(" V'''''' jaJaaaVMalilBaBlMatawMMIVMi ' ' Jjy- '. jri -k' days must be tedious and limir to thnsi of iU ,i:,i ' r 1"; ' IhamfNifird is W c-t-- -- V r V H ' RicJmxond: V&iS,.i; P inptm OAT PQQnKr" ' lur:Wluddajouarefro thbti- a! sot J f ? r. &f V e- f 4? theDiamal Siyamp.Cartai Lottery, . e , JJienal;Svaron Lottery, v. i'efWWJHSt.tboie-rticre smaMmentsaiid sdch -people are: thise er lengiu i ui viu- wno;; onenest corapUia ot ? ery tedious; , ciTidwaththfullyYeceWedULtTTM to long daygdeserfes to be despised and 'V the Kdltniwist be fatfiaieUr ' , laughed t'-; Jv-o', - v. U;. ' " in i " ' I tv . . ttTU q voiir frninn. Inner dv iK-has ' . i . " V "V.-V V.V-JVt "i V ,"v; h in aescnoe unariey Wynox' efficiently, rsv.irt setedj herself nn the sofa, and drew w wi: 1 p JL e05 .;yvv her bvutifui white hahdyefc facev, to pound' all "that concrl a vawro fihecoul not overcome. U will not do. WmWmWm deformities of that unearthly counte- I J oance,t all conspiring U the strangest Conpssbnetypon eSvCt the countenance gT man can produce? tinquireUe .beenyour , $PJ' Thtise eyes, set there as practical staires mfnts .taring tedmus dayi? upon the organ goring, snmlU and red, Employ u.entf repeatedtheuyoung a8 if they had been just pierced wiih a hot lioVcolorpfrVv iron l complexion burnt, adust, and a- rlel'I cannot. remember all I have, done." domed wiW nerroratinns lit thn.o nf no oouoi u "t;,uut v; ana only.flistingutstiable,. by two immense davr uricie repueii jaue wurt gruai vi- ed to have set us st-al, to give the world vacity. , ' v f , ; ' jv assurance I need not say of a mm! His 4 AnHso o oorse I' may tricks also were as whuiscal-as those of vnu Kate; nMtfierra1ke4;0?;tbde..-ob't the hideoWanimnl he tnt,t rPP,Slp(l . jv put on his spectacles, and surje?l species of ji.kei some good; others execra. nu ce through them3 with an air as deliber bletalkin a kind of inarticulate gabble ;raie as aaok.leye j for tbse who the.itre.-vJane,yhowevertV ah'runis;? morewertf not habrtuated to him could not uo- harm irf palming off a little, of that smat-1 no seif-sacrifice, no task however labori nuie tion' nrrrnmycTn -rVrrt 4 1 men are. Willing flut: Ortlr to- ill nw vnu , tpnijcia. oirmg ami cum- are now in use as you will, Who can describe the va Botjoa tWioi Wtl&A nturoeg-grater a noseCal tened to hi a face, tf'- I . fj.m.m. wr I L All MM Mils 0m 1 . . .. i . A . 1 detest walking tvhen; the;Jhd iso gulf from the lower to Ihe hiaher regions of high, ana ine sireei o ,v "J his lace a combination and a form, in- ladf of fashion would .be; seen abroad t- deed, in which every infernal power seem- ttrvVd uncle JaCO crrlobinffJ ha atlemnted everv lrom her uncleXscrutiny than she would derstand one word he uf ered. He was have done fira 'the fopV'VVell,, readl considered a nrivileced b-ne : beiti? ek ing and working may Ibe performed when empted, by universal consent, from the the wind is high ami the Streets dusiy. strait rules of etiquette ; fur his nonsense, jane was Biirwvior. rv-aiH.ig r : u " t I wnicn seemea n now irom me unweeting in course, and he waitoo wellcy acquaint-gaine88 of a god heart, never excited ed with herOncle toUemfet to-imipse on inf,re than a transient frown, which soon him by retenuing reatU books refaxed, as if h M applauding what it half which Alie koew pnijr dj meir nnes, or me toadeinneilrr out never rdid countenance reviewsiW -.Sorot "Cng -Iaies mayf think do less justice to the virtues ot a human Jane eW6nsaentious. Tlieyseej nb character than Wynox'. Poor fallow J tering of . knowledge tJhich tnej gain Dy Us, would he shrink from, to do an act of mingling in society, their own Why kindness to comfort another in sickness could , net Jaop have j named - some" DooK to relieve him with his purse if he was poor Which the old gentleman never neara or, that purse a too faithless interpreter to and lheri,.ifshe did mistake nanes mis- his heart. I. had little to bestow but appjjr charactcrsnd misquote sentiments, good-will and active service. Self, the Ihe would never have detected her ? Ma- centre of the system in others, was in him ny a young ladjr has tbus rattll away, to cjuite dethroned. He devoted himself to ber pwp great delightnd, fancied impor- the ndvy, a service he intensely admired. Unce when with thd0hora she deemed Captains, commanders, lieutenants, even could. diK rpadildiover he was no- ihe hUmblcmiddy, filled his house and his rant whethe'rhe autficiirs she so .familiarly bongaloWs;,; The naval . officer who casts named wrote )n prose ir iMKrtry, or whe- his eye over thse imperfect sketches, if IheT jhebpo,k:.sh he chanced to have been at that time on have.read, was a' sermon or a song.. the India station, will recall the remem :lie trutKiaiiJane rjea nothlrig butno- braricef Charley Vynox with a sigh.r In vels'jand as she had,otilyLoneweek pre. their urn, they gave him invigorating yjous, solemnly DroQjised her uncle not to cruises at sea. which helned to renair from ttiuch a work of fidU she time to time his shattered constitution. did hot dare; Could it be imagined that this rough -hewn ed the copy of humanity was destined-to feel the A Mamage in Highife, She would pangs .oT love ? It was the onljr.part of the as soon have confessed "she had spent the passion he could be expected to feel. But hours i'fplaDniflgyrbeiiJje!py'n marriage he did loe "with fervency and idolatry, was .,tqf Uei 'M 1 i-. 'v . f and he was for more than a year sicklied " Have you read llcbelr's Travels yet?" o'er with the pale cast of a lover's thought resumedtrobletr Jacob, .attempting by; f a '-nd he told his Jove, but, as he himself question to oblige his oiece t6 converse; ' V used to remark, it was with a misgiving tfo that marred all that he had conned over Jane? speaking ejry; quickifl am ho for the occasion It was a beau'eus crea intereste jn'ir,ru a tu re Whom h erved ; and it was a thou- diary. It looka so- roethodistic ;and be- sand pities tlnt.he made the proposal, or chanical. I tliink no author can be so par. she was truly amiable, arid would nut wil- A;.ao thoughts De free wneii'one js.suojecit and guessed tn purport ot wnac ne wa 51I to Ihe tratamels Vo(; entering'; them .ail stammering out, elateed, and ran out of on the diary,1 as regularly i as a merchant the roonu Vou may go farther, and fare Would bis accounts ? I would not, for' the worse," cried.' Charley, as the lady lefr uhiversei Undertakti ta' be?th6V particular, -hinti Sbe heard it, and laughed still loud and I always pity thevWf iter of ?,chcmi-er. It was too ridiculous everi for the lo- vn::- In.lhose.irotT time at Madras, Wynox, as But tfiere Is one cari that haently usual, saidwhat he pleased.: ; But his idle j tr rv7.r rV til ;.- .7. . '--.lil-iL r ".t..-:.-'' i,xt..u-V. unnnSHea vnu. nnirn ine voou uisuuij bcui iik whs nui lursriveu uv inc bioiwu a woin ir ever annears ui nave ieiu , o austere mail oi aumumy. ..uuhur w ver 'had tol endure "it "verMediouSjk long too blgh or too mean for his resentment.- , r n rvnh nn c wn$-Offic Mae iwurM ttaiImidite wir ntCwirt of Pleaihnd p.uiiter Session ' day said-unefd jaq IVur Char!ejrwas removed from his place. 1 prize ot 10,000 aw. intormatiogiven to all adventurers; mim?W He eoibarkeif forlEogland v to obtaio re- J., . 1 " : Gomancein this, if youneTenirypuo PV9 ,4lh iondayh' " ri" , T?" ' vf JS' J i t, . j . vi. i.ie , 1 10.000 'Dollars- x Tba'infitir-mnntiffVwil am k :" V5' of Norembw fiesliiiu pleads tniver op deiaar ; 1" ' from-ennui rVdemande f; ; 'Do fhe -Teatlv ; : .".JIG. GALLOWAY, C.C; . ny to recorcji woum preserve Ut.oiv aear. aoeciime vy viioxwnicii is, pignij cn?r- - ! n au.uuu uoiirs.t s i-vr ,.-" " -T, V V . Jor this h'le 8ea4dh';.l;i)restne,:rip.tiicl carrieJ ne Io-ir-7 all uUl inchurtish . 10 ; .40Uo ars.j ,., . -Rfty pr-u.Crf One-Thoasand' Qollars.. , therV-,; ; -. "C 'I - - .T. the l.aghabllirli is sbeaoiik iheiiqcle'a a,l'tta;;CBCll.Uiiii-- , . ,10 ?9 , - SixtTrfiviSfKoKRyc Huodrfcd UoHafs.'- :H; ':5-.-r.Vi',4--Vn'. t 5C"''.'-' biniL-add aIlectidHatelrprejd it; be- peculiarly aplebetio at these jn(rpductions, Besides many of,2p. ISO, 100,50;&c.Sic. ..iw? -m: ? fchm,Eroder, KVni, MiwjKAam or." , WeebothhersYeClait? Kgeneralldischar-hspfe .iftl'sTl.f .0 r&SPS' ibecauieldid-notit thefeotteD Vorrifcyfekiu jSWikSij 'MlV':' iojr obierratiob im-ire wiseV '(orSKor tT'ofJwriting them, not sparing .occasion- forth small uro f fS jrou ipay feyurea -seat wUlla iith dai .ttenlion?..Clut,it fotict VT.iJreitft' io tWutisUndrfc m&m&mWi aijeanggebtlemanjvhowasobtrad. ,,tifeeC et,,i Je dlt .iahbeterrUorft IffiVSffli ,0 r . ; When conreVitlng Wthour old fashi he tSChadey,;as lie g .need otrer.thel T Addrflo l'. ? . .-'V...' x f"M"v St r It l ortferrf fey.ibe . f Jnl riiha,'interruped1ef :n0clei terut;i3ftthr;AlT .f8 J? vV: HPWSON "' v-" ' V - ?i1a J '1 ' . v,enervand imnrnvemenr. uoinin?siriKesi tne reoroacir. uui wiin auwiraoie amcanessi u191.au w amcuwiwo o 9vuuB.icvctfuiM.i iuc viica auujpniwM vkii",.,i , .n. aionaw ' otk-cjt';v r...thwer;orms e!wore iinhleaahtlvieicent 25,000 DQ 1 w . . . x- B i - 'f. i The following will be about half read, and the au thor ivil I be termed a novice, and yet it contains truths, lamentable truths t v.: : ' ; It is a fsct that nineteoths of the young men, bv some. means, have come to ;the conclusion, that it is degrading to till the soiV or perform any sort of manual labor for a livelihood j they seem '. to' entertain h idea that they possess intuitively the nkill of the" Lawyer, the Physician; the Clergyman, the -Merchant or the Author ; t hat I they; have nothing to do but to hie themselves to New-York, Boston, or some other city, as sonnas they are fairly fledg ed and can be trusted out of their mother's apron string, and .that their superlative talents will at once bring them, into notice. vitn these views, many a young: man. who might have made a most excellent far mer or mechanic, leaves his home, is gone two or three years, expends perhaps, half nis Kina tatners fortune, which che had labored hard to amass and returns a poor I :il ii ,1 r 1 azy, iuie oiocKneau, complaining or naru times. I ht3 is the case often, very often. 11 all those young men who have been born and bred to that most honorable ofatl employments, tillers of the soil, would at end to that business instead of gadding off, ani aitempung 10 Dfcome conteopioie coxcombs, we should seldom hear of,' hard a .4 . . a . times.' Attention ! City Guards PARAGE at the Capitol Square on Friday momine-, 15th instant, at 9 o'clock, com pletely armed and equipped for regimental re view and inspection. A private meeting of the Company will be nekl at the Courthouse on the preceding even ing, at early candle light. By order of the Captain, P. LE MESSUKIER, O. S. October 7. MRS. JOHX. HAYWOOD g 8 prepared to accommodate twenty-Hoe or I thirty Members of the Legislature. She as sures nil those who tnay honor her with their patronage, that no exertions shall be spared to make them comfortable. Mrs. 1 1, has a number o detached rooms, besides those in the main building. N B. The favor of early applications is re questeil. Sept. 18, 1830. . (ft Mrs. H. continues to receive Travellers and Boarders by the Week, Month or Year. HAYWOOD's REPORTS. HHE First Volume of this valuable Work be- I ine oit of print, we are about to publish new edition of it, with References to subsequent joontraciors are desired enactmenu of the Leirislature, and decisions of th. hpad. Rnnt unrl the Cour of Conference and Supreme Court, a Table of the. Cases reported, marginal Ab- stracis, ana a new inucx, uj ii. uui.t Esq. of Franklin County. The Work ia at present in the Press, and will be got out with all convenient despatch. J. GALES & SON Raleigh, June 10, 1830. . (D SACKS LIVERPOOL Warranted 10 to the Ton. FOR SALE, by the quantity or single Sacks, I at $2 1-8 per Sack, -by ' h 'S' P. DURKIN. Petersburg; October I, 2m A CARD. M R. GEO. WM. GRONLUND. Professor MUs.c, respectlully informs the dies id Gentlemen ot, Ualeigo ana its vicinity, tn .e m?ana sirinsin? rmu rocs, .nu ui uc o i, " , , i i . i a call, at his lodgings, E. Giiton's Hotel. October 6. . ' OLl) VIRGINIA NISVER TIRE." .tf HEWSOWS Office for LUCKll 5 CAPITALS OF 10,000. DOLLARS. Tickets only 85. Dismal Swamp Canal Lottery. C7 15. i j . t.v.ii- x.v- 1 fu n-i oeorawn m. xoriQ. ow r uy yi..- mTmn onumic Dollars. Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 10 prizes f 1000 Dollars; 1105451 27 4 85 '12 42. ew-York3p6kertExfrav C lass 'JStJLt - 50 3f 28 23J,3 34 9 51 9- bejaiaeort& No. .5; -i 38 59 226 23 1579 8 . ConneHcSteteitcrJkKb. 16. i 3rtf26lt 29 2634 3r3. j Union Canal Lottery No. 47 40 21 4 1 54 10 38 57 29 I S '5. : New'-YoVk Class" No. 9:" 35 58 50 56 36 45 26 52 1 U Grand Consolidated No 9, 5144 28 7 573955 5317. Dismal Swamp Canal Lottery Extra 3 18255855 8 6 4944 31, , : Connecticut State.Lottery. ' 7 47 6240 39 1663 124 21. Sold by ';. v. ;-;;f;-; t!f YATES & McINTYRE. :- Richmond, Va. ": Fall tf Winter Goods. PATRIDGE & HARDFORD, Mtrtfxanl Tailors, 1M INFORM their friends and customers that they have taken the stand formerly ; occupied bt Mr. as. LrrcHFoan, and have lately received the following articles in their line of business- viz: .. - i , . i '- Super. Blue & Black Broadcloths, v " V do. Bottle Green, Brown, and Olive do. do. Si eel and Oxford Mi xx do. ( very Jne.j Blue, Grey, and Light Grey Cassimeres, Blue and Bluett, Velvet Vestin,v;s, Valencia and Marseilles do. Stocks?, Stiffeners, Suspenders, Collars, 3ra vats, & Handkerchiefs. ;t They have constantly on hand, an assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, Viz: Over, Frock and Dress Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, : t; ' Linen, Cotton, Flannel and Net Shirts,' -Cotton, Flannel and Net Drawers i All orders for Clothing, will be attended to with punctuality and despatch, and the work executea in a neat and fashionable manner. They invite their customers to call and' t fit test the old adage-r- trying is the naked truth." ' "Cj They receive semiannually,' the New ViifkPashinna - .f Raleigh, Oct. 4, 1830. 18 law6w. TO THE PUBLIC; - nhf th retired for liis faithmrperformance v OTAeTm State of North-Carolina., t. Pitt County, Court ofPIeaa and.'Quat . r vAugust Term, xl Abraham Stocks,' Amos Stoi ; tt. . Henry Stocks and Thomas vCi , Aff his before thr Justices of heCoU-t Df Ple & Quarter Sessions Co beheld ' v---,K-.--t io". nj-k iuii iu uiav viiu.i jL-.vf.cu"'. ex-parte and sale ordered accordmi James Sheppard, Clerk ofourvsajd;-CouV ottice, tne lirst siondy ot August, imv. JAMKS SHI! :rpard, cik; v; - LOOK AT 3 t t 825,000 and 50 Prizes of S 1,000. JSEW-YORKt CONSOLIDATED A LOTTERY, 1 . IX ZJth pfast Extras Drawingttikes place hi New-Tork on We4nel A xr . . j i "v dence tor a. large- tamtiyvvA-.more. tninutedev v . , a -. Wna,ke' ,"haltefirKiS!t 5. cripiion U i deemed supirflUouir. as it ?s presunil I A said County on the first Saturday ovember. cd at none would pfcliasV thOtttl ffiwSS, .OTfne rttf ,?,n5 f01 fr the ptemrsesThe Wurejelon tpm X - furnishing the paupers wrth; fboanJ.rament ekM bc disposed ot Should T lor one year-lo commence from the first to of the property not be .old before tV 1st day , January next. . There are between a 40 December JtitwiU On thatdaybiofleteSti 5 Vti PE?.1 public ale on the premises; wbenWde,irou ture. There is also, a good house, plantation engaging in Ithis: ftne of busmen woukl fat ' V - anl gr,st-milf, tor the use of the contractor. A wn tL.u,t? .Wi. iAnrn .K.t k - s, , 1' 1 J n - 1 ne i erms wmcn snati pe liberal, ana such as; . v . v t , to state their terms by tot - t ; of the Court of Wardens. 1 ..-rVAnOMKPrsft.TiMKK'rr. t i 1 Octobers 1S30. , r v ; 18 3w Ayflrfe056tb Sent. .1830. :W 17 tds 's 1 5 x : liAition for SiWf " ' : I Ji and fitoteOh FaVettevllle street, which i J t' V.- B1 appearing to toe satwtaction ot toevUoortJ vrt"?? t TM Zr it - - f X that the detendantaUenry. Stocks, & Thomas Muw5"l. 5) . " - - f Mk- Brown and Amy hfe; : not'Snlikbttan v Tbe House: two stories, and baa .tjrtjod, . f . this State ; it is ordered that ipuhUcavion (be .m.Mow;abo;;nd a todsomefy 'J. ' r. ot ..',- ii .; cini.v..;j Thm.. n;Ani . The Lot extends back tdHvilfmnston streetit".- ' . "H w B L M -m Mm a . mrm m m m m-M m. at aw aaa a aaa a. .ml. av ami v a ai mw v va a - aaa. w . w w a. bv w ' va. aa b .aa jf . bh wm a i.aia. .aBBtaa. i m Besides 8500,460; 3p25p;iO&cV-X l llciets.B5l?Haiyes ftew York GonaoltdaWdExtrai K t to be drawn in NewYork20tb'ppt. 183,0, fttS- . 2,000, 10 of 1000,' 500, 400, &c-.'&c.v-Ivr . SjrV w (F w"wwy Vva.WW' fWWav W V ' To be drawn at Richmond, October. 29th;f v' y 1 Grand ran tal f 9A.onfl i S5.nnrt 1 1 50 'V. n 1000 5(ooav 4 ' Besides; 8500 200 100,' &cf.'C? tickete 25, Halves 5,50. "Quarters 1,251 S V Toe drawn 26ih i October, u Newcastle; Del.. h V-. t pme of 20,000 " ;l3 20,000 l 10d:,;- ::-i,;00, MW-Q00 sr Bestea gaOO 3C0 200,100 V;, V Tickets glfj. Halves Quarters 50. .V - Eighths; uv., Tickets 810vHalve5-.quartcrer2,50.; J t - i Eighths ;1.25.:' 4- , , der the management of Yates St lllntyre, a a Address your orders to - . t v V?r rr el! know'ri and eligible Situation W It Is in. a high, healthfu Viod jrealthy scfctkm oft) country. - The buildings are Jargei commodious,! aiwl in g'ood refTairand well adapt id to ihe par-1-, puses for which - they were 'designed or. ihey migw dc convenea inio a aesiraoic nnuie itsi tfimXT'w LJL ihe tbwoW tVarrentoni NC-odjanjsd. v 7S Ihow.iahdfor raanv ' vears'bast.4 aa' ! r ; " f ,.jJiV.XettersonjmeiBubj : sV'' - - ;.i taci iber. nostap naid. I vriXb b nromntlv ittf nA2 i x - " : . ?b Tbe ColunibiTelesbpe ana, Richmond A jRnqoirer.will insert tbe above advertMement for ; ' vi , x f :foCcoUectton.V;V .v y" - jUitrBbuseMd Sloreloitde i and will admit, of other lmprdve::ientsi ' -. i. uocKincnam ioumy. . 0 Court of Pleas and Quarter CrssionV 1 Applvto MrcB. B. Smith, merchant, at; tliSr 'Vi,vt ouseio GreertvMle,ltrii ' . - 1 . sent? wv '"i' ' fix . - i ; - . ? MwS I v, .. ?r- . ,1 ' ' AUgusv i erm,' ioowx k--' t 'r ; ' " UWmWinebeste v.'-liaat; Combis. Adrnrrof. - x 4 .:rs4v;i'ob.:iCummiiisv x; , k 'r" V, - " aiQtforraeereetbseULas; "r4V,.-,-s. IT appearing to thesai isfactJoh ,of the Ccurt-' Z .v that James Moore and. his wife i!arcret,: Jo--" ' i ;'.4 nuthan Cummin, Robert 'Cummins and 'Newton WX; ' Cttnimins, bei rs aitf of Robert Commlns;: flee u . ordered r that pubrica'tion be madeor sU weeks?- '1 J- if , 4 . . . -1 ... - . r v . r ..... 1 -v , T"7 . .- .'-f. af.

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