capital ' Advices from Constantinople announce that the Turks have been defeated by tite. Albitins, anil the solii of the Grand Vizier made prisoner. It is reported thai Aus trian troops are mirchins towards the fnui. tiers ot Bosnia to the support.of the Sul tati, k. ;vv. ; Ainong the French Conventionalists' Brussels, whom the recent events will en able to return to Francearelhe. following: Sieyes, Merliu de DouaT, Berlier,Barrere, Mailles, Iusrand; Tiiibeaudesu.Ganirir.. v . . 'Ct j. 7 Levasseur, Chazai and Pocholle. , f Cotir. de$ Pays Has. On Saturday and last evening, Paru was spontaneously "illqminated, and Art works were discharged iiMlifi'erent part of the capital aVan expression iif rejoicing lor the Crown betiig conferred on the Duke of t)rteans. The Dnke of Bcurboo has added 4,000 fr. to the 6,(00fr- which he had a,lreatjy given to the VVounded and Vidows' Fu'n'J. The order of 'advocates of the Royal Court have given 6,OO0frV the Agens de Change t),000fr. the Courier des . Commerce S,000fr. and the Societe de Cercle. 3,000 (r tor thesame object. - -Jv The ..Syndicate ol th$ Ueceiyers-Gener al has sen L 1 SOOfr. in aid oi tlie vVidows and Wounde'd Fund. , Tie coonnittee of wood-merchahts have voted, 5,000fr. for the same object. Internal T ;a pro vc merits! - I 1 1 K Board of Infernal improvements for tins I State will meet. at fotabethHy, on 1 Imr day ttie I4th ot'OctobVr next, of w:ch all pec sons concerned will please to take notice.' By order of the President of ihe Board, Raleigh, August-3 11 v CfJ" The Elizabeth Cititarwill publisti this M ANA UK its 5 OFFICE, 1 L, - Drawn - Numbers : s- In the 14th .Class Dismal Swamp, . . .' 44 46 23 30 3 4 5 15 I7r: J Grahtl Cruigolidated Del aware. No. 8, ; t 19;54 5i'Sr 4 27 U 42. 'i Union Canal Lbtfery, No. 16, ; - .'24 '23 20 30 4 18 13 4 47, , Delaware atitj N. Carolina, No,c4, V s 43-3 41:27.58 25 ? 5 16.$ Dismal 'Swamp, No. 13, t 65 42 I 27 38 60 3 62 49, v 1 4 37 wholef siboo Sold at UiisOffice, : A . ; ' rYATE3v&.MclNTYRB, 8 tatejiof ltirtli-Carolina, 11 .Rockinghana County. h :i .... v : ;': l" CourV of Pleas and CLuarter-Sessions, - . pWm? Wrnihester Vjtsaac (Jmvmiinr v 1 f MOl,o " o5cree coseii juajiu. -'r1 PPi5'?:h saiisftction of the Court iuhat'Jamcs Moore and h's wife4 Margaret, Jo uan vummuis, KoDerxuurnaiin aim t"""'- our riextf Court otv fleas' and Quarter o' be lield toHleX3oanty;ofl(ocfc1i6ni- hi t' JDoort.housein WciiiwcrtJb, on Ihe W' J of No vemb er 'he iXi and iileaiL an s werr d c L r; -m tVtsim. xiricAWjtwAf , c. c. mseT: r.:-.'". - y " w'.' i fc . ''.' '.- 0 - '.' y. r V if- f 4. 1f ''